Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 03, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PAPk thre
District Attornevs Of
Clraann To Cnnnpno
v-r'o - - iW licit; I
ior session Uecember 11
,, r thrpe days, beginning Deeem
,11 the DlHi.nct Attotuojs assoel
.' ., at Oregon w.ll bo in session in
V city ai the aud.lorium or tne i
t(,1B , . -1..K PrnirrnniN for the'
,'ivt'i.llon have been completed and
0,n . .. nil ilmti' et 111-i
1.... tlltltlHH BL'IU V in the state; nd It Is be.lcv-
I that the attendance at thin annual
p" ... ha orpfitcr than ever be-
!i'C'i Mnnv ti.attois (if importance
the Oretrtm Wnnri Prnilnrts mm
1'iiny, capitalized nt $25,000, with head
Quarters in Portland, filed articles of
incorporation with the corporation de
IrD fit UMIOUTC I'"1"1""! here Tuesday. The Incorpor-
FLIl Ul IVIlMll 1 1 A utorB a, e Theodore E. Garbade, How-
VI IIIUUII IU ard W. Woodruff and Thomas G. Don-
Other corporations filing article:
Tuesday were
Dallas, Or., Dec. 3.-
I'nmnnnv. TVflA'Prtlin.
Washington county
1 vJ
Washington county, $5000; J. Frame
chl-ouu. jacou siroiiu. w. is. 1'eec anu
nut:iii ... ... j imiiiin, ur Dec. 3. tin thi, i. - ... .
f,.P Many ti.auois vl m.i" , --- r. w. sady.
w 11 1 'bo discussed by the legit) heads n"'fe "t Saturday, December 13th, one Tha McKenzio Stage company, Eu
, rnuntlos. - of the biggest nights In lodcedom gene, J5000: B. S. Simmons. J. A.
. . . 1 n l.i. Inlr.1 llnM l .11.. I.. .1 Aril-l.-tti nml T. T? Clnmna
Chief among mo u uny in ine Willamette """"
nit by the district attorneys 1h the ; valloy outside of Portland will be held Manchester-Clark Motor company,
mint on and coordination of ev-jln Dallas when n class of about RS The Dalles, $25,000; Russell G. Clark,
v state officer ln every Blut0 Ul'-'l1yi'," wl" e Initiated Into the mys- Frances N. Clark, F. E. Manchester
t,r' . ... ,..iih,y Orciron post- terios of the Knlchln nf irhnruunn and Maude Manchester.
tmi'iit for meeting Orwm post- lories or the KnlRhts of Khorassan, ana Mauae Manchester.
II'r m-obloms, an they relate to the fun order of the Knights of Pyth- , . .
'"".f Uuu-.r an;:;:; Zr w wt y ae. o increase Koad in
' . rtrr nf tH H P. I VII 11 M K UK LUILin III A nn-1 1 Tl I - A Tff Tnmilu nf
ami me uui . I V , - : . . . '
' mv...UA iViiniTM win ne a. s- i orii anu or wnicn nmr thiin r.d it,iv.
,'i-nt ami me
,i-Hi an" (V,iM will ho d.s
nf the reus, j "r. -
i.ssed the second day of the conveu-
tin at a dinner i" -
I " Marlon nt o'clock. The 3G d s-;
1,1,-t attorneys of the Btnte, and the
ttorney general, the governor and
'the 20 executive officers of the state,
l f ve lUHtloeit of the supreme court,
the 25 circuit judges of the state, all
lm . ..II ut.itn Inutitll-
HUiiciMitennomn ui -t
ns and the state parole !"
have been Invited to attend this din
ner. IMoKCCUtlng Attorney-Max,
, ...i- ..nimtv. and Circuit Judge
i om.uiu ui wnicn more man CO I'yth
:iihk are now members from this city.
A Hpeciul train bearlmr the drill team.
lie Ariltl tllinrl nml nthni mAmlinra nt
i ne uruer irom me
nvi caoc nuau i ua
Limitation Is Filed
With n vlow in tnpvPMftinc? til four
b unit team, r "
man.kon, nt per cent of the assessed value of the
v... stnte. thn limit to which the state could
...v iiulll tile tlll-M Ulllla Will ,
cotno to tmiias lor that pui
it r-
!e we cresscd
chap, is always
oils will Btate, the limit to which tne state couin
a hA hnniUiil fur rntnl nnrnriHPS ail lnlllU-
I IU inillllil lll LllilL U UHU. J " .
big parade will be held In the early tlve petition involving an amendment ,
,. U I ...1.!..,. In (Iia unn nnna Int nn U-!luTl Prl nPTO
er which the to the state constitution wus filed here
will begin and continue Tuesday with the secretary of state!
' n nt,, uc iiuiu ill I
part of the evening after w
r.,.r..,, .Ml, .a loltl l.n.,t- n.l
n Tuesday with mo secretary 01 statu o
until tin .early hour In the morning, office by James S. Stewart of Corvallis.
I- i llC lUUJIUMMl UlllllMlnl". ,vu.' i--'
i. . . i ,i.i in.i,.v.4...l.,ua fin. Vilerh.
. j. n. tjnirn or l'ortianu, tne ltn- ine proposeit uiiienuincui. i,
. ... ' . .1 .1 l .1 .1 ........ Vilcrtl -
ponai I'rince, win nave cnarge 01 tne mil or a uonucu inueuicunra ...o
ceremonles and promises "something way purposes of aproximatcly forty
.ln'..,. w.n.n.., ll.n .tlltn ,l..ll,,a mi t Vl O 11l,-'Upnt HSHPSSed
ies anu promises someinmg way purposes 01 h.iiiuahii.i.iw vj
tvery moment of tlio time. million dollars on the present assessed
dates for the work that night valuation of the state.
til tin" . ,.,.,,. ni 1 will cuiiie tu xjiiiius iniiii mutiny, ciu-
uintrham have impoitanl ,,..,.,, r.u.,
Vievnh" " T . tifrtx,rii Itill, llltllpt-'livii-'liuo, iviuilllliiililiv, iiinn
parts in the progrnm. Judte l.lnf,nam Yamm nn(, sllverton,
on the snciiid da f .-' 0 - ; I.tu jfe delegations of Dokies will also
.,ti .ilt on "Divorces and the dls- . ,".,., . ,ko . lh !lf.
journey to jituas 10 nine in me m-f.ii-
nn,l tin ft,,, -wiii'il hna hnon re
ceived from more than i00 members
who Intend to attend the ceremonial
A big banquet win ne servett
trlc.t attorney."
The lo for the conven-
""neciC H-10 a. m Ueglst,,,
.... rirtTvuvorellll club.
t on, rtaiuni A d c nant uei win ne tiirviu -.if
.. THHtrlct attorneys ac- , ...... .f.,...' , ,, lh,
l ,,iu if : KlllKii'S alter inw Lcicnwmiu llh"
conipnnylng Hon lUm W. Olcott, gov (ll.cas,on lg t0 be one o( the blggest
einor of Oregon, nnd lion. uco. n. cU,cleg ,n m,ent y(.ars
imrniv trcneral, In a tout ot,
inspection of the "tl,uton 8 " f. ! A ,,cw denominational paper of the
state of Oregon. Including, 0,c nJ..-,, .np,n Iii:,nst convention Is to be
mate penltent.ary. Oregon state in , ahtd ftt McMlnnvnie, the first is-
. 7 rZZo:Z: ear about the first of the
rlhool for RH Oregon state in- ea, ,
sUtutlon lor the f-oblo m In. el. O , OPERA
- okaivlt H0Use
Thomas A. McBrlde, chler
Crecon sunremo court.
1-30 P m. A(V1-ess, HUblcct, La v
torney general. Address subt I
vision of the cr'lnal code, . I R H
Kin. district attn-"e" Add-ess si
jert. The phycholri-v of crlm nn
, to'-ney. .Adess.
!U1 resnnrBlb'llt of . "
t.eV. Oeo H. Ne-mef. d s'rlct altot
,U':30 p.m. Pinner at Hotel Marlon
subleet Juvenile court laws OUbirt
T, Hedges .district attorney. 1 aper
Ljcct?Conty tax fclo
M.rVi.HUov dlstrct attorney. Taper.
sbi-t. -he Pjv'f, 8.v "'a '
subjcZ NaUonnl prohibition enforce
ti - ' M
of internal re-"-'-" i.,-.-8
1:30 p. m. Election of offieeis.
Give me something to wear at
- -
CHRISTMAS shopping. . . tlieir
i i a i-.qw -irn i i rvi i i 1 1 lit.
tt3 nftpn hard to tell iust wnat w o",
u lo"come in as many times as you want, and
,i ... 1. ,mn rft rpndv.
men uuy vvucn
A.H.W00D5 presents
Do you know that
;c for the
ball mil u k
WV stomach?
"Of course; but ineer
get any tannin."
Don't be too sure. The
puckery taste in your tea
is tannin.
Common tea depends
mostly upon tannin for
... . v " T A
The Play .that
starc.ea in.t...
a Pa)ama oag.
vnTT'T T finrl hpre "BISHOP'S FABKItJ tnat s wus ,
dL,?ISw ffX the same painstaking care with, the way
1U1 uoj" " nATV
boy as we do with your DAJJ.
vatt ,afl hoB here with safety as all goods are guarjn
SSkStdSJ one of themost modern stores m the
JUST a few suggestions:
M'wte Badges For Auto
And iv"r To S!oi efts
. .l.At t.ltl
I" Floor silmi,
v B0c
its strength. Fine tea g
gets itsstrengtnirom
real tea flavor.
If you want to enjoy
really fine tea, and skip
that puckery tannin taste,
ask your grocer for Schil
ling lea.
Thete we four flavors of Sdi
VTaoan, Ceylon-India, Oolong,
At grocers everywhere.
itf .
!, dime
w not V
he i:o cream
A, u remedy for the wave of auto
ntob 111 thefts which is grlPPinS thi
Kl ' '
numbor be adopted. ,.n l,e a
anyone caught driving a car without
the ptcper badge ru be
, , i fire T e wnu'd b-so re
qul-e tha' badges be .i '
chasing gasoline. . ,f
Pom A. K..v. SPtnn thB
tate ha, Wl w-adfoH to th
state legislature as the source of
Htata lawa and regulations.
Auto Registrations Dr i
"i rert In Year
Automobile registrations
to a total ot 924 for the month ot no
vember, according -nre-isst.ed
by Sam A. Koier, depui.v sec.e
tary of state. T sea if 1 "
gregated $4432.60. ' .
A total of 83,250 automobile !" o
. .... niO ml m CU'S-
be e ; s e ed durirm i- " . nX4ti
Ing time Saturday the statement shovv.
with fees tn -'
than the total fees received ior Bnli thoug.t uey
year 1918. L.u B.-eed on .P-'- , ..,. e
ihe fbst is l"r, ,,uble, that
niere io-' ,
. kid Fatty Arbuckle one day found a
i e ,,e was a kid. Fatty i(
A-...'her kid saw him p. - - .
lime doubled UP m "ls
" . vt., .ho claimed the dime real-
3i her tne . ..
u. turned to the claimant
didn't have have a hole in It.
,,; v. answered the youngster, thinking
Par,or- ' npROON SUNDAY
twt?T?F are mav th'nw th?t have not been mentioned
it is a reminder of loving thought.
1 S :
' ' ' 1
15l &? jM
ev it s 1
all. buy
are al
ways in pood
taste. You
can't make a
Shop Early!
Pont' wait until
Dcccmher 20
'Fvprv Familv in Marion acd Polk County a Patron."
Woolen Mills Store
, rheumatism are caus
I rl'inWWf IT H 11IH Ul" MMMWBMi 1 . r.
... r... 7i,ie to Trent It
inn 1", . ,
..i. caus
e tortr.s in the blood
Py a tiny u. minion. anrt
so strong tha- 3 republican steering
committee has ueiermineu w
all such measures.
Casper, Wyo., Dec. 3. Sheriff A. s.
Roach of Whetjtland and Charles Ir
win of Cheyenne, at the head of armi
Washington, v rmsses are closing in on "t"
pr,s'dent Carranza of Mexico Is ex- P bo wunam L. Carlisle, Wyom
Wnlv within a week to the , ln bandit, m the vicinity A
Pe0ted t0, 'L luestinglmmedi. gendo. Wyo.. and his capture s ex-
last AmetiLiu." h . aotej hourly, accoruints iu
ate release of William O u Jenk ne . the J-, late today.
Unite 1 States t-""' .
cned at Puebia. allthorlty that
It was stateu u.. ...o
Jof the word ."reaue-t in thotwo
nT:tor to" further corres
rl, ;1 . as woW have been the case
C:r.. word "demand" been uu.
... nee. 3. (Uniteu it
Washnigton. , -rlS""
house leaaers o
the idvisamuty oi ici.cL.....h
mo ,iittnn recardlesH
the war time ib' -- - -,.,,.
when the war Is concluded offlcal
Wellington, Dec. 3.-Deaths froiu
he United States army,
th" roadnand in this country, rineo
vhe beginning of the war. totalled 11 V
1B1. tno war department announce.!
ilc Mrfnurt
than a
Ihat is far he.
.i..wfnre It
K O. Sa'mmons. of the United I States peC .
TSiattonal bank, Portland, has u
nam-1,1 by Governor co " ' '
k .. , s-blle-8- and sailors com V ...
m ;- oaliv was'. i
surface a
tsanable to e
, rio.a a t'eiU
; and te-L
,, -.ozic of t -
,. that 1'
i"e and moue
a-ii' pe""-,
:. rii multiplies Dy - the
;nthe8eBcrThow fut'le local
wood, you can see " can
treatment will be. ng by
ruU with Uniment. and rcach
u,3 rallon anu
the cause of your
S, TreCf from their rheuma
permanent reliet : ir Kg use
Lm by the use of b. h. casei
iUST d(nvrrheumat:sm Is due
tninlv if yur " ... er. many
W a germ thep,mare' you should
, uiousands of e . are. use of
01 1 ' i,,sfi no i rev upon
you a.e s because you
re fine old blood rerneu,
more wod than w ' rheumaHsm
o Anti-red legls
:nXu:e!-d; decided
today. rnturning from
M6nC visit "to their districts .ou-.a
a ten dav visit i tlon t0
fittle tablete. They cause the liver
.Thnwels to act normally, iney
4 a. .jw. awfts
bilious, youu V ,ittie iv(
Viose Worcf is Better
Tian Kour Druggist s.'
n,i reasons for
There are raanj b"
the confidence the. public repose in
' . t :n ndiicated
their druggist, nrsi, -
to know by four years of college anc
practical training. Second ethical
o, course, j:
i..alntalneu 0 r , . n
ice rendered ty t-'o J u , "" ,..
!peesc iptions Kveryone adml U thto.
lmii,ce whe. otfeni.i: a prescr.p
I noi.ew. ... - - . real Hfe.
Hyde ., f-
-'.:- ' mber i,yoU a.e e !' :l ; 'nenW. l.i-Ys is beneficial m d
owln his appointment as a member , you u.1 . B g u such a trouh
"! ' M of the tlo.s and othe. -'. h lhe s-- ilclne. It c'ea"icates the germs
county. Sammons is a veteran of tn uo wh-ch c.v o whatever up- ltie8. and eradicate won.
A. E. P., gaining a lieutenant colonels t . njp rtem. efl ta
c . ,. the orl J.0,' treated at ts resuitg it has eat mer-
ii.iHn tovisr vet
r ... .ni finrt nmcK uhu o'" i mr. njuc - . .A voiir
manufacturers dru5.
o recomnic.- --- -hnt lt coi
nv. member, of the 1. W. W. were
fined eente..:B re - rs ,
at Tillamook Wednesday, ow. n- - v.,,at
roiei nn nnvim- ineir ,iin'
:t-.i el"--a
ve'-t so -te 1 ' .
wan - "
lUM.'.l I, II JU,LI,
promise of -good behavior
Four months after its opening the
Inland Empire bank of Milton n-
reached a total of over . $1,000 000 .n
deposits. .
renewc . -- or,e
vo-th wni'"
.',- 11 no iil;i- , -nnr OI li-n e . ..
ilia cauo. cases is i""" ,nrket ior
" . rnr . . hnOTl On l"" " .. ....
heuwatism. - )t g S. nft7;ears and is Witt
.e teP"!ir-. ,nre than fifty yeal
, panirs oi aruggists. meul.
.... -t.,rn wn l invited to ,..,.
i, nttv i"-, nt. you a . . yaiuaDie -
.r cal department for J
a the case . "Ad-
. liCll. MSB''
' J Georgui-
ence in order to obtain the best form- - 1C
ulas for it products that the com- I ...
ed in duality. r,,!lllla I,
tZsoKrVer; lowest prices
possible for the quality.
' nrn 11 drUgglSW ,
that they can find in all markets.
These .11 druggists stand i
. ... a n s tiroduct wltll an w.
umiuallfiea guaramco - a;
endorsement. Su6h a reoommendattej fo
: .. ..... w m obtain. basoJ
on the scientific kmwlee o
B LLL. -p
nd Subititutei
nUt.a"U"rend an art cle. the drug-'on the sclentmc
must of couise. know what co. , 0l tnou-
ta:r. and how it 'rfftalothi8J :v ,mplicitly-your ..V-ugt ,
one reason for the tor a whenever you fleed f. household rem
generative raUona 1 aodU ejy asK A. ft &-
teaifnePorhouseho,d remedy to reco
and toilet goo ls -W. prominent window or
the American J displays. Ask one abtit A
the world. v"r 10 e.!, , for confer- chandise he sell
s oral men met a . . . ,