Weather Forecast NHvlniniil. 47. Minimum, 20. No JtaliifnU. Oregon! Tonlnlit; Wednosiliiy fall'. ton (or He Carriers We. If yon do not 81 before 70 o'clock and one wUlbe seut you. AVERAGE CIRCULATION FOR NOVEMBER, 191 5 4 5 9 Only Salem Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. u??l f riiniiiJ I h9 II f" "" 1 n m ur m am mm - t-iJ LU LZLi U UU UU ULa jL-TEN PAGES FKTFN&lflN OF HUH ON jALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1919. Jz?anlA TROOPS nPflTH PI AQFC VLHIII ULUOLO Ml EXPECTED Washington Miners Answer Declaration That Proluction Host Co On By Flat Refusal To Return lo Work. Washington, Pec. 2. Further reg ' Vial Ion of coul distribution to of rut! ,.,..,!,., economy of fuel was being ioimliUn-1'tl toilny, In accordance) with ,i, government'! policy of mantling ami waiting for the striking min ers to resume work. Fuel AdinlnlHtrator Garfield was cx- .t,.d io confer late touay or toinur- wllb Attorney Uenorai rainier. ARE SLAIN TO AVF.NHF. MOOTING OF ANGELES j(,ilVr OF HENRY FRlCIv By S. I. Freed (United Press muff correspondent) El Paso, Texas. Dec. 2 A w.,u uonai story of the slaughter of six i.uiiiiidu una seventy four Omn.ii U toldlei-s of tho Ranuho EsnHn mr. .n.m uj um inouwna Vllllstaa la orcd lted along the border toduy, despite uu.ui.u ui.-niais. Report Conflicting Vice Consul Alberto Sandoval of the .Mexican consulate In Rl Paso, after taming with the Juarez telegraph of- uce tniH morning emnhatlciillv ev pressed his disbelief In the reported massacre. In addition to D. L. C. Gomez of Los Angeles, a lother Chihuahua City eriiv.-u ncre, j. ii. rorea, agent of a New York Importing concern, declar ed ho witnessed in Santa Rosalia CAREER row heartrending scenes of mourning on I and ao on. Baltimore Blue Law Hits Sunday Vendors Of Food Baltimore, Mr., Dec. 2. More than 20 persons have been released ty polie;? magistrates to await action of the grand Jury following the clamping down by the police department yester day of Baltimore's "blue law" Sunday lid, framed in 1723. One hundred and twenty-one men were nrrested upon such charges as "balancing books,'; selling ice cream," "dispensing pickles and chewing gum," PROGRAM RUCTION ESIDENTS M URGES GREA OR RECONST LegislationRecommendedtoReduceLivin Curb Bolshevism.Remove Causes unaeny is Labor Troubles, Give Aid to Farmers, Simp lify Taxation and Frame Budget System. Washington, Dec. 2.-President. Wilson today sent to congress a message urging Coke Kins Dies After Short Illness At 5 O'Gock This Morning; Rated Among 10 Richest Men In U, S. ..6v.., - :i!v an extensive program ui "SZtZririi nrnhloms confronting tne na- His communication was aevoiea enmeiy iu n v Legislation was recommended to curb remove the grievances of labor which are causing n the war control prSce bigg'er crops, simplify ft ml s and government expenditures by a budget system and care lor me n . sailors who have left the service. ; left too l the taxpayer Inconvenience , ana .1. ......i,if unvovnl times 1 . Tnovgn me - m nml ,,..oits tux rate are vefai'ifii tn the neace ireiuy 4 in w iv.v... - . . . ,. i.,t. 4lov mnv urovu m-aiu."- the part of wives and relatives of the murdered Carranzlstas. Revenge Wan Motive Besides the 121 arrests for working Miners Holtl Out K,.;ittle, Wn., Uoc. I. -oal mliiern 4 ffTnl....l of Hie Hlalo nnivcreu mm .-mn-o IHstiirt Attorney Robert C. HaiuulcrR, asuertion that 'proiluctlon must (to , cm" todnv with a flat refusal to re turn to tho nilnPH until disputed prob-1 lrnm of WO HOB nnu inner conditions nro threshed out and the flcmllin W In tho cast l broken. f ollowing a state wide referendum vole of miners. Krncut Newsnnm, ms 1 ri,.i Hoeretarv of the United U'oi kei s, went to Saundorn' officii and informed the latter that the men hud voted to remain Idle ns Individuals villi) the whole matter Is settled. It.-nily for Ixhik l Wi . .ir,c, v,o flld not discusr, high Now York, U'ec. 2-(United Press.) tejrcaty situation. He will do so in business and Ifonrv Clav Krlck, steel magnate, . . . aronrdlnff to reliable nues. - - a lllld , died touay 01 pionuune poihuiuhb- information today. He also win uum Frlck was 70 years old. He had Jater with the raiiVOad question, he in been ill for several days. The end lformed tne legisla'tors. came s iddenly at B o'clock this morn- TjiIk.i- Chief Tonic. on Sunday, 233 small shops., keepers tn(! at Frlck's home, Fifth avenue and . Much of the message was devoted to and drug store keepers wore to be rMu Bireet. his physician, Dr. John S. I, ,..,,.., f the labor uroblcm. To Dr. Crimes, imn nf thn lnut sumintncd today and tomorrow for p,.,,virM. announced. ,i..lrlent said, congress of General Felipe Angeles to be with 8e'"S on nunuay. ine cases 01 uw Tha funeral will be private ana win ; ..muat now heip in tho difficult tasK 01 premmi ...v - ,,reventcd the lebei leader before hia execution cnargea wun woming were iuhihisou bc held at tne resilience on rnursoay. nnding a method that will Bring aooui (ui 1. V-""B . ag dlrect a way (laws Thanksgiving morning, declared the oi yeuuruuy, uitmnjum) i.ajb The place ot ounai nas not jei uu ft gen0mC! democratization 01 inuuu Questions that attack on the Carranzista garrlson'of 5. announced. J, based upon the full recognition of the , tit ii f.Vat this time, f not productive to reve- nr.oiilnirton.. Doc. 2. tu mleu prPRi, The text of the president's message to congress follows:- To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives: I sincerely regret that I cannot be opening 01 vnis oes.v.. but in order that his liability may be made certain una umui.w. W'tli reference to tne aeuuis uv revenue law. the (secretary of the treas ury and the commissioner of Internal revenue will lay before you for your l...i...iio,I,tiin certain amendments, slrable in connection with the admhv Istration of the law recommendation which have my approval and support In I', of the utmost Importance tbar In dealing with this matter the Present i,,..,lrl nnt tie CllSlUroBU m was to nvenge Angeles death. Perez stated today that Villa, far' from being "down and out," as gen erally believed along the border, is credited In northern Mexico with hav ing 2000 strongly armed followers. Pe rez heard rumors that Villa, was plan ning to launch a new campaign, of which the Bancho Espejo massacre, north of Santa Rosalia, was the bo- Mine I ginning. Although the garrison was wiped out last Friday, with the exception of a lieutenant colonel, no official reports of the occurrence has reached the ROBERTS SEEKS 10 Mexican consulate here, according to ri,,.u urn rniiHliie or remanuoK 1 1 t'ouinui aanuovai. ihrn months If necessary, New-sham 1 tn Kl Paso the massacre was said to 1 1...1 m liove tub! Saunders, lie v,.oo.l mivtlilm. Villa has ever been Vrlrk'q two children. Helen K. and Charles, arrived at the residence today from their Long Island homes. The grand children remained at home. When. Frick retired from business sevevi.l years ago he was known as one of he nine or ten richest men In the United States and one of the most In fluential In the business world. Associated Willi Carnegie. An associate of the late Andrew Car necle. he early laid the basis of his tremendous fortune as a flour miller . nA itiattllnr. Later he entered the enk hnsine'ss and from this developed a n.Hinn in innnrtnmus to compel the II. C. Frick company, which be- Ben W. Olcott as secretary of state came the largest coke producing firm , Hap nsui i - . , ,.,, ha(i tUe auvamaso ' wav iti rvcii v.w... , t. ,h. ftniAndar year are , as regarna i"'" "","," . 1920; payable In. tne caienuo.. 1921.' The congress might well conata- higncr raven u - the affects their welfare.' No better means of doing una cu . ..(,, loi.nvtTneniS. wiiu IUUC v.,.-.' in close touch with anairs in COMPELVOTE UPOU GOVERNOR riirht of those who work, in wnaieve, vmtaw of ad- w ..... 1 litIV 1 I1JIVC nv 1 . . CAE' I CI " . hv Solving Ulntlon the prim datlons I earnestly -cond ,cont .y.& o " J ------ . , , . c . 1 . in tne miiLiei " ... . .v. 1 n nn m ill wimu .,i c .i in the la ior seciiou 01 i"-' - - . i ,.,niv. efficiency. iiis" " - . . to old standards of labor and wages if. -rrt ESisras ErsKJsss: 4vv.r,r,uulhlp. he said. Sti-lko Klght I phelil. "The right of individuals to strike is i,i..ifitj." he declared, "and ought not to be interfered with by any process of government." tHbertyatataterdateolwarw.-.- tQ ew enter. - -wl. nrise. encourage extravagant w Buugei ojmeiii .- roaUce Industrial stagna- I hope that congress will bring to , ure, , nd Pjc. unomplovment and other attendant evus. . - The problem is not an conclusion at this session ,i,. m th'n establishment of a bud get system. That there shouli be one Ma, he added, that the government get system for the v. th predominant right to protect 1 single .', nrt that ... . . i . ti,i - . .... ,.. i.nnkinor or an aiiiiui"'"" . th lirf f,f nfflces now being certinea inE- in the F cnnsyicaniii uu... f.t th .,oome against tne ciuiucii...b - . mAe not m- t.. hKlm.M' 1 1 ,i ....... 1 v. . Inln tf.. ,..., H fled with the supreme court nero tu- T'rlcK came iirouuuc...., president told congress, iu sid the 14 lr I'CHt wage " offered by tho fnltod States fuel art ...1.. 1. ii.... r,ia nnl nrcentable be- ii... Limrutors hud previously Ij,,.,.,i, thn oliarire brought in the day D iu . r.- 1 ., on .... ,.(.,11 Inerease. The . i t Moirlon nn the Jen- ...trlct attorney I'll. 'I 1.1 .1 fcv . . .. AlllrMlui ,i.'. . ... - - - iieiidloi-k would bo ended, he said, u charged with. If tho latest massacre report true, authorities here pointed out, to include the office of governor in In tho world, with 40,000 acres of hold k. f .rffir.Ra now beine certified nBtt in the Pennsylcania coal fields m th various county clerks for the ami 12. 000 coke ovens with a Jally ca- r(,SBion ef any single class. election next May. win ie pacltv of 25,000 tons. Analysis of labors compiumi, the it Is Roberts' of Medford, dis- pilbiic eye In 1892 during the famous 1 ed upon jugtice. Capital, too, he 11 note 10 ain.o 0 . 0- .... : . , ct,n ln thla maUer he was 8hot and stabbed several tin ?. made puouc yesienmj, "!-- - ..... , ..P11re ... . . ..fc... ......... . ... , 1 ,g n npaee oinuor hi ... .,v 1 he 1 1 hit cent in -ui'unvu c'arnnza cannoi oiuiwui. cvr.. ..... 1 kins case, of Jackson county. steei strike at Homestead, ra., wneu o was shot ana stauoea nevcia. .. y Alexander Berkman, anarchist, now declared, has a right to any aueuuiiiD t.,n nml the Bovernment, he warn ed", must never "play" capital and labor . .. ...i. nn Tint ln in, m.B Hniiii xi. - r independently 01 eacn uui, reference to one single cm;reheno8' rlan of expenditure proper. ..-. to the nation's Income, there can be no doubt. I believe the burden of prepar. ig the budget must, . . . ' ..... ... ...1 . - ", ih. nut. a decision irom me itwtuun c.i j.iuxir nmibou wna nn"".... pmel, 0I neMVU Ba...nv vv . f,1,,1,,inlt out the lustruc- vrlck u with certnln other concessions, j !., . ... fi.n,.i Rmwn who, ,tn of the firm of Rumors that mlm operators Intend I I"""!..' k.Lf- m the Olcott-Hoff r,,n.h.,r from 189 to 1 l" r,'"!:" 1 .?.?. "! r"rre"UimriimrimfirT Ar :4manau8 .lt early lt was n, i,,i.n miner tuaru 01 trouiio, l.ied by N'. V.. Mooro, spokesman for the iiperatorM. ALEXANDER TO be mm , OF lt Kt . " . .u n.-v is to be properiy decision from the court on this ItWntlng deportation. . . . against each other. and responsibility concentrated. rue- prick was cnairman w. unrest. . . . -.. . .Ht ,.Don the exe- , CT, Z Blame for lbs unrest in the country ln J h - - p-e-parea shouid h"nnrd of W P V' enate.for or am- ic board of n,,w t-nttfv the neace treaty, - be submnteu mi, , .-, 0 f each ended by. a single i.u.......v u at one time a director j . fnn,.ra on the house .(.nn chairman of the board 01 4 -nttfv the neace treaty. u .. ii " . ,OCrio steel com-,11"1'1""' . . tur. v.h... ed notice oil the court mat an uiim managers 01 me ----- 1 0ne cause 01 tnis unrw. " the question would be pushed to pany. on tne question - jmuy. ". ,:...,.... aent astwiwu .0. m,,i-lation should a definite conclusion sooner or later. of the Pennsylvania. part of our government to arrive r ----- 8UCn A fundamental change has taken plat with reference to the P'tion i .v.. ,r,ri,l'a affairs. The pre judice and passions engendered by decades of controversy between twt. "ri:",. nf nnlitlcal -and economic HUliuuin . .. thought-the one Believers .'"""; tion of American Industrie. " believers In tariff ' must be subordinated to the 1 slngta consideration or tne pu the light of utterly cnnniou BefoA the war. America the debtor of tho rest of the wor cl and the interest paynients she had to make in foreign countries onmer,- travelers aDroau " - hnraoa she nan i ft" can freight of congress and no single ap- be mane ,.v, no mav have "If this court does not pass upon thjj At.chlson, Topeka & ' s.a"ttt ii'v at a just and permanent peace per- f'tlpa n the budget prepared .,. uiinii now. It must uo bo nn- chinneo & iNorvowoaicw., - .,. otuin to normal coniununo. n,i,iMi bv tflo par- ". ... r, 1 n-num rieelar- c.i nvnnratlon. the Mellon k.,i,i with the by tno execuuvc. v. - , , the war er: ":L7 7 ht time and the Z. 7 hank of Pittsburgh, the unon Rnd aKitators the ticular committee o, eu in a the Norfolk & " . T.C... i either with tho buuget ieK ; nrices have action to oe tiiKeii uy wUt..- 'jtusi - riresinonr. anviseu --- Economy is rmnw . . tk other hand. western railway. "impatient or drastic. e nm..6. ar,d not less Important a- . tlI.onortion of the tained in thla Bta tomenfc . ""h" aU th0 the caes of unrest be sougn - proWeM l8 the ascertain-, purcnaseu h be ser7d and maintained otdy state Jo - - a stlr In the finan- connected ; only nudity for FAVOR OF INCREASE others, about balance the value of her nfn-war favorame Daia."" --- Kig the war America'- exprs. been greatly stimulus increase" n.. she has un pflcn uuuiilj ...v.. Paying-higher JteTden t. , and "Sr offices for which Smith, county ool uperintenden , a chosen, I unuer , . for the purpose ot ascer- , been, groat- Brown s r.ial world. tlrer. .cnt of his associate. Carnegie, and i iiPPTi inv iv.-1 . . .. .i e-nment to arrive sneenny - ' ,tlnn. No one is autnonzea u, .nv.. - navw fay- times. . l)Bliui. - f ,nll a ,(,n,r ; icaliy ana eii-v r . traln. Ev import Into tnis " " -- achinalions of malevolent , The , au .o. anenr tcluire In 1 or of goods, ov by t'th. anarcl,,ste;thetrrsurydZrtn B ,?or this or any other subsequent a- ou. J- - t)lis counry with- ifiijutieu , Miru i i ; ... nutiinrizeu unu cm- 1 nuar v nfVMS- ,.., 1 . . 1 vnin larva turn unu . Tho mis iiu-a i'r. - .taiesandprooau.y in the wo.-hl. nrnnna w. ,k pnM.B. session to port UP by 'o ket for foret.n securities. known as om." ". inwe' llvlnc costs , ,,..,(.nti of the government, j..... wk(..h would ten.i Smlin. louiu ..toa are to De uiiudv-.., rirpr .cnt ot nis iiDow-"--. - ;ndow the -PeSlnl continue, ntheevent Kocketed.r. .hynreo were AVaKhli.Rton, Dec. 2. Joseph Willis Alexander, congressman from ollu tourl, hiiH been selected by President Wllfion na secretary of commerce, suc KidiiiB William C. RedfleUr resigned, It was announced today. Ills nomina tion will bo forwarded to tho senate tomorrow. teachers for incroaseu as follows: iau n iifLtron ., nnnmve the inov 1 am "' :,, turners for an term the part 01 w.. . In their saia" tement conu.iu. jol... v. leattel.a ,n an, the it has not ue - - amat umo " tran on increase 8' SMEW, REPORT 1 ir hotter salaries 11 cs are pa'" - t ..,., our JS"sn"Vvctf ni an -"n-tto , " , u u cl tons depends so! Tnny of our govern- 'eachem salaries have not .kept race with the increaMd "Orto better . . ... .1.1 im.ii-t that Governor . . iop nninion 01 hd A monuui "--- . . ... ' . fin out the unexpired, to have oeen 111 ,-cmeni uicou ha the . v,i ru of Governor Desi, 01 neaun ai i"" "- IroTV, the m will institute manaamu, , U,, en.ent ai.u coi.s.ueraoie um. - aB.tators." . for the purpose u L.Ynresaed thai he snouiu nu atrer iaWs acainst .... '.1, t tne corparatively early age u. r rr expenditures Have .balance 01 - - made within the ap- ly lncre tt tiii.,1. wnrnnean centers iron. ' orable tara - . occtiiinn the state amount of $150 each . - questlon by decision of this Owing to tne ia-v - - ., 1 ,, coun. . , v n lllll Attorney tienerai nru ani'c i-'i, county us nor further He was -tifiKutinn for the in prepa.-i..B ..t thfi offlce clerks aecinic" ---- - , , ,....u nnt k nc nuoeu to.. - - . ,i0,i ,ns en . n ....... ailllUllA ll"V "-- I .. . ... n.han OK ... r, u M tkpre WaH W 1 Lvuvv. world. tts Tud"et Svstem. '..?.. Li art collectors in the when he retired was e . ks ro,o-m e ' .... ...,1 inaKmuch as there was ! "" mmion8. He was saiu 4ho. ,1(1Pt in i" " .,.. f n eovern-, mateu i "" . nie.- ' . .m v.o occasion for tne i - - jto haye paia ,5OUuu iuv r- wm be 0btnine-i wn..--. or st this time. ture. ' r.n ' " ( The opinion reuu. , Wou Kame 01 nnder rH-edlon or n, Frick had the h. ni provMe fr "".."'l ' "k" - w co enough to aesei m .i i"t." " ",.,. --srtssss et svstem ress ano to ury. Must Simplify Taxes, will give The opinion reacts. -The attorney generals oftice ,vWng governor Olcott. a . well 131 P.iho, Texas, Dec. 2. Cordova, the Puebla bnndit who captured Jen kins, has surrendered to tho Mexican .i..lcliie ILll.t.i.D - . n.... r, 1 IV 1 1- til 1 H II L CU"B" ' . . . Deputy Secretary . . - . the ..Sl)hynx." Ho wM extreme nom)ca11v soeot. , therefore, tear. w , COn,li-zer. was guided u, - ttt avoiding publicity, Taxes ". . "v'w- 1 nnlirt Ot HIi'o ... ... i..c in n. SCOTC Ul esic A1ni. r."o""" " tlO, s treet cleaners, .no . ". anA many government, according to iiuormai.o" no - ;',:,.,. or 0 prpws.-iW f" ' - the full term Tne u nu --- 1inionizaVi0n of renching here this afternoon, -i no requ . "h Uer pay tnan - uueu - Wlthycombe was gucceSs m --- ck 8 un. surrender was reported to have been trainiiiK. end a goodly per wnlch . Ja'Ztion 0f tne made on Saturday in the city ot fueo- tea. ,.e. . .- , prcie" eiec - . .proretatlon of tne pro- tiring ngni-B-. "- --- t,eJ. 7 -option 8 or article v now steel inausu The attitude of I "Chiving been overruled. eratlon of l wllh of State Sam as Ko- silent .i,. the nonuress . 1 nnnslderatlon to the Its imnic'iii'",c . t,i...i.fl ,.., taxation. Slnipllfi- ,ivoniem u . . ...- n,io- m anil prynmi v...- ArivthinR. therefore. to prevent foreign co ilnff for our evnnrts n,iu into this counu-v untfles fi-om set- hv sl''nme,1,s or would only t .nnllncr them have the effect ot avlng for our - the ernorts from ,. of the Income . n.. Inimedtate oevformcd Indispensable war, from 1 fore ot "'"" "'-: f the ade. fne pro..".. - nsltv. country, at Iniu a cd - Thoso taxcB peviuiiM" i Bervlce during the war I (Continued of PaKo Sovcn.) elevator operator, -rhar fl. Uroad and financial organ- f rhVpUfled not only to save la. Cordova has made a sworn state ment of testimony In the Jenkins o-se b - Mnyicn court official. He is represented to have given himself up .earned that he was partly the cause of the. complications with tho United States. cent of their salaries training. Relatives Of Man To Hang OJpfj Tn CM Removal MUMTUOIE TO FORMER OFHCER r .. it not having oeen era - ,ofimtn to treat wi stamioi - ..titled to till oui judKe uary ,i,i. Oovernor Oicovt . -- f!..vern0r :.," rPresentatlves recewj ! court in Chad . .. .... ..... .f the the P'"ubutthe opinion of the tQ De merely a How.n :.:.rc ad4 - z, or Small Salaries Paid 1 eceu c nu:l Shnrtaxre of Instructors Throughout County Statistics Show haB boen questioned by ' jusutlces. Whether Governor Olcott is to fiU of the late 0 f'Vrt! lpoUcmer. including San Diinnitn Pl rofl intone . Lapara hangs on December '9 his interstitial glands will not be iransrerred to one or tne inm . ,at0 jeeoie the prison here. It was learned touay r policeman n. tQ rest that his relatives have demanded that i" hospUal Sunday. ,a after- With six acting as pan Chief of Poll ainey. aant a bearers, ciiihs. attenaain. his bod v h rlnllvered to them Intact. This request Will bo granted the Prison physicians said oon. Funeral sen ice un. .k i,ntiel of the The police out the Pambe or whether he Governor W h com . d inmatter.U. ,ic is extraord"vr..' uty 'n nublic question, ana . w SPANlbH CAB1NLT RtPORltD kftl According to Superintendent J. edC?o th. hers cSt be secured. The fact ZZoX that similar conumoi.B i- isr.o.OOO. Hiui, r" United ni,ti - ..... ,k,.i-a tx are lowest the shortage ot --- eHtimated at ao per ce... , " a when, salaries have b e" ncrca most the shortage in low as 2 per cent. 2. Dispatches the k. revealed are startling, even alarm f the chapel The sum of $10,00.0 has been 01 company ai .' r8i tak "r who served """,, ia8t re- fered for T in.nn.rn. m elands, but 1'hyslcluns announced they could only . be used within the prison walls tor experimental Tho plan was to uso them to rejuvenate an aged Prisoner. men who siTye" - . . .his meiiim - ,nmm "'AT .h';, - departed comrau - ar. S. White. Blme? i Harl.y r. Thompson, a - Varney. A MAY GF.T TH"11 out me .,, aonolntlon aeei National bouu --.,, n"t he point of investigation, a revealed are startling, ev Inough replies have been th National E'ucational The """"".'- ,r threaten- tlon lo us i""'" . ' " , ..... m war- cost i tn tne --- . 'i .:.,' .w hold good through- ,1 Educational association ages . " t tlie total short of investigation. The acts .u : the LnHed Bta . umluallfled , ... ..tiinff. even alarm ;. e a d toiai i. bR.OOO re- teachers will ne Enough replies have been receiv- tcndont)1 were asked to state Paris, . caniKh cabinet ing. .. ivA(i Mectively. ontiv saiu i"? v. .mniioH nave uueu " wrf - MOUK" , Hiiwnueiuiwuvo , recenUv by the National Enai -' '1 Sweetheart Of Murdered WAmm riirKf Ru Police MUiiiuu vauiii , vmk. Dcc- " ii nlayew , , T ..m advising - Lawton. Mich.. Dec. 2.-Joseph , V.r- New T o.k . toottell P' J ".ry to the COIA'MBM 2.Jim nthe law officers o t... take the matter,".- of have it .letermineo. of all Madrid todav a. t-re - - -rStaryiuntas which question . navu." ,,iumi8sal of all infantry oi- cono.t tnat the public c eases while 1267 atafod it - all 'the P""""' rrJt to the county oierw 8Cnu... cies - repon w -- j increasing. They nU I ending such list to tne work under 21 years ol age . of ..?"L that such certification cabinet reported .."T strict superintendents. At any man, f1B by girls with It wi an opinion x in ' iu in acciJi ti ecr- nave me " . iT nnirv kve rendered the ,oi - ncee(3ings Toca. from aU sections oi toe . Promising . re " cities. They reported a are a. One of tho'most Important features oft- to be hclt I tomorrow and Thursday i ladles oC if,.Cl0,R-e suppers have-been fea- 7., .v. ami 1430 replied that In-, ; annuai bazaar given ac -ttnn to.""" . had not been in i" ; - the churcn. ,an good patronage. The W. A. M have hail Thorpe, Itary "";,:,, you to instil-- noPS EI Ul i "" " ,..uhp oi j" a Tne o d a by Sacne7. county i r,12 had replied are oems . cliU"-". " . :..,! Idaho may now .nuineii i, iuut lauuiiu."" - ... ...f.,Maioiiui i.w..-"o- ...... i ikiuiiki"" -- . . ic . .k nn.intrv. rep- vui i" ,i women i b--i . - . ,. cirie F. club will meet Thuday evening with , Ml-1 Wltzel at her home, 415 Nortn wi Tnmof interest to many elasses m tne iub" """... . ".... ..nd a .,nnti'SL . ..out. i . Atrarv t-"J . . nann .i,ntfifP iu 14,"" . , i :i.- nu nwiuu v v -'-- - , . . ip mvi" no n't" nnt rum- niviar nu. iu i nui iw-"" . t'anw'nna touli riivy - , , ..tonn- u.n.rit-i . ,iL. .v.n iim. so. former sweetheart of Maud ram. 011e in-; "nV ,). otrereu a. n. upon tn aB ka..e been oruereu m " , . 22 138 teachers dci - compared wim """-- din 1395 of the reports no long- to tho smaller sal " .1 ,..ik tiova ana correspo... hnllter ti- France. The ' , rector o tne - ta Tabor, whose body was found a of all l' of the l-u"' t'unuls In the basement of the Tabor ,km ns , 1 ... 1.. tnrlaV T-.,Kf01'Slt. "iio, was lirouglit nere eim. u.. , ,, rrowei's to tell the coroner's jury of nis rem POunty P01"1 tions with the dead woman. Vlrp Many h as apprehended in Chicago. He was wiureni" toi morly an undertaker and embalm- their crop w ! here. l llOliiL" ... Linn TOl 40 an acre to' I ilB Oovernor uicoiv.-- himself as poUco nac - - (oUowing riot e has often ;;' i0U3 t0 have by Governor a detachment ard, court"of the state." . " k... ti. shortage These figures - - - k to bo 5.S4 Per cent and aproxiu.a..., In states where tho su sunnly any inioruu."i larlesltho correspondence. . 0ft l