Mew To CLASSIFIED AD RATES. Hate per word Eueli iimortion one cat. six Insertion 6 cents, one month, ti insertions, 17 cent, tmo t ;ir, pur B.ontli, 0 cents. Minimum per nd 25 :ite. Fiist Insertion only In Now Today. CU.v u'l Cllsh n advaiie und nut tak ln mtr pliona, unless advertiser has ut'iiittily- acoount. No -allowance for plume errors aayWh --JSLDAILY CAPITA,. imt.., OREGON. ,MT, DECEMBER 1. MO. PAGE UINE. 7 I'Aii'rv iiiiiik laities-nh,,,. f ,., wreSmrslI T, . -- - K ll M VnlA . - "J. oaie. - . I . ' AdsG etR Its at Small Cost u, live furn 287-1 New Today. K runge, almost new. HM.'i N. Capitol ft. 2Sf, jult SAUK I'luno, standard make, f I no condition. No agents need ap ply. Box lMano Journal. tS I'Oll SALE Newly finished bunga low with garage, mortem cniivcnl eiues. $2000. M. II. Edwards. Chcr i v C'lt.v Restaurant, ISti S. High St. 286 i:o,1,'ll':!V.l';,'t:i':,1J ""'-.iu "'" "ay. Phono 1413: 289 uI.k. ji,,,. s. Commercial St VYVNTKI' Women or girl to wash dishes Illld ttHHlHl In kltclll'll. Call 405 N. Liberty St. 2NG I SALE Or trade, one Berkshire i ion r, uk 14 months. I., ilechtcl Ac Ann, Kt. 8, Kiilem. Plume S'.'l 4. 285 WANTED Team fat'in . horses, must l.t sound iiinl true, 14H0 lbs. weight. f,. ltochttil & Hon, Salem, phone :.'.i'4. 2S5 I'HKI. CAR HAIlCAlNSOne Stude hu f ISO. on. liKht foui'Ttu " k' r' I'i'wonwc-i', 45u. Salem Velic !" J 62 N. Commercial. !Tf,,rEITi'12,an estate' 1 am offering wn . , , moao bungalows wen located on paved street. Wil H. Trlndle, Bank of Com merce bide. 293 I ni: SAI.K Cheap. 7-tK Queen In- I'liluttoi', only heen usdd unco. llfiS Ci. Ciimmorclal. 2S5 'ill! SAI.K 1 lonnnl.eil Aiii'oii:! eoek .iris. Limited numlier on hand. W. A. Jiaker, Amity, O. lit. 1, 2h8 ' VNTKD New Oregon Htrawh- i iy iiktnlh. t'luiuo 41' ft. 2!:i Y VTi:i Wood uuttcys for fir wood K-Hoiie 20F31. 28li ltili SAI.K Or trude. a, one-horso Aiiwiin anil bunkty and net of heavy names. 1 UK! Kerry. I'M! i iil: SAI.K Haled oat liny pet ion, at Ut. fi, box 112, Manleay load. V II. l.ltelifield. 2SH Ut SAI.i: l-'liHt rliiHS baled el I niv aud Bliaw. I'hone Ull'lu. IIOSi lull SA,K (iood SO aere farm, sleek and machinery, hIko f, pitHKen-kci- ear. AddiCHK K rare Journal. 2 IS !i j Niemeyer's Buys. NKW TODAY """usauut. ,- S W oodHhe. . Lot 42x.i. Walnut ami CV'iiieut walks. $2f,00. An iillriK-tlve. up to date, strictly liindern I, mum Imnio ... nu ht. Alme than 2 large lots; good fruit. All exceptional offer. J4000. Good tol'tilH. 8 room fully modern house Kl blocks on S. High St. 2 lots 50x126. ?2uU0. !l acres (i niiles south. 40 'acres lieiuliiK prunes; 10 lognns; 20 hay; 6 strawberries; 15 acres timber and pasture. $52,000. 40 acres Just outside city limits, (bind family orchard. All well fenc ed. Nice house; liarii and out build inns. $l(S,KO0. , 40 acres ,1 miles east on rock roatU acres timber and pasture. Balance cultivated. (Iood family orchard. 7 room house; large barn. Fine water piped to buildings. J',1300. C. W. Niemeyer. Just real estate and high class in vestments. 5-216 Masonic blflg., Sa lem. I'liones 1000, 1014. 284 Iiil! SAI.K One fresh Jcrxov cow .villi calf. I'hone 10TK12. 2MI l.i iST On the Puntlnnr road between Mliany tind the Crabtree depot Sat urday eve, Nov. 15, .1 black leather i raveling bag l onlailllliK 1 Kalmaii kodak, latlieH clothes mid toilet ar ticles. Kinder please notify .Miss Nel lie Cavender, Silvertoii, Or., or lilmne Black lOlll, and receive lib eral rcwuri). -s' U'WTKK A K"Od second hand ve locipede. Phone 40K. 2Mi I'Hl: SAI.K .lentey cow. tia hens and iHillets, Homo furniture, dishes, tamps and conking utensil A bar tiain at 454 Hood St. '-' C);Sl'S CL.KKKS (.Men. women). Iiion needed. $115 month. Kxpeii I'ttce iinnecessary. Examinations Sa lem Dec. 10, Jan. 7. For free pai .iciiliirs, write. J. Leonard t former government exaniinefi 1I1K2 KiUii t.lde bldg., WttHhlngton. 2 Mi 1'ili SAI.K IIoiiHehold goods, price .'c.-iMomildc. S76 S. 12 street. S. I' ear. " 2 SO I'VK young team of mares. 20nt His one .leiwey yow coniin.g fresh in 4 weeks and one nice heifer, got to nave Tuesday night. Center Si. barn ask for It. A. Smith or Hunt. 2M Kill: SAI.K llarred Hook hens and pullets. BKO N. 20th St. -s,; Foli SAI.K 8 filunt rnliblts, bred Iocs J1.50 nach, 12 Canictiitx pig- is chenp. White Leghorn pullets. i! eoekerels, good stock; 120-egg ln 'iiliator, 2 Mk. Canadian peas and oals. 2 ak. grey oats. 1 sk. rye. liechttd, lit. 2, box SI. 2 Ml NoV Is your chance to get :t f-'1""1 Studebaker Six, '15 model, newly iminted and variiislied for Jiiwi, or iiil take good piano .in purl. l".v "tient. A'erlbtat Transfer Co., where .von get the value for your money, ''all mid ee me, I2 S. Coiit'k I'hone 1344. 8" BKLKCTKU California nursery stock pcacn pits for sale, 3c per lb. Hunt Bros. Packing Co. 287 Wanted. MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and Rants tailors, want garments to remodel. Kooin 2, 442 State St. 286 WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares or stunt page, ash, maple, oak and fir. Address Win. II. Egan & Sons, Ccrvais, Or., 1U. 2, Phone SF11. PATKONIZR Verlbest Transfer Co., baggage and moving; hauling any where. Phiine 1.34 1.. 120 S. Coni'l. ex-service man and old tinier in Salem. 301 WANTED All kinds of junk and sec ond hand goods. Liberty F.xchange, 241 N. Commercial. I'hone 841. Spier & Scutt, Props. WANTED One heavy draft hirse about 1000 lbs, or team suitable tor logging anil farm work. Phone Jef ferson 3(1 F22. AV. J. Turnielge, Tal bot, Or. 2S4 WANTED 1100-egg Buckeye incuba tor, .must be in good condition. X care Journal. 284 WVNTED To rent house, 5 or 6 w.rmiti hv resiionsible luuty. con sists of 3 adtdts. Would be willing to lease if deslrame. ;-ou. " WANTED- -Eight or ten early hatch ed U 1. Kcds or Barred Back pul lets. Phone 1204. i-86 WANTED Stoves, ranges, furniture. We pav highest spot casli prices. Peoples Furniture Store, 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. WVNTKD Homebody- with high id'ond pressure who can get no re- , .. ,-,..1! 17 1(1 -B0 lief. Call 17-111. W NTEI First class second hand 2500 ohm farmer telephone. Lox 9 Capital .lournal. , AVXNTED Boarders and roomers. A APl'ly 1120 Center St. or l-Hone 1071. ioil SAI.K Hhodo Island Ited cock; ercls, Phone 66K21. -s'' T'ANTED A steady position by niat t'ied mnn who 1ms had 8 years cx lierlenee in buying, selling and man aging a general Ktore. AA'hat have .vouV p S care Journal. -x'' WANTED Someone to care for inya 1 It, Lamb, 615 S, l.ih. 2S4 Used Cars for Sale; LOST Brown fur mitten, Friday or Saturday. Beward If returned to Capnai Journal. . -s'' ESTRAT Ttiken up at my residence city limits. North Front Btreet, sa If in, a black hefi'er nbout 1 year , old. Cull before 8 n. m. or after !' m. I'hone 20C4JI. A. O. -Davison. . . t 28i Ton RENT Furnished room in '' vnte family. Phone 1069 Ise I.oST Purso containing check and Kmull change, Finder' returji' to Journal office. Kewiird., 1'CiUNO married man desires work cm fruit or grain farm. Experienced In cither. Would like to run place on salary. Not nf raid of work. Phone 007. v ' . 284 nut S-VLE CMiahuers car, A-10"' ' Vlhlon C..H Olsons Oarage, so.d, owner. Real Estate---Houses FOR PALE 5 ro bungalow with or without fnmlluJ terms. Listen, 484 Court St. AV. A. . i onrp , ..,.,,- noust. A j.-uu jvii." - - room nouse, grouttd. on ca ine. - N wesl side. K L. 2Sl) Coin. Phone Wood Saw. FARM LOANS Any amount. Low l'ates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6.- ' HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem Oregon ' .' - .coot. Salem, Or. . i.- TP-Vl oil 0P. Salem auw Monitor cars trow t; Phone 1 cui A I11IMH. - w II lltl c" TCc 'nnrl Investments. v, fine level soil 100 acre ranch, tine bot all In Sion near town. ings, orcnai" . liAt. bearing berries. Snap. M00 10 acres close school. tir orchard, choice land neat buL half mile from acres hcortng Pine8' buluUngS and ,-ies and apples, fcoou well. $4750. improved 11 acres c ose in. ,' choice ion."--- oonles. fine home, u , bul,j. . fi acres close in. 1 ',(loe price lugs, well, orcita.u. soil, farm liuddinBS no $175 per acre acreage, esi- For farms, choice "ene Purine & Marsters . 211i com, club bldg. Se.em, Or w,rb17ls h- f- Zimmerman-. Help Wanted FLwMoflern R,x house crmB- Hoth Grocery Co. PBOBB.D .WAND CHINA years lrt i erd boar, 3 E " ia from the. best and 4 0 P.?Ve1 hlB worth; weighs about S7 ni , 1 '?sn: tlrst checl for ;I5 " '?.,keh H. R. Jones, n, saiem. AVOHK WORK WOn K Kemember, able bodied boys over 18 years old and under 60, the Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at Oregon City and AVest Linn will need men for the winter season. Just keep -them in mind when ar ranging your winter work schedule. They have a fine hotel just for em ployes, at low rates, 3oo Federal Farm Loans WOOD cutters wanted. C. D. Querv Phone 77F2. V havl POLAND CHINAS. I r , 3 elBnt weeks old, at iVn f B'y that I will sell vom. hTh- lhese e beauties, Tonl r6 whlle they '"St- H. R. Jones, phone 49F2. WANTED Housekeeper and cook. Oood, wages; Call at Peoples cash store,. Mrs. Solof... 284 WANTED Young married man de sires work, will take churge of farm or anything. What have you'MSux Work Journal. ' 284 WANTED Job on ranch by experi enced man by month. K F B care Journal. - , . 285 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Corn on cob, $45 ton.' :t-4 r,, A ........ T- !. ... ' ii , " , L Jve,zpr school house, it. H. Lnwdon. Phone 29F3. REAL ESTATE, loans, investments. Walter McLaren, room 25, 180 N. 286 Com. Si. FOR SALE Carrots at Farmers fend barn, 100 S. High. Phone 10 or 14F 289 PARTRIDGE Rock cockerels for s.tie or exchange. Phone 70K31. 285 41! ACRES, 30 cultivated, good build ings, 2 1-2 acres of prunes; income from this property past two years over $6000. Price $4500, some terms Hugh Magee, Scotts Mills, Or. 284 FOR SALE Fox terrier nun. 1235 Jefferson or phone 9S7.I. 283 FOR SALE Or trade, 160 acres Lake county ranch. Inquire W. R. Duc hlen. 1697 N. Capitol St., Salem, Or. 283 ONEY TO LOAN 5 1-2 per cent interest, 34 1-2 years time, on farm loans up to $10,000. 6 per cent interest, years time, on farm loans above $10,000 up to $35,000. City loans. Low rate of interest. Pay off principal and interest in month ly payments like rent. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. FOR SALE 10-weeks old pigs. John J. Doertler, Silverton, Rt. 3, box 53. Phone Silverton 5F13. 285 FOR SALE Have moved to town and have no use for my team of mares 4 years old, weighing 3000, with harness and wagon, also horse 1250., Call at barn in alley back of White feed store. ' 285 FOR SALE 24 hens, some laying; also Edison phonograph and 65 rec- ords. 1095 N. 22d St. 285 FOR SALE R. I. Red cockerel, pure bred,- April hatched. 695, S. Com mercial St. To phone call up 1510. 284 FOR SALE 24 AVhite Leghorn hens, One vear old. Phone 34F13. 284 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 2 Poland China pigs, 1 angora goat, 33 chick ens, 1 calf. Savage store, Waconda, Or. . 285 FOR SALE Fruitlnnd nursery has a few thousand Italian prune trees and also grafted Franquett walnuts and other nursery stock, Phone 111F21. Rt. 6, Salem, Or. 288 OAK wood for sale $9 per cord. Os car-!, fllngtich, 371 Court St, Phone 635. ' " ' 289 FOR SALE (Iood sewing machine. Box One, Capital Journal. 285 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. .1704 S. 13th St. 284 FOR SALE Jersey milk eoW. 1795 N. Capitol St. 284 Salem Auto Radiator Shop . Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th St. Salem. Ore. FURNITURE" HOSPITAL I have opened up a first class shop, repair ing and retinishing and upholster ing. All work guaranteed. Will cull and estimate your work. Phone 1742 1201 S. Cimmercial. M. Brown. 304 6 1-2 per cent Interest, Prompt serv. Ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 2Sc; geese 25c; cheese 33 35c. Live Stock. Caitle: Receipts 2000; tone of mar ket steady; good to choice steers $$ 9.50; fair to medium steers $7 I; common to fair steers, $5.506.50; choice to good cows and heifers $7.50 S 50 , canners $45; bulls $5 7.50; calves $8 14. ........ DR. JOHN L-. LYNCH, osteopathic Hoas: Receiots 1715: tone of mnr- physiclan and surgeon. 403-4 Ore-jket firm; prime mixed $15.50 18.00; gon bldg. Res. phone 1394. phone 58F5; office 801 WE HAVE WITH US A real automobile bargain in a 1919 Douglas '. Eight (interchangeable with Daniels). In perfect mechani cal condition; looks like new acts better than new. t)Wuer has left this seven passenger car with us for sale at $1000 less than original cost. This must be seen to be appreciated. See it now; it won't be with us long. B. & C. MOTOR COMPANY 256-258 State Street. STOP BUYING FUEL--See kerosene burner demonstration. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Boguo & Thompson, 200 State St., Salem,. I' . . ' 306 GOOD room and board close in. Phone 1781 J. . 287 WHEN you want good Spy or King apples phone Walter Pearmine, 98F2. 284 5 acres, 2 1-2 logans, balance open land close to Pacific, highway; shack house. $2000. ; 40 acres, close to pavement, all In cultivation, $12,000. Splendid good httle home; 2 acres, good buildings, close in, only $2200. 30 acres all cultivated, close to town, $3000; half cash, balance 0 per cent. 54 acres, 14 acres commercial fruit in bearing, on pavetl road, good im provements, close in, $22,000. 10 acres, fair buildings, 2 logans, the best of roads. $4500. 5 acres, all the best of soil in culti vation; house, barn, some fruit, $1,- 850; terms on pnrt. Don't wait to see advertised what you want; write and tell me or come to see me. i may nave wnac you warn. For best ' buys or exchanges, see Socolofsky, 341 State street. YOUNG man desires position in of fice. Can give excellent recommen dation as to ability. Several years experience. Box Z Journal. 284 LET me do your Xmas crocheting. 1595 lath and Lee St. 284 Best Buys. 30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 3 acres logans, balance bearing apples and cherries, first class new drier, house and barn, stock and equipment, water piped to all buildings, on rock road, 8 miles from Salem. The finest buy in the land. $12,500. Easy terms. 32 acres, 29 cultivated, 14 in bearing- peaches, all best of bottom soil, fair improvements, good road, close to balem; this orchard produced year actually a net income that equals to 40 per cent on $12,000 which Is the price, 1-2 cash. 5 acres, 2 1-2 logans, balance open land, close to Pacific highway; shack house. $2000. 40 acres, close to pavement, all in cultivation, $12,000. Splendid good little home, 2 acres, good buildings, close in, only $2200. 30 acres all cultivated, close to town, $3000; half cash, balance 6 per cent. 54 acres, 14 acres commercial fruit in bearing, on paved road, good im provements, close in. $22,000. 10 acres, fair buildings, 2 logans, the best of road. $4500. 5 acres, all the best of soil in cul tivation, house, barn, some fruit, $1, 850; terms on part. Don't wait to see advertised what you want; write and tell me or come to see me, I may have what you want. For best buys or exchanges see medium mixed $14.6015.50; rough heavies $13.5014.00; pigs $14.50 15.50. Sheep: Receipts 2343; tone of mar ket steady; prime lambs $11.5012.50 fair to medium lambs $10.50(5 11.50; yearlings, $8.60.0O; wethers, $7.60 68.50; ewes $5.007.00. ALLEGED REASONS FOR DETENTIONS ACENI (Continued from page one) Socolofsky, 341 State street Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. BO years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oit and varn ishes, etc., loganberry md hop hooks. Salem Fence am? Stove Works, 260 Court street. Phot 134 Lodge Directory. JHEMEKETA Lodge No. t Wednesday O. F. hall, . meets every evening at 7:30 at I. O, TINTING and paper hanging. Tinting anct paper nanging a specially, g. A. Kallstrom, 437 S. Com'l St. Phone . . - -1 A O 131. HAVE your car overhauled by AV. E. Tripp. Phone 1363M, and it will be done right. 286 Second Hand Goods. No Cash Required Good overcoats, ., a ,,itt, oil kimla nt musical snues aim on..,, - ---- instruments, shotguns, rifles, heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases uu vvv other useful articles to sell or trade. What have you? The Capital Ex change, 337 Court St. Phene 493. 6 1-2 ACRES bearing fruit, very close in. 9 room house, barn, fine prop erty. $7600. 18 acres, 10 acres choice bearing fruit, very close in, 7 room house, modern. $20,000. 10 acres east in fruit and grain, beautiful location,, buildings fair. $4500. 20' acres west, 5 in cultivation, 8 acres in prunes, small fruit. $6250. 3 acres west, In cultivation, some walnuts and apple trees, 6 room house, good property. $2500. 4 1-acre tracts on car line $1000 to $2500. 40 acres west Eugene, 35 acres in cultivation, deep black soil, 5 acres good timber, good 7 room house, new barn. $3100; cash and terms. Hna n. Good houses and lots from $625 up to $5000. . Walter McLaren Room 25, ISO N. Com. St. 288 ROY'AL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, Oregon Grape camp ino. laou memo every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St. recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. For Rent SLEEPING room 11.1 Clietnoketa. s for rent. Inquire 284 i.viii RENT Single housekeeping d sleeping rooms at The Miller 633 Ferry. sl Why Sell For Less? WE will pay you more cash for your hrvimehold goods. Get our bid be fore vou fell. Peoples Furniture and Hardwire Store, 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 734. Auctioneers. G. SATTERLEE nffloe 124 South Liberty street 21T 937. 1211. Heal estate and stock sates. nr V WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer, WWhy not get him. He only charges 2 per cent. CITY LOANS Homes, Apartments, Busi-. ness Properties, Building Loans. Current rates. Full Repayment- privileges. Our own money. Prompt service. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem OreSon Lost And Found. LOST Eagle watch cnarm, . u. ji.. Reward. Chiet lire aeparimeiu. ti LOST Black gauntlet driving glove. Please leave at Price Shoe uo. iss Scavenger. Salem Scavanger Garbage and re fuse of ail Klnas removed on mourn ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office phone Main 167. We Want. Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices for everything, can mi, CAPITAL HAjcq E & FURNI 285 North Commercial St. Oleson's Auto Exchange aq m COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK Buys, sells and exchanges used cars We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto parts for sale. Autos for hire without drivers. 1917 Ford, $425 1 Samson tractor $500 1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625. Many other good buys. We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used auto parts, tires sua acceBBurien. - Water Company." SALEM WATER COMPANY-Office corner Commercial ana iiu.o" Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack, hall on.. every Tuesaay at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz K. R. & S. UNITED ARTISANS Captial Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursuay at 8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, secre tary. 340 Owen street. MODERN AVOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar camp iso. oii meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornack building, Court and Liberty ctreets. W. M. Persons. V. C. Franli A.,, Tumor, clerk. AV. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118. Aleets every Friday night at 8 o ciock in McCornack hall, cor. Court und Lib erty St. A'isiting Woodmen welcome. C. D. Ross, C. C. L. S. Geer, clerk. Farm Opportunity For Some One. ' 56 acres of good land, 16 acres in good bearing prunes, a good family orchard, all other land under culti vation, two R. R. stations at proper ty; a good 6 room house, largo Darn and small prune dryer. If sold within the next two weeks $200 per acre. See us, this won t last long. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators. Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators u Siicciulty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th Street. Salem, Ore. perfect knowledge of the Mexican penal laws and proceeds to explain with refinement the intricacies of Mexican penal proceedings but the government of the United States fails to discern in their application to this case at the hands of Mexican authori ties ties an' approximation to Impartial treatment of Jenkins and the Mexican government knows the absence of such treatment is the reason lor the American ' request. "The Mexican government maintains that it cannot grant the request of the United States for Jenkins release for the reason that under internation al law no diplomatic intervention is appropriate unless a denial of justice has occurred and because the Mexican government is not in a position to de niandmarid Jenkins' release in view of the separation of the executive and judicial powers under the Mexican form of government and the independ once of the state courts, by one of which Jenkins is held. The succinct iinswer to this contention is, as every one knows, that a denial of justice has already taken place and also because the mexlcan constitution specifically gives the federal tribunals jurisdiction of all cases concerning diplomatic igents and consular officers. Mexico on Defense "The United States is not to be driv en by such subtle arguments' into a defense of its request for the release of Mr. Jenkins. It Is for Mexico to show cause for his detention, not for the United States to plead for his lib eration. Stripped of extraneous mat ter with which he Mexican note Of November 26, endeavors to clothe It, the naked cnse'of Jenkins stands forth: Jenkins, a United States con cular agent, accredited to the govern nient of Mexico, is imprisoned for 'rendering false judicial testimony hi connection with the abduction of which he was the victim. This is the substance, of the Mexican note. "My government is pleased to learn that the Imprisonment of Jenkins stands on this single and well defined ground and that the recorded state ments that Mexcan authorities had caused the Imprisonment of Jnklns because of collusion with his abduct ors und rebellion against the state are not seriously regarded oy your government. V.vidence Unsupported "In whose interests then is the charge of talse swearing brought against Jenkins? His abductors? He is in equity the complainant in the case of his abduction, not the defend ant, as the Mexican government now makes him out tu be. The Mexican government Is prosecuting the victim Instead of the perpetrators of the crime. While the outlaws, who en dangered his life and took, away a large .part of his fortune, enjoy their freedom, the Mexican authorities now deprive Jenkins of his liberty. More over the ground expressed for the im prisonment of Jenkins, namely that he is supposed. 'to be responsible for the crime of rendering false judicial testimony' must be taken and my government directs special attention to this point as merely an expression of opinion on the part of the Mexican government as it Is entirely unsupport ed by evldencet'liere is not produc ed any of the testimony rendered by him, or any extracts from such testi mony tending to show the correctness of his opinion. Tli Mexican govern ment cannot expect the United States to accept- In the grave circumstances of this case such a bare, unsupported statement as a valid excuse for the imprisonment of an American consul ar officer, particularly in view of the fact that the Investigation of the case by the Tepresentatlve of the United Slates in Mexico so far as it has pro- ceded, falls utterly to support this opinion of your government. On the contrary, the investigation gives the government of the United States' ev- ery reason to believe that Mr. Jenkins has not knowingly given any falno testimony in' respect to vital points in his case,, although he has been hiii rassed by Mexican authorities to give such testimony even while lying iu the hospital too weak and exhausted to make them as a result of his treat ment by his abductors and while be knew evidence was being obtained against him through intimidation of witnesses. So stands the single, un supported and my government be lieves utterly unfounded, ground al leged for Jenkins' imprisonment. Conspiracy Charged - "What conclusion is to be drawn from such a reply as the Mexican gov ernment other Uian there has been & studied effort on the part of Mexicim authorities' to insnare Jenkins in th ntricucies of legal proceedings by al leging the commission of technical of fences and by bringing unsupported charges against him. for a purpose? In the first place, to divert the, atten tion of the American public und the American government and indeed tti Mexicans themselves from the actuiil situation, namely that Puebla, the capital of Puebla and perhaps the second largest city in Mexico, is with out adequate protection from outlaws who infest the immediate neighbor hood and who were accustomed open ly and freely to visit the city without hindrance, tliut by the failure to furn-. ish adequate protection in this dis trict the Mexican authorities have, through their negligence, made possi ble the abduction of Jenkins, and that in harmony with such an attitude on the part of the Mexican authorities, they have failed to carry but the duty and obligation incumbent upon them to apprehend and punish the bandits concerned in the crime of which Jen kins was the victim, And in the sec ond place it appears to have been the purpose of the Mexican government to assume a wilful indifference to tho feeling of the American people that has been aroused to the point of In-" dignation by the exposure, hardships, and physical suffering endured by Jenkins during his abduction and his subsequent treatment at the hands Of the Mexican authorities. "In view of the considerations which have been set forth and in view par ticularly of the belief of my govern ment that the charge ugalnBt Jenkins of deliberate false swearing is un founded, the government of the Unit ed States must renew its request for the immediate release of Consular Agent Jenkins from further impris onment. ' i (Signed) "Lansing." ' Time Tables. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Stew ' art Repair Shop, 347 Court St Money To Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladu & Bush Bank, Saiem. Ore. MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to loan at 5 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. O. Smith Grain: Wheat, No. 1, $2; feed oatt 76 80c; milling oats 86c; cheet hay $17; oat hay $20; clover hay $2122; mill run $44 45. Butterfat: Butterfat, 70o; cream orv butter 68 S 69c. . Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot 15 l-2c; veal, fancy 19c; steers 78c; cows 57 lr2c; spring lambt 9c; ewes 4ig5c; sheep, yearlings c turkeys, 60c. . Wuira and poultry: Eggs cash 70c; "ltirht Viens I8ffi20c heavy hens 24c; old roosters 15 016c; springs 20c. Vegetables: Onions per sack 4&c celery doz. 90c; potatoes zc; bwboi potatoes 5 l-2c. Fruit: Oranges $5.50 6. uo; lemons $7.00 C 8.00; bananas 11c; honey ext., 20c: bunch beets, 45c; vabbage 2A4C head lettuce $1.00; carrots 45c; grapes. Tokays 12c; Brussell sprouts ltc, cauliflower $2.00 doz.; red peppers, 20c lb. ' Retail prices: Eggs dozen 76o; creamery butter 75c; country butter 68c; flour, hard wheat $3.103.26. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Or., Dec. 1. Butter, city creamery 67 68c; eggs selected local 70ft 75c; hens 2023c; brpllers 23 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. No. Northbound 64 Oregonlan 6:00 a.m. 16 Oregon Express 6:68 28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a.m. 18 Portland Passenger ...... 1:60 p.m- 24 Coos Bay . 6:38 p.m. 14 Portland Express 7:46 p.rxC Southbound 63 Oregonlan 23 For Eugene 16 California Express .... 17 Roseburg Passenger ....... . 3:10 a.m. 10:08 a.m. 11:06 a.m. 4:08 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 6:44 p.m. 13 San Francisco Pass..... 10:03 p.m. SALEM-GEER MNE 73 Arrive at Salem 8:10 a.m. 74 Leave Salem 4:00 p.m.- SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERS 161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a.m. 163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:2S a.m. 166 Leaves Salem, motor ....1:56 p.m. Thru car to Monmouth and Atrti 171 Leaves Salem 6:16 p.m. 162 Arrives Salem 8:26 a.a, 164 Arrives Sdlem 11:00 a.m. 166 Arrives Salem 3;20 p.m. 172 Arrives Salem 7:40 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC Southbound Train Leave Arrive Arrive No. 'Portland Salem Eugene 5 Ltd :15am 10:16 am 12:80 pm 7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only 9 2:05 pm ,4:15 pm :36 p4. 13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 8:60 pm 17 6:06pm 8:07pm Salemonljr 19 9:20pm 11:20 pm & dem only North Bank station (leave Jeffer son street 15 and 20 minutes later) Train -No. 9 10 Ltd 12 16 Ltd 20 22 Northbound Leave . Arrive Arrlva Eugene Salem Portland 7:15 am 9:30 ojii 7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 am 12:06 pm 2:30 pm 1:56 pm 4:00 pm 5:50 put Salem only 6:30 pm 7:40 pm 4:25 pm 7:56 pm 10:00 pra North Bank station (arrive Jeffer son street 15 minutes earlier.) 'Lieavs Corvallis. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS North txv 3d Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:20 am 8:45 am 2;35 pm . 4:00 p.n -6:18 pm 7:55 .pro Southbound Leave Salem Arrive Corvallis 10:16 am ' H:7 am 0:40 pm 8:00 pm 4:12 pm S:40 Pm I LOAN MONEY on FARM OR CITY PROPERTY Without Delay C. W. NIEMEYER 215-216 Masonic Building SALEM Phones 10001014 LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.