Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 01, 1919, General News Section, Image 11

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    pffiftlilS PLACID
On fftRlUT tUGERt U
n peoi 1.- "What to do
rllh . iarm i a problem
'".'.rh to bothering the fl-h and
""'tin junt now." -Md Curl D
M,enan bHo meoti,lg held
At HD .luil.n nrrinr-
IIIW w -
Stayton. Dec. l.-Mr. and Mr.. w
J. Marking, Mrs. Jacob Bpanlol and
Wl mum Etreif went to Salem
Wednesday to be present at the wed-
uniK 01 miss viola Braun of that city,
10 nenry juncwlrth nf. .Tnnlon
bride In a niece of the ladles fin A f ni..
merly resided south nf hi0,..
rr. nrvrKniaiiT or we Eugene ex-
.Tsioiur lituiury, ana
Portland were here
lly last - ncre8 f nd
lh" .-the Reddiih farm located
known ".., of KiiReno. . In
bout mtter of tlllo and
Mtil ir'" "- - .lt . filed In
",.W " l.v court seeking to enjoin
Marion .,. th0 Hecretnry ol
,he states.-"."- . . th)J
""T f Z I " chane price of the
,,'n AUhouBh all members of th.
f"r.m' ,d I lame commission were made
fish i,,,d B' ..... .-v .h action, none
I Km nil I lift It-hUM'i'l.
fAH 1
... I T... Dnln.A WHO b&l DeeD
Marlon has had the only nlgnt op-f nome. Waahing-
iir. m --rf
ton are guest at the Heber home.
Mn. Benas ia the victim i i
attack of tonsilitls.
Mildred and Dorris rearson o
party from
the first of the
SrXeVwM ad With
knowtedtje which
ami ... , ,h huii Wuh
' Portland newHpapers. Acoord
" A."' J 7lrt. the only question
ivnd in the action wan whether or
"r'.V? "mmi-Hlon has th. rlKht to
Ze land for permanent purposes
:-;il(,;rmrect legislative author!-
tl0n'T-.rHrry InMnrtton I.
r inlunctlon was refused
"A " "'1" - .... ,. a
l,,,. "con aeo?l,ulnea8. The com
T , waa anxlouH to have willed
"'"""'TwUh'TH. Van Winkle,
"I talked wim ' . , .
i. ! l attorney general and Inquired
r'l'' Ll '. "I tL co,nn.lHHlon had the
:;;V to eaae land for game
J" .... A.t.iBt and our opium.
,Bllr'lC for the Prt'Py on Septem-
th:XTmmeIlate conatructton of re
. Th IT" ordered to take care
fZ,k of Pheasant for brood pur
of stout OI il , (h. nr nK.
,,,. and for lioerauu.. "-.
- " uo.v uiv 1 1 im oi me
week and purchased from Gardner &
U.H.,f.. 4 U- LI . .. .
a.ujvui. u.e n.Kcn.nery m melr ex
celsior factory, and also a consider
able amount of green balm cord wood.
and the Portland ninn tho inn.
Btayton factory will continue running
u.ui. in ury wooa as is on nana us
manufactured Into excelsior, which It
is expected will bo about the first of
April, wnen tne plant will be closed
and the machinery taken away. Stay-
ion peopie are sorry 10 see wis dusi-
hi'hh shut down, as It has since Its
lamiHnmeni oeen a source or employ
ment to a number of men. hnth in
the factory nd In the woods, and is
said to have been a paying Investment
tor Its owners. The fact that balm
wood ia becoming scarce here is said
to be the principal reason for the
plant being sold
Mrs. O. C
Pinal i . i
whwiboiiiwiui iittve ueen com
pleted for the sixth and last of the
re. ib oi omer boys conferences in
Oregon &TA Ttlnhn ...V,lnU hn.. Wn
iheld during the fall under the aus
pices of the Interstate Y. M. C. A..
Paul L. Newmyer. bovs work
MoBler of Ellverton, vis
ited several days this week at the
Iwmin nf her narents. Cant, and Mrs.
W. H. Walters. Mrs. Maud Harlan and
children of Idanha were alBO their
guests Thanksgiving.
Friday evening a game of baBket
ball was played by the high school
team at the gym with a team of the
ultimo I. the latter winning.
IS. V. Munkers. who was confined
to his home by allncss the past two
weeks, is ablo to be out again.
Dr. C. C. Wright, veterinarian, re
ceived this weeK an appoininie.u
captain in the veterinary corps of the
li my. He spent some time in tne sep
vice in this country.
Mr nnd Mrs. Wm. Cladek are tne
parents 'of a new daughter, born the
ui., wnmln. Tirown came nome
from Eugene to spend Thanksgiving.
She was accompanied by a girl friend
J. V. Mielke went to Portland Fri
day on business.
Miss Vanda Scstak came home from
A. C. to spend TninssBivii'is.
. .. i. in.. p uuja v. vi i r ..i .
tary, being in charge as supervisor.
t.ut . . . ... ...
jam one is lo oe neld at Albany
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. De
cember 5, 6 and 7 and Is scheduled
to be the biggest one yet held, which
is saying a wnoie lot. Hecretary New
myer Is authority for the statement
thfLt AVPrVihinor nnlnto tn tWIu lout nnn- as being the largest by far of
any in the series and the program
that Is waiting for the delegates, he
states, is one of the best ever given
"Because of the close proximity of
many places to Albany, we are ex-
nectine not less than 300 delegates
from outside the city itself," said Mr
Newmver. "T think -there Is
doubt about this conference being the i
Dlggest m tne entire series oi six, a
letters and registrations point to this
fact unmistakably. The whole series
has been a wonderful Indication of
nterest among older boys and the fel
lows have exhibited great interest in
the meetiners thus far held. It cer
tainly is inspiring to attend these ses
sions and note the awakening, entnus-
lastic interest manifested.
H. V. Davis of the Eugene . M.
C. A., will be the speaker 1-riuay
night, the opening.session.
Mrs. Ellis and Professor Norman F.
fnlomnn. renresentine the Oregon So
cial Hygiene society, .will speak Satur
day morning. Others on the program
nro T n ieeh.m. hovs work director
at th Pnrtlfind T.'M. C. A.. Ben
Cohn.irit hnvu work secretary for
w.iahlnirton state and W. P. Walter
inrinn iMiimtv "Y" secretary, xnese
,m T,Qri itupiiuMintifi nn nroblems af
fntimr nasnclat on bovs worK, niB"
ui, Miihs and Sunday school
busincsss and greeting his old friends.
Miles Barber, James Colgan, E. E.
Eengs. and their families all spent ...n Albany and Salem
ThunkairlvinK with relatives in,,,, , .v. fAninanv saw need during
Mrs. S. C. Webb is visiting relatives Uhe prtsent congested condition of. the
I . . . - : ..v. . .l,....t otn.
. h nmnff Mf more
in.wewpon. , - --- - . t
A Thanksgiving donation party was uons oeiw,.i r- . -
.. j. m ..! - rnira vera taken fram nere anj
g.ven oy me r- h- r:": abA ,ra. were
Mr. and Mrs. Bronner. Tnis social ww '" v" 7 , . . .
a surprUe and a welcome one, as a sent to Turner making night service
a bui prim " I nlaces for the tune being.
trood crowd. was present uuu em:.. 1 . .
BO . . .. . . . . Thou eoine from here were Martha
ll.eiU uiv I ...
suosutni w,.- ... .,.
. . IT 1. .1 l.nku I VI I BU m HKlil II LI? !! Ukat'
Mr. ana Mrs. n-euscirer aim i - ...
and Mrs. Howe all of Salem, spent to me trains, e.uB w.
nkfMrl8WWteWith the'r ParCntS' UHTerhune is soon to set out
emslenUCday visiting their son Uvera, acres of ioganberries. Ut the
Mr. and Mrs. Rose Presnell ot ba-
I mat laii urn , ww
i-'ci I- I , j Tut. Vnm n ta to If tn.0 mil-
J. C. Walker from Fruitland is ttv-Xi "-;-!.
ing on part of the Scott place, an.l ""
t lntx the chicken busl-1 """'
IllVClUa B "
Rntrinninir Monday the 1st, oul
school will have a thirty-minute noon 1
instead of an hour, until the short, I
dark days are gone. I
Miss Alice Boyle spent Tiianasgivins
with friends in Silverton, and Mrs.
Eoyle s,pent the week visiting near Cor
vallls. Sophronla Farnha-n spent last Thurs
t in Albanv with her sister, Mrs.
1,0 Hunt
Clara Doerfler who Is teacning near
lem spent the weeK visaing a"
Mrs. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
Pear wn. .
A large reservoir is to be built at
the head of Silvies river in Itarne
, tn water more than 100,000
A clay pottery, a shingle mill ana ,
two hawmills are In operation at war- ejjtlmated at ,3,500,000
! nrres of land. The cost of the irrign-
Thanksgiving services were held in
the Friends' church here.
A oartv was given by Mr. ana Mrs.
Barber at their home last Friday
night, and all present report having an
a-l time.
ir-a Ren Russell and daughter, Vir
ginia, of Portland, are the guestsot
s H. Russell'
R. c. Small who left here last spring
for an extended visit In the east has
returned home
You Can't Cure ' Rheuma&m .
With liniments and Lotsons
you are afflicted with Rheii
natisra, why waste time with lii
m.B. lotions and other local p-
it.:. tkat never did cure
J11U"' -
iu....i;.m and never will;
.VUV Ulll 1
t. tn rub the tun away.
for you vill never uc- nr
iwi , -4 x.nriitifir the
the tensiDie p.
t th. nain. Remove the
K nr. oain
cause, anu .u v.-
yott will nev - ;
tism until you ww
of the germ f " .
of Kheumatism. ' , Tt,.;.
trace of tn oiaeass u
Get a hottle of S. S. S. at your
drug tore and get on tne ..g-
treatment to-oay. 7"":
snecial meaicai uv.
Medical Director, 49 Swift labor.
wry, Atlanta, ua.
Don't give it a chance to
"set in" we Dr. King's
New Discovery
. ... a a. -i
Marion News.
THAT dangerous stage where a
cold or cough or case ot
grippe might get tlie better
of vou may be nearer than son
think Prompt action with pi-l',lnK.-
J ,:vU. v will avert a
King s ew i"v'"
long siege. lnnaened
pnekeu pniegiu, vmimr-
nnd cougns. .vf - r - -
60c. ana ""-.,-
anigglsfs. Give it a trial.
r l Rarnme Normal .
liver livens up, bile flows freely
MOinai-u-Buu...",, t in
rv- Kinir'a New Lille rn.o p-
. . i,..rntlnn were filed
amout 01 aoouv "",- ,
,rred. A wire netting with of Log
to about $600 and moor - -. satumay. , headquar.
.Sra,:: have nc, been - he conny
on November 8.
IX-Ws (initot Bt raid.
. .,, being fed on
Judge Wnnham nor the a,np.
erars office knew at th ;
ire was Higneu v..." ','.,
cnatmclr-d or birds neld there
. , .v,u rnmmlSSion to OU
Tiie riBiiv i " - . , ,,n.
. .. niA birds is un-
raise ana aisir.uu
(limited. The sole quesuoi.
Sat in the Hult.wastlio
sion's right to purchase he l"a Kft
out diroct leglHlatlve authorlt; In or
fit-r to relieve the sltua.iou u.- .
the labor and material men to bta In
their money and to permit the feedinB
and rearing of pheasants aire! y 0 n
the farm, application ha been mad" oT
Judge Pdngbam to modify his deuc .
. .. ..,,.1. norm t the cane to
go to the supreme court on the one
nneslion Involved-that of the right
to purchase the property. The c m
tul In good M"n
nnsaio.. - . aola . TTZ7Z inflncnia
throughout tne trails"" To l'r.-- In(luenza-
purpose has been to laise !r..luB cause un' " muntnE Tab-
ants to the end that .porw ngAXATlVK BBO" ls only
have better shooting in fo"oWU,Blll3tH vm0ve the cause. GR0VES
t. M-Forinnil of Cohere, a for-
'iiDtor nf this nlace, spent the
inc. ...........
j horn inoKinK 1
laBl Ul L.IC wcvi. -
tors in Portianu. -h
i-,atlon is capitalized at 110,000. V. u
Abbey is secretary-nm..a.. -
chlbald .general
Saturday were as to"' ... .1000,
Kln C01U company. -.- a
W. C. Holnian, o. m-
Nichols. tnrla. $10,-
000; Edson W. Dow u ns,
nett and Ciuueri u. - mA
Kesolutlons 01 " " th0
by the Belmom a ;r
WtlUtrette Nav " ft
ti West Coast Br.m.B-
of rottlaud.
. ...... f,.n!shes an ap
,Seril.I,ur,o. that
parent pipe ''" erect a "press
America is pm-.- w, pul.pose
palace - American com
iufoiild be to luunt. -Rsar:
-.v.n'V. 1H "
menual su, . be hauled all
l.uiUlinfi materia ou c)j the
the way from me -
report said
n 1 anr hpfld. OOd
souna nctvra, .
it....: .ir.naih. endurance ami
general heslth depend upoi clean
blood. If the kidneys and bladder do
lr. tt-ing -"V'r;oW action
their natural, w""""o" nfiv cor-
should not w u " f8
system vioieuuy. t .
the way of ijt. - - -
Pllls-gentiy uui Vhe intes-
the bowe s, ?, omoting
tine-cloggmg " " -r,anKe
boon of regular bowels, ioc. at ail
ELT'S all a mistake
To Suffer trie Tortures and Inconveniences.
Dr. E. J. HARTUNG, of Chicago
t . 1 1 ii. .
'A Practtoedfc Foot Expert, Recognized Authority, Specially Traised m me
Dr. Scholl Method of Foot Correctaon
No tter at fom of foot trouMe you my toe, science has found a remedy
The Price Shoe Co.
DlOCXk I li a'wuv;" , .
. Alt and Cflfit OUt
tor WC80 orfeww -""..t d
.1. - Mnnnia maiiPT. iuiimu"v.
nl,., meumstic pain, bsckache. Ian-
du dnes, tore piut.", ---?
'. '.:r. nnffineu under the
,om. rr-.n4 Rvm0,oms.
eyes ana oiu r""" '
.. WAS KHJbvW " Ttladder
for 4 Or uaya, . . , p . and l
tlemure m "commending your
Micliijan uat.
a Pair of OUKi
lone "F.romo "'"".
. . on box. 3Ucu
1 - jBlB."""'"
Micai"n" I
Foley Kidney Pills
eoothe, Btrengthen, "7-
weak ana a " wor,sin4
der. Wtteniuccw...-- ,
punucu, pi s,ee0 ;s poB-
ton loiiow., v'"""Tu mV nrfain.
8ible,healtn ana s,.. . - - d
min4 00. before it was out.
Uf.v Dv
Iff You
J. C. Perry
Eugene, Or., Dee. 1 .-"CaP Be"
man, old time resident of this . e M.
suffered a stroke of paralysis batur
wious in nm iu"' - hnnP
tel. At the hospital there la little hopt
held out for his recovery as n
years old. He came to Eugene many
years ago from the Great
where in his earlier tinys
as captain on a boat plying LaKe a
igan. Since living here he has W
at times with several lumber compan
1 r t 1
ITric Acid In Meat
Clogs me
$3.50 and $4.50 Dress
Shoes, si,zes IV2 to 2
"Papes Diapepsin" put9
Sor, Gassy, Acid Stomachs
in order at once I
know that
bad for the
nas formented. ana w t0
gaesy aad upset, and jraav - -whicu
portion of the food did .t f
ge-do youl Well, don't bher. u
your stomach ia in. a revolt, X .
diy and aches; belch gas e9 aad a eta
and eructate undigested f ood-I"
a tablet or two of rPe rive mla
help neutralize aoiduty and in live you wonder what became of tn
indigestion and distress. , t0
lyour Mom doesn g
nr your liberal limir, -- . .
if your food is a damage t,
help, remember the
wiost harmlCBS antaaca is f,"i. 3.,,,
Jepsin, which costs so luttie
teres. . .
at drug
Spasmodic croup a
usually relieved with
one application of
Do you
tannin is
1 , r r ?
Of course; but 1 neCT
rfsure. The
puckery taste in
13 tan tea depends
Common tea
nnn tannin tor
mosuy rr tea
lteatoIOT;f. to enjoy
ip,. and skip
really n - ; taste,
ask your
There are fcgj JgS
Raits if your Bact
, VAnr meat every
H you - ; - - r ey. with
,. ? llllv saw a noted author-
sans uiit.--- . -. t forms uw
tho Wood, lnoy " . h a duu
weaken,, then you 8harp
misery m. d"eLv headache, di-
mina in tne w - . nnrua is
'sinosi, yo fP7the woa lier is had
.natcd and when the m
"Tlv full of sediment, me S
$4.50 and $5 Kid and
Gun Metal &noes, su.w
11 to 2
r. its Rlack and
Tan Shoes, sizes 2V2 to 7
cy here; taie - breaMast for a
RU of water fce " wiU then
f. davs a"d y?u.' .. Jli, is made
ana y' :9
This famous salts
and lem011
.:o (luriuK - . :it nir
To aentraiiH. , flush 0n
to cleans ' " - - - gt6 get iou.
the body s f Bny pharma.
." !.,! take a .a"-"P""- . fn.
few days
act fine. v rftnM and iu
from the m tth Hthia, and nas
;!,. combined wit h and
MT evs, also to nen-
gtimulato. s"';" . 80 it no iong-
cent UtWa waicr
.tt otvt TCTT AT) D11R-
Less Than Factory Costs
Kid, Patent and Gun Metal, also Ladies' Comfort Shoes
Grouped in une
LADIES' $7, $8 AND $10
mt, t Militarv or French
Kid and Pa ent Leauie , " ize lianan's at
t t l ina ni oiZ,CO. ovv- "
neeis, vjuv
$9 and $10 Black Dress
Shoes, Blueher Lace
$12 and $13 Brown Calf
Munson Last
$9 and $10 Tan
Black Work Shoes
c pwk Calf Shoes for
School or Dress, sizes
1 Tan or BiacK, an
Rvown Kid Cloth Top Dress Shoes, also Ladies Witch
Elk for Wet Weather wear
. tv All Kid, Baby Louis Heels,
i Tiies Diuwn ui
LaS Style, Pointed Toes
$10 Loggers,
$4.00 Knee Length Rub
ber Boots
life Lkl nrnnnnn ----
Vvr.uVR - .30. 60