Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 29, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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n ot .
Associated Riblo Students.
' Studies at 10 a. m. and 11 a. m. in
EtKth Vol. and Tabernacle snaetowa.
Junior class from 10 to 11 a. m. Moose
hall, corner High anS Court streets. All
aro welcome.
Ct. PuuI'm t'liiircli.
" First Sunday in Advent. 7:30 a. m .
holy communion; 9:45 a. m. church
school; 11a. m., morning prayer and
dermon; 7:30 p. m. evening prayer and
fcerimm. Everybody welcome. Chas. II
l'owell, rector.
' Christum oimI Missionary Alliance.
Services at 2:15 o'clock next Thurs
day afternoon, December 4th. at 63
South Commercial street. Either Rev.
or Mrs. J. K. Fee of Fort land will con
duct Bible study. A cordial welcome
to all. '
State Institutions.
Services at the state Institutions on
Sunday will be held as follows: 9:00
a. m. slate hospital by E. S. Hammond
9:0(1 a. in. Feeble Minded institution
by (!. l' Holt: 3 p. m. Oirl's Training
school by C. W. Corby. 3:15 p. m.
Tuberculosis hospital by R. I... Put
Ministerial Association.
Th9 regular meeting of the Salem
Ministerial association will be held on
Monday morning at ten o'clock In the
V. M. C. A. Subject of discussion
wll be "The Bearing of Rellftlous F.du
cat liui Upon Morality." The njldress
will l)C presented by President Carl
Oi egg Doney.
l ulled llretlireii.
(Corner of Nebraska and 17th streets,
Sunday school at 10 a. ni. V. VV. Itose
brnugh, superintendent. Preaching at
1 1 a. m. by the pastor, Reverend tleo.
Clmpman, Evening worship, song ser
vice 7 p. m. preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Missionary meeting atthe paraonngt:
I'rliUy at 2 p. m.
Central f 'oiigres'titloiuil t'linrch.
Corner South 19th and Ferry streets.
A morning service combining the
church school and the morning wor
hlilp at 10 a. m. In charge of Mrs.
Utirlon K. Edwards. C. E. at 6:45 p.
m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. theme
"A Preventive and Curative for Our
Times." The annual meeting of thtff leveling salesmen's christian organ!
church will be held Thursday evening
ui 7:30.
lirst Congregational Chnrrh,
Center and Liberty streets. V. C.
KiNntuer, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
Hchool with classes for all, W. I. Staley
(superintendent. 11 a. m. "The Clrent
Objective of the Christian church."
6:30 p. m. C. E, Mrs. Bayne, leader
7:30 p m. "The Rainbow Around the
Throne." Following this nddress some
very fine pictures of- "The Falls and
Glaciers In the Canadian Rockies"
will bo shown. A cordial Invitation to
nil. , . . ' , '
; I'lrst Haptlst C'lmrcli.
Corner Marlon and North Liberty
snoots, Rev. O. F. Holt, IX 3). pastor.
Hunduy school 9:45 a. in. Public wor
whiu with preaching 11 a. m. und 7:30
p. in. Topics: Morning, "Digging Again
the Old Wells." Evening, "Putting
Awuy Childish Things," Second in a scr
Ice of Sunday evening sermons on malt
log the most of life. Young People's
and Intermediate society meetings nt
(1:30, Thursday evening 7:30 prayer
ineullng. Strangers and visitors arc
cordially Invited to these servloes.
tan appropriate sermon at the morning
service at 11 o'clock! Bible school ser
vice at 9:45. Jos H. Albert superinten
dent. A special vesper and praise and
thanksgiving service at 4 o'clock.
Splendid Inspirational music by tut
choir under the leadership of Miss
Ada Miller. Miss I,uclle Ross, organist
will give some fine numbers. TIiIb
service will give heart and happiness
to all who participate In It and you are
First Methodist ICplseopal Clmreli. ,
Corner State and Church streets.
9:15 a. m. An old fashioned classmeet
ing, V. L. Cummings, leader. 9:45 a.
m. Sunday school, Prof. J. W. Todd,
Supt. Sermon both morning and ev
leader. Sermon both morning and ev
ening by the pastor, Rev. R. N. Avl
son. 11 a. m. subject "America Awake'
7:30 p, ni. "Treasure Seekers." 3 p. m.
Services at the Old People's Home, 12
and Ferry streets. Members of the Ja
son Lee church In charge. 6:30 p. m.
Senior Epworth league mcts In the
Sunday school room and the Junior
league In Epworth hall. Strangers are
invited to all our services.
First Christian ( lunch.
Corner Center and High streets, two
clocks north of the court house. Bible
school 9:45 a. m. Church services at
11a. m, sermon topic: "The Heart of
the Savior." C. E. society at 6:30 p.
in. topic: "Christianity and the Health
of America." Ezekel 47:1-12. Fathers
and mothers' service at 7:30 p. in.
Hear our young peoples' chorus and
orchestra. Sermon, "Making a Living
working for Clod or for Self." Parents
are urgod to attend this sermon to
consider with their young people the
choice of a life work. The young peo
ple will have charge of the services.
Pruyor meeting and choir rehearsal on
Thursday evening 7:15 and 8:15. Lcl
and W. Porter, pastor,
Leslie M. K. Church.
A ery unique and interesting ser
vice is being planned for the eleven
o'colek hour at the Leslie Methodist
church next Sunday morning, when
ono hundred and fifty Bibles will bo
on exhibition, and a dedication service
will be held. The Bibles are a gift to
the Oregon State Training school for
boys, from the Order of Gideon, a
nation, and was made possible through
the generosity of Salem churches. Am
ong those taking part In Sunday morn
ing's program -will be James 1). Ogden,
of Portland, representing the Gideons,
Superintendent M. L. Gilbert ana
Chaplain It. N. Aldrlch of the Train
ing school. The entire school, number
ing one hundred and fifty, is expected
to bo present, and the public is invit
ed. -
First Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday service Is held at 410 Che
in'keta street, at 11 a. m. Subject of
3-ill'le lesson: "Ancient and Modem
Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism und
Hypnotism, Denounced." Sunday schol
nt 9:15 a. in. Wednesday evening tes
timonial "meeting at 8 p. ni. Reading
room 209 Masonic Temple, open every
Uuy except Sunday and holidays, from
11 a. m. to 6 p. m. All are Invited to
our services and to our reading room,
Court Street Christie n ( liuith.
Corner North Seventeenth and Court
ureeta Bible school, 10 a. m., talk to
children, "Samuel the Prophet." Morn
lnff sermon, "God's Care for the Indi
vidual." Junior C. E., 5:30 p. 'm. Song
service and sermon 7:30 p. m. Meet
ing of official board of the church
Monday 7:30 p, m. Thursday, 7:30
p. m - prayer meeting followed by
teachers training class. A cordial In
vitation to all to worship with us.
It. I Putnam, pastor.
First i'rtwlij teritui Church.
Thomas 8. Anderson, minister. Res
ponding to the request of the Amerl
'in Bible society this church will ob
serve Bible day. The pastor will preach
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinatinj, often, mean
i- serious disorders. The world's
tUndard remedy for kidney, liver,
, bladder and uric acid troubles-
brmjj quick relief and oftan wiird off
lt i Jly discosM. Known as tha national
rMnjdjr of Holland for mora than 200
yaara. All druggist, in tiua ia.
tok for IK nm Gltl Mtl! an avaiy boa
- aiMi acept aa Imitation
United Kvnngellcul Church.
Cottage and Center street, G. L. I.o
vell, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
A class und a cordial welcome, for all.
Divine, worship and preaching at 11 a.
h "Real Values In the Christian Re
ligion." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.
m., leader, Grace Townsend. Evening
worship and sermon at 7;30 p. m. A
special service will be given by the
Women's Missionary society on Friday
afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock. The thanks
offering will be received and a social
hour enjoyed. Bishop M. T. Maze of
Le Mars, Iowa, will address a meet-5
lng of the members of our churches In
Salem and vicinity on Thursday even
ing at 7:30 p. tn. Tills meeting Is In
the Interest of the forward campaign
of tlio church,'
Leslie Methodist Church.
Corner South Commercial nnd Mey
ers streets. Horace N. Aldrlch, pastor.
9:45 a tn. The Sunday school will be
opened by the superintendent, E, A.
Uhotcn. Classes for all ages and
grades. Miss Sue Williams will meet
the little folks In Leslie hall. 11:00 a.
m. Public worship. Three hundred nnd
fifty Bibles will be on exhibition. Ad
dresses will be made by James D. Og
den and AW H. Wuugh of Portland,
representing: the Gideons, Superinten
dent M. L. Gilbert of the Oregon State
Training school, and the pastor, H, N.
Aldrlch. At the close of the service, the
Bibles will be distributed to the Mar
lon, .RUgtv Argo and Capital hotels,
and one hundred und fifty of them to
irHt$r ' 111
I ' " II
3j N. 2nd St., Portland
00 YOU
HELPP Wf furnish promptly farm Hftp,
" " Milkeis. WooJ CutUfS. Mill Camp
and Kitchen Help.
Phone Broadway 3203
It is & most satisfao
tory beverage. . Fine
flavor and aroma and
it is healthful. fiftSJr?
Well made cocoa
contains nothing that
is harmful and much'
that is beneficial. s r
It is practically all v
Choice Recip't took frte
Walter Baker 6 Coltd.
it' v. t:?- . i V L,JM&M.i
1 1 lfM. k LUCK J
Sk 4 PAWN 8
' " 3
Just Like That!
A Photo Play crammed to the brim with FUN,
LOVE AND EXCITEMENT, and the witching
spell of the little star who puts a smile in your
You'll think you'd I ,
taken an overdose
of laughing gas.
2:15 4 5:45 7:30 9:15
The're to be a treat for Salem lovers
of good music
llMaiaaiMttfaAiBrlimiiT V
'U Ite I'W iw-
iMrirfMiirWiiiMf .riia iiTiiiftitit rirtMi ;amn irgagMtt itiriiaiwrnaiih- tit:-1a"."V''-
7 Pi WT j p x fi
the Ixiys' training tsohoiil. All of Hit
tioys from the scliuol will bo In utten
duncB at the services. 8:30 p. m. thr
devotional nievllng of the Knwortli
league. 7:30 p. in. flvangellBtic services
with sermon by the pastor. 8:30 p. m.
social hour under the direct ion' of the
Kpworth league.
Jason Jjcc Memorial M. V.. Oiurcli
Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts '
IMioniiis Acheson, pastor. Sunday
school 9:40. Chas. Hageman in charge
Classes for all ages under the care of
capable teachers. Strangers are wel
comed, and made to feel at home. Pub
lic worship 11 a. m. subject: "'in:'
JVliisuetism of Jesus." Parents are urg
ed to bring their young people with
them to this service. Class meeting
1'J:1G. Tho gospel team will conduct
a service at the Old People's homo in
the afternoon. Kpworth league at 6:30
p. in. Every member be on time and
bring your friend with you. A good
time Is assured. Evangelistic service
7:30 p. in. subject "Answering the
call of Christ." The spirit of evange
lism is growing steadily. Let us rally
to make this the most powerful ser
vice of our present campaign. We are
banking on you. Do not fail us. Spec
ial mtetings are likely to contlnu?
throughout the coming weeks. Hood
music. A cordial welcome is extended
Y"V 71""-" ..II I"
If &&4e4&iv
J!ATO Lrf3sKrw. -MWhW
7 v 1 r 1 MjrjrojFS .. 7 n I
WaMa Walla. "Balked !" hissed the
sheriff. Attorney general says he can't
drain an artificial lake to discover
boose, alleged to have been hurled In
by a botlegger during a chase a couple
of weeks ago. Owner of the lake ob
jects, probably having an eye on the
likker himself.
Give Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
a chance to help you
ITS ingredients are sure to promota
speedy and comforting relief from
inriammation, phlegm congestion,
hoarseness, grippy cough, asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness. While Natura
destroys the infectious gcrim, Or.
Hell's I'ine - Tar Honey heals and
And what widespread, ever-increas-i'lR
popularity it enjoysl Safe an
tiseptk:, parents jive It to their
children as freely as they themselves
use it. It is nonsensical and dangerotls
to neglect a cough or cold. Using Dr.
Bell's Tine-Tar-Honey Is showing
good judgment. 30c., 60c., $1.20.
Beginning Wed. Dec. 3rd -Lasts 10 Days
Biggest Bargain Event of the Year
Is Your Child's Liver Inactive?
That meant conttlpfitton, dujl, tlftkie
nei. Correct it with I'o-Do-I.. HcleAe
the vtcm gently bui Dositlvety. 1 Ielt natur
do her duty. Cood for jvqng ftnd olJ. Ail
i.TvVt. . rn c. ( r.-ttw Tivit trvnint.
Offered at Sacrifice Prices
Our First Shoe Sale
Entire Stock Included, Nothing Reserved.
Watch For Monday's Announcement in This Paper
ill ft Tfr rfI?3
415 State Street
1 14 Liberty St.
Dorchester. Mas