Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Heading the list of informal
Thanksgiving dinners . with which
Social circles were entertained Thurs
day, was the charming affair at the
Milton I Meyers residence on Court
street. .The lovely table appointments
were prettily .enhanced by the vase of
graceful chrysanthemums with which
the table was centered. Covers were
laid for Mrs. G. Steiner, Dr. and Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner, Milton Steiner, Mrs.
Earl C. Flegel, Mr. and Mrs. Ban Fry,
Junior, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Denton,
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Kerron; of Port
land, and Mr. ' and Mrs. Milton L.
Meyers. '
THE! dancing party for which Miss
Dorothea Steusloff and Miss
Dorothy Chambers were Joint hostess
es Thursday evening, was' undoubted
ly one of the prettiest affairs spon
sored by the younger set this season.
The lovely J. W. Chambers residence
on Court street, at which the de
lightful affair was given, was profuse
ly decorated with pale gold chry
santhemums, the color scheme being
daintily set off by the softly shaded
lights. Among the participants in the
gay event were Miss Catherine Slade,
Miss Maude McCoy, Miss Grace Holt,
Miss Dorothea Steusloff, Miss Dorothy
Chambers, Claude Steusloff and his
two house guests from the Kappa
Sigma fraternity house at the Oregon
Agricultural College, Royle Stafford
and Alvln Jacobson, Frederick Deck
eback and Joseph Chambers.
Yellow chrysanthemums lent their
eh arm to the delightfully informal
dinner party over which Mrs. F. G.
Deckeback presided Thursday evening
when they were used as a graceful
( center-piece for the handsomely ap
' pointed table. Huge vases of the same
flowers were placed about the ho ,
and added their beauty to the chewy
ropms. Covers were laid, at the 4;?
ner, for ten invited guests.
i- The Leslie Methodist parsonage tv ;
the scene of a very pleasant Than1 ;
giving party Thursday evening, wl . n
the pastor. Reverend H. - N. Aldr U
iand wife, and the Sunday school gu,
erintendcnt, E. A. Rhoten and wo
entertained the Sunday school bo
of the Leslie Methodist Kpiscr -,' ,
church. The parlors were beautlf r ,
decorated with feathery chrvh.ivv- ...
khemums and foliage, and the evei'in,.
was spent in a business session, n jj
music. "
, Definite plans were made for the
ChriBtmas festivities of the Sunday
school, a "While Christinas" being de
cided upon, in which the entire school
will plan to give to others instead of
getting for themselves. This has been
the custom of this school for several
years, and has proven very satisfac
tory to the children who are learning
1hat "It is more blessed to give than
to receive."
This year special efforts are being
made in the interest of the Industrial
Center of Portland, which Is a Home
Missions station of the Methodist
church, doing work among the for
eigners of South wortland. The,
school, by classes, will also make a
silver contribution to The Armenian
Syrian Relief fund.
; Committees were appointed to pre
pare a program for the annual Sun
day school concert, to be given Sun
day evening, December 21st.
The hostesses served a dainty lunch
eon of ices and cakes. -
Those receiving Invitations were Mr.
'and Mrs. Joseph Barber, Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. Buckles, Mr. and Mrs, R. W.
Avers. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Eohrnsteclt,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baily, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. C. Ware, Rev. and Mrs, A. S.
Mulligan, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Satterlee, Dr,
and Mrs. J. H, Fairchlld, Mr. and Mrs,
I. A. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. John Shipp,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Variey. ir. ana
Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ulrlch,
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. LInfoot, Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Nye, Mr. and Mi s. Thomas
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rarkus.
and Mrs. Clara Rannells. The Misses
Sue Williams, Helen Ingrey, Haiel De
Idiney, Buelah Hnzelton, l.els Nye,
Juantta Moores, and Gladys Barber,
Messrs. Leslie Springer. Guy O. Boyce,
Itaymond Attebery and Frederic D.
Aldrich, and the hostes and hostesses,
Key. and Mrs. It. N. Aldrich and Mr.
and Mrs, K. A., Rhoten.
nunklne amone the most importan!
informal dinner parties of the week
was the one at which Professor and
Mrs. John R. Hltes entertained Thurs
day at their home on Court street. A
cut glass bowl filled with yellow chrys
anthemums centered the attractive
table at which covers were placed for
Mr. ai.d Mrs. Rulph Glover and dau
ghter. Maxlne. Miss Genevieve Sevy,
.Miss Fay McKinnls, Miss Alice Hol
man. Francis Kramer, and Professor
and Mrs. Sites.
Honoring the birthday anniversary
c-t Mrs. Carl Gregg Done Mrs. Gus-
tnv Kbsen entertained with a prettily
arranged luncheon, Monday afternoon
at which white and yellow chrysanthe
mums ran riot In a color scheme or
pale gold. A vase of the lovely flowers
. centered the daintily appointed table
and shared honors with a beautiful
birthday cake. Guests of Mrs. Kbsen
were Mrs. Doncy, Miss Dorothy Lamb,
Miss Helen Siitchwell, Paul Doney
Iliurti- Doney and Professor Gustav
' The Monday Night "600" club was
(graciously entertained this week at the I
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dur
bin. 141T Court street. A few late au
tumn flowers formed the simple de
corations for the affair which, accord
ing to custom, was strictly informal.
High scores went to Mrs. Edwin Ba
ker and George O. Brown. The charm
ing hostess served light refreshments!
to the guests at the close of the even- I
Ine's entertainment A full attendance
of the club was present.
Mrs. L. 8. Mcintosh, accompanied
by her two neices, Charlotte and Eu
genia Kieber, of the Court Apartments!
have been the house guest or presi
dent end Mrs. IV L. Campbell, of the;
University of Oregon, at Eugene dur
lug ue Thanksgiving holidays. '
"What promises to be one of the
principal events of the Christmas holi
days will take place at the Armory
when the O. A. C. Salem club gives a
dance late in December. The affair will
be for all ex-students of the college and
for' friends of the Institution. Special
Invitations will be issued to Salem
High school graduates, The best music
available will be secured and the de
corations will be carried out on an ela
borate scale and be In perfect keep
ing with the yuletlde season. Announ
cements of further preparations will
be made from time to time and spe
cific plans and preparations made to
assure the undertaking a success. An
effort will be made to have President
Kerr deliver an address, and Governor
Olcott will be extended an invitation
to speak at the program tho,t will pro
ceed the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Townsend, 470
South Winter street, were the recipi
ents of a magnificent chest of silver,
at a reception given in their honor at
the first Christian church Thanksgiv
ing evening. Mr. Townsend has been
treasurer of the church for many
years and the gift was made In ap
preciation of his faithful and appre
ciative services. The presentation was
made by T. B. Kay, in behalf of the
congregation, after which the large
concourse paid its respects in person
to the guests of honor, to whom the
affair was a complete surprise. Fol
lowing this a brilliant piano conceit
was rendered by Mischa Thenine, of
Alameda, California who greatly pleas
ed the audience with the following
prog ram :
"Nocturne", Chopin; ."Ocean Mel
ody," Chopin; "Eugenie" (Russian)
Ballet) TchiakoiMky rn-i----p"
Dr. CR O'Neill
LaddfcBush fMMdi(if
X$fCo: Stale apt, ,
- Jomeivia8ts:
iRoneOZb . Sa!eo0i
Known for its Goodness
457 State Street :
act-: wu t :i- v'aixte alwt fev th,i :
Xi;,cui,, ciub lui ..i'uebUay eveniiiu in
the Masonic hall. A three-piece orches
tra furnished the music for the occa
sion, and about 32 couple were pres
ent. The club will give its next dance
on December 23, and after the first of
the year all its social activities will
take place in the Moose hall.
Undoubtedly one of the most elabor
ate functions of last week end was the
dinner at which Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Todd and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz
entertained the Potlutch club. The
largo basement of the Todd residence
wnete the affair was held was gorge
ously decorated with an abundance of
Hemlock. The flaming color scheme
of red Was carried out in everv deiiill
irom me artistio baskets of tempting
apples .to the daintily shaded candles
uai'K rod chrysanthemums added a
demurer tone to' the brilliant color
scnemo, ana adorned all the rooms of
mo nouse. The invited guests were
Dr, and Mrs. 13. L. Steeves, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Legge, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Vander
vort, Mr.-and Mrs. William Kirk, Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.
O. E, Price and Mr. and Mrs. IX. G.
Holt, -
As an evidence that the local T. TV.
C. A. is doing all In Its power to in
terest the young women of the city in
its work and endeavors, the officials
of the organization secured the services
of Miss Agnes Hill last week who
Doited States Oil & Gas Co.
Wilcox Building - Portland, Oregon.
Authorized Capital One Million Dollars
Owned and controlled by Oregon people
Granted permission to operate by Corporation Com
missioner of the State of Oregon. :-y
Par value of each share is 25 cents
At a meeting of a Board of Directors it was resolved
to raise the price of stock to 50c, or more
on or before January 2, 1920. .
No official of the company is allowed to draw salary
All books are open for inspection of stock holders
If stock is not advanced to 50c by January all sub
scriptions will be refunded. ;
All deeds, leases, abstracts, assessments, contracts,
etc., are on file at the Corporation Department,
Salem, Oregon.
We reserve the right to accept or reject any applica
tion for stock, and advise quick action on your part.
(Continued of Page Seven.)
Well No. 1 we are now drilling and are down 1100
feet, with every indication of oil. We have struck
one million feet of gas per day at 373 feet, which
proves definitely that we have a close structure.
Charles C. Coulter, Denver, Geologist, says: "The
greatest oil reservoirs have not as yet been tapped.
When they are they will surprise the whole world."
A. C. Boyle, Jr., P. H. D., head of the School of
Mines of Colorado, and consulting Geologist, has
passed upon this property.
Name '.
Number of shares applied for
Again the Time Comes Around to Say
One reason is that as the remaining 21 days go by all the stores will get more
and more crowded and it will be harder to get just what you want just when ,
Efllfy . you want it!..
But the Big Reason Is That Selections
Are Limited
We now have a great many different articles of merit to offer you for your
Holiday needsbut it has been a most difficult market and in a great many ,
lines the supply is more limited than we could wish. So the biggest reason to .
shop NOW is that you can get nearer what you want and more of what you
want if you get it now while the assortment of good gifts is most complete.
And as soon as possible while the stock s are fresh, while the salespeople are
not tired out and while you have more time.
The displays are in order and your shopping will be a pleasure
1. & tpka (to.
Ford Owners Attention
Beginning Monday, Decemberh the Ford Motor Co's plan of sales
260 North High street at 7 a. m. and CLOSE at 6 p. m.
This action is taken in line with the Ford Motor Co.'s pan of sales
and service. The personal comfort of our employees is considered as
important to both our patrons and ourselves. Men do not like to
work on the night shift. It is particularly important in the present
shortage of skilled labor.
If our patrons will anticipate their wants and still have theif
work done in daylihgt hours, it will make for better work and more .
efficient service.
.We are counting on your hearty co-operation, bearing in mind
the help you have rendered us in the past.
Valley MotorCS.
I in
lii! I
iiiii .
1 1 '
. . . : . v i.- t . . . . . - .
Now Is the Proper Time
To plan your Christmas Gifts. Furni
ture Gifts will be highly welcome and
useful and will always reflect the-good
judgment of the giver.
Our Christmas Special
Solid oak Rocker, same as cut; Span
ish leather seat, regular value $12.50
to $15.00, special $8.50
A fine Chair or Rocker will be app
reciated by each and every member of
the family and will be enjoyed by all
make your gifts useful and practical
Easy Chairs
We handle the famous Kelly Morris Chair, solid
oak, genuine leather upholstery, no push buttons
to get out of order but heavy spring adjustable.
You will be proud to have one of these chairs in
your home. Prices $30.00 to $50.00.
We are the only exclusive Victrola and Victor record dealer in Saleni
which means Better Victor Service.
SHOP EARLY Before the Cream of Gifts Are Gone
You Get More For