Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Wccdchoppins Spcrt
Of California Nabobs
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 2S. Intro
ducing wood-splitting, king of outdoor
sports, successor to golf as a waist line
reducer and th newest fad of the
wealthy tourist.
D. M. Linnard, manager of a string
of California tourist hotels, sponsous
Now we have the sport.
a Hall of Fame for trees fortoday the Linnard has Installed at his hotels
American forestry association inaue- Santa Barbara and Pasadena just
urated It, so intense has become theia common, old-fashioned woodpile,
claims for recognition as to famous well equipped with axes of various
trees and as to the location of the
'largest trees in the United States.
1 An elm at. Huntington, Ind., long
has been awarded first place for be
ing the largest shade tree in the coun
try. This claim, of course, excludes
the redwoods of California. Now
comes Dumont Kennedy of Crawfords
ville, Ind., with a picture of a tree on
his property and the suggestion that
it is larger than the tree at Hunting
ton. This tree has a spread of 99 feet
while the Humlrngton elm has 8
spread of only 75 feet. A tree at Fram
iiichum, Mass., also makes claim to
being the largest. . .
j ; Th queen of the Belgians, the.
' Prince of Wales, and other foreign
dignitaries together with Clen. Per
shing and other notables have plant
ed memorial trees. The forestry asso
ciation points out that these trees all
will be famous a hundred years from
now but Charles Lathrop I'ack, pres
ident, wants a complete lift of famous
ttees now. . . - -
There is the Liberty tree on the
campus of St. John's college at Ann
apolia. Aid., under which a treaty with
the Indians was .signed in 1052. The
experts tell us this tree Is 800 years
old. Then' there is the William Penn
Treaty tree, the tree beneath which
Washington took command of the
continental army. At Oberllii, Ohio, Is
the elm on the coiner of the campus
under which was the first log house in
which Oberlln college was founded.
The association has listed many fa
mous treeB but It wants to make the
list complete. If there Is a famous tree
in your town the association wants to
know about It.
Planting of memorial trees and the
laying out of "Ronds of remembranc
es" with roadside trees planted in hon
or of American soldier s adding thou
sands of famous trees for the future.
The planting of a memorial tree for
Quentln Roosevelt, by the children of
the Force school in Washington,
which he attended, will of course be
famous as will the 64 trees planted onj
ine wains' at ueorgeiown univer
sity in honor of the sons of that
ohool who gave their lives to their
country. The Maude Iteiiltert Cen
tenary Kim at Memphis, Tenn., plant
ed by that young lady, who was se
lected 'Queen of Centennial week by
the city, to mark the hundredth an
niversary of the, city will of course
become famous.
, The first tree planted In memory
of Jane Delano of the lied Cross by
the Canton, Pn., chapter of that or
ganization will become famous In tho
years to come, General Pershing and
tho king and queen of the Belgians
have planted memorial trees in Cen
tral l'nrk, New York city, and In
I hiladelphla.
weights and not too sharp.
Guests are welcome to chop to their
hearts' content. I.innard is willing to
furnish all the wood they want.
The sport is popular. Henry Ford
was responsible for its Introduction in
southern California. When he was
here last winter he and his son, Kdsel,
seldom missed a day without an hour
at the wood pile.
At Santa Barbara it was whispered
t' at William G. McAdoo raised a cal
otis on his right hand at the woodpile
Ifist winter.
Native Santa Rnrbara'ns, who expect
President Wilson to Join their colony
for at least a few weke when he gets a
teal vacation, have a tree all selectod
for him to demolish.
Put it was Linnard who has brought
wood-splitting to the mosses that is
the masses of tourists.
"Theodore Roosevelt Inspired the
idea," Linnard declared. "He believed
wood chopping the best of exercise find
a heap of fun as well."
Mize, A W do '.. 159.25
Berry, W W do 145.25
Sunday night, Novembor 30, at the
Grand opera house, Dr. Eddy, th
noted medium, will give a seance r
the purpose of demonstrating spirit
power in tho light. The following Is
saldto be among tho many manifesta
tions given: Eddy's open light seanee,
given by him before the leading scien
tific societies of England and France,
and will be submitted to tho most cru
cial test conditions. A table rises and
floats in the nir, slate writing, ques
tions wrlten and retained by the inter
rogators will receive full and Intelli
gent answers, supernatural visions. It
Is said Dr. Kddy is the only medium
who has the endorsement, of tho Royal
Society of London, they having for
three months tested him In every con
ceivable manner that human Ingenu
ity Could suggest, and at the finish
presented hlm wlth a parchment certi
fying that the manifestations given in
their presence were beyond human aid.
fbe Following Is the Official I
nnhhrahnn nf tttf rernrn nf , s-taple,on-N do 110.25
Claims before the Marion
County Commissioners Court
For the November term 1919.
ATith the amount allowed,
bills continued, etc., according
to the records in the office of
the County Clerk .
ArchetA Implement company.C.
R. trans, oil and gas .... ..: 26.73
Farmer Hardware company, Ray
San Francisco, Nov. 28. Atmos
pheric condtilons cin California were
normal ngaln today after two days of
viiusuul phmiomena.
. Tho entire coast was swept by o. gale
that reached a velocity of (12 miles
around the San. Francisco bay district.
Southern California experienced a
snowfall. Bnow lay two Inches doop
among the orange trees of Riverside,
The wind storm, the worst since
I90C, did much damage to shipping.
The giant United States transport
. Mount Vernon, which dragged Its nil
t lior, was suvod aftor a night long but
tle during which two of Its boilers let
go. The 82,000 ton ship was halted
lmlf a length from Hunters Point.
Tho wind ripped automobile tops to
shreds nnd broke windows in nil parts
of San Francisco.
Pondleton conl dealers have refus
ed to make deliveries to anyone hav
ing on hand n week's supply of fuel.
Children Hate Rubbers '
nd can yon blame them?
TWit a lot of bother and
half the tlrno youiuntera taka
them off when they atari to
I'lar. Rubbers overheat tb
feet njrwnr, and there'a al
mon much danger of the
children catching cold with
hem en as with thorn off,
It the aafoet, beet, and most
economical way of keeping the
ohtldmn'e foet dry. It -wuter-proofi
the ahoea, keepi them
aoft, will not prevent ahlntnir.
and make them wear half aa
long again.
Theo. Bergmann Shoe
Mfg. Co., Portland, Or.
Par Sale al
Sho Unit,
Han wire
and at
Sloe Re
ptirlbopt i
i " v. -. , ...!; JiV
I A Saw .a. IX W4.V . W M
mwt&mwfr mm i - .- t
M ' 1 . "'.J I.I mmw
Shop for Men at a
Men's Store
Hat special for 4 days only. Just received direct
from factory a large shipment of MARSHALL
HATS in all the leading colors, both wide and nar
row bands. This hat retails in the city from $8 to
$15. Special for 4 days only ........$3.00
Don't fail to see our line of neckwear and the famous
line of Ueau-Brummel shirts. .
Kaf oury Bros.
Men's Store 41G State St.
L repairs and supplied .... ....
Oilmer, J Y work on grade
Holt Manufacturing company,
friction sleeves, etc
Iowa Machine shop repairing ..
Mcllwain, Lester work on gTade
Mcthvain, Wm foreman
McLeod, A B driving caterpil
lar Koftsker, P W magneto repairs,
etc j '.
Now lk, Krank sharpen scarifier
teeth, etc
Pearce & Son, Iot L tractor oil
and gas ....
Hussell Grader Manufacturing
company, grader parts i
Sov.-a, Paul hlacksmithlng
Standard Oil Co, distillate etc 137.90
Standard Oil company, distillate
etc .... .... .... '. 156.32
Whitman, C V oil can, wrench,
etc '
Lindekln, Kd running caterpil
lar .'.
Durant. L W running grader ....
roolfk! IliMlmay Nortli.
Farmer Hardware company, Ray
L shovel, hammer, etc
Hoffman, K blaoksmithing ..:
.Mangold, F A files
Salem Sewer Pipe company .
Sowa, Paul pick pointed, etc .
Harr, Ed do . 119 00
Fabry, John do .' 129.50
AVestenhouse, H do 69.50
Grabenhorst, W H do 62.50
Adams, George G, slip dirt 14.00
Kosching, H W, slip dirt 36.75
Stark, Charley, shoveling dirt.... 73.50
McCleery, E L, driving team 79.62
Laz, Lewis, filling slips 46.50
Allm, O B, shoveling dirt ..: 3. 60
Gurgridge, Paul, holding rooter 90.94
Fischer, John, shoveling dirt. 10.50, 11, loading scrapers 9.62
Lyons, A E, dump slips. .'. 9.62
Conklin, E H. loading slip 6.12
VVestenhouse, W AV. patrolman 141.50
Ramseyer, Arthur, fresnomg 66.00
Kamseyer, Ivan, fresnolng 30.76
Ramseyer, Chris, use of team.... 64.76
Silvers, Ralph, driving team 42.00
Silvers, Arthur, driving team.... S2.60
Silvers, Dave, man and teams
on fresnos 210.00
Huughes, Joseph, holding plows 49.00
Thomas, Orval, water boy 7,00
Feller, George, holding fresno,
et0 4 24.50
Sheppard, Hary, holding fresno
etc 21.00
Mickenham, H, man and team
on fresno : 28.00
Mickenham, W V. man and
team on fresno 28.00
Bomiey. Earl, dla-iri tit? rCtalf at r 10 OR
37.37 Wllkenlng, Will, driving team.... -A.iiO
I'leetwood,- I) T, driving team 122.00
Gentry & Van Koten, black
smithing 54.75
Skelton, Win, work on highway 122.60
Galbreath, Robert, do 92.75
West, Albert, do 21.00
West, Homer, do .'. 11 9. on
Van Cleave, L M overseer ........ 156.25
Durant, L W ditching 44.00
Juvc, Albert do 41.00
Thei3, Mat do 44.00
Thels, Wm do 4.00
Lentz, Martin do 12.00
llopflnger, Jacof do 28.00
Morris, E H do 16.00
Kelsey, Mllo do 20.00
Fish, Ivan do 4.00
l'latz, J C do .... 95.00
Crimps, F do 68.00
Drehrcr, L do 73.00
Will, Aug do 16.. 00
Fish, Ivan do 24.00
Dunn, T J do 89.00
Feller, John do 61.00
Crimps, Coo do 59.25
Ainsworth, Clark do 10,00
Jordon, Sidney do 16.00
Sanders, Frank do 52.00
Dlckiu, Percy do 51.0
Sim, Ralph do 12.00
Pardy, Wm. do 16. 00
Sunders, Win do 12.00
Painter, R C do 11.00
Masulu, N do 4.00
Hopplnger, Jacob do 56.00
Kelsoy, M do 66.00
Haskins, W A do 32.00
Thels, Mat do 52.00
Julio, Albert do '. 66.00
Sagle, Fred do 48.00
Thrapp, J J do 16.00
Horschberger, N L On Fresno ..' 7.00
Miller, K S do 10.50
Stauffcr, J 1! do 10.50
Dlmick, J A do 7.00
Palmer, Earl do 21.00
Koster, M II do 26.25
Hopkins, L do .....1 . 21.00
Forrell, Goo do 38.50
Crane, Frank ditching, tiling,
etc , 84.00
Elm, Henry do 98.00
Cehrman, G L do 100.00
Fendrich, Dan do 100.00
Wheeler, Eugene do 92.00
Pacific Highway -South.
Pailey, Hallle work on grade 2
teams 187.. 23
Biirhan, G S payment on bridge
and culvert work 8000.00
Hordner, A work on highway .... 45.60
Cupp, Curl digging rocks 24.50
Drager, D O advance for freight
on machinery .52
Farmer Hardwurc company, Ray
L. singletrees, clevioes, eto .... 14.02
Helmer, C J grubbing 24.50
Jorgeiison, Ira repair work 7.75
ICelley, W M shoveling dirt 62.10
Mickenham, II team work ........ 30.00
Mickenham. W F do 35.00
McVoy, W S shoveling dirt 59.50
Mitchell, G team work 35.88
Salem Sand and Gravel company
sand and gravel 83.20
Watt Shlpp Powder company.
stumping powder
Zimmerman, O C team work ....
Adams, T J work on bridge
Pall, W E do
Rates, II 8 work 'on grade
Ponney, Earl do
Chandler, A 1. do .... :
Fullorton, It I. do
Cosser, T C transportation .
Grandstaff, C L work on grade
Hughes, Joe do
McMillen, Arthur do
Mickenham, M do
Mickenham, W F do
Neuonsehwander, Ernest do ....
Neuenschwandor Ernest do ....
Neuonsehwander, O do
Nevteuschwandcr, John do
l'auison, E W work on grade,
etc. :
Piittison Robert work on grade
Kainsden, O J foreman ....
Rnuisuyer, Arthur work on
Knmsyer, Ivan do
Sheppard, Harry do ....
Silvers, Arthur do
Silvers, D teams for grade work
Slivers, Ralph work on grade ..
Sower! Alfred do ....
Smith, A do.
Swnrt, H S looking after grade
work, etc i... 167.76
Taylor. 1 grade work 85.75
Taylor, Paul It do 113.00
Taylor, Sol do 76.13
Watson, I) W do, 66.50
Wtllkening, William do .... .... 7.00
Hill, Lynn plowing . :. 169.78
Wirth. John plowing 165.73
Williams. E slip dirt w 169.75
Jlldd, P G do .... ........ 85.75
itlsey, F G do 103
lli'tuie.v, J do 109.
25.1 1
. 56.00
. 61.25
. 57.75
. 10.50
. 66.50
. 70.00
uyram, Ellas, do .-
Seborouski, EUck, do .: ,
Smith, B P., do
Smith, Amos, do
Parrlsh, J E, do
Loveland, L, do
Green, C A, do
Wied, Frank F, do
uentry & Van Koten, black
smithing ; 2
muz, A B, nails, rope and
grease o.20
Looirey, M D, grading 3.50
Spornborg, John, driving team
on fresno 52.25
Looney, D- H, fresno work, etc. 78.75
Looncy, D H, fresno work, etc. 56.00
Jergenson, Julious, driving
team 011 fresno 10.50
Ramey, V A, do 1 112.00
Ohler, William, do 3. 60
Jergenson, Christian, holding
slip scraper 10.50
Hahn, Edwin W, overseer 92. 05
Miscellaneous Accounts
Auto Electric Service Co, mo
tor cycle battery 20.25
Bartruff, Eric, driving truck,
etc 81.00
Branch, A C, helping on truck,
etc 8g.oo
Butte CreeTf. Luumber Co, lum
ber for bridges 538.90
Capital Journal, . The, publish
ing road meeting notices 28.80
Culver, W J, roadmaster, salary
and expense 249.14
Culver, W J, cash advanced for
freight, eto 28.65
Domogalla, Frank, driving
truck, etc 120'.00
Elliott, N D, printing report
blanks ; 15.00
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L, sup
plies for tool houuse 2G.53
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L, iron
and nuts for bridges 5.11
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L, roller
repairs 1.70
Fukuda, Roy, damages to Ford
car f 223.51 continued.
Gentry & Van Koten. bolts.
rods, nuts, etc.
Gibson & Birch, gas, grease,
Oiggey, E, operating ferry
Great Western Garage, gas
Hammond Lumber Co, lumber 386.52
Heckman, Chester, work on
trucks, etc 137.33
Herren, J II, chaining and car
service 49.65
Hlnz, A B, oil and turpentine.... 3.45
Johnson, F O, deputy road-
master 246.09
Jorgensen, Ira, mud chains for
truck 21.00
Kobow, Louis, hauling gravel 1,010.18
Lambert, L S, deputy roadmas-.
ter 185.16
Lily Hardware Co, powder, fuse
and caps 6.74
Mehl, Bert J, drafting, chain
ing, etc ., 52.60
Minner, John, work on bridge
Oregon Gravel Co, gravel
Pacific Tel. &' Tel. Co, The.
phone and calls road master's
Fortland Ry L. & P. Co, light
ing Salem bridge
Quttckenbusli Auto Supply &
Vulcanizing, tires, oil, etc 699.41
Rumsden, Lloyd E, motorcycle
repairs, etc. ..'
Road Builders Equipment Co, '
check valve for roller....'.
Salem Sand & Gravel tu, gravel
Salem Water, Light & Power
Co, water at tool house '.
Shafer. F E, fan belts, etc.
Snyder, Bert A, running ferry.. 75.00
Spauldlng Logging Co, Chns K,
lumber 290.70
AVlgglns & Wiggins, oil. gas, etc. 1.95
Yamhill Electric Co, Newberg
bridge lights
Coomler, K I), work on bridges
Fischer, Phillip, work on
bridge 179.34
Fischer, Phillip, mileage uc-
count bridge work 26.00
King, Arnott R, moving tools?... 6.00
Krenx, J J, bridge work... 118.09
Robl, Joseph, do... 22.49
Smith, Jacob, do 11S.09
Steffen, Peter, moving tools .1.00
Van Handel. Tony, bridge work 11S.09
Wattier. V, moving tools 4.00
Pacific Highway South Contd.
Mickel. N G do 24.40
Yenne, Henry J do 18.20
Missler, Jacob H do 21.80
Pate, James G, Juror 21.00
Johnson, Carl H. do 22.40
Carlson, Richard, do 18.20
Naftzgar, C V, do 21.20
Hobson, AV H, do .- 21.80
Headrick, A L, do 18.20
Ashby. J B, do ..IT... .. 18.20
Millard. E B. do 18.20
Miles, B J, do 21.20
Brown, Milton, bounty 1.85
Rauscher, Frank 4.80
Flashman, Leonard, relief 15.00
Woolery, Nellie E, do 20.00
Fetsch, Emily, do 20.00
Schwingler, Mary, do 20.00
Litchfield. Geo P, bailiff 45.00
Burris, Max, bounty 1.50
Steele, Henry, do 7.60
Brown, AV B. do 4.70
Richter. Vernon, do 8.55
Smith, Geo A, do k 1.60
Brown-, Everett, do 3.50
Brajid, Carl, do 1.10
AA'oolery, Nellie E, do 20.00
Bailey, Hallie. grade work
MiscvlUtiicous Accounts
l'andrich. August bounty
Manning. Juhu F do
1-llake, William do
Ourham, H F do .... .... .... ...
Him merman. Wm do ... ....
Cuburn. J M do ....
Gath,, Arthur do
Fisher. Eric do
, Grim. Byron J juror
Cavanagh. L C do
Llchty, EdHh, do 2.36
Schutz, Llllie, do 5.10
Gesner, May, do 2.10
Rldinger, J A, do 4.50
Huddleston, Allen, do : 4.0
Ditter, Louis J, do 2.90
Sterling. J H, do 5.70
Martin, H E. do : 2.15
Lauderback, Thomas, do 2.10
Haslebacher, Edward, do 9.20
Poorman, J M, tax refund 177.20
Benson, Reta, bounty 4.35
Fuson, Gains, do 3.95
Bales, John, do 4.40
Bales, Marvin, do ". 4.65
Koster, Rudle, do 12.35
Idlewine, Jacob, tlo- 1.90
McGrath, Etta, relief 10.00
Noot, AA'Uliam, bounuty 4.55
Smith, Alfredrdo 2.80
Bllyeu, Theo Jackson, do 2.40
Downing, Earl, do -. 5.30
Stolk. Henry, do 3.20
Smith, C E, do . 1.70
Zielinski. Edward, do 1.45
Schellberg, Kenneth, do 2.35
Ackley, C, do 1.05
Phillips, L T, do 3.75
Bonney, Cecil, do 4.50
Etzel, P .1, do 1.35
tonney, Cecil, do 1.30
Burnett,J N, do 3.00
Knauf, J t; do 5.75
Wolfard, Claud, do 2.60
Guyer, J P, relief for Lucy
Coffin 10.00
Knori, Andrew, bounty 1.85
Plannard, Anton, do 2.60
Kearns, Louis J, do 6.50
Groshong, J E, do 1.80
Aufderheide, Robert, do 7.45
Hamilton, J M, do 1.45
Kafoury, N C, juror 15.20
Miller, Cecil E, bounty 1.00
Dahl, Anton, do . 6.40
Prantl, Frank, do 3.80
Thompson, F A, funeral ex
pense of M. Culver 60.00
Thompson, F A, relief for Bar
bara Leslie 10.00
Thompson, F A, relief for J. M.
Cronine 10.00
Hanes, L, bouunty ,. 14.40
A'anderbeck, Jos R. juror 17.80
Porter, H C, do ; : 5.60
Palmer, Henry, bouunty 3.90
Feller, Clifford, do 6.65
McCorkle, Archie, do :.. 6.20
Barnes, Letta M. relief 15.00
Brannm, Emma R, do 15.00
Burch, Llllie F, do 12.50
Cook, Alice, do 10.D0
Coppock, Lula, do 25.00
Garren, Annie Alvira, do 17.50
Gibson, Gussie, ,do 32.50
Harper, Clara, do 7.60
Kliewer, :Minnie Myrtle, do 17.50
Robinson, Tessle, do 25.00
Seeger, Mary, do 17.50
AVhedbee, Emma, do 10.00
Smith, F A, bounty for gophers,
etc 1.70
Rldinger, J A, bounty for
gophers, 'etc 2.30
Jefferson, J A, juror . 15.20
Cashatt, C E, examination 5.00
Byrd. AA' H, examination 5.00
Byrd, R D, examinations 15.00
Byrd, R D, do 5.00
Cashatt, C E, do , 5.00
Evans, J C, do , 5.00
Loose. Cecil, bouunty , for
gophers, etc 3.75
Loose, Victor, do 5.20
Zielinski, G M. do 3.95
Reece. David, bounty 2.45
Morris, Alva E, do 1.40
Branch, E AV, do ; 1.00
Poor Account
Armstrong. George AV, relief 10.00
Baker, AV A, do , 20.00
Balliett, S, do 10.00
Barker, J F, do 10.00
Barrier, Mr. and Mrs., do 15.00
Boegershausen, Chas, do 5.00
Boys and Girls Aid Society, do.... 23.00
Buffun, AV B, do '. 10.00
Bullis, Mrs Florence L, do 10.00
Carlson, C Carl, do 10. 00
Chalifaux, Mrs., do 10.00
Clevinger. Ms S E, do : 20.00
Dickinson, S A, do 10.00
Dodge, I'lyssa Ellen, do 10.00
Engelhart, Mrs Anna, .do...". 10.00
Fetsch, Emily, do 20.00
Fleischman, Leonard, do 15.00
Foster, Mrs., do 12.00
Gilchrist, Alma, do 10.00
Olidden, J H, do ...I.....:. : 13.00
Gobln. Llzette, do 10.00
Groshong, Mrs J N. do'..- 10.00
Haggard, Delia, do 30.00
Hardin, Grace Ellen, do :. 25.00
Hardwkk, Charles, do 10.00
Haynes. Mi's Caroline, do 10.00
Kays, Mrs Mabel. do 12.00
Henrlksen, Rev Geo, for Eliza
beth Logan. .." 45.00
Henry, Mi's Olive E. relief 10.00
Knott, Mrs Melvina, do 12.00
Lantz, Catherine, do 8.00
Lueier, Stephen. Sr. do , 8.00
Lunn. Mrs O C, do 10.00
Mack. E A, do 13.00
McDaniel, Mrs Blanche, do........ 25.00
Mct.eod. Mrs Ella, do ..: 10.00
Miller. Mrs A'ina H, do 10.00
Miracle. Mrs A', do 10 00
Newton. O 1). do 10.0C
Pedersen, Olea, do 16.00
Old People's Home, for Mrs
Julia D Hurtel 25.00
Penton. Louise, relief for Har
ry Penton 10.00
Quail. John J, relief 10.00
Reir.hart, Rosalia, do 8.00
Renick, AV M, do 15.00
Salem Deaconess Hospital, re
lief for AV S Mitchell..
Schmidt, Teter, relief
Schwingler. Mary, do ....
Simmons, Anna May. do ..
1.75:Skoog. Mrs Albert, do
Smith, A H. do ,
Suodderly, Flora, do ...
Stripling, ilulda. do ....
Thompson. Mrs S, do ...
AA'anless. Gilmer, do
AA'ells. II A. do
21.23 ! Williams, Alice, do
Sheriff's Office
Bower, O D, deputy sheriff..;... W0. 00
Holmes, P II, do 100.00
Smith, B R, do 100.00
Willard, Pansy, tax clerk 75.00
Clerk's Office
Kloepplng, H H, deputy clerk.... 110.00
Herrick, A" R, do 90.00
Arms, A M, do '. 75.00
Wallace, Ruth E, clerk 65.00
.Recorder's Office
Read, Gertrude Fawk, deputy -
recorder 80.00
Savage, Helen, do 80.00
AA'ebb, Vera, clerk 61.61
Treasurer's Office
Richardson, AV Y, deputy treas
urer 90.00
Assessor's Office
Shelton, B, deputy assessor........ 110.00
Lewis, C A, do 22.58
Henrlksen, Jr, Geo C, do 14.61
AVygant, M, do 35.48
Moon, Mrs Agnes, stenographer 75.00
AA'est, Q E, clerk 76.00
Roy, Mrs A A, do 44.00
Court House
Morgan, Cal, jsmitor 60.00
Kirby, R P, do ... 6U.00
Hobson, L, janitor 60.00
School Superintendent
Reid, Cora E, Clerk 100.00
Fulkerson, Mary L, supervisor .. 120.00
Arnold, A N, supervisor 120.00
Poor Account Contd.
Byrd, Roy D, county physicinn.. 65.00
Jackson, Hattie M, special of-.
fleer . 70.00
Stock Inspector
Morehouse, AV G, county veter
inarian 33.60
v Health Officer
Cashatt, C E, county .health of
ficer 50.00
Sealer of Weights nnd Measures
Jones, J F, salary and expenses 44.24
County Cotu't and Commissioners
Bushey, AV M, traveling expenses 7.50
Goulet, AAr H, county commis
sioner, salary and expenses.. 132.04
Hunt, J T, do 147.00
Gopher a nil" Mole Bounty Cont'd
George, V P, meals for jury 13.65
Huckestein, August, envelopes!... 18.96
Meyers, H W & ML, sheets and
pillow cases . 8.05
Pacific Tel. & Tel Co, The,
phone and calls 6.20
Justice Court
Pinkerton's National Detective
Agency, sen-ices rendered 12.83
Varney, Percy M, cash ad
vanced account expense in
Mayer case 44.93
Western Union Tel ,Co, The,
telegrams 10.02
Cnruh, O E, justice 3.45
State to. Allen & Taylor
Unruh, G E, justice S.45
De Long, AV E, constable 60)
State vs. Ik rd 11110
McCord, Blaine, justice 9.70
Engle, Allie, special constable.... 14.92
State vs. Coleman
L'nruh, G. E. justice 3.45
State vs. Hesse.
Unruh, O E justice 0.40
DeLong, "W E constable 50
State vs. Huntley
Unruh, O E Justice 8.45
De Long, constable 2.90
. State vs. Mayer
Unruh, G E Justice 3.85
State vs. Math
Mars H. D. justice 1.70
Mars, H D acting constable.... 3.30
State vs. Owins & Clioate
Barks, A H, bounty
Hain, John, do .'
Haverson, Harold, do
Pottorff, F, do ,
Miller, Mrs Frank, do
Tautfest, Ehin, do
Peters, Henry, do
Scalp Bounty
Peters, Henry, bounty . 2.00
Gopher and Mole Bounty Cont'd.
Sanders, Donald, bounty 2.35
Circuit Court
Talkington, Cora M, bailiff 39.00
Expenses Sheriff's Office
Commercial Book Store, The,
cabinet, guides, paper, etc 31.70
Commercial Printing Co, print-
ing letter heads, etc 14.85
Johnson, W E, sawing wood 8.80
Morris, F, splitting Wood 14.50
Needham, I E, sheriff, auto
hire, criminal cases 10.20
Needham, AAr I, sheriff, ad
vanced for fairway fare and
auto hire , .o5
Northwestern Long Distance
Tel. Co, call 20
Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co,
phone and calls 13.50
Parker-Shrode Studio, copying
photo and making prints 4.50
Portland Railway L. & P. Co,
gas service 2.47
Postal Telegraph-Cable Co, tel
egrams 4.95
Query, C D, wood 56.25
Rodgers Paper Co, bind tax re
ceipts 26.25
Savage, Mrs Jessie, work in tax
department 122.50
Shaver, B A, receipt tax blanks
bound and printing envelopes 15.00
Western Union Tel. Co, Tho,
telegrams 13.64
AA'oodburn, Studio, photograph- '
ing finger prints 1.50
Clerk's Office
Boyer, U G, cash advanced for
post cards ....
Conger Printing Co, G F claim
Moores & Co, Ross E, legal
Oregon Statesman, legal blanks
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The,
phono and calls r
Patton Bros, pens
Remington Typewriter Co, in
delible ribbon 1.00
Rodgers Paper Co, paper 15.75
Shaver. B A, printing cards 3.25
Recorder's Office
Brooks, Mildred R, cash ad-
vanced for stamps 3.00
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The,
phone and calls 5.15
Patton Bros, erasers, etc 1.40
Shaver, B A, envelopes ana
printing 12.00-
Sims, Taul M, repairing type
writer 1.50
Treasurer's Office
Drager, D G, advanced for
Surveyor's Office
Herrick, B B, advanced for
Patton Bros, transit and field
books, etc
Assessor's Office
Burroughs Adding Machine Co,
inspecation and supplies.
Commercial Book Store, pens...
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The,
phone and calls
Rodgers I'aper Co, 2 ply Col
umbia Cut
Sims, Paul M, repairing type
writer ".
AVest, Ben F, advanced ' for
District Attorney
Gearhart, Hazelee, stenographer 40.00
Gehlhar. Max, advanced for
phone and calls.. 10.25
Heltzel, Jas G, deputy district
attorney 25.00
County Court and Commissioners
Oregon Statesman, publishing
claim docket 96. S2
Oregon " Statesman, publishing
claim flocket 66.24
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The,
phone and calls 10.25
Coiuut House
Ashliman. Louis, plumbing re
pairing 24.35
Capital City Steam Laundry,
laundry 4.85
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L, AVatt
Lamps 3.30
Gerig, Val. wood delivered 3S2.50
Hansen. A M, -window light 3.50
Portland Railway L. & P. Co.
lighting court house ;
Salem Ice Company, Ice
Salem Water L. & P. Co, water
at court house
Spauldlng Logging Co, Chas K,
Circuit Court Account Cont'd.
Butler, Joe, witness 2.20
5.6 9
. 7.45
Unruh, G E justice
DeLong, constable ....
Needham, AV I sheriff
State vs. Pulley
Unruh, G E justice 14.65
DeLong, W E constable
Owlns. G AA' witness .....
Owins, Norman do
Smith, Pete do
Slate vs. Sawyers.
Unruh, O E justice :
DeLong, A" E constable
Needham, AV I sheriff
tSate vs. Walsh
Unruh. G B justice
DeLong, constable
suite vs. Webb
l'nruh, justice
State vs. WUscy
Unruh, G E justice
DeLong, AV E constable ...
State vs. John Doe Alias G,
Unruh, G E justice
DeLong, A E constable
Clonhg. A M investigating death
of Edna AV Moore 5.40
Feeble Minded Account.
Barnes' Cash torSe, clothing for
Rosa Shrock 15.07
School Superintendent
Arnold, A N supervisor's ex
penses 30.47
Fulkerson, Mary L do 34.57
Pacific Telergaph and Telephone
company the, phone and calls 14.65
Patton Bros, loose leaf book,
paper, etc 6.30.
Rodgers Paper Company, clasp
envelopes 13.60
Rowland Printing Company, print
ing receipt cards, etc ..- 20.25
Smith, AA' M adv. for stamps.... 30.00
Smith, W M traveling expenses 30.00
Fruit Iiusiiector
A'an Trump, S II salary and ex
penses 130.00
Indigent Soldier
uuyer, J P for Lucy Coffin 10.00
- Poor Account Cont'd.
Barnes' Cash Store, sheets and
pillow slips 23.40
Bogs, G W relief ' 6.00
Burger, AA'm H house cut for
Mrs Donaldson .' 6.0D
Burger, A'm H do 8.0
Donaldson, R O house rent for ,
Abner Smith 10.00
Drager, D G advertising for
Eppley, C M groceries for Mrs
Fry, Daniel J prescriptions for
county patients 15.69
Jackson, Huttl M investigation
Layman, Bruce wood for Mrs
Moore's Drug Store, prescrip
tions etc
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, phone
at farm
Plant, James digging grave for
L M Heckman
Prime, F Ay -conveying J J Quail
from Salem hospital etc...
Roberts. C M groceries for Mrs
Salem Deaconess Hospital, care
of Martha Dickey 31.00
Salem Deaconess Hospital, care.
of T F Goodrich 3.J0
Salem Deaconess Hospital, care
of Mary Maher 31.00
Salem Deaconess Hospital, care
of John Navartel 27.50
Salem Hospital, care of M B
Ketehum ,
Salem Hospital, care of L H
Hickman .
Salem Hospital, care of John
Salem Hospital, care of Lizzie
Howard ;
Salem Hospital, caro of John
Salem Hosplail, cure of Stephen
Salem Hos)iial, care ot Paul
Eekerlin .".: ....'
Salem Water L & p Co, service
for Mrs. Donaldson
Shrode, D L groceries for Mis
Taylor, Earl E superintendent
poor farm
lerwmiger Funeral Home, bur
ial of L H Heckman
AA'ebb & Clough Co, burial of
Robert E Basey and Eniil
Fraser, A L plumbinb repairs
Needham, AV I board for pris
oners Juvenile Court.
Jackson, Hattie M expenses
conveying D Shier to Christy
....... 147.33
Tax Kebate.
Hicks, T M rebate
f.Va,.i- Tl IT
....j, ii executor es
tate of Maurice Klinger rebate
Indemnity for Slaughter of Iwseased
Gilbert & Sons, C T idemnity
Patterson, George N do !
State Fair.
Oregon Statesman, want ad
fruit for exhibit
T.iyior, AV A work on exhibit
Toyior, AValter work rreparin
Gopher and Mole Bounty Continued.
boyer, U G advertising for
bounty 7 5
4 00
r I