PAGE SIX. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOuKMAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919. FOOTBALL SEASON ENDS WITH FOR LEADING TEAMS Inking Jackson's place in the third MiKirter. Wapato. Toble and Lawson rlid the best work on defense, white Busier Kot back into the game with M usual pep. I:tnie1sun .was Puget Sound's be:.t eround-gniner. Pollen and Revelle al so coins; cxxi work. The Taconia team played a clean, hard game and did well to hold the llearcata to so low a . 'Score. i Tne Kcarcats have gone through the New York, Nov. 28. Having been season without being defeated by a the bumpiest of bumy seasons, it was college team, and thus may claim the only right that it should close with a rmn-conference championship of the bump and it did. No sounder wallop was handed to the dope all through a season replete with knockouts than the trick of Co lumbia in holding Brown to a 7 to f He. Columbia was so little considered that Brown had figured -on bringing along an adding machine la foot up the grand total. But the Rhode island ers were played off their fset and Just escaped wtlh a draw. Ther. Syracuse had to go and do it over again for the second time in the west. It was so cold out In Lincoln that the clylndcrs of the O'Ncil ma chine stuck and Nebraska, booted a field eoal in a snowstorm ?.nd won 3 to !. That Pennsylvania didn't run ft score u; around the half century mark aniimt Cornell was the omy surprise of tbt) season'B finale in Quukerdom. The Ithacans are so used to -reverses that the 24 to 0 score was considered a moral victory.- This swan song of the Pittsburgh Tanthers had a lot of sour notes in it that grated on the ears of the smoky Bob lllggins ana company northwest. Only one defeat has been chalked up against them, that admin istered by Multnomah. Although they started the season with enly a few jiien of college foot ball experience, through Coach Ma Ihews' eforts the team has gone into each r.mne knowing more football than their f.popnents. and this fact, together with the "old fight" that has been characteristic of Willamette teams ever since football has been played here, -and which Coach Mathews has Injected into this year's squad to a greater extent than ever before, has been responsible for the present suc cessful season. The llheup: C. P. S. () Todd Brooks , lillsworth ...... Bone McPhail Tolle.1 Anderson rollen Revelle .......... Dantelson Arnctt Willamette (10). -I..K.R Wapato L.T.R.... L.O.H... C R.O.L.... R.T.L.... ....R.E.L.... Q- R.H.L... : L.H.R... K ctlv crowTd, . n r. ., . . V. , 1 1 - ,n uovArftt evhlhl "7" " ."T", Substitutlons-C. P. tlons oi tracK ".""',', Todd, Don nasties i'liu inciueiiitiiij' iJituw i yointJ, holding the Panthers scoreless. West Virlfelnla was expected to beat Washington and Jefferson and accom plished it gracefully. Centre collefi-? iar her season's to tal up to 483 by beating. Georgetown, K'V . 77 to 7. .MiiMiuri won the Missouri" valley con feioncc championship by defeating Kansas 13 to 6. Only one same remains ne w to bury lonhall officially for the seanon-r-tjie Army-Navy match here tomorrow on t!ic Polo Orounds. WILLAMETTE WINS FROM PUGET THANKSGIVING DAY Brown Ramsay Basler Lawson Tobie Powers Irvine Jackson Zcllo Uimick : Karl for sey for Arnett, Kinch for Tollc.i, Clayon for Brooks, Magnuson for Anderson. Wiilnmette: Thomas . . Tl Tl - M mi r . . I u. "', ouroes lor i nomas, ner-;spent th6 nlght at Navy headqual.tcl.a wood for Jackson, Oanzans for,. fh- rnmmn,t, wi t,. ReTSL n"7? 0t -VYlsconHin: ,,m- to go to the field this afternoon for a Chicago, Nov. 28. Jimmy Wilde, flyweight champion, performed for Chicago fight fans today. Wilde, who has bten in training in Milwaukee for his bout there a week from tomorrow night with Jack Sharkey, came to Chi cago for the day to go thronvh his paces .He will return to his camp ab n.t 10 miles from Milwaukee tomor row to finish his training. Philadelphia, Nov. 28. Benny Leon ard, champion lightweight, and Soldier Bartfield, welterweight, fought a six round drew here last night. In the fifth round missels of every variety 'were hurled Into the ring by the fans, who claimed both were stalling. Boston, Mass., Nov. 28. Battling Reddy, New York, was awarded the decision over jOhlck Hayes of Indian' apolls after 12 rounds here last night Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 28. Pete Herman, bantamweight champion, out pointed Mickey Russell, a local boy, in an eight round fight here yesterday New York, Nov. 28. Army and Navy ore camped here preparatory to engaging In their annual battle which will close the football season tomorrow on the Folo Orounds. Thfl middles, headed by Commander Dougles L. Howard 'and Coach Dobie, plre, WilHtim of low Ford of Willamette. head linesman. "Miracle Man" Hailed As One Of Greatest Movies final workout. The cadets, numbering close to GO. arrived this morning and billeted at the Astor. Willamette's Item-ruts defeated the College Of Puget Sound 10 to 0 ill the big Thanksgiving game, before the large-it crowd of the senson. C. P. S. fought gamely but were unable to make yardage against the local team. Wii lnmette had the stronger team, and and should have won by a higger mar gin. Peveral times they threatened the visitor's oitl, but fumbles nnd penalties . prevented them from scoring. Knrly In the first quarter Zeller went tthrojgh the C. P. S. tenm on n cross buck and ran 00 yards fnj- a touch down. Dimlok kicked goal. I'hH other iicoro was made in the third quarter when Tllmlok succeeded In place-kicking from flie 25-yard line. In the same qunrter Zeller carried the ball 30 yards ever the goal, but It whs brought buck slid Willamette penalized for offside. Willamette got close enough again in that quarter to try a place-kick, failed. Just before the end of the unie Willamette carried tile ball to the one-yard line, but lost It on a fumble. C. P, S. threatened Willamette's goal only once, when u series oOforwurd passu can-led the ball to the ten-yard line. An incompleted pass over the goal-lino counted a louchback, losing j for them the only chance to score. During the first half C. P. 8. was' blo 'o make yardage, but the Bearcats slght-Micd up on defenso In the last two nvi-lndii, mid on most of the plays stop- lied the runner behind the line of scrimmage. C. down In the second half, and that wth a forward pass, ' Zellt-r was Willamette's most consist ent ground-gainer, all hough Sherwood, playing his first college game, made a number of spectacular runs, after A super dramatic Paramount-Art-oraft feature, "The Miracle Man, ' which was produced by George Loane Tucker and Is now at the Oregon Thea tre is declared to be one of the really great screen dramas of recent years. It was written by Frank L. Packard and produced asTi stage play by Oeo. M. Cohen and packed the Broadway theatre In the season of 1910-17, where It played for Hiany months. The screen version Is said to be even more ab sorbing anil thrilling in its develop ment of the striking story, which shows the marvelous transformation under the beneficent influence of an ennobling environment of four of tha ! o'clock before it most notorious crooks of New York's lighting service underworld. Hearing of the healing powers of this old man of the hills, Tom Burke and his' band determine to capitalize them to enrich themselves. Little did they reckon that In their new field of operations they 'were destined to un dergo a magical trn information, and and this forms the basis of one of the most thrilling stories ever screened. LIGHTS GO OUT; TWO TOWNS ARE DARKENED WHEN MEALS HIT BACK 'Pape's Diapepsin" instantly Ends Indigestion, Sourness, Stomal Acidity Are Imiiiji of undigested food caus ing you )iuiii? Is your stomach acid, Hussy, sour, or have you flatulence, iicarthurii ! Then tulifl I'apc's Wapep sin. Just ns soon ns vou oaf a tablet or S. made only one 'two of I'npo's Diapepsin all that dys pepsia, indigestion and stomach distress mused by nviility ends. Thoso pleas nut, liai'iiilesA tablets of Pape's Ditipep sin i kv or fail to make sick, upset stom achs feel fine nt once, and they cost very littlo at drug stores , (Adv) Ciervuis, Or. Nov. 27. For more than three hours last night, beginning about six o'clock, Oervais was cloak ed in darkness. Traffic thinned out on the streets, and stores closed for want of light. A play scheduled at the local opera house was postponed-. ' According to best information, re ceived here the transformer of the P. It. L. & P. company at Mt. Angel burned out, and It was after nine was replaced and restored. Damage when the transformer burned out amounts to several hundred dollars, according to 'company officials. Woodljuin, Nov. 2 7. About one third of the lights In the city . were out between 'six ami nine o'clock- ust night, while repairs to the power plant at Alt. Angel were being made Pussyfoot Johnson's Right Eye Removed London, Nov. 28. William K. "Pus syfoot" Johnson, American prohibi tionist, was reported resting comfort ably today, following removal of his right eye yesterday. The eye was In jtued when he was "ragged" by Lon don medical students while he was making a prohibition speech here No vember 13. Physicians explained ll was necessary to remove the eye to re lievo Johnson of pain and save tin; other eye. Banish Catarrh. Health One cannot over-estimate the value of health as a business asset food is a splendid aid . in placing any mans feet on the health road. licious, economical. 'There's a Reason for Crape-Nuts Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Qcek, Mich. Breathe Hyomei for Two Minutes and Relieved Stuffed up Head If you want to trot relief from ca tarrh, cold In the head or from an irri tating cmiKh in the shortest time breathe Hyomei. It should clean out your head and open up your nose in two- minutes and allow you to breatho freely. Hyomei often ends a cold in one day, and brings quick relief from snuffles, hard crusts in the nose, hawking, spit ting and catarrhal mucus. Hyomei ia mndo chiefly from a sooth ing, healing antiseptic oil, that comes from the eucalyptus forests of inland Australia whore catarrh, usthma, bron chitis, totisilitis, influenza, pneumonia and consumption were never known to exist. Hyomei is pleasant and easy to breathe. Just pour a few drops into the hard rubber inhaler, use ns direct ed and relief is almost certain. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but little at Daniel .1. Fry's and drug-1 gists everywhere. It you already own! ait inhaler yon can get an extra but-1 ilo of Hyomei at druggists. (Adv) j Sage Tea Darkens i Hair To Any Shade! Iimt siiiy gray! Hero's a simple ...recipe that anybody can apply with a hair brush The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to its nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or Wreaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is niussy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wy etb's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get this famous old prepa ration. Improved- by the addition of other Ingredients, which can be de pended upon to restore natural color and benuty to the hair. A well known downtown druggiRt says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it ha been applied. You simply dampen sponge or soft brush with It nnd draw this through your hair taking one strand at a time, liy morning the gray hair disappears, nnd after1 an other application or two, it becomes Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute (or calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do tlie v.ork. People afflicted with bad breath tind quick rcJit-f throu;rh taking them. L)i. Edwards' CHive Tablets are a vegetable comrwund mied with olive o'L They aot fently I ut firmly on lh? bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood, and purifying U e entire system. They do that which dome! does, without any of the bad after effects. Take one or two every' slight for a week and note the pleasing efYect. 10c and 25c a box. Was MAii Good Health To You j Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea; For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co.r WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING. Costs but Utile and You Can Stake a j Whole Lot from One Package j T? OTHERS Redua: your doctor's bills by keeping alwsyit on hand VICKSVAPORl "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30 60fT20 JIM More people are drinking Dr. Car ter's K. & B. Tea than ever' before, because they have found that in these days of high prices some of the sim plest remedies are best. Get a package of this purely vege table tea. Everyone in the family will like it, because It only takes a few days for them to find out that for liver, stomach and bowels and to pu rify the blood there is nothing surer, safer or better. Pimply skin and sallow complexion vanish after a few cups, and the lit tle tots Just love It and should always have It, especially when out o'f sorts and feverish. - ' " (Adv) YOU'LL FIND IT OUT SOONER OR LATER. THERE comes a Time in every man's ilfe when he is either glad that he has---or sorry --that he hasn't a strong banking connection. ' It is sometimes in the matter of credits, or in recommendations, or in the many services his Mnker can perform. But there's no get ting away from it. Start YOUR account NOW at the United States National Bank and have Such a connection. AUTOS Used But Not Abused Cars .. . 1920 Case driven only 2,000 miles, over $100 extras. Worth $2,750. Owner will sacrifice $500 on this car. 1920 Studebaker 4, $1300. Two 1915 Ovevlands. ' 1 Studebaker Delivery. 1 G. M. C. truck. Will sell on very easy terms. Near ly new Maxwell truck to be sold this week. Make offer. If you have a Ford for sale, bring it in. It's sold. 34x4 Tire, $15.00 : 34x4 Tire, $5.00 1 Storage $3.50 Month. ; U. S. Garage Phone 1752 554 Ferry Street Open Day and Night Salem SfiSwam Oregon, H Steinbock Junk Co. -WANTS-- All kinds Scrap Iron, Junk, Metal, Rubber, Rags r Sacks, Hides. Highest Cash Market Price WE WANT AND WRECK OLD AUTOS 326 N. COMMERCIAL, PHONE 305 Don't Forget the Number SUITS, O'CO ATS, RAINCOATS Saturday, Nov. 29 10 o'clock a. m., all of the following goods: .337 Court Street Clocks,-watches,- guitars, drums, ' v.iolins picture frames, lamps, cameras, typewriters, pianos, chairs, tables, stoves, bicycles, motorcycles, guns, tools, graphophones, sewing machines, suits, overcoats, rain coats, ladies' cloaks, men's pants, hats, caps, shoes. And thousands of other useful articles that we are closing out regardless of cost. There will be bargains and lots of them. COME ! ' TERMS OF SALE CASH! Col. WF. Wright, Auctioneer. GEO. MILES, Owner, 337 Court Street Sell Your Old Shoes for $1.00 THE BOOTERY, SALE xM, WILL BUY THEM On Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 29 No matter how badly worn we will buy them. The best ones we will give to the Salvation Army an .i other charitable organizations to help those who cannot help themselves. The SHOES THE CONDITIONS ARE Only that you wear your old shoes into the stove, buy a new pair at regular prices. You are to put on the new pair and leave the old ones for us. We will pay for Men's and Ladies' $1 per pair, for Boys' and Girl's 50c a pair and for Children's 23c per pair, any kind. Will cost YOU only just the regular prices that we always sell them at and You can nick them out of our windows If you like, 'for they are full of good shoes at prices'lower, as usual, than any others in this part of the state of equal qualities and in many cases way under factory replacement values. DON'T FORGET $1 FOR YOUR OLD SHOES AT Friday and Saturday November 28 and 29 AH Shoes Guaranteed For Satisfactory Service At The Electric Sign "SHOES" M . ! beautifully dark and glossy. tAdv)