PAGE FOUR. 1 HE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published every evening except Sun Cay by The Capital Journal Printing Co., 134 South Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. GL PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher CARRANZA'S ANSWER. Telephones Circulation and "Busi nesa Office. 81; Editorial rooms, 82. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL. LEASED" WIRE SERVICE Entered as second class mall matter at Salem. Oregon. : . National Advertising Representa tives W. D. Ward, Tribune Building. New Tork; W. II. Stockwell, People's Gas Building, Chicago. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 60 cents a month, $6 a year. By mall, SO cents a month, 11.25 for three months. $2.25 for ' six auonths, $1 per year. By order of U. S. government, all mall subscriptions- are payable In ad-rancs. - Rippling Rhymes. WATOinrilKM Iluvimr had a thorough whipping on the field of death and gore, we may Bee Germans skipping back to useful task and chore. Having dumped the old ambitions, having scrapped the Willielm dream, they get down to new conditions, and in trade they'd lie su-I-renvs. While the othor wrangling na tions yap around and paw the air. back to old Jinie occupations go the Ger man everywhere. With a single earn est purpose they go back to forge and loom, while our foaming windsmlths Ciih'P Us songs of anarchy and doom. If we do not quit our ylpping. making Dinoko and fur ascend, Oermnny, that bot the whipping, will-bo winner in the end. For she's heating up her boilers and she's speeding up her mills, and her brawny, husky tollers go to work, w ith loyal wills. While we rant around and clamor of our rights and of our wrongs Germany takes up the hammer and sounds forth the work time gongs Watch the Germans. Bee them germ ing, in their old efficient way, whllo we're squeaking, squabbling, squirming for a. big advance In pay. GARRANZA'S reply to the American note demanding the release of Consul Jenkins indicates that the Mex- i ican government is following the same procedure as the j United States would follow in similar caseshas followed m numerous instances.. Jenkins is accused of kidnapping and of perjury be fore a Mexican court. He is held in jail pending investi gation and hearing, merely because he refuses to put up the moderate bail of 1000 pesos (about $500) which would free him, prefering instead to secure liberty through the demand of the United States governmnt, which would probably mean immunity. The deliberate pose of martyr to Mexican perfidy is one that raises suspicion as to inno cence. , : At least this is the Mexican version and it will require official investigation to justify interference by the Unted States. Occasionally a consul, even an American consul, goes astray and takes advantage of his position to break the laws of the land he is stationed in and when he does, he cannot expect his country to go to war to ?ave him. In Mexico there is so much' prejudice against Ameri cans that accusation frequently means conviction and a fair hearing is impossible. That may be the case in the present instance, for none of- the Mexicans is more pre judiced against Americans than the pompous president of the southern republic. On account of the propaganda in progress to force intervention, all stories about Mexico and Mexicans must be taken with a grain of salt and an official investigation only can establish the truth about Consul Jenkins. ONE UNFIT OFFICIAL. Odds and Ends San Francisco. When Mrs. George Taylor tiled to heat a delicatessen plum pudding that came in n Can, the blame thing exploded, landing her in tie hospital. Mllmett, 111. Hov. Stephen A. Lloyd trikew his texts from the streetcar ads. Next Sunday he will talk on the text "Ask dad, he- knows." Last Sunday bis text was "There's a reason." tSoranton, Pa. .Tames Culgiilio. 28. returned soldier, and his widowed step n other, Josephine Calgulr, 24, will be married Sunday. James will become vtepfuther to four stepbrother and stciD sisters. Dcs Moines M. W. Churchman par ried money on his hip for eleven yesrn and didn't know it. - He opened n lister, on his hip and a ten-cent piece, coined in 1H08, dropped out. Ne v Tork -Joe Levy's clients could n't sit down because gamblers swiped his furniture, then got themselves raided and the police rnfitse to relin quish the evidence. IjfH Angeles. 'Die "high cost 01 water Is the main factor in the high rust, of milk," writes the farm bureau I to the mayor. The letter explains the' Mjter Is for Irrigation. j T HE strong arm of the government reached forth last winter, seized numerous alien "reds" in Seattle and other coast cities and rushed them by special armed train to Ellis Island, where they were held for deportation. The aid of the courts was invoked bv svmnntriPttV wenH-W parlor anarchists to delay actionbut the deportation or ders were sustained. The anarchists, however, were never deported, but paroled by Commissioner Frederick C. Howe, in charge of immigration work at Ellis Island, up on their promise to appear when wanted but of course they disappeared. Thus the work of the department of justice in ridding the country of dangerous avowed revolutionists was nul lified by Howe and the alien reds freed to continue their propaganda of industrial unrest, This action resulted in Howe's dismissal from office and a congressional inves tigation of his regime is now in progress. Mr. Howe is the author of several books on democ racy, which portray his radical tendencies. Before the war, he pictured German efficiency in government as a model for the world. An avowed pacifist and the writer of numerous anti-war articles, he was active in peace propaganda when the war, was declared. If he aided his country in its struggle for Victory, it was in too obscure a way to receive public attention. Whether or not Mr. Howe was pro-German, like most of the so-called "intellectuals" of anarchy, there is no question of his being pro-bolshevist in tendencies and sym pathies. He never should have been placed in a position where he could influence the immigrant against the coun try of his adoption and thwart the will of the"government by giving aid and comfort to those seeking its destruction. The "reds" held for deportation at Ellis' Island are on a hunger strike. It is hoped the authorities let them starve themselves and so rid the world of a menace. LOVE andMARRIED tIF , dv tne noted autnor 1 1dah MSGlone Gibson SOME MODEKV IDEAS Kansans Respond To Governor's Appeal Toptka, Kun., Nov. 2S. Seven linn died volunteer coal diggers today re sponded to Governor Allen's appeal for men to mine In southeastern Kali ans. Governor Alien declared the power wf the state would he used "to relievo the coal famine and protect the lives of those engaged In carrying out thin ef tort. Otln r offers of nsslstance today In cluded HS0 Indian students of Hasklll Institute, Lnwrence, the entire football squad of Kansas university and stu dents of the Kansas State Agricultural school. "Come with me," said my mother, after ti few moments. "I want to take you to your father." Of course f couldn't Hay to my moth or, who had all the old fashioned no tions, that I did not want to look upon my father's inanimate form. lAar little mother would not have understood it. She would always have felt that I did not love him, I'orhnps I am prejudiced, but It seems to me that when one gazes upon the form from which nil life, all that we have really loved has fled, one's mind for ever retains that last impression to ' , -I''".; ., " ten ,1 :r Figure don't lie, but. you kin drape 'fin tn they'll answer th' sine pur pose, We'd like V live in Mississippi wlicr you kin go t" bed at th usual hour election night. wmmr echafvi of a ozrfrskm inay be yours A clean, healthy skin Is usually a lovely ;Jn, ln;t the use of the proper S'i;i is necesiwry, , ResinolSoap is specially cleatisinj;, yet itis mild iind sociiliiuif because it contains tli Ktiiiml properties prescribed by pUy siciam iir years in the treatment n( skin troubles.' it eives a rich, refresh, ine and invigorating lather thut you lint really feel is cleansing. KESINOL SOAP is also excel It. it for the hamXH)Ss it tends in iessen tlnndn-ff and make the hair soft and lustrous. At all druKk'rsIs andtnilct ri.Hisdcafers. i the exclusion of others which wo In.iKhl wisli to keep sacred. ' 1 have never looked upon a body "prepared for its last rest, with the IfeellnK that it looked . at ' nit as the person did in life. I never have been able to say; "Doesn't she look natur al." Or: "Aren't her hands beautiful." Death to me is never beautiful, and I cannot make it so even when I be hold those I love best In its embrace. If 1 had said this to my Krlevinsr mother, 1 think perhaps it would have broken her heart, so I went with her "Kiuherine," she Raid ns she lookeil up from where she was bending over the casket, "here lies my life as well ns his. For twenty five years I do not believe I have had a thought in which your father did not enter. Iy whole existence meant 'only him and my dear, you will forgive me, if I mnka this confession: I should have hated to have had to make the choice be. tween you two." T clasped the little trembling form of my mother in my arms ns I said: "Perhaps, dear, that is the reason that we Jill me given no choice in thJ matter of life and death. Finite minds cannot visualize beyond a finite love. Today, mother dear, the modern wo man allows nothing to be bigger than life itself -nt least so it seems to ine. "Do not misunderstand me," I has tened to add. as I felt my mother's wondering even questioning me, and knew she was asking who this strang er was that sho called child who this woman was who could put anything beyond the love of her husband. "Do not misunderstand me. dear," I re peated, "I do not mean that there are not times and places where one should not give her life for another, if need bo. Hut I think in most cases this is purely the climax of an emotional thrill, and I hove come to believe that except in exceptional cases It is braver to live than to die. Tea, braver some times to Jot the other one die, when one might have snved him nt the ex pense of one's own life." My mother looked at me in wonder. To her love was all and I, with a lit tle shudder, took a firmer grip upon myself as I realized that to me love was not all, , "Katherine." said my mother with tircat anxiety, "don't you love your husband?" . "Yes, mother, I think I love him ns much ns I am capable of loving, cer tainly he attracts me more than any other man I have ever known. I think perhaps that should he suffer aa father did I should- take care of him in Just the same way aa you did, and would grow to feel that he was the object of my life. "But, my dear, sweet little mother, unless one has Just the life that you and father had, I do not believe it is possible to have the oneness which is spoken of in the marriage ceremony. Modern life is too complex, and wo men have grown to understand that they are something more than men's playthings: or men's servants. A wo man no longer feels that when a man covers her with Jewels that he is giv ing them only for her gratification. Some of the saddest and most dissat isfied faces I have ever seen have been those of women whose' fingers and forms were covered with Jewels' Mother clutched me with cold fing ers. "Katherine, Katherine, you must not talk this way! If you let your thoughts run in .this direction, yon are laying for yourself the foundation of great unhapplness." "What is one going to do, mother, dear, if modern thought and modern education have convinced woman that she is a human being after all ? And looking about me, I am afraid that this knowledge has not brought any more happiness to other women than it has to me." "I don't understand you at all," said mother. "That's the trouble," I answered. "That's the trouble with all the pres ent day women we are Just finding ourselves." (Continued tomorrow) JOVRXAL WANT ADS PAY. Regular Habits Produce j a Beautiful Complexion Daily elimination rids the system of poisons Women should realize that ! MANY women complua daily of then complexion, of iHcit hwi acHes and gmeral ill beaUfe little realujoj that the trouble it coMbpatkm. Woma, too, are much mope subject to such congestion than men, aad much move car: leu of it. The mull if eeo in iuatef leu, weary eye, in sallow, pimply cons plexion, m tauitude, ba4 breatb, and ia that word so often used, "indisposed." At the first sign of tliese symptoms the wise woman will take a laxative, and will see that the young girl and others in her care do likewise. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the farorite with thou sands of women because it is mild and gentle in its action and in the end trains the stomach 'and bowel muscle to do their work naturally without the aid ef medicine. This combination of simple laxative heibs with pepsin can be bought at any drug store for 50c and $ f a bottle, the latter for families, for it is also a very ateiUng first-aid hi colds, fevers and othar r'ai ills that make it advisable to always have a bottle in the home, ft is free from narcotics and safe for the tiniest ty. In spite of the fa t that Dr. CahkvcU's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid , laxative in the world, there being oxer 6 million bottles so!d each year, many who need its benefits haze not yet used tt. If yon hare not, send your name and address for a free trial bottfc to Dr. If'. B. CaJrtweH, 511 Washington St., Mwti cello, Illinois. r You Don't Have to Question the Quality The Government settled that It sent millions of pounds of BAKING POWDER to the troopsover there" more than all other brands combined. unees ior Before the War and Now Druggists and Doctors Astonished At Wonderful Power of Nicotol To Stop the Use of Tobacco To Detect Harmful Effects of Tobacco Try These Simple Tests New York. Jlr. Tobacco User, any druggist will tell you that a remedy to be successfully sold muet. above everything, possess merit, otherwise failure is Inevitable. N'tcotol. the fa mous remedy for tha tobacco habit, was a success riKht from the start, simply because it quickly does the work promised. Vc publish a few let ters from some of the best known di-URKlsts In the-country to trive you an idea of what they think of Nicotol, and you may eet assured that they would not permit the use of their names unless Nieotol was something out of the ordinary. The Peoples Drug Stores have five of the 'best stores in Washington. 1). C. They -write; "Since we have handled Nicotol the sale has been greater than that of all the rest of the article of this nature which we have ever hold. The demand was so great that we were compelled to order it locally pending receipt of a shipment from you direct." Schramm Johnson, who have six stores in Salt Lake City, say: "Wo take this oppor tunity of exprciinV ourselves relative to Nicotol. We have enjoyel n very iHi-gfi sale on same and it has given entire satisfaction to our customers." Jacob Brothers of Philadelphia. Pa have this to say: "Our sales of Nicotol j have passed our expectations. 'Our i first order was placed late in March and we were forced to reorder before ithe end of April; the sales have kept 'up well ever since. There is no doubt i that we are reccivinu many repeat or ders from our customers and many! 'espressious of opinion regarding the' merit of this article have been very favorable." Ir. Conner, formerly of Johns Hopkins Hospital, tells how to detect the harmful effects of tobacco. Here Is whak he says: "Muay men who smoke, chew or snuff incessant ly and who are seemingly healthy are suffering from progressive organic .nlimwiiln, Thousands of them would never have been affected had it not been for the use of tobacco to excess, and thousands would soon get well if they would stop. The chief habit form ing principle of tobacco is nicotine, a deadly poison when absorbed by the systf mi slowly affects the nerves, membranes, tissues and vital organs of the body. The harmful effect of to- baceo varies and depends on circumstance.- One will be afflicted with gen eral debility, others with, catarrh o the throat, indigestion, constipation, extreme, nervousness, sleepessness, oss of memory, luck of will power, men tal confusion, etc. Others may "suffer from heart .disease, bronchlul trouble hardening of the arteries, tuberculo sis, blindness or even .cancer or the common affliction known as tobacco heart. If 3-ou Use tobacco to excess in any form, you can easily detect the harmful effects, by making the fol lowing simple tests: Read aloud one full page from a book. If in the course of reading your vole becomes muf fled, hoarse and Indistinct and you must frequently clear "your throat, the chances are that your throat is affect-1 ed by catarrh and it may be the be-; ginning of more serious trouble. Next j tn the morning before taking your' Oil Christmas is just that far distant. We would call your attention to a few sensible and useful gifts. A LAMP 1 " A DESK A BOOK CASE A MORRIS CHAIR A COUCH A ROCKER. 1 A LIBRARY TABLE A DAVENPORT A SMOKING STAND A TAPESTRY RUG A BODY BRUS SELS RUG AN AXMIN1S- -TER RUG Mother has been wanting a new range this long time. She has the desire, You have the money, We have the range, Let's get together. usual smoke, walk up three flights of stairs at a regular pace, then stop. If you fiud that you are out of breath, your heart beat is borced, trembling or Irregular, you may be a victim of functional or organic heart trouble. If you feel that you must smoke, chew or snuff to quiet your nerves, you are a slave- to the tobacco habit and are positively poisoning yourself with the deadly drug, nicotine. In either case you have just two alternatives keep ou- with .the self poisoning process ir respective of the- dangers and suffer the consequences; of give up the hab it and escape the dangers. You can overcome the craving and stop the habit in a very short time by using the following inexpensive formula. Go to any drug store and ask for Nicotol tablets, take one tablet after each meal, and in a comparatively short time you will have no desire for to bacco the craving will have left you. With the nicotine poison ut of your system, your general health will quick 1 Improve.' Note When asked about Nicotol tablets 'one of our leading druggists said: "It is truly a wonderful remedy for the tobacco habit: away ahead of anything we have ever sold before. We are authorized by the manufac turers to refund the money to every dissatisfied customer, and we would not permit the use of our name unless the remedy possessed unusual merit" ! Nicotol tablets are sold in this city uuder an iron clad money back guar antee by all up to date druggists, in cluding "D. J. Fry. (Adv) Chambers & LnamD ers 467 Court Street