THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919. PAGE TEN. ARIZONA FLOOD DO - DAMAGE RULING TO I1IEIISE FIGURES Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. 28. (United Press.) Damage amounting to hun dreds of thousands of dollar has been dona ttf the floods of last night and today- In Phoenix and vicinity. While the crest of the Cave creeic flood has not yet passed Phoenix, it Is believed the greatest danger la over. Chief damage done was to highway and railway bridges, and to the canul systems. , Little apprehension was felt today that the flood now would reach the state capltol grounds although all offi cers moved out of the basement of the capital building as a precaution. The Arizona & Eastern railroad and the state highway bridges over the Agua Fria river were swept away. . So far as is known there has been no low of life. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE ' SHOWS BIG INCREASE Figures showing the great increaseB In school, attendance in the city and county were released at the office of the county school superintendent to day. The census shows 2069 boys and 2127 girls, or a total of 4196 children in the city's schools. City school at tendance last year was 3660. Attondance in the county schools this term is 13,161, compared with 12-158 last year. - Aggies Overwhelm Gonzaga By 50 To 0 Spokane, Wash., Nov. 28. With Captain Reardon, quarterback of the Oregon Agricultural college team, star ring, Gonzaga went down to a BO to 0 defeat here Turkey day. Gonzaga played a hard gaiuo every minute but the O. A. C. aggregation was the better team. The Aggies outplayed them at prac tically every point, although the Cath olics started off with a rush that prom ised to endanger the Oregon team. Gonzaga Justified the promise that they'd fight yesterday. Their playing was much improved over the showing in the game apainst Idaho. localise oi ?he extremely cold weath tr only 1800 saw the game. 1523 Real Estate Dealers ' Licensed Under New Law A total of 1523 real estate brokers have been licensed to transact busi ness In Oregon under the act of tho last legislature, according to C. V. Johnson, manager of the real estate do partment of the state insurance com missioner's office. All licenses issued up to date will expire December 81 when new licenses will be required. j A new form of bond Is also being adopted by the department and all I brokers making application for the 1 1920 license will be expected to ar range for the substitution of the new bond form for that which has already been filed. . ed to 116,000 lost year. Since Wednes day Jefferson has turned In S107; Monitor 844, Monmouth $140, Rick reall 1 17. Dallas. Independence and Aurora have yet to send In their re ceipts but the majority of other aux iliaries have reported. A bench warrant for the arrest of K. M. Bennett, charged with driving an auto past a standing street car, was placed in the hands of police this afternoon. Bennett was to appear be fore Police Judge Race this morning at 10 o'clock, and his tallare to do so caused the Judge to issue the warrant for his rearrest. Police headquarters baa been be sieged with questions about the new ordinance prohibiting cars from stand ing on the streets within the tire lim its, between the hours of 12:30 a. m. and 11:30 a. m., and it is apparent that there is some misunderstanding as to the hours specified in the ordi nance. Police wish to make it plain that the hours mentioned above arc correct. The ordinance becomes effect lve December 2, SECOND NOTE TO MEXICO ASKS DETAILS (OonWnu&d from page one) 2 NARROWLY ESCAPE WHEN MOTOR UPSETS . One person was lightly Injured, and another severely shaken up when an auto, driven by a man whose name was given as Guy Toung, ran off the high way east of the city, near the Oregon state renltentiary last night and over turned. The name of the persons hurt could not be learned by police. ; According to information received at police headquartors Young was adjust ing tho spotlight on the car and he lost control of It, with tho resultant acci dent '. , . . Wife Of Wars Greatest Hero Lonesome For Home St. Louis, Mo., Nov.. 28.-The wife of, tho. "war's greatest hero" wants to CO home to Tennessee. And so Sergeant Alvin C. Yorl' 1 1 day considered cancelling his speuklng engagement to tako Ms little mountain wlte back to the Tennessee hills, away from the smoke nnrt &rlme of tho bij cities, which phvaiclanr, think cont.'lu Utfcd to her pi'oieut illness with In fluenza. - IbcalBriefi Claiming that his wife associated too familiarly with another man white he was away to war, Ward N, Barrett in an amended complaint filed with the county clerk today, asks for sep aration from Rebecca Winifred Bar rott. He filed his first complaint July 8. They were married in this city July 19, 1917. Barrett also' charges his wife with desertion. The date for hearing objections to the final account of W. M. Brown, ad ministrator of the estate of Helen Howard, was set today by Judge Bushey for 10 a. m. December 29. George W. Simery, who accompan ied by his family, is en route to Cali fornia to upend the winter, stopped over in Salem yesterday and spent Thanksgiving with friends. Mr. 81m erp's home Is in Alberta, Canada, H. B. Rowland of Baltimore, Md., was among the out of town visitors who spent Thursday In Salem, E. B. Bolin, a resident of Astoria, was the guest of Salem friends on Thanksgiving day. On a transcontinental trip, Otto Slabbert of. Benton Harbor, Mich., stopped in Salem over Thanksglvliig day. The Foresters of America will en Joy a Thanksgiving dinner Sunday at 2:30 o'clock at their hall on North Commercial street. All members of the lodge are Invited to attend. Willamette chapter's total receipts for the Red Cross roll call at noon today amounted to $5398 as compar- fect knowledge of our penal laws. Imprisonment "Justified." "The imprisonment of Mr. Jenkins la neither unjustified nor arbitrary, as your note asserts, he himself having rendered and signed contradictory tes timonies concerning the abduction of which he was the victim. Tho Judgo has had sufficient cause for supposing him tc be responsible for the crime of tendering false Judicial testimony, and tlfltj has merited his Imprisonment. However, this imprisonment does no in itself signify that Mr. Jenkins is culpable, as this can only be establish ed by a final judgment. j "During the course of the prosecu tion the accused may at any time re quest and obtain his liberty under ball. Mexican law is very liberal in granting ( it, the request and deposit of tne amount fixed by the Judge sufficing . Mr. Jenkins, by refusing to exercise this right, notwithstanding that he has I been Invited repeatedly to do so anil that the Judge has fixed as bond the sum of 1000 pesos, cannot, strictly speaking, call himself a victim of mo lestation which he voluntarily inflicts I upon himself and furthermore he is being held in prison with all the at tentions and comforts compatible with" his condition. V. 8. Stand Attacked. "Tho" Mexican government finds it self unable to grant this demand foi liberty contained in the note'under re ply and it Is supported by strong rea sons founded on the law of nations and considerations of a constitutional na ture. . ' "The government of tho United States appears to act under the vlction that Mr. Jenkins is absolutely Innocent, notwithstanding tho fact tha this matter is in the course of investi sation. The Mexican government, without attempting to claim that Mr. Jenkins Is culpable, limits itself to sub mitting the foregoing considerations to the United States, trusting that the de partment of state will postpone Is judg. mont until the tribunals have pro nounced their sentence, being assured that the officials of the Mexican gov ernment have no intentions of causing molestations or persecutions to Mr. Jenkins, but solely a sincere desire to act with Justice." Every Day Is ARGAIN D At AY S ft-A a Incorporated & So: Positively Last Times Today The MirMe WITHOUT QUESTION THE GREATEST PICTUKE EVER SHOWN IN . ... . SALEM . . 7 p. m. 9 p.m. J i Shop,, inTug day- I IN fag WEEIiC It in The season FUNERAL OF EUGENE WOMAN IS HELD HERE The funeral services for Mrs. Anne Z. Strange, 74, who died here yester day at the home of her grand daugh ter, Mrs. P. C. Rosenberger, 666 Bel mont street, were held at the chapel of the Webb & Clough undertaking company, High and Court streets, at two o'clock this afternoon. The body will be shipped to Idaho for burial. tonight. Mrs. Strange was returning to Eu gene from -Boise, Idaho, where she had gone to visit relatives and friends, and was stopping here a few days at the home of Mrs. Rosenberger, when death overtook her. A daughter, Mrs. Luclle Ansel, and son, Will Strange, accompanied her. She Is also survived by a daughter in Eugene, Mrs. T. D. Bond, and two sis ters. WE WILL PURCHASE YOUR Used Furniture Ranges, Beaters, Cook Stoves, Beds, Mattresses, .Springs, Bureaus Commodes, 8ew lng Machines. Dishes. In fact, any article which you wish to sell. Call Us Up .. Phone 1177 WHY? We Pay Best Possible Prices. Moral: It puts S S in your purse. Lucas & Needham Ferry and Liberty 8ta PHONE 1177 Saturday's Sale. 3 head horses, weight 1200 1 3-inch wagon 2 buggies i 2 set work harness. Small tools. Commences at 1 o'clock. GEORGE SATTERLEE Auctioneer Corner Ferry and Liberty streets Another Opportunity To SAVE on APPLES Kings, Baldwins, Spitzenbergs, Rus- Low prices in quantities. 5 Boxes, $4.25 10 Boxes $8.00 Apples are very cheap fruit, cost ing only about 2o per pound in these quantities. Delivered free. Fhone your order, 494 WARD K. RICHARDSON 2395 Front St " LARD and Shortening Pure Lard (Jones' make) No. 5 $1.50 Best Shortening, No. 5 $1.15 Picnic Hams per lb .........25c m Prime Stall Fd Beef Cream Fed Veal Grain Fed Pork At our usual low prices Fish and Poultry" In our fish department we have a fresh lot of salmon, halibut, etc., just received Finnan Had dies Kippered Herring. MARKET Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. 'MOMttMH H i Is I I 'll 81-1 v BUY NOW New Furniture arriving overy day. Ran ges. Heaters, Oil Stoves. We kwd lor low Prices and High Quali ty. Wo Buy, Sc0 sum! Exchange. Peoples Furniture Store A OOOD PLACE TO TRADE New nnd Second Ilnnd Goods ough, Sold and Exchanged 2T1 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE HI Do Your Christmas Shopping Early....... LADIES' NECKWEAR A new shipment just received by express showing all the new eastern styles new lace collars, also georg ettes in round or square corners. A splendid assort ment for your choosing. 49c. 75c. 98c AND UP TO $1.98 Our price always the Lowest GALE & CO. Com'l. and Court Sts.' Formerly Chicago Store HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed CALL 396 CAPITAL JUNK CO. Tho Square Deal House r271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398 L.M.HUM ears of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea Go. Has medicine which will enre any . known disease. . Open Sundays from 10 A. If. until 8 P. U. 153 South High St. . Salem, Oregon, Fhone 2S3 gplc lllii Hlrfe' f ".V , Samara 3 I rykt Vt -5f I i' ?: iz r N x 4 1 HIS ! -i ",v ' v !! m SI m SiiiiSiSs DOROTHY DACTON J Dorothy Dalton IN THE MARKET Two women in one fair body. See New York in her gayest revel. See her on a New Year's Eve, in the most sensational cafe scene ever filmed. Tomorrow Only - - . , s m : : : -j "V la M