Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1919, Image 1

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Weather Forecast
Tonight and Saturday rain.
Maximum 38. ,
Miuimtun 18.
Truce rainfall.
a 1
' 5 O
Unconfirmed Report Say:
tie In Progress And i
can President Forced to
Listen for die Carriers Whistle. If yoa do not
receive your Capital Journal promptly, phone
81 before 7:30 o'clock and one wul be sent you.
Circulation Yesterday
544 7
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
of Circulation.
J Ulfu
Brownsville, Texas, Not. 28. Forc
es under General Alvaro Obregon arc
fighting in the City of Mexico with
tmrana troops, according to infor
mation received here.
Carrnnzn, according to these ad
vices, had been forced to leave the.
capital and take refuge in Queretaro,
tiic capital of tho state of Queretaro,
110 miles northwest of tho city of
Mexico. 4
directing the CarranzUitii forces de
fending .the capital. Farther trouble
Is expected) and it Is feared that the
fall of Carrnnzn is only a matter of
limit's. .
Washington, Nov, 28. Reports that
General Obregon was leading a force
of anti-government troops-' in battle
with federal forces In Mexico City and
that President Carranza had been
forced to flee, from the capital, were
without confirmation .today at the
state department and the Mexican
embassy, '
Government Expected To Act
Immediately To Relieve
Coal Shortage-Federal Op
eration Possible.
By Ralph F. Couch
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 28. Drastic gov
eminent action to get" the coal mines
mining is expected here before the
ond of the week.
With the west in the grip of a blra
zard which seems about to sweep east
ward, the coal operators and reprc
sentatives of striking miners broke up
their joint conference here late yester
Unable to agree on a wage Increase
the conference adjourned sine die.
Cabinet Meets Again.
New York, Nov. 28. (United Pressl
Twelve radicals arrested in Seattle
lust winter for an alleged attempt to
overthrow the municipal government
there ,are at liberty, despite the fact
warrants for their deportation were Is
sued March 17, it developed at the
hearing of the congressional committee
on naturalization and immigration at I circulation of radical literature among
Ellis Island today. . incoming foreigners, April 24, 1519,
Tho twelve men were paroled upon, and submitted it to Howe for elgna-
Commissioner Uhl and Frederick C.
Howe, formerly in cha.-ge of immlgra-
tion work at Ellis Island, clashed Uur- !
lng the committee's hearing today, but
Congressman Raker, in charge of the
hearing, immediately restored oHer.
Uhl, who was on the stand, told the
committe he wrote an order forbidding I
Fuirinformation Regarding
Charges Against Jenkins Are
Demanded; Final Decision
Delayed Several Days
Government Warns Prominent
- "Dutch" Herman, David Smith and
Tnmou rwio confessed slayers of
statu TTlirVm-av Commissioner J. N.
.Burgess and George E. Perringer of
Pendleton, in tho custody of Deputy
Sheriffs A. C. Schirmer. ,H. E. Snipe
and L. C. Mullenahuer, from Portland,
'n wived at the penitentiary here to be-
e-in their life sentences at 1 o'clock
. They' reached the city on- the Oregon
nientHc shortly after la and were im
Mediately whisked off to prison In an
.., tfc'm
At tne Pe""""1""""" " .base criminal suits against
usual instruction oi leaders of the miners union.'
they were pinceu in aeivi.j
' ' Smith, aside from protesting his in
nocence of the murder, would say
'nothing. Herman and Ogle talked
more freely. While avoiding discussion
of the actual holdup and killing in
the Ciaremont Tavern, they said they
hoped to be given their '--eedom after
a uVini-t "sentence by goo! behavior,
end remarked that they were glad
capital punishment was not in force
in -Oregon.
agreement to appear when wanted, it
was disclosed. They never have ap
peared. When the deportation war
rants were received, Congressman
Rake,' of California said, immigration
officials at Bills Island asked the if--
partment of labor what action it should
take to apprehend the men.
' Warrants Ordered Held.
Tha department ordered the Ellis
Island officials to hold the warrants
until January 1, Baker said.
These men, in the opinion of the
congressional committee, jyere among
the' most dangerous radicals ever ap
prehcniiad in the United States. Their
arrival in . New York when brought
from Seattle, created a small riot by
sympathizing "reds'' it was pointed
VViA tiimpfi' utt-llrct if 7 maM nn,l
President Wilson's cabinet meets to- twQ wom alleged radicals held at
morrow; The coal situation wm oe me Em .. . -. (h.h. ...,
appear for deportation hearing con-
ture and distribution to heads of de
partments. .
Administration Criticized.
The letter hd not been sent out
when the matter next came to his at
tention June 4, Uhl said.
Do you mean to Intimate I deliber
ately prevented circulation of that let
ter?" Howe interrupted hotly.
"I don't mean to Intimate anything;
I'm just stating the facts," Uhl re
plied. '
"Well, it's Uptrue," Howe said, as
Raker pounded for order.- "
"You can't Btart anything here,
Howe," Raker warned the former Ellis
Island head.
Washington, Nov. 28. A new note demanding details
of the charges against William O. Jenkins, American con
sular aeent held in prison at Puebla, will be sent to the
People Throughout Country I J1.311 rnment today, it was announced at the state
To Scrutinize Packages Re-
ceived At Holidays.
Washington, Nov. 28. The govern
ernment today took steps to frustrate
the suspected "red Christmas" plots ot
bolshevik! in America.
Public officials In many parts of the charge of falsifying the statements and
The state department will demana
the evidence on which the Mexican
government bases its charge that Jen
kins falsified Judicial statements, as'
alleged in the reply to the first Amer
ican note, which demanded his imme
diate release.
Final Action Delayed.
According to the Mexican reply, the
first question to be taken up, it Is be
lieved. Federal operation of the mines tlnued today.
is one possibility, aunougn nun m co -
staere uniiKeiy. xns guvtjiimui, v
Is emphasized, would face the same
difficulty in "getting miners to return
to work that operators were unable to
. More legal action by Palmer, would
not get the miners back to work in
large numbers, acoording to many offi
cials. The attorney general is under
stood to have evidence upon which to
country have been warned to scrutinize
ull Christmas packages carefully.
Acting with the bureau of Investiga
tion of the justice department, officials
,of the postofflce department are tak
ing every precaution to intercept
bombs that may be sent through the
Uhl then oontinuod his testimony on. mftns Witn other Christmas packages, 'charge and will make a thorough In
conditions on Ellis Island during , Express Is Watched. : ; vestigation before making its final de-
Howe's administration. Many employes ... It is possible that regulations may .cislon and reply to Mexico.
.,.. . be changed covering tho mailing of It win oe several nays, wm
unristmos pacicages to Drins greater i",
not the charge of connivance with the
bandits, who captured and held him
for ' ransom, is the main ground for
Jenkins' imprisonment
The state department will obtain all
the evidence possessed by the Mexioan
government with regard to this new
security, Express companies also ars
and frequent complaints were made to n ,i,a ii,.lt
visiting inspectors.
Secret Bervice agents here weeks ago
began to suspect that "reds" and" "dl-
Newsboys Feed Eyes And
"Tummies" As Gu
Journal And T.G. Bligh
before the final decision of the
United States will be sent to Mexioo.
Jurisdiction Probed.
The state department is now looking
up the laws of Mexico in the belief that I
nHr,r,lata" hnnait trt itlntra Blinttinr (hn rimv lUrvlnnn Constitution DrOVlUeS
outrage during the holiday season. This specifically that all cases against tor- lace, American, was klUed by Mexicans,
suspicion gradually became a certainty !eign diplomats and consular officers near Tumptoo last WiMliMwUvy, aooora
in th4ulnd.of,iffloiala-a-lp8 began ar witbln the Jurisdlotlon only of the ingto a brief dispatch received B U
to appear in official reports. The Ups 'MeXicar ledoittl courts. -This wol.l state uepanmcjiv wwi.
Carranza Troops Believed To
Have Killed James WaSsce
Near Tampico Wedaesff
Details Unknown.
WatJilngton, Nov. 28.--Jamcs Wl-
Rome, Nov. 26. (Delayed) Ga
briele D'Annunzio still considers him
self the "savior of Italy" who must
scourge her of "cowards and desert--ers,"
according to a Flume dispatcn
from Epocha's correspondent tnere,
received today.
The dispatch seemingly contradicts
Slucc Judge Anderson issued tho in
junction restraining leaders of the
United Mine Workers from furthering
tho strike which began November 1,
Palmer's agents have flooded him with
reports from every section of the coun
try. These reports have to do with
activities of local union officials fol
lowing receipt of the order rewinding
the strike sent out by John Lewis,
president of the union, under direction
of the court
Owners Asks Troops.
Operators today promised that if
troops were sent into the coal fields the
strike would be broken quickly. Thou
sands of miners would return to their
! jobs i they were sure of protection,
operators claimed
Government officials replied that
I troops are available in every locality
! where they may be needed and can
be called uporf application to the near
est mill center through the state gov
Coal now is being mined at a rate of
about 40 per cent of normal, official
reports show. Most of this tonnage is
belly; produced by 150,000 non-union
Thanksgiving day was a happy office where additional refreshments
time for 25 Capital Journal newsies.
As hosts of the circulation manager,
Will Butler, and street circulator, Isa
dore Freeman, they were given one
of the best times they ever had.
were vague as to details. But the sus
picion Was strengthened by the find
ings of Owen Eagan of the bureau of
combustibles of the New York poice
tlepartment. Eagan examined bomb
making material discovered' by New
York police in a recent raid.
At 6:30 o'clock the boys gathered
at the Capital Journal office, and
were escorted to the Bligh theater.
After reaching there, T. G. Bligh,
owner of the theAter, made way for
them through a multitude of patrons
who were standing in the rear, and
personally acted as usher to the seats
in the front of the house that had
been reserved for them. During the j
performance Mr. Bligh kept the boys
well supplied with, candy and other
good things to eat.
After the show the boys marched
through the streets, yelling for the
Capital Journal, and returned to the
Tl 1 . 11 T 1
were served. "
A delegation of the hnva rnmri to He fame to the conclusion that ter-
ji i j i.. . . . . ... rlat a n rn nrann t'lnir a rtaur (trnn nf
me cuy emtor toaay ana asaed mm to - - ,t ,, unnwn when Its nub-
lnclude in the story of the Jubilee a oomna. ,V ,, i n,ni,a
note of thanks to Mr. Bligh. There- "Red." of known direct action type "cation will be authorized,
fore, Mr. . Bligh, consider yourself ar0 being shadowed, where there is In. Text of Heply.
thanked. fufficient evidence to arrest and hold Tho text oi tno Mexican repiy jo
The neWles u-hn fittAmlarl thn nnp- them. Every precaution possible is be- Unltad Btates note demanding Jen-
ty are: Ivan Shepard, Ray Hotop, Joe lng taken by manufacturers of ma- kins' Immediate release was made pub
Bellinger, Leonard Bevler, Clyde terlals that might be used in bomi, lie by the state department today. It
Kenneth Anderson, Chester May, John making. Chemical makers especially ' follows, in part: .
Geortre. Lvle Shenard. Hnnrv Kins- are bo I ne instructed in the guSrdinir '"Mr. Charge d'Affalres, I am In-
ma te tho arrest of Jenkins illegal. ., Tho message came while the depart-
Thb note today demanding evidence mcnt was preparing a note w hmk
to support the charge of making false demanding further details of tna
statements will be sent to the Mexican charge against "f'""
government through the American em- I Agent Jenkins, Jailed at Puebla.
onusy at Mexico City. The killing of Walluee, it was be-
Tha Mexican reply of yesterday to 'lieved. may make tho Mexican srtua
the United Stntes' demand for the (ion tense.
immediate release of Jenkins was not , The first dispatch received by thte
made public today by the state depart- Rovemmcnt saiu waiaico wub bwui
Ciirarnza soimei's.
No details were given. Pending a
complete report, which lias been rc-
sen, George Miles, James Johnson, of their products,
Joe Nusbaum, Buster Brown, Louis
Crist, Lawrence Alley, Lloyd Allen
Anderson, Francis Finney, Michael
Tanzer, Kenneth Hewitt, Fred John
son, Willie Miles, Glenn Micsorley,
Clifford Flake, Herbert Johnson and
Francis Alley.
recent reports tnnt uahuuuhu """ miners who reiusea to smite rfovem
prepared to come to an agreement j,,ei, j
with the Italin government and aban- The numoer cj union miners who
don his Adriatic adventure, provided I BO ta.. navff returned to work in line
'a way was found for him to witnaiaw ,itn tne fike-rcscinding order is
"negligible by union
characterized as
Small Reserve on Hand.
Although ordinary stocks of coal are
nearly exhausted, according to reports
I of the railroad administration, fair
, sized stdeks that were intended for
fiiei," , . , j, ... . ...
, export are avauame tor uumesuu uuu.
Speaking ni the inauguration cere
monies of the new mayor or iume.
according to the correspondent, D'
Annunzio demanded to know who rtniv if not those of our
Referring to the recent ge
. . v. n lamincq
eleci.ui.s ior me i.n.unii i - MThMl, r(.Serve stores are on cars at At
which showed marked fa"8 f :,anc ports, where they were halted
radical socialist e lement tin oM adminiKtration when
Italy the poet declared the nation was
"sweating blood' and knov,s no The conrence break up yesterday
fibame. .... . camp aftpr tho miner forniallv voted
UJSTk rderer-'our to rejet the offer offthe operators
.flrSTtlS? "'fun "pow- minae X rejecTed an .arPbitrao pr
ers " declaring he must know his fol- posal by the operators, according to T.
lowers were unanimously with him. W. Guthrie, who acted as chairman at
Tioiu miiut hp m-eservea, tne x-1- jmm,,.,
, Items now being gathered for- the
county budget, particularly roads, ma-
Governor Olcott still stands on his
oft-expressed position relative to the
need of a special ratification session of enemy warships shall be destroyed ex.
the Oregon legislature and the delega- cept those to be turned over to France
Pn.iu Nn 2fi. rtTnltnd PreKS.1
i ! JntereHt on bonds also will require ad
ne aupreme " , flitlonal funds.
structed by tho president of the re
public to reply in the form in which I
am doing to note number 1533 of No
vember 20, which you addressed to the
Mexlci-n government under instruc
tions Iroin the department of state of
the Unltod Htates.
"I must conceal from you that the
attention of the Mexican government
has been called strongly to the fact
that r.o legal foundation, no -principle
'or precedent of international law and
quel"il, no action will be taken by thU
government, it was staicu.
By Henry Wood
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Pails. Nov. 28. Should democrat
and republicans in the United States
nnt pvm n rpiiunn were invoking In de
iin i.n.D!ni. niioi-tv nt Mi-. Annate fail to reach a
terla!. schools and employes, all call know at tne npreement for acceptance of the peace
for a general Increase In fac Coun- a umor the au.,troaty wlth the league of nations be-
ty. Judge Hushey said today, that tho. horltv of a Ju(J Ke ln tho clty of ruebla. ! fore re-opening of congress, Premier
court will have to raise every dollar . ' , rt , cimnceau may go to America to
I'm ,-uiinLiiuuuii ununa ill uiuci uj uun
tlu ;t the county government during tho
next year.
The increaso ot the school levy from
$8 to $10 will necessitate a consider
able raise in the budget for this item.
what foundation there may be for such
,a demand; it believes that it may not
be solely the strength of the country
I which makes it, inasmuch as the Unl
!ted Kttttes has characterized Itself by
its dei-Ire, expressed on various occa
sions, that right and justice should be
make a direct appeal to the people for
ratification of the pact, it was learned
today. ,
French official circles placed con
siderable confidence In a report that
William H. Taft may take the stump
in the United- States to urge accepi-
tion of Portland women who called at
the executive offices this morning in
and Italy In compensation for their
. . . . s ...1 i in
ume dictator neciareu, n-;vi" e
the dispatch. f'Tou know she is not
now the prize of heroes, but the booty
of cowards and deserters."
After the miners voted down the I t
per cent offer they proposed a settle
ment on the basis of an Increase of
31.67 per cent as suggested by Secre
tary Wilson. This was voted down by
the operators. ,
It Is expected that the budget will
be compiled and ready for tho ap
proval of the court next week.
Mr lOSSeS. 1 nutu nt hlirhwav rninulmoMin hnf
"T.he council will order delay in the I ... . ... .... . . ., , ,,,
tt.y n nt loBsf b little nn- . .... . . v-i arB l"B uu issue, win
u.. v..,, u i- - uesiruciion oi a nuniuer ui huipo now ,
. 1.. .ffnrta tr.r artlnn . . . . .. . JC
iuui.,Bnic,., ... l.c. t. being used temporarily. i
by tha Oregon solons at this time were The councli today also discussed
unable to persuade the governor to fliatrihutinn of materials and docks to
either add to or subtract one lota from be d(Jilverc )iy Germany as compensa-
his original statement. 'tlon Iof the giving of the interneu
The delegation which Included Mrji 'German fleet at Scapa Flow. It notl
Elliott H. Corbett, Mrs. Harry BeWs e(, Roumania a repiy to the note
Torrey and Mrs. C. B. Simmons all of han(ied hcr November 24 must be giv
Portland explained their mission tts1(n tha n,le(, representative in Bucha
slmply an effort to secure from tne teHt not ,ater than i,eeCinber 2.
governor an expression or Ills position
the motto of its diplomacy and respect ance of a treaty,; If he does this, they
for weak countries the basis of Its In
tornational relations on tho continent!
and prefers to attrlbuto tho terms of
tho note to which I reply to an lniper-
much greater than during the past
season. Bonds for road work will bo.
sold by the court sometime next month
County Judge Uushey said.
Advises Britain To
Keep Her Powder Dry
Arizona Cloudburst
Floods River Valleys
South Dakota Farmers
On Tout Of Wisconsin
Solby, S. D., Nov. 2&. Two special
tiatna of South Dakota farmers were
to leave today for Wisconsin.
One train, over the Northwestern
line, from Huron was in charge of C.
A. Tliuiston, traveling paspenger agent
of the road, nnd the other was to
k-ava Mitchel over the St. Paul line in
charge ot M. J. Flanagan, president of
the South Dakota Shorthorn Breeders
One delegation Is to visit tne expen-iUrgt ,ast ight droV(? the gaIt an(,
went Ktatiou of tho University of VV is- the Aglla Fria rvers out of their
cunsin and thether is to go to au-; banks. No lives are reported lost but mina,
l.fsha. Wis., to attend ;i saU! of .is- Iproperty damage will be considerable, years,
cousin 9hor.ora cattle.
Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 29. Flood wa
ters were receding here today after
reaching the state capitol grounds,
several other sections of the city and
marooning fifty families of farmers
east and south of town. Melted moun
tain snows, combined With a "cloud
which would enable the suffragists to
lay plans for meeting the 'stipulations
To Mrs. Corbett 'squery as to whether
or not "muzzling the legislators" in
order to confine their efforts to the
matter of ratification would meet the
governor's requirement the executive
merely replied that he had nothing to
add to his previous statement.
Governor Olcott has declared repeat
edly that there was no genera senti-n:e-it
throughout the state for a special
f,ess!on at this time and that the state
-voulU not bejustlfied In going to any
expense in calling an extraordinary
session at least until Oregon's vote was
needed to complete the ratification.
Coolidse And- Hanson
American Party Ticket
(Continued on Page Ton.)
believed It would bring strong pressure
to bear upon the senate. If all efforts
by Americans fall, however, it was be
lieved Clomcnceau might be able to
swing acceptance of the senate by a
direct appeal to Americans. -
R. Y. Fendall, said to be the first
white child born In that neighborhood
; died last week on the Upper Wllla-
In Yamhill county, aged S7
Melbourno, Nov. 28. Great Britain
should not "close her eyes to the prep
aratlons Japan and America are mak
ing for furtherance of their Pacific
policies," Sir Joseph Cook, minister of
the navy warned In a speech at Al-bury.
New York, Nov. 28. With Govern-1 "While I am wholeheartedly sup-
or Coolidge of Massachusetts and ex- porting tne league or nations," Hir
Mayor Ole Hanson of Seattle as its, Joseph said, "I think Great Britain
candidates respectively for president should keep her powder dry."
and vice president, the "American par
ty" Is announced as firmly organized.
William H. Truby, secretary of the
party's national committee, has Issued
a statement from headquarters at
Bradley Beach, N. J., that the party
will fight for these nominations. The
"articles" of the party include:
A square deal for capital and labor.
Get rid of those weak statesmen ev
erywhere who are afraid to be Am
ericans. All proposed changes to the consti
tution shall be submitted to the peo
ple for a referendumvote.
Coast Guard Cutter Victim
Of Submarine Report Shows
Washington, Nov. 28. The United
States coast guard cutter Tampa was
sunk by a German submarine Septem
ber 26, 1918, in Bristol Channel, Eng
land, with the loss of her entire com
'plement of 112 officers and men, it
1 was revealed today in the annual re
port o the coast guard.
Desiring to learn the opinion of its
readers regarding its new head
ing and make-up, The Capital
Journal will' pay $10 in cash for the best letter on
the subject, $3 for the second best letter, and $2 for
the third best letter.
Letters must not exceed 300 words in length, must
be signed with persons name and address. Award3
w'll be made by disinterested parties. Contest closes
December 1. Prize winning letters and the best of
other letters will be printed.
If you do not like the Capital Journal heading, and
want it changed, write and give reasons. If you
like it, tell why. Address Contest Editor, Capital