Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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oaay -
ere dm
t Results at Small Cost
Rate per word Each insertion one
ceiit. six insertion 5 cents, one month,
24 insertions. 17 cents, ou ar, per
ir.oiith. li cents. Jlinirni.m per ad 2S
cents. .
First insertion only In Now Today.'
City arts cash in advance and not tak- j
r. over phone, unless advertiser has !
monthly account. Na allowance l'or !
phone errors
New Today.
IX) it SALE l'otatoes for sale.. Also ;
fresh cow. Phone (HF21, call eve-
nings. ' ' 280 1
42 ACRES Don't say you never had!
a chance after reading tl.ts. 42 acres
all in cultivation, house, barn, or
chard, good paved, road from Sa
lem to within one fourth mile of
land. The improvements need some
repair. Land level. I am requested
to offer it at $47fi0-; jaj$760 and
we will give -yon ..terms on balance.
H. S. Radeliff, Bayne bldg. 2S0
WANTED An experienced grocery
clork. Peoples Cash store. 2S1
. i
FOR SALE New Jap- blue fox furl
cape, elbo length, cost $4S, will sell j
tor less than half price. Call 1140
Leslie St. 280
STOP. BUYING FUEL See kerosene
burner demonstration. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded,
llogue & Thompson, 200 State St.,
FoR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms.
Phone 105D. 282
BARGAIN Small house, 2 lots south
' Salem, $550. Wood, Bayne bldg.
i - - 982
VAXTED Oregon Champion goose
berry cuttings, also grape and cur
rant cuttings. Phone 111F3. . 283
Foil JSAL'K Small lot secondhand
(umber. Principally 1x12 and 3x4,
dres-sed. Phone 71. 280
WANTED 1 or 2 light housekeeping
rooms bv young lady. Has piano.
Box XX Journal. , ' 2S1
For SALE Chalmers car, A-l con
dition. Call Olsons Garage, sold by
owner. 284
SIL'ST be sold at once, a 5 room
house. 2 lots 50x150 each, sewer,
gas and lights in; some furniture.
325 N. 23d St. See It in daytime
and see me' evening for a bargain.
. 281
"WANTED To get in touch with par
ilea who are in the market for ce
dar posts. Address Posts care Jour
nal. 282
JU'ST sell my new Elgin Six, only
bought 2 months ago and has never
been off the pavement. This car has
only been driven 1500 miles. Has
spot light and bumper. If you want
to .save $400 see this car. Might
take Ford in as part payment. Will
take terms. Phone Sfil. 281
FOR SALE 1 0 acre tract, (i acres of
' nine year old Italian prunes. 4 1-2
A acres of six year old, 1-2 acre of
Pine- tearing family -orchard. Price
$5750. Address L L care. Journal.
. . ... 2S2
FoR SALE 15 acre tract located on
. main Pacific highway, 1 3-4 jnlles
from carline, 10 acres of bearing
prune orchard, family orchard, bal
ance of land Is new land, would be
first class for loganberries. Price
$8500. Address L A A care Jour
nal. , 2S2
WANTED Lady dishwasher, dining
room girl. 223 N. Commercial. 282
FOR SALE Carrots at Farmers feed
. barn, 100 S. High. Phone 10 or 14F
13. 289
LOST White and black fox terrier
pup. female. Phone information to
281J, 1040 Leslie St. 281
WANTED Day work. Good ironer.
Phone 14S7. 82
FOR SALE At sacrifice, traffic man
ager course in high class school.
Box. 17 Capital Journal. 281
TURKEYS Young birds corn fed.
direct from farm. Delivery will be
made yet tonight. Phone 95F2. 260
FOIt RENT Apartments furnished
or unfurnished. Call G86.T. 282
A BEAUT FUL large home on "North
Capitol St.. eight large rooms, mod-
ern in every respect. $3600. Close
in. Terms if desired. Mrs. Catherine
Hewlftt. 945 Chemeketa St. 280
40 On Your Idle Money.
32 acres, 29 cultivated. 14 in bear,
lng peaches, all best of 'bottom soil,
fair improvements, good road, close
to Salem: this orchard produced this
year actually .1 net income that equals
to 40 per cent on $12,000 which is the
price, 1-2 cash. For best buys or ex
changes, Socolofsky, 341 State. 282
New Bungalow.
A fine modern 7 room, up to the
minute place, with 1-2 block, of
ground, all kinds of fruit, berries and
F.ngllsh' walnuts; a fine large barn
and chicken" house. If sold soon $5000
1-2 cash, balance to suit. It's a snap.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon
bldg. -
Any amount. Low rates.
Full "repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg
Salem Oregon
For Sale.
FOR SALE 13 h. p. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross & Son.
FOR SALE-1919 Dodge touring car,
has not been run. 2000 miles. See
-car at Dodge agency, 184 South
Commercial St. - 281
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
FOR SALE 235 acres improved
farm, 1-2 mile south of Marion, Or.
$75 per acre, terms. H. Fennell,
North Bend, Ore. . 280
BOAR. Will sell my herd boar, 3
years old. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
. $75 will take him. H. R. Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem. .
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old,
eligible to registry that I will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
your choice while theylast. II.. R.
Jones, phone 49F2, " -
TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering
for sale five modern bungalows
well located on paved street. Wil
liam H. Trlndle, Bank of Com
merce bldg. 293
STRAWBERRY plants, Cuthsbert
raspberries,, loganberries and Vroo
man Franquet walnuts grafted on
black. Middle Grove Nursery. Rt.
No. 7, box 201. Phone 24F5. 281
FOR TRADE--40 acres of timber land
Inquire at 200 N. 15th mornings
and evenings. 280
FOR SALE By owner, modern
home, 8 room, gas, electricity, fur
nace, fireplace, garage. Trice $4,
200, terms. Call 1880 Center St. or
write P. o. box 423". Will sell furn
ished if desired. 280
FOR SALE Or trade, a big snap by
owner. A 4 apartment house. Ad
dress Box D R Capital Journal. 281
FOR SALE 4 Fox terrier puppies
and yellow canary singers. Phone
113F12. 2S1
FOR SALE Corn on cob, $43 ton,
3-4 mile west Kelzer school house.
H. W. Bowdon. Phone "S9F3.
FOR SALE Strawberry plants, Et
terberg No. 121, $5 per thousand.
Phone 87F25. ' 282
FOR SALE Cheat seed.
Phone 80F
FOR SALE Airedale dog. 1 year old
Fine disposition. 074 N. Summer
St. 280
FOR SALE Household furniture in
good condition. Mrs. C. Van Patten,
390 S. 21st St. 283
SI1EEP for sale, twenty six
ewes. Phone-,-1544R.
PUREBRED Nubian buck from best
of milk strain. Service fee $5, or
for sale. Call at 524 N. 15th St. or
phone 171611., ,-. . . 283
FOR SALE Tractor, 10-20 h. p.
with 3 ploVs, will take a good team
as part pay. 3 purebred Berkshire
boars, 30 pigs and sow, stock hogs,
reason for selling have leased my
farm to other parties. L. Bechtel &
Son.,' Salem, Rt. 7. 280
DOG OAVNERS One Spitz and one
tox terrier 'male dogs taken up at
859 Center St. Owner mav have
same by paying for damage done.
Phone 13IS3M. 281
REAL ESTATE, loans, investments.
Walter McLaren, room 25, 180 N.
Com. St. 284
TURKEYS Young birds, corn fed,
direct from the farm." Phone 95F2,
TWELVE gauge, double barrel shot
gun for sirie. Inquire 1129 N. Cot
tage St. 281
FOR SALE Team of blocky mares,
4 years old. weighing 3000, with
harness and wagon; also one 1200
mare 7 years old. Call barn in allev
back of White's feed store. 281
FOR SALE Lease, stock and Imple
ments on 70 acre ranch. S. A. Ful
ton, Aumsville, Or. - 281
FOR SALE Cream separator and
White Leghorn hens. Phone 37F2
Lost And Found.
LOST Heavy set brown fox terrier
white breast, bobtailed. Please
phone 1192; reward. 280
Good Buys.
10 acre tract located on main Pa
ciflc highway. 1 3-4 miles from street
car line. 5 acres prunes. Price $5000.
5 acre tract 4 3-4 acres loganberries
in first class condition, 5 room house,
barn, well. Price $4000.
1 acre located close to the carline,
good six room house, barn, well, bear
ing fruit. Price $3000.
6 3-4 acre tract, all cultivated, 5
acres in prunes, good 6 room house.
barn. Price $3600
Well improved 6 acre tract located
close to carline, good 5 room plasltered
bungalow,, electric; lights and base
ment, bearing fruit, gravel street.
Price $6000.
13 acre tract. 6 acres Italian prunes
4 acres cherries, some logans. Price
20 acre tract located close in, all
cultivated, 9 acres of prunes, some
, apples, house and barn, electric lights.
! gravel steet, 3-4 mile font carline,
sightly location. Price $11,006.
40 acres of first class prune, lo
ganberry or strawberry land all culti
vated. Price $125 per acre. $1250
down, balance 6 years at 6 per cent
10 acre tract, 6 acres bearing prunes
3 acres 3 years old, 2 acres apples.
Price $3750.
I 6 room modern home located at
11565 South Liberty street. Price $2,
S room modern bungalow, located
at 2030 North Commercial street
Prie $2800, $500 down, balance $20
per month, 6 per tent interest.
7 room modern home located close
in, paved street Price $3700.
4 room modern Wungalow, basement
Price $1500.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Go.
275 State street 282
Used Cars for Sale.
FORD for sale cheap, good condition.
Phone 955. 281
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre- !
pared to take care of your cars no I
matter in what shape they are in j
and can guarantee absolute satis- !
faction. We are also prepared to. 00 r
first class repair work on any make i
of cars. American Automobile Co., I
FOR SALE July 1918 Chevrolet, by
private owner, guarantee good me
chanical condition, .$625. Harry
Pearson, phone 12F5, Rt. 4, Salem.
FOR SALE Or trade, 1 Chevrolet,
.new tires; J. Maxwell in good shape.
What haveyou to trade V 160 S. 12
St. Call and see. V 281
Real Estate Houses. '
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Llston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE--Modern house, 892 S.
12th. Phone 34F2: 280 !
5 ROOM house and large lot in In
dependence for sale. Enquire 1902
N. Church St., Salem. Phone 1505R.
FOR SALE C room house with elec
tric lights, bath, water. 17G .Luther
street.- 283
WANTED Good milk cows on shares
John Lorenz, Rlcki'eall. 280
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
or stumpage, ash, maple,, oak and
fir. Address Wm H. Egan & Sons,
Gervals, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F11.
PATRONIZE Verlbest Transfer Co.,
baggage and moving; hauling any
where. Phono 2444, 129 S. Com'l
ex-service man and old timer In
Salem. 301
WANTED All kinds of junk and sec
ond hand goods. Liberty Exchange,
241 N. Commercial, Phone 841.
Spier & Scott, Props.
WANTED Loose hay, vetch and oats
or clover. Address. Box 2 care Jour
WANTED To rent 6 rooms or more
furnished or unfurnished, by adults.
Box rent Capital Journal.. 282
o let
. 280
land. A
WANTED Some grey oats, suitable
for seed. Phone 58F14. -. 280
WANT To brrow $1000 on ten acres
of improved land, worth $3000. Box
21 Capital Journal. - . 281
WANTED I am from eastern WaBh.,
age 42, American, -member Chris
tian church, now in. business in Sa
lem. I would meet a widow lady,
Address Mr. Harry, Capital Jour
nal. "280
WANTED Several sacks California
black walnuts. Phone 1138J. 281
WANTED Light top buggy. J.
Amort, Macleay, Or.
WA NT ED One heavy draft horse
about 1690 ins, or team suitable tor
logging and farm work. Phone Jef
ferson 36F22. W. J. ,Turllldge, Tal
bot, Or. , 284
WANTED 600-egg Buckeye Incuba
tor, must be in good condition. X
care Journal. 284
For Rent
FOR RENT Single housekeeping
and sleeping rooms at The Miller,
633 Ferry. . 280
FOR RENT Modern sleeping room
for lady. 330 N. High St. Phone 4.
FOR RENT Furnished room In pri
vate family, reasonable. Phone
1669. 281
HOUSEKEEPING apartment for 'rent
no children. 558 State St. 280
FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms. New .rag rugs for sale.
Phone 1436J. . 282
NICELY furnished rooms, furnace
heat. Call before 10:30 or after 6.
168 N. 12th St. 281
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent interest Prompt serv
ice, 84 1-2 years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple,
Salem, Oregon.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
49 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto
parts for sale.
Autos for hire without drivers.
1917 Ford, $425
1 Samson tractor $500
Ford bug $275
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625.
Many other f?ood buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 4034 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F5; office
phone 1394. 301
an loans
Homes, Apartments, Busi
ness Properties, Building
Loans. Current rates. Full
Re p ay me nt privileges.
Our own money. Prompt
' -sues.
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
rist, eyes examined and glasses fit
ted. Broken lenses duplicated.
Hours at office dally, 4 p. m. to 6
p. m. Saturday 9 a. rn. to S p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 06.
Office 124 South Liberty Street.
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
W. F. "WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
"Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent.
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent, 3D3 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Niemeyer's Buys.
60 acres near Macleay. AH
vated. Good family orchurd. 8
house; large barn. 2 wells..
room Near
school on good road. $7100.
80 acres near Toledo; 12 acres cul
Vivated. Balance open pasture, brush
and timber. Good family orchard.
Spring water. 5 room bungalow. New
barn. Close to school. $3500.
80 acres south on river road. J 35
cultivated, balance timber. 3 acres
young prunes; strawberries between
rows. 2 acres peaches and apples. 2
1-2 loganberries. 6 room house. Good
barn. Fine water. Well fenced. Har
ness, wagon, stock, feed, etc., includ
ed. $11,000.
40 acres 8 miles from Salem on Pa
cific highway. 17 acres bearing prunes
Balance cultivated, excepting 3 acres
timber. Good fruit dryer. 7 room
house; bain and other outbuildings,
all first class. Fine water. $15,000.
40' acres near Waldo hills, 38 acres
cultivated! 3 affres prunes. Good
room house; outbuildings. Well fenc
ed. Near school. $6000.
40 acres 3 miles east. 6 acres tim
ber and pasture; balance cultivated,
Good family orchard. 7 room house
barn, good water piped to house and
bai'n. $0500. -'
20 acres 1 mile south. All cultivat
ed. Good prune -orchard. 5 room
house. $6000.
C. W. Niemeyer.
Just real estate and high class In
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. Phones 1000, 1014. . 280"
Salem Auto Radiator Shop :
Radiators, Fendei-s and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. ' Salem, Ore.
BOARD and room close in. 495 N.
Com'l. Phone 1446. 283
opened up a first class shop, repair
ing and reflnishing and upholster
ing. All work guaranteed. Will call
and estimate your work. Phone 1742
. 1201 S. Cimmerclal. M. Brown.
Wood Saw.
'HONE 1764R. Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1266 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Paints, oir and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry "vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence amf Stove
Works, 250 Court street. Phons 124
Safetv Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 247 Court St
Lodge Directory.
meets every ' Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at r. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & 8.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, (48 Union Bt.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6241
meets every Thursday evening at S
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty rtreets. W. M.
Persons, V. C. Frank A. Turner,
clerk. '
Salem Scavenger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess' pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main it I.
Help Wanted.
Remember, able bodied boys over
18 years old and under 60, the
Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at
Oregon City and West Linn will
need men for the winter season,
Just keep them In mind when ar -
ranging your winter work schedule, i
They have a fine hotel Just for em- j
ployes, at low rates!
GIRLS wanted at the Glove Factory,
1455 .Oak St. Steady work. ;. 282
WANTED .Woman to care for two
children and do light housework
from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays oft.
' Apply at ,162 N. High St. " 280
WANTED .Partner. .Man that Is' not
afraid of work. Good proposition
for right party. 1-2, interest, $760.
Address box 13, Capital Journal.
. 280
WANTED -Men to-cut cord wood,
also to cut hud- burn brush. J P
care Journal. 280
WANTED Men to dig flitches and
lay tile. See W. W. Emmons, at
Scotch Woolen mills, 426 State St.
CENSUS clerks, (men, women.) 4000
needed. $95 month. Age, 18-00. Ex
perience unnecessary. Examinations
Salem Dec-10, Jan. 7. For free par
ticulars, write J. Leonard (former
government examiner) 1382 Equit
able bldg., Washington. 280
WANTE D Girl for general
work. Phone 1600.
YOUNG man wanted at the poultry
plant of the Oregon state hospital.
Good place to learn the business.
Best Buys.
30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 3 acres
logans, balance" bearing apples and
cherries, first class new drrer, house
and barn, stock and equipment, water
piped to all buildings, on rock road, 8
miles from Salem. The finest buy in
the land. $12,500. Easy terms.
32 acres, 29 cultivated, 14 in bear
ing peaches, all lvt of bottom soil,
fair improvements, good road, close to
Salem; this orchard produced this
vear actually a net income that equals
to 40 per cent on $12,000 which is
the price, 1-2 cash.
5 acres, 2 1-2 logans, balance open
land, close to Tacific highway; shack
house. $2000.
40 acres close to pavement, all In
cultivation, $12,000. , .
Splendid good little fiftme, 2 acres,
good buildings, close in, only $2200.
30 acres all cultivated, close to
town, $3000; half cash, balance 6 pel
cent. ; 54 acres, 14 acres commercial fruit
in bearing, on paved road, good Im
provements, close 111. $22,000.
10 acres, fair buildings,, 2 logans,
the best of road. $4500.
6 acres, all the best of soil in cul
tivation, house, bam, some fruit, $1,
850; terms on part.
Don't wait to see advertised What
you want; write and tell me or come
to see me, I may nave wnat you want.
For best buys or, exchanges see
,, Soeplofsky.
341 Statt street. , i'
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see tlu-m2"29 tSate St. Phone
Large 8 room strictly modern, in
north Salem, for quek sale $3200, 1-2
cash, balance monthly or long time.
Hurry. John H. Scott, Realty Co., 228
Oregon bldg.
WANTED Some one to grub 3 acres
of land. '
For sale, 5 room bungalow, with or
without furniture." .
8 room modern home, No. 640 Che
meketa St. $5000.
9 room home No. 292 N. Church. St.
12 rotfm double house, No. 487 N.
High Rtreet. $350(1.
6 room modern home, with garage.
5 room cottage and two lots $1250.
2 acres vacant land. 2 1-2 piilos
from Bush's hank. $700.
I loan money, buy liberty bonds and
write fire Insurance. W. A. Llston,
484 Court St. 28;!
6 acres, 2 1-2 logans, balance open
land close to Pacific highway; shack
house. 12000.
40 acres, close to pavement, all In
cultivation, $12,000.
Splendid good little home; 2 nores,
good buildings, close in, only $2200,
30 acres all cultivated, close to
town, $3000; half cash, balance 6 per
64 acres, 14 acres commercial fruit
in bearing, on paved road, good im
provements, close in, $JZ,ooc.
10 acres, fair buildings, 2 logans,
the best of roads. $450(1.
5 acres, all the best of soil In culti
vation; house, barn, some fruit, $1,
Kt,0: terms on part.
Don't wait to sec advertised what
vou want; write and tell me or come
to see me. I may have what you want
For best buys or exchanges, see
Socolofsky, 341 State street.
Bargains and Investments.
Extra fine highly Improved 60 acre
farm, fine modern bungalow, good
barn, orchard; in high state cultiva
tion, good road, near scnooi, it. r..
station and store. Snap, $10,000.
26 acre tract half mile from town,
8 acres bearing prunes, 3 cherries,
good set buildings. Hurgaln. $4800.
Good 95 acre farm near town, about
all In cultivation, farm buildings, or
chard, good land; fine buy for $10,
000. Term.
6 acres near Salem, paved road,
small house and barn family orchard
big buy for $2800.
Fine 10 acre tract close in, iaouu
Well improved 100 acre farm, good
location, rare bargtun for il 1,000.
9 acre full bearing berry tract, $4,-
10 acres close in, 4 bearing cherries
2 acres prunes, 2 acres strawberries,
small bungalow. Snap $2200.
For bargains and a square deal see
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem, Or
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and lo
other useful articles to sfU or trade.
What have you? The Capital EI
change, 337 Court St Phone 493.
Farm Opportunity For
Some One.:
56 acres of good land. 16 acres In
good bearing prunes, a good family
orchard, all other land under culti-
vation. two R. R. stations at nroner-
ty; a good 6 room house, large barn
an,i small prune dryer. If sold within
the next two weeks $200 per acre. See
us, this won t lirst long. John H. Scott
Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg.
Time Tables.
54 Oregonian" .'. 6:00 a.m.
16 Oregon Express 6:55 a.m.
28 Willamette Limited ....... 9:17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger 1:50 p.m.
24 Coos Bay 6:36 p.m.
14 Portland Express ... 7:45 p.m.
53 Oregonian 3:10 a.m.
23 For Eugene 18:05 a.m.
16 California Express 11:05 a.m.
17 Roseburg Passenger 4:08 p.m.
27 Willamette Limited ...... :44 p.m.
13 San Francisco Pass..... 10:03 p.m
73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m.
74 Leave Salem 4:00 p.m.
161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a.m
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor ....1:55 p.m.
Thru car to Monmouth and Alrlle
171 Leaves Salem 6:15 p.m.
162 Arrives Salem 8:25 a.m.
164 Arrives Salem - 11:00 a.m.
168 Arrives Salem 3:20 p.m.
172 Arrives Salem 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. 'Portland Salem Eugene
5 Ltd 8:15 am 10:15 am 12:30 pm
7 10:45 am 12:60 pin Salem only
9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:36 pin
13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 8:60 pm
17 6:05pm 8:07 pm Salem only
19 9:20pm 11:20 pm Salem only
North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minutes later)
Leave Arrive
Eugene Salem
7:15 am
7:25 am 9:46 am
12:05 pm
1:55 pm 4:00 pm
9:30 oin
2:30 pm
6:50 pro
7:40 pm
10 Ltd
16 Ltd
Salem only 6:30 pin
4:25 pm 7:65 pm
10:00 pm
North Bank station (arrive Jeffer
son street 15 minutes earlier.) Loave
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem
8:20 am 9:46 am
2:35 pm 4:00 pm .
6:18 pm 7:65 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallis
10:15 am 11:37 am
6:40 pm 8:00 pm
4:12 pm 6:40 pm
Plumbing and Water Systems Install
ed by OKABEK BROS., 141 Boutn
Liberty St. Phone 650. Also agents
for Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines.
P Life'aGooJThingt
A wife, children and a
home are 98 -of a
happy life. A comfort
able house is the best
possible environment for a
family. You fathers and
mothers who aspire to such
a home hmi1d match our
Real Estate Want Ads. You
may be able to get YOUR
home sooner t ha you expr-t,
for splendid borgrins are f
quently advertised tf f re. (
lUad and Use the Want Aii,
V- v I
Without Delay
215-216 SALEM
I Masonic Building
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Grain: Wheat, No. 4. $3l feed oata
75 80c; milling oats 86c; cheet hay
$17; oat hay $20; clover hay $2123;
mill run $44. 45. ,
Butterfat: Bulterfak f 70c; cream
ery butter 68 69c.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork oa foot
15 l-2c; veal, fancy 19c; ster
7&.8c; cows 5T l-2c; spring iamb
9V4c:'ewes 4 5c; sheep, yearlings fo.
turkeys, 60c , - . .
Eggs and poultry: 'Eggs cash 70o;
light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 15 16c; springs S0e. " -
Vegetables: Onions per sack 414U
celery doz. 96c; potatoes 2ci sweet
potatoes 8 l-2c.
Fruit: Oranges $6.008.60; lemon
$7.508; bananas 11c; honey ext.
20c; bunch beets, 45c; vabbage 2s:
head lettuce $1.00; carrots 45c; grapes.
Tokays 1 2 4 c; Brussell sprouts lc;
cauliflower $2.00 doz.; red peppers, 20o
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 75c;
creamery butter 75c; country buttef
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.1063.25.
Portland, Or., Nov. 26. -Butter city
creamery 66 67c; Eggs selected local
75fi78c; hens 26B'-280; broilers 22
27c; geese 15c; cheese 3335e.
Live Stock. '' ' .
Cattle: Receipts 82; tone ot mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $J
9.60; fair to medium steers $78;
common to fair steers, $6.608.60;
choice to good cows and heifers .60
7.5D; canners $4& 5; hulls $57.60;
calves $814. '
Hogs: Receipts 447; tone of mar
ket slow; prime mixed $15.6016.t
medium mixed $14.6015.30; rough
heavies $13.50014.00; pigs $14.50
15.50. -
Sheep: Receipts 63; tone of mar
ket steady; prime lambs $11.60)12.6
fair to medium lambs $10.50 11.50;
yearlings, $8.509.00; wethers, $7.5
8.50; ewes $5.007.00.
Church Asks Protection Of
Miners From Exploitation
New . York, Nov. 26. Protection
for the coal miners against "exploita
tion by the operators was asked in a
report of the "federal council" of the
Churches of Christ in America after .a.
review of the coal strike situation: The
report was addressed to the federal
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was regularly appointed ex
ecutrix of the estate of William Fu
gnte, deceased, by an erder ot th
county court of Marlon County, Ore
gon, made and entered on the 4th day
of November, 1919. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are re
quired to present them duly verified
to the undersigned at room 309 Bank
of Commerce building, Salem, Ore
gon, or to the .clerk of court, within
six months from the date of first pub
lication of this notice. Tfie date tt
first publication is No tT 12th,
William H. Trindle,
Attorney for estate.
Notice is hereby given that bids "tor
the sale of $70,000.00 worth of Roner
al obligation bonds of the city of Sa
lem will be received at my office la
the clly hall up to 6 o'clock p. m..
Monday December 1st, 1919. Bids will
bo opened at the regular meeting ol
theeomnion council at or about 7:8
o'clock p. m. December 1st, 191S.
Said bonds will be sold to the high
est bidder or bidder?, for cash, but
for not less than par value and ac
crued Interest. Bids will be received
for all or any part of said issue. A bid
for a portion only of said bonds, must
specify the particular term, or tlmo
to run of the bonds desired. Thes
bonds are 1 to 20 years serial refund
ing coupon bonds, and bear 6 percent
Interest, payable semi-annually, and
are dated January 20th, 1920.
Each bidder must file with his bid
a certified check for 2 percent of tha
par value of the bonds bid for, made
payable to the city of Balem, which
will be forfeited to the city in oas
any bidder to whom bonds are award
ed shall fall or refuse to accept and
pay for such bonds. The right to re
ject any and all bids is expressly re
served. KARL RACE,
284 City Recorder.
Phones 1000-1014