- THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1019. PAGE FIVE. AD-Ar YT oiina-iown CCKKEIfT EVENTS Nov. 24-27 Teachers Insti tute In high school, Nov. 28 Rotary club lunch eon in Marion hotel. " Nov. 26 Cherrian dance at Armory. ' Nov. 27 Christian church entertainment at penitentiary. Nov. 27 Dance at armory. Uec. i Music class of Salem Woman's Club meets with Mrs. MaxO.Buren, 745 Court street. Dec. 1. Business Men's Luncheon at Cemmerclal club. . Deo. 3-4 Bazaar In St Jo seph's hall. Dec. 5 Winifred Byrd and Clarence Whitehill aoncert at armory. Dec. g Special school elecr tion for increases in teachers' salary. Dec. 19 "The House Next Door." high school auditorium. Rubber boots repaired. -New soles. Heels. Anderson & Brown. 280 Thanksgiving dinner will be served At the Spa from 1 until 8 p. m.' 28(P Salem police have notified river points below the city to be on the lookout for a 19 foot skiff which was stolen from the foot of Mill street, some time Monday night. The skiff belonged to the Salem Water com pany, was painted gray, and the chain with which it had been secur ed had been broken by the thieves. Boots repaired,. Anderson & Brown formerly Watt Shipp Co. 280 All public offices will be closed in the city tomorrow. The city hall, I court house and state house will not open. The post office will handle no I mail other than general' delivery for transients at tne wmaow oeiween 'nine and 10 o'clock in the morning, i There will be no deliveries in the city ery. Phone 35 for drugs. Prompt deliv- Tyler's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Butterfield of Portland, paid a visit to friends in Salem yesterday. Rubber boots and shoes repaired. Andeison & Brown. 280 E. T. Albert pf Portland was in Sa lem today, while on hi8 way home from a trip in southern Oregon. He Thanksgiving dinner will be served at the Spa from 1 until 8 p. m. 2HQ has been the guest this week of Mfcs Elisabeth .Levy at the Levy residence jii Court street. , ' " .' The Tuesday Music club held meeting last evening, at which offi-J cers were elected for the coming year The following persons were elected to fill the offices, for the coming year: Miss Lena Belle Tartar, president; Miss Elisabeth -Levy, vice president; Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, secretary; Miss Chandler, treasurer. WOOL GROWERS URGE !t DEATH PENALTY FOR MEET ME AT "MEYERS" The immediate restoration of capital uuniahment in Oregon Is urged h'y the . Miss Tartar! National Wool Growers association in will represent the organization at the State Music- Teachers association at Portland on Nov. ,28 and 29. DENYING CHARGES OF 'WIFEJOSBAifflS' "DIVORCE HIMSELF a telegram received by Governor Ol cott. this morning deploring the un fortunate death of J. N. Burgess of Pendleton an officer of. the organiza tion which numbers 20,000 wool -growers in its membership. . "H!s loss is Irreparable for we. know of no one in the western country who (was held in the same high esteem as wast he." reads the telegram from S. W. McClure, of Salt Lake City, secre tary of the association, referring to the death (.. Burgess jv ho ; was- killed by I holdup men in Portland Friday night. : "He was universally lover-and respect- ! ed by every member. The members of this organization join In assuring you .- Strong denial that he had made a!'ld "" People of Oregon their full statement that he would just as soonjn loyal support In bringing those live under the kaiser as under the I Suilty of this outrageous, crime to the United States, and citation of the fact I Billows. If Oregon has no law provid - rfesww we are truly thankful for all the many blessings K Americans enjoy. We appreciate the spirit of the founders of this GLORIOUS REPUBLIC,'? who e x e r c ised PatienceCouruage and; Determination and estab- X lishedthis GREAT-NATION on the solid founda tion of that he had four sons in the world war, Jacob Tuleja against whom suit for divorce was begun here several days ago, today filed answer to-his wife's charges, asked her case dis missed, and instituted suit himself was accompanied to Portland by his 'for divorce. Norma N.Terwilliger,licensed lady em balmer.with. Terwilliger Funeral Home, Phone 35 for drugs. Prompt deliv ery. Tyler's drug store. E. T. Barnes is on a business trip to Portland today. - ; ' Big masquerade dance at new Au burn hall Thanksgivmg night. Sa lem's best five piece orchestra. 280 Tuleja also denied that he had $5000 due him, and says that he "has only a dollar or two in his pockets" which he needs "for the care of my five minor children." Gertrude Tuleja, his wife, had asked division of this sum in her complaint. Tuleja claims that his wife married him with the intention of defrauding him out of what little money he has, and that she sought to take away the money belonging to his, children.' He claims-that his wife-ealled his child ren "cats" and "rats." He asks absolute ownership of all nni c. . I - property iitvuiveu. iiiey were iimrneu Love, the jeweler, 337 State street, ho,d ourt ,n Judge Bet,s stea(J Portland August 30, 1919. brother and ster-in-law, Mr. j and Mrs. J. S. Albert. Hiar father,' T. G. Albert, will join them over Thanks giving. . Thanksgiving dinner will be served At the Spa from 1 Until 8 p. m. 280 Judge Kelly, of the circuit court, will leave the city tomorrow for Al bany where he will hear motions Fri day and Saturday, and will convene court ' during the jury term which be gins Monday: Judge Bingham will leave i Saturday for McMinnville and Salem, W. F. Campbell, 560; North 21st street, returned last evening .from a visit in Independence. u Thanksgiving jitney dance Thurs day at armory, 7 p. pi. 280 Mr. and Mrs. Norval H. Jones will leave this evening for Jefferson where they will be the guests of relatives for the Thanksgiving holidays. Masquerade costumes for masquer ade dance at Auburn hall, for rent upstairs over White House restaur ant. 280 Miss Freda Campbell left today for Independence where she will; be the guest over Thanksgiving of her grand mother, Mrs. D. B. Boydston. . Cherrian dance armory tonight. Tickets sold at door. 1, couple. 280 The suit case which was found here a few days ago and which is heing held by the police, has been claimed by W. F. Helfrich, 312 Lewis build ing, Portland, who states that he lost the article from his automobile while driving through Salem. Cherrlans attention. All Cherrlans attending the dance tonight are ex pected to appear in full uniform. By order of King Bing Fullerton. 280 Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Lamkin of Seattle and Alfred Oliver of O. A. C. are spending the thanksgiving holi days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, on South Win ter street. Cherrlans attention. All Cherrlans attending the dance tonight are ex pected to appear in full uniform..By order of King Bing Fullerton. zsu Reverend and Mrs. Alfred Bates, accompanied by the latter's' mother, Mrs. J. B. Marcy, left this morning for Portland, where Mrs. Bates ex pects to visit at the home of her par ents', 675 Nehalem avenue, until the New Tear. Thanksgiving Mr. Headrick, the village cut up; entertains while you dance at the armory Thursday 7 p, m. Jitney. 280 The 'trial of Frank Day, 55, accus ed of having intoxicating liquor in his possession, was again postponed to day until Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Day was scheduled to come up for hearing In Judge Unruh's -court this morning, but inability to get witnesses necessitated the delay. M. W. of A. and Royal Neighbors. Masquerade social at Woodman hall Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Eats.': 281 Ing capital punishment we feel that a special session of the legislature might well be called for the enactment of such legislation." , CLOSED MEETING HELD BY ROIARIANS TODAY Mrs. Sol Levy, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Levy, will leave for Portland tonight to attend the performance of the Symphony orchestra. ' . Thanksgiving dinner served at the Royale Cafeteria-from. 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. 280 Lyn Wright, Feilding Lenimon and Roger W. Peck, of Tacoma, arrived in Salem this piornlng and will remain until Friday morning. The three young men represent the - Puget Sound University football squad which will.play Willamette university to morrow.on Sweetland field. Thanksgiving dinner -served at the Royale Cafeteria from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. . 280 Herbert Darby, a student at the University of Oregon, is In Salem spending the holidays With his mother Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, He has as his house guest Bernard Nutting, from the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. A. J. McDonald of Eugene'ar rived In Salem this afternoon, and will spend Thanksgiving here as the guest of Mrs. F. J. Rupert. D. J. McKenzie of Portland, business visitor in Salem today.,. Is a Taking of testimony in the Phez company suit against the Salem Fruit Union and 88 Marion county logan berry growers was completed in cir cuit court here this afternoon. Due to the holiday and change of court argu ments probably wont be made for several weeks. The Salem Rotarians gathered In closed session at the Hotel Marion this noon. ., Matters vital to the Rotary club were taken up and no guests were admitted. . - Miss Lula Dahl Miller, Portland, sang entertalnly. ''Bill" Waltoii, Ro tarian, and cashier at Ladd & Bush bank, talked on financial conditions J,n the city, and "Charlie" Archard, of the Charles Archard Implement company, told to what advantage modern imple? ments are to farming. "' " ELECT NEW OFTICERS BANDITS R03 MOTOR I The Marion County Principals as sociation met this morning during the forenoon session of the Marlon coun ty teachers institute in the high school and officers to conduct the 'work for the coming year were named, The association will hold its first regular meeting for discussion of educational problems here,-January 10. The officers named are: Pre'sident, U. 8. Dotson, Park school, Salem; first vice president, D. . K.- Luthy, Keizer school; second vice president, D. A. Hoag, Marion school; third vice president, Elmer S. Stultz, Jefferson; secretary, treasurer. Miss Luella J. Walsh, Woodburn; critic, Miss Clover B. Miller, Silverton, and O. V. White of Scotts Mills, was elected member of the executive committee. Honor Justice: and .Equality And we are truly thankful in an absolute trust and confidence that no flag shall ever supplant "OLD GLORY" and the recognized mark of an American will be -Civic Prides-Community. Spirit, Square Dealing and Fair Play. kGlosed All DayyiThanksgiving : s You can always do better at COODiCOODS 4- Who Always Does Better By You " ;-, , t Portland, Or., Nov, 26. Two bandits held up the Portland and Oregoni eity rairoad company's auto bus two miles' east of Milwaukte, Or., today, robbing the eonductor of $15. , Five passengers were also robbed, but the" amounts, secured from them are not known, details of the robbery not having been 'received here. ' , The auto bus is equipped with -rai road whels and runs on a track, , -., Percival Michael Blenkensof, 31, a British subject residing in this city, today signed papers at the court house declaring his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. - - Alleging that no attempt has been made at payment on promissory notes he gave to H. L. Goodwin, Howard Teel today began suit in circuit court against Goodwin for Judgment to the extent of $168 on one note, and $50 suit costs, and $250 on another note and $51.74 costs. , Petrigrad Officials Want Trade Relations Resumed - i Washington, Nov. 26. Reopening of trade relations with Kussla, ' which would allow the bolshevlki to ship $200,000,000 worth of flax, platinum, gold bars and furs into this country in exchange for wheat, cotton and taw materials! is being sought by Pet rograd. Overtures have been made to this government, it was learned, but no progress has been made. The bolshe vik! were said to have attempted to retain Americans and Canadians to represent them in negotiations. Reopening of trade relations, it Is feared, would give the bol.shevikl the opportunity they desire to further their propaganda. . Union men and women are' invit ed to attend a social given by Salem Trades Council Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 26, at Union hall. Music and speaking program free. Dance 25c. Bring your friends at 8 p. m. sharp. 280 Especial attention has been called -to the night police of the new ordi nance prohibiting the standing of autos on the streets within the fire district between the hours of 12:30 a. m. and 5:30 a. m. The ordinance be comes effective next Tuesday, and provides penalties for violations. It was adopted in order to give the TStreet cleaning department an oppor tunity to thoroughly sweep the -streets. This has been hampered in the past by cars that have been left standing on the streets all night. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., an attorney of McMinnville, was in Salem today on legal business. Mr. Tooze has re cently received his discharge from the army where he held the commission of captain. He was, formerly an. at torney of Dallas, but has taken up his practice in McMinnville since his re turn from the army. Miss Katharine Qulnn of Portland W.W.MOORE House Furnisher. ' HOME OF THE VICTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. "THE ;1 P MIRACLE 5IAN" 2-' :-7-9 P. M. ' Fit ,-'Jt-iiM- iiVir t1-' - - W. T. EIGDON CO. Undertaken SSI North High Street. DRAPERIES MADE TO OEDEB TO FIT YOU H WINDOWS. CS. HAMILTON 340 Court Breet BUY REMNANTS : . - AT THE Remnant Store , 254 North Commercial BANDIT-PUZZLES 3 STATES; SAYS HE IS TO State House Briefs. Governor Olcott today advised Mrs. Pllliott Corbett of Portland that 'sh-; and her delegation of women suffra gists, would be given a hearing on the jroposed special session of the legisla ture for the ratification of the suffragf amendment to the federal constitution, Friday morning. . s Dr. W. H. Lytle, s;ate veterinarian, is attending the funeral of J. N. Bur gess In Pendelton today ns a represent ative of the governor's office. When the Children Cough, . Rub Musterfcle oa Throats" , i--. and-Chests , , No telling hotyiseon the -symptoms " may develop into croop, or worse. And then's when: you're glad 'you have a jar of Musterolo at hand to giva prompt, sure reliei It does not blister.- v As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent Thousands of . mothers know it," You should keep a ' jar in the house, ready for instant use. It i8 the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, . croup, stiffs neck asthma, neuralgia;,, i headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago,i pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore- muscles; chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the, chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital sise $2.50. . MM says the Good Judge Men who know .tobacco, chew the best without its cbsting them any more. iXhcy take a little chew and ir i $ amazing how the good . , . , .titstc stays in a rich, high ; ' h grade1 chewing, tobacco. ' i. For- lasting - tobacco- satis "iaclioii;.;'there'4;!' nothing ; u-i- i - like a small chew of that . -; . rich-tasting, tobacco. THE REACrrOBACCO CHEW i put uf in two styles 1 RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT. is a long fine-cut: tobacco 3: At a meeting of the Palem business men and the Baptist Brotherhood at i the Baptist church last evening, R V. Stivers, "the fighting parson atendance has nearly doubled. Sunday ( Quick action of firemen oil tho de- school advertising was especially ad- chemical truck prevented spread of livered an address, choosing as hls'vocated by Mr. Stiver, as tho need of (jle ln tho wInd this .morning when topic "The church and the business ; Interesting tne cniuiren is eyiaent, it tnev reM,um((j to a call at 1010 Norlh man." He emphasised particularly the the growth of the church Is to be as-; advantage of advertising, citing as an ; sured. A number of northwestern , Kront street. - It wus a cliimney lire example the First Christian church ' churches have written to Mr. Stiver j that threatened for a time to spread, of Eugene, where as the results of an! asking him for the outline of his sys- , hut wus readily extinguished by the extensive advertising campaign, the torn. firemen. No damage was done. Articles of Incorporation were, filed with Will H. Bennett, superintendent of bunks, this morning by the Stockl men's State Bank of Silver Lake, Lake county. The institution is to be, capi talized at $15,000. The incorporators are William Kittredge, J. W. O'Keefe and Louis Bennett of Silver Luke and C. S. Hudson and Ward H. Coble of Bend. Seattle, Nov. 26. "Bill" Carlisle, the Wyoming bandit Is ln Seattle to day, according to a letter received by Police Chief Joel F. Warren. Not only is Carlisle here, but he urges the chief and his minions to "lav off." as he wants to srer. a. few days of rest, after which, the bandlw promises, he "will blow" out of town and Invade the state of Oregon. San Francisco Nov. 26. To prove that he is in town, William Carlisle, Wyoming bandit, today wrote Chief of Police-White and inclosed his pho tograph. The letter reads: "Dear Chief: The papers are the bull. I'm here, don't worry. I'll not pull anything in your town. I'll lay low and rustle a few short horms. Re gards to the bulls. Yours truly. : "BUI Carlisle." White believes the letter la bona fide and that Carlisle is here. DINCAN'S SiOVK Portland, Or., Nov. 26. Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan rof Salem were attending the theater, sitting in aisle seats. The Salem man had a. habit of nudging Mrs. Duncan every time anything "struck him funny." " Duncan had to telephone during the- performance, and returned to the aisle seat While the house was dark. Several more funny things hap pened on the stage and Dun-,. can continued to use hs elbow to nudge the occupant of the next seat. The Salenilte, finally, heard a low cold voice: i "What do you think you are celebrating?" Whereupon James found his own seat. M SPECIAL Good 5 passenger car will trade for what have yon U. S. GARAGE Phone 1752 - - 654 Ferry St. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 26.- General Manager William Jeffers of the Union Pacific this afternoon called off the road's hunt for William L. Carlisle train robber and put continued search for him squarely up to the Wyoming state officials. - . Jeffers declared his belief that Cnr- i lisle "is being shielded"- irt Wwomtng I at the present time. He declared that Carlisle is not brave or spectacular, j but "a sneaking porch climber." Jef I fers' statement was made before the i Rotary club here. LD3EETT BOND QUOTATION 6 New York, Nov. 26. Liberty bond quotations: - 1-2's 100.02; first 4's 94.10; sec ond 4's 91,66; first l-'s 94.30; sec ond 4 1-4's 92.02; third 4 1-4's 94.16; fourth 4 1-4's 91.94; victory 3 3-4's 99.12; 4 3-4's 99.1-4. M r4 The High Price Of Coffee never troubles the users of j San Francisco, Nov. 26. Mrs. Agnes Hunter Bowe, of Los Angeles, today ,Hhot and seriously wounded William M. i Hunter, her divorced husband. The Uhnotlng occurred In the lobby of the Palace hotel. Allies Ready To Recognize Provisional fo-garian Rule Paris. Nov. 26. (United Press.) S-ir Jorge Clark, head of the allied commission in . Hungary, 'has notified Dr. Huzza, the new Hungarian premier that the supreme council is ready to recognize his provisional government and negotiate peace as soon as a na tional assembly is constituted with a government based upon popular elec tion, Budapest dispatches reported today. Neithen does the use troujble their nerves ofWostiin NocmlmneemP Made by The POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY Battl fWU .Mir-WA: