Journal Want Ads are read by oyer 25,000 people a day asd they deliver the goods. Try one and see. They deliver the Goods. . SCAN Weather Forecast Oregon: Tonight and Thursday Xnir Maximum 51 -Minimum 2:1 Rainfall .05 CirculatiQa Yesterday 5 318 Only Salem Member Audit Boreas of Circulation. ' -" ' ACKCAR E7T5J NO. 280-TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV 26, 1919. SENATE WILL RANZA1N ALL - t 1 H E n ACTS ON JENMSCASE 4 BAUUN WAR IS MiririT mi r ir IiilVII AdLl I i- ' Ml POET ADVANCE SPECIAL SERVICES WILL MARK OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING DAY BY SALEM CHURCH PEOPLE Attempt Of D'Annunzio to 0c cupy Spalato Will Result In Active Hostilities, Is Belief Of British. : . Ifziovernor Urges '15 d 7- t tu u g CUfJIC MUM IlllllK. f God for Blessing By Ed. Ii. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London, Nov. 26. War in the Bal kans is inevitable if Gabriele D'Annun zio attemptsto occupy Bpalatd, accord ing to unofficial opinion in British gov eminent circles here today. . , , . Advices received here, it was semi officially stated, Indicate the Italian government is doing its utmost to re strain the poet-ayiator from further aggression, but that it is faced wltn a serious situation at home. The su preme council in Paris also is ready to reach la decision over the Jblume con troversy before Its adjournment early In December, according to semi-official statements. United States Blamed. There was a decided tendency In of ficial circles to blame the United States for much of the present Italian- L'almatian muddle, Failure of the , Amer""n senate to accept the treaty, j it was pointed out, has delated tunc turning of the league, which now should be preparing to settle the situa tion. ., jj'Annunzio is plain crazy,' some British officially bluiuiy ... are confident, however, the Italian gov evnment eventually win we. u,e Storm which apparently la brewing, k ., i, i,lHl i'OTt S . . . .... tvuura. Rome, Nov. 20. tabriele D'Annun ssio is planning another coup, this time -'tttrtjgt. Trieste, the newspaper Avanii warned the government today. He has sent emissaries ta, Trieste to ascertain feeling toward his cause there,- the newspaper said. ' - ' ,'" ' Growing opposition to the adven ' tures of the "mad poet was indicated Here today. . ,Newl3cjeJetoa- soeiaim In designating tomorrow as a holi day and setting it aside as a day of thanksgiving, Governor Olcott urged all citizens of Oregon to attend their respective places of worship or give thanks and pay homage to God In their own homes. The executive's proclamation said: 'The seed time and the harvest Of another year have passed since we dedicated and set aside a clay on which to give thanks for the blessings of peace which had once more set tled upon a disordered world. It has been a year of bounty and plenty. The heavens have smiled upon our state and we may look back upon our accomplishments with a feeling that they have been good.'. "While we should be permeated with a deep feeling of thankfulness for all those material 'blessings which ' have been showered upon us, I be lieve that the Creator has never im planted in the hearts of mankind a feeling for which we Bhould be so truly thankful as that deep sense of service which is supplanting the rap- J idly passing desires of greed and Igain, which were based upon the de- jmands of self alone. For this same 'growing sense of service let our hearts be thankful that such sense may grow and fructify as have grown and fructified the harvests and fruits with which we have been supplied so bountifully." ' GAR memMWot the Chamber of deputies ber 24.. after hia ac.nuittnt on - the and representatives of the Confeaera-1 charge of murder for shooting one tion of Labor at. Milan have decided George Syndal, will probably be re upon a series of meetings to enlighten ', leased from that institution as cured CHENOWETH WILL BF RELEASED WITHIN FEW DAYS, BELIEF George D. Chenoweth, state legls lajor, committed to the state hospit- aj. here from Curry counts' Septent- the public upon the Adriatic situation. They probably will begin an active propaganda against D'Annunzio. " The government also plans decisive steps to prevent additional desertions from its military forces to the poet, it was said. . Washington Concerned. Washington, Nov. 26. Threat of Ga-l-riele D'Annunzio, Italian poet soldier to Invade Dalmatia territory held by the Jugo-Slavs, today caused serious .concern to the state department. Action by D'Annunzio in attempting invasion from the sea will throw re-1 Bponaibility directly on the United States, which was assigned by the I.eace conference to patrol Dalmatian water below Zebenlco and guard the coast occupied by the Jugo-Slavs. What" action American naval forces there, In command of Rear Admiral Andrews, would take, the navy depart-, nient refused to predict, but it is un derstood the stale department has al ready communicated with Under Sec retary of State Polk, now in Paris. Need Of Christmas Money Drives Strikers Bock To Jobs San Francisco, Nov. 26. Desire to play Santa Clans has worked havoc in the ranks of the shipyard strikers, In the opinion of men who have already returned to work on the open shop basis. A foreman at the Schaw-Batcher plant, who said his department had sufficient men for present needs, said today men who under normal. circum stances would have held out, were re turning because they wanted money to suend on the kiddies for Christmas. within the next few days. Dr. L. F. Griffith, superintendent of the hos pital, stated this morning that Cheno weth had displayed no symptoms of insanity since entering the institution more than two months ago and was ready for release now in his opinion. Protest against the release of Chenr oweth by hospital authorities on the part of Collier H. Euffington, district attorney for Currey county, who con tended that the discharge could only be ordered by the circuit judge order ing the committment has been elimi nated by an opinon from Attorney General Brown who holds that this matter is entirely within the jurlsdic tion of hospital authorities. "There is no question under the law but that an inmate who has recovered his reason is entitled to be discharg ed," reads ths attorney general's opin on. "He is not being held in the state hospital,, for punishment because he has been acquitted of the crime against him." It is the duty of the hospital authorities to detain him by reason of the fact of his insanity if in fact he Is insane, Brown holds. When, however, he continues, the pa tient has recovered his sanity he is entitled to be discharged. District Attorney Euffington has . further protested against the release : of Chenoweth from the state institu tion on the ground that his return to ' Currey county at this time might lead to an attempt on the part of the friends of the slain man to seek re venge against Chenoweth. Final action on Chenoweth's re lease is held in abeyance pending a further opinion from the attorney igeneral as to just what constitutes a I reasonable time in which hospital au thorities should detain a patient in order to determine his sanity. ' Following the example set them by their puritan ancestors, centuries ago, when they gathered in public thanksgiving In grateful acknowieaee , ment of favors received. Salem church people will meet Thursday morning in the First Baptist church, to hold Union services honoring the day. A majority of the local churches will be represented in the gathering, and those who are not. will celebrate the occasion with private services in their respective houses of worship. The un ion services will begin at 10:30 oclock and will be one of the most beautiful ever held in the citv. Special Music Planned. St. Paul's Episcopal church will have Communion services and special sermon and Thanksgiving music. Miss Marie Churchill will be soloist of the day. St. Joseuh's Catholic church will have a Communion Mass at 7 and a High Mass at 9 o'clock. The Church of God. ,1346 , N. Church street, will postpone the regular Wednesday night prayer meeting and have a meeting at 7:30 Thursday evening. The Free Methodist church, on the corner of Market and N. Winter streets, will celebrate the opening of the new Church at 10 o'clock Thursday morn ing. Several ministers wilt take part. There Will toe preaching again at" 8 in the afternoon and at 7:30 that evening. , Salvation Army Plans. Thanksgiving services will be held in the Salvation Army Hall on Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock, consisting of music, praise, testimony and prearfh ing. Ensign andMrs. Hunter will be the officers In charge. The meetings Thanksgiving day at the Nazarene church. 19th and Marion streets, will statement be in the afternoon and evening at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock. The preaching will be done by Evangelist Flannery, who is at present engaged in evangel istic meetings at that church. At all other churches, where the members are not participating in the union ser vices, special exercises will be held. . Union Service Program. The program for the services at the First Baptist church Is as follows: . Quartet J. W. Todd, A. A Schramm R. P.parton, F. S. Barton. Soloist: Miss Ada Miller;., pianist: Miss Evelyn Long. ' . i Voluntary, Miss De IAn'g. ",Doxol. ogy, quartet ' fthd congregation. In vocation, Rev. G.. L. . Lovell. The president's proclamation, Rev. H. N. Aldrich. The governor's proclama tion, Rev; H. C. Stover. Quartet, "I Cannot Always Trace the w ay." Scripture lesson. "The 103rd Psalm,;' Dr. R. N. Avison. Hymn No., 8. Prayer, Dr. W. C. Kantner. Solo, "Gloria" by Peccia, Miss Miller. Ser mon, "The Glories of This Latter House," Rev. Leland W. Porter. Of fering, Armenian Relief, Dr. O. F. Holt. Offertory,- Miss De Long. Quartet, "Recessional" by De Koven. "America," the congregation. Bene diction, Rev. George Chapman. Po'st lude, Miss De Long. ELD WARNS Support Pledged In Secret Session Last Night Is Report; Conspiracy Guilt of U. S. Con sular Agent Alleged Established By Probe By Federal Forces. principalsend OF STRIKE NEAR Washington, Nov. 26. Fuel Admin istrator Garfield, acting for the gov eminent will deliver to coal operators and miners here today a virtual ulti matum warning both sides in the coal wage controversy that their differences must be adjusted wlwiout further de lay. : ' The government statement, which officials hope will bring an end to the coal strike that has kept 400,000 min ers idle since November 1, was decided on at a meetlngf the cabinet today. o It will be a "final" exposition of the government's attitude in the coal strike and will be addressed to both sides. : " i. Garfield, leaving the cabinet meeting at 1:30 emphasized the word "final." Although Garfield and cabinet mem bers refused to give an indication as to what the statement would contain, it was believed Secretary Wilson's pro posal to grant the miners a 31 per cent wage Increase was not sustained. It was regarded as unlikely that the utement will, contain any recom mendation astd a specific increase but will set forth a declaration of broad principles in Biich a' manner as to inti mate what the government believes a fair increase to be. By Ralph H. Turner (United Press Staff Correspondent) Mexico City. Nov. 24. The Mexican senate in secret session tonight, was reported to have passed a resolution to support President Carranza in whatever action is taken by the government in the Jenkins case. ' The senate was also said to have appointed a commit-. tee to investigate the present international situation and to have asked the executive department for full informa tion concerning the status of William 0. Jenkins, Ameri can consular agent, held in Puebla on a charge of conspir ing with his alleged kidnappers to share the ransom, de manded for his release. The latest info rotation from Puebla" said that Jenkins, refusing bail, was still in jail awaiting trial. TREATY FIGHT IN ITALY HAY HEAII The apathetic attitude of the press was broken this afternoon when El Universal published an extra contain ing a special dispatch from Washing ton declaring the .United States was considering Intervention Say Guilt Established Mexico City, Nov. 25. Federal fore es, after clearing rebels from the vil lage of Malacatebec conducted an In vestigation showing that William O. Jenkins, American consular agent was seen In that place on the date of Br-r-r, Salem Shivers; Last Night Coldest Breathless from his pace across the country with Father Time, Winter ar rived in Salem last night. Panting chill his recent abduction, in company with ana bleak from his nostrils he oovered FELIPE ANGELES IS. EXECUTED AT the bandit leaders, Cordova, and Ubra according to official advices received from Governor Cabrera tonight. The dispatches said Jenkins was riding w-ith the bandits in an auto mobile and appeared to be on friend ly terms, whereas he asserted after his release that he had entered the village blindfolded and on horseback. Cabrera pointed out in his report that this indicates the "falsity of Jen kins' statement." This Information, It was said would be conveyed to the American embassy here in an effort to prove' Jenkins' guilty of perjury. SUNRISE TODAY ELLIS ISLAND REDS Washington', Nov. 20. General Fe llpe Angeles, who was taken by Mexi can federal forces at Parral, was exe cuted by a firing squad at Chihuahua at 0:30 o'clock this morning, the state department was advised today. Angeles, famous' artillery expert, who turned against Carranza, his for' mer chief, was found guilty by a court' martial and sentenced to death, earlie dispatches had reported. ' An appeal to the Mexico City supreme court had been planned. Angeles was known as a friend of the United States and its people, In all difficulties between the two republics. the countryside with white frost, glazed ponds with crystal ice and tint ed the cheeks of Salemltes with rose hued rogue. The .coldest night of the year 23 above zero was reported here this morning. Those who went to work early today donned muffs and over coats. They found the streets glisten ing in early dawn with Ice, water pipes were frozen and in many homes the dust-covered furnace was brought into play. STRIKE, IS Murderer Sincere In His Offer To Make Sacrifice For Widow of His Victim San Jose, Cal., Nov. 26, (United widow. The operation will be nothing. Pres3.) Floyd Lee MeClure, who kill- "Of course, I would want to know ed Antone Schoembs, left no doubt to- that I was to hang. I guess it's pretty oay that he is "game" in his offer to sure I'll die." -sell his interstitial glands to the high- MeClure Is reconciled to a death on est bidder as a benefit for Schoembs' the gallows. widow. "I've slipped and have got to pay the "I will do anything this side of hell price," he said, "if I must die. so to help that woman." said MeClure. much the better." He has seen the United Press dispatch v Wins Admiration, carrying the statement of a director of Theie was no pretense in MeClure's San Quentine that the gland opera- attitude. His eyes were clear and firm, tion would have to bo penoimea de- McClure's spirit of gameness has won fore MeClure went to prison. the half-rpludtant admiration of the Says It's "Sa Bluff." ! officers. ' . "If I can legalize the selling of my . This is the first time youth's "renew Slands before I go across," tnen I'm j in? interstitial glands have ever been ready," he safd. "This is no bluff with ioffered for sale. An offer of II 0.000 me. I'm ready. I'rh sorry for what j was made for such glands in a letter to ire none, but its rmisnea now, and ;urgepns at San Quentin, but glan can i De undone, jierore uoa, l New Tork, Nov. 26. -(United Press) Ellis Island's "soviet republic" con tinued to refuse to negotiate with the United States government today and 71 hunger strikers remained in their quar ft., refusinc to take breakfast with Uncle Sam. . Onlv three of the strikers, which in clude 72 men and women, appeared for breakfast. . Policy Uncertain. There was no apparent intimation of what the government policy will be in dealing with the alleged radlcals'ar lestod during the recent round up and held to await trial in deportation pro ceedings. The radicals at least most of them refuse to eat, work or appear for trial. Meantime the house immigration and naturalization committee coiuin ued its probe into conduct of Immigra tion affairs at Ellis Island. Congress man A. B. Johnson, Washington, eo,. tinulng questioning Deputy Commis sioner Uhl asked if It was not a fact that Ellis Island, under the regime of Frederick Home, recently resigned was practically a "gambling den, bawdy house and forum of bolshevism ?" Loowe Ruled Charged. Uhl replied that was about the case. Radicals awaiting deportation were al lowed to roam about among incoming immigrants at will, he said, and even to distribute Inflammatory literature and deliver bolshevlst addresses. Loose women also were allowed to circulate among the Immigrants prac tically without restriction, Uhl said "Everybody did about as they pleased," the' deputy commissioner summed up the situation under Howe. EHRSOF MATE ASSOCIATION you I'll do anything to help Schoembs' and are not for sale. New York, Nov. 26. Start of the proposed one-stop flight from Mitchell Field, to San Diego via Dallas by Lieu tenant B. W. Maynard has been post tell jthere are used within the prison walls "Poned. until Thursday or later, Colonel Mavnard Detavs Start On One-Stop Flight Few Hours I Archie Miller, commandant field announced, - , at the. At the general assembly of tho Marion County Teachers institute in ihe .High school this morning, Super intendent W. M. Smith announced th fact that every teacher In the coun ty la at present a member of the Suite Teacher's Association. The meeting then opened with a short program, Mrs. Lulu D. Miller, of Portland, con tributing a number of vocal solos, wiuui was touuwed by a lecture, giv en by Edwin T. Reed, college editor at the Oregon Agricultural College, who chose as his subject for discourse- "The Margin of Life." Each Section Busy. The entire morning session in the advanced department, was token up with a discussion of the origin and meaning of spelling words in con nection with all other work. Miscel laneous subjects, of interest to 7th and 8th grade teachers were also tak en up by Miss Mcintosh, In charge of the department. Edwin T. Reed ad dressed the High school, sect Ion on two important subjects, "The New Course of Study In English" and "The Com position Phase of tho Course in Eng lish." News writing was highly recom mended by the speaker, for High school students, as being stimulating to the pupil, and giving them a point of contact not met in any other way, Method DiHCUMHCd.' Standards and methods of teach ing geography were studied in the in termediate room, under the direction of Miss Wlllett. This oession was fol lowed by a lecture on Dramatization for third and fourth grade teachers, also by Miss Willett. Mr. Gentle of the Oregon Normal school addressed the teachers In the rural department. Mr. Gentle discussed the problematic lesson, voicing his hearty approval of having the pupils work in groups. Tho idea that project teaching will be the salvation of co-operation among peo ple in .life outside of school, was also voiced. - Refusal Is Forecast Washington, Nov. 26. Mexico Is preparing American public sentiment for refusal of this government's de mand for surrender of William O. Jenkins, consular agent, Imprisoned at Puebla. according tq many indica tions today '-v -- . ,.., , The Mexican embassy1, has issued newspaper clippings from , Mexican papers containing the allegation that Jenkins was an actual-confederate of the bandits who kidnaped him. Mexi can officials have asserted that Jen kins was not entitled to diplomatic immunity and that his case was In the hands of the court and they have denied that there was a crisis, saying all excitement was due to the "jingo press." At the Mexican embassy today there was on air of calm confidence, at taches insisting there would be no trouble between their country and the United States over Jenkins.. Armed Action Alternative Meanwhile, the reply to America's note has not materialized. The situa tion was discussed by the cabinet yes terday, but po policy formulated. It was agreed, it was learned, that the affair was a concern of the state de partment and that it had not yet as sumed the dimenslions of an interna tional complication in which the cab inet should take a hand. The department's program is In event Carranza refuses to give up Jenkins first, to demand why, asking full explanation and if this is unsat isfactory, to send an ultimatum order ing his release by a certain hour. Tho alternative of this ultimatum would not be armed action on land, I'l EXICANS RESENT INTERFERENCE III JENKINS' AFFAIR plained, but probably would involve naval demonstrations at some Mexi can ports. By Ralph M. Turner (United Press Staff Correspondent) - Mexico City, Nov. 26. The attitude of the American government In the Jenkins case is "inexplicable" Luis Ca brera, minister of the treasury, told the United Press. "The American government assumes that Jenkins Is Innocent, demanding his release bofore the local court hus completed its investigations and ar rived at a decision," Cabrera said. "By threat the United States Is en deavoring to secure Jenkins' release, despite the fact that Jenkins has re fused to give ball, remaining In tho penitentiary by preference.." "It is overbearing for the United States, 'a powerful nation, to meddle in affairs of a weak nation like Mexi co," Alfonso Cabrera, governor of Peubla and brother of the minister of the treasury, declared. "The United States should wait until Jenkins' guilt or innocence has been determined." "The Mexican government Is await ing complete reports from Puebla be fore replying to the American note," It is ex- Hilario Medina, under-secretary of for- Rome. Nov. ' 25. A hard fight against ratification of the peace treaty. which may precipitate a crisis inv ing existence of the monarchy, was dlcatod today. Rnclalist and Catholic deputies in the recently elected chamber will combine ' to defeat the pact, it was said. Tha signal for the -fight was expected to be the Introduction in the chamber of , deputies of a royal decree ratifying th -treaty for conversion into a law. Both. the Catholics and socialists, who ex hibited unusual strength In the recent election, have opposed the treaty Irom the beginning. . : ' Crown Right Tm-eaieneo. Tho coming session of tho chamber ) of deputies is awaited with consider able misgiving. There Is no preceaeni In Italian history for rejection ot a . royal decree, especially in the matter of a'yeace treaty, The treaty right 1b a constitutional prerogative' of tl crown. Should the socialist plans suc ceed the outcome of such a. solemn dls n vnwnl of the king's wishes practically would necessitate his abdication, In tn belief of many Italians leaders. t Whether the Catholics will oe win ing to support the socialists In a flat show down against tne King is conqu ered doubtful by many. On the other hand, it is considered certain they will maintain unflagging UEROSltlon to m Versailles' treaty, which, It was said, the holy see . considers contains th source of new wars. ' . Revision Is Sought. 'Ratification of the treaty also may be opposed by the nationalists and pro war elements, who believe Italy has everything to gain by revision oi too terms of the pact. Now that President Wilson's influenco is no longer felt here.-these elements, foreseeing aercai of the Anglo-French defensive alliance. from which .they claim, Italy was ex cluded purposely, believe that itaiy will become tho balance of power in Europe. Conservative and moderate elements which in the past usually have con trolled the Italian chamber, hope to arrive at some compromise and effect ratification of the treaty wunoui in tending the crown. eign relations said. L OF SALEM TEACHERS IH HIGHER PAY PLAN The school board, at its meeting in the high school last night, endorsed the proposed 1150 raise for teachers. Inability of the teachers to cope with the high cost of living prompted the i board to back the increase; and an other factor considered is the fact that rates here are now lower than in any other state. Several civic and private organiza tions have already approved the In crease, and pledged support to the cause at the polls December 8, when the people of Salem will be called up on to vote the measure. The new teachers, Mrs. F. A. Eng lish, Esther Wheeler and Luelle Hug gins, were named for posts last rilght. Advance of state aid for soldiers' educations was the objective of reso lutions passed by the board. Further state funds for this purpose will not be available until February 1, 1920; and the board .decided some acUon must be taken to continue the work until that time. President To Urqe Passage OfPaWsArMedBifl Washington, Nov. .26. Recommen dation that congress speedily pass the strong anti-red bill drafted by Attor ney General Palmer, will be made In 'President Wilson's message next Mon day, it was learned today. Palmer, it is understood, has asked the presi dent to incorporate in his message a request that the measure be put thru at once so the department of Justice can cope with the bolshevik menace. CHOSEN SAYS OLCOTT A successor to the lute J. N. Bur gess of Pendleton as a member of tho state highway commission from east ern Oregon has bcon decided upon by Governor Olcott it was announced this afternoon but announcement of tho appointment is being withheld until after the funeral of Burgess at Pendle ton this afternoon. hhr Party Adiourrs With No Ticket For 1920 Named Chicago, Nov. 26. The national la bor party convention was adjourned today without selection of a ticket for the 1920 election. The executive com mittee was authorized to call a con vention to choose candidates, If they decide on that course. "IlKDS" FIGHT DKPOHTATIO.V New i'ork, Nov. 25. Five of tha 56 alleged radicals held at Ellis Island by Immigration authorities today agreed to appear for hearing on de portation charges and were to be trie l this afternoon. The remaining 51 stuck to their refusal to appear for trial. They will be deported without trial unless they come to terms soon, immigration officials said. CASH PRIZES $15 Desiring to leam the opinion of its readers regarding its new head ing and make-up, The Capital Journal will pay $10 in cash for the best letter on the subject, $3 for the second best letter, and $2 for the third best letter. . Letters must not exceed 300 words in length, must be signed with persons name and address. Awards will be made by disinterested parties. Contest closes December 1. Prize winning letters and the best of other letters will be printed. If you do not like the Capital J6urnal heading, and want it changed, write and give reasons. If you like it, tell why. Address Contest Editor, Capital Journal.