BOTH PITIES PREPARE FOR ' '20 CAMPAIGN Make It Your Pet " Pastime To Kick WhetyYoti Don't Get Your Journal Properly CAIlEf Fill Weather Forecast Tonight and Wednesday rain. Maximum 57 Minimum S7. Trace rainfall. Catdaiica Yesterday 5 53 8 Only Salem Member Audit Bona of Circulation. LISTEN For The Journal carrier's whfcftle If yon doat your Journal oy 6:30 o'cloek ta the evening , TOMEEUPOIl Jin HIKVM o!J CALL 81 ol V A LI r 7 Democratic And Republican Leaders Make Ready For National Committee Meet ings In Washington. NO. 279..-TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1919. FORTY-SECOND YEAR By Hugh Balllle (United Press Staff Correspondent.), !' Washington, Nov. 25. Republicans and democrats today began actively or ganizing for the business of electing a president of the United States in 1920, Leaders were on the ground arrang ing for meetings of the democratic and republican national committees here January 8 and December 10, respec tively, to pick convention cities. - Press agents representing the can didates were also beginning to appear, armed with much literature. Announce inents of new candidates were expected to come Uiick and fast from the G. O. P. ranks within a few days, but the democrats were holding back. Issues Uncertain. There were many ideas as to what the issue would be. Miles Polndexter, senator from Washington and one of the first republican aspirants in the field, declared it would be bolshevlsm and that he would make his fight on a platform promising eradication of the "red" menace. " . ., Senator Lodge's expressed willing- ness to go to the country with the peace treaty as an Issue made it appear that he had presidential aspirations himself. - Senator Harding, Ohio, also a candi date, has not yet announced his con- ception of what the principal point of contention between the two major parties will be. ' 8ome Holding Back. Senator Johnson of California is un derstood to be planning his race 6n a "straight American" platform. Soma of the candidates who loom .biggest; such as Governor . Loden of .Illinois and General Wood, have not . entered the battle of press agents here as. yet, the inference being they are holding back until the situation Is a little more clarified. ' j . as- ior ine aemocrais, ine iuci iuiu none has come out for the candidacy . gav? strength to a report here that President Wilsonin spite of Informa tion to the contrary has not yet made up his mind with regard to making a third effort. With the treaty out of the way, there is little doubt that, in view of his illness and his weariness of public life, he would be willing to 'Step aside and not even participate ac tively in the campaign. Bnt if the treaty; is to -be the issue, the president may deem it his duty either to' head the ticket which supports ratification or take a prominent part in naming .that .leader and fighting for his elec tlon. McAdoo for Labor. -t W. G. McAdoo was seen today as a bidder for labor support if he becomes a candidate, in view of his telegram to Fuel Administrator Garfield, vigor- j out'ly supporting the miners wage de mands and opposing the ideas of let ting the public pay the increase. But McAdoo has not avowed his intentions and the other democratic possibilities, including Governor Cox and A. Mitch ell Palmer, are keeping very quiet. W. J. Bryan, although he has said he has no more political ambitions, is frequently brought into the situation when the democratic aggregation is being looked over. Many cities are bidding for the re publican national convention. They Include San Francisco, Chicago, As bury Park, St. Louis, Kansas City, Mil waukee and St. Paul and Minneapolis combined. For the democratic conven ventlon, Baltimore, Chicago, Indian apolis and St. Louis are among those bidding. GALLOWS URGED FOR POR TLAND MURDERER BY CORONER'S JURY land, Or., Nov. 23. David Sin g ' Walter Banaster and , Jul j e Ogle, Claremont tavern toai e js, were Indicted by the Mi a gmah county grand Jury to- . da 01 n charges of second degree m r, the extreme charge un de Sregon laws. . j three men confessed par ti lion in the robbery, but eij denied firing the shots that kt gl State Highway Commis si -r J. N. Burgess and C. E. F ."inger during the robbery of the tavern Iriday night. REPORT HE FAVORED lARMYil Portland, Or., Nov. 25. "We recom mend that David Smith, James Ogle and Walter Banaster be held for the willful and deliberate murder of J. N. Burgess and George E. Perrlnger, and we further recommend that capita! punishment be restored in this' state." j A coroner's Jury which probed the murders of the prominent Pendleton citizens at Claremont tavern Friday night, returned that verdict last night. "And if we had our way about It, they'd build a scaffold right here in the plaza block tonight and carry out these recommendations," announced one of the Jurors as the verdict was handed to the coroner. Miss Elsie Babcock, who was a member of the Burgess-Perringer sup per party at the Claremont, testified that ''as near as she could tell," Smith did the shooting which killed the Pen- dletonians. Miss Babcock was very nervous on the stand and swooned after leaving the witness chair. - Washington, Nov. 25. In connection; with press account sof his annual re port to the secretary of war. General March, chief of staff, today issued the following statement: "In the ticwspapere of Sunday! No vember 23, there appeared a review of the annual report of General Peyton C.: March, chief of staff, sent out by the Associated Press which credltea him with favoring an army of 260,000 men. This statement was entirely erroneous. The report of the chief of staff was a strong presentation of the necessity for an army of 600,000 men ana in eluded with it a copy of the so-called war department bill, which ia now be fore congress and which embodies Gen eral March's ideas as presented in his annual report This bill specifically states the number of men recommend ed an in no place in the report does there appear anything which suggests any other than an army of 600,000 men." - -- - Turkey Supply Short; Higher Prices Blamed With turkeys selling at 65 cents wholesale on tho Portland market, while only bringing 50 cents retail in Salem, the supply of Thanksgiving birds in; this city is going to be con siderable short of the . demand, in the opinion of market men. Up to the present time the supply here has been but little better than the early orders for the birds and it is expected that the eleventh hour rush wilt find the local dealers unable to supply all their customers. Most of the turkeys raised in this section are going to the higher market in Portland, whera the supply is also re ported short. . But scarcity of the birds is not the only, reason for the fancy, prices they are bringing, according to growers, although it ': a: big factor. High pric es of feeds has made a greater re turn ' neoessary. and has resulted in many farmers cutting down their flocks. Many who have formerly rais ed turkeys for the markets have eith er eliminated them from their farms, or are raising only a few for their own home use. FAILURE TO APPEAL IN TIME MEANS TERM IN PRISON FOR WHITE TO SERVE TIME FOR PART IN FAKE FIGHT GRAFT PLOT TO IN PETROGRAD FAILS Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 25.--R6llin H. Eunch, mayor of Muncie, Ind., to day was sentenced to serve two years in Atlanta prison and pay a fine of $1009 for participation in a fake fight swindle. Prosecuting Attorney Hor ace G. Murphy, also of Muncie, wa? given a similar sentence,. Twenty-one others were given vary ing prison terms and fines by Federal Judge A. B. Anderson. The defendants included well known Muncie men, members of the police force and asso ciates from other cities. The charge was using the mails to defraud. The gang was alleged to have ob tained thousands of dollars through their fake fights, operating on a plan somethin like the old fake foot races. After bets had been placed, a fight was staged in some secluded spot, one of the fighters would fall, bleeding from the mouth and there would be flight to escape arrest', the stakes disappearing also. A promised settlement when the excitement died away, never material ized. 'FRISCO POLICE ARE WORRIED; GET NOTE FROM BILL CARLISLE San Francisco, Nov. 25. (United Press ) Chief of Police White today received a postcard signed "Bill Car lisle, S. P.," which read: ' "Just arrived. Riding blind. Will see how the nicking is here." The card was dated November 24 and postmarked San Francisco. The police take the card seriously and believe the spectacular Wyoming bandit is in this city. SOLDIER REPORTED DEAD RETURNS AND FIHDSWIFE RE-WED 1 Because his attornes's failed to file the appeal In the time prescribed by law Arthur R. White of McMinnvlllo convicted of arson in the circuit court of Yamhill county, must serve the penitentiary sentence of not to ex ceed two years imposed by.Judge H. H. Belt of the lower court. The su preme court this morning dismissed the appeal affirming the Judgment of the Yamhill circuit court. Arthur R. and Ethel White were convicted in the lower court on a charge of hav ing burned a dray and feed stable with intent to defraud the insurance company. Ethel White was paroled by Judge Belt and therefore is not af fected by the dismissal of the appeal today. Other Decisions Made A. D. Joyner vs Crown Willamette Paper company, appellant; appeal from Clackamas county; action for damages. Opinion by Chief Justice Mc Bride. Judge Campbell affirmed Earl F. Cranston and C. W. Mas ters, ..appellants, vs Caifornla Insur ance company; appeal rrom waiter county. Action to collect insurance on automobile destroyed by fire. Opinion by Justice ' Burnett; Judge Anderson affirmed. ' -. ; , W. E. Newsom, appellant, vs City of Rainier, et al, appeal from Colum bia county; suit for injunction to-re-strain city officials from interfering SLAYER OF WIFE AI!D 2 DAUGHTERS FOUlu HANGING FROM BEAM President s Advisers Adicura After Discussing Ccal rrcb ka Three Hours; Split Ca Wilson Proposal. By Ralph F, Couch , ., (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Nov. 25.--Members of President Wilson's cabinet, meeting to day to bring about a settlement of th coal strike, were unable to agree as t what will be a fair wage Increase to 400,000 miners who are idle, awaiting the outcome of negotiations here. After discussing the coal situation for three hours the cabinet adjourned at 2 p. m. to meet at 8:30. Split Over Proposal. This split was over insistence of Secretary Wilson that his proposal tot an increase of approximately 31 per cent Is necessary to - equalize miners" wages and living costs. J Fuel Administrator Garfield an Bellingham, Wash., Nov. 25. Hanging from a rafter in a boathous on Drayton harbor, two miles irom .,, memhe omioaed thl Blaine, with a knife, wound in his breast, deputy sheriffs from Belling ham early today found the body of Otis McOuire, who yesterday mur dered his wife and two little daugh ters, Dorothy 12 and Gertrude 8. McGuire is . premused to have be come suddenly insane.. After commit ting the triple murder, leaving the bod ies of his three victims together on a bed in the home at Blaine, he wrote a note saying his body would be found floating in Drayton harbor -and then left the house with his dog. Deputy sheriffs found the dog bark ing on the shore of the harbor, but the body of McGuire was not found until the posse reached the boat house about 3 o'clock this morning. ; Tho London, Nov. 25. A widespread Dlot to overthrow the soviet govern' ment in Petrograd and cooperate with Generals Daniken and Yudenvltch has been discovered, according to an ofH rial wireless dispatch from Moscow todav. v- - .: The revolutionary organization, saia (6 number nearly 1500, was declared to have been financed by 'the allies to the extent of tens of millions of rubles and to have been headed by Editor Bakoff. According to the wireless, tne plotters planned an attack on the red army In the rear as Yudenvltch near ed Petrograd In a fresh , offensive., Communication was said to have been established with Denlken by airplane. Meanwhile, according to Moscow claims, the bolsheviki continue to aa- vance on a sijfty mile front from thfe Gulf of Finland to Churdskoe lake, Destruction of Kolchak s army continues and our advance la, uninter rupted." said the communique, we ha-e taken 900 addition prisoners, "We have flung back Denigen in the Kurshlgotf region and captured three armored trams. Seattle, Wash., Nov. . 25. "Enoch Arden" Is home today tostay. He is, Richard Sorenson ,who went away to the war lh France and was reported killed in action." . Mrs. ' Beulah f Irene Borerison, his wife, the mother of a 16-year-old son, Allen, remarried on June 17, taking G. C. Jackson as her second husband. A few days ago Mrs. Jackson re ceived a telegram from New York. It was addressed to Mrs. Beulah Soren son and was signed "Diok." "Killed in action report false," It read. "Am coming home." The two hUBhands of the same wife faced each otheu'Refcson and fair ilay triumphed over' the urge to fight it out They talked it over and left the choice to her. v !-: Superior court records, show, that her choice was "Dick." She has start ed proceedings to annul her marriage tot Jackson. - -.-:' : with laying f water mains. Opinion jrival o( tfc coroner oy ju OU.I..H, ..UU8 i... McGulre had fastened a rope to a rafter and standing upon Grace Simpson, appellant, v. First ' V- -knlft heart and ..... , Js 4., . , swung himself into eternity, : " ,ri The triple murder wo. discovered by on promissory note. Opinion by Jus- G. Bartlett, a roomer at the Mc tice Harris. Opinion of Judge Hamil- jOulre home flight. He found the ton modified and case remanded to note left, by McGuire and notified the give plaintiff opportunity to amend , sheriff. complaint. i . : Reargument granted In - Smith vs Barner,. appeal from Yamhill oounty Case of Isaac Labovitch vs Ida La- bovltch dismissed on stipulation. view and Garfield at the second ses sion late today was to lay new facta and figures before the cabinet to sup port his contention. Attention was called tb the argu ment of operators that while Wilson based his figures on wages paid pics; miners in 1913 about 70 per cent of th coal now mined in the central competi tive district is mined by machinery. ..., Second Meeting Called. Wilson at the second meeting today planned to point out that more than 60 per cent of the coal mined through out the country is taken out with picks. Garfield was prepared to emphasu that any wage increase given the min ers will Increase the price of coal to the public and he maintains that wage increases and corresponding increase) in price should be carefully scrutinise!! to protect the public. Miners andoperators postponed all Joint conferences this afternoon pend lng result of the cabinet meeting, they exDected to be called In Joint onier- ence by Garfield immediately after tb cabinet adjourned, FIVE MING CLAIMS IN COUNTY LEASED CARLISLE ASKS CHANCE TO REFORM IV LETTER TO WARDEN ON SILVERTON ROAD LAST NIGHT, BETTER Although still unconscious at noon and suffering intensely, Harry Loy, workman at the Oregon Packing plant. and resident of the Auborn district, who was struck last night by an auto 33 he was riding home on his bicycle, was reported slightly better at tho Willamette Sanatorium. Dr. J. Ray Pemberton, who is attending him, said that Loy was suffering internal injur ies that may prove fatal. Loy was struck by an auto driven by Ray M. Smith, rural route 8, as he was traveling along in the dark on the Silverton road, about two miles east of Salem. According to Smith's story to police, neither Loy or himself had lights. Smith brought Loy to police headquarters and later took him to t sanatarlum. He offered to assist In any way he could. - . OF AVIATORS IS KILLED SAYS TEXAS REPORT FOR SECOND DAY IS FOLLOWED CLOSELY El-1 HEARING REQUEST OF A deficiency appropriation of Jl, 800 for the maintenance of tho state grain inspection department is being sought by the public service depart ment) before the senate emergency bond in session today. The appoprla tion is being strongly, urged by repre sentatives of the Portland dock com mlMion and by millers and grain men from . Portland .while a number of country millers from Willamette val ley points were before the board to The "Standard Group of Claims," numbering five in the Gold Creek mln- leased by their owner, C. G. Bolden lng district In the county, have been week, of Portland, to George M. Howa- ton and John KoberBtein, both of Clatskanie, Or. The lease was record ed in the court house here today. It is for a four year period. According to the terms of the lease Howaton and Kobertstein become own ers of the claim upon the payment of $20,833, either in royalties or cash, be fore October 15, 1923. They are granted the right to take any step in the development of the properties they desire.. The "Standard Group of The second day of the Marion coun ty Teacher's Institute was opened in the high school this morning with a general assembly. A short program at which Mr. Gillette, a baritone from Portland, sang a group of songs, ac companied by Mrs. Carlson, was fol lowed by a lecture by Dr. H. D. Shel-. don, of Eugene, who chose as his subject, "Psychology and Pedagogy of Leadership." . . Miss Burrows, of Portland, was in Ahrs-A of the . rjrimarv denartment during the first part of the morning on the part of the Washington grain session, and chose as her lecture sub ject the Natural Metnod Reader. Miss Boree, during the latter half of the session spoke on Physical Direction. Outlines for the teaching of lan guage occupied the attention of the teachers in the intermediate room and was followed by an address by Miss Willett on "Teaching Poetry." The ad vanced department specialized in writing, directed by J. M. Tlce, and concluded the morning with a study of technical grammar. ' J. C. Nelson, principle of the Salem Washington, Nov, 25. President Wilson's cabinet went into session to day determined to bring about a set tlement of the. coal strike which Iaa kept 400,000 bituminous coal miners idle since November 1. Fuel Admialstrator Garfield" attend ed the meeting. , : ' i " ' '? Attorney General , Palmer, strongly endorsing the statement of princi ples made by Garfield to miners tnd operators late yesterday declared vox arrivinir at a settlement or minersi wages was "wholly ft matter of arith metic now,'' ,- ; -' - Secretary of Labor WiHon saia "tho atmosphere needs cle'.rinjf" and intimated that toda,"? meeting would bring about such clarification. ' Shortage is Acuta - ' ' The middle west was on tho veige of a serious Industrial tie up today, due to the coal shortage, according to reports reoelved here todav. llunoreas) of plants were running far below nor mal in the Chicago district. Raili! oppose the appropriation declaring .schedules nas oeen cnuupca u..w. the department to be highly ineftl- I ly the most necessary trains were on clent as well as unjust to country leratlng. . . shippers. . Indianapolis has instituted mary ototnmonta hrouEht . f Ul Saving measure!!, suuu am According to out at the session the present defi ciency is the result of a "double cross" inspection department which, after agreeing to with the Oregon commis sion to a schedule of fees adequate to cover the expenses of the depart ment secured a state appropriation to meet overhead expenses and reduc ed inspection fees necessitating a sim ilar reduction in fees on the part of the Oregon department. Claims' 'are regarded as some of tho High school presided over the high richest in that vicinity. Marfa, Texas, Nov. 25. (United p,.csa.) Jesus Rantaria, famous kid naper of two American airmen several I months ago, was reportert tociay to have been shot to death at Carrizozo Spring, Mexico. The report stated one of his own band killed the Mexican bandit leader during a quarrel over the remainder of the $15,000 ransom money received States. D.A.R.FAVORS HIGHER from the United VILLA LEADER REALIZES HE v FACES SENTENCE OF DEATH Denver, Colo., Nov.. 25. (United Press.) William L. Carlisle wants to reform. The nortorius Wyoming train robber wrote Warden Brine of Raw lings penitentiary (rom Denver on Sat urday, denying he held up the Los Angeles Limited, following his escape from prison and that he is trying to "be good." The writer asked the pris on officials, to "give me a chance." The penmanship was Carlisle's, War den Brine stated emphatically after comparing the letter with the convict's writing at the prison. Further com parison Will be made by handwriting experts, officials believing the letter the best clue to Carlisle's whereabouts since his escape ten days ago. . ' Hoaxes in the form of letters and telegrams are reported from Atlanta, Erie, Des Moines and other cities. LOGANBERRY CASE TO CONTINUE TWO DAYS Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 25. General Felips Angeles, Villa's military leader, now believed to be on trial before a summary court-martial at Chihuahua Cltv, realizes that execution is to be his fate, according to delayed advices reaching here from Chihuahua City. Some reports, not generally credited because of the lack of official word are that Angeles already has been exe cuted. Dispatches describe Angeles e seren at times and at other times no is spiritless, revealing that he knows execution will be his fate." These same dispatches claimed Villa himself is again in imminent danger of capture. A. D. Becktei of Polk county, yes terday sold his well Improved twelve acre farm across the river, to an east ern Oregon party, who will take pos session in the near future. Because of the great bulk of testi mony introduced in the trial of the Phez company against the Salem Fruit Union, and 88 Marion county logan berry growers, the court today ordered it transcribed. This step is seldom tak en In any lower court, except when evidence is gathered for appeal to a higher court, and Is indicative of the importance of the case. Th attorneys for the Phez company completed their case late yesterday aft ernoon and the defendants immediate ly commenced their case. The trial was expected to end today, but this after oon it appeared likely that it would rontinue until over Wednesday. At the regular monthly meeting of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, held Saturday afternoon, the discussion of teaching patriotism in the public schools cul- mlnuted in a resolution favoring the increase of salaries for Salem teachers. The citizens of tomorrow are being trained in the schools of today and to preserve the ideals of Americanization necessitates the employing of weV trained teachers In the public schools. This condition cannot be obtained un less the teachers are paid a living wage. It is earnestly hoped by the members of the Daughters of the American Revolution that all voters will do .their patriotic duty by the com ing generation when the polls aren for the decision of this important ques tion. Men Wanted On Kidnaooinj; Charge Cart At Ashland Redding, Cal., Nov. 25. D. M Churchill and John McBride, captur ed at Ashland. Or., when they asked aid from the Red Cross, are wanted In Fresno, Cal., and are the men who kidnaped Jack Dunning at Marysville according to a dispatch received here today. The dispatch said the men were ar rested when they asked aid from the ! Red Cross. They wore service uni I forms. - Detectives Hot On Trail Of Abscoimding Bank Official Chicago. Nov. 25. James M. Miles, vice-president of the Standard Trust & Savings bank, accused of misappro priating about $200,000, was making a wild dash for freedom today. , Detectives tracked Miles to Chilllco- the. III., and were only a few hours behind the fleeing banker. When the detectives reached Chilli cothe at an early hour today.' they were informed a man answering Miles' description had left an automobile there and boarded a train for Gales-burg. school section. Dr. H. D. Sheldon dean of the school of education at the Uni versity .of Oregon, addressed the meet ing on "The Work of the Peace Con ference." In the Rural Department Mr. Arnold, rural supervisor,- had charge of the second meeting. Matters pertaining to school room decoration, cleanliness of grounds and discipline were discussed. The teachers of the Home Economics department were ad dressed by Bertha Davis, head of the Home Economics Education at O. A. C. Troubles prevalent in this branch of teaching were given a thorough diagnosis and remedies 'perscribed for each. Yesterday afternoon, matters of im portance in each department were studied and discussed. The session opened with singing led by John W, Todd, followed by a lecture by H. D. Sheldon on "Marshal Foch and Scien tific Imagination." Phonetics were studied by the primary teachers, and a general study of 7th grade problems was gone Into by the advanced depart ment, followed by a study of advanced history. J. M. Tice, Palmer represen tative from Portland, addressed both the intermediate and rural divisions. Dr. Sheldon chose as his topis for tHe high school afternoon sessions, "Or ganization of High School Tteachers" and "Function of Teacher in After War Period." The afternoon session of the Vocational Department was de voted to a study of the Smith-Hughes Act as conducted in the State of Oregon. VALLEY MOTOR BUYS HALF BLOCK; LARGE GARAGE IS PLANNED elevator and car service. All business is suspended after 4 p. m. Supplies of coal to non-essential In dustries has been cut off in St. Louis. The release of hundreds of car loads of eastern coal has relieved the situation in Iowa, according to reports from Des Moines. The situation throughout Kansas and Nebraska is serious but not yet acute, though the cold weather is rapidly diminishing the reserve coai supply. Tillamook 99 Percent Loyal; Balance In Jail Tho growth of their business de manding some provision to accommo date it, the Valley. Motor company has bought the corner at High and Cheme keta streets, 82 H feet on High and 165 feet on Chemeketa from Vlck Brothers, and intend to build there as soon as arrangements can be made. There are four dwellings on the corner. These will be removed and a large, modern garage erected. Consideration in the deal was not made known. Tillamook county is 99 per cent American and the other 1 per ce'nt Is In Jail, according to a letter received Monday by Governor Olcott t rom Sher- iff W. L. Campbell. The letter was in response to a circular sent out by Governor Olcott last week urging rigid enforce ment of the state laws with a view to ridding Oregon of the "red" menaoe. ' Worker Injured In Rioting When Big Shipyards Re-Open Sa,n Francisco, Nov. 25, Benjamin Green, shipyard worker, was seriously hurt in a small riot which occurred at the Moore Shipbuilding plant In Oak land today. The outbreak Is said to be the first violence since the yards re opened yesterday. CASH PRIZES fy-(i Desiring to learn the opinion of its I readers regarding its new head- ; r A ing and make-up, The ' Capital Journal will pay $10 in cash for the best letter on : the subject, $3 for the second best letter, and $2 for the third best letter. Letters must not exceed 300 words in length, must be signed with persons name and address. Awards , will be made by disinterested parties. Contest closes December 1. Prize winning letters and the best of other letters will be printed. If you do not like the Capital Journal heading, and want it changed, write and give reasons. If you like it, tell why. Address Contest Editor, Capital Journal. ' J '