Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 24, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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ewj oday - Where Small A ds GetResu
Its at Small CoM
' Kate per word Each insertion one
ceat, six insertion 5 cents, one month,
to insertions. 17 cents, una jcar. per
r.onth, 0 cents. Minimum per ad 25
First Irsertion only in New Today.
Ctty ads cash in advance and not tak
er, over phone., unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance for
shone errors
New Today.
WANTED Some grey outs suitable
for seed. Phone 58F14. ; 280
SALE Or trade by owner, 9 room
; modern house, 9 lots, lots of fruit,
in 'New-berg, Or. Phone 837. 278
FOR RENT - Or sale, seven .room
dwelling, Chemeketa and 15th Sts.
Airs. Katherine Watt, 15th and
Chemeketa. 278
FOR SALE 1 Tractor, 10-20 h. p.
with 3 plows, will take a good team
as part pay. 3 purebred Berkshire
hours. 30 pigs and sow, stock hogs,
reason for selling have leased my
farm to other parties. L. Beehrel &
Son., Salem,' Rt. 7. 280
WANTED To rent piano. Box 44 Cap
- . ltai journal. 2
WANTED Girl, 17, wants any kind
of work during day. Box 88 Capital
Journal. 279
FOR SALK Potatoes for sale; also
fresh cow. Phone 64F21. Call eve
nings. 278
JCENSt'S clerks, (men, women,) 4000
i needed. $95 month. Age, 1S-60. Ex
perience unnecessary. Examinations
Salem Dec. 10, Jan. 7. For free par
ticulars, write J. Leonard (former
-' government examiner) 1382 Euult
. able bldg., Washington. 280
I FOR SALE July 1918 Chevrolet by
private owner, guarantee good me
chanical condition, $625. Harry
Pearson, phone 12F5, Rt. 4, Salem.
, WANTED Men to dig ditches and
lay tile. See W. W. Emmons, at
Scotch Woolen mills, 426 State St.
FOR SALE Young geese for Thanks
giving. Phone 64F14. 28l
. WANTED To let contract to grub
land. A P care Journal. 280
WANTED Men to cut cord wood,
also to' cut' and burri brush; J P
care Journal.' . 280
LOST Waltham .watch, size 16, dial
cracked. Altaian. Taylor Co. fob.
Heward, Return to this office. 279
FOR SALE 10 Barred Rock pullets,
2 pair Belgian rabbits. Phone 34F
13 279
WANTED Partner. Man that is not
afraid of work. Good proposition
for right party. 1-2 interest $750.
Address box 13, Capital Journal.
'. 5 280
. PUREBRED Nubian buck from best
of milk "strain. Service ' fee" $ 5, 'oi-'
for sale. Call at 524 N. 15th St. or
phone 1716R. : " -283
BOARD and room close in. 495 N.
Com'l. Phone 1446. . 283
SHEEP for sale, twenty six stock
ewes. Phone 1544R. 283
FOR RENT Furnished apartments,
reasonable to the right parties. 435
N. Liberty. Phone 2456J. , , 279
FOR SALE Good buggy and light
wagon. 2610 Cherry Ave. 279
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms.
Cottel Apartments, 343 1-2 North
Com. 279
WANTED- Woman to care for two
children and do light housework
from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sundays off.
Apply at 362 N. High St. 280
FOR SALE Household furniture in
good condition. Mrs. C. Van Patten,
a96 S. 21st St. 283
WANTED Small furnished or un
furnished house; no children. Call
or address 444 S. High St. 278
WOOD for sale. Will fill a- few orders
while it lasts. Phone 31 4R. 279
FRESH Jersey cow for sale. 1311 N.
4th St. 279
y- BABY buggy for sale. 1311 N 4th
St. 750R. 279
FOR SALE Modern house, 892 S.
12th. Phone 34F2. 280
LOST French pin with picture of
Paris capital on same. Reward if
returned to Capital Journal. 279
FOR RENT Modern sleeping room
for lady. 330 N. High St. Phone 4.
, 280
FOR SALE Airedale dog. 1 year old
Fine disposition. 674 N. - Summer
St. " 280
Second Hand Goods.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes- and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
tores, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to srtl or trade.
" What have you? The- Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
Any amount. . Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
YOU RKNT Sinsle housekeeping
and sleeping rooms at The Miller,
633 Ferry. 2 SO
For Sale.
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross & Son.
GOAT meat for sale, first class only.
Orders taken 2567 Oak and 25th
street. Phone" 2160M.
CHOICE goat meat at Peoples mar
ket between State and Court on
Liberty Btreet,,
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring ear,
has not been run 2000 miles. See
car at Dodge agency, 184 South
Commercial St. 2S1
FOR SALE Modern six room house
texcept furnace) at 1244-Waller
St, $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Koth.Grocery Co.
FOR SALE 235 "acres improved
farm, 1-2" mile south of Marion, Or.
$75 per acre, terms. H. Fennell,
. North Bend, Ore. . ..-.',, " 2S0
FOR SALE Fordson tractor com
plete with plow, extension rims,
pulley and extra shares. Cheap.
Oregon Tractor .Co,,, 173 S. Com'l.
Phone 1600.. . ..
BOAR, Will sell my herd boar, 3
years old. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
$75 will take him. H. R. Jones,
phone-49F2, Salein. ..
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old,
eligible to registry that I -will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
your choice while they last. H. R.
Jones, phone 49F2.
TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering
tor sale rive modern bungalows
well located on paved street. Wil
liam H. Trindle, Bank of Com
merce bldg. 293
I HAVE $5000 to loan on good real
estate to private party. Address G
H care Journal. , 279
FARM for sale by owner, located
in fruit section of Virginia. Signs
of manganese and iron ore, for par
ticulars address, Ethel L. Huffman,
Washington,, D. C, care general
delivery. " 279
FOR SALE New Woodstock type
writer, perfect condition. Address
22 Journal. 279
FOR SALE Five year old work
none, pnone ibysw. . , 37
FOR SALE Few cords furnace wood
and oak. Phone 1678W. 279
FOR SALE Cheap, delivery or ser
vice car, first class condition. 1146
Oak street. 279
CHEAP-LANDS We can sell you im
proved and unimproved land in
large or small tracts, in this
county for $25 to $100 per acre,
small cash payment, remainder on
easy terms, 10 years if desred. Let
- us tell you-about-them.- John-H.
Scott Realty Co., 264 Oregon bldg.
7-10 acres of nice land set to straw
berries, logons and filberts, small
buildings, for $200 per acre on easy
terms. This is a bargain, better
look into it. John H. Scott Realty
Co., 254 Oregon bldg. - 278
STRAWBERRY plants, Cuthsbert
raspberries, loganberries and Vroo
man Franquet walnuts grafted on
black. Middle Grove Nursery, Rt.
No. 7, box 201. Phone 24F5. 281
FOR SALE 40 acres fine eastern
Oregon alfalfa land, near mainline
R. B. town. Would sell now for less
than half what 'it will be wortlv a
few months hence when water is
delivered, or would consider ex
change. 292 N. 20th St. Phone 1902
AV evenings. " - ' 278
FOR TRADE 40 acres of timber land
Inquire at 260 N.. 15th . mornings
and evenings. 280
FOR SALE A full size player piano
with 16 rolls of music, only used a
few months, better than new and a
genuine bargain. The Wiley B. Al
len Co., 519 Court St. " 278
FOR SALE By owner, modern
home, 8 room, gas, electricity, fur
nace, fireplace, garage. Price $4,
'200, terms. Call 1880 Center St. or
write P. O. box 423. Will sell furn
ished if desired. 280
FOR SALE Or trade, a big snap by
owner. A 4 apartment house. Ad
dress Box D R Capital Journal. 281
WILL pay cash for good used pi
ano, must be a bargain, pnone
492." 278
FOR SALTS 4 Fox terrier puppies
and yellow canary singers. Phone
113F12. 281
FOR SALE Milch goats, fresh in
about three months. Phone 2153J.
FOR SALE White angora rabbits.
Phone 2153J. 278
FOR SALE Or trade horse and wa
gon for a cow. 2233 Fairgrounds
road. 279
FOR SALE 58 acres, good buildings,
most in cultivation, some Deaver
dam land. 1-2 mile of good town,
with electric lights, high school, 14
miles from Salem; a real buy at
$5700. Write Chas. Ransom, Aums
ville, Or. 278
FOR SALE Corn on cob, $45 ton,
3-4 mile west Keizer school house.
H. W. Bowdon. Phone 29F3.
FOR SALE" Or trade horse, 1000 lbs
7 years. Rt. 1, box 18B, Wallace
road. Polk county. 279
FOR SALE Strawberry plants, Et-
leroerg jnu. tu vnuuinu-
Phone 87F25. 282
RABBITS New Zealand Reds, for
sale or exchange for hens. Phone
1170R. 279
FOR SALE Poland China boar, wt.
about 600 lbs. Phone 49F31. 278
FOR SALE Some fine pullets. Call
454 Hood St 279
FOR SALE- Pigs seven weeks old.
Phone 73F15. - 279
FOR SALE Cheat seed. Phone 8F
11. . zov
Used Cars for Sale.
FORD for sale-cheap, good condition.
Phone 855. . - 281
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
. pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are In
and can guarantee- absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
rirst class repair work on any man
of cars. American Automobile Co.,
FOR SALE Cheap, Ford chain drive:
truck in A-l condition. Will take in:
. Ford touring car as part payment.
, Salem Velie-company, 162 North:
Commercial.. 278
For Rent :
FOR RENT Furnished room wthint
one block of- P. O. for rent to lady.
Phone 1576R. ' , . . 278
FOR RENT Furnished room in pri
vate family, reasonable. Phone 1669
'- 278
FOR, RENT Housekeeping rooms.,
Phone 1055. . ., 280'
FOR RENT Sleeping room. Phone'
1525. 279i
' '. ' Wanted.
WANTED Work by school boy
(Japanese). Box J Capital Journal;
WANTED Good milk cows on shares
John Lbrenss, Rickreall. 280:
WANTED Somebody with, high
blood pressure that can get no re-,
lief. Call 1749. 278-
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
WANTED Highest price paid for
rat cattle ana milch cows, pnone
1676W. ' 27
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
- or stumpage, ash, maple, . oak and
fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons,
Gervais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F11.
WANTED Good cast iron. Beards
leys Foundry, 1360 N. Front St. 278
PATRONIZE Veribest Transfer Co.,
baggage and moving; hauling any
where. Phone 2444, 129 S. Com'l
ex-service man and old timer in
Salem. 301
WANTED Ford roadster, delivery
bed preferred, car must be in good
condition and a good buy for cash;
would consider Ford, touring if
price was right. Ross Condit, Aums
ville, Or. , - 278
WANTED Good automobile in ex
change for two choice comer lots,
also will accept good car on choice
acreage close in. Phone il70R. 279
WANTED 5 or 6 room house, party
no children, walking distance. Write
or leave word at Central cigar store
evenings. 278
WANTED All kinds of junk and sec
- ond hand goods,' Liberty Exchange,
241 N. Commercial. . Phone 841.
Spier "&. 9pott, Props.
WANT Men to clear land and - cut
wood. Call Dr. Beechler, 302 U. S.
bank. 279
WANTED Loose hay, vetch, and oats
or clover. Address Box 2 care Jour
nal. " . 281
WANTED To rent 6 rooms or more
furnished or unfurnished, by adults.
Box rent Capital Journal. f 282
WHEN in need of a- carpehter call
80F2. ... 279
Lost And Found.
ESTRAY One dark bay horse, wt.
about 1000 lbs., had halter on.
Phone 74F12. 279
Real. Estate-r-Houses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St.
FOR' SALE House and lot on State
street. For information call at 2480
State street . - 279
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore.
CLEAN apple cider delivered for 35c
per gallon. D. R, Rifble, phone IF
14. 278
Oleson's Auto Exchange
48 N, COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto
parts for sale.
Autos for hire without drivers. .
1917 Ford, $425
1 Samson tractor $500
Ford bug $275
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625.
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F5; office
phone 1394. . 301
Homes, Apartments, Busi
ness Properties, Building
Loans. Current rates. Full
Repayment privileges.
Our own money. Prompt
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
iS ciallst In the Modern Scientif
ic annMr.atlnn of id asses for the aid
of ytsion and the relief of eye strain
land headache. . Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
rist, eyes- examined and glosses fit
v .0.1 Rimlran . lanMMi dunlic&ted.
L. UmttM. af nfflMi flujlv. 4- n. mi to 6.
L; p. m. Saturday, 9 a. m. to 6 p. ra.
Appointment oy pnone any nour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341, 278
: Water Company. l
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 600. - C"J -
Office -124 South Liberty, street
Phone 937; 1211., Real, estate : and
stock sales.
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only. charges
, 2 per cent.
Money To Loan..
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 5 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Federal Farm Loans
6 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 l-z years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 '; Masonic 'Temple,
Salem, Oregon. -,... ,
Best Buys.
30 acres all cultivated, well fenced
hogtight; good barn, good berry land;
will grow clover, joining town. $2750.
Own terms on $1000 for 3 years at 0
per cent. . '
125 acres all cultivated, well fenced,
1 modern 8- and 14 room residence;
good barn and outbuildings, school,
station and paved road by the place.
$185 per acre; $10,000 cash, balance
6 per cent. r
100 acres, 94 ; cultivated, balance
timber; good house, barn, at station,
at school. $110 per acre; terms on 1-2
at 6 per Cent
239 acres all cultivated; 7 room
bungalow, barn, Well fenced. $65-"fler
acre, 1-2 cash. .
11 acres, 100 bearing English wal
nut trees, logans, cherries, good mod
ern improvements, paved road; the
best of -soil. $10,500; very easy terms.
20 acres all cultivated; lots of fruit,
house, barn, all fenced, 3 miles from
center of Salem, $8000; $1000 cash,
balance 6 per cent to suit.
20 all cultivated; "good fruit land,
7 miles from Salem, owner ' will sell
without payment down if buyer, will
plant fruit. $3000. , '
10 acres all cultivated, 2 logans,
family- fruit, house, barn, balance in
grain; some fencinfi paved road olose
in. $4ouu, j-2 casn.
6 acres all cultivated, the best of
berry land, house, barn, family fruit,
close in. $1850; easy ..terms. . :
320 acres, 100 acres cultivated, good
soil, Lake county, Or., $3500; will ap
ply as payment on valley ranch.
320 acres, 40 cultivated, well locat
ed, plenty water, Malheur . county,
Oregon, $7 per acre; will take resi
dence in exchange.
Modern 6 room bungalow. $1900.
Strictly modern 6 room bungalow,
Modern 5 room furnished bungalow
Modern 6 room house, large lot,
5 room house with large lot; lots
of bearing fruit. $650.
For best buys or exchanges see
341 State streo
Wood Saw-
'HONE 1754R. Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1256 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as wo pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St.
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 20 to 68
Inches high. Paints, ol6 and varn
ishes, etc, loganberry -vjd hop
hooks.. Salem Fence anf Stove
Works, 260 Court street, Phone 124
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court St
Lodge Directory.
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R, & 8. . .
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 48f Union St
recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1416
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
UNITED ARTISANS' Captiar Assemr-
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert. secre
tary. 340 Owen street
Oregon Cedar Camp No. S240
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Turner,
Help Wanted;
YOUNG married man ' wants steady
position, as grocery clerk or some
thing similar. What have you? One
tyenr 'experience. Box- -4 Capital
Journal. . 278
WANTED Man to tip loganberries
on the shares, .Ground ia plowed.
-Phone 107F24., - ... 278
Remember, able bodied . boys over
18 years old and under 60, the
Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at
Oregon City and West Linn- will
i need men for j the : wintef season.
Just keep them In mind when ar
ranging your winter work schedule.
They have a fine hotel just for em
ployes, at low ratea -..-- 300
WANTED Man on ranch,. One that
can handle tractor and prune
trees; all winter work for- right
: party. Phone 93F23. . 279
WANTED Lady to do day work, will
. pay 35c an hour. Call at 686 Center
' St. . ..." ' 278
GIRLS wanted' at Ithe Glove Factory,
1455 Oak Sti Steady work. 282
WOOD chopper-wanted, right In town
Phone--1170R.: 279
Look 'Em Over.
If y-ou see one here that looks good
to you call at our office, we'll, make
you prices and terms that will be sat
isfactory. , 8 rooms, 354 N. Winter St.
8 rooms, 1936 N. Commercial St.
8 rooms, 642 N. Liberty St.
7 rooms, 1096 Chemeketa St.
7. rooms,. 1272 Fir St.
7 rooms, 1309 N. Commercial St.
7 -rooms, -499 N. 19th St.
6 rooms, 1890 Ferry St.
6 rooms, 789 N. Winter St.
6 rooms, 180 N. 23d St.
6 rooms, 367 N. 18th St,'
6 rooms,: 833 Mill St' - ' .- '
6 rooms, 1195 S. 12th St.
6 rooms, 459 N. 23d St. : ' '
5 rooms, 1695. N.. Liberty St. ,
6 rooms, 1450 McCoy St. -' '
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bld , ,
Good Buys.
25 acre tract, 1- 1-2 acres under
cultivation, balance timber and pas
ture,, some fine . bottom land, 5 room
house, well, fine spring, about five or
six hundred cords of standing fir tim
ber, rock road. 6 1-2 miles from Sa
lem, close to railroad' station. Price
$2000, 1-2 cash, balance 6 per cent
112 acre farm, ,'70 acres plow land,
balance pasture and timber, good
buildings, family orchard, rock road.
Will take moderrf home in Salem as.
part payment or well Improved' 5 acre
tract. Price $165 per acre.
10 acres nearly all cultivated, 0
acres in loganberries, apples and
peaches, bungalow partly finished.
Price $1650.
Well improved $ acre tract located
cose to the carllnei good 5-room plas
tered bungalow, barn, family orch
ard, gravel road. Price $6000.
Well Improved 10 acre tract, good
bungalow, 1 acre logans, family or
chard, 3 miles out. Price $7000. t
" 20 acres of good prairie soil, good
plastered house, barn, good road.
Price $5000.
80 aore farm located 6 miles east.
of Sulem, nearly all cultivated, same
timber and pasture, good 7 room plas
tered house, two .barns,, crop nearly
all in, good dark , prairie soil. Price
$16,500. . '!
6 acre tract nearly all in fruit,, 1
acre of logans in full bearing, some
cherries, prunes, gooseberries. Price
$1600. . ,.
6 acre tract, all cultivated and good
6 room house, barn, well, 4 1-2 acres
of logunberrles, 5 miles from Salem.
Price $4000. , ,'.
Good 6 room modern home located
at 1565 South Liberty street; -Price
Good 8 room house at 735 Ferry
street. Price $2000.
Good 5 room plaBtered house; lo
cated in north Salem. Price $1000.
$200 down, balance $15 per month, 6
per cent interest.
Good 5 room plastered' cottage at
2605 Laurel ave. Price $1400.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street.
Good. '
Bargains and Investments.
Extra fine highly improved 50 acre
farm, fine modern bungalow,, good
barn, orchard; in high state cultiva
tion, good road, near school, R. R.
station and store, Snap, $10,000.
26 acre tract half mile from town,
8 acres bearing prunes, 3 cherries,
good set buildings. Bargain, $4800.'
Good 95 acre farm near town, about
all in cultivation, farm buildings, or
chard, good land; fine buy for $10,-
000. Terms.
, 6 acres near Salem, paved road,
small house and bam fumily orchard
big buy for $2600.
Fine 10 acre tract close lns $3500.
Well Improved 100 acre farm, good
location, rare bargain for $11,000.
9 acre full bearing berry tract, $4,
500. ,
10 acres close in, 4 bearing cherries
2 acres prunes, 2 acres strawberries,
small bungalow. Snap $2200.
For bargains and a square deal see
us. -
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. club bldg, Salem. Or
For Sale
This Strictly Modern
5., i
Excellent basement; furnace, Laun
dry trays. Large kitchen with all mod
ern built in conveniences. Attractive
dining room; cozy living room. Com
modious entrance halt. One' bedroom
down stairs and toilet. Four bed
rooms, bath room and toilet up stairs
Stairway exceptionally well construct
ed. Oarage. Newly painted through
out. Built six years ago.
Prtoe 04000
Nothing better in Salem at this
C W. Niemeyer
Just real estate and high class In
vestments. 215-218 Masonic bldg., Ha
lorn. Phones T"'0, 1014. 277
.. NOTK'K .
Notice of School Election to- In
creased Tax More Than Six Per Cent
Over That of The Previous Year.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
votters of School District No. 24, of
Marion County, State of Oregon, that
an election will be held in said Dis
tret at 230-232 South Commercial
street on the 8th day of December,
1919, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to
vote on the question or increasing the
amount of the tax levy In said Dis
trict for the year 1919-1920.. by more
than six per cent over the amount of
such levy for the year Immediately
preceding. .
ft is necessary to raise the addition
al amount by special levy for the fol
lowing reasons! '
- This amount Is obtainable by a
levy of one mill more than the last
annual tax. ' The increase is required
in order that each regular teacher in
the" district may receive one hundred
fifty dollars in addition to.the salary
provided by the present' yearly : con
tract. "- 1 "'
Dated, this 13th.-day of November,
Chairman Board o Directors.
. : District Clerk ,
To the Clerk of School District No. 24,
Marion County, Oregon:
Following is a 'Statement of the
estimated amount of money needed
by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 16, 1919, and end
ing June 30, 1920. This budget is
made ii compliance with Section 217
of the. School Laws of 1917, and in
cluded .the estimated amounts- to be
received from the county school fund,
state school f and, special district tax
and all other moneys of the district;
Budget Estimated Expenditures
1. Salaries u $147,214.00
2. Furniture .'. 800.00
3. Apparatus and supplies 6,000.00
,4. Miscellaneous 500.00
6. Census, printing and.
elections ,. 600.00
6. Repairs 3,000.00
7. Improvements and ;
betterments 4.500,00
8. Interest 6,600.00
9, Insurance , r 650.00
10. Freight, express and
cartage '. : 200.00
11. Rent J : 750.00
12. Fuel 4,063.96
13. Light 1,300.00
14. AVater and phones ........ 1,000.00
15. Demand notes Salem .
bankst outstanding, ,
June 17, 1919 36,500.00
16. Total estimated amount
of money to be ex
pended for all purposes
during the year $213,277.96
Estimated Receipts ,
From state . and county -school
fund during the
coming school year , 46,000.00
Cash now in hands of the
district clerk 1,026.98
Cash in hands of the coun
ty treasurer, belonging to v
the district . .-. 40,396.00
Estimated amount to be
- received frem, all other
sources during the com
ing school year 21,275.00
Total estimated receipts, '
not including the' money
to be received from the
tax which It is proposed
to vote $108,697.96
" Recapitulation
Total estimated expense for
the year $213,277.96
Fine Properties For Sale---
17 acres very close In, 4 1-4. acres
. loifuns, 6 1-2 acres Lambert and
Royal Annes, bearing; 4 acres cul
tivated land. 3 acres timber: 7 room
plastered house,, good barn, well.
hot and cold water, family orchard,
$20,000. Cash and terms.
3 acres, some walnut and apple
trees 6 room house, outbuildings,
all in good shape. $2500. Cash.
6 1-2 ucres, 200 prune trees 4 years,
34 bearing walnuts, 15 bearing cher
ry, 40 apples, bearing; 1 acre logans
small fruit, 10 prune trees bearing.
9 room house, well, barn, drier. $7,
600. $2500 cash, balance terms.
6 acres, small house, 1 acre orch
ard. $1675,
7 room house, modern, basement,
Numerous other fine properties for
sale and trade.'
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com, St. 278
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal
removed. Office phone Main 167.
Without Delay
t 215-216
T iir tj..:ijj .
j iua&uiiu; jDuiiuiiig
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m.
Total . estimated receipts ,
. not inoluiling the tax' to -be
voted ....... 10fi.697.8G
Balance, amount to be
aisedby djstrict tax...... $104,580.e
The amount of money -to be raisMt
by this special tax is more than the
amount raised by special school dis
trict .tax in the year immediately pre
ceding, this, plus six per cent. It is
necessary to- raise , this additional
amount by special .levy for the fol
lowing reasons:
ThiB amount Is obtainable by a levy
of one mill, more than the last an
nual tax. The increase Is required in
order that each regular teacher in the
district may 1-eceive one hundred
fifty dollars in addition to the salarx
provided by the present yearly con
tract, . ... , ..
.Dated this 13th day of November,
K. T. B'ARNKS 1 '
i '. H. O., WHITE
Board of Directors, School Dist. No. 2
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. 24, of
Marlon County, State of Oregon, that
a School Meeting of said district wii
be held at the Salem. High School, oa
the 9th. day of December,- 1919, at,
7:30 o'clock in the evening to dis
cuss the proposition of levying at,
special district tax. ! . '-
The total amount of money needed
by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 16, 1919, and. end
ing on June 30, 1920, Is estimated in
the following budget and includes the
amounts to be received from the
county school fund, state school fund,
special district : tax, and all other
moneys of the district:
Budget Estimated Expenditures
1. Salaries ....$147,214.09
2. Furniture . 600. 0
3. Apparatus and supplies 6,000.09
4. Miscellaneous 500 0
6. Census, printing and
elections . 600.05
8. Jiepalrs 3,000.0
7. Improvements and, '
betterments 4,500.0
8. Interest , ; 6,500.00
9. Insurance 650.00
10. Freight, express and
cartage ... 200.09
11. Rent .: 760.09
12. Fuel 4.0I3.H
13. Light-.. 4,063.9
14. Water and phones 1,000.00
15. Demand notes Salem -
Banks, outstanding, . - '.
June 17, 1919 36.500.0t
16. Total estimated amount ,
of money to be . ex-
pen ded for all purposes
during the year $213,277.9
" Estimated' Receipts
From state and county .
school fund during the .
comng school year 46,000.01
Cash now in hands of the
district clerk - .' 1.0S6.M
Cash in hands of the coun- '
ty treasurer, belonging to
the district 40,898.00
Estimated- amount to be '
received from all other
sources during the com
ing year 21.278.00
Total estimated receipts,
not including the money ' -
to be received from the
tax which it is proposed
to vote $108,697.M
Total estimated expense for
the year $213,277.M
Total estimated receipts
not including the tax to . '
be voted 108,67.96
Balance, amount to be
raised by district tax $104,680.00
Dated this 13th day of November.
1919. "
Chairman Board of Director.
District Clerk
Governor Leads Troops
Against Armed Miners
, Richmond, Va., Nov. 24'. Following
It report that a. band of miners had
nrniuit themselves with machine gun.
'Governor Davis and five companies of
. Ktate militia, today were en route to
j Leo county. A certain element among
,the miners Is alleged to have refused
to allow other miners to return tn
work. They are reported to hams
mounted machine guns in the moun
tains r.nd forced other miners to stajr
m 1 aaa iau T
mones iuw-iui