PAGE FOUR. 1HE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1919. . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published every evening except Sun toy by The Capital Journal Printing Co., 13 South Commercial etreet, Salem, Oregon. O. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher Telephones Circulation and Busl- Office, 81; Editorial rooms, n. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE ' Entered as second class mail matter ftt Salem, Oregon. National Advertising Representa tives W.-D. Ward, Tribune Building, New York; W. H. Stockwell, People s Gas Building, Chicago. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier BO cents a month, $6 a Fear. By mall, 60 cents a. month. J1.25 Cor three months, $2.25 for six months, $4 per year. By prder of U. S. government, all mail subscriptions are payable in ad-ranoe. Rippling Rhymes. . Tin; V:Y;s. Now the times are blenk and chilly for the homeless Weary Willie, there's no liKht in any window fur the bo; nil the Rum Holes are abolished and no bnrkeep, bland and polished, sets the tall and foaming schooners in a ro There's no welcome for the vag rant when he comes, nil soiled and fraprnnt, and requests n little hand out at the door; we have cut out care less giving chastened by the cost of living , and we don't distribute wienies any more. So the Weary Willie jour neys from the homes of rich attorneys to the squalid huts of poets, nil In vain; no one hands him pies or muf fins, or the other standard suffin'a, and he's standing, pale, and empty, in the rain. Even at the village prison, where a welcome once was hls'n, he Is held to be a nuisance and a frost; for he adds to our expenses, and the situation tense is, when we strive to make reductions in the cost. There's no welcome for the Willie, and a sup erstition silly seems to gain a fresh momentum every cHiy; people say he Ought to labor like his honest, pled ging neighbor, ought to earn his right to victuals and the hay I TO RESTORE THE GALLOWS. Odds and Ends Chicago. Paul Kiirllhe was detain ed by police when he was found with a package containing eight chemises, tie unlit he was on his way to a shim my pnnty v-and "how could It be staged without chemises?" he asked. - , AS AN aftermath of recent brutal murders, there is popular outcry for the restoration of capital punish ment in Oregon by the repeal of the initiative law abolish ing it. Abolition of the extreme-penalty is not the sole cause of crime but accoi'ding to admissions of convicted mur derers, a contributing cause. The law is evidently too altruistic for humanity as at present constituted. It has apparently acted as a stim ulus to homicidal degenerates whose existence is a men ace to society, and upon whom leniency and kindness are wasted." With or without capital punishment, homicides con tinue, but there is no question but that the fear of the gallows acts as a deterant to the born criminal. Know ledge that his own neck is safe, makes him take a chance. Human nature has not materially changed in. the 7000 years of recorded history. The baked clay cylin ders of ancient Babylon and Egypt record the story of a civilization not fundamentally different from our own and portray the annals of a people whose daily life, though not so complex, was similar to the life of today. They reveal humanity much the same as today, the same primal passions and impulses, the same natures, the same ambitions and aspirations, the same laws, the same crimes and penalties. The apparent changes are more or less superficial. That human nature has not changed and that civil ization is only a veneer to cover the beast, was proved during the war, when the Germans relapsed to scientific savagry and re-enacted the role of brutality enacted by Egyptians and Babylonians in ravagiing the woild thou sands of years before Christ preached the brotherhood of man. Some day perhaps we will be intelligent enough to prevent crime by abolishing the cause, but humanity has a long road to travel toward progress before society will be safe without punishments to fit the crime.. As long as degenerates, perverts and criminals are born and turned loose to scourge society for its sins, just so long is the spectre ot the gallows necessary to safeguard the innocent. The assertion in the Capital Journal editorial of No vember 20, that the president had the power to declare war, should hav read "congress alone has the power to declare war"" the intent being to show" that the con stitutional powers of president and congress could not be modified by the peace treaty or by the Lodge reservations. LOVE and HARRIED LIFE xhj, me noxea autnor Idah MSGlone Gibson Milwaukee,. Wis. A bath once a week foil two years and attendance at church once each Sunday that her ' "hod'.' and soul may be idealised," was the sentence Imposed by Judge Ruckus ou 51:. France, DIIKAMS THAT tfEVKU LAST. Los Angeles. "Huh! I'm not blood thirsty," mused Frank Chance as he opened this letter "I'm engaged in driving an ambulance and morgue wa gon. Any business you can throw my . way will be appreciated," PRISONER PLOnLD TO ROB BANK WHILE IN JUG . Wlille serving a nn-dny senh-nee for the tl ift of nri auto during the state tih- Harold Walsh plotted with an other prisoner In the coutny Jrtll to rob , the bank at Kolso, Wash,, aocordinf; 'to til story of the prisoner to Sheriff Ncedlinm last night. Tha prisoner said that 1)0 refused to listen to Walsh. Walsh f-ns arrested at Chohalls, Wut.h., 'i'hiu'Nimy, Kiisnx'ted of i:ig linpll ' etited In the. theft of nn auto from Portland and the subsequent robbing and kidnapping of the driver. He was releuatd from the county jull here up on the completion of his sentence. SHU EXCHANGE HICLD VV ' Washington, Nov. 23. Negotia tions between the United States and Great Britain for exchange of ,13 Standard OH tankers held hy Britain for eight Clermnn ships held by Amor- ,irn, have renchod a temporary dead lock. It was learned here today. V frr ' j Kotbln's ever th' tniiit agin when yuur uivivimt sleeve limn s twain I' vear im. Til' diffcrem-i- between a " ilaiii d hum an' u hod currier i that one ifeirs a raise an' th' oilier de mands .it. ' "Why didn't you tell me that you played golf well?" said John, irritably, as he came up from the shower, an hour later. "Why, John, you know we never once thought" of golf ilk that blessed three weeks I knew you before we were married! And today I thought I would give you a little surprise." - "I don't like surprises." "Forgive me. John, 1 will never do it again. And for fear that I may be asked to play tennis or enter a polo match or swim, hadn't I better tell you now, lover, that I do all those things rather, well.. I was active In all sports at Curritmdo last, year." .. "Well, If you do all these things as well as you play, goif, you tire all right." said John, In a rather molli fied tone. Ho left me to order something cool to drink, and five , minutes later I heard him. saying boastfully to a group of men friends: "Yes, my wife Is nn -ill 'round amateur sports woman. She. was u member of the woman's polo team at Curonodo last year,." '."She should' be a champion," said Karl, "1 sho does all of them ns well as sho plays oglf. Uo you realize that she made the course this morning in 8S, and even IScssle has never done It in less than 90?" I could, see John straighten up and In a few moments he came over with a very handsome boy in his wake. ; "Kate," he said, "riddle Milton wants to know if you will enter the .tennis match next week which Is go ing to be given for the benefit of the Ked Cross?" "Of course. I'd like to." I said "but isn't Mr. Milton rather rash to ask me to piny upslght and unseen, as It were?". ' "Not unseen, Mrs. Cordon. Ton never could be that." he said, with ad miration In his eyes, and then he .blushed boyishly at his own boldness. "Say. Eddie, don't you think you are beginning rather early?" -asked John with a pleased smile. But T was very happy because I .know that I had made as good an Impression that morning at the Olub as I had made u bad one the night bo- fore. . It only needed a conversation which t inadvertently overheard In the dress ing room to complete my triumph. "Say. Tless," said a woman's voice, "even you can't bliinte Jack Gordon tmis siioviuG UNUSUAL INTEREST IN JENKINS AFFAIR one of the many emphfctlc notes from standing comments on the affair, the is alleged to have been In the hands ot the United States constituting no new o'hers obviously awaiting publication , , , , OC toe reply lu Ul American iiwiu. feature in Mecnerican relaUons. fa ,ndlcatlon when tliia wi:) Sonic Fear Result. But there are soma persons wha hold the opinion that with pence rr,r ing conclusion the Culled States is in A r wi (inn tei tnm its ttntirtri tn Xfev. Tho official attitude here seems t be a preference for keeping the inci' By Ralph II. Turner Mexico City, Nov. 23. The Mexican public apparently is keenly Interested in the case of William Jenkins, American consular agent imprisoned in Puebla on a technical charge of false declarations, but it is not highly ex cited either regarding his imprison ment or the attitude of the United States. ' While realizing that the American note demanding Jenkins' release leaves no doubt as to Its meaning, the pub lic generally seems to view it as on y t made. Mtny Mexican ask why Jenkins does not afford himself of the oppor tunity to furnish baiL hinting that he is seeking "martyrdom." SeOAnd Secretary Henna of -the American embassy, is now in Peubla dent local rather than permitting it to collecting evidence for Jenkins against become an international issue. This is testimony of the peons that they saw illustrated by the expressed sentiment hlm on hi estat9 during the perlod h3 that the case rests with, the state judi- ' clary und that the federal govcTnnienr ( mmm?mmmm nas uo ngni to intervene, txireme nationalistic elements even take the view that the American note is inter ferenca in the Judicial administration. On the contrary, American circles here contend that any difficulty involving consular or diplomatic agents should be handled by the federal, rather than the state courts. Newspapers Silent, QpH one ne'.vspaper of seomdpvv his bandit abductqra. PRINCE AT HALIFAX Halifax,. N. S. No 2, United Press.) For the second time Halifax tturned out to welcome the- Prince Wales when the battle cruiser Renova arrived here at ft o'clock, today after a good run from New York. Tho Re nown will weigh" anchor tomorrow evening for England. 1 BURNING ECZEI Apply Zemo the Clean, An , tiseptic Liquid Easy lo Use Does Not Stain ' Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good dear ski; i. wanted. From, any UrufKtst for S3o, or Sl.OOtor lar!esi?,i, pet a bottle c Zouo. When applied a directed it effect ivel removes titiiina, quickly steps itclii:uj, and hea!3 skin troubles, nU;o Bares, bums, wounds and chatiti". It psa trates, cleanses and sexjthes. Jkn.o a clean, dopendabfe a.-.d iaexpert:''vc antiseptic liquid. Try i& aa wu belii-v ttothins you have ever wed il as eiiecf ivo and satisfying. for what he's done this time. Isn't she a stunner?" The sound of Elizabeth Moreland's voice came drawllngly. "YeS, she's like all .those athletic masculine girls. Looks well on the golf course. But you should have seen her last night! She was a perfect frump, my dear, a perfect. frump! She came to our table In a very wrinkled blue tuilleur, when she must have known that we would all be dressed properly." The other woman answered: "Bess. you are a jealous cat. Give her chance. Perhaps her clothes hadn't arrived." "I don't understand what you mean, Sullle," . answered Bessie fretfully. "But you can make up your mind to one thing! Had I been foolish enough to become John Gordon's wife I cer tainly would not have allowed hlin to put me in the position she was In last night.' They went out the door and left me wondering a little as to Just what position John had occupied in Bessie Moreland's life I didn't really think they had been engaged, because whatever John's faults.,he has nn uncompromising loy alty to his own code and t have heard him say a number of times that he would never wrong a woman in any way. But still there was that ring! I wonder if he really gave it to her?" I asked myself idly, dabbling powder on my nose. Not that 1 cared one way or the other 1 was too happy today to care. Today marriage was meaning to me Just what I had expected of it. John had spent almost the entire time with me; I had impressed his friends fav orwably; he had given me nn unex pected and most splendid gift and I had heard pride In his voice when he spoke of me. I have sometimes wondered since why a woman cannot make these hap py times offset some of the other times. 1 am almost sure that John Gordon Is just an average man and I think 1, perhaps, am an average wom an, but certainly something is wrong with our marriage. Yet, during the first three months of my married life, in spite of John's little idiosyncracies which X found hard to understand, I was supremely happy. Even Madame Gordon had the power to hurt me only for the mo ment. 1 love to think about those times and yet it seems like a dream from which, God pity me, I have awaken ed! (Continued Tomorrow) j. POOR PUSSY! ' . Siillah, Wash.. Nov. 24. r'l-lis undonipsticus, in other words n wild cat, plagiarized on the house cat's well known nocturnal concert stuff. This was on the roof of J. J. Guns' ranch house. Forty-five Colt. -: Poor pussy! A salary Increase of (5 n month has' been granted t' teachers of Klamath raits. How to relieve skin troubles If you arc tionieti xith ; eczema if your sk.m is rough, red, pimply and blotchy if it itche&and burns simply apply to the affected part a little Resinol Ointment. It will even give quicker results if first bathed with liesinol Soap .and warm water. Resinol Ointment contains medicinal agentsthatact quicks iy and directly upon the skin, hfal its hurts and help it to seep healthy and attractive. dim '0m 1 plj iiNiliimmiiniiwiiKiiimiiiuKuiiiiul Procure a package from your druggist today, and let it rid . you of those annoying, unsightly and embarrassing affections of the skin. . .... RESINOL SUA VI NG STICK sooth ts Imder skins inoi Another Sleepless Night? It's been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagged, nerves frayed and body exhausted conscious that tomorrow is fraught with new trials and tribulations, ha. realizes the imperative need of a refreshing night s rest. Yet, he hesitates and dreads to go to bed lest he roll and toss throughout the night. Do you experience the horrorsof nightmare and insomnia? ' Are you troubled with wakeful, reatieae nishte? Doyouiee up in the morning f eelins morn tired than when you went to bed, becsune your rest is ao diaturbed and broken? Then, try The Great General Tonic " The hour of bed-time will Boon lone its terrors and you will begin to seek your couch with pleasurable anticipation of a night free from disturbances. 'L.YKO" will bless you with uwt nmmrl und npAtWui slumher and hrinor Vol) down to tha IU(m all Bubatitutefc breakfast table in the morn in in roou bo trite and in fierhtmic trim, keen for tho day' activities routed and refreshed in body and mind, and with an appetite unequaled since you were a boy. XYKO" is a aplendid gen- mlll'X " 1 1 era! tonic: a reliehable appe- apv "UV V titter a n (inn excellent stimulant s-U'ju;H! 'jfJ-'iA H V -to the nervous system. It tfc v-s? 'E m jFj lievcs brain fats and physical exhaustion; builds up the nervee; strengthens the mus cles; corrects digestive disor ders and rehabilitates generally the weak, irritable and worn out. Aek your druggit for a bottle today and get rid of sleepless nights IS fir yisrJixsr t.YKO im told in original nock ! only, like picture above. t' 0!. W . " LYK0 MEDICINE CO. WW N.wYorlt KaniM City, Mo. - '----- ANVi . V - - : - 7 ; . . Tilt's a season of better baking in j j . ; jUL bigger batches. Thanks to (SLEfflstEMiS W.hj ; Flour,- there are more appetizing Biscuits, tfl'- - ?V;: ff ! Pies, Cakes, Bread and other goodies in store. m'mmfTll ' , so, say "dSMSW to yout 1 UljjjJ gtocet when you otdcr flour. " j& eVatdnt ' ' " Jte3&i FLOUR t 1 HS?EMg Pancake Flour x sf'WJ ytteN an Wheathearts also at m li ff S 1 mm M MJ i mmmmmmd-:. j ... . , l,..L.....t..i.-.-.i-i-i..'. . ' Ml I mm" ;