Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 22, 1919, Image 1

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way a
Make It Your " Pet'' Pastime
To Kick WhenYouDon't
Get Your Journal Properly
Weather Forecast
Grcdaikn Yesterday
. , Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
of Circulation. ' v
Tonight and Sunday fair,
Maximum 52. "
, Minimum 27. ""
i No rainfall. '. , .
For The Journal
carrier's whistle
If you dont gut
your Journal by
8:30 o'clock in
. the - evening
call: 81
.With a waTe of crime sweeping -over
the country, and while rnenin position
to know claim that Salem will be the
scene of much commission of crime
this winter, the city;! council, meeting
in adjourned session, at the city' hall
last night, killed all chance for ah in
crease in police force, and advocacy
of. a greater cut ' was strong, while
Councilman McClelland inferred' that
Salem needs no police at all. . , ,
' Arguments Fiery
Amid a fiery argument, at times on
the verge of a fistid battle between
conncilmen arid Mayor Wilson; the
budget allowance for the police de
partment was cut $1700 the 'esti
mate for salaries for rune-men which
Was $9600 'being slashedrto $8400, and
the requested $1000 '.asked far the ex
penses of the department cut to $500.
- This was done, couricllmen who back
' ed the move declared, to allow more
funds for the park" bureau. . .;.-'
.The ordinance authorizing the is
suance of $.70,000 : serial refunding
bends passed without a dissenting, vote
V. "v Weist Waxes Wrathy
Almost from the - outset, the fight
" on the police Question' waged, . The
battle royal began when Councilman
" Weist, in urging that provision be
left in the budget for extra men; and
that the chief of police's 'salary', be'
raised from $100. a', month,;d:
"The citizens i of ;Salem demanded
a greater number of . police officers,
and we as representatives of those
people, knowing that- their demands
. are just, should: grant them" the in
.' creased police protection they . ask.
And if we can't comply with, their
wishes I'm sure our resignations will
be acceptable to .them.
ITkIv Word Passes
t "It's a'oiis'i'caut . factV- he . conlln-
.uofl. ."that Efiyr-majorltv of .thJa . coun'
'' oil -who' are- opposing the- police .d.e-
' -bartment are men who have ,&ee.n: ar-
tested by that, department, and paid
j-" a fine' before tn' city recorder. '
'if you mean me you re a uar,
- Mayor Wilson, roared. .-
"I didn't mention any names, Mr.
Mayor," Weist came back, "but if the
shoe fits you wear it."
Here the fight became . general.
Many of the counoilmen rose, to their
feet and, all sought; to talk at once.
Councilman , Moore admitted that at
one time he had been arrested . and
paid a fine of $10 to the police judge,
an- insinuated that Weist had charges
hanging over his head. .
' Record Wiped Clean -
"I demand thanyoU repeat that,"
Welst declared. "Stenographer, Jot
down his statement in full, and I 'will
- sue him for slander."
The council moved stricken from
the records this accusation made by
Moore, and Weist "was deprived of the
accusation made by Moore, and Weist
was deprived of the statement on
.which to base a suit.
George Halvorsen counselling, as
he did at the last meeting of the coun
. oil; banishment of "this petty fight
stuff," delivered, a quiet, earnest plea
for cooperation in the' council," for-
getfulness of any personal differences
. that might exist between members of
; ' the- council and police department,
. 'ii and charged the council to abide by
the. trusts placed in them by the peo
' pie of Salem.
., McClelland, tiets 'Luugta- ..
Councilman McClelland brought a
touch from several persons in the
room when he remarked:
"While. I know that there is crime
in other places, I can't think that there
is any dancer of it coming to Salem
Our people -are too good for anything
of that kind. I have enough raitn in
the good behavior tf the people of
- Salem to not know; whether we need
: '-" am nnlicenWnat all Or not. I believe
that the police. we..have, the. sheriff
on iiioiio court is enough to take
; v : care' of anything bad that might hap-.
.; pen here. . -. . ,j
- By Henry t. Farrell
(United Press staff correspondent)
. Harvard Stadium, Cambridge, Mass.
Nov. 22. Casey and Ralph Horween,
noted Harvard firm. . oornered - the
point market here this afternoon and
sent Yale's stock, to the bottom .with;
a crash.
The efforts of those two Crimson
notables gave Harvard .a 10 to 3 vic
tory over the Blue .and put the Cam
bridge team in a tio with Princeton
for bie thtee honors. -
Horween kicked a field goal and a
goal from' touchdown for four points
una Casev. the unstoppable, contrib
uted the other six with" a 25 yard for
a touchdown' in the Becond period.
Braden brought f urtherhonors up
on his talented toe when he booted a
65 vard drop kick in the fourth quar
ter for a score that saved Tale from
disgrace. The wina -wa wain uuu
it was a most remarkable kick.
Before Winter Is
Over by Producer
. . Petaluma, Cal.. Nov. .22.
(United Press.) "Eggs will be
selling for $2 dozen before sp
4 ' trie. winter' Is over," said S. S. "
Knight today. ' ' ..'
Knight Is president of the;
Poultry Keeper's association.
He speaks for poultrymen in -
this district who keep 4,000,-
jc 000 hens. ' -'
A Their hens produce 450,000,-
000 eggs annually. . - , .
' Last year each hen wougnt st
us $1.36 profit," said Knight.
"This year the average hen will
profit us only 75cehts."
Knight said there are 2,500,-
000 cases of eggs in storage,
and. .that England! Has con-
traded for $1,600, 0O or tnese.
$ cases. ( ,
3k "'''':,..'
The entire machinery of the state
will be thrown back of the efforts o
the Portland, and Multnomah county
Officiate in an effort to apprehend the
perpetrators of the double murder in
Portland Friday . night, Governor Ol-
cott declared this morning upon his
return" from Portland. A reward tf
$1000 was posted by the governor for
the apprehension oij the murderers.
. "The first I. knew of the tragedy
was when I was about to board my
fraiiv'for Salem this hiornlng," the gov
ernor -stated. -"I am deeply shocked
by the. awfulness o the crime, invol
ving as it does the wanton murder of
two men who are prominently known
throughout the state. So: far- as this
office is concerned nothing will be left
undoxe In an effort! to apprehend and
bring to justice the perpetrators pf the
?rima and to o'heiok'so far as possible
the wave of crime which has Jen sweep
ing the state for -i the ast several
weeks." "". " " ; . ."
Successor Not (Thought Of.
' The. governor would -not . discuss, a
'possible 'feUceesor: o Burgees as a
member of the state highway commis
sion this, morning,, declaring that he (
George E. Perringer, U matflla
I Rancher, Also Ki lied and
$30,000 Haul Made; Sus
pects Caught; $7000 Reward
Portland, Or Nov. 22.-State'Highway Commission
er Newton Burgess of Pendleton, Or., and George L. Per
ringer, a prominent Umatilla county rancher, were shot
and instantly kUled about midnight by three bandits who
robbed the Claremont Tavern, six nules north of Portland.
Twenty five guests in tlie rood
The. Teachers Annual Institute for
Marlon- county will -be held in this
city at the high school beginning
Monday at. 10 a. m.i.and continuing
until Wednesday evening. Ail city and
county schools will close during these
three days. All teachers In the county
are expected to be on - hand.
Chief- among the topics 'to be dis
cussed- at the institute .will- be-plain
Americanism. Teachers will be taught
the paramount necessity of teaching
citizenship and loyalty to their pupils i
Other current subjects will. De .given
the attention jof .the 'teachers during
the three day session.
; house were .robbed, as was the
'safe at the.' tavern, the haul
amounting to about $3000.t
.- The robbers escaped. -
' Tlie police announced today
.they had arrested three suspects,
saying tlicy are confident one of ".
tliem "at least knows something ;!
about" the robbery and murders. ':'
Crime Most Daring
: The shooting, which waB the. tea
tiire of one of the most sensational
criminal crimes ever- committed, in
the Portland locality, "occurred when
Burgess,. Perringer and a companion,
v. p., Murahall of . Pendleton, were
dining in a private room at the tav
ern, where they had stopped on tneir
return to Portland, from an automo
bile ride. .
The three maskeQ bandits enterea
aimorlninnilont. .Tnhn W. Todd Will
had' had no. time to glve conslderaoa have charge, pf the muaiq tid .speelal the tftvecn at 11:30 o'clock, compelled
. .1.1'- ' l.nnlnff tt tVA , ' '' . 1 Qn'mioat. tfl nRHPmltlfl in the btiJl rOOAl
Portland, Or.; Nov. 22. the police
announcedtoday they had received in
formation that Thomae Burgess and ' '
George Perringer thought it was a joae
when bandits approached "tlvem at the',
Claremont tavern1 last night.
"8tlok up your hands or we 11 snoot...
Burgess was ordered, - - - . '
"Od ahead and shoot then," replied ,,
Football Fhials :
Ohio State 7; Illinois 9.
Lehigh, .6 i Lafayette, 10, ;
Wisconsin, 10: Chicago 3.
" Tvutgers, 28; Northwestern 0.
' iTinnneMn" 9i! Michican. T.
. fswotniin . 27: Washington and
Leef 6. , '.s'. .
rnliimWa. II: New York, 27. ,
- West ;irginia, B5 Ohio Wesleyan fi
lewis Names Wage Increase
On Which Strikers Will Re
turn To Work; Operators
Hold 29 Per Cent Enough.
. Tpnver. Colo..- Nov. 22. "Vanish
Ins. Rill" Carlisle., train robber, left
Rawlins, Wyo., prison week ago today
in a box of shirts and is still enjoying
Tha. wave of crime which is sweep
Jlng Oregon along with . other states,
jnust .be checked and the county, and
city police officers- w.ill be given every
aBtilsfiiu-e possible by this ornce, de
clared Governor Olcott in commenting
u,) )n the murder of J. N. Burgess and
Oeoi'SQ Ki Perringer of Pendleton In
Poi'fland, Friday night.
fitnte Reword Offered.
Washington, Nov. 22. Miners .are
willing . to settle-their strike upon a
wage increase of 81 per cent, John
Lewis, head of the United Brine
Workers announced today.
In face of " Lewis' .: announcement
that the minershad decreased their
" 'While the statedoas not have a
fund from which to bffer rewards for
the capture pf criminals wish to of fer.
jn the name of the state a rewara ox
$1009 for the capture of the men who
committed last night's murdBrs. and
will ltcommend that the next legisla
ture make an appropriation to take
care of this offer.
"I have ' known both Burgess and
Perringer a long time and held a very
high personal regard for both as well
as recognizing their worth as cltliens
demands from 40 to 31; percent as f thg state Thelr i0BS wH1 be keenly
asked by Secretary or moor v jison, f cU j t.jv!o an3 business circles hd
a joint conference between miners -. . - vaihv of aU Oregon goes out
and operators set for . late today was . th Jr borcavea families." ,
postponed until Monday at the request v . ' : . ;
of operators. '
Poslonenient Asked.
The operators, it was understood,
N A1 Williams a Union Pacifie rail-asked postponement of - today's con-
.u- uAA. nf h ference so that they could meet Fuel
road official who headed one of the
posses that abandoned the chase in
Wyoming, arrived in Denver; and ad
mitted the authorities are baffled at
Carlisle's disappearance.
"He may be in Denver and again
he may be in Omaha,", said Williams.
nnsner. Wvo.. Nov. 22. The crew
of a Burlington railroad freight train
unceremoniously kicked- a man off the
way car at Ki'rby, "Wyo.,' today, me
man was William L. Carlisle, most
hunted man in the country.
' A short time later the freight con
ductor recognized Cai'llste's picture in
a' newspaper purchased at Thermo
polis. . , .
Armed men were immediately sent
to Kirby on a special train but had
fulled to locate the supposed convict
and tixi'i'is-er up to noon.
Administrator Garfield to learn the
government's attitude toward the coal
controversy. They were uname to ar
range ft conference with Garfield to
In announcing the new wage de
mands Lewis charged that the oper
ators outside the central competitive
field were trying to block a settle
ment of the coal strike.
Operators Stand Firm.
Washington. Nov. 22. Coal oper
ators today decided, to demand that
the government explain its -position
in the coal situation.
Thomas T. Brewster, - president of
the operators association of the cen
tral competitive field, - was named
chairman of a committee to call, on
Fuel Administrator Garfield. 1
"We shall not increase our offer of
a 20 per cent wage increase umess
the government tells us to," paid
Brewster. . - '
"Ou demand for a 40 per cent in
crease represents our irreducible m(n
imuin." said John L. Lewis, president
of the miners.
. Progress Is being made," said Se6
retary of Labor Wilson. - . .
"Reds" Attempt
: Riot in Prison;
Water Subdues
( .Bpokane. Wiish., Nov. 22. Seventy
' Vet, dlsco'u'rtiged "I; W.' -VT. are shiver
,ing in the city jail Here today as the
' result of an organized riot staged last
evening. , ?
Trouble started early in the evening,-
' when the prisoners declared they were
being starved. '',.!
When "seconds" on supper were re-
Although scores of neighbors, form
ing bucket brigades,., gathered and
fought the flames: the home" of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Drake, West Salem
Heights, could not be saved, and was
entirely destroyed by fire yesterday
evening. The home is owned by R. A.
Harris, now in France doing T. M. C.
A:' work. ' ' - - - - " - ' "
The fire is said to have started from
a defective flue, and the neighbors,
battling the flames, were unable to
get into the 'attic where- It started,
and it was only a Bhort time when the
1 entire home broke into flames. The
I house was a five room bungalow. On
ly a stove and some bed clothing were
fused, the I. W, W.' twisted granite- j
ware plates and hurfi-d them through j Th f(re waa perCeptible from Sa-
the bars at jailers. ,) lem.-Several Salem persons drove to
This protest was followed by general j ,,-, Sn,.m r.A ien. assistance in
pandemonium, cell doors being banged I fighting the fire. - ,
steivsatically and steel bunks crashed j . : - : ' '
aaainst the bars. . . I of the 11 students graduated from
The men jumped- tip and down lnjthe Wate normai school las, week,
uaison in an attempt to break concrete e,ght aiready have positions as teach
floors. t ' fer8 jn Oregon schools.
Tben the cops turned the high pres- j ....
sure Jail lead on them. -Completion of the Roseburg school
Twenty-three of the leaders, soaked 'censll8 8nows 1396 children-ln the city
to the skin, were hauled into the dark . between the ages of 4 ad 20.
"tank" for the rest of the night. ' ... , - .
One of the best ferries in the state
and said ta be biggest and best oiie
cn the AVillamette river is being, hv-
stalled now across the river at Inde
pendence. Marlon', and "Polk .county
courts bought the ferry Jointly several
months ago, but 'due to low water,
were unable to get it up the rive un
til Monday, when It was brought up
by the Chas. K. Ppaulding Logging
company steamer.
The ferry has a capacity for IS. aur
tomobiles. is much speedier than the
one now in use, and has the engine
mounted aboard the ship in such a
manner that passage across is pleas
ant. " ' . .
The ' people of Independence are
proud of the new ferry, and have ex
pressed their appreciation to theMa:
rion county court. -
By Henry Wood
Paris, Nov. 22. The peace treaty
may not be declared effective Decem
ber 1 unless ratification is completed
by the American senate before that
time, it. was indicated today.
The tentative decision of the su
preme council announced Wednesday
to make the treaty operative Decern oer
was based on the assumption that
the United States upper house would
reach some compromise and accept the
treaty before that date, according to
reliable information. . '...". . ,
(The senate does not reconvene "un
til December 1.)
Wilson Culls Session. , .
It Is imperative that the first meet
ing of the league of nations be hold
the same: day the treaty becomes ef
fective, it was pointed out today, and
this meeting can be called legally only
by President Wilson. '
It was feared here the senate's re
jection of the treaty during its ;re
cent session has inditinitely postponed
the date of making the treaty effective
likewise organization or tne league 01
nations. ( ' ',
While those in official circles re
fused to discuss formally the situation
created by the failure of the United
States senate to accept the treaty.
there was no doubt. Jt . Is receiving
grave consideration.,"
' The sentiment prevailed here that ir
the league does not materialize the
allies will demand additional guaran
tees, from Germany. These demands
were expected to Include:
More Demands on Huns.
' rCession of the left bank of the, Rhine
and the Saar basin to trance.
Rectification of the Belgian fron-.
tiers.-"' ... - - - ' ' .' .' ' !
. Further German disarmament,' with
the surrender of all Germany's .war
materials.. ' '
New arrangements, for payment 0.
reparations by Germany..-
Poselble annexation o Heligoland
ry urtai Drutmi.
The department meetings will be In
the, following rooms:
Primary, room No. 217, Margaret
Cosper, chairman.
Intermediate, room No. 205, ureta
Phillips, chairman.
Advanced, room No; 221, U. B. Dot
son. chairman. , i" , "
High school, roorii Nov '214,' James
C.i NelsonV. chairman.".'. ; '-.-'. ;'
, iRuraU.; assembly,,- ,E.- B.: Fletcher,
cliairman;. -C'-' I? ' 1 -V '.'.'
Mahual training, Iroomv No."
basement,, B. ,W. .Heckart, .chairman.
Hoine economics, room xno. at.
Gertrude Purinton, ohairmdn. .:
Commercial, room No. 301, Merrjtt
Davis, chairman. , '
- The program is: Monday 10:00-30
General session. Music The county li
brary plan. 1 ; ,
10:30-40 Departmenta Primary,
writing, J. M., Tlce. Intermediate; ,phys
leal education. Ralph D. - Co eman.
Advanced, arithmetic, Alice Mflntosn,
High school, "What history is most
worth," H. D. Sheldon. Rural, indus
trial work, H. C. Eeymour, Shop work
K. E. Bergman. ...
- 11:15-45 Address, "Pedagogy and
leadership," H. D. Sheldon.
1:30-30 General, session. Music.
2:00-45 Departments.. Primary,
nhoiiics. Clayton Burrow. Intermedi
ate, dramatization by fifth and sixth
grades, "The court of good language
Helen X. Wlllett. Advanced, arlthme
tic, Alice Mcintosh. Rural, maimer
wriyng, J. M. Tice. Vocational, traces
and Industries, Newton van iaisem
1 2:46-16 Recess. '
3:00-46 Departments. Primary,
phonics, Clayton Burrow. Intermedi
ate. Palmer Writing. J. M. Tlce. Ad
vanced, history, Alice Mcintosh. High
school,' subject selected, H. D. Shel-
sn'mieHts to assemble In the boll room
lined them up and robbed them of
Budges. . .", -
The words had no sooner left hie
LrZTJl: .rheTves of both Burgess and Perrin-
l U t-1 1 V 1 1 w .v, v..w -" r - - j
The Dolice announced that this In- .
formation had been received from Mis
Laura . Hastings ' Mre. E4sie BaboocK
:ind Mies Jane Shelton, who, wti
P. Marshall, were companions oj wir-
Killed instantly
While one of the highwaymen guard
ed the victims, the other -two maae a
search of the private "dining rooms,
'ha WOT P"d and Perringe, the police. The
alutn nniii - an d onened fire.
Burgess shot In the head -and
fell to the floor dead. A bullet pierced
the heart of ' PewlnBer, wno, aiier
staggering a few steps, dropped dead.
Marshall escaped, but was thrown. In
to such a state of nervous excitement
he has since been unable to coherent
ly describe '-the fray that cost the
lives of his companions. - " ,
, Patrolman Chase enterea tne tav
ern while the robbers were at work.
He was lined up with the other vic
tims after being relieved or his gun
and club. ; .
Big Rewards orrerea ; .
Refore making their . escape, the
robbers forced all of their victims to
He on their stomachs on the floor of
the . ball room, warning them.noi 10
move until they had plenty or time
to make their escape, whion is Denot
ed to have been made In an automo-
Mayor Baker of Portland oroereu
every available policeman on the Job
of attempting to find the highwaymen
when he was advised of the tragedy,
,.,,fl offered a reward of $1000 for the
ri.nt.ire of the men, dead or alive
"iii-efernblv dead."
t ht Keenev of Pendleton, who is
Benson Offers f 3090
i l Portland, Or Nov. 2 8. Benson
tnrin'v nnotad a reward of $3000 for
the apprehonslon of the murderer ot
State Highway Commissioner nurgro
and George Perringer.
This makes the rewards offered to
tal ,$11,000. -. .i . .t
(Continued on page six)
in the citv, offered a rewara 01
and W, L. Thompson, ex-Pendleton
r ltlzen and former state highway com
missioner, announced he wouiu pay 1
$6000 for the apprehension of
Relatives nere.
Washington, Nov. 22. William O.
Jenkins, American consular agent
whose release was demanrtou oy inn
V nlted States, is still In the peniten
tiary at Peubla, Mexico, as far as the.
sitae department knowH, Secretary
Lansing announced shortly after 11 a.
m. today. Lansing said the American
note demanding Jenkins' freedom ha.l
hAen delivered to the Mexican gov
ernment, but no roply had been re
ceived. The state department has received
., . ...... .1.1 ctn.taln ttlCt
no inrormaiion umi ..u.v.
' Y,nlrina of Oolluslon
the " "" -
Wltn Danail.l, It TO annum..
The Mexican government Is taking
possible Bteps to bring to justice
. . . 1111
Miss Fay Parrlnger, a student at tne m,,rd.rer 0f Eugene Laok. Amer-
Willamette University, and S. G. Stone, Jfon cUij!en who waa ghot at Mexican,
managing editor of the Oregon, States- Mexk,Q lMt Krlday, the- state depart
man, are niece and newphew of Q. ent wa advlsed today by the Mexl
Parrlnger, victim, of the gunmen. Both; office.: . -s
Mf. Parrlnger anu aiv. "-i
woll known in Salem. Parrlnger was
I known here as the AVheat King of
Pendleton. . ,,' '
At 4 a..m. today Chief of Police
Vnrney. was .notified by Portland de
tective of the holdup and killing, and
was" given a description of the' three
bandits., lie was also iniormeu. ay .m
:: (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Sllvcrton, Or., Nov. 22. In an en
thusiastic meeting at the First Chris
tian, church last night attended by 70 portiand police inspectors that a ro-
Silverton residents, bent on develop- wftrd of $7000 is offered for tne appre-
mont nf the community, the Bilverton ..nainti of anv of the three murderers.
Community club was formed. T. K.' . chief of Police Vamcy Immediately
McCroskey, manager of the Baiem caned the Multnomah noiei, m, rorv
.. ... . . , nti.nln -. . . ,1..1 Blaln.r ff
Commercial ciud, -ami j. )ana nna noun "";" ....- Nntinnal
member of the captlal city organi-th(J penitentiary of the shooting andjju tojt 'rtSon
Should George A. White, former ad-
i inn uiira htA fill 1 iiHMlHted In perfect- sent Governor Olcott, who
Ing the organization. They gave inter- aig,, i n the metropolis.
ostlng talks on the work the Baiem -
Commercial club is doing, and Mr, Mc- , XAfIOC Remnilt
Closkey ouUined the functions the S1I- I flieVCS
vertot Community club will perform,,
after It has become affiliated with the
Marlmi County Community Federation.
i At o'clock a big chicken dinner
was sen-ed In the parlors of the I
church. "' ' I
Temporary officers of tha club were
Tire From Auto
Inside Garage
Thieves early this morning broke in-
... . . . , TT
, I.... I .nmtriittea tn tne if arilUM 1110 nuiiin v. ,
I named, and a eommitte to draft a con- uoyer, county oier, v -v.... ....
ulituMon and bylaws selected., ,. iftr mreei, jar. UK - .
machine, ana removeu ni
Guard, desire to resume that position
which he relinquished in order to serve
with the American forces oversuv
relther Governor Olcott nor jyijuiani
General Conrud StRfrln will interpose
any objeotion, In the belief 01 inose
who are conversant with the situation
here. In fact a decision on the part,
'of White to rt sume the position will be
welcomed by these ornciais aocorums
to opinion rere. .:
ThJ iip'ntment or hu-arin to iiw
adiutnnct was made by Olcott with
the understanding that the position
was open to White on his return from
should he desire it Stafrin,
After stealing another tire and for his part, Is known to be sacrlflcin
Newsnaners here published llttie
comment upon the senate's action. -a miniature brewery and served vari
,. rC ,Aav rlm frnm ,he back of the car. theyCoiilc:erable time and effort from his
on a charge of having Intoxicating llu- drove off in a horse ana rig. -
uors in his possession, pleaded not showing tnat tne mievw ,
guilty in Judge Unruh's court here getaway in a rig were seen to lead up
... hi., v ,.. in tha a:raa. turn, around, and head
fr Mnnav t. 10 o'clock. Dav Is away down the alley adjacent to the
private interests at Dallas In order to
serve ti e state In a military capacity.
With he guard in this state in the
ninu eondltion. the entire regiment
organised, federalized and fully equip-
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France generally seemed inclined to 'ous Intoxicating drinks to his friends. y oreaKing Thompson was he knowledge of a duty well lrform-
adopt an attitude of "watchful wait-'Police destroyed several barrels of the the lock. Patrolman Thompson was the knowledge 01 a uiuy
ig." . "' ',- stuff at the time he was arrested. .summoned and investigated. ed: