Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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have been sent, out to W telephone!
subscribers in Marion county, and it I
ie mil i, A Y.nt .ADA .-.-Ml lti '
i i aat'iiru III HUB HlMHl?! , W Hit II I 1L WUU1U
k i be impossible otherwise for the -can- j
-i vmssers to reach. The drlv is expect-;
I ed to continue until the end of the .
; year. ..
i M Around Town
Nov. 21 Women's Auxiliary
of St. '.Paul!s church meets
with Mrs. V. J. Rupert, 860
Chemeketa street.
Nov. 2S.-Salera War Moth
ers meet in the Commercial
cluh auditorium at 8 p. m.
Nov. 22. Parent-Teachers'
convention in the high Bchooli
It a. ni.
No. 24 Monday Night "500"
club meets at the. home of Mrs.
W. H. Dancy, 869 North Uber
. ty street.
Nov. 26 Cherrian dance at
Dec. 1 Music class of Salem
Woman's Club meets with Mrs.
Max O. Buren, 745 Court street,
.Dec. 3-4 Baeaar in St. Jo
seph's hall.
Dec. 19 "The House Next
Door," high school auditorium.
George Schultz left Wednesday for
Arlington, for a visit with relatives
and friends. He will return the day
before Thanksgiving.
Among the numerous Thanksgiving
celebrations to be held in Salem next
week is a dance at, the armory, given
by Bryant's orchestra.
Norma N.Terwilliger,hoened lady em
oalmer with Terwitliger irunerai Home,
Love, the Jeweler, 337 State ' St.
Watches, diamonds, Jewelry. Repair
ing a specialty. 276
FOR SALE Victrola and electric
washing machine. Cair74J. 276
A permit to erect a two story frame
building on his property at 110' Di
vision street, was issued yesterdi by
4he city recorder to J. T. Moore. Cost
of the building will be approximately
Word has been received by John
McNary that his brother. United States
Senator Charles L. McNary, will leave
Washington, D. C.Sunday, ana ar
rive in Salem on Wednesday.
Comparatively few persons have
applied to take the examinations ior
11 clerks, which will be
Vinlrl In the Salem office on Dec. 6.
Applications are open to all, and will
be received by tne secretary, civu ser
vice commission, at .the money or
der wiftdow in the post office.
Dr. G. V. Ellis' residence now lo
cated -v 487 N. High. , . 278
P'iane 35 for drugs. Prompt deliv
ery. Tyler'a drugs store. . . . . .
' Tri n Thomsmn -of - the indus
trial accident commission, is 'a Port
land visitor today on official business
for the commission.
Dance every Saturday night M. B.
A.- hall near- O. E. depot, Chemawa.
Train leaves Salem 7:55, fare " 15c.
Good music, refreshments. 277
' Arthur Lawrence, formerly state
printer but now located in Corvallis
where he is proprietor of a Job print
ing establishment, is in Salem today
calling on friends among the state
proved and unimproved land In this
road. 35 acres in orchard; prunes,
St. Cement walks an dcurbs. $1675.
Ed Wright, secretary of the public
service commission, went to Portland
today on business connected with the
IF you want a brand new 6 room
house on paved street for $2500,
call on Mrs. Catherine Hewlett, 945
Chemeketa street. 276
A decree of divorce was granted
yesterday to Ada Hotop from William
states siren ...j.-. . r,jid:u,.v
I lttbr. Slate apt
1 ft 625 &0t
IN '
340 Court Sreet
Good S passenger car will trade
for what have yon
Phone 1752 654 Ferry St.
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
SSI North High Street J
Hotop. The plaintiff was given the '
custody of the six minor children and!
.awarded (40 a month for their sup-j
Every Chrstian Scientist should see
"The Miracle Man. 277
Phone 35 for drugs; prompt deliv
ers. Tyler's drug store. 276
H. H. Sonne, resident examiner of
the federal reserve bank, was here
from Portland this morning, calling
on Will H. Bennett, superintendent of
banks, under whom he was a state
bank examiner until his promotion to
the staff of the federal bank.
All Christian Scientists and their
friends should see "The Miracle
Man." 277
Cherrian dance Wednesday evening
November 26th. 277
Oscar Hayter, one of Dallas' most
I influential attorneys, is in Salem todiv
on legal business.
"The Miracle Man is a picture that
brings you back the second and third
times. 277
T v. iiirf'm.i,.,, ,0noa. f thp
ganizer of community clubs, will go
to Silverton tpis evening, and - aid in
the (organization of a Commercial
club there. He will return to this
city tonight.
Dance Saturday night M. B A. hall
near O. E. depot, Chemawa. Train
leaves Salem 7:65. Good music con
ducted by Prof, and Mrs. DeLeno of
Portland. . 277
Dance armory Saturday night. 276
At an adjourned meeting of the
city eouncil called for tonight at 7:30
at the city hall, an ordinance author
izing the sale of $70,000 worth of
serial refunding bonds on the munici
pality will be brought up for action.
Many people in Salem are said to be
awaiting a chance to purchase bonds
on the city. They are invited to at
tend the meeting tonight and 'stump'
for the passage of the ordinance. The
budget for 1920 will also come up
for final adoption.
See Headrick at the armory dance,
Saturday night. 276
Miss Agnes Hill, the first American
woman sent by the T. W. C. A. into
a foreign field, will speak this eve
ning at 8 o'clock, at the First Con
gregational church, choosing as her
subject "India." Miss .Hill has spent
26 years in that country, and is in
tensely interested In the girls of In
dia. For the past few months she has
been lecturing throughout the states,
and plans to return to India in the
near future to .resume her work. She
will appear in native costume. Every
one In Salem is invited to attend.
Dance at Stayton 'tonight. 276
One of the newest labor organiza
tions to become affiliated with the
Salem Central Trades & Labor coun
cil i the chauffeurs local, which a
ready has 40 members. They will meet
tonight at the labor temple and per
fect general organization. They met
last Wednesday night and discussed
plans for the conduct of the local.
Cherrian dance Thanksgiving eve.
High school students get your arm
bands and rooter caps for the Eugene
game at the Commercial book store.
25c and 60c. 276
The war savings stamp drive being
carried on by the Jocal lodge of Elks,
is progressing, and satisfactory re
sults are expected by the leaders. Let
ters of appeal, enclosed with a sub
scription card and return envelope,
Lady Band
Of Sheridan, Oregon
Will play at the
Don't Miss It
("fl HEALTH AND A (t)
': a
omrtnition Saturday at . Peoples' Cash
atur. are our m tn.s paper.
" "
-J .. , I i.r OA .3
uunaiu i. . wlivv, i 1 1 Him r n 1 1 u i
Larson, 24, San Fruncisco men, who
Z . w ,j . .v. .
have been held in the city jail here for 1
j... j, , .. ., .!
three days .pending investigation of
their suspected participation, in the!" , ,
Centralia armistice day murders, were
released this morning after thorough
ouestionimr bv Denutv Sheriff Pre.
ton McDonald and J. C. Hampe, rep -
resentatiue of the Centralia Dost of
the American legion, in the citv lail
last night, it was decided that the Dnlr!anl: S. Regan, Jan. 30; Rloketts Glee
had no part in the massacre, and their
release ordered. ,
, .
F.i manufacturers' sale nn.l dni -
onstration Saturday at Peoples' Cash
store. See our ad in this paper. 276
ThP sim wr Mnthi. will hnlrt
a meeting in the Commercial club!r:a ' be reserved at the same time
auditorium ' tomorrow afternoon .it 3 ! without charge. The price of a .ticket
o'clock, to which all war mothers, i 1
whether enrolled in the chapter or
not, are invited. Mrs. John Carson,
who attended the national convention
i of war mothers in Washington, D. C,
during September, will give a report
f the convention. Meetings of the or'
Kunizauon nave oeen suspenaea ior
l"e Psi w weens, ana me worn win
Weston Clarke, a business man of
Portland is attending to interests in
Salem today.
Big manufacture;' sale and dem
onstration Saturday at Peoples' Cash
store. See our ad in this paper. 276
Charles Burggraf of Albany is
among the out of town visitors in the
capital city today.
Rig manufacturers' sale and dem
onstration Saturday at Peoples' Cash
store. See our ad in this paper. 276
Jacksonville is the oldest city in
Oregon. J. B. Coleman of that city.
1h in Salem today on business affairs.
Big manufacturers' sale and dem
onstration Saturday at Peoples' Cash
store. See our ad in this paper. 276
At its regular meeting in the Ma
sonic Temple .this week, . Chadwick
chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,
had as its guests, representatives
from the chapters in Donald, Stayton
and Turner. A banquet was served
and a well rendered program was en
Joyed. Big manufacturers' sale ' and dem
onstration Saturday at Peoples' Cash
store. See our ad in this paper. 276
Billings, Mont., was represented on
the register f the Marion hotel to
day by J. W. Bearer.
The bazaar -held . recently at .the
First Presbyterian church, 'was one
of the most successful In the history
of the parish. The women of the
church had charge of the entire af
fair and a cafeteria luncheon was
served each evening. A net profit of
$50 was realized from the bazaar.
Gerald Kneeves, a resident of Wood
burn, was in Salem yesterday on a,
combined business and pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. . Varner of
Dallas visited friends in Salem yester-
Iday. They returned to their home to
If three men who signified their in
tention of becoming citizens of the
United States today at the court
house carry out their plans, Canada,
Sweden and Finland will be short
countrymen. The men are, Marlon
Benjamin Thomas, 35, Canada; John
Anderson Nymer, 23, Finland, and
Carl John Peterson, 27, Sweden.
On motion of attorneys for Harry
L. Hart the case against Adam Orey,
W. J. Bishop and the Oregon Elec
tric company was dismissed by Dis
trict Judge Bingham today. Hartwas
suing the company and Mr. Orey and
Mr. Bishop for alleged failure to ex
ecute a contract governing the hand
ling of a large quantity of hops.
With logan berry growers from all
parts of the county and many curios
ity seekers thronging department No.
1, of district court, the trial of the
Phez company against the Salem Fruit
Union and 88 loganberry growers be
gan at 10 o'clock this morning before
Judges Kelly and Bingham. Much of
the morning was taken up in admoni
tion of the jury, and the plaintiff was
stating its case this afternoon.
H. J. Hildebrand, a resident of Rose
burg, is spending a brief visit with
capital city friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holland of
Havre, Mont.,' are out of town guests
in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Hol
land are en route from a trip In the
C. B. Rees, prominent Stayton resi
dent and well known in Salem, is look
ing up old acquaintances today, while
on a business visit in the city.
Children's hour at the public library
every Saturday- is receiving an almost
phenomenal patronage, and the story
room each week is crowded with Httle
ones during the allot time. Tomor
row morning, Thanksgiving tales will
be told at 9:30 and repeated at 10:30
for the benefit of the children who
can not come at the earlier hour. The
school librarian. Miss Lottie S. Peters,
will preside.
Volstead Act Is Keeping
$1000,000 Beer Off Market
Washington. Nov. 21 The Volstead
i-ct as applied to war time prohibition
is ke:-,i;r,; a m'llion dollars worth of
3 per . cent beer off the market,
EIUiu Root told the supreme court to--a'y,
lesuniing his attack on the con
stitutionality of federal liquor legisla
The court granted Root's request for
two additional hours for argument.
The Salem Lyceum management aii-
j nounoes the dateg foP the Lyceilm
course this wlntcr, which opens Tues-
' H u ! T )MamhAi. 9 with the Phlfn ixt
" ... . . . . . . -1 ... - - o "
, , . " . , ,
known artists. The second number is
.. , .... - ,
considered one of the beat, being. an
tor of Collier's magazine. The dates
for the course follow:
I Chicago Recital company, Dec. Z;
jMarlt Sullivan, Dec. 12; Katherine
-arnn smun companj, jan. n; t.eci,
i Fanning, baritone, date still indefinite;
;dub. Feb. 23; Frank Bohn, March 11.
I ' Thos persons who have purchased
i season tickets are requested to copyJ
i lhese a(lt ln tlft spaces reserved for
j theI" on th,r tickets. The bok office
wm ' 0De" on lne arternoon ot Tues-
jday, December 2. for those wishing to
"urefcuse the limited number left. They
:for the entire season, covering the
Heen numoers, is two aoimrs.
Circuit Court
Harry Jenkins vs Marion county, a
corporatioi. "Reply.
Phez company vs S. E. Warden.
Thomas E. Powell vs Flora Powell.
Complaint. -
H. L. Ritchey et al vs John Howell
et al. Decree.
Gottlieb C. Gobely vs May Mary
Gobely and George E. Payne and ,B.
M. Page. Guardian ad litem.
Ada Hotop vs William Hotop. De
cree of divorce.
' Marriage Licenses
Fred A. Denham, 28, of Salem,
Standard Oil employe, and Augusta
Condit, 21, a teacher of Aumsvllle.
New York, Nov. 21. A new
rich-quick graft, numbering scores of
big bankers, exporters and steel com
pany officials as victims was revealed
heretoday In the indictment and ar
rest of A. Albert Lautman, masquerad
ing under the name of the "United
Press Service" play upotk the name
of the United Press Associations. The
indictment contained two oomrts: -talnijig
$250 under 1 false ; pretenses
from the Liberty Nationul bank of New
York and, attempting to obtain $500 by
talse pretenses of the Liberty . Steei
Products company.
The Burns . Detective agency, co
operating wth Alfred J. Talley and
Moses R. Ryttenberg, assistant, dis
trict attorneys, obtained evidence in
dicating that in the last six months
Lautman got large Bums from his vic
tims by trading in the name of tho
United Press Associations, x the tele
graph news service general known as
the "United Press" or the,"U. P." Dur
ing this time Lautman handled ap
proximately $50,000 through his ac-
A Teacher of Health
and the 3 "R's" Too
t V " IK'S" V '
A '
Jut "A,U, ,,..., - J.-
Miss Ethel
On the top of the Detroit, Miclii-
Ban, Municipal Hospital liiiilding,
Miss Ethel A. Bcal conducts the
Keier Open Air School, and she is
proving every day thai tuberculosis
can be prevented among children and
that the litile victim of it can be
cured. AH of the best methods for
fighting tuberculosis arc used in the
The children study and recite in
the open, except v h-n the Heather is
too stormy. Then two indoor as-
scnibly rooms, v.cil ventilated and
with windows opened, arc utilized,
Every morning afternoon there
is a rest period, when .Miss Bcal
serves a glass of milk to each of the
r , , ...
: - : ---Suits
count in the Guaranty Trust company.
The new scheme Is a development of
the eld "we boys" graft, In which
crooku posed as newspapermen and
obtaii.ed money from prominent citi
zens for various enterprises which the
crooks alleged "we newspaper boys"
wore conducting. ,
Thieves operating in the neighbor
hood of Sheridan entered the farm
hophouse of F. W. Helder and carried
away 21 bales of the finest grade of
hops with a motor truck.
' i "
a aw
A. Beal.
Her students are not allowed to
fall back in their studies. Under her
instruction, while they are in the
Khool, they are kept up with the
work of the public grades, so that
when they are cured they return to
the classes which they left, ready to
go on with them,
It is etsimatcd that 12,000 children -
die every year in the nation from
tuberculosis. More open air schools
like Miss Bcafs are needed, and the
National Tuberculosis Association,
with l.OfiO local and state organiza-
tions affiliated with it, is planning to
provide ihem through the .sale of
more than 6,r00,000 worth of Red
Cross Christmas Seals this coming
Christmas, j
i in ii
" I
f -J
. !
Made Dolls
Holiday Goods Now Displayed
You can always do better at
Who Always, Does Better By, You
Saturday and Monday
We deliver orders of $1.00 or over
Royal Baking Powder....06c White Cloud shorten-
25c K. C. baking powder 2?,c
50c K. C. baking powder 45c
Brooms ...95c, $1.05, $1.20
Mission string beans ...15c
Del Monte ' tomatoes ...:..20c
Banquet tomatoes 15c
r, , , ,
Banquet tomatoes, per
doz $1.65
Standard Peas ...15c
Standard peas, doz $1.70
Pumpkin ..15c
DelMonte catsup .....26c
Light House Clams, 2 for 22c
Pierce Clams : ......16c
2 for 15c
7wZ'p! ZaZ 9o
Colden Rod Washing
powder .. 27c
Chocolate, in bulk, lb........32c
Golden Gate coffee, 1 lb 52c
nMon flora nnffaa 9U
pounds 50c
Golden Gate coffee, 5 lbs 48c
Royal Club coffee, 1 lb ....48c
r i r.i u ft n iu ac
Royal Club coffee 3 lbs 46c
Powers Coffee, 1 lb ...:....43c
4oc bulk coffee : 42c
G. A. coffee, 3 lbs $1.30
Crown flour ....$3.05
Olympic flour ..: ..$3.05
8 lbs cottolene ,...........:.$2.85
4 lbs cottolene :. $1.45
No. 5 pure lard $1.55
No. 10 pure lard $3.00
AH are the pick of the mar
ket, but all must be sold to
clean up for the season.
g .. ..$1.45
Grape nuts, 2 for 25c
Kellogg's corn flakes, 2
or c
g8' corn flakes
T r " "" 25c
Large Dark Karo 97c
, ,
Med- Dark Karo 5;5c
NoJ 10 Marshmallow
Syrup ,
No. 5 Marshmallow
Macaroni, 10 lbs. 80c
5 b- box spaghetti 60c
Holy mik 15(j
NeW crop walnuts
LarSe Package rolled
oacs ..35c
10 lbs Cream rolled oats 75c
5 oz. oysters 17c
4 oz. oysters .....16c
Peanut butter ..........17c
Soda 2 for
B1"e Jacket Sardines,
' " '"" " 25c
Bl smoke Sardines, 2
for ' 25c
Royal White Soap, 10
bars for .. .......60c
Swift's White soap, 10
for ..57c
Argo Corn Starch ...,.10c
ArS Gloss starch ... ..10c
Celery, 3 for :.............25c
,. . TO 186 AND 198