Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 21, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every evening except Sun
ay by The Capital Journal Printing
Co.. 1S SouOi Commercial utreet.
Salem, Oregon. -
PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
Telephones Circulation and Busl-
Office, 81; Eaitonai rooms,
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Entered an second class mall matter
at Salem, Oregon.
National Advertising Representa
tives W. D. Ward, Tribune Building,
Kaw Tork; W. H. Btockwell, People's
Oas Building, Chicago. .
By carrier 50 cents a month, $6 a
By mail, 68 cents a month. Jl-25
tor three months, $2.25 for six
months, M per year.
By order of U. 8. government, all
mall subscriptions are payable In ad
. trance.
; Rippling Rhymes.
tf you've kept your credit spotless,
111 mav trail you in a bunch, but bad
luck is rendered swat less, evil fate han
.lost its punch. For the helpful mer
chant princes will not answer you,
'Nnv. nay!" -when you call to buy
some milnees or a luclmis bale of hay.
You can buy all things you're neding,
from a cookstove to a cheese, without
argument or pleading, without falling
on your knees: for tne waicniui mer
chant princes have your record, writ
In bUk; and each one of them evince
confidence that you'll obe back. on
feel chipper as a colt is when it eats
the first June hay; you can buy a fin
seed poultice, and when ready, you can
pay. If you wlshto buy an anchor
or a house to call your own, you cnn
go and auk the banker for a little time
ly loan; and tins banker will embrace
you and caress you o'er nnd o'er, and
around a block he'll chase yon. asking
you to borrow more. But if you are
Blow end heeless In the, paying of your
, bills, ou will find your children foed
less when arrives the. day of Ills. And
. your wife, who proudly minces, in her
new and modish gown, will approach
the merchant princes .and they'll Bnarl
nfl turn her 4ownV
AS THE partisan newspapers, as part of the provincial
game to make political capital out of the peace treaty
are already blaming the president for its rejection, it is
well to review the facts to maintain a clear perspective
through the poison gas bafage of partisanship that has en
veloped the treaty since the first effort to draft it.
President Wilson brought back the preliminary draft
of the treaty and league of nations last February from
France. He took back with him objections raised by the
senate and succeeded in having the document amended to
meet the senate's expressed views.
Congress was called in special session in May and has
since played politics with the treaty. Amendments having
been rejected, the Lodge reservations which in the presi
dent's opinion would have nullified the treaty, were tacked:
on and the cloture rule applied. i
Both parties were split into two factions, 13. of the
republican majority, and 5 of the democratic minority op
posing ratification of the treaty in any form. This,"bat
talion of death" comprises all surviving members of the
"litfle band of willful senators" who defeated by filibuster
the arming of Amrican merchant ships against U-boats
just prior to the declaration of war, and those who play
ed the German game throughout the war. A third repub
lican faction, the "mild reservationists" favored the treaty
with minor reservations. -
On the final day, the mild reservationists joined the
Lodge adherents in refusing to permit any ratification
of the treaty even to be debated or considered or voted
upon except the one introduced by Lodge, which the presi
dent had declared would nullify the treaty, and which
had been twice defeated. A motion by Pomerene, demo
crat, to appoint a conciliation committee to prepare a com
promise, was defeated. The unamended treaty was like
wise defeated.
The "mild reservationists" holding the balance of
power, lined up solidly with the Lodge reactionaries mak
ing a solid republican majority against securing changes
in . the Lodge program that would have insured the pas
sage of the treaty. It was the Lodge treaty or none. The
democrats mustered more than enough votes to kill the
Lodge "nullification"' and the treaty was killed.
The democrats blundered in withholding compromise
offers until the final moment. The republicans blundered
in spurning the compromise when it was offered. As for
Lodge, he has accomplished his purpose, for he long ago
said: "Every country can take care of itself and I have
never thought it was. our duty to look after them" and
his every effort has been, to defeat the league of nations.
me than if I had gone and ordered It
myself with your approval."
There Is nothing in this world that
a woman so appreciates as the knowl
edge that her husband is sometimes
thinking of her when he is. away from
her. It makes no difference if it is a
half pound of candy, a bunch of vio
lets, a pair of silk stockings or kid
gloves, or a motor car I believe that
the glow that surrounds her heart
when he unexpectedly brings anyone
of them to her is the same. Many times
during our first year of marriage John
showed me this thoughtfuiness, and
each time :lt gave me new joy in the
are," answered his sister unexpectedly.
"What have you been doing to your
self, or is it that extremely smart out
fit you're wearing?"
John turned and looked at me with
such ostentation and surprise that ev
eryone laughed.
"You don't mean to tell me," said
Alice, "that you hadnt noticed that
perfectly new frock and how becom
ing It was, before ?"
"We weren't interested in frocks.
Alice," I said. "What woman would
be when her husband had Just made
thought that I was his wife the wo- 'her gift like that car?" ,
man of whom he thought
"Well, hurry up. Jump Into the
car, sweetheart. We are late for our
luncheon,", he said.
"Well, we have a mighty good ex
cuse." , .
John grinned down at me.
"Kate." he said, "I never knew be
fore how much fun it was to give a
real woman a present."
"Have you been given them to coun
terfeits?" I asked, as the picture of
Bessie and .John in conversation over
her dinner ring rose in mind.
"That's Just what I have been do
ing," said John, rather grimly. "But
I shan't do it any more, dear."
Again the horizon of my hannlness
lost itself in a golden haze. Why should
I care if John had given twenty girls
twenty rings before he knew me? I
had forgotten every annoyance I had
in tho world and was my usual happy
self as I left the car at the clubhouse
and went up he stops to the piazza
where our friends were awaiting us.
"Good gracious, John," said his sis
ter, "do you mean to tell me that you
have bought that, love of a oar for
Kate? Why, it's the very tar I have
been trying to persuade. Tom to buy
for me for the last month."
"Yes, this is my wedding present
to her."
"Isn't it wonderful?" I asked, beam
ing. "Not any more wonderful than you
' i ... . . t. -17 .
New York, Nov. 21. "There Is no
such thing as a permanent solution
of the railroad problem," declared B.
H. Meyer, Interstate commerce com
missioner, in un address read before
the Academy of Political Science here
today. -
"The problem is permanent, not
the solution. The railway itself, as we
now know it, may not prove ns per
manent an Institution as wo are ac
customed to think it to be. Even tho
time should demonstrate it to be such,
it dues ttot follow that iegMatlou gov
erning tho use of the railroad and pre
scribing relations between owner and
users and workers can be permanent.
"Whether congress, adopts the Cum
mins, plan, the Each plan, the Plumb
plan or any other plan or combination
ol plans, problems of rates and serv
ice will demand consideration on their
merits and in their varied aspects of
chunking Industrial and social condi
tions and interests."
Frank II. Ulxon, professor of trans
portatlon nt Princeton, said there
must be a government guarantee if
rnllwnv credit over will be restored to
a healthy status.
"Nothing short of wholohearted ac
ceptance of the principle of public
eervlce and lis application to railway
administration and operation will
avc the country from the doubtful
experiment of government ownership1'
Ito said. '
"If a man would give me a car like
that," said Bessie Moreland. "I would
n't car if be ever noticed me again.
not to mention my frock!
My happiness was made superlative
by hearing John say, sotto voce:.
"True for you, young woman."
(Continued tomorrow.)
New York, Nov. 21. Liberty bond
3 1-2's 1000.0S; first 4's 94.30; sec
ond 4's 93.28; first 4 1-4's 94.40; sec
ond 4 1-4's 92.76; third 4 1-4's 94.34;
fourth 4 1-4's 92.S0; victory 3 3-4's
99.28; 4 3-4's 99.26.
By its sacred and time-honored rites
applied last night to 125 new members,
the 3alem lodge No. 336, B. P. O. E.,
today has one of the biggest organisa
tions in the state. 'Mid a splendor of
purple, music, play and song, the new
members were intiated at the armory
last night in one of the greatest so
cial functions ever held in the city.
Gathering in orderly file about seven
o'clock last night, the antlered herd
march up State street bathed in the
glow of purple light that flamed from
the streets. Maritime march airs filled
down town sections of the city as the
parade, several hundred srong, wended
its way to the armory.
Following the order's Initiation cere
money the new members, and the old
bucki, made merry over a most elab
orately spread festive board. An enter
tainment followed this.
Financial engineering is the latest
feature of engineering to be empha
sized at Oregon Agricultural college.
Professor O. B. Goldman is giving
such a course. -
THE CAPITA!, JOTTRNAIi. By boosting your home paper you
boost the community in which yon live. Every community is judged
to a great extent w-eording to the merits of iU leading newspaper.
Help us to make YOVtt CAPITAL JOURNAL a better and bigger
newspaper by renewing your subscription or by sending ns tne sub
scTllptlon of your neighbor.
Make it your favorite pastime to complain if The Capital Journal
is not delivered properly and satisfactorily.
f 5l
PUSSYFOOT" JOHNSON who is leading the American
crusade to make England dry, is having a hard time
of it. He is jeered and hooted down at meetings and last
week was beaten-up and ridden about London on a plank
by a crowd of students until rescued by the police.
"Pussyfoot," however, is a good sport. Sitting up
next day in his hospital cot, lie told the British that he
enjoyed eveiy moment of his plank ride and except for
his bruised optic, did not mind the experience in the least.
1 Johnson was sent to England by the anti-saloon lea
gue to secure the passage of ; Sumptuary -dry laws---and
his coming is resented by the "beerage" of Britain. .Al
ready his nickname i3 being applied to the drys who in
a debate in Commons were styled "pussyfooters," and
the publicity he is receiving is the best aid to his cause.
Johnson won his .title as "Pussyfoot" in Indian Ter
ritory years ago, where his job was to hunt down boot
leggers and suppress the sale of liquor to Indians. He
was pronounced a "darned nuisance" but proved most ef
ficient. He was absolutely fearless, was frequently shot
at, had three deputies killed at his side. Calm and delib
erate, he enjoyed a fight and was never whipped.He would
creep upon his quarry as a cat might, assume disquises,' or
resort to any strategy to catch and land his victim.
The British wets had better keep an eye on "Pussy
foot" whose movements are "quiet as those of a cat in a
feather bod, but who always moves."
Mav Close Kansas City
Stores To Conserve Coal
Kansas City. Wo., Nov. SI. Two
Iiundred and fifty users of light and
power were requested today to close
factories and stores or reduce opera
tion during peak hours to conserve hour
the fast diminishing eoul supply.
Many firms have agreed to operate
only from 8 a. m to 4 p. in.
dij. tne notea author
S' Idab MSGtone Gibson
Thanbgiving Is Coming !!
Are you properly Prepared to
1 . . tf "
. 7
o a Turn?
One of our Roasters is just what you need. The famous "LISK" Sanitary Self
5 . Basting 3-piece Roasters:--
No. 0 $3.25
No. 1 $3.75
No. 2 $4.00
No. 3-44,25
No. 4 $4.75
No. 5-$5.25
We also carry the "SAVORY" Roaster which is priced at $1.35, $2.40 and $3 4
If your carving set is dull call on us for a new one. Prices ...."...$2.50 to $15.00
SS RAV I FARMFR Hill! ffl pt?
i in i l. i niiriLii iuii. uu.
Let Farmer take care of all your HARDWARE TROUBLES
For the price of a good one
As Bassinet-Crib, ready
from baby's first day, with
springs raised conveniently
to the top. Kiddie-Koop is
soft and warm, its wheel
able to the warmest spot or
mother's bedside, with its
special f eatures mother can
move baby from room to
room to vigorous life giv
ing out-of-doors, bundled
and protected in the Kiddie
Koop, to sleep or play. Safe
from wind and weather.
did not seem more than a hn't
before n west gorgeous little
cont was driven tip to tne noor oy
i v. rwrn T'e r i
riuky Kerr eays hard eidr hain't
et. h id' if you've sot a rood, roomy,
..ft Jint t' wear th' next day. t iicle
Hm Push wu struck by A auto, t day,
whlU- i:iln' Klrl wt'.iter,
V It
The box
is blue
Wis -5
Be sure to get
real Resino!
! you -nnt to pet nil i( eoenu,
.pimpli-s, or other ii(ires!n it!
i-.tiption, ymi wilt ctet no 11 sub
stitute1' fur Rrsinol. I'lfn-iiattons
similar in nunc or appearance are
nfil "just the same as Kesinol."
AlUiongh a fin unscrupulous deal
ers may offer them s or for Res
inol, lltey are often crudely made,
of little healing power. a:id ooiiie ,
may even br dangeruus t; ti.-e.
Bay in the original Mu paekajiy
Resino! i never o!d in bulk
As I went out to the car I gliinceil
unobtrusively lit Madame Oordon'8
windows. I aw the lace curtains flut
ter and I knew Unit she had come to I
the window Immediately upon the
"honk, houk" of the horn.
Of course I would never tell this to
anyone but I was rather glad to know
that my affali'H had interested Jladame
'Gordon enough to keep her watching
at the window most of the morning
and as events turned out, I was the
vletoi-, ami she witnessed my triumph
"Oh, John, you dear!" i said, and I
known 1 shocked his mother by throw
ing my arms about his neck anil kissing-
him at. the door of the car. In
deed I think that John was a little
fussed, too, for lacking his usual tils
repaid for public opinion I saw him
took around at the surrounding houses
ami then back to his mother's window.
"But what shall t do, dear; you !
known I can't run it." I
"I can teach you in half an hour,"
he said. "1 have had this car in mind
for you since before We were married, j
In fact I was talking with the man 1
this morning about it and I had
thought I would take you over after
luncheon to see if you like it."
"Like It! I adore it!" I Interrupted
as I opened the door anil rubbed my
hand over the exquisite uiiholstcry.
"So when your message came that
mother wished to vise her car, I de
cided not to wait, as I was almost sure
you would be pleased with it."
"Dearest, don't you know I am ever j
so much move pleased to have you
bring it to me as it surpriso and to j
know that you have lanned this fori
Special Demonstration
Jewel and Bridge-Beach Ranges
Every afternoon from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., November 17 to 22. Drop in and
enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea with hot biscuit and cake.
None Better than
Bridge & Beech-
Superior '
Stoves and Ranges
Come in and enjoy a
cup of h)t coffee or tea
and biscuit.
The Jewel
Wood or Coal
Gas Ranges
Bake Better
You place " yourself
under no obligation.
Wm. Gahlsdorf
133 N. Liberty Street
Phone Q"i
;L j
We have the most com
plete stock Df children's
Furniture in Salem, such as
Wood Cribs
Steel Cribs, ivory or whit.
Rockers, Hi Chairs,
Baby Junipers, ,
Doll Carts, Doll Beds,
DoU Walkers, Wagons,
Scooters,' Pedel-cars,
Velocepedes, Choo-choo and
. See us when you want
anything for the children.
467 Court Street