Make It Your "Pet" Pastime To Kick When You Don't Get Your Jou rnal Proper ly Weafter Forecast Tonight and Saturday fair. Maximum 43. . Minimum 22. , Trace rainfall. Circslalisa Yesterday 5 44 O Only Salem Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. LISTEN For The Journal carrier's whistle If yon dont get your Journal by S:30 o'clock tn the evening - "' CALL 81 m I In! It Wilson Says He Can and Will : Turn Down Concurrent Res olution DecHring War At i End; Constiif -tion Is Cited. . S; v: - Washington, Nov. 21.-1 s Lodge concurrent resolu tion which declares the y ' at an end can and will be vetoed by President Wilso r ti case it is passed by both house and senate, in the o lion of high administration officials today. They cited constitution to prove that the president has this power. Tills on 1110 ns an evident sur prise to supporters of 'the Lodge resolution which was introduced in congress just before adjournment. . They believe the executive hnd no authority to Interfere? with acon current resolution and that the Iiodge measure could be passed by both houses, thus ending the war without adoption of the peace treuly. Discovery of the constitu tional authority which hitherto has seldom, if ever, been exer cised by a President, was consid ered a blow to their plans. Tho administration supporters cited trticle one, section seven, paragraph three of the constitution as their au thority. It reads as follows: . Constitution Cited. "Every order, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of the senate and. house of representatives may be necessary (except on a question of ad journment) shall be presented to the president of the United States and be fore the same shall, take effect snail be approved by him or being disap proved by him, shall be repassed by tvo-thirds of the senate and the house of representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in case f a bill." This, ! the administration contends. undoubtedly gives Wilson authority to veto the Lodge measure. Veto Is Certain. The president apparently Is deter mined to veto Lodge's proposal, con fident that two-third vote cannot be . marshalled in congress to pass it over his head. Thus he plans to prevent the war being officially ended until the peace treaty has been adopted. At Speaker Gillette's office it was stated that it was not customary to Bond concurrent resolutions to the .president, but that in this case n would undoubtedly be necessary under the constitution, his opinion was ex pressed after the constitutional pro vision had been scanned. Before that, the impression was that it was not nec essary to send such resolutions to the While House. Senator Lodge, author of the resolu tion, was in Boston, it was said at his office, Old Opinions Support. Administration officials also declar ed that in an opinion rendered in 185-S by Attorney General Cushing, stated that congress could not pass any law whicji in effect "coerces the discretion of the president except with his appro bation, unless by a concurrent vote of two thirds of both houses upon his previous refusal to sign a bill." Another opinion, on this question, cited by the administration, is con tained in a report by the senate judi ciary committee, made January 26; 1S97, as the result of an investigation of the question as to whether a con current resolution required the presi dent's signature. "Whether concurrent resolutions are required to be sent to the president of tho United States must depend not up on their mere form but unon the fact whether they contain matter which in sioner." properly to be regarded as legislative' The facts3 in the eaae- he sala' must In its character and effect," the report be determined by the United States dis stated "If they do they mus.t be pre- triet C0lIrt- . sented for his approval. Otherwise' rLr:af reuttorand nrof- f o rm controls the question of Its dis position. Ssnator Underwood conferred with Secretary Tumulty at the White House today on the democratic program. Sen ators Hitchcock and Underwood will leave Washington immediately for a brief lest before the recovening of con gress. BREWERS PROTECTED TEMPORARILY TODAV BY RESTRAINT ORDER St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 21. Judge John C. Pollock, in the federal courf here today granted a temporary in- junction restraining District Attorney Walter Hensley and the collector of internal revenue from interfering with brewers in the manufacture and . sale of beer. Judge Pollock declared he was not ruling on the constitutionality of the war time prohibition act, but that "a reasonable doubt existed." The result of the ruling is that the manufacture and sale of 2.75 beer here Is permitted. The court ruling does not affect the sale of whiskey or its release from bond, the decision specified. The decision was in the case of the Grieaedieck Brewing company of St. Louis against District Attorney Hens ley and George H. Moore, collector of internal revenue. Four other breweries here joined in the suit. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GIVEN L Washington, Nov. 21. To mjDet the sugar shortage throughout the United Statcj, President Wilson today issued a proclamation transferring to the de partment of Justice the powers of the food administration. Assistant Attorney General II. E. Figg will be placed in charge 'xt the department's work dealing with sugar. lmb Angeies, uai., jnov. ai evidence that 400,000 sacks of sugar, totalling u,w,uuu pounas, are now stored in southern California sugar refining een- ters nas oeen gatnerea Dy agents or the Los Angeles Retail Grocers asso ciation, Secretary B. C. Shurtleff do clared today. , ... . Despite this stock, he' declared, gro cers cannot buy sugar. FUTURE OF SEATTLE RECORD CASE PUT IIP TO FEDERAL COURTS Seattle, Wash., Nov. 21.United States Commissioner R. W. McClelland handed down a decision in the Union Record casetoday, which seemed to pass to the United States district court t'.e responsibility for future develop ments, and apparently leaves it to that court to deciue wnether or not the Union Record plant shall remain In the hands of the government or be re- sedition Charges. . . a.u ' viu,u. no a, u,.nCU wi " " mtssioner to say wnetner or not we ?nioa Record plant is being illegal held. "jVlj- understand of the testimony of Dt puly United States Marshal Tobey," McClelland says In his decision, "is th:it he took the properties of the Un ion Record on November 13, and later the tame day gave them up. If that is true, the writ of seizure is dead. If it is not true, the writ still stands and the defendants maxv bring in a motion to quash the writ. If Tobey seized the Union Record on November 14, he did BO without authority from the COmmia- wJ-e reposal Is Gaining Favor Says Jordan Portland, Or., Nov. 21. The pro posal that the Chinese exclusion law be amended so that coolies can be ad mitted and employed as laborers on western farms is meeting with much favor, according to Frank C. Jordan, California secretary pf state, who Is in Portland today. Jordan is sounding out public sen timent in western states regarding the movement. He says he has found very little opposition to the plan so far. Leavenworth Authorities Probe Prison Fire Cause Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 21 Prison authorities today were investigating ft fire of "undetermined origin" which early today destroyed - the Exchange building and six temporary wooden 'structures within the confines of Fort Leavenworth here. The blaze broke out in the Exchange building. Surrounding structures wer dynamited to prevent the fire reach ing the older and permanent buildings of thf dicipltnary ba:.racks. $50,000 Retirement Fund For T' Workers Announced Detroit, Mich., Nov. 21. Announce ment of a gift of $50,000 for a retirt ment fund for T. M. C. A. workers was made in today's meeting of the "T" convention here. The donor was un named. i no plan provides that secretaries rr.ay retire after reaching the age of 60 lino receive half pay from then un U ooath. SUGAR con NO. 276.FOURTEEN PAGES." RATIFICATION WE ISSUE Of Leaders Of Beth Parties Look For Next Presidential Race To Be Decided On Grounds Of Peace Fight. By Raymond Clapper (Umted Press Staff Correspondent.) , Washington, Nov. 21. Ratification of the peace treaty appeared today to be shaping itself into the big issue Of the 1920 presidential election. Many prominent men of both parties here look for a finish fight before the coun try wth the -voters deciding whether the United States shall enter the league of nations and, if so, with what reservations. In this struggle party lines may be broken down. . Should the senate fail to ratify be fore the 1920 fight gets under way there will be a clear cut issue, with President Wilson possibly again forced to take the stump in support of the treaty, it was predicted. Wilson Opens Fight. President Wilson throw rim K gauntlet when h -t. tn Hitchcock on the eve of the vote that the Ledge reservations would nullify .the treaty. This charge, aicording to republican senators todav. forced th entire majority party to rally around Lodge, This is the explanation of the unbroken front which Lodge put up during the battle in the fkial hours of the extra session. It was known that "mild reservationists" on the republi can side were ready to support Hitch cock in certain compromise proposals. tut when the president attacked Lodge an tne republicans resolved to stick with their leader, although in some previous stages of the figbt they had opposed him. ' -H -Hot Session ForMn. v Indications today were -that, a bitter- contesi will start ' when the treaty comes up again next session. . By its action in refusing to ratify, the senate wiped the slate clean and will have to begin all over again. The treaty will go to the foreign relations committee first. The crucial struggle will come with in tho committee this time, according to present plans. The treaty will not be reported out until reservations have been agreed upon, which will meet the approva, ot two.tuird8 of th9 Bat Proceedings on the senate floor will 1920 CAMPAIGN 1"-"" "'' "Be cut and dried, it is expected. With in tho committee republicans of the Johnscn-Borah-Moses-Knox group will try to shelve the pact. Thn . (,, ,, ,. . auuuv. in. ,uc i,i,e, Ullltf to the outlook today, will be whether the treaty is to be reported out of the committe or permitted to lie there for ever. Candidates will stand for one or the oiher of these courses, it was pre- aictea and the people must decide, Meanwhile the nation faces the pro Diem ot a technical state of war with Germany, I I U HARD AT WORK ON MESSAGES OF VITAL IMPORT By Hugh Ballllc ( United Press Staff Correspondent.) ushington, Nov. 21. President Wilson within ten days, will make his supreme effort to end inroads of the bolshevikl into America's social struc ture p.nd at the same time, make the United States a member of the league of rations. J ne president today was working vigorously on . two state documents which he intends shall be the most compelling of his administration. One of these is a message to congress, to be delivered December 1 and the oth er the message to the- new industrial commission, called to bring about peace between labor and capital, which probably will convene here the same day congress meets. Wilson Is writing a strong appeal to congress to take up again and ratify me peace treaty. He Is preparing an argument which tho administration tiopes will bring about a compromise and speedy ratification. If it doesn then the president is ready to see the fight carried into the 1920 national election in which, however, he will not participate beyond urging voters re gardltss of party affiliations to dem onstrate they want the United States to join the league. Wilson is anxious to go before con gress and deliver his message in per son. This is opposed by his physl cians. I. W. W. HALL KAIDKO Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 21. Six men said to be former soldiers, late today raided a building used as headquarters ny 1. . w. and other radicals. Lit erature was piled in the street and burned. SALEM, New Proposal to End Strike Will Be Made by Union Washington, Nov. 21. A proposal for settlement of the coal strike will be made to operators by miners late today. President John Lewis of the miners' unionr announced. -, ''"' While Lewis refused to say what de mands will be made by the miners, it is understood their, proposal will be for an increase, of about .25 cents a ton or -ten centsmore a ton than op erators offered yesterday. Lewis made his announcement just before opening ef the afternoon ses sion of the scale committee and after talk with Secretary, of Labor Wilson. TREATY DEFEAT By Thomas Nelson Page (Former ambassador to Italy) (Written for the United Press) Washington, Nov., 21. I consider defeat of the peace treaty as an im measurable misfortune. Those who defeated it have' assumed the most terrible responsibility which any men have assumed In oui" time. Its effect must be to plunge Europe into even deeper chaos, from hlch America can hardly escape entirely. Those who were most against the treaty and the league of nations were the Ger mans, the extreme Sinn Felners, the W. W. and the bolshevlsts. Those who have just killed the treaty, how ever sincere their mqtlves, have given these cause for great rejoicing.. . Treaty Not Perfect None -maintain that the treaty or the league was perfect. But everyone knows in his heart that it was a bet ter treaty and sanction titan was hop ed for one year ago' . J Just one year ago and a little more. America and the world were holding their breath--at what was happening in France. We were, vowing to God that if peace were vouchsafed us, that thing which was destroying the world and had swept away so many millions of men should never come again. The ruins of France and Italy' stilt were smoking. Our men were dy ing by thousands in the Argonne and along the other fronts to save the world and it was saved. .No Kxcuhc for V. 8. I was present when David Lloyd- George laid the treaty of peace on the table of the house of commons and declared that the league of na tions was the only means of future safety In sight and that he could not imagine how any sensible man could oppose it being fully tried out. Since that time tho treaty has been approv ed by all the allies. But the senate of the United States has rejected alike the treaty and the league . of nations. Thus the United States and China stand out alone against the treaty and league. China may have a defensible reason, but what reason have we? If the treaty did not protect America then human intelligence has no sound basis. F.uronc Hard Hit Europe is in a condition bordering on chaos and this is not likely to bring order there. The first thing will be Germany's relief from the exact ions of the treaty. Can it be that she now will put forth her efforts to pay the great reparation amount imposed upon her unless Indeed she recognizes that the present situation offers the unexpected chance for her to con quer the world once more commer cially? . If not this, then the result must and probably will bo in any event re-establlshment of great arm aments. Means Big Arnuimcnts The league of nations, having been repudiated by us, the result to us is clear. It means we must Inaugurate here a great armament. We, Germany and China alone stand outside of the league, which at present constitutes a sort of inchoate alliance, of. those who have entered It. The present sit uatlon as 1 see it is that , we have had a chance to escape from being overwhelmed in what threatened to be a universal deluge and the senate has thrown it away. We must now find some other ark of safety. The chief builder of the ark that promised us rescue worked himself nearly to death to save us. And it looks as if those who were not called in to help build the ark have sunk it. What will they give us in its place? Fatal Accidents During Week Number Only One Douglas Kelly, a logger of Selah, Wash., was the only workman to lost his life in an accident in Oregon Mi duatrifs during tbep(ist week accord ing to reports made to the state l.i d tint via I accident commission. Of a to tal vi 471 accidents 4,5 4 were subject to the provisions of the compensation act, 15 were from firms and corpora- tions that have rejected the provis ions of the act and two were fron public utility corporations not subject to. tne provisions of the act. . PAGE CONSIDERS OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1919. U.S.PROCEEDS I'll CARE III Carranza Government Expect ed To Comply With Demand : For Release Of Jenkins And 'Avert "Crisis.'' Washington, Nov. 21. The United States regarding the Mexican situation as delicate, will proceed with the great est caution in the. case of William O. Jenkins, American consular agent Im prisoned ftt Puebla, it was learned to day at the state department. Responsible officials-would not pre dict possible action in event the Mexi cans refused to release Jenkins, as de manded by this government in a sharp note. Nothing has happened to change the belief that Mexico. will comply with America's demands that a crisis wUl vanish, it was stated. ' "Crisis" Is Denied. "There Is no crises and there will be none," Mexican .Ambassador Bonillas told the United Press today. ."I trust to the good judgment and good sense of American; authortiy and the Ameri can people. It is just a case of the Jingoistic press trying to inflame' tho people. When the true information is known, this case will be like so many others, in which crisis were supposed to exist." - . . At the-'Mexican embassy It was pre dicted that Mexico's reply probably would be a recital of the reasons for Jenkins 'arrest, if he was arrested, with an explanation that whatever -action I was tt ken was based on law. '" So Talk of Action. , "As fiir'ns we know there has been no arrest of Jenkins," an. embassy of ficial said; J'He was merely called be fore court to make a declaration." The state department information Is that Jenkins wai.Dut In the peniten tiary, nt Pueblo. ' ' -. -;' ... ' . ' X.. . As tor punitive action In case Mex ico remains defiant, there Was no talk today , of a military- expedition. It would lake 450;000 troops three years to "pacify" Mexico, according to war department estimates. A battleship might be sent to the Tampico district to make a demonstration, it was sug gested, but ho official steps in this di rection have been taken. v , By Ralph Turner (United Press staff correspondent) Mexico City, Nov. 20. News that the American state department had sent the Mexican government a note declaring further detention of William u. Jenkins. United States consular agent at Puebla, would "seriously af fect relations between the United States and Mexico," created a stir in . . ... . TJt I T ;t" ?l8patch 01 v-itl 4 y?' bee" beCme g0"' A dispatch from Puebla stated that Jenkins, whose second arrest on a charge of collusion in connection with the recent kidnaping took place after ne had been released from detention on similar charges, still was In custo dy. It was said the Judge at Puebla had not considered his caso because today was a holiday. TO "IN EFFORT TO PERFECT LEAGUE London, Nov. 21. Despite Ameri ca's failure to ratify the covenant, Great Britain will deal in Its power to make the league of nations effect ive, Andrew Bonar Law, spokesman for the government, intimated in the house of commons this afternoon. During discusMon of the American senate's action, Sir McLean asked as surances that . Great Britain would "not luck determination to do all In Its power to take the lead in making the league effective." "There ls no- need to doubt It," Bo nar Law replied, "but it is a mistake to asHume that all help from Ameri ca Is gone." Bonar Law was bombarded . with questions regarding the situation re suiting from the United States senate action. He indicated it would not da ter the other nations ratifying the treaty from carrying out Its provis ions. Sir Samuel Hoare asked whether the situation would have any effect on the AngIo-FranccAmcrlcan treaty "Our undertaking in this was con tingent upon It being carried out by the United States." said Bonar Law. "The senate has not yet ratified this itreaty." - Car svstkm von iucnt Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 21. Wul la Walla will lease her car system for $12,000 a year from the traction com pany, if recommendations of the pub lic service commission are followed. The company Is scheduled to quit, claiming it cannot operate at a profit. MEXICAN CASE : i October Exports I Far In Excess of J September Mark Washington, Nov. 21. Exports dur ing October totalled $632,000,000, an increase of (35,000,000 over Septem ber and 3130,000,000 over October, 118, according to a statement issued by the department of commerce to day. Imports totalled $416,000,000, a "de crease of $20,000,000 from September, but an increase of $169,000,000 over October of last year. "- : Exports for the ten months ending with October totalled $6,601,000,000, an increase of $1,440,000,000 as com pared with the same period in 1918. For the ten months this year imports amounted to $3,130,000,000, a gain of $643,000,000 over the similar period last year. - SEEK CONTROL OF (Capital Journal Special Service.) . '. Sllverton, Or., Nov. 21. Sllverton to day was the soene of a silent battle be- tween organizers for the Timber Work- ers Union, the I. W, W. and the Four Ls' with the state looking on ready to act as arbitrator. Following a meet ing In the opera house here lost night when Otto Hartwig, president of the State Federation of Labor, and Philip Holden, organizer for the Timber Workers, spoke to an audience of 100 loggers frbm the surrounding camps, discussion was rife of the affair on the street corners, in pool halls and the camps. Preparatory to meet any similar ac tion that was reported to have occur red here to disrupt Mr. Holden'a work when lie spoke several days ago, a truckload of Timber Workers came from Suleirl to the meeting last night. Whatever action was manifest at that meeting to block the plans of organiza tion of tho Timber Workers did not show Itself last night, add Hartwig and Holden coifflucted the meeting unlutcp- rupteo,- -. .-.. -h . - t. Investigation Reports. The report that officials of the saw mills and camps here are discharging men If- they don't join the- Four L's and discharging them if they Join tlu Timbei Workers is being investigated by the state, . Following a conference yesterday at Salem between Holden and State Labor Commissioner Gram it was announced that the Btate wr-uld take a hand if affidavits proving that the men were being discharged could be obtained. When Holden spoke here several days ago the streets, following his de parture after a heated debato at the opera house, were littered with I. W. W. literature, it is reported. Mill men viuu ncia unci bc, . c . i , di, they saw none of the literature; but do say that they heard I. W. W. threat- who were interviewed, however, say en to "get" Holden or any Four L man. Opinion here today among the log gers and mill men runs in favor of the Timber W'orkers, who have assured them, they say, a "square deal." They claim that tho Four L leaders have failed to keep their assurance with the men in the matter of advancing the wage scale when the price of lumber boomed. . . Protests Organization. In Ms talk last night Mr. Hartwig protested the necessity of organiza tion. He defined the radicals who are now working havoc In all parts of the country as "new members, of unions who have come to feel what they can do, and are trying to turn the world over in 20 minutes." He cautioned con servation on the part of every union man, urging this as "Americanism." He emphatically declared that no member of the I. W. W. would be ad mitted to any A. F. of L. organiza tion. President L. J. Slmeral, of the Sa lem Central Trades & Labor council, presided, at the meeting last night. He ead a long list of war activities Mr. Hartwig had been connected with, tending to refute the accusation made at the last meeting here that the Tim ber Workers was an I. W, W. move ment LABOR FACTIONS L0GG1KG CAMPS Daring Wyoming Bandit Still Free; Pokes Fun At Officers Pursuing Him Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 21. (United Prcsii.) William Carlisle, elusive train robber, has the whole western country guessing today. He dropped into the Casper telegraph office Thursday,' left a message "thanking the Union Pa cific for the "haul" he made on the Los Angeles Limited last Tuesday, poked fun at the road's detective force, and then disappeared. Tho posses, United States cavalry and railroad officers are helplessly waiting for his next appearance, hold ing trains with full steam up at sev eral points in Wyoming to dash quickly to the scene. Carlisle's daring has so gripped the FORTY- SECOND YEAR COMOH 14 Nation Facing Fuel Famine As Miners And Operators Vie la Wonry Wrangle To Settle Wage Diff erenee. (By United Press.) r ' -v While coal miners and operators ao bated in Washington on a wage .seals several sections of the country, par ticularly middle west and southwest. . were facing an increasingly serious sit uation today as a result of the fuel shortage. Curtailment of train service, apan donment of non-essential Industries, rationing of reserve supplies and re establishment of "lightlesa nights" were being reported in an effort to conserve the diminishing coal supply. In many places: only a few days ro- servo remained.! Above all was danger jef a ntitiontwide freight embargo, ad- mltted by Rail Director flines to be a possibility should the situation show .no improvement within a month. Hunting's Proposal Discussed. Meanwhile tho proposal of Governor Hard'ng of Iowa that the chief execu tives of bituminous producing states ' seize and pperate the mines in an ef fort to bring about normal production was meeting with varied rosponsea ; Governor Cox of Ohio, in a message to the United Press, supported Har- ing's plan while Governor Cornwell of West Virginia believed it would be playing Into the hands of the radicals and Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania regarded such action as unconstitu tional. , , 4 ... .j.jj- .: "It (he dispute affecting the mining Industry ls not settled soon. It will be necessary for governmental interfer ence, to take tho shape of operation ot the-i mines"-wire H.u'ding. '.. . - . Plan Not l egal. ; . -'ft wouid be -far better for the fed-" ernl government to "doit, ut If it " 'tM hot, t hi le.ioi slbillty falls to- thefi.tes.'' -: ;. . - S)riul ni'-vcly declaiv! Harding's (Continued on page eight) CLOSED SINCE OCT. I BY STRIKE TO REOrBI San Francisco, Nov. 21. Shipyards in the San Francisco bay district will reopen next Monday, the California Metul Trades Association and Foun- drymeii's Association announced to day. Unless nil the men who have been on strike return to work others will be imported to fill their places, the announcement said. - "Signed requests of more than H, 000 men make this a sacred obliga tion," declared a statement Issued at noon. . The wages in effect prior to the strike will remain in force and will continue for a year. The statement contlhues: "All the yards and shops cannot op erate at anything like capacity with - the number of men that have applied for work. It will be necessary to ob tain the services of other men. No at tempt will be made to bring in work men for ten days from the data of opening. "This Is to provide opportunity for men who have hesitated to report for -duty. If on December 3 the places are not alt filled we will announce in pa pers throughout the northwest. In southern California and the east that places are open in the shipyards of the. San Francisco bay district and that all men will be permanently em ployed in order of their application. "We earnestly wish, however, to avoid this action." west's fancy that the public quite gen- 'trally hopes he makes good his escape, The authorities, however, regarded him as the greatest menace to gaf travel in Wyoming history and are Gnu determined to take him dead or alive. Carlisle has never shed human blood. His chivalrous refusal to rob women passengers Is now matched by the discovery that during his peniten tiary term he was a wizard at orotchet Ing doilies and weaving hair lariats," His pictures, spread broadcast over this region, but more particularly his , enormous hands and feet, hive made him i marked mau. Mi !