Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 20, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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' iS-f imr A i&.-IW ijito, '.1lflf
lew I oday - Where Sm
s at oma
all A ds Get Result
For Sale.
Rata per word Each insertion one
cent six insertion 6 cents, one month,
ag'iiKwruons. 17 cents, una v-ar. per
month, a cents. Minimum per ad 2a
euta. ' "l
First Insertion only in yew Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account No allowance foi
phone errors
FOR. SALT: 9 gouts.
New Today.
FOU SALE At a bargain, in- good
town with standard high school, 2
churches, 2 storesand flouring mill,
Z'i acres all clear, with 8 room
house and. barn. Price $3500. See
Chas. Ransom, Aumsville, Of, 217
WOOD Good old tf $, delivered;
Mipily limited.- W. .A.'! Shellon- Kt.
Thone. 107F32.
FOR SALE 9 1-2x14 tent, child's
bed with mattress, reed baby bug
gy, maleable steel range with res
ervoir, new heating stove, practic
ally new double express harness and
single harness. Will sell above arti
cles for 1-2 of original cost. 395 S.
12th street. 277
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman-
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
. E. C. Cross & Son.
BEAUTIFUL' wall tints 10s pound
and ud. Max O. Buren. Com. St.
- 276
$ LARG& furnished - housekeeping
rooms on first floor.' Also furnish
ed sleeping' rooms. " 574 ' Is". : 15th
street; '. " ;" " ' - '"' T ' ' 277
FOR RENT Small well, located farm
F.ox 5, Turner, Or. , . JJ70
GOAT meat for sale, first class only.
Orders taken 2667 Oak and 25th
Street. Phone 2160M.-
Optometrists. to Salem wants to buy DR. L. HALL .WILSON Spe-
a mouern nome up to around $4,-1 gs' cialist in the Modern Sclentif
000. Centrally- situated as possi- ic application of glasses for the aid
ble. Possession before Christmas. 1 of vision and the relief of eye strain
Write Mrs. Bottomly care Journal, j and headache. Office closed Satur-"
.days: Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
: V ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244..
Used Cars for Sale.
FORD for sale, has one man ton., .3
new tires, shock absorbers, Yaie
lock; driven carefully; price fight.
Phone Mr. Palmer 683; - ,275
FOR SALE A late model Chevrolet
. in first class shape. Sells for cash
only at a low price. 170 S. 12th St.
Phone 458. . 277
rist, eyes examined ana glasses lu
ted. Broken lenses duplicated.
Hours at office dally, 4 p. m. to 8
p. m. Saturday a. m. to 6 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U.. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
CHOICE goat meat' at Peoples mar-
I- ket between State and" Court-on
Liberty street. . .
FOR- SALE 1919 Bulck. Five pas
senger. Practically new. Wilson's
garage, phone 220. ... 276
WANTED To "buy milk goat,
w N.-' loth street.
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring car,
has'not been run 2000 miles. See
ear at Dodge agency, 184 South
Commercial St . 281
FOR SALE Pullets soon laying,
White Leghorn and Barred Hocks.
Center of Hollywood addition. Fred
Coulsons,, .or .phone 5394W.. 277
FOR SALE Forcfson tractor com
plete with plow, extension rims,
pullev-and- extra shares. Cheap.
Oregon Tractor. Co., 173 S. Com'l.
Phone 1600. ' .
1 t,ST Monday "afternoon, package
r containing child'? garment (hew)
Kinder please leave at. Journal of -f,
-- - 275
FOR SALE Cheap, one Bulck road
ster. 171 S. High . . ' 277
- Water. Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
' Phone 606.
Very Desirable Property.
7 room house plastered, modern,
full basement, $2000.
6 room house plastered, modern,
garage for two cars, fruit, $2000.
6 room house plsterei, modern,
rooms upstairs unfinished, $3500.
2 6 room houses .plastered, modern,
basement, fireulace $4000. i
S acres all in cultivation, ' wire
fnncafl. a. faw bearins walnut and ap-
nla trees. 6 room ceiled house, out-.
buildings, in good shape,,. 4 miles out,
$2500. ' ' - '
in aores. 5 in cultivation, 6 in' tim
ber, stumps, etc., fenced, best red soli.
3 room house, $1500, terms.
Walter McLaren ' ,
Room 25, 180 N Com. St. 278
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre.
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are In
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
of cars. American Automobile Co.,
Office 124 South Liberty street.
Phone 987,- 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
Lost And Found.
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get hira. He only charges
2 per cent.
Second Hand Goods.
opened a first class shop repairing
and reflnishing of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your worn. Mon n
M rown. 1201 S. Commercial St.
v 275
I 111 1 1 L. ?a4-' . J".SJr -IS I nil II I ."SaVW 1 II
! tnn Can OCkii
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
..St.. $3000, $1,000 . cash,, balance
"terms. Roth Grocery Co. . .
FOUND Auto tire last Sunday. Ovr.
er may have same by proving prop
erty and paying for ad. M. C. Hon
. hauer, Kt. 7, box 30, Salem. 275
GOATS for sale, thirty six head. R.
Anderson, Kt. 1, box 72; Jefferson.
- "276
FOR SALE Four Buttercup cooker
els, 8 months old, Fine winter ap
ples, also weed cutter. Phone 23F21
after G p. m. 276
FOR SALE Fantail pigeons. 'T4S5 N.
Liberty St. Phone 2167M. .27.7
W ANTED Good milk cows on shares
John Loren?, -Rlelcreall. - . . . 2.80
FOR SALE 235 acres improved
farm, 1-2 mile south of Marion, or.
T ,,ef' acre, terms. H. Fennell,
BOAR. Will sell my herd boar, 3
years olxl.. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
.$75. will take him. H. R. , Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem. - - ' -
North Bend, Ore.
n-AX'TTri Kvnerieneed 'man for
men's furnishings, shoes, etc. Gale
. f!n. 277
WANTED Maid, experienced prefer
red, food wages and noon lunch
A'uplv Housekeeper Hotel arhm
FOR SALE 130 acre farm, 120 acres
cultivated, 50 acres growing wheat
id or.,-oa niMrture. 5 room modern
l.lnicalow. barn, garage, fine water
system. Price $155 an acre.
FOtt SALE 10 acre tract, 9 1-2 acres
i.u,,,inc urunes. six and nine
niri 1.9 nr-re family orchard
miles out. Price
$5500. Phone 2315. 27G
FOR SALE Cheap, light team work
horses.. See Altera,
rnriwra on Den road. J'noue
STRAYED From Jim Witzel place,
two horses, one dark bay, one light
. bay with white hind feet, with sad
dle gald. Notify J. Jasmer, Turner,
Rt. 1, box 25. ' 275
Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Ore.
No Cash Reauired Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases ana iuuu
other useful articles ra ku or irauo.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, 83T Court St. Phone 493.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government mqney to loan
at S 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith. ' - .
LOST Gentleman's purse containing
money, 4 ten dollar bills and some
sliver. Lost between" Rolands and
Wallace farm. Reward. E. H. Bliv
en, Rt. 1, box 21B. 275
LOST 30x3 1-2 Beacon tire on rim
between town and Hollywood.
Leave at Chevrolet shop. 2 75
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old,
eligible to registry that I will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
your'choice while they last. H. R.
Jones, phone 49F2.
TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering
for sale five modern bungalows
well located on paved street. Wib
Ham p. Trhalie, Bank of 'Com
merce bldg. ,293'
FOR SALE 100x52 1-2, corner Court
and 18th. streets, will all street and
other assessments paid. Price $2,
500. Terms to suit purchaser. Inter
est 6 per cent. Oswald West, 1500
Journal bldg, Portland, Or. 275
SHEEP for sale, twenty seven head
good stock ewes, u buck and twen
ty six lambs. Phone lo44R after
p. m. 275
FOR SALE Hand picked apples, 75c
per box delivered. Phone 36F13. 275
LOST Black driving glove,' return to
Salem Velie company, reward. 270
FOtt SALE 40 acres of timber land,
inquire at' 260 K. 15th mornings
and evenings. v ; '
FOR SALE 40 acres fine eastern
Oregon alfalfa land, near mainline
R R. town. Would sell now for- less
than half what it will be worth a
few months, hence when water Is
delivered, or would -.consider ex
change. 295 N. 20th St.- Phone 1902
W evenings. f'
FOR SALE Partridge Rock cocker
els. 1902 N. Church. Phone 1565R.
;. , . , , . 277
FIVE room bungalow north Salem
$1500. terms. Address P O box 221
Salem. , - .- 275
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. . -60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 28 to, 6 8
Inches high. Paints, oiC, and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry "Vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence - anf Stove
Works, 250 Court street. Phona 124
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent Interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple,
Salem, Oregon. , ,
Oleson's Auto Exchange
49 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto
parts for sale.
Autos for hire without drivers.
1917 Ford, $425
1 Samson tractor $S00 .
Ford bug $275
1 Ford tuck, fine condition, $626.
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories. -
BETTER, have your auto overhauled
and put 'In first class shape, guar
anteed. Work done in your own ga
rage. W. E. Tripp, Phone l36
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma;
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 847 Court St
For Rent
A PLEASANT sleeping room for one
or two gentlemen. Phone 5I0M, or
call 565. S. Liberty. St ' 275
'WALFELT" superior . to cloth at
about half price. Max O. Buren,
com'l. st. ' ; z'
Snlm Seavanarer Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on montn
lv contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animal!
removed. Office phone Main 167.
Why Sell For Less?
REX Dry paste,' no cooking required.
works better and sucks iiguvci
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l
. V
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Woman, Can You
of sew, or launder, or nurse?
If you can, why not make money out of your
skill? Just describe your ability and experience
in a Want Ad and put it in this newspaper today.
The little Model Want Ads below will guide you.
And you, Mrs. Employer, should' solve your
home help difficulties with our Want Ads. Just
state vour requirements, the price you 11 pay and
your "telephone number or address in. a. little
Want Ad. We have helped many women find,,
household help and we believe we can help you.
herm Af Modti Want Adt fot Employer
and Employe
VANTWV-Cooll 1 PrlW h""11'
four. Mint be tlwruiniUr onm
pttnit tft do all ordltur, conMnr
lieterencM nwrnlnxl Blltart !
drM. TlwroUBllly tuperUnewt. 11
MfurronM. Cm corn TUurulm "
Through little Want Ads like these yon can
talk to thousands at trifling cost.
Read and Use the Want Ads in
FOR RENT Oarage.
street. . -
1409 Mission
Help Wanted
WANTED A capable girl for house-
. work, good wages. Apply mornings
; 70S State St. Telephone 664. . 27 5
Salem Auto Rafllator Shop
Radiators, Fender: and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Rtullatoiw Specialty -
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St.. Salem, ore.
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms.' W.. A.
Liston, 484 Court St.' - '
Best Buys.
SO acres all cultivated, well fenced i
hogtight; good barn, good berry land;
will grow clover,- joining town. $2750.
Own terms on $1000 for 3 years at, 6
WANTEDw-Man ;-tev- tip-, loganberries
on the "shares; . rourit! iff- plowed.
Phone 107F24. -. 278
I HAVE $5000 to loan on good real
estate- to private party. Address G
H care Journal. 279
FOR SALE A young Jersey cow giv
ing milk. Call 67F12 after 6 o ciock
p.,m. f 2.7 6
FOR SLE Or trade for cattle some
sheep, 9 head of Shropshire ewes.
Call evenings 87F24. 276
wivTi'n Somebody with high
blood pressure that can get no re
lief. CaH 1749.
.n..mnt,y unio Phone evenings.
i e
oroo u
or 4 u. ,
- , i.jrr,- r . . H'r,,.lr hv school boy
(Japanese). Box J Capital Journal
ROOM house with large lot, fruit,
barn, etc., on N. Summer street.
$1200, half cash. See D. M. Wilson
& 'Co., room 8, D'Arcy bldg.
Remember, able bodied boys over
18 years old and under 60, the
Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at
Oregon City and West Linn will
need men for the winter season.
Just- keep them in mind when ar
ranging your winter work seneauie.
They have a fine hotel just for em
ployes, at low rates. ,iiu
FARM for sale by owner, located
in fruit section of Virginia. Signs
- of mapganese and iron ore, for par
ticulars address, Ethel L. Huiiman,
Washington,. D. C, care general
delivery. 279
WANTED Some one to take care pf
horse for winter for his keep. Phone
84F4 or address Salem, Box 281,
Rt. 8. . 2V5
WANTED Man on ranch, one that
can handle tractor and prune
trees; all winter work for right
party. Phone 3F2il -
FOR SALE 8 weeks old pigs for sale I
Phone 44F14. 270'
1 XtT A TVirf I.I T- T i Ji tiAjinMi nnm Onrl
FOR SALE Household furniture and- C'ltlTs ",h p.! I Vlnnnv, 276
chickens. House for rent.
Com'l street. (
871 N.
Niemeyer's Buys.
6 room house at 1407 N. Winter
St. Lot 71x130. $1550. Good terms,
6 room modern home on f- Cl'
mefcial. Good corner lot OOxloO. J,
0t A cozy modern bungalow at 555 K.
2 4th St. Lot 40x100: $1600. A good
Riv and easy terms.
A modern 5 room home on .Belmont
St All built in leaiures. ,iuum-..-
..lemLnt walks. Lot 42x66. Walnut and
neac trees. $2500. .
An exceptionally attractive, strictly
modern h&me at 1780 Court street.
rooms, more than 2 large lots; good
fruit. A real buy at $4000. Good terms
60 acres 3-4 mile E. of Macleay.
All cultivated; good family orchard.
Fine water. 8 room house in good
condition. Large barn. Close to school.
710"' .,,. Snletri Heiehts school.
1 acre oak grubs, balance cultivated.
7 room house, Darn, wen aim j,ui.,
D on.l fruit. S3000.
iao acres 5 miles from Salem on
paved road. 40 acres prunes, beaunh.
82 acres cultivated, 8 acres timbei.
Good house and barn; fine water,
well fenced. $250 per acre.
C. W. Niemeyer. "
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg.,
-Ann m A 97 5
FOR SATjE New Voortstock type-
nfi-irop narfonr ArtnHlf ifn AHdrfiSS
22 Journal. an WANTED
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remoaei.
Room 2, 442 State St. 280
FOR SAIE Five year old work!
horse. Phone 1678W. 279
Highest price paid for
fat cattle and mlich cows. Phone
1676W. . j 279
FOR SALE Few cords furnace wood
and oak. Phone 1678W. 279
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
or stumpage, ash, maple, oak ana
fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & sons,
f ,.,.,.. . rip T, 9 PhnnA 3F1 1
POTATOES Now is your time to I,
stock up for winter. $2 per hundrea WANTED To rent piano in good con
at ranch. Phone 81? 27b dition. bv responsible party. Phone
9isiw 275
FOJ-t SAljUi ;neap, aenvery or ser
vice car, first class condition. I WANTED Good cast iron. Beards-
- " I 1 X.l IQfifl XT Vw.rr, Ht
Oak street.
FOR SALE Rabbits. Flemish Giants.
768 N. 21st. ... 27o
FOR SALE 10 aores; 6 acres 6-year
old lognnB. 4 acres trellised ever-
green berries. Small house, barn.
Price $400. D. E. Hart, ,208 Ore-
eon bldg. ' Z(D
WANTED From private parties, a
good secondhand rug. Call 79JJ14.
per cent.
125 acres all cultivated, well fenceu,
1 modern 8 and 1 4 room resiaence;
good barn and outbuildings, school,
atntinn and naved road by the place,
$185 per acre; $10,000 casn, naiance
8 per cent. ,
100 acres. 94 cultivated, balance
tlmh.r! ennii house, barn, at station
at school. $110 per acre; terms on 1-2
at 6 ner cent.
230 acres all cultivated; 7 room
bungalow, barn, well fenced, $65 per
acre, 1-2 cash. ,, ,
. 11 acres, 100 .bearing! English wal
n'ht trees, logans, cheri-les( goed mod
ern Improvements; pirved road; the
wt nf anil. 110.600: very easy terms.
20 acres all cultivatert) lots or iruu,
house, barn, all fenced, 8 miles from
center of Salem, $8000; $1000 cash,
balance 6 per cent to suit.
20 all cultivated; goou iruit, laim,
f iiuu tram R.niem. owner will sell
without payment down If buyer will
plant fruit. $3000. ,
19 acres all cultivated, 2 logans,
family fruit, house, barn, balance in
grain ; some fencing, paved road, close
in. $4500, 1-2 cash.
5 acres all cultivated, the best of
berry land, house, barn, family fruit,
nnaa in ftlgKH! AilHV temiS.
320 acres, 100 acres cultivated, gouu
soil. Lake county, Or., $3500; will ap
ply as payment on valley rancn.
320 acres, 40 cultivated, well locat
ed, plenty water, Malheur county,
Oregon, $7 per acre; will take resi
dence in exchange.
Modern 6 room bungalow. $1900.
Strictly modern 5 room bungalow,
Modern 5 room furnished bungalow
Modem 8 room noune, iai so
6 room house wun large iw; i
of bearing fruit. $650.
For best buys or exenangesee
341 State streot
Good Bargains And
Nice-100 acre farm, 95 In cultiva
tion all level, aood soil, good farm
buildings, near school, store and sta
in. Snap; $ll,0OU. -60
acre farm near Salemi 50 in cul
tivation, good buildings, nice loca
tion. Rarialn: $7500.
30 acres river bottom lana, orcnara,
buildings. $6000.- v ";'' J , ?
40 :acre tracts 25 bearing prunes, .4
in apples ana wainuis, set im-m "'
iniru nnt iiriine drver. S10.500.
Nice 5 acre traot close in, orchard
nnrU lmilrlinfrs. S1850.
8 million feet good timber 3 miles
from town; snap, 75c per tnousana,
Fine 2 acre tract close in; $1200.
16 acre-tract dose in, in high state
of cultivation. Snap. J160 per acre.
For sttuure deal in real estate see
Perrine & Marsters
211-12 Com. Club bldg.
Time Tables.
No Northbound
64'Oregonian 6:00 a.m.
16 Oregon Express ,.. 8:5ft a.m.
28Wlllamette Limited 8:17 a,m.
18 Portland Passenger .... I:a0 p.m.
24 Coos nay
14 Portland Express i. to !
53 Oregonian 3:10 a.m.
23 For Eugene 10:0B a.m.
15 California Express 11:08 a.m-
17 Roseburg Passenger ... :
27 Willamette Limited 6:4 ..
13 San Francisco Pass 10:03 P.m
78 Arrive at Salem 9:10 am-
74 Leave Salem 4:0 p.m.
181 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7s00 a.m. ,
163 Leaves Salem, motor .... :3 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor ....1:65 pm.
.rnn,,.l. anil AlrllA
Fruit: Oranges- $G.OO6.B0; lemo"8 j 171 Leaves Balem P-m-
IBS Arrives Salem
Grain: Wheat, No. 1, $2; feed oats
7Rffi)80c: milling oata 86c; cneet nay
$17; oat hay $20; clover hay $21 22;
mill run $44 45.
Buttorfat: Butterfat, 70c; cream
ery butter, 0769c. "
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on loot
15 l-2c; veal, fancy Jc; steer
78c; cows 57 l-2c; spring nmra
9V4o; ewes 4Bc; sheep, yearlings o. and noultry: Kgg casn iod,
llirht hens 1820o heavy hens 840) old
roosters 1516c; springs zoo,
Vegetables: Onions per sack 4V4:
celery doa. 90o; potatoes 2c; tweet
potatoes B l-2c.
Houses For Sale.
FOR SALE 6 room house, furniture,
wood, etc., on paved street, 1 block
from carline. $2750 cash. Address
B J A care Journal. im
FOR SALE Good modern five
room house, with garage, it tanen
at once for $1200. Phone 782W. 275
WANTED Baled oats and vetch hay;
state price. II. Brown, Rt. 3, box
92. Salem. 276
Any amount. Low rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem. Oregon
FOR SALE 92 acres. 78 cultivated.
House, barn, outbuildings; 2 miles
from Monmouth. Price $10,000; l-z
cash, balance 6 per cent. D. E. Hart
208 Oregon bide. z'o
WANTED To lease farm, J have
team and tools. Cherry City stables
C. H. Glover. - Zf
: Wood Saw.
FOR SALE7 rooms, bath, toilet,
enough bearing fruit for iamuy,
good big barn. This is a bargain.
Price $1650. D. E. Hart, Oregon
bldg. 275
FOR SALE 16 acres, New 7 room
plastered house, gooa Darn, near
electric station. Price $4500. D. 1'.
Hart, 208 Oregon .bldg; 276
Small house, 2 lots, soutn aiem,
7 room modern house, corner lot,
5 acres loganberries, bungalow, $2,-
Choice corner lot close 'In, paved
street. $600. F. L.' Woods, 341 State
St. - ' .
8.60: bananas 11c; honey extracted
20c; bunch beets, 45c; vabnage 2V4c;
head lettuce $1.00; carrots 45c; grapes,
Tokavs 12Wo; Brussell.. sprouts 16c;
cauliflower $2.00 do.; fed peppers, 20c
, Retail prices: Eggs dozen 75c;
dreamery butter 75c: country butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.10 8.25. r
Portland, Or.. Nov. 20. -Butjter, city
creamery 6467o; Egga selected local
ex 76'o'3c; hens 2628a; broiler II
27o; geese l&e; cneese ti.mpoe-
Live stock.
Cattle: Receipts '6; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $1
(Si 9. GO: fair to medium steers $7;
common to fair steers, x $6.6096.60;
choice to good cows and heifers $6.60
7.50; cannera $34; bulls $506.00.
calves $8(914.
Hogs: Receipts 559; tone of mar
ket steady; prime mixed $16.00(9)16.60
medium mixed $16. OO18.00; rough
heavies $14.0014.50; pigs, $14,60
Sheen: Receipts 54; tone om mar
ket steady; prime limbs $11.50 12.25
fair to medium lambs, $10.5011.00;
yearlings, $8.50(8)9.00; wethers, $7.60
8.60; ewes $5. 007.00.
164 Arrives Salem ............ 11:00
188 Arrives Salem 30 p.m.
172 Arrives Salem- ....,' 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive "'
No. 'Portland saiera aus"
E Ltd 8:15 am 10:16 am 12:30 pm
7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only
9 2:05 pm , 4:15 pm d:S5 P
13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 8!6 P"
17 6:05pm 8:07 pra Salem nSr
jH9 9:20pm 11:20 pm M)WIoit
North Bank station (leave- jeiier
son street 15 and 20 minutes luter)
Leave Arrive Arrjv
Eugene Palem Portlan
7rlB am :9 otu
7:25 am 9:40 am 11:30am
13:05 pm 2i30 pm
1:56 nm 4:00 pm 8:50 pm
Salemonly 6:30 pm. 7:40 pm
4:25 pm 7:66 pm m:pn
For Sale
'HONE 1754R. Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
We Want.
Good Buys.
15 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres
loganberries, 5 room house, barn, well.
Price $5500.
10 acres all cultivated, small house
and barn, 100 bearing apples. Price
81850. --
10 acres of land, 5 acres In bearln
fruit, apples, peaches and loganber
ries, house not finished, price llbov,
10 acres bearing prunes, rock road.
4 1-2 miles out. Price taloQ.
20 acres of fine prairie soil, good
plastered house and barif, gravel road.
Price $5000.'
98 acre farm located on main grav
el road, 50 acres cultivated, balance
pasture and timber, 5 room house,
barn, orchard. Price $13,000.
I Good 6 room modern home nt 1565
South Liberty street. Price $2800.
Two 5 room bungalows located at
610 and 620 South 18th street.' Price
$2000 each.. $200 down, balance. $20
per month. 6 per cent interest.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co
. 275 State street". 276
PATRONIZE Veribest Transfer Co.
baggage and moving; hauling any
where. Phone 2444, 129 S. Com'l
ex-service man and old timer in
Salem. .301
DR, JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone S8F5; office
phone 1394. 301
Homes, Apartments Busi
ness Properties, Building
Loans. Current rates. Full
Re p ay me nt privileges.
Our own money. Prompt
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
Tour used furniture, stoves, carpets
and toola as we par lair prices ror
everything, can '.
283 North Commercial St.
Lodge Directory,
176 acres 12 miles from Salem, 3
miles from R. R. statlqn. 85 clear, bal
ance pasture and timber, 70, acres
bottom lana wortn jou per uur
Buildings good as new, cost over $5,
onn s mom house, basement, furn
ace, hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
watep piped in house and barn from
film snrinir. Stock with place consist
ing of 5 horses, 12 cows, 37 sheep,
ann chickens, farm tools of all kinds,
15 tons hay, silo full of ensilage, and
other feed and seed wheat; furniture,
all goes. Personal property wortn
500: Dart of croo now In. Price $18,
000, $7000 caoh, balance 6 years at
6 per cerft. This is a bargain if you
are looking for a farm. Enquire at
640 State St. 2?
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 20. Spokane
has no cause to worry over the coal
shortage, local dealers assure the
public, because of the supply of Ca
nadlan coal. Railroad officials on this
division also say there is plenty of
coal to keep things going. The Mil
waukee says its electrified sections is
helping it to weather the storm.
10 Ltd
10 Ltd
North Bank station tarrivs
son street 15 minutes earlier.l ,
Leave Corvallis Arrive saiera
8:20 am .
2:36 pm '00 Pm
6:18 pm 7:?,-Pnl
Southbound ' 1
Leave Salem Arrive corvani"
10:15 am au .
6:40 pm :tt0 pm
4:12 pm B:4 pro
Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 20 Ao
tate estimated at $250,000 is dispose-
of in the will of J. V. B. Scarborough.
Bequests include $26,000 to Mary &
Napier, Portland, Or., a niece.
jrv. JHEMEKETA Lodge No. J
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. halt
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P, J. Kuntz
K. R. & 8. -
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening In Mccor-
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 d. m. in Masonic Temple. Olenn C
Niles. M. A.: O. Aj Vlbbert, secre
tary. 340 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6240
meets every Thursday evening at t
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Turner,
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, by an order of the county
court of Marlon county, state of Ore
gon, duly made and entered on the
4th day of November,' 1918, was a,p-
lpotated-,.dministrator. -with the will
annexed of the estate of George w.
Johnson, deceased, and that he has
duly qualified as such. All persons
having claims against" gold estate are
hereby notified to present the same,
duly verified, as required by-law, to
the undersigned at 119 North Com
mercial street, ISalcm, Marion county,
Oregon, within six -months from the
date of this notice.
Dated" and, first published this 3th
day of Novembor, A. D. 191S.I
Administrator, with the will annex
ed of .the estate bf Qeorge W. John-
eon, deceased, , .
Without Delay
Phones 10001014
t 215-216
Masonic Building
Established 1868
v General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.