PAGE EIGHT. THE DAILY CAPITAL JuUKNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2Q, 1919. t J Marion News. (Capitol Journal Special Service.) Mr. and Mrs. Jlnnlmrm of Jefferson epent the week end at the L. P. Ben nett home. r- " - The Misses Clnra at.d Florence Bernt and Messrs. Fred and Lesley 1 Judd all of Salem, were visitors at the J. A. Colgan home last Sunday. Mr. Peterson of the Siletz Basin IB visiting at the N. C. Olson home. Mr. Brower and family who left here last summer for Washington have returned and taken up their abode at Turner. Many of the Friends attended the quarterly meeting In the South Sa lem Friends church last Saturday and Sunday. - A. I). Webb of Pliilomath, Is visit ing relatives here. ' Messrs. Peterson from Sllverton pent Saturday and Sunday at the Boyle home. Miss Miller .Who has been the guest of Miss Boyle for the post week, went to Monmouth last Monday where she will attend the Normal. Lucille Mellgaard of Prosser, AVash., Is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Cengs. We are glad to report that the mtt.1oritytKhe pupils in our school who were detained at home on ac count of a skin disease" are back at work again. ' Mr. K. K. flengs has purchased a Fordson tractor and will make the earth fly now. Miss Omit Morris who left here a few weeks ago for Portland, is now attending tho Catholic academy in Albany. Mr. Ovid Plckard took some of his fine Jerseys to the stock show In the Portland Stock yards., He left here Saturday with Viva La France, the cow that' for three successive years has been the world's champion for fcutter fat, Old Man's Barling the 2nd Lady Silken Glow, Viva la France's Darling Son, and Old Man's Darling's Gallant Hoy. These are all among the best rattle of their breed in the world. , ' Hazel Green Notes. (Capital Journal Special Service.) The Misses Dovey and Euula Rhodes spent last Wednesday at home. Mrs. Hetty Peterson of St. Johns is visiting her mother, Mrs. Martha Wolf, who has been in poor health for three weeks. The bridge across Pudding river lias been . closed for several days while much needed repairs repairs were being made. The , Next Parent-Teacher meeting will bo held at the school house on Friday eve, November 28th. At this time the Hazel Green Service Flag will be demobillxed with appropriate exercises,. Clarence Parmenter arrived home Friday from Idaho. C, J. .Jjitham has been gathering corn for CI. G. Looney and will re main to put in the crop. Harry Boehm and family spent the week end with relutlveti around Portland. Louis Wallace and family returned last week from Ashland where they have spent tho past five months. Hen Wilson and family returned from his California trip. There Is no place like home. Mark Aspinwall met With a severe and peculiar accident lata week while working at the onion house but is how able to he about again. Mr. and Mrs. (loorge Parmenter spent Saturday and Sunday with the hitter's brother, Mllo Seaman near Salem. ,loe and Bliss Zdlnnkl and their families have had a setge of colds. .las.' Caswell and family autoed to Albany, Sunday to visit relatives. Grandpa Paterson was confined to his bed for a part of last week with a cold, Mr. and Mrs. Kilgar Johnson and children. Kobt. Johnson and Hilda Williamson were here at the William son home for dinner Sunday week. Mrs. Pearl Huntley is now staying with her mother, Mrs. J. Colins and slowly regaining strength after het recent operation. Ralph Slovens greeted friends at the Kuael Green church Sunday eve. !l Fairfield News Notes. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fairfield. Or., Nov. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Amther from Forest Grove were the guest the past week of the datlgh " 4er and family, Mrs. Jas Muhony, Mr. and Mrs. William Allsup and Mr. and Mrs. Si' F. Parker visited at George Fnrrel's near Brooks Sunday. John Mathaler and family are en Joying a visit of his sister, Mis. Weber of Minnesota, and a niece, Mrs. VVall iiiK 'f Bullinghani, tt'nu. . , Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Hitman ami Win. F-k'.ker spent li few days In Portland last week. They were accompanied homo Saturday by Arthur Brook. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Brook, who remained over Sunday. Miss Itlta Miithallx. who has been employed in the Arlington bank the liMt two years, returned home to spend the winter with home folks. Mr fames' Jmlnh of Hobo visited the past week with relatives' in this nudum. Washliigton.l'roposals for estab llshment of free employment agencies throughout the world were laid be fore tho committee on unemploy ment of tho International I-abor Con ference today -by the Argentine dele gation,:. ' 1 "' 1 , "" ' ' " " ' ' " '"" '' Stayton. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Stayton, Or., Nov. 19. The marriai;a of Miss Julia Boedlgheimer and' Jjh.i Gries occurred at the Catholic church in Sublimity Tuesday morninp, the ceremony being performed in the pros nce of a number of friend and rela tives by Be Father Lainc. T.'ie bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mre. B. G. Boediffhelmer of Stayton, ami ihi groom is a prominent young farmer of Sublimity. They have many friends who will offer congratulations. v 7 Volney Gates, son of Mrs. Eva Qulnn, of this place, who had a leg crushed while working In a logging, camp near Mill City and who last wei. suffered ait amputation of the Injure member, died at the hospital In Mill City Monday night. He was about 30 ears of age and was In the army, but did not go overseas. He was a young man v eil liked by his acquaintances, who will all sorrow over his untimely death. M. C. Hriscoll, who with his wife re cently moved to Stayton, has pur chased the Chas. Clow property in town. Dr. W. N. Pintler, E. V. Alexander find Mr. and Mrs. Horace Billy heard the famous Sousa band at Albany Sui- rrday night, and unite in pronouncing it great. Mlds Viola Brnun, of Salem, who has. been visiting in town the past couple of week's, returned home Monday. She was taken by H. J. Marking, who brought home a new auto trailer for use on tho mail route. Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Myers, of Lyons have moved to Staym and will oc cupy the W. A. Biggs place, on he south side of the river Mr. Rigg's U ! I reparing to plant the place to logans and strawberries. Steven Taylor has gone to Oregon City, vheie he expects to work during the winter or at least while Mrs. Tay lor remains in California. Georgo R. Beedle, of the Brown Petzid company, has purchased the building occupied by C. A, Luthy's jew elry store, opposite the city hall and the residence In the rear, in which Mr. Beedle now lives. Mrs. M C. Orierson has sold her farm in the Waldo hills to George Lam brecht of Fern Ridge, Mr. Lanibrecht has been living on the farm of his father, A. K. Lambrecht of Stayton, who recently sold the place to F. A. Slegmund, so it was necessary for him to find another place and ho invested In tho li Hereon farm. J. F. Richards has purchased the Glenn Munkevs residence, in the north west part of town and expects later to mako it his home. It is now occupied by Mrs. Holder and family. S. H. Hcltzel hns sold his residence property in Stayton to Frank Grierson. Misu Gladys Hanimnn, of Dallas, was a Sunday guest of Miss Maryan Alexau der. Bert Munkers- has been confined to bis home by illness tho past couple of days. His mother, Mrs. F. M Munkers, who been quite sick, Is reported Improving. PAPERS COMMENT IE ON RATIFICATIONS New York, Nov. 20. Commenting on the defeat of treaty ratification, the Evening Sun said today: "The defeat of the treaty with' all that it carries with it of defeat for personal government, for autocratic rule in this country, is an unmixed triumph for. national freedom and con stitutional survival." Indianapolis. Ind Nov. 20. "Pol itics, complicated with personal and political antagonism, undoubtedly blocked the ratification. Neither side is free from guilt. "About the only thing that can be said about the action of the senate yesterday is that it was a great day for the reds, for tho radicals, for the bolsheviks and for all intersangeant horde that is trying to re-make (he world along impossible lines." Chicago Post "The I'nltud States is rot, in its heart, repudiating Its obliga tions to the world. Those who so read the events In tho United Statos senate misjudge the American people. What ever the upshot of the matter, Ameri ca can be depended upon to do her part if the world neds here again." Chicago News "Defeat of the peace treaty as modified brings the nation to a point where the public must demand a ratloi nl compromise. The alternative to a league of peace Is some system of alliances with extensive preparations for new wars and tremendous military and naval budgets. The people of the Uni ted States will not accept this alterna tive.'' Rleven alleged members of the I. V. "W. were taken from tho construc tion gnngs that are building the John Day highway a nd . placed In Jail nt r ossil. The Pacific Bridge company of Portland hns begun work on Its con tract for grading and surfacing IB miles of I imd from Burns to I.anen in Mulheur county. Washington. The American em bassy. at Mikxlco City and the consul ate at Mexlculi have been instructed to make urgent representations to the Mexloan government In the shootln? ff ' Kitgene Luck, an American cltixen. SALEM INDUSTRIAL PLANTS INSTALLING MOTOR POWER UNITS Several plants in Salem have for saken old time power utilities, and are now having electric motors In stalled to turn the machinery. The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging company will install a 100 horse pow er motor, at a cost of J 1500, to drive the exhaust fan. The motor is now on the way to Salem, and will be install ed in a few days, it is expected. The Cherry City Flouring mill, Trade and Church streets, is having a 1 5 horse power motor installed in the mill. It will be used to operate part of the machinery. .Marlon county is having 25 and 40 horse power motors installed in the crusher and paving plant at Mt. An gel. It will replace steam power here tofore used exclusively in the plants. The county also has ordered a 25 horse power motor to install in its paving plant on Hood street, in Salem ALLIES EXPECTED TO I Washington, Nov. 20. Withdrawal by the allies of all troops and other muterial support from Russia seemcit imminent today. The belief that allied withdrawal from Russia is near Was based on tho.c two important developments In the Russia situation. 1 The statement by a high official that when the Czecho-Slovaks have been evacuated from Siberia, the Am erican troops also will be withdrawn. Arrangemetns for the complete with drawal of these Czecho-Slovak forces have been made, according to advices from Prague. The declaration by Premier Lloyd George in the house of commons on Monday that with her present burden it was quite impossible for Great Brit ain to go on supporting indefinitely the anti-bolshevlk forces in Russia. LITERARY CLASS TO STAGE NEW PROGRAM At the regular meeting tomorrow night of the literary study class of the Salem Art League, a program having for its motif the story of "Rip Van Winkle" will be presented. The chief business of the meeting, however, will be the adoption of a course of study to be pursued. Several have been tenta tively considered but it is probable that the one offered by the University of Oregon will be accopted. Men as wel las women interested In a serious, systematic study of literature are ex tended a most cordial invitation to be present at the forthcoming meeting. Airs, K. C. Richards is head of the class. The session will be held In the educational room of the public library at 7:30 o'clock, At the same hour, nt the home of Mrs. W. V. Fargo, 1085 North Church street, the active class In literature will assemble to pursue its work in short story writing. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To I t Open. Up Air Passages. f Ah I What relief! Your clogged nos trils open right up the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe lreely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous'discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh lis gone. Don't stay 1 stuffed op! Get a small bottle of Ely'slCrcam Balm from your druggist' now.Apply a little of '.his fragrant, antiseptio cream in your nos trils, let it penetrate through every air passage of .the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, Riving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer has been scckiuj. It's just splendid. CORRECT LUBRICATION oJlife CORRECT LUBRICATION Zerolene gives a better film of oil between the working parts of your car. It conserves power and saves wear. Scientifically-refined fromselect ed California crude oil. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (Califsraia) H. II. CAMPBELL, Special Agent, Salem, Oregon. American Sailor Wounded In Vladivostok Revolt Washington, Nov. 20. An Ameri can sailor has Been wounded in the revolt at Vladlvostoek, the state de partment has been advised. The sailor was on the deck of the U. S. 8. New Orleans when struck by a stray bullet. Two British officers are supposed to have been killed or wound ed while doing Red Cross work. AVashlngton. The house today ap proved the bill providing reimburse ment to the United States of ;ap- proxlmately $400,000,000 from the railroads for new equipment bought by tho government during federal control. The measure authorizes the president ' to accept stock of private corporations. Rome. Despite the fact heavy- snowstorms throughout the country' were delaying returns on Sunday's parliamentary elections, it was ap parent the socialist victory in the north was growing. The socialists obtained large majorities in Alex andria, Modena, Venice, Verona and Ancona.'' Home coming day vt the University of Oregon this year marked the i'orty second anniversary of the connection of Dr. John Straub with the faculty. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles sine 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tho dum Gold Medal oa rvrj box and aceopt no imitation Stop Pain! Rub Out Neuralgia Torture Instant relief! Rub neuralgia pain from yonr face, head or body with "St. Jaeobs ljlnlmcnt" You are to be pitied but remem ber that neuralgia torture and pain is the easiest thing in the world to stop. Please don't continue to suffer; it's so needless. Get from your druggist the small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Liniment." pour a little in your hand and gently rub the "tender nerve" or sore spot, and Instantly yes, imme diately all pain, ache and soreness iB gone. ' ." v . "St. Jacobs Biniment" conquers pain It is perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Nothing else gives relief so quickly. It never fails to stop (neuralgia pain instantly, whether in the face, head or any part of the body. Don't suffer! (Adv) Salts If Backachy And Kidneys Hurt Drink lota of water and stop eating meat for a while if your Bladder troubles you When you wake up with backache and dull misery an tho J.iilnoy region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well known au thority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks tho kidneys an their effort to filter it from tho blood and they becomo sort mf paralyzed and loey. "When your kidneys get sluggish and ''iog yon must relievo them, like you re lieve vour howcls: removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spoils; your, stomach sours, tongue as coated, and when the weather is ibad you have rheumatic twinges. Tho urine is cloudy, full of sodiment, cliamiols often get soro, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times dur ing tho night. Kither consult a god, reliable piiysi- eiaa ot once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces oi .iaa cans; take tahlospoonful in a glass of wa ter ibefore breakfast for a fow days and your kidneys wall then net fine This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for gen erations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise acids in the nrine so it no longer irritates, thus end ing bladder weakupss, .Tad Salts is a lift saver for regular meat caters. It is Inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a ilelifchtful, -effer vescent lithia water drinK. iauv; COLD MEDAL . -r i i PAN GERMANS RALLY AROUND IIIHURG London, Nov, 20. (United Press.) Events in Berlin,- where pan-Germans were reported to be making a supreme effort to rally all reactionary elements around Field Marshal Von Hindenburg to the embarrassment of the German republican government, were receiving close attention in official circles London and Paris today. . The peace conference, it was learn ed, is keeping in close touch with the German situation and is preparing pre cautionary measures In view of tho pro-Hindenburg demonstrations. The British attorney general has re turned from Paris after a discussion with the peace conference upon the British plan to bring the former kaiser to-trial. TEXAS MAN MURDERED. Denver, Colo., Nov. 20. (Unitel Press.) With his head split open by an axo wellded by a unknown assail ant, James Clark, 65, of Dennison, Texas, was found dead here in a rail road cook car. Robbery was evidently the murderer's motive. Delbert Reeves of Sllverton, listed as missing in action in France, has been officially spoken of -in a letter from his commanding officer as dead. A distinguished service cross has been, forwarded to his mother. TAKE NO CHANCES .WITH IMF COLD! Relieve It quickly with Dr. Bell's Plne-yar-Honey DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar-Honey is a remedy that has for years stood by thousands of cold and cough lufTering men, women, and children in helping to promptly and effectively re lieve these dangerous attacks. Severe colds or colds newly contracted are benefitted by its pleasant balsamic and healing antiseptics. Phlegm is soon loosened, irritation eased, inflamma tion allayed, breathing made less difficult. You can give the children Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. too. Safe and econ nomlcal. Get a bottle today from any druggist. 30c., 60c., $1.20. T A Good Family Friend. Po-Do-Lax acta prompfy, tmoothly, com fortably oa the most otubbom bowels, elimin ating thd waste, poisonous accumulations without griping or disagreeable, after-effects. Beneficial for everybody. 60 c. All drujrRists. U B-ivgl rftANpf stomach j ' KjlTFT fiBWrisT ! EM EES' Q M Sh '.'.'''''','. " - ;.' Pianos From Steinway Down Victrolas, Pathes, Windsor TALKING MACHINES Trade in your old Piano or Talking Machine as part.payment on a new one. 4 STORES Soviet "Ambassador" Is Protesting His Arrest Washington, Nov. 20. Receipt of a telegram from Ludwig C. A. K. Mar tens, self-styled soviet ambassador to the United States, protesting against his arrest in New York was acknow ledged at the state department Wed nesday. There will be no answer to the com munication, however. It is held that any redress due Martens should be ap plied for through the courts as his title is not recognized by this govern ment. Work has begun on a two story stone structure which will be used as a postoffice building at Bend. Vv' 4? LiSaLi;,, Mk gul Pauline Frederick in "THE WOMAN ON THE INDEX" By Lillian Trimble Bradley and George Broadhurst Directed by Hobart. Henley , Who Is She? What Did Shi Do? Why Was She Trailed? Comedy "Jazz and Jail Birds" YE LIBERTY Pianos have stood the test for over seventy years. Style one. Shnall colonial upright model. In order to meet a constantly growing demand for a small piano, the Emei'son , company built the style one. Seven and . one-third octaves. Full metal plate with patent flanges, all bronz ed. Includes overstrung scale, three strings to a unison improved repeating action, tuning pin holes bushed, third (sustaining) pedal. Also patent noiseless pedal action. Patent full swing music desk, sliding fall Ivory keys, brass con tinuous hinges and brass pedal feet. Cases made in oak, mahogany and walnut. We also have in stock all of the Tugs Dispatched To Aid In Search For Airplane Charleston, S. C, Nov. 20. Sea planes and tugs were dispatched from the Charleston navy yard to search for the navy seaplane number 1374 piloted by IX. Atwater, with Ensign Wolft and Machinists Mate Dole as passengers, who left Brunswick, Ga., yesterday af ternoon for this place. They were last "reported " sen off Fort Screven at Tybee Island, about an ' hour after sailing. , After serving as school direvtor at Beaverton for more than 11 years. S. II. Davis has tendered his resignation and will remove to South DakorrJ. STARTS TODAY