PAGE FOUR. 1HE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. ft ai h THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published every evening except Sun . - .v. nnh,i .Trtiirnal Printing Co.,, 13 South Commercial etreet. Salem, Oregon.. Q. PUTNAM, Editor nd Publisher Telephones-Circulation and ?mu Office, 81, Kititonai ruumo, . Member Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL LEASED WIBE SERVICE Entered as second class mail matter t Salem, Oresron. National Advertising Representa tives W. D. Ward, Tribune Bunaing, New York; W. H. Stockwell. People's Gas Building, Chicago. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 60 cents a month, J6 a year. . no nil En mntH a month. 11.25 for three months. $2.25 for six months, 4 per year. By order of U. -S. government, all nail subscriptions are payable In ad irmnce. Rippling Rhymes. i t'll VNUK OF HEART. I lined to hate the horrid Hum. find longed to slay him with a gun: but now that war h:l hud Its flay, my hat reds seem to melt nwny; I find it hnrd to grind my teeth, and Btnmp upon my laurel wreath, and call down cur se on ft foe, when such a gent I do .skate who'd make it worth my while not know. I cannot think of any to hate. 'TIh true some chaps have wrought me ill: they handed me a bitter pill; but I forget them nml their deeds, and spend my evenings string' Ing bends, and thinking of the boys I've known who never caused me grief or groan. And there are men who hato me well, and of their enmity they ten, and say that on some day remote they'll happily bear away my gont. My neighbors tell me of their woros, ami still I warble like the birds, and trill my . melodies sublime and have the blamedest kind of time. They'll all get tired of hating me, when my Indiffer ence they sec; whereas, if I indulged in sweats, and handed back their fool ish threats, the air wohld soon be full of fur, and teeth and whiskers, as it were. And hatred is the thing I hate; no man can keep his dome on straight, and be accounted fully Bane, if he has hatred in his brain. , :'.'".,. Odds and Ends Portland, Or. . Because a negro Pullman porter stole a kiss from her, Mrs. Fnnnle Haitelhurst is suing Walk er I). Hlnes, an director general of railroads, for $tO,000 damages. Los Angeles rJames Cordon wal loped Noah Berry over the head with u bottle, cutting his head -wide open. Gordon grubbed the bottle instead ot a rubber one during the filming ot the "Boa Wolf." St. Paul, Minn'. A mongrel of tho streets wandered Into police court and almost saved N. Tankenhoff from prosecution on a charge of illegal sell ing of fish by eating the evidence. Cleveland, O. The hunting season opened auspiciously here. Only two persons were shot on the first day. , Sinn Francisco.' Patrolman Small grunted a woman prisoner's request to utep.Into a store, Ho waited outBlile and waited. "Gosh. I don't think die's coming back," he decided fin ally. She didn't. Sun Francisco Kighteen year -old Eleanor Bnhroft obtained a license last week to marry u farmer, yester day she decided he was "too slow" and got, another license to wed n ship yard worker. Crain Corporation To Put y. ; Pure White Flour On Sale New York, Nov.' 20, The United Plates (irain corporation has announc ed it will soon offeif fat jMp'publlo "pure Urniglil" flour, muU from the finest wheat in 24 V4 and 12 H pound pack nue at "prices which will reflect the (rraiit corporation buyi.up price of tho fiour." ' " Tlu flour will be available In about three weeks in largor cities, the state ment sulfl. It Is' expected the retail I rioe will, be about 7i. cents for. 12 r-o inl sack. t ..'' " What's become o' th' ole time mer rh int w hose motto w v "Uulek Sales mi' Small Profits!"'' Some tolks don'tj jeni inclined t' !y nway anything ftr th' t'utur but iuiiior. PEACE REJECTED. TRUE to form, the United States senate, placing pre tended partisan political advantage above human welfare, has rejected the peace treaty, already accepted by our allies, refused cooperation in reconstruction and re-establishment of peace and adjourned after failing to function on international or national legislationa re cord of failure unparalleled. " - Since called into special ate has deluged the country but iailed to pass a single constructive measure. The re publicans were in control but were interested only in playing cheap politics and failed to rise to the greatness of the opportunity. The following national problems re main unsolved: Return of railroads; Reorganization of army on peace basis; Repeal of war time luxury taxes; '.. flstablishment of a merchant marine policy; Opening of public lands for eoldle r settlement; Utvelopment of water power sites on public lands; Opening up of oil, coal and phosphate lands; Government control of meat pack ing industry; Revision of court-martial system. . . The Lodge reservations would - have nullified the treaty which was their only object. Their adoption would nave competed the rejection of the treaty by the president and have virtually withdrawn America from participation in the League of Nations. The intent of the reactionary senate leaders from the outset has been inimical to the treaty because it was drafted by the president and the president happened to belong to the opposite political party. In this they were assisted by the pro-Huns, whose object has been to aid Germany and make an alliarfce with her against our al lies. The reservation to Article X. attempts to transfer the executive authority to the legislative branch of gov- rnment; The conduct of foreign relations is entrusted byJ tne constitution to the president, and the senate attempted by a treaty reservation to usurp this vested authority. The reservation also declares that congress alone ' can authorize the employment of the military and naval forces of the United States, which v .,i.. J S4.3 wu wcaiB aiiu inamuun uie aniiea ioices, oui me presi dent is commander in chief. He alone can declare war. The reservations insulted our allies and sneered at the libertierpf small nations created by the war. They attempted t amend the constitution to slap the president. Surely no great issue was ever met in so small a; fashion and no party leader has ever ua Dot L.odge. ;f The nation which aroused the hopes of the world and secured its trust and Confidence by its exalted ideals dur-r ing the war and at the peace conference, has mired in the dismal swamp of reaction, deserting allies, betraying friends, blasting the faith of humanity. LOVE and MARRIED LIFE di tne notea autnor i Idah MSGlone Gibson JOHN Pli.WS GOO FAIRS Naturally I wnB much depressed, but when I arrived in my room I found my telephone ringing and John's voice uunie over the wire with the ac cent which liiid co often' thrilled' me before our wedding. ' "Get on your glad lass, honey, and ask the. chauffeur to bring you down. Alice, and JHessie and Alice's husband and myself and Kurl Shepard, if we can get hold of lilm ,are going out to the golf club." ' This particularly cheered me ns 1 knew that I was quite proficient at golf :iid X wax sure that John did not know it. We had been too busy wit'i cur love-making to pay attention to anything hilt u twoMime in his roadster or a si eluded corner of the veranda. Aly trunks had come and I had an Imniiif ulnte white silk sport suit which I had never worn, 1 dressed myself with meat care. "Von certainly look better than you lid last night," 1 said, smiling at my mirrored likeness. From my white duveiyn sports hat with its stunning white ylngs to my low heeled white buck sport shoes, 1 felt I was not only appropriately but jd-feelly dressed. With a feeling ot triumph I noticed that . my greai brown eyes," as John vailed them, lihono brilliantly. Laughingly I saM to tho girl in the full length mirror; "I am not sure whether happiness or anger Is the best cosmetics," for my cheeks were so pink that I only needed a tiny bit of rogue upon my Hps to complete the assurance that never Id my life had I looked better. , ( A little of this was caused, perhaps, bocaitfce of the surprise I knew was in store for John, He never had netted me iii.d I had never told him that t was nu. enthusiastic sportswoman and had reen in many tennis and golt tournments. The previous winter at Coronado I had made one of the wo men's polo teams. And on still an other occasion I had won a loving cup in the -woman's amateur swimming nee. at Coronado. A Building Food an energy food - good for people who work hard and play hard - Grape Nuts A Food of Delightful riavor 3 rvr s& session last spring, the sen with oratory and invective, is not true.- Congress alone 1 J 1 J. il. failed so miserably as Henry John had never known me as any thing except the most feminine of wo men: I had not intended to deceive him in any way but we had been so much in love with each other and out love-making was so engrossing that I never' had thought-about It.;' "Why, shall be a new woman to John," I said to myself. - I wonder if it would have been bet ter for John and me to have waited a little longer? Or would we ever have known each other better before mar riage? Do nil married people have to wait until the real intimacies of mar vied life to know each other thorough ly. Eveiy time I see John now, I almost feel tl-at I am being Introduced to a new man and sometimes I catch his eyes upon me with the look they hold when I told him I would not consent to usurp his mother's place in the fam ily home an expression that meant here was a woman he had not known. I had drawn on my heavy gloves and, throwing a kiss to the girl in tho mirror I went down stairs. . I met Madame Gordon's personal maid in the hull. :., "Will you please tell the chauffeur that I want him to drive me to Jlr. Gordon's office? And so. Kmmelino. if Madame Gordon asks, tell her that I shall not be back to luncheon." An imperative ring took' Emniellne to Madame Gordon's room before she had a chance -to give orders to the chauffeur but she came back, almost at one with the Information that h would be impossible for me to have the. oar as. Madame Gordon was dress ing to go 'but herself. I made no reply to'thls except to ask Emmellne- to get my. husband on ths wire. ' " will got. him for you, Mrs. Gor don," she said quickly. Her alacrity gave nfe tf little Inward smile for 1 foresaw that it was very probable that i r-mmejines sympathies would be with me although her interests might be with Mddame Gordon, I .took' the receiver from Kmme line nnd In reply to. John's voice 1 merely repeated his mother's message in tne most mtuter-of -fact tunes, audi 1 could not help a little feeling of trl-1 vunph when I heard John swear. I "What time is It?" 1 heard him ask I of someone' near htm. v . I Then he said to me, "Sou have plen- ty of tlme. my dear, to wait for vouri own car. ,1 will bring it myself." ' John, John, what do you mean?" "You'll see. dearest I'm not iroini; to have my wife play second fiddle." I (Continued tomorrow.) I Action On Proposal To Try tx-iuiser Hoped ror boon I.ondnn. N'ov. DA .Ti., .,.. proposal to trv the former ksir u! hoped for by Christmas.' according to me leiegnipn, which said the attorney general and the solicitor cenei'ni r.t Great Britain were In Paris consult-! nig wuii the supreme council regard-! ins the proposed trial, CITY TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS HOLiDAYS IN GEORGOUS STYLE Salefn, during the Christmas holi days, will don the most gorgeous garb that ever draped its graceful lines. On every down town street, in every shop window, and plaza blocks tokens of the happy Suletlde. will loudly bespeak the joyous spirit that will reign in. the capital city. ' - - - One of the most extensive programs of decoration ever shaped for the city has been outlined, and was adopted at the meeting last night in the Commer cial club of the Business Men's League. It is planned to cloak every lamp post on the -downtown streets in the green.; splendor of the native cedar; huge bells, made of scented evergreens and with a ; tapper illumination of beautiful lights will hang from cedar entwined arches at the intersection of the prinicpul - streets in the business district. - ' Kach shop window will form the frontispiece for beautiful, uniform sized wreaths. And many of the mer chants responding to the cull of the season, will make elaborate decora tions in their display windows. And the Salem Cherrians are active in executing the decoration and cele briitive scheme. They have arranged to erect a community Christmas tree down town where all the kiddies and old folks, too may dance and frolic during tile festive .occasion. ROOSEVELT CLUB IS INCORPORATED ID. Organized for the avowed purpose of nominating and electing a repurli- can president of the United States in 1920,i the Roosevelt Republican club with offices in Portland, filed articles of incorporation here Wednesday. The club is capitalized at $10. Arthu' L. Dlindas, James J. Erossley, Clarence R. Hotchklss and Frank McCrilUa ail of Portland are the Incorporators. Articles were also filed Wednesday by tho Auto Insurance agency of Port land, capitalized at $5000 with, the following incorporators: C. H. Wight man, Willis Ireland and B. 13. Sawyer. Tho Coast Bond. & finance Co., of Portland, filed a certificate showing an increase ';In capitalization from $100,000 to $200,000. The jiamo of the Columbia Ranch company of Portland js changed to the Columbia Raivch & Livestock company in supplementary articles of Incorpora tion filed Wednesday. OLD BUT STILL GOOD "In Old Kentucky" which will be given at the Grand opera house Thursday, November 20, has enter tained more playgoers throughout the United States' and Canada than any drama now current and1 it remains today one of the most wholesome and Interesting and one of the must ab sorbing and thriliing of all the stage offerings of the day. 'it is worth any one's time to sit through a perform ance of this delightful drama. There are scenes of realism that leave a strong Impression on the mind and much genuine sparkling " humor, btcezv and wholesome. The - love story unfolded in the play is an idyl lic one and charms with its simple purity, and truth. There is a lovable mountain lass who does heroic things in a natural manner and there is a manly young hero of the tight Bort. Miss I'.lye Power in the leading role of tho brave mountain girl, gives a hplendld portrayal of this trying part. A fine company and a pretentious band of Kthiopian plantation artists help to liven up the perofrmanee. The first town in Umatilla county to report its 1920 city tax levy is Echo, which will raise an even $9000 for ex penses of government. fATARRH II For head or throat V- -m Catarrh try tb.6 VICK'SVAPORl YOUR BODYGUARD"-30 60'. Moved From my former place of busi ness to tho corner of Sonth 13th and Mill Sts., In tho bl yellow biilldltiff. will be permanently , located mid In a bettor position to serve my customers. I hiivo a nice lot of now and secondhand Furniture, Harness mid good selection of standard Hungrs. My stock is nice and clean, with reasonable prices. If you have anything to offer or esohange. H. M.Cannon riTOXE 980 395 Sonth 12th St. mm: COALOPERATOHSAK MINERS KOTYETKEAR AGREEI-SENT, BELIEF By Ralph F. Couch (United Press Btaff correspondent) Washington, Nov. 20. Coal oper ators and miners seemed far from agreement here today as the nation began to feel the fuel shortage. As members of the wage scale com mittees prepared to go into executive session on this, the sixth day of their conference, reports reached govern ment sources of the closing of plants in the middle west for lack of fuel. In the south, domestic consumers are on a basis of one ton to a house hold, dictated by the regional rationr ing committee of the railroad admin istration. Despite optimistic views of! the officials of the labor department that differences would be settled with in a few days, few of the 400,000 min ers who struck November 1 have gone back to work. Operators in conference here are delaying negotiations on the question of a w'age scale, it was learned today and are insisting that John Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, make a new attempt to get the men back to the mines. CALL FOR BRIDGE BIDS ISSUED BY COMMISSION At a meeting of the state highway Commission in Portland, December 20, bids will be opened for the con struction of the ruge bascule bridge which is to spun Young's bay at As toria. Two plans have been prepared by tho bridge department of the com mission for this bridge. One of tho contemplated combination highway and railroad bridges estimated cost is approximately $500,000. The other plan contemplates only a highway bridge at an estimated cost of $260, 000. Under the former plan the bridge would be shared by the As toria belt line railway and half the cost of the structure would be paid by the port of Astoria, the other half to be distributed between the coun ty, state and federal governments. The bridge will be one of the largest structures of its kind in the North west with a central span 1,800 feet in the clear. This spun will be of struc tural steel and will rest on reinforced concrete piers. Another $1,000,000 worth of state highway bonds, the fifth issue of the size to be offered under the recently authorized $10,000,000 highwas bonds, will be offered for sale at the December session of the commission Disposition Of Interned Ships Put Up To President Washington, Nov, 20. The cases of the Iir.perator and other German ships now held by the United States over protest of Great Britain have been 1 laced before President Wilson, it was learned at the state department to day. The president, however has "not reached a decision. The Iniperator and other German shiira were given this country by the eace conference to be used as trans ports. HUN BUYERS COMING TO V. S. Washington. Nov. 19. An mission of German business men in coming to the United States to pur chase raw materials for their indus tries, the state department was nrlviseri today. Their early arrival is expected As Influenza is an exaggerated form of Grip, LAX- AT1V1S JBKOMO QUININE Thlpt should be taken in larger doses than is prescribed for ordinarv Orin. jv g od plan is not to wait until vnn are sick, but PREVENT IT by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets in time, fAdv Special Demonstration Jewel and Bridge-Beach Ranges Every afternoon from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., November 17 to 22. Drop in and enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea with hot biscuit and cake. None Better than Bridge & Beach Superior " Stoves and Ranges dome in and enjoy a cup of h)t coffee or tea and biscuit. 133 N. Liberty Street Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine" that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from, any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too. First Disorders Reported In Italian Elections Rome, Nov. 20. First disorders re sulting from Sunday's elections was reported from Milan late today. In terventionists attacked a procession during the post-election celebration, according to dispatches. Many were wounded. Police arrested several of the rioters. Socialists declared a general strike in Milan this morning, the dispatches said. Milan, police searched headquar ters of tlwcombatants last night and seized a quantity of hand grenades and arms. Glycerine Mixture Surprises Salem People The quick action of simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adlor- jika, ia surprising. Ose spoonful re lieves ami uA5r gas on stoniat-ii or sour stomach, Adlor-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all foul accumulated matter which poison ed stomach; Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. One lady reports she has no moro pain in back of head or gas on stomach since usjng Adler-i-ka.-J. C. Perry, druggist. 115 South Commercial. ' '.!(AJv) SKATTLE fcDITOR FACES TRIAL Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 20. Edwin Selvin, editor of the Seattle Business Chronicle and former financial edit or of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, may face government prosecution be cause of au inflammatory page ad vertisement which appeared in a Ta coma morning paper, United States officials indicated today. SERVICE With a capital "S" Our complete lens grind ing and finishing plant en ables us to render prompt and efficient eye service. Our methods of examin ation are scientific and accurate and ours price are founded upon the prin cipal of sound value. HENRY E. MORRIS & CO. Eyesight Specialists 305 State Street, Salem of C.VK wn Superior 0 rIo if -' U r m Wm. Gahlsdorf THE STORE OF HOUSEWARES 'it --'--V V Could M M or Sleep Vinol, our Cod liver andlrn Tonic, gave him appetite and telt like different i Ruston, La. "I am a working man and got all run down so I could not cat, sleep or work. Vinol was recommended for my condition. It built me up so I eat well, sleep well, can work all day long and not feel tired. In fact, I feel like a different man since I took it," John H. Wilson. ' "Men fret and worry." ThafiS why they overwork, get nervous, alt run down, have no appetite, and can "hardly drag around." Vinol creates a hearty appetite, induces sound sleep, invigor ates the nerves, creates strength and quiets the nerves. It is the beef and cod liver peptones contained in Vinol aided by iron and glycerophosphates which makes it such a famous blood maker, nerve builder and strength creator. t M Boys Hay LW.W.; One Shot By Gun Thought Unloaded Yakima, Wash., Nov. 20. Orville Dennis, 14, and Rollo Goldsmith, 15. played at I. W. W. here Tuesday afi ernoon. Hollo was an I. V. Vf. Or ville "hunted" him with a .22 rifle which "wasn't loaded." Rollo, with a bullet through his ab domen, may recover. Sick 17 Years Relieved By i Taking No. 40 For The Hood "For 17 years. I whs troubled witii dropsj- and (bad olood. I took every kind of medicine that was recommend ed to me without benefit until I got a bottle of Number 40 and it helped nt so much that I sent and got two more bottles and since, taking the second bottle, I am feeling fine. I wish to recommend Number 40 to any one need ing a blood medicine as I ibelieve it i as good as recommended. Mrs, JanB Ooodwin, Gideon, Mo." Number 40 ia demanded iu depraved conditions of the system, especially of the blood and general health. In chronic enlargement of the spleen or liver. In chrome ma larinl poisoning. Removes the causes of disease by' stimulating the removal of waste thus encouraging nutrition. Em ployed with siloes in blood poisoning, chronic- rheumatism, catarrh,, eczema and skin diseases. Made bv J. C. Men denhall, Evansville, Iud. "40 years druggist. iWold by Schacfers drug store. The Jewel Wood or Coal and Gas Ranges Bake Better You place yourself- obligation. '"' Phone 67 1