Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 20, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Importation of Chinese coolies
for a stipulated and limited perlqd in
order to tide over the present serious
shortage in common labor on the
farms of the western states is advo
cated by Frank Jordan, secretary of
state tor California, who was in Salem
yesterday paying' his respects to mem
bers of Oregon's official family. . .
- "California, the state that has taken
the foremost, stand in opposition to
land ownership and leases by Orientals
is seriously considering the advocacy
of the importation of Chinese labor by
the United States in order to solve the
farmers' problem of production and
thus reduce the cost of living," de
clared Jordan.
"I have tallied with farmers and
grangers throughout California. I have
talked with labor leaders and explain
ed this plan. Kverywhere I at first
expected brickbats..- Instead I was
.universally greeted -with approval.
, "This an has been indorsed as the
best, way To keep the ownership of land
in the hands of white men, to Increase
the production of the food we sorelj
need in greater quantities than the
farmer Is now able to produce and to
lower the cost of living in the cities.
"There is an acute shortage of men
ial farm work, so that the production
of foodstuffs and raw materials is lim
ited. There is now only one way by
which unskilled labor can be secured
and that is by taking down the bars of
the exclusion act, and permitting, tin
' der governmental regulation for a per
iod and under occupational restrictions
the imnortatlon of the redulred num
ber of reliable, industrious Chinese
farmers to the Pacific coast
"I would not favor bringing in un
skilled labor to compete with skilled
labor, but white men cannot be obtain
ed to work on the farms.
"I believe the people of the west
ern states the farmers, frultmen, busl
ness men realize that it is for the
eood of all that Chinese be brought In
Let It be understood that such iinpovt-
' ed labor shall be confined to do the
', rough work incident to agricultural
'pursuits, menial work and that it is
not permitted to compete with skilled
labor or in any way to lower the Amer
lean standard of living." .
Jordan stated that he was a. fighter
' for union labor, and that he found r
ganized labor was largely in favor of
this .plan,., including the president of
-the California Federation of Labor, so
long as efficient government regulation
could be obtained.
He said he had been in politics for
25 years and had his ear "close to the
ground," so that he believed he repre-
M;intm Mivuitiiviy .nits eriiuiuoiii ui Cal
ifornia. '
State House Briefs.
The Oregon form for fixing electric
rate schedules, originated by the Ore
gon public service commission, was
adopted by the national association of
railway and public utility commis
sioners at the annual convention in
Indianapolis in October, according to
information Just received by the com
mission here.
Aliens Employed
On Road Work
Sheriff States
T. A. Calllcrate of Portland was
named by Governor Olcott Wednes
day, as a delegate to the irrigation
and land settlement congress which
convenes in Salt Lake City, Friday for
a two days session. Ten other dele
gates from Oregon were named by
the governor several days ago.- -,, .
Certain men In the employ of the
Western Contracting company engag
ed in state highway construction work
are "anything but patriotic Americans''
and "should not be paid out of the
funds of good American citizens, ac
cording to a letter written by W. J.
Wilson, sheriff of Clackamas county,
which has been forwarded to the state
highway department for consideration.
They are I. W. W.'s I'm told," states
Wilson In his letter which suggests
that an investigation be made.
Corvallis, Ore., Nov. 20. Nearly 800
men were made happy Friday after
noon by the receipt of their checks for
state educational aid at the college
business office. It came just in time for
many of them to buy tickets to the
Eugene game Saturday.
October checks will be released Wed
nesday morning according to E. M
Duffy, business manager. The Septem
ber checks totalled 12,945. The total
for the October checks will be J12.475.
Several of the sub-vouchers were re
turned from the secretary of states' .of
fice because signatures were improper
ly made.
Twenty-eight applications have been
rejected entirely. These men were mem
bers of the naval reserve unit with
headquarters in colleges where the S.
A. T. C. units were located.
Tho attorney general has ruled that
"thosa persons enlisted in, the naval re
serve and who did not participate in
any other branch of the service are
not eligible to the state aid."
Willard Would
Return to Ring
Rickard States
By Henry Ii. FarreU
(United Press staff correspondent)
New York, Nov. 20. Jess Willard
hasn't had enough.- He wants to
"come back,'! according to Tex Rich
ard, who set the stage for the down
fall of the big Kansan last July.
Rickard last night uncovered for
scrutiny in a small pile of letters and
telegrams from Willard and his for
mer manager, Bay Archer, a plea for
an early meeting to talk over another
bid for the heavyweight honors. Wil
lard did not refer to a return match
with Dempsey and an intimation that
he would be willing to fight his way
up to another match convinced Klck
ard of his sincerity.
"Fred Fulton is coming back and
if Willard wants another chance he
might arrange a match with him. I
don't know that I would be willing to
stage the bout, but I believe it would
be a go," Rickard said.
Rickard said the former champion
is in training now. He also partially
verified the report that he would
handle the affairs of Joe Beckett, the
British champion if he comes to Am
erica after his fight with Georges Car-
pentier early in December.
Mary Garden In U, S.; Says
She-Won't Marry this Year
New. York, Nov. 19. This certifies
that Mary Garden will not be married
this year.
The famous singer and movie star
said so herself when she arrived on
the French liner LaFrance today.
"How about next year?" she was
asked. 1
"Well you can't tell what will hap
pen in a year," she replied.
Miss Garden will leave for Chicago
tomorrow to join the Chicago Grand
Opera company. When she goes on
concert tour she will spring a new
"gown of a thousand mirrors," which
she said, "will assist every woman
within eyesight to adjust her coif
fure." Speaking of styles, Mary said the
skirts in Faris are "growing shorter
hourly," and that if she had reninlne l
there a day longer she would havo
been "shocked."
Johannesburg, U. S. A., Nov. 19.
"I appeal to America not to blast tho
hopes of the world through failure to
adopt the covenant of the league of
nations," General Jan Christian Smut
BritiJh member of the league commis
sion, declared in a message addressed
to tho United States today.
Dry Clean All Family
Clothes For Few Cents
Any woman can clean and renew
waists, dresses, suits, coats, gloves,
ribbons, furs, slippers, shawls, belts,
ties, veils, men's clothes, lace cur
tains, woolens, rugs, draperies ev
erything that would be ruined by
6oap and water.
Place a gallon or more of gasoline
In a dishpan or wash boiler, put in
the things to be dry cleaned, then
wash them with Solvite soap. Shortly
everything comes out looking like
Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles.
No pressing needed." Do not attempt
to dry clean without Solvite Soap.
This gasoline soap is the secret of all
dry cleaning.'.
A package of Solvite soap contain
ing directions for heme dry cleaning
costs little at any drug, grocery or de
partment store. Dry clean outdoors or
away from flame.
The appeal in the case of Douglas
county vs John A. Winter, the South
; ern Oregon company, et al, was dis
missed by the supreme court Wednes
day on motion of the appellants. The
case Involved the payment of taxes
on timber lands in Douglas county.
The payment was contested by . Win
ter, the Southern Oregon company
and others on the ground that , the
federal government had declared that
they had no title to the lands in ques
tion which were a part of the Coos
Bay wagon road grant lands. The low
er court had held In favor of Doug
las county which sued to compel pay
ment of the taxes, and the case was
taken to the supreme court. Later a
settlement was reached as to the ti
tle to the land between the federal
government and the defendants In
the case, resulting in the motion to
dismiss the'appeal which was grant
ed by the court Wednesday.
The department of publicity of the
Presbyterian church in the United
States la the first in the country to
undertake systematically to educate
churches up to regular newspaper ad
vertising. This- department, whos
headquarters are 166 Fifth Avenue,
New York City, has just opened a
western office at 17 North State street.
Chicago, with Mr. Herbert H. Smith,
in charge. The special work of this of
fice will be the development of this
plan ot systematic newspaper advertis
ing by the Presbyterian church.
Mr. Smith was formerly managing
editor of The Contnent of Chicago arm
prior to that was engaged in daily
newspaper work. He has specialized in
church advertising. He is the author of
a book on the subject and has given
lectures on it in McCormick Theolo
gical Seminary.
Aireauy rresoyterian cnurches are
doing a great deal of newspaper ad
vertising and are responding rapidly
Lto the work of the Presbyterian De
partment of Publicity along this work
So great has been this response that
is has become necessary to open this
western office.
Tell Your Friends
About Nicotol
The Enemy of Tobacco
It improves any man's health to
quit tobacco if he can escape the
awful craving that usually attends
quitting without such assistance as
Nicotol gives. Did you ever have
smoker's cough? Try Nicotol in get
ting rid of the tobacco habit and see
how quickly the cough will disappear.
Nicotol is dispensed by most good
druggists in this city, especially by
D, J. Fry. ' . Adv)
Air Fatalities Caused By
Lack Of Training, Maynard
; Washington, Nov. 19. Lieutenant
Belvin W. Maynard, winner of the
. transcontinental air derby, testified be
fore ihe house aviation committee this
afternoon that lack of training was re
sponsible for fatalities in the race. .
Get Instant relief with
'Tape's Cold Compound"
Eugene,. Or. Major E. Merl Gor
don is under arrest here having been
charged with larceny by bailee in
the sum of $3,500. A Mrs. Adams
of Portland, preferred the charge.
Gordon claims to have been in the
quartermaster's department of the
army in California. He has been in
teresting local capital in the mann-
facture of a spark plug. '
Washington. Official confirma
tion of the capture of Omsk by the
bolshevikl and the penetration Into
Siberia thirteen versts beyond, was
received by the state department to
day. The bolshevikl have burned all
bridges behind them.
Washington. The Mexican gov
ernment has warned the authorities
at Puebla net to molest William O.
Jenkins, American consular agent.
under arrest there on the charge of
conniving with his abductors, the
state department was advised today.
Look at Tongue! Eemora Poison From
Stomach, Liver and Bowels
TVn 'f atnv Rtiiffrwi nut uliu b.uwmtf
and snuffling A dose of "Pape'a Cold
Compound" taken every two hours un
il three doses are taken usually breaks
up a cold and ends all grippe misery.
The very first dose opens your clog
ged up nostrils and the air passages
of your head; stops nose running; re
lieves the headache, dullness, feverish
ness, sneezing, soreness, stiffness.
; "Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
nly a few cents at drug stores. It acts
without assistance. Tastes nice. Con
tains no quinine. Insist on "Pape's."
Accept "CaBforu.. sru,, ..t Fig
only look for the name California on
the package, then yon are sure your
child is having the best and most harm
less laxative or physic for the lirtlf
stomach, liver and bowels. -Children
ove its delicious fruity taste. Pull d'
.eetions for ehild's dose on f-aeb bot
tle. Give It without fear.
Mother! You must say "California".
BLIGH Theatre
Be Young In Body, Mind and
Looks Despite Your Years
How often you have
wished that you could s-
mdulge in the strenu
ous exercise of out
door sports with the
vigor ana entnusiasm
of youth! But the
end of the week finds.
you all m you areesSj
tired, listless and lack
the energy togo out for Jp8gre
.Hrtim1 nf 11mra rw '
any other exercise that re
quires much physical exer
tion. Many a man, even in
his middle forties, has a
vague feeling that he b
"getting old" and right'
at a time when be should be
at his very best physically.
in the sense that the years
are pressing heavily upon
him but in the sense that
his vital forces are wasting
a way faster than Nature re
places the wornout tissues.
Thousands yes millions-of people find
themselves in this condition early in life. And
there is no excuse for it You can check that
tendency to grow old. You can carry your
youth with it3 joys and enthusiasm into your
70's and 80's. But you must give Nature all the
help you can. Tho best BBBtatance you can find aiBist
voce of a aound, constructive character ia in the uue of
LYKO im sold In original .h
! 6n)y, ilk picture above).
lUfuM all autMtituUa.
The Great General Tonic
M enriches the blood-gently stimulates heart, liver and
Icktneys to normal activity brings back your pep, punch
. and mental vigor-chases away that tired, worn-out feel
ing and replaces it with a spirit of buoyancy.
LYKO is a distinctive preparation, scientifically cor
rect in its combination of medicinal ingredients, and there's
nothing more invigorating, more strengt hening or more re
building. Specially beneficial for Invalids, convalescents
and run-down people of all conditions. Get a bottle from
your druggist todaytomorrow you will feel better for it.
nwrfr. Lyko Medicine Co. iun.ofM
That's why Bake-Rite Bread is Taking Precedence
457 State Street
A Suggestion
Of course you are planning on serving ice cream
as a desert after the turkey and cranberry sauce.
What better could you serve just before the black
coffee than Weatherly Ice Cream?
We are anticipating a great demand for Weather
ly Ice Cream Thanksgiving day. Our suggestion is,
place your order with your dealer (or direct if you
"prefer) as early as possible, to enable us to render
the service you wish,
Butter Cup Ice Cream Co. ii
P. M. GREGORY Mgr. 240 South Commercial St. J
Tfoin!(---(U2 Yow Head
NOW is the time to think of your
needs for the coming holidays. IF
' you plan your purchasing now
you will not forget the most im
portant articles that you need-"--
thereby securing a better selection.
WE have the B. & L. UNION
SUITS in three weights, with cor
responding amount of wool in each
garment. They are of the best man
ufacture and
who wish a
lightwei g h t
will find tha.'
this garment
will fill their
needs. WE
have two
weights for those desiring heavier
comes in the heavy cotton union
suits. They are especially desir
able for those not needing wool.
THE cost is much less and they
wear very' long, assuring you ; of
wonderful wearing qualities.
WEAR suitable f or
Winter wear.
THESE garments
best grade of long
siapie cotton assur-)i
mg the purchase!
ot remarkable ser
WOOL unde r ,
clothes for the man
in heavy weight.
THEY are of the
best of wool used in
these garmentsJust
what you need for out
wear in cold weather.
nm i
7 1
..... rr ' ' Sf2?tmm"
BOYS' union suits come in three
weights. .One o the most popular
garments for the little men is the
ONE-BUTTON HATCH union suit.
IT'S especially desirable. .
For the moth
ers as it saves
sewing' on so
many buttons
there being
only one button
to keep sewed
bed underwear
'for the gi-ow-ipg
boy in cot
ton and also in
part wool. We can fill your boys'
needs in clothes.
over for
WE are selling a line of shoes at reduced prices. Look them
your own profit. They're worth it.
"Every Family in Maron and Polk Counties a Patron"
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Our Shoe Department
Is a fast growing department and each day the new arrivals are increasing
Our present large stock of Dependable Shoes
We have a beautiful line of ladies' shoes
in both military and French heels, in all
the latest styles, and colors of Dark
Brown, Golden Brown, Grey, Beaver
Grey and Black Kid.
Shoe Specials
Ladies' Black Kid in French and Military
Heel, regular $8.50 and $9.00 values
special balance of week at, $7.60
Black gun metal and kid, low heels, regu
lar $5.55 special, $4.25
One lot of black button shoes, medium heel, odd sizes, while they last at....$4.50
Brown calf skin, medium heel, English last, regular $8 value, special at $6.95
Elk skin bals, fine for wet weather, medium heel at $9.50
Brown calf skin, regular wet weather, 10-inch top ........$9.50
We cany a fine line of Girls', Children's and Infants' shoes, all styles and
' shades. We absolutely guarantee to fit your feet.
Men's Store
State Street
' i . -1
Ladies' Store
' 466-474
State Street