Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 19, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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He man. unless his heart beat un
lme; or no woman or child with the
emotion that govern human exist
ence, left the armory last night asham
i because he or she was an Ameri
can. What true Americanism means
to America, and what the balm for
the greatest disease of all ages in
dustrial unrest is was the keynote
of tke stirring, forceful address deliv
ered there as the rain fell in sheets
across Company M's headquarters,
Delore J see saiemrtes oy n. r . nsu,
American from whose hands the
"jrrease of toil has not yet ebbed
It larger audience ever has come
forth in this city for a similar occa
sion. And no one ever left the assem
bly before any speaker here more en
couraged to be loyal to old Uncle Bam
Mr. Fish's speech, which sounded
the death knell to all radicalism
Bolshevism and disloyalty within the
Union's borders, and offered the only
solution to brine about harmony in
the realm of the working class, fol
Iowa in part:
Talks Americanism
, I do not come here the. official
renreaentative of oreanized labor. I
. do not come here the official repre
sentative of any employer; I am -not
under the payment of any organiza
tion. I would rather take the money
of a clean business mail, or any other
right thinking person, to build up
American citizenship; than to take the
dirty, lowly dollars of Lenine and
Trotsky to tear it down. The money
I receive I prize highly because It in
dicates the appreciation of the work
I am doing.
"We a Swede and myself are
preaching the doctrine of American
citizenship, and striving wherever we
KC to produce 100 per cent American
ism in. every man and woman's heart.
I am a member of the United States
of America a citizen, people of the
greatest country in the world. I have
no superior type of American to ad
vocate. I am humbled to the dust
when I meet the. man back from
anoe, who, with Americanism in his
teart no other aim gave all he had
that we might live in harmony and
peace here.
"When I think tonight of the men,
many thousands of them, who lie be
neath the poppy filled fields of Flan
ders. I feel more and more that I
resresent the commonest -type of
American citizenship.
Cure of Unrest
"For the privilege to talk as an
American citizen I have not had to
ask for the right to speak, because it
is my God givesj blood gotten, con
stitutional right. They say these agi
tators do that there is no more free
jscpeech in America. I am having the
time of my life exercising my lungs.
Why? Because, wherever I go, they
say so long as you preach American'
Ism we stand by you to the end.
"My topic tonight is the cause and
cure of industrial -unrest. The cause
of industrial unrest, the cause of diS'
loyalty, the cause of disruption, is not
so intricate, so complicated a prob
lem as to require any great length of
"We have had a period of great
trage increases. We have had a period
wherein working conditions are stead
ily increasing to the better. We have
had a period in which organized la
bor has found itself in position where
it commands greater prestige ever
known before in the history of its
elrugglo for power in the United tSates
And we have had the pleasure of
meeting on the platforms of concilia
tion and arbitration our employers
Highest Wages Known
"We must not forget, that though
our wages have increased prices too,
are soaring in the sky. And yet we are
receiving today all things consider
ed the highest wages ever paid in
the history of American labor.
"The eight hour day. has. come as
an accepted fact. In spite of these
things the country is swelling with
agitation and unrest. As our demands
were met, we were assured that con
ditions would quiet. But, to the con
trary, as our demands were met un
arrest increased until the problem has
come to effect not only organized la
bor and the employer, but the citizen
and statesman.
"This raises the point of accurate
diagnosis of the problem. American
laborers are not fools. They are not
disloyal to the United States of Am
erica. (Applause). Everywhere I go I
have challenged any one to say that
the worker is disloyal to the flag.
"We are not going to overlook the
fact that organized labor, and labor
has apparently demanded things that
industry could not give, without fac
ing bankruptcy. Neither will we -overlook
the fact that some factions of la
bor have fostered, radical doctrines.
The. voice speaking today for Ameri
can labor is not the voice of American
labor. The man who casts slurs at that
flag hanging on yonder wall, in the
the guise -that it is for American la
bor, is a hypocrit, an usurper. He is
not the spokesman for American la
bor; and It will be only a little while
when we will find that, the conserva
tive element in our labor circles will
rise and assert itself and say we have
had enough.' The speaker who talks
for American labor must talk Ameri
ca at the same time he speaks for
labor. .
"It is great folly to assume that all
radicals and bolsheviks are in the
ranks of so called labor. Oh, no, there
are some in palaces so great, eating
from plates of gold. Some employers
and some business men are just as
dangerous to the institutions of Am
erica as the laborers are. I have no
more respect for the business man or
employer who wraps himself in the
folds of our old glory to shield their
own interests than I have for the
memory of Benedict Arnold.
Voice of Foreign Tqnguea
"The voice that is speaking for
labor today is not the voice of labor.
No, dear people, it is the voioe of for
eign tongues. And let's get at it.
"Not every man who makes a pro
test against labor conditions, or whd
has a grievance, is an I. W. W. or a
bolshevik. But every man, or son of
man, who speaks in the voice of la
bor anarchy or radicalism should be
defeated and taught to know that
America will not allow its flag to lay
at the feet of any alien agitator.."
Here Mr. Fish read from an edit
orial clipped from a leading labor
journal. It compared the constitution
of the United States as inferior to the
charter of the soviet government in
"When I read this," he resumed,
sending each statement with vigorous
gestures into the ears of his listeners.
"I said to myself that it is time for
the American laboring man to take
the platform; because the true Am
erican laboring man will not stand
for that kind of rot.
Preach Class Hatred
For years soap box orators, rad
ical newspapers and editorial writers
have carried on an energetic cam
paign teaching class hatred and dis
respect to the Institutions of Ameri
ca. Not all agitators are confined to
logging camps. Once in a college class
professor sought to sow seeds of
disrespect for the United States in
my heart. I tell you you have had a
crop of high men in these institutions
slowly but steadily sowing the seeds
of unrest and disloyalty among your
children. When you put your hand
across the mouth of the labor agita
tor, put it also across the mouths of
the professors in our colleges. Let us
see to it that every man and woman
entrusted with a voice in educating
America's young be 100 per cent in
his desire to teach loyalty and respect
to the constitution of the United
'The laboring man knows that the
bullet of the assassin and the blood
stained knife of the murderer will
never win for them their desires. But
they know that they crush forever
their chances of winning into the dirt
beneath their feet. Bolshevism, at ma
turity, knows no language but the
language of force."
Activity of Agitators
The -speaker then cited the activi
ties of agitators in spreading propa
ganda in the United States during the
war against answering the call of con
scription, and protesting that the war
was one of capitalists.
"Surely we need no other argu
ment," he thundered, "to make us
rise in wrath and crowd the doctrines
of radicals down the throats of the
people who are trying to down the
standards of this country.
"Bolsheviks if there are any of
ybu here tonight you are my friend"
and Fish's voice rang with irony. "And
at heart', you have my sympathy. If
any of you don't like our ways here
our free press and free speech-
pack up your things in your little red
bandana and go back to the country
from whence you came as fast as God
will let you. I love you, and advise
you, just quietly, to get out. Go as soon
as you can go. For if you don't you
might not go whole when you do
"No, we won't harm you bodily.
We're going to handle you the Ameri
can way. We will leave the mob rule
to Judge Lynch and assassins. We are
going to handle you the American
Must Bight- Wrongs
"Madness and violence may -stop
for a moment the wrongs; but it will
never bring the poor man or woman
who has died at the hands of our
wrath back to the patha of rectitude
which is the only final solution of
this trouble. .
"'There is no class distinction in the
United States. Get that. We're all
brothers and sisters the declaration
of independence says that we are all
created equal. We may net be equal
in brain power; we may not all be
equal in certain gifts. Some gain
while others plod on to death. One
man may change the Sahara desert
to brown sugar, while you and I would
die of hunger or thirst in the sands, j
But there is no government on earth
that can straighten that out.
Some men who have joined the I.
W. W. and bolsheviks are opposed to
unequal distribution in the United
States. There may be some women
who have to heat the house before
they can get the . old fellow out of
bed. While across the . street there
might be a man who has worked by
the light of candle at night. One has
worked and amassed some wealth;
the other is lazy and shiftless. There
are those who say that the man with
the money is a capitalist, and unless
he divides up, we should shoot hell
out of him.
Americanism to Save
"I tell you, people, the greatest in
equality is to try to give all an equal
share for unequal effort. There are
some who won't work and the devil
can't make them, '
"There is no industrial problem so
intricate, no labor issue too serious
that a solution cannot be found with
in the confines of the constitution of
the United States. We don't need the
Russian law, we don't need the' Hun
doctrine to lead' us out of this trou
ble. We have the brains, the people
and the nerve to settle our own trou
But we will not be safe until ev
ery man and woman rises and sees
that the spirit of America steps out
and spread across the United States.
man is never a patriot until he is
ready and willing to face poverty, and
go to the poor house if need be, wrap
ped in the folds of our flag. Don't be
fools. Get in with the ranks of con
servative men. American stands" for
fair play. We'll get it if we stand to
gether. I know we will get it if we
stand by that holy banner hat hangs
over there." "
Jsstke Departmsst Puts
"Rea B2s up To Senate
Washington, Nov. 19. Drastic meas
urea for the suppression of "reds" In
the United States were submitted to
the senate today by the department of
justice in-a bill introduced by Senator
Nelson, chairman of the senate judi
ciary committee.
The Dili defines seditious persons as
those who "advocate, oppose prevent.
hinder, delay or seek to do any of these
things against the free performance of
the government or one of its officers."
Hines Reviewing Coal
Situation In Chicago
t cago, Nov. 1 ) Measures to meet
the crisis faced by railroads of the
country due to shortage of coal were
again considered today by Director
General Walker D. Hines in confer
ence here with regional rail directors.
Hines came to Chicago to attend a
banquet and remained to talk coal.
He intended leaving for Washington at
midnight last night, but remained aft
er being informed by his assistants of
the acuteness of the coal problem.
Thursday, Friday and
Desserts 2c
The bottle fa
each package
of Pineapple
Jiffy-Jell con
tains all the
rich essence
from half a ripe
pineapple. The
dessert has a
wealth of this exquisite
flavor, and a package serves
six people for 124 cents.
You owe to yourself a
trial of this new-type gel
atine dainty.
10 Plaeor, at Year Grocer's
2 Package far SS Cents m
Mental Work
N eeds A
Great Mistake to Imagine Ton Can
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Yon Like But Follow
With Stuart's Dys- . 1
pepsia Tablets
Mental work uses up energy fast.
And energy comes from food. To
eat little or nothing in order to. do
more work is a fallacy that, has cre
ated an army of dyspeptics. A bet
ter plan is to eat the regular portions
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meal and follow each meal with
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
You will, then get a double benefit
energy from food and sociability
with meals, for as a rule, the light
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Into a bad habit, a rut, of hermit
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gassiness, . sour stomach, heartburn,
heavy feeling or coated tongue after
meaR Stuart's' Dyspepsia Tablets
arouse the stomach to secrete the
Juices necessary to relieve these
troubles that so frequently distress
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an alkaline effect, . so '. you may eat
the rich things of the banquet or
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with . utmost freedom. '
Get a BO-cent box of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets at any drug store,
eat freely of what you like and you
will do more and better work than
on a skimpy diet. Try his plan,
m idfteat e-haa
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Pure, emulsified cod-liver oil
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You can make your breakfasts-tasty, appetizing, satisfying without rich,
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"Don't Cheat Yourself"
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r There's nothing saved
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Little chew -lasting
satisfying. That's why
it's a real saving to buy
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Put uf in two styles
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W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
What a thing it is to be fit! To be not
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But you can't be fit if constipation is
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The modern treatment for constipation
is Nujol.
The action of Nujol is entirely different
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Nujol is pleasant to take and does not
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Nujol prevents constipation because it
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Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thor
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Get a bottle from your druggist today.
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Nujol ts iold tnly in sealed bottles
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