PAf'2 THREE. 10 PERPETUATE AID TO SOLDIERS' FUND The state emergency board will have tuthority to create a deficiency appropriation for the purpose of carry ing out the provisions of the soldiers' educational aid bill when the funds ap propriated by the last legislature for use in that connection shall have been exhausted, this is. the advice given Att.-rnev General Brown in an opln Jon prepared today in reply to a recent request by Governor Olcott as to wheth er the emergency board possessed pow r to cooe with the huge deficiency in this fund which is now regarded as a foregone conclusion. Although no money has been paid out by the state under the provisions of th's act and none will be paid out until after January i when the fund becomes 'available applications now on file with the secretary of state's office from ex-service men who are seeking to take advantage of the aid extended by the state through this act insures an early depletion of the fund of approxi mately two. hundred thousand dollars -which will be provided by the two tenths of a mill tax levy authorized by the legislature for the administration of the act Tha emergency board is to meet No- vember 25 to pass upon an appeal from the public service commission for fi ' nancial aid in maintaining its grain Inspection department. AHfcough no fiction is contemplated on the soldiers' educational aid fund dericioncy at this meeting it is proposed to have the board express its sentiments toward a deficiency appropriation at this time for the benefit of the ex-service men whose educational plans this year ile pend upon the ability of the state to make good its promise as represented '' by this act. In his opinion today Attorrey Gener al Brown holds that whereas whatever . deflency may occur will not be by any : state officer or board but by the oper ! atlon of the law itself a deficiency ap ." I'ropriation to meot the situation v. ill . be entirely within the province of the emergency board. ROAD MAY BE REVIVED TO TOP TIMBER BELT The revival of the Pacific & East ern railroad, . an old Hill line from Medford to Butte Falls, depends upon the construction of a 150,000 foot ium ber mill at the eastern terminus of the roads, which in turn depends upon the arrangement of satisfactory thru freight rates, according to Millard P. Olds -of Medford and J. P. Brownlee, Mississippi lumberman, - who were here Tuesday in consultation with members of the public sen-ice com mission. Olds is negotiating the. deal for the railroad and Brownlee is back of the proposed lumber mill. Thn.-e are 4,000,000,000 rfeet of lumber In the hills east of Medford, according to Brownlee, who sees wonderful pos sibilities in that section with ade quate railroad facilities provided, - Simplified Wagon and Truck Construction, Forty-five manufacturers of farm wagons and trucks have agreed to ad here to certain standards in manufac turing a limited number of varieties of their products. LUMBER FIRM FORMS AT WILLAMETTLORE. The Everett Lumber company of Wlllamina, Yamhill county, capitaliz ed at $30,000 filed articles of incor poration with the corporation depart-1 ment here, Tuesday. The incorporat ors are M. Knighton, K. T. Neely and Fremont Everett. Articles were also filed by the Chess man-Stater Motors company of Port land, capitalized- at $10,000. W. D. Chessman, N. G. Pike and G. C. Stat. er are the incorporators. An increase in the capital stock of the Keystone Development company of Portland from $10,000 to $50,000 is shown by a certificate filed Tues day. - Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the Auto Enameling company of Portland. SALEM BRICK LAYERS VOTE WAGE INCREASE By an unanimous vote of the brick layers, who met at the Central Trades and Labor council hall Monday night, the scale of wages here was raised from $8 a day of eight hours to $9. The raise will take effect on all new work, President George Viesko, of the brick layers, said today. The work now under way by the brick layers will be finished at the old rate,' he said. ' : Mr. Viesko said that the matter of a raise has been discussed for a long time by the brick layers. The raise was endorsed by the Portland union, he said; and they encouraged action here boosting the rate. Mr, . Viesko i said that the bricklayers here work only about half of the time, and the raise therefore was necessary for , them to meet living conditions. There are about ten bricklayers in thfs city SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL FOR FRIDAY In an adjourned meeting of the city council called for Friday night at 7:30 o'clock an ordinance authorizing the sale of $70,000 worth of serial refund Ing bonds will be introduced. The or fiinanco was drafted, City Attorney Macy said this morning, when bankers of the ctiy said that many Salem peo pie were awaiting a chance to bid on the bonds. The budget is expected to be formal ly adopted at this meeting. The items of tho budget were passed over at the meeting Monday, but was not voted In, The Zulu Singers The Zulus are great singers and everything which takes place is the subject and occasion of a song. Their songs are. characteristic of the tribe and songs which are kept in the fam ily, being handed down from father to son. COMMITTEE TO REPORT Plans to make Salem the best deco rated city in the state during the hol idays are expected to be made known tonight at the meeting of the Busi ness Men's league, eight o'clock, at the Commercial club. The committee In charge of the decorations has an nounced that it Is ready to report. P. L. Eskward, author of the state traffic law of California, will talk to the business men tonight. He is in the city, at the invitation of Chief of Police Varney, working upon a better traffic ordinance for Salem. He is said to be more conversant with traffic re quirements than any other man in the United States. No More Catarrh. - Tula Simple Home Treatment has Stood the Test of Time Every fall and winter, for more than twenty years, thousands of people have made it a daily practice to breathe the air of Hyomei and so keep themselves free from catarrh, coughs, colds, bron chitis, sore throat and . influenza. , , This is certain and you should try it. If you will breathe Hyomei daily,- as directed, it win tree you ana Keep you free from all these troubles or it won't eoat you a cent. Daniel J. Fry or any reliable drug- gist can supply you with tho complete Hvomei outfit, including a hard rub- Der pocket inhaler. The inhaler . will last a life time and extra bottles of the liquid Hyomei cost but a few cents. 'A few drops of oil n the nhaler will last for days and its pure, soothing, antiseptic, healing air. breathed deep in the air passages of your nose and throat, should keep you free from eoughs, colds, influenza and catarrh all winter long. Pleasant to use, takes Dut few minutes daily and is guaranteed to satisfy or money back. (Adv) Sure Relief HAVE COLOR JN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take - Olive Tablets T-e have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must keep your body free from poisonous wastes. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege table compound mixed with olive oil) act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effect Take one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome 'constipation. That's why millions of boxes are-sold annually, 10c and 25c FINE Fl RHEUMATISM t. Musterole' Loosens Up Those Stiff JointsDrives Out Pain Youl! know why thousands use Musterole once you experience the glad relief it gives. - Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! . Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millionsof jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff; neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles; bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it oftenprevents pneumonia). . 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50, .EMMY,. WHELEN . in "THE BELLE O F THE SEASON" A 5-Act Metro Coiftedy .' Romance TODAY o n 11 miimDi u 1 LI SI m m m m jSEBobaasa; r Safe 7Cforl!IFAllTSsndIVALID3 ASK FOR YMorlick's rf M aft a a lhe Ungual lm ' W - ! llUt Avoid Imitations and Substitute PorInfant8,tnvandsandCrowIngChildren I Rich milk, malted grain extract in Powder The Original Food-Drink for All Ages No Cooking Nourishing Digestible 0 0 m B m ffl M 0 EAT! I? m i ; ' MANY are complaining about the high prices of shoes. WE have decided to sell off a certain line of shoes to make room for new lines arriving." - : , WHILE these shoes are not the latest : lastthey have the best of leather, well made, and are heavy enough for this rainy weather. THEY come in a BUTTON TAN SHOE in half double oak sole, with CALF upper. THIS shoe today at wholesale would cost ' us $10.00. We are selling it now at $7.50. v There is a complete run of sizes at present. YOU can reduce the price of shoes by purchasing a pair of these. They " are honestly made and will take you safely to and from your work, during damp weather. WHILE not in the latest of style of shoe, they will relieve your feet from that cramped position and will help ease your corns. Why Not Real Shoe Comfort at $7.50 Per Pair? 1 Wo have RPVAral nther Hnpc rf hflps trt Vu lneor1 nnf at. nvipoa -f riat . D D D r m I I I should interest you. Ask to see them. "Every Family in Maron and Polk Counties a Patron' Salem Woolen Mills Store DQDDilHOBliiniBiaDODDU WHY MAKE THE ANNUAL STRUGGLE WITH RHEUMATISM Nature Gives a Cry for Help Thnt 8. H. (. Cnn Answer With tho Right Treatment This ia the season when the damp, cold, changing weather of winter in tensifies the pains and other dis agreeable symptoms of rheumatism. Rheumatism never comes by ac cident, It is In the blood and system before a pain ia felt. The symptoms of this disease are almost unnoticed at first, so Insid iously do they steal over the body; gradually the little pains and stiff ness increase until they develop great inconvenience day by day, and if neglected or improperly treated will become chronic. Not only Is rheumatism the most painful of all diseases, with Its swol len, stiff Joints, throbbing muscles and stinging nerves, but it is a for midable and .dangerous trouble. Every day the poison remains In the system the disease gets a firmer hold and the patient is soon left a helpless cripple. Of course, if this painful disease was on the surface only, you might reasonably expect to got relief by the use of lotions, liniments and other local applications. But the source of the disease is in your blood, the tiny disease germs find lodgment there and multiply by the millions, scat tered by means of the blood circu lating throughout (your entire sys- i tem. . In order to get permanent relief from this dreadful disease, the blood must be purified, and all irritating matter removed .from the circulation. No remedy does this so quickly as S. S. S., the best blood purifier on the liaiktt) todajf, that has .stood the test of time with fifty years of suq cess behind it, and more popular to day than It has ever been before. S. S.- S. not only contains purify ing and tonic properties, but solvent qualities, and, being purely vegetable; will not Injure the system as do medi cines which contain potash and other mineral Ingredients. While cleansing the blood of all poison, it builds up the system and relieve the sufferer of the nagging pains of rheumatism and is the one remedy that is so useful in repairing the damaige done by Impoverished blood. . Don't wait for' your trouble U. become chronic, but begin the use of S. S. S. today and purge the blood of the germs of rheumatism. : We maintain a medical department for the benefit of all who are afflict ed, and our Chief Medical Adviser, who is familiar with all forms of rheumatism, will gladly give you ad' vice without charge as to the treat' ment of your own case. Address Medical Director, 11 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga. B 6 HELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief E LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store ANNUAL . UNLOADING 3 Ctaielt r eold every' where in scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or tenpackages(200cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recom mend this carton for tha home or office supply or when you travel. , R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wintton-Salem, N. C. . GAMELS are in a class by themselves easily the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that I Simply compare Camels piiff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost testl Made to meet your ta9te, Camels never tire It, no matter how liberally you smoke them ! The expert blend of choice Turkish i and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full ' bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment ! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any ' unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. , ' v In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new .ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I SALE Begins Friday, November 21 at 9:30 A. M. What It Means It means a saving of 25 cents to 50 cents on the dollar on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Mil linery, Furs, Waists and Skirts. It means that we must unload a large surplus stock of this season's merchandise... Of eourse the reductions will seem ridiculous ly low, but there's a reason for it. Watch Our Ads and See Window Display for Remarkable Bargains The Old White Corner Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Grand Opera House THURSDAY, NOV. 20 Seat sale at Opera House Pharmacy A THRILLING PICTUR ESQUE AND ROMANTIC STORY OF KENTUCKY LIFE HORSES IN OLD The Spirited and Exciting Horse Eace The Famouu Ken tucky Thoroughbred, Queen Boss The Rollicking Fun ot the Inimitable Pickaninnies. The Strongest and Most Expensive Cast the Play Has Ever Had. KENTUCKY . Written by C." T. DAZET KENTUCKY THOROUGHBItED HORSES TOT53 FAMOUS PKKAXI1VNT BHASS BAND Prkes 50c, 75c, $1.00 Make Baby Coo and Crow Keep the little stomach regulated und Rowels open, the secret of health in Infancy, by using MRSAVINSLOVTS SYRUP The Infante' Mid Children's Regulator that produces such remarkable and gratifying remits. Relieves constipation, flatulency, wind colic, diarrhoea, and other disorders. Contains no alcohol opiates narcotics or other harmful in gredients. It is a highly potent vegetable preparation made of the very best Ingredients obtainable. Give it to baby and watch the smiles that follow. At all Dtatfts a x V ANGLO . AMERICAN DRUG CP. ESSSSU I 1S-217 Fulton St. N.Y. ft-8f,t I A & f Gtntral ftling AynH : I Hf V) HmoH F. Rilehia Co.. In. v3i ''- I ff V M i Hiii Y-rk Toroato, Canada I J. C. Perry Rome. Government officials were In conference with General Badogllo today regarding the aotlvitlea of Gab- rielo IAnnunzlo. It was believed a w-Ih1vg BtD bv tha government was imminent. Badogllo arrived in Rome) today wnn ornciai news 01 uauuuu" zlo's seizure of Zara and sections of the Dalmatian coast Ho went Into conference with the government im-mediaUly.