Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 18, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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New Today - Where Sma
11 Ads GetR
tits &
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 5 cents, one month,
26 insertions, 17 cents, uiw ar, per
month, 9 cents. Minimum per ad 25
cents. . . ,
First insertion only In New Today.
City ads cash in advance nd not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. No allowance , tor
Dhone. errors
For Sale.
CORN in field for sale. 1 1-4 miles
west of Keizer school house. About
7 acres. Will make good seed corn.
Bids must be in by the 19th. J. V.
Woodruff. 273
NEWCOMER to Salem wants to buy
a modern home up to around 4,
000. Centrally situated as possi
ble. Possession before Christmas.
Write Mrs. Bottomly care Journal.
FOR SALE 9 goats. Phone 107F32.
New Today,
FOR; SALE Farm 56 acres, 40 acres
in - cultivation rest pasture. Good
soP. fair buildings, 1 mile K. R. sta
tion.. Cheap at 15250. Chas.x Ran
som. Aumsville, Or. - . 273
C ROOM house with, large lot, fruit,
barn, etc., on N. Summer street,
$ 1200, half cash. " See U. W. Wilson
& Co., room , u Arcy uiug.
FOR BALE 9 1-2x14 tent, , chillis
bed with mattress, reed oaoy oug
gy, maleable steel range with res
ervoir, new- heatina .stove, practic
ally .new double express harness and
single harness. Will sell above arti
cles for 1-2 of original cost. 395 S.
12th street
FO RSALE-2 3-4 acres of fine land
4 room bungalow, -close in. $1400.
Phone 2316.
FO RSALE Fine young goats, .also
choice eastern Oregon beef. Price's
Meat Market, 325 Ij. Com. St. 2i4
CHEEP for sale, twenty seven head . BTARKg Delicious apples. Write A.
good stock ewes, a buck and twen-, E zimme,rma Rt. 9, a card if you
ty six lambs. Phone 1544R after6 want sorae, 273
. m. 275
WANTED A capable girl for house
work, good wages. Apply . mornings
768 State St. Telephone 654. 275
RANTED Man to tip loganberries
on the shares. Ground is plowed.
Phone, 107F24. 278
FOR SALE 15 h. P. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stuck
E. C. Cross & Son.
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l con
dition. It20 Chemeketa St.. . . 27
WANTED Woman to come to house
to do washing on Mondays. Phone
2168 or 384 N. Summer. 274
FOK SALE 2d hand doors complete.
Phone 903R. 274
FOR SALE Hand picked apples. 75c
per box delivered. Phone 3iiF13. 275
WAMTBT).. Somebody with high blood
pressure that can get no relief. Call
1749.,. 274
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s 'pound
and ud. Max O. Buren. Com. St,
WANTED Team weighing 1400 to
1600 lbs, for hop yard. work. Simon
hop ranch, Rt. 8, box 130. Phone
69F14. .MS
rial Is, in the Modern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
Used Cai's for Sale.
DR ALBERT R. MILLER, -Optometrist,
eyes examined and glasses fit
ted- Broken lenses aupucamu.
Hours at office dally, 4 p. m. to
p. m. Saturday 9 a. m, to 6 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
FOR SALE Cheap, one Buick road
ster. 171 S. High . . 277
FOR SALE Late model Ford tour
ing car, fine condition, extras.
Phone 1341M. t 2T4
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance-
Phone 608. '
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your care no
matter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
of cars. American Automobile Co.,
rifrw 14 Smith Liberty street.
Phnna 837. 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
Lost And Found.
w ' F. WRIGHT. Turner auctioneer,
Why not get him. a.e oniy onargew
t per cent.
TAKEN UP One yearling heifer, red
Ed Jory, Rt. 3. 273
FOR ' RENT Apartment to refined
partv without children, 152 South
Church. 273
GOAT meat for sale; first class only.
Orders taken 2567 Oak and 25th
street. Phone 2160M:
CHOICE goat meat at Peoples mar
ket between State and uourt on
Liberty street.
LOST ,On Summer or Court St. nose
glasses, bifocal. A. MeCulloch case.
Phone 587. 273
STRAYED From Jim WlU'el place,
two horses,, one dark bay, one light
bay with white hind feet, with sad-
die gnld, Notify J. Jasmer, Turner,
Rt. 1. box 25. 275
WANTED To rent pinno in good con
dition. by responsible party, phone
8454W. -..
FOR SALE Buttercup pullets and
cockerels, improved Oregon straw
hrni nlants and 10 acres irrigated,
unincumbered in Spokane valley, or
exchange with owners for land of
equal value in or around Salem. Rt.
K hox 37. 274
FOR SALE 1919 Buick. Five pas
senger. Practically new. wnson s
garage, phone 22.0. . 276
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge, touring -car,
has not been run 2000 miles, see
car at -Dodge; agency, 184 South
Commercial St. . x 281
t?vr SAT.E Partridge Rock cocker
els, 1902 N. Church. Phone 1665R.
tt'nR SALE First class Chevrolet
roadster. Lots of extras. Good as
new, "would make a good doctors
car. .506 S. 19th street, pnone an
M.- '
Remember, able bodied boys -over
i s venrs old and under 60, the
Crown Willamette Pulp Mills at
Oregon City and West Linn wilt
need men for the winter season.
Just keep them in mind when ar
ranging your winter 'worK seneuuie.
They have a fine hotel just for em
ployes, at low .rates.
Stove Repairing.
STOVBS rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
inches high. Paints, oifi and varn.
ishes. etc.. loganberry 'Vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence anf Stove
Works, 250 Court street. Fhoas 124
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 waner
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St
Money To Loan.
WANTED Room and board , by
young man. Address Room care
Journal. . 273
WANTED Medium siaed furnished
room, suitable for light housekeep
ing. Rt 1, box 4, Turner, Or. 273
Very Desirable Property.
7 room house plastered, - modern,
full basement, $2000.,'
6 room' house plastered, modern,
garage for two cars, fruit, $2000.
6 room house plasterea, moaern,
rooms upstairs unfinished, $3600.
2 6 room houses plastered, modern,
basement, fireplace, $4000.
X anran alt in IMlltt Vfit inn. Wire , hAi-lnv wnlmit and aD- WANTED $5000 and $5200 at i 1-2
pie trees, 6 room celled house, out- per cent, Dest larm security, buj
hiiitriinra in rnnd ahane. 4 miles out. I 86. Rt 2. Salem, Or. 274
10 acres, 5 in cultivation, 5 in tim
ber, stumps, etc., fenced, best red soil.
3 room house, $1500, terms,
Walter McLaren
Room 25. 180 N. Com. St. 2T
Second Hand Goods.
WANTED Lady boarder, room and
board $15 month. rmney. s
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remoaei.
Room 3, 442 State St. 286
" died :
' "! '
Funeral services for John Gilbert.
74, who died at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. A. B. Stillman. 2399 Mill
street, Monday, will be held at th
chapel of the W. T. Rigdon undertak
ing company tomorrow at 2:39 P. mv
Burial will be in City View eemetery
Mr. Gilbert leaves a widow, Mr
Ella Gilbert, and one daughter, Mrs.
Stillman. He was a retired farmer.
WANTED Highest price paid for
fat cattle and milch cows. Phone
1576W. 279
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishing of all klndsj uPt
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742;
M. Brown. 1201 8. Commercial St.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
stoves, gaa stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to erVl or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, 837 Court St Phone 493.
WANTED -Sawmill to cut on shares
or stumpage, asn, mapie, can
fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons,
Gervais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F11.
Mr Elizabeth Clarke. 63, a resident
of Monmouth, died at a local hospital
Monday after an Illness here ot five
days.. Funeral sen'ices will be'held for
her at Monmouth tomorrow where th
body was shipped by the W. T. Rigdon
company. She is survived by her hus
band, Robert Clarke.
WANTED Job. What have you .'
Reference. Phone 782VV. '
WANTED -Plain sewing and mend
ing, envelopes to address, etc., at
home. 1562 Mission St. 274
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government ononey to loan
at 5 1-2 percent. 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W...D. Smith;
Federal Farm Loans
6 1-J per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 84 1-2 years time. ru
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonlo Temple,
Salem, Oregon.
BETTER have your auto overhauled
and Dut in first class shape, guar
anteed. Work done in your own ga
rage. W. E. Tripp, Phone 1363M.
For Rent
11 3-4 ACRES all in cultivation, 1 1-2
miles out; tools, spuds, appies,
chickens, - rabbits, pigeons, some
furniture goes with place. Bechtel,
Rt. 2, box 81, Salem, Or. . 274
FOR RENT Unfurnished apart
ments at 703 N. High. Call 586J.
FOR RENT-r-Furnlshed room in pri
vate family. Phone 1609. 274
for RALE Snan of mules, weight
2400 nounds. age ' 7 years.. Also for RENT A small rurnisnea nouse
'121" variety of strawberry plants.
$800 TO loan on city or country
AAAvnoa T nnro of .Tour-
HOSTESSES Call Mrs. H. S. Pres
cott. 1500 Chemeketa, to assist in
Berving luncheons and all social or
lodcre affairs: or will take full
take full charge. Fancy cakes a
specialty. Phone 904R mornings.
BiPfiATN RO Flemish Giant rah
bits, one registered buck, first prize
' at Uguen, uiun,.uniL ai woo,
ho. I am on the road and must
sell. L. J. Davenport, i-age ie""
representative, Silverton, or.
Box 68, Rt. 7, Jefferson, Or. 273
close in to a connle without chil
dren. Call 351R. 273
WANT To buy one or two pigs, 75
to 100 pounds. Phone 2045J. 274
PIV'E room bungalow north Salem,
sisnn. forms. Address P O box 221,
Salem. 275
GOATS for sale, thirty six head. R
Anderson, Rt. 1, box Ti, jeiierson
FOR RENT Housekeeping
for ladies. 910 N. Church.
FOR SALE Four Buttercup cocker
els, 8 months old, Fine winter ap
r,ioa nliNi woed cutter. Phone 23F21
nfter 6 i). m. 276
276 FOR RENT 4 unfurnished house
keenine rooms, modern. 818 Broad
way. 273
'WALFELT" superior to cloth at
Ibout half price. Max O. Buren,
Com St.,. r .: 276
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com 1
Help Wanted
I HAVE $5000 to loan on good real
estate to' private party. Address G
H care Journal. . 279
FOR SALE A young Jersey cow giv
ing milk. Call 5.7F12 after 6 o'clock
p..m.: : . ' : 2,0
DO vou want a home on N. Cottage
St? Best location, best Jniy in faa"
lBtn. Kood new 'house, modern.
Phone 655M. - . -
HOME -for sale. Exceptional value, 8
rnnm hmiao near carliiie and school
Price $6500. Phone owner 2440, or
address G L care Journal,
COY for sale, just fresh," A No. 1
heavy milker. 3 blocks from end of
12th street car line. X; u uaviusoii.
WANTED Office work ovy position
as bookkeeper. Dy experiencea man.
Address X Y Z care Capital Jour
nal., 23
HERE'S A SNAP Splendid 5 room
house, good condition, 2 lots, good
barn, fruit, 1 block to car line.
Price $2600.. Won't last long, terms.
See me today, H. ifi. Jtsounger, Ore
gon bldg. : -. .
FOR SALE 2d hand doors complete.
Phone 503R. . 273
WANTED Three first class carpen
ters, $6.25 for eight hours. Oregon
Pulp & Paper So., Salem. 274
FOR SALE Or trade for good fresh WANTEDExpert bookkeeper wish
cow, gooa live year um uuue, w..
1300 lbs. Hamer, Rt. 2, box 146. 273
WANTED Good cast iron. Beards
leys Foundry, 1360 N. Front St, 2S
WANTED To buy a moderate pric
ed home. What have you? Telephone
A PLEASANT sleeping room t"r one
or two gentlemen. Phone 5s6M, or
call 665 S, Liberty St. .
boar. Will sell my herd boar, 3
vears old. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
ITS will take him. H. K. Jones,
phone 46F2, Salem.
es position of responsibility with
Salem firm. Best of references. Ad
dress box H care Journal. 274
WANTED Woman for general house
work. No objections to a person
with child. Call 1231R after 6 p.
m. 273
Salem ' Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore,
WHEN in need of a carpenter call
80F3. 274
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old, WANTED A man to work on a farm
eligible to registry that I will sen
Bt 10 each. These are beauties,
your choice while they last. H. R.
Jones, pnone 4r a.
FOR SALE Or trade 1-ton quick
delivery Oakland truck, will sell
cheap or trade for light touring,
Ford preferred, take or pay cash
difference. Oregon Traction Co., lli
S. Commercial.
married or single, house furnished
if desired, good wages, by the day,
month or year, which ever desired.
Phone 895. number 1033 unemeice
tn. Rt. - - 274
TO SETTLE an estate, I am ottering
for sale five modern oungaiows i WANTED Man and wife want post
well located on paved street, Wil-1 tion on farm, not afraid, to work.'
liam H. Trlndie, Wank or uom- box 4-JC care Journal.- - ' z4
merce bldg.
FOR SALE 100x52 1-2, Corner Court
n .1 1 Q,Vt ah,.Aaf-a mill all flt-l'Apt nnd
inn ioo n..., ..... . , .
Oiner ussrasinoino ..v.. ..... . ,i mj. n tli
FOR SALE At once by owner, who
is leaving city, a new and jnorn
E room bungalow, a home that one
can take pleasure in living "i. len
. jiess section. Close to high school
":T..i-in.i nhiirt'hm. Gas install-
..ationilv new wood and
coal range fully connected includ
ed in sale price of $2500, cash or
terms. Phone 801.
For Sale
176 acres 12 miles from Salem, 8
mii from R. R. station. 86 clear, bal
on- nnsture and timber, 70 acres
bottom land worth $150 per acre
r.,ni;vtora trnnA an new. cost over $-
000. 8 room house, basement, furn
v,r,t onri id water, bath, toilet,
water piped In house nnd bam from
fine spring. Stock with place consist
r hm-aaa 18 cows. 37 sheep.
200 chickens, farm toois 01 uu
15 tons hay, silo full of ensilage, and
Other feed and seed wheat: furniture,
all goes. Personal property worth 3.
100; part of crop now in. Price $18,
000, $7000 cash, balance 6 years at
6 per cent. This is a bargain if you
are looking for a farm. Enquire at
40 State St.
500. Terms to suit purchaser. Inter
est 6 per .oeiit. Oswald West, 15001
Journal bldg. Portland, Or. 2751
lv contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167.
LANDS in the Sutherlin valley, Ore
gon, subject to irrigation, for sale
Why Sell For Less?
in tracts up to 240 aores, at naei'i-lWE wJ1 pay you more-cash for your
fice prices to clean up lands secur
ed under foreclosure or mortgage.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. . Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com'
mercial street. Phone 734.
i Oleson's Auto Exchange
MOTORCYCLE to trade for old Ford. 849 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Call evenings or leave orders at
Buren's. 179 N. Commercial. 273
Any amount. Lo-vv rates.
Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask
about our 20-year loans at
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem . Oregon
Niemeyer's Buys.
6 room modern home on N. Cot
tage St. 2 lots 60x100. Young fruit.
$2700. Terms.
& room modern nouse at 682 is.
Commercial. $2500.
An attractive up to date 6 room
home at 1780 Court St. Strictly mod
ern, in every respect. More than two
large lots; good fruit. An exceptional
offer. $4000. Kasyterms.
i i room cottage on N. 15th St. Mod
ern conveniences; basement. $2000.
A cozy modern bungalow at boa N.
24th St. Lot 40x100. $1500. Good
terms. .
60 acres 3 miles from Independence
6 acres prunes, bearing; 5 acres brush
and pasture, good land. Balance cul
tivated. Good family orchard. 6 room
house in first class condition. ew
barn; outbuildings all good. Weil fenc
ed; 2 wells and spring water. Stock,
chickens and implements. $7500.
70 acres 7 miles from Salem. 65
acres orchard; 1 acre timber. 2 hous
es and 2 barns in good condition.
Fruit dryer. Water piped to buildings
from spring on place. $450 per acre.
97 acvee 3 miles from Stayton. 70
acre cultivated; 27 timber, fir and
ota. Modern 9 room house; large
barn and good outbuildings. Close to
school. $9000.
CW. Niemeyer; ;
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. Phones 1000, 1014. 273
Buvs. sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto
parts for sale. ;
Autos for- hire without drivers: i
191T Ford, $425
1 Samson tractor $500
Ford bug $275
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625.
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts. Urea and accessories.
Good Buys.
25 acre tract of land, 1 acre culti
vated, balance pasture and timber, 5
fine soring on place, lo.
cated on rock road, 5 1-2 miles from
Salem. Price $2000. , .
h o,.-o tmnt as acres cultivated,
balance pasture, and timber, house and
barn, spring water, u neaa or
5 horses, pigs, cnicnens, an nmuuiu
ery. Price $7500.
63 acre rarin neany an ra'i""'
s mnm house and barn, rock road,
good fruit and Berry laua, a nmco
from Salem. Price $136 per acre.
6 acres nearly all m rruit, oa.i.
berries, cherries and prunes, house,
chicken house, wood house, well, 6
miles south. Price $1600.
20 acre tract all cultivated, 5 acres
prunes, house and barn, close to Sa
lon, Prit-A $10,500.
20 acre tract all cuitivatea, some
fruit, good house and barn, wen, io
main rnnri leading from Sa-
u,u v ,. ,
lem. Price $8500. Will consiaer guv
inmrainu m nart Davment.
5 acre tract locatea on main
thio-hwov. l a-4 miles from street car
line, 2 1-2 acres prune orchard. Price
$2260, $1000 down, balance 6 per cent
Interest. : , . -
19 1-2 acre tract, two good houseB,
c h,ii-intr nrunes. loganberries
family orchard, best of soil, 4 1-2
,,il0 mm Salnm. PdCB $11,500.
rinni 8 ,-nnrri modern homo located
at 1565 South Liberty street, rnce
Well improved 5 acre tract close to
A.riin. frond B room plastered bunga
low, basement, electric light, bearing
fruit Prine 16000.
17 acre tract, 10 acres Dearing or
chard, mostly pruneB, house and barn,
well, located on main rmn "
wav. Price $6000, $1500 down, bal
ance 6 per cent interest'
W. H. Grabenhorst & uo.
, 275. State street 273
Grain: Wheat, No. 1, $2; feed oats
7680c; milling oats 86c; cheet hay
$17; oat hay $20; clover hay Yiit&
mill run $44 45.
Butterfat: Butterfat, 70c; cream
ery butter, 6769o.
Pork, veal ana mutton:, trots, ou mm
15 l-2c; veal, fancy 19o; steers
78c; cows 5 7 l-2c; spring lambs
9V4c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings Bo.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs-caan uo;
light hens 1820o heavy hens 24c; old
roostei-B 15 16c; springs 20c,
Vegetables: Onions per sack 4e;
celery doz. 90c; potatoes 2c; sweet
potatoes 6 l-2c. .
Fruit; Oranges $6.0086.50; lemons
$8.50; bananas 11c; honey extracted,
20c; bunch beets, 45c; vabbage 2V4c;
head lettuce $1.00; carrots 45o; grapes,
Tokays 12 c; Brussell sprouts 16c;
cauliflower $2.00 doz.j red peppers, 20c
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 76c;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
6Sc; flour, hard wheat $3.10 3.26,
Portland, Or., Nov. 18. Butter city
creamery 6667o; Eggs selected local
ex 7680o; hens 2628c; broilers 21
27c; geese 15c; cheese 33(fl)Joc.
Live Stock.
Cattle: Receipts 222; tone of . mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $9
9.50; fair to medium Bteers $7B;
common to fair steers, $5.50 6.50
choice to good cows and heifers $6.60
7.50; canners $34; bulls $5tS.&0
calves $814.
Hogs: Receipts 62; tone of mar
ket steady; prime lambs $11.00 12..00
medium mixed $15.0016.00; rough
heavies $14-00 14.50; pigs, $14.50
Sheen: Receipts 6s; ione or mui-
ket steady; prime lambs $11.0012.00
fair to medium lambs, $10.50 11.00
yearlings, $8.509.00; wethers, $7.66
$.50; ewes $5.00(0'. UN
WANTED To sell or trade for mod
ern and reasonably close in city
property, one 68 acre and an 18
acre tract, one or both, A-l fruit
and berry land. Box 14 care Capi
tal Journal. 273
wihtrii Work bv steam engineer.
E C care Journal. 274
Best Buys.
80 atres all cultivated, well fenced
hogtlght; good barn, good berry land;
will grow clover, joining town. $2750.
Own t-srms on $1000 for 3 years at 6
Time Tables.
No. Northbound
64 Oregonian
5:00 a.m.
6:55 a.m.
9:17 a.m.
1:60 p.m.
B:36 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
125 acres all cuitivaiea, wen leni-c-.-
-mnrinrn 8 and 1 4 room residence;
cnnri hum and outbuildings, school
station and paved road by the place.
185 per acre; $10,000 casn, oaiance
ner cent.
100 acres. 94 cultivated, balance
timber! ennd house, barn, at station,
at school. $110 per acre; terms on 1-2
at 8 per cent.
239 acres all cuitivatea; i room.
bungalow, barn, well fenced. $65 per
acre, 1-2 casn.
11 acres, 100 bearing ungusn wal
nut trees, -logans, cherries, good mod
ern improvements, paved road; the
best of soil. $10,600; very easy terms.
aolLcres all cultivated; lots or. rruu,
house, barn, all fenced, 3 miles from
center of Salem, $8000; iuu casn,
haluni.. A iiflr cent to suit.
j n uii on t vatfirt! ttooa iruit mnu.
7 miles from Salem, owner will. sell
without payment down if buyer will
plant fruit. $3000.
10 acres all cultivated, 2 logans,
family fruit, house, barn, balance in
grain; some fencing, paved road, close
i ciKtta. i -a ca.Mn.
r nni-oa air cultivated, the best of
berry land, house, barn, family fruit,
320 acres, 100 acres cumvaieti, guuu
soil, Lake county, Or., $3500; will ap
ply as -payment on valley rancn,
320 acres, 40 cultivated, well locat
ed, plenty water, Malheur county,
Oregon, $7 per acre; will take resi
dence in exchange.
Modern 6 room bungalow. $1900.
Strictly modern 5 room bungalow,
Modern 5 room lurnisneu uunsmun
Modern room nouse, targe iuv.
5 room house with large lot; lots
of bearing fruit. $650.
For best buys or exenanges see
Members of Sedgwick Post, No. 10.
G. A. R., and all Civil War veteran
will turn out and attend the funeral
of our late comrade, H. M. Gearhart, '
Co.' C. First Iowa cavalry, at'the un
riprtftklne oarlors of Webb & Clough,
Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 10:30 o'clock
in the forenoon.
Adjutant. Post Commander.
Sugar History In Brief Form
Kiitrnr has been an Important article
of commerce since the art of refinin
and crystallization was" disoovere
about the middle of ' the fourteenth
century. Sugar cane was known muci
earlier. It was grown to be eaten aa
sweet sticks" In prs-historie times i
India and other parts of Asia. It waa,
however, not before 1605 that m .
sugar content of beotg became widely
known. ,
I t that year, Oliver de serres,
SYorich aBxlcultir-'Kt, published the re
sult of his experiments on sugar beeta.
In 1747, Marggraf, a -erman cuim.
developed a procu.s for extracting th
sugar from beeV, and In 1782 the firwt
commercial bee.; augpr factory r
established at Cuner j, SIleBla. Franc
subsequently took th lead in perfect
ing tho technical dovr.'opment oi
branch of sugar extraction.
6 Oregon Express
28 Willamette Limited ....
18 Portland Passenger ...
4 Coos Bay
14 Portland Express
53 Oregonian 3:10 a.m.
23 For Eugene ; 10:06 a.m.
16 California Express 11:05 a.m.
17 Rosebuiir Passenger 4:u p.m.
2T Willamette Limited 6:44 p.m.
1$ San Francisco Pass 10:03 p.m.
73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m,
74 Leave Salem 4:00 p.m.
The Constituents of the Earth's Crust .
According to a scientist, the earth"
solid crust, -with a specific gravity of
2.6 as against 5.7 for the entire glob .
crust and liquid or semi-liquid inter
ior consists of the various element
in the following proportions by weight:
Oxygen, 47.29 per cent; silicon,;
aluminium, 7.81; iron, 6.46; calcium.
8 77: maeneslum. 2.68; sodium, 8.3;
potassium, 2.40; hydrogen, 0.21; titan
ium, 0.33; carbon, 0-22; chlorine. 0.01
phosphorus, 0.10;u manganese, 0.08;
sulphur, 0.03; barium, 0.03; chrom
ium, 0.01. - : C - -
. , : j
A Home-Matte Water Filter
To make 9 cheap water filter, tako
large garden-pot and stop the hole in
the bottom by placing a piece ot
sponge in It. Cover with a few inche -
of powdered charcoal, fill witn waieiv
and let it stand over a-pau or tuo aui-
ported by , two or three stlcKs una
acres. The water uuerms m,un..
the charcoal will be freed from all im
purities and will be fit for family u.
The charcoal should be changed ovary
three months and the sponge several
times a year, ' -
341 State trett
161 Leaves Salem, motor v... i.vv st.m,
163 Leaves Salem, motor .. 9f28 a.m.
166 Leaves Salem, motor ....i: p.m.
Thru car to Monmouth iand Airlle
171 Leaves Salem 6:15 p.m.
162 Arrives Salem 8:25 a.m.
164 Arrives Salem 11:00 a.m.
166 Arrives Salem 3:20 p.m.
172 Arrives Salem 7:40 p.m.
Wood Saw.
We Want
'HONE 17G4R. Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything, uui hi.
285 North Commercial St.
5 Ltd
Leave Arrive Arrive
Portland Salem Eugene
!l5am 10:15 am 12:30pm
10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only
2:05 pm 4:15 pn;i: pm
ir 1
Homes, Apartments, Busi
ness Properties, Building
Loans. Current rates. Full
Re p ay me n't privileges.
Our own money. Prompt
service. ;: --
205 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon
Lodge Directory.
meets every- Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
is T.M 4:4S nm " 8:40 Dm 8:50 pm
17 6:05pm 8:07 pin Salem only
18 . 9:20pm 11:20 pm Salem oniy
North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minutes later)
. Northbound
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. Eugene Salem i-oruana
a . 7:15 am 8:30 om
10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:45 am 11:30 am
U 12:05 pm 2:30 pm
1$ Ltd 1:55 pm 4:00 pm 6:50 pm-
20 Saiemonly 6:30 pm 7:40 pm
22 4:2S pm 75 pm 10:09 pm
Vnrth Bank station (arrive jeiier
son street 15 minutes earlier.) 'Leave
Corvallia, . . . .
They'r Partner
These men, congenial,
happy, prosperoui, div
ide the burdtn$ of
bia. Muccttsfut business.
1! They met through Want
It Ad In thi ntwtpapa and
have been partntri ever
lace." If you are in need of
financial Mittance and the
services of a helpful, ener
gttie partner
Iteaa m4 Use the Wn U
Water Pumped Electrically Savetie
.. : Money for Pueblo, V
At the South Side water works at
Pueblo. Colo., an electrically unvo, ...
direct-connected pump, of a capacity
f a. 000. 000 gallons daily was lnstanea
during the year 1918. The city Is now
reparlng to install a Beconu unit, wim e-allons daily capacity, and it
tn the intention of the trustees to eleo-
trlfy the entire pumping system
Ing 1919. The trustees estimate aa u
nual Bavlng of 10,000 when the plan! .
is completely equipped for electricat
Lively Movement of Freight Cirs.
The world's record for car move
ment is claimed by Coluiubla, P-. ;
where 9531 cars passed in a single
,lv tn one month 250,000 frelgni
cars passed Columbia, or an average of
six curs per minute.
Formosa's Camphor Crop
It is calculated that Formosa con- ;(
tainB tbout one million camphor trees,
some ten thousand of which ure cut :
down every year. At this rate the sup- ,
ply will be exhausted in a hunoreo
years, but Japanese wilt see that, re
afforestation is properly undertaken
and a continuous inexhaustible sup
ply ensured.
McT!nmaek haU on every iuoauajr
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C. ; P. J. KunU
K. R. & 8.
Oregon Grape camp no. io meew
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persona, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1438M.
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem
, 8:20 am , :in am
2:35 pm 4:00 pm
6:18 pm 7:66 pm
Leave Salem Arrive CorvallH
10:15 am 11:3T am
6:40 pm 8:00 pm
4:12 pm 6:40 pm
bly No. 84 meets every xnursoay ai
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple, uienn
Niles. M. A. ; C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street
Without Delay
C. W. NIEMEYER cat rw
215-216 SALEM
; Masonic Building Phones 1000-1014
Htntim '
Real Estate Houses
Oregon Cedar camp no. z
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets, W. M.
Persons, V. C- . Frank A. Turner,
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms, w. a.
Liston, 484 Court St.
lo Keep Flat Iron in Good Condition
To clean flat irons, rub them when
hot on a damp rag that has been rub
bed over with soap. This is much bet
ter than using powders.
. Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.