PAGE SIX. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. SATURDAY GAMES IN EAST UPSETS DOPE AS DID COAST CLASHES - By Henry J. I'uircll (United Press staff correspondent) New York, Nov. . Its a sweet mess now in the east. The dope killer stuck his stirring stick down li the football pot Satur day and turned things upside down. The results of three wild upheavals made the championship as clear as mud. ' On the surface it seems there Is no champion. Harvard and Stevens have not been defeated, but they haven't beaten any body worth giving them the first place wreath. Colgate and Dartmouth topped the pile for a while, but the derail was finally thrown Jn front of their speed ing train. They may find it strange In the cel lar, but they shouldn't be lonesome there with plenty of company, Penn sylvania, Army, Navy, Brown, Cor nell, West Virginia, Lehigh, Lafay ette and scores of the little fellows. If Harvard had a few hard games, the Crimson could undoubtedly claim the championship. But their schedule is loaded with easy marks. The Cam bridge team, favored to beat Yale, will not care much about losing con sideration for the title If It is able to defeat old Ell. Princeton's victory over Yale was not such a surprise as the real super iority the Tiger showed. ' Wisconsin pulled a surprise In the west by holding Ohio State to a mini mum. Center College, conquerors of West Virginia, remained In the south ern lime light by trimming Kentucky Slate, 56 to 0. HAKKMS HIT BY H. C. L. . I I ! i I ! j Washington, Nov. 18. Har ems, are going out of style In Turkey and it's all due to the high cost of living. According to recent arrivals from Constantinople, only very rich- Turks can afford to run over & list of wives to see which one they'll take to the theatres. Life in Turkey is vefty expensive Just now. ANNUAL A.S.B.PLAV DATE IS ANNOUNCED AMERICAN ATHLETIC TO PARTICIPATE IN 20 OLYMPIC GAMESi Th annual A. 8. B. play will be giv en In the high school auditorium, De cember 19. The play to be used this year Is J. Hartley Manners' "The House Next Door." At the final try out Monday evening the following cast was chosen: Sir John Cotswold..Turfleld Schindler Lady Margaret Cotswold-.Alma Engleb Lady Margaret Cotswold Alma Englebart Ulrica, their daughter Hazel Long Cecil, their son....lrank Deckabach, Jr. Vining, their servant.. Elton Thompsert Capt. Clive Trevor Ralph Morgali Sir Isaac Jacobson, M. P Willard Marshall Rebecca, his wife Olga Kirkwood Esther, their daughter Leone Estes Adrian, their son Ralph Hamilton Maximilian, their servant Percy Hammond I Walter Lewis Kenneth Waters j The rehearsals, under the direction of Miss Beatrice Thompson, will begin at once. 75 Year Old Rheumatic Throws Away His Crutches "I am now 75 years of age, and for a number of years have suffered with rheumatism, eczema and a se vere itching. I was compelled to walk on crutches. I obtained no relief un til I began to take Number 40 for the Blood. Have taken eight bottles and my rheumatism and the itching ec zslia Is all gone. On Christmas day I laid away my crutches and get around pretty well without them. You have my permission to use tTils letter to advertise Number 4 0, as I feel that I have received great benefit and will continue- the treatment,- believing I will receive more, and I wish to rec ommend It to other like sufferers to do as I have done and try Number 40 and got relief. With great pleasure I subscribe myself, yours very truly. Isaac Ludwlg, Delphos, Ohio, March 17, 1917." Number 40 is demanded In gouty conditions, nial-nutritlon, poisoning, auto-intoxicatlon, constipa tion, chronic rheumatism and ca tarrh, liver complaint and all diseas es arising from impure blood.. Made by J. C. Mendenhall, Kvansvllle, lnd;, 4( years a druggist. Sold by Sohaef ers drugstore. . (Adv) New York Teachers Accused t Of Belonging To Red Party New York, Nov. 18. Removal of six 1 women public school teachers for al leged membership in the Communist party Is being sought by William Et tlnger, city school superintendent. I Charges against the teachers were based on papers seized In recent raids. .Three of them are said to hive con Ifessed affiliation with the bolshevlsi and belief In the communist manifesto which chief City Magistrate McAdoo 1 constituted criminal anarchy. The oth- r three Were to be examined today. Boston, Mass., Nov. 17. (United Press.) An American team of athletes will go to the Olympic games in Ant werp, Belgium, next year,- probably between August 15 and September IS, It was decided in the annual conven tion of the National Amateur Athletic Union of the United States here to day. It was also decided to hold the na tional boxing championships in Bos ton; the 100-yard swimming event at Brookllne, Mass., wrestling at Birming ham, Ala., the 50-yard swim at Chi cago, the plunge at Los Angeles, the 220-yard swim at Detroit, the fancy diving at Los Angeles, the ISO yard back stroke at the Indiana Athletic association, the 650 yard swim at Great Lakes, HI., and the 200 yard breast stroke at Meadowbrook club, Philadel phia. A long ' discussion 'resulted ovet Judge Mahoney's request that Dan Kelly's 100-yard record of 9 3-5 sce conds be eliminated. Joseph B. Maccabe, Boston, former; president of the A. A, U., defended Kelly and announced that he made a personal investigation on the Pacific coast and found that three of the five i timers got Kelly faster than 9 3-5 sec conds. The record was allowed to stand after a long speech by Justice Weeks, who declared that the constitution would be ruined of records that have been standing many years were thrown out. $31,974 Added State Road Money A total of $31,974.32 was added to the good roads. fund of Oregon, Mon day, whe nthe. secretary of state's of fice received the remittance of the Standard Oil company and the Union Oil company of California to cover the state tax on gasoline ana on sold in the state during the month of Oc tober. The remittance represents a tax of one per cent per gallon on 2,962,992.5 gallons rot gasoline and one-half cent per gallon of distillate sold during the month. , The check from the Standard Oil company was for 127,314.70 and that fro mthe Union Oil company for $4, 859.62. ' Tobacco Habit Dangerous Shell Window Panes Leonard Millman of Cove, a marine stationed for the past two years at Pekin, China, has arrived home after a tempestuous ocean Voyage of 84 days says Dostor Connor, formerly of Johni Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men suffering from fatal diseases would be in perfect health today were it not for the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop the habit now before it 's too late. It 'i j simple process to rid yourself of the j tobaceo habit in any form. Just go to any up to date drug store and get some Nicotol tablets; take them as directed and lo; the pernicious habit quickly vanishes. Druggists refund the money if they fail. Be sure to read large and interesting announcement by Doctor Connor soon to- appear in this paper. It tells of the danger of nicotine pois oning and how to avoid it. In the mean time try Nicotol tablets; yon will be surprised at the resnlt. D. J. Fry. . As a substitute for glass, sea shells are use of nicely in- the Philip pines. The largest shells are about three inches square and placed in the windows they permit the passage oi the light and the interior is flooded with a pearly-gray illumination which is very pleasant to the eyes. I Tlif Coal of Poland. ' Next to the textiles, mining is the 1 principal industry in Poland, especial I ly that of coal, which was considerabe- in the years before the war. The quaU I Itv ft ntinftA In Austrian Pnhinil is better than the German portion. Be fore the war Russia started to open some mines in Poland, but the work was ntver completed. Red Bearing Card Signed By Haywood He'd In Eugene Kugene, Or., Nov. IS. A man who claims that he is John Everett hut who had in his possession a certificate signed D. Haywood as an author ized orgunisor and delegate of the I. W. W Union No. 400. was broueht In . Eugene Monday nutrnlni? from .limn. ' tlon City where he was found In a co. f of potatoes. He was sent to for CO I days on a vagrancy charge. Princeton And Harvard May Battle For Eastern Honors New Haven, Conn., Nov. 18. - If Harvard beats Yale next Saturday a proposal has been made that Prince ton and Harvard play off the tie for the "big three" championship on the Polo grounds. Major James Barnes, vice chairman of Princeton's fourteen million dollar endowment drive .sug gests the game as a means of raising money for the endowment funds of both institutions. Cut This Out When you want an Auto Truck call 998 day phone, and 679J night phone. We do all kinds of distance hauling and will take con tracts hauling wood or any other work you have, Oswald Empey and R. 0. Cummins, Owners Office 143 S. Liberty Street NOW IS THE TIME TO OVERHAUL YOUR CAR Having permanently located in Salenvl am prepar ed to overhaul your car and put it in first class con dition at a reasonable figure. Will do your work in your own garage, giving all my time to your job while I am on it. W. E. TRIPP "DO IT WHILE IT RAINS" Phone 1363M "I'LL GUARANTEE IT" M OF irade 1919 Studebaker, 5 passenger j' 1915 Overland 5 passenger 1915 Overland 5 passenger -1914 Michigan, 5 passenger 1916 Studebaker delivery . 1 G. M. C. truck, good order. 5 1 5-passenrger Ford, $425. 1 trailer, a dandy. 1 5-passenger Reo, 17 model. Will sell for cash and give terms, or trade for property, potatoes or what have you to trade. 1 Year's service goes with every car sold. U. S. Garage Phone 1752 ,554 Ferry St. ' Storage $3.50 month" Today - Tomowpw K Vs - f 1 IPrw, I). W. GRIFFITH'S Battle Between Tooth Pastes Who Will tonic I ho Argument. I.ct Your Druggist bo tlio Referee "Broken B lossoms" 2:15 4:00 5:45 7:30 9:15 P.M. GESHHiD It must be perplexing to the reader to decide which of the claims are logical and which are unsupported when he reads the glowing advertise ments of the various manufacturers of tooth paste. One maker's product lays stress on the flavor. Another claims to "re move the film." Still another leaves a "clean feeling;" Another calls at tention to the teeth of wild nninials and is reputed to be highly antiseptic After reading all carefully, the In telligent person decides to refer the matter to the court of last resort for the true answer. The druggist is the one whom the physicians and dentist relies upon to furnish expert advice on the action of chemicals. Why, there fore, is he not the person for you to trust? Long years of patient training and a knowledge of the relative val ue of the various ingredients In all chemical products have fitted him to express an opinion. He knows because he is qualified to know. Something over 28,000 druggists and physicians in this country be long to national association known as the American Druggists Syndicate. The national formula committee of this greut association met annually In con ference for 10 consecutive years In order to select the best formulas for household remedies to be manufac tured in their own great laboratories maintained at Long Island city. One of their well known prepara tions Is A. D. S. Peredixo Tooth Paste which has been endorsed by lending dentists in every state of the nation. I Your druggist will tell you that it j enjoys a fast repeating mile and Its j claim us a perfect product is briefly jstated when he tells you that "be- sides doing all that any other tooth paste can do, Peredixo 'whitens like peroxide.' " Large production of this remark able preparation enables you to still purchase the large tube at the old price 25 cents. Try a tube today and be convinced (Adv) TELEPHONE, CORTLANDT 247 ItlLES MENANDER DAWSON riLiow Institute or Actuamcs or Great Britain Fkllow Actuarial Socikty of America. Etc., Etc cable: menanoer, new vubk ALFRED BURNETT DAWS OH Feulow Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Society Pillow Fraternal Actuarial Association , - - Llarch 6, 1919. - Grand-Lodge of Oregon, . ' ,: Ancient Order United Workmen. ' ' r Portland, Oregon. ' - Gentlemen:- .- . Assets, actual and contingent t Present mid-year value -of future net Assetc C?tributi0ns " 1090,859.00 Assets 596,581185 . . 20t?l $1, 48.7, 370. 83" Liabilities, actual and continuant; . ' V Present mid-year value of promised Liauiier."!.:::::::::::::::;::---' i'- - 9,000.00 . x xotal " 31,428,776.00' In excess of liabilities - 558,594.83 Ratio of assets to liabilities 104.09 . V 4 per' ccnt,v the future assessments of the sonLti J r6Stat rates now being collected, together ?ith J'J h! net are sufficient to reeT all j.AiT: T "he new tested assets, terSth:?!! mature by their and above -statutory BSnSSSaf- V'58,M4,83 (r 4'09 over Fraternally submitted, J Consulting Actuaries. FOGGY? If Bilious, Constipated or. Headachy take "Cascarets." Tomorrow the sun will shine for you. Everything will seem clear, rosy and bright. Your system Is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy and achtiiK. Your meals are turning Into poison, gases and acids. You can not feel rlsht. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Keel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without griping or inconvenience. They never sicken you like calomel, salts, oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too Cascarets work ifrhit. you steep, (Adl The "Old Reliadle" A. 0. U. W. 51 YEARS OLD-OVER 100 SOLVENT V V Protection Lodge, No. 2, Salem, Oregon PROVIDES "CASH LOANS", "PAID UP" OR "EXTENDED INSURANCE" Nine of the fifteen SupVeijae Lodge Jurisdictions issued more business during 1918 than was issued by . V Old Line Life Insurance Companies. " . " If It's A. O. U. W. It's Safe . :. D. C. Herrin, Grand Master Oregon Jurisdiction 415 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon. 134