PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. THE DOTAL JOURNAL AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published every evening except Sun Cay by The Capital Journal Printing Co.. 13 South Commercial street, B&tom,. Oregon. - . - . Q. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher THE PROFITEERING PROBLEM. Telephones Circulation and Busi- Otfice, 81; Editorial room, u. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE Entered as second class mall matter t Salem, Oregon. National Advertising Representa tives W. D. Vrd, Tribune Building, New York; W. H. Stockwell, People s Gas Building, Chicago. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 60 cents a month, t8 a fear. . By mail, 60 cents a month, $1.25 for three months, 82.26 for six months, $4 per year.. By order of U. S. government, all mail subscriptions are payable In ad-jrauice. Rippling Rhymes. SORROW My ears are often sore and aching, my heart is on the edge of breaking, I lioar so much of woe; the men I know are all complaining, their briny tears forever raining, wherever I may go. In gome poor chaps grief la abiding because the cars in which they're rid ing are made of tin and rust; it makes Ihem sore when costly wagons whiz up the road like fiery dragons, and cover them with dust. Of course to swallow dust is hutcful; but It were better to be grateful that they have cars at nil, thut they have boats In which to travel at any speed, upon the gravel, and by the junkyard wall, The man on foot Is feeling bitter because his neighbor, pompous critter, rides In a boat of tin; upon his triblys he goes toiling, and In his veins the blood is boiling, he scorns the eher-un grin. Green envy, reader, is the answer; ifagnawing-like a dead-J ly cancer, in Hurry, Tom and Dick; it takes the bloom from human pleasures it turns to dross the old world's treas ures,; and makes the .spirit sick. r ENERAL LUDENDORFF in his commentaries on the v war admits that the one problem German efficiency could not solve was the war profiteer. All the other big problems, armies, transport, munitions, commissary, strategy and countless others were satisf actnrilv master ed, but the profiteer, like the cootie, continued in business despite the effort to eradicate him. Says Ludendorff : Profiteering wag the deadliest sin, and our inability to eradicate it was a matter of the greatest regret to me from the point of view of morale at home and in the field. Many times I made an effort to get to the bot tom of it. The war profiteer is a loathsome phenomenon, and he and the corruption of his influence have do ne us Incalculable harm. r Not only did the profiteer flourish during the war in Germany, but in other countries, including our own United States. Every war millionaire is a profiteer who coined the agony of humanity into dollars, who placed self ish greed above patriotic service. The profiteering, unfortunately, did not end with the war, but with the removal of federal restrictions, be came universal in a world suffering the evils of recon struction.' Peace profiteerinsr is not under the same stigma as war profiteering, but its effect is likely to be as disastrous. We see it on every hand, in the high cost vi living, in me nign cost oi labor, in the diminished pro duction, in the industrial unrest. And we are as far from solving the profiteering prob lem as was ijuaenaom wnen master of imperial Germany, Strict law enforcement and a public realization of the con sequences and the patriotic co-operation of all the people iiTii? Viz-,!.-, ni;.:ni.- ; i-i r ' nciy einuuiiue ine voracious proilteer. SMALL COMFORT FOR DRYS. I should receive as I entered that door. (Continued tomorrow.) . Open Forum J . I Editor The Daily Capital Journal: I have just read your editorial headed "Newspaper and Merchant" and ac cording to my opinion, you just hit the nail on the head when vou say, "Its columns of store news should be as interesting reading to the buyer as its news columns and its classified pages secure work for the idle. The newspaper is really the mirror which reflects the community." I feel sure that you will have the support to make the Capital Journal" (if it Is not already so) one of the leading newspapers of the state. Very truly yours, LAWRENCE GALE. CHAN DEPUTY KILLED BY ASSOCIATES Centrnlla, .Wajjli., Nov. 18. That John Huney was killed by a member of hii own posse and not -by 1, Vi. AV. outlaws as had been reported, is the latest development in the situation Unit has held Centrallu tensa since the murder of members of the American tieglpn here a week ago today. The body of Huney was brought back to this city last night by a parly which was subjected to the difficult task of carrying it munx miles over mountain trulls und forest roads. Bulgarian Treaty To Be,-. Signed November 27 Paris, ' Nov. 18. The Bulgarian treaty will lie signed November 17, ft was announced here today. The supreme council today nirain notified Premier VenUetos of Greece that the Greek occupation of Smyrna niust be considered provisional. New Strike Of Miners Ordered In Colorado Denver, Colo., Nov. TS. A new atrlkc of union coal miners in C."ido tins been ordered effective FiiiUy by iistrict President George O. Johnson, who charges operators with roftitihiii to re-employ leaders in ;hb recent walkouti 1TINAL results of the recent election were not vpw mm. foiling to prohibitionists and. indicate plainly that if ouuuuucu iuuw ijcuijitj, national proamnion would never carry t This is one reason why the drys have done every thing in meir power to prevent an appeal to the people and used their secret political machine to coerce legislators and congressmen. Most of the people believe in home rule on this ques tion, and while voting their own states dry, are unwilling to dictate to other states. Ohio which voted for state prohibition in 1918, in 1919 refused to ratify the national dry amendment. . . ; . ; The election showed the resentment of voters of Ken tucky, Maryland and New Jersey, and presages a hard tune for federal officers in enforcing dry laws without co operation of state officials in districts opposed to pro hibition. The result cannot be otherwise than to create a contempt for the law in the minds of many peopleas any effort at sumptuary legislation against public sentiment does. Even in dry states, prohibition was voted to elim inate the saloon. . . he organized liquor traffic is a thing of the past- but all the laws in creation will not prevent people from their home brews and home wines as their ancestors did before the saloon was invented; LOVE and MARRIED LIFE xue noxea autnor $ Idah MSGlone Gibson OIK NKW 1IOMK heart, however, because John, with his arms around me, was saying: "Sweet heart, do you know we are goins home, and from now on wo are going to bo the happiest people on earth?" j In John's arms 1 forget heaven and earth and all that isin them, and 1 close my mind to every thought except that of ills nearness and donrness. There sooins to bo but one bond and that In the cord from his warmly beat ing heart to mine. i Madame (iordun did not make het' carry oft' his annoyance iinnearance at uovl mm-ninir ml chagrin nearly as well us I did ul- i j()n (1!d not make nnv nn. I inn wojuUirlag if I .have always been unduly sensitive or whether it in only human to be uncomfortable when one feelH out of place among a. gay par ty? I think perhaps it Is a human trait for I recall that John was as ugly as a I ear when he appeared at nri affair in a business suit, and found all the rest of the men of the party lu dress clothes. lie did not Catholic Party Loses Control Of Belgium Brussels, Nov. 17. The overwhelm ing Catholic majority In the chamber of representatives virtually has been wiped out by Sunday's elections. In complete returns indicated the com position of the new chamber Mill be: Catholics, 7!. libeivls, .18: socialists 6r; oth. groups, rv AM: No.v that we've got a -pm-ty fair idee o' what a miner makes: let's have tsome dope on what th' operator make. A hustler never knows what time il is. llioush ho was among old friends and who understood, while I was making my first appearance and was sure to bo subjected to very critical analysis, i remember John said, when he got homo from his party, that he would never visit that house again that the hostess should have told him that It was to be formal, and II was nearly a year before I could persuade him to accept another invitation there. Uelng married to the man who put me in this j that efoiiLvn viii,, u. o mire iii.v weu- ding day I could not very well get rid of him had 1 so desired, and poor, dear John, I didn't want to, When we came homo In the car ho was so loving and sweet and so per-, fectly satisfied with all that had hap pened at the club that I hadn't the heart to tell him of my unhapplness. "Well, that's over," he said,, "and you've ben introduced to the gang, l'retty decent lot of folks, aren't they? The women are. handsomest In town and the men are all good fellows. Karl Whepard, to whom I am glad to see you take a fanc.v, is my very best friend. Kail would do anything for nie!" " , . "Yes, even to hiking pity on your wife when she was in a most uncom fortable position through your thought lessmss'," ! thought, but I -did not speak 1 could .nyl hold this In my .Sweer-with a natural sweetness ,decious-with a rich nut-like flavor fjouri&hing-'Wit'b the building value of whole wheat and malted barley? at Crocers.y Joctions when 1 insisted that I could not sit in his mother's place. Some times I have thought that I made a I mistake In this, because every day that we lived la the house with Madame ordon at the head of It was full of annoyance and humiliations for me. I I learned most thoroughly that it Is true ; that no house Is big enough for two families. I Although Madame (Iordun knew I had graciously insisted upon her retaining her place us head of the' household, never while she lived with us did she consult my comfort or in clinations in any way. I was made to feel that I was an interloper always. I never knew just what John had said to her but he is absolutely hon est, even though brutally frank, and I am sure that he told her that he wanted me to run the house and that I, through consideration of her feel ings, did not wish to do so. One of the "reasons I had for think ing this Is that late In the morning, when John and I had finished our breakfast, Madame (lordon sent for me to come to her room. I went In fear and trembllnc for T understood the advantage she had . scored over mo by this summons. ' I rapped lightly on her door and 1 heard In her cold voice the words, i "Come In," Does anyone ever say "Come in" ! with a fulling accent when she Is gra-' eiously inclined toward the visitor? I : never do. The most gracious act, of ' course, is opening the dror of one's In-1 timate room, oneself. Secondly, ono! says, "Oome," with a rising inflection, j 1 am very sensitive to the greet- ' lugs of my friends and my heart sank at the cold curtness and implacability i expressed in those two words: "Come i in." j I do not believe hat I am more eas ily hurt In this matter than the ma-; Jority of my sex and the greatest mar tyrdom that comes to modern women is the habtiual impoliteness or those' who love them Rial those with whom they are thrown In contact daily. Kv eiy woman In her heart knows this. Since the lime that Madame Gordon , crushed me with the nasty way In which she enunciated a perfectly com mon' greeting 1 have ti'ud never t. wi impolite to anyone for whom I felt the 1 (.lightest consideration. . j I had no illusions as to the reception I Road Building on 9 Desert. There is now nearing completion a 17-mile tangent of Lincoln Highway which outs across the Salt Lake Desert, shortening the highway by some fifty miles. The desert surface is broken up by means of gang plows and shaped by means of road graders hauled by caterpillar tractors. Owing to the nature of the soil difficulty was ex perienced in moist weather, due to the weight of the tractors which sank into the mud despite their broad bearing surfaces. The difficulty was solved by bolting timbers to the caterpillar belts so as to broaden the tread of the ma chines. As the road bed is completed the gravel is hauled and dumped over it by means of motor trucks mounted on broad steel-tired wheels which serve to pack the road material. Itaiscd Vegetables for Lunch Kooui Vegetables canned from the gardens cared for by the school children will be a feature of the school lunch room3 In Wyandotte county, Kan., this winter. The vegetables were put up ty volunteer helpers under the direc tion of the home demonstration agent of the Department of Agriculture and the State Agricultural College. At the school cannery 1000 bushels of toma loos, inong oiner vegetaDles, were canned. Make Sure Water Supply Is Safe. Wator for domestic use should be clear, lustrous, odorless, colorless, wholesome, soft, neither strongly acid nor alkiline, and its temperature for general farm purposes should be about 50 degrees F. These characteristics. however must never be deemed jproof of purity, for a, gfass, of water may possess them all and yet contain mil lions of disaster-producing germs. Any suspicious water should be rejected un til both the water and the surround ings where it is-obtained are passed upon by competent sanitation author ity, generally the state board of health. C4UGHT ANOTHER TERRIBLE COLD? Relieve It quickly with Dr. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey STOP toting around a disagreeable and dangerous cold. Let Dr.' Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey exert its ability as a supremely beneficial help jn relieving phlegm, stuffiness, . in flammation, congestion, hoarseness, diflicult breathing. Let it help you as It regularly helps thousands of others for whom its balsamic and healing antiseptics never fail to promote results. Sato for the little ones, too. An economical bottle can be procured from your druggist today. That's a wise thing to do. 30c., 60c, $1.20.. For the Youngster's Bowels Relieve that slow-acting liver and those nma-umfnoweis with gentle but 1-DO-Lnx.V Calomel t tna vinUnK ft UavAi Iincorafortable after-aifecta. Po-Do-La keep he family fit and feeling good, free from the lowlnir-uo of rchtlltri'iihnwa fine, nmu OATARRH For head or throat Catarrh try the vapor treatment VICKS VAPOR YOUR BODYGUARD - 30f. 60'. W.2A Moved From my former place of busi ness to tho corner of South 12th , and Mill Sts., in the big yellow '. building. Will be permanently, located and in a better position In serve my customers. I have a nice, lot of now mul secondhand Furniture, Harness and a good selection of standard Ranges, ; My stock is nice aiul clean, with reasonable prices. ' If you have anything to offer or exchange. H. ML Cannon raoxE m 395 Soultl IStU St. Re juvenate the Old Suit Case To clean a suit case, mix equal parts of vinegar and Unseed oil together, rub with a piece of flannel and polish with a cluster. EASE THE PAINFUL RHEUJIATIC TWINGE Sloan liniment will brinj, com forting relief quickly NEVER breaks faith, Sloan's Lini ment doesn't. Just penetrate without rubbing and eases the external pain and ache, rheumatic twinges, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, lame, sore, strained muscles, bruises, sprains. For 38 years it has gone ahead win ning new friends, holding old ones, strengthening its reputation as the World's Liniment. Clean, effective in relieving the aches and pains of men and women, this old family standby can be relied upon to do its work promptly and surely. Don't be without a bottle another day keep it handy. All Druggists 35c., 70c., $1.40. w I jjjfe- 1 The Busy Rubber Tree. . There are 2,000,000 acres of produc ing cultivate! rubber trees- In the world. Of these 1,600.000 acres are nnder British control. The market val ue of the shares representing this mar ket acreage was in August last, ac cording to the London Times, 1750,000, 000. Nasty Cold Eased At Once Tape's Cold Compound then breaks up a cold in a few hours Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A doae of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every ,two hours until three doses are taken usu ally breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged up nostrils and the air pass ages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fever- ishness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no Quinine Insist upon Pape's! (Adv) Sage Tea Beautifies And Darkens Hair Don't stay (fray! Sage Tea a4 Sal- paur darkens hairso naturally that nobody can tell Tou ean turn gray, faded hair iea tifully dark and lustrous almost ever night if you'll get a bottle of "yWy etS's Sage and Sulphur Conrpeund. i any drug store,. Millions of bottle of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im proved by the addition of other in gredients, are sold annually, saya well known druggist here, beeanse it darkens the hair so naturally and eyea ly that no one can tell it has been ap plied. Those whose hair is turning gray er 'becoming faded have a surprise await-' inr them, ecause after one or twe ap plications tho gray hair vanishes and vour locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired udatitfrajetive folks aren't wanted around, so get bu9y with "Wyeth's Bag and Sulhpur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with, your darkv handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. (Adv) Come TO DO 11 0 lumsvme 1 YOUR TRADING This year we have made the largest preparation in the history of this store for holi day business. Come to us for your Christmas wants and you will not be disappointed Special goods now on display in all departments. Round Point, Long Nickel Plated Copper Spark Plugs Handle Shovel $1.75 Tea KettJes. $2.50 Stewart V-Ray . . For Fair Description see Best For Ford Cai-s For Description see CCr 99T2339 pace 827 99T6670, page 841 For fair description see ; ' ' i. ... , : . ' 19X8825, page 808 Choppers " LogChains Universal Meat Victor Came Traps Cable 14 feet, 3-8-inch Family Size No. 0, each 20c; doz $2.00 rt nr $3.00 No. 1 each 25c; doz $2.75 . ... No.l12each35c;doz$4.00 For Fair Description see , . , . For fair description see, For Fair Description see 99T2826, page 831 6T52000, page 768 99T1110, page 848. ; - - - Standard Wire Nails s Pocket Knives Handled Axes Single - Sdstu Bit $2.25 T 6-0BaSR!fi f 50c . .p. . V Turn t0 PaSe 836 for For fair description see THE. NUMBER AND PAGE REFER TO SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. FALL CAT ALOG. SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. USE THEIR NUMBERS. Prices, we are paying today in trade f or Eggs, Fresh 80c Hens, over B lbs., ....27c Hens, under 6 lbs 20e Springs, over 2 lbs 20c Springs, under 2 lbs..... 25c Fat young dressed turkeys, over 8 lbs... 40c A.PSo66r& Go A umsvi 11 Special Demonstration ; of Je wel and Bridge-Beach Ranges Every afternoon from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., November 17 to 22. Drop in and enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea with hot biscuit and cake. : Non'e Better than Bridge & Beach Superior " Stoves and Ranges Come in and enjoy a cup of hot coffee or tea and biscuit. - ! T 7 f rn M Superior The Jewel Wood or Coal and . Gas Ranges Bake Better- : You place yourself under no obligation. Wm. Gahlsdorf THE STORE OF HOUSEWARES 133 N. Liberty Street Phone 67