Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 17, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ew Today '"Where Small 'Ads 'GetResultsa
If OF ft
mail k,osu.
m o
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 6 cents, one month,
28 insertions, 17 cents, oils soar, per
month, i) cents. Minimum per ad 25
cents. -
First insertion only in Now Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser -has
monthly account. No allowance for
Dhone errors '
St. $3000, $1000 cash,
terms, Roth Grocery Co.
New Today.'
WANTED Job. What have you?
Reference. Phone 7S2W. 274
11 3-4 ACRES all in cultivation, 1 1-2
miles out; tools, spurts, apples,
chickens, rabbits, pigeons, some
furniture goes with place. Bechtel,
Rt. .2, box 81, Salem, Or. 274
FOR SALE Span tt mules, -weight
. 2400 pounds, nee .-7 years... Also
,."121" variety of strawberry plants'.
Box -68, lit.. 7. Jefferson, Or: 273
GOATS for sale, thirty six head. R.
Anderson. Rt. 1. box 72. Jefferson
BETTER have your auto overhauled
and put in first class shape, guar
anteed. Work done in your own ga
rage. W. E. Tripp, Phone 136SM.
- - . 'J ' 277
CORN in field for sale, 1 1-1 miles
west of Keizer school house. About
7 acres. Will make good seed corn.
Bids must be in by the 19th. J. W.
Woodruff. 273
WANTED Plain sewing and mend
ing, envelopes to address, etc., at
home. 1502 Mission St. 274
FOR SALE Four Buttercup cocker
els, 8 months old. Fine winter Ap
ples, also weed cutter Phone 23F21
after 6 p. m. , 276
Very Desirable Property.
:7 room house nlastered. modern,
DR. I HALL WILSON-Spe-ifuH basement, -$2000.-' -
clalist in the Modern Scientif- 6 room house plastered, modern,
NEWCOMER to Salem want's to buy
n mnilarn linn.A 111, in n.-.,, 41
000.' Centrally situated as possi-'ie amplication of glasses for the aid; garage for two cars, fruit, $2000,
ble. Possession before Christmas. I of vision and the relief of eye strain
Write Mrs. Bottomly care Journal. -and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, ertice 145; res. 1244. j
WANTED To rent modern 6 or 6
' room unfurnished house by Dec.
1st. Garage preferred. C'N care
Journal. 278
',DR ALBERT R. 1J.ILLER, Optomet
rist, eyes examined and glasses fit
ted. Broken, lenses ; duplicated.
Hours at office daily, 4 p. m. to 6
p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
SI 0-13 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
COW for sale, lust fresh. A No.
heavy milker. 3 blocks from end 'of
12th street car line. T. L. Davidson.
... , 273
FOR SALE 9 goats.
Phone 107F32.
FOR EXCHANGE Good hotel in
good town for a farm in Willamette
valley. W. A. Liston, 434 Court St.
FOR SALE Cheap one Buick road
ster. 171 S. High St. 272
FOR SALE 40 acre ranch, fine
spring water piped to house and
barn, young family orchard, stock
and implements go with place, 2
miles south of Frlngle school house
on Piingle-Turner road. Address
Rt. 1," box 4C, Turner, Or. 272
FOR SALE 9 1-2x14 tent, child's
bed with mattress, reed baby bug
, gy, mnleable steel range with res
' ervoir, new heating stove, practic
, ally new double express harness and
single harness.. Will sell above arti
cles for 1-2 of original cost. 393 S.
12th street. 277
FOR SALE 8 fine Leghorn, pullets.
Phone 982R. . 273
FOR SALE 2d hand doors complete.
Phono E03R: 273
FOR SALE Or trade for good fresh
cow, good five year old mare, wl.
1300 lbs. Hamer, Rt. 2, box 146. 273
WANTED Team weighing 1400 to
1600 lbs, for hop yard work. Simon
hop ranch, Rt. 8, box 130. Phone
69F14. .- 273
-Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trafle sts.
Bills- payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
6 room house plastered, modern, 4
rooms . upstairs, unfinished,, 4500.
z 6 room houses plastered, modern,
basement, fireplace, $4000. " : -
3 acres all in cultivation, wire
fenced, .a. few bearing walnut and ap-,
pie trees,. 6' room ceiled house, out
buildings :iu KOod shape, 4 miles out,
$2500. '
10 acres,- R' In cultivation, 6 in tim
ber, stumps, etc., fenced, best red soil.
3 room house, $ls00, terms.
-.' Walter McLaren
VV Room S3, 180 N. Com. St, 276
Coming to the Oregon
: Used Cars for Sale.
1916 FORD for sale, very good tires,
Just completely overhauled, $425.
Box 27 Capital Journal. ' 272
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
; pared to take care of your cars no
' matter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
Hrst class repair work on any make
of cars. American Automoblie Co.,
Office 124 South: Liberty street:
Phone ,987,, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales.
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
WThy not get him. He only charges
1 per cent.
Second Hand Goods.
opened a first class shop repairing
and refmlshing' 01 all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate , your work. Phone- 1.74 1;
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
BOAR. Will sell my herd boar, 3
years old. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
$75 will take him. H. R. Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem.
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old,
eligible to registry that I will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
your choice while they last. H. R.
Jones, phone 49F2. ..
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
tLost And Found.
FOUND Watch Saturday.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce.- W. D. Smith.
FOR RENT A small furnished house
' close in to a couple without chil
dren. Call 351R. 273
WANTED Woman for general house
work. No objections to a person
with child. Call 1231R after p.
m. 273
TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering
for sale five modern bungalows
well located on paved street. Wil
liam H. Trindle, Bank of Com
merce bldg. 293
STRAYED From Jim Witzel place,
two horses, one dark bay, one light
bay with white hind feet, with sad
dle gald. Notify J. Jasmer, Turner,
Rt. i, box 25. 276
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
Inches high. Paints, oi and yam
ishes. etc.. loganberry vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence anc stove
Works, 250 Court street. Phono 124
FO RSALE 2 3-4 acres of fine land
, 4 room bungalow, close in. $1400:
Phone 2315. 273
WANTED Expert bookkeeper wish
es position of responsibility with
Salem firm. Best of references. Ad
dress box H care Journal, 274
FO RSALE Fine young goats, also
choice eastern Oregon beef. Price's
- Meat Market, 325 N. Com. St. 274
FOR SALE Late model Ford- tour
ing car, fine condition, extras.
Phone 1341M. 274
.HOSTESSES Call Mrs. H.- S. Pres
cott, 1600 Chemeketa, to assist in
serving luncheons and all social or
lodge affairs; or will take full
"take full charge. Fancy cakes a
' specialty. Phone 904R mornings.
FOR SALE By owner, one of Sa
lem's nicest homes, nine rooms; "ev
ery modern convenience. Choice lo
cation, first class condition. Can be
seen by appointment. Phone 36 or
125. 272
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court St
For Rent
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms,
furnished. 435 N. Liberty. 272
FOR SALE 100x52 1-2, corner Court
-and 13th streets, will all street and FOR RENT Housekeeping
other assessments paid. Price $2,-
500. Terms to suit purchaser. Inter
est 6 per cent. Oswald West, 1500
Journal bldg, Portland, Or. 2"
lor ladies. 910 N. Church.
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished house
keeping rooms, modern. 818 Broad
way. 27
LOST On Summer or Court .St. nose
'i glasses, bifocal. A. MeCulloch case.
"Phone 587. 273
LANDS in the Suthei-Iiu valley, Ore
gon, suoject to irrigation, for sale
m tracts tip to 240 acres, at sacri-
, fice prices to clean up lands secur
ed under foreclosure of mortgage.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
i 273"
Help Wanted
WANTED carpenter and repair
work in or out of town. Guarantee
first class work.VPhone 1363J. 44
N. Commercial St. ' 272
Money To Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent Interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple,
Salem, Oregon.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, riles, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to rU or trade.
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
- . .. . j . . . ;
K . - . - -
1 yi x ..:.:..:..:.: 9 r r7 l . -
1 .X : 'V- ' .: .V
$800 TO loan on city Tir country
property. Address j care 01 jour
nal. . 273
A BARGAIN 50 Flemish Giant rab
bits, one registered buck, first prize
at Ogden, Utah, first at Boise, Ida
ho. I am on the road and must
sell. L. J. Davenport, Page fence
representative, Sllverton, Or. 273
ft m m
about half
Com'l. St.
superior to cloth at
price. Max O. Buren,
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l
St. -, . . .7 V 276
' Grain: Wheat, No. L $2; feed oats
75g'80c; milling oats 86c; cheet hay
$17; oat hay $20; clover hay $2122;
mill run $44 45.
Butterfat: Butterfat, 70c; cream
ery batter, 6769c.
Pork, veal and mutton: rorK on loot
15 l-2s;. veal, fancy; 20a; steers
7 80; cows 5 7 l-2c; spring lambs
914c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings 60.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 70c;
light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 1516c; springs 20c.
Vegetables: Onions per ack 4c;
celery doz. 90c; potatoes 2c; sweet
potatoes 5 l-2c. '
Fruit: Oranges $6.006,50; lemons
$8.50; bananas 11c; honey extracted,
2 0c; bunch beets,-. 45c; vabbage 2Wc;
head lettuce $1.00; carrots 45c; grapes,
Tokays 12 'Ac; Brussell sprouts 16c;
cauliflower $2.00 doz.; red peppers, 20c
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 75o;
creamery butter 76c; country butter
68c; flour, hard "wheat $3.108.15.
- l r 7K.
Striking Chinese Scenes
In Play "Brokes Blossoms '
HERE'S A SNAP Splendid 6 room
house, good condition, 2 lots, good
barn, fruit, 1 block to car line.
Price $2500'. Won't last long, terms.
See me today, H. E. Bolinger, Ore
gon bldg.
WANTED To sell or trade for mod
ern and reasonably close in city
property, one 68 acre and an 18
acre tract, one or both, A-l fruit
and berry land. Box 14 care Capi-
' tal Journal. 273
WANTED Three first class carpen
, ters, $6.25 for eight hours.. Oregon
Pulp & Paper So., Salem. : 274
FOR RENT Furnished room in pri
vate family. Phone 1669, 274
WANTED Office Work or position
ns bookkeeper, by experienced man.
' Address X Y Z care Capital Jour
nal. 273
WANTED Work by
E C care Journal.
steam engineer.
TAKEN UP One yearling heifer, red
' Ed Jory, Rt. 3. 2 1 6
ster. 17 S. High.
one Buick
FOR SALE 6 months old milk goat
-; Saanen; also young buck. Wanted
' secondhand Incubator and single
: work harness. Write B. M. Woods,
' or first house north West Salem
school. 272
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. - -. Salem, Ore.
need of a carpenter call
; 273
WANTED To borrow $10,000 on
one of best farms in the Willam
ette valley 6 miles from Salem. Will
pay 6 per cent interest for 5 seal's.
W. A. Liston, 484 Court St. 2'
MEN WANTED To tip loganberries,
3 blocks from end of 12th street
car line. T. L. Davidson. 272
WANTED - Room and board by
young man. Address Room care
Journal. 273
WANTED A man to work on a farm
married or single, house furnished
if desired, good wages by the day,
month or year, which ever desired.
Phone 895, number 1033 Chemeke
ta St. 2J4
WANTED Horse not Over 8, must
be cheap for cash. Phone 91F15. '272
i WANTED Woman to care for in
valid. 2090 Ferry St. 272
VVANTJSD Twelve R, I. Red one
year old hens. K 095 S. Commercial
street, Salem, To- phone call up
WANTED Man and wife want posi
tion on , farm, not afraid to work.
Box 4-X care Journal. f274
WANTED Medium sized furnished
room,- suitable for light housekeep
ing. Rt. 1, box 4, Turner, Or. 273
WANTED Long job of cutting wood.
1057 S. Liberty. 272
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds temoved on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167,
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars for wrecking. Auto
parts for sale.
Autos for hire without drivers.
1917 Ford. $425
1 Samson tractor $500 :
1-Ton Ford truck $350
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $626.
Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
-auto parts, tires and accessories.
Portland, Or., Nov. 17. Butter, city
creamery 66 67c; Eggs selected local
ex 7680c; hens 2628c; broilers 22
27c; geese loc; cheese Sttgpa&o.
Live Stock.
Cattle: Receipts 2009; tone of mar
ket strong; good to choice steers $9.00
9.50; fair to medium steers $78
common to fair steers, $5.506.6O;
choice to good bows and heifers $6.50
7.50; canners $34; bulls $56.50;
calves $814. - r"
Hoes: Receipts 2139; tone of mar
ket strong;' prime mixed $16$16.50;
medium mixed $15.016.00; rough
heavies $14.0014.50; pigs, $14.60
15.00. .
Sheep: Receipts 056; tone of mar
ket strong; prime lambs $U.OO12.00
fair to medium lambs, $10.50 11.00;
yearlings, $8.50 9.00; . wethers, $7.60
8.60; ewes $5.00 7.00.
. Lift off Corns!
i ..,- 1 ,
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona
costs only a few cents.
jm I.'. W. Grir'Mj s . . usterpler.e,
"Broken t'ssoms' now ul the Oregon
TJ.o "e, 'here are worn striking scerci
sh'iwing it 1 plctur 'm China ItJ the
poet fillers Huan kmw l-e'ore he loft
the land of plum b'.csso.ns to settle
down in ao muciv st ivmi. fields and
the dock district of London's East End.
One of these scenes shows a kindly
oIJ I I'.r-i arin who mom hfs "Kago '
r redan-(.hair to d's'thal'. isweetmeaU
ml ' eas.V' to a bov oi richly dressed
litllo Oh.) ese maid i'.i.
The camera cannot tell you all the
truth about China, but Mr. Griffith
was quick to see that something of the
truth, the contrast between the kindly
treatment accorded children by the
Chineses, and the brutality, vlclousness
and unthinking cruelty meted out to
the chldren of the poor In other places
had to be drawn, so as to emphasize
the naturalness of the Chinese chivalry
that made Cheng Huan inevitably- caro tween the toes, and the hard skin cal
for little fifteen year old Lucy, after luses from bottom of teot.
her beast of a father, Battling Burrows
Witli your fingers! You can lift Off
any hard teorn. soft corn, or corn be-
had driven her from his wretched one-
room home. ' ;
Nothing cotild be more pitiable thm
the condition of the children who have
to live through "Llmehouse Nights" ,'in
London. In Mr. Griffith's latest pro
duction by far the greatest one he
has made you are made to see the
noisome alleys; the wretched rooihB,
the calls to vice,
Time Tables.
WANTED $5000 and $5200 at 5 1-2
per cent, best farm security. Box
86, Rt. 2, Salem, Or. 274
Why Sell Por Less?
MOTORCYCLE to trade for old Ford.
Call evenings or leave Orders at
Buren's, 179 N. Commercial. 273
FOR RENT Unfurnished apart
' . ments at 703 N. High. Call 5S6.I.
For Sale.
6TARKS Delicious apples. Write A.
E. Zimmerman Rt. 9, a card if you
want some. 273
REMINGTON typewriter Tor sale. In
' autre 1345 Marion St. 272
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zanmerman-
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross & Son.
FOR SALE Cook stove tn A-l
dition. 1720 Chemeketa St.
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and u. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
WANTED Lady boarder, room and
coartt $15 month. Ella Finney. 276
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bia be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, Indies and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
Lodge Directory.
WANTED To rent furnished or un
furnished 5, 6 or 7 room house.
Phone 1600 or 474. 272"
tupofa . Aver.v Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
WANTED Highest price paid for
lat cattle ana milch cows. , Phone
1576W. 279
-McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S.
WANTED To buy second hand sew
" ing machine. Address '10.-G care
Journal. 2
GOOD room and 4oard may be had
in private family, close in. Phone
1781J. 272
' . , T 1 ., 1' A .
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder, Mrs, Melissa Persons, 1416
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
FOR RENT Apartment to refined
. party without children, 162 South
-Church. 273
FOR SALE Regal car, underslting,
would make good bug. Phone 1486.
GOAT meat for sale, first class only.
1 Orders taken 2567 Oak and 2oth
street Phone 2160M.
CHOICE goat meat at Peoples mar
ket between State and Court, on
Liberty street.
FOR SALE 1919 Buiek. Five pas
senger. Practically new. Wilson's
garage, phone 220. 276
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring car.
has not been run 2000 miles. See
car at Dodge agency.. 184 South
Commercial St. 281
FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet by Pri
vate owner, almost same as new.
Price reasonable. Harry Pearson,
phone 12F5. 272
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
or stunipage. ash, maple, oak and
nr. Address Wm. II. Egan & Sons,
Gervais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F11
Niemeyer's Buys.
room modern house on N. 19th
St. Newly decorated throughout. $2.-
6 room modern home on Belmont
St. Woodshed. Lot 42x06. Walnut and
pear trees. Cement walks. $2500.
6 room strictly modern home nt
1780 Court St. Good fruit. More than
2 large lots. A snap buy. $4000. Easy
' 8 room modern house on W. Lin
coin St. Lot 75x150. $3500.
2 i acres 1 mile from Aumsvllle. 10
acres prunes; 10 acres apples; 3 1
cultivated, balance timber. All fenc
ed. $4000.
30 acres 7 miles south. 20 acres
prunes; 4 acres apples; 1-2 acre ruer
nes: 3 logans; balance cultivated. 4
room house; barn and 2 chicken hous
es all good. New dryer
piped to buildings. All eouiimient in
1 eluded. 112,600.
140 acres 6 miles from Dallas. 40
acres cultivated; 15 acres prunes: 75
acres good second growth timber. New
house; spring water. Close to school.
A good hill ranch. $6000.
C. W. Niemeyer.
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. Phones 1000, 1014. 272
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonlo Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar" Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons, V. C. Frank A. Turner,
clerk. .
n. Good Buys.
25 acre tract of land, 1 acre culti
vated, balance pasture and timber, 5
room house, fine spring on place, lo
cated on rock road, 5 1-2 miles from
Salem. Price $2000.
80 acre tract. 85 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, house and
barn, spring water, 5 head of cattle,
5 horses, pigs, chickens, all maenm
ery. Price $7500.
63 acre farm nearly all cultivated,
6 room house and barn, rock road,
good fruit and berry land, 5 miles
from Salem. Price $125 per acre.
6 acres nearly all in fruit, logan
berries, cherries and prunes, house,
chicken house, wood bouse-, well, 5
miles south. Price $1600.
20 acre tract all cultivated, 5 acres.
prunes, house and earn, close to a-
lem. Price $10,600.
20 acre tract all cultivated, some
fruit, good house and barn, well, lo
cated on main road leading from Sa
lem. Price $8500. Will consider good
modern bungalow as part payment.
6 acre tract located on main Pacific
highway, 1 3-4 miles from street car
line, 2 1-2 acres prune -orchard. Price
$2260, $1400 down, balance 6 per cent
19 1-2 acre tract, two good houses,
8 acres bearing prunes, loganberries,
family orchard, best of soil. 4 1-2
miles from Salem. Price $11,500.
Good 6 room modern home located
at 1565 South Liberty street. Price
2800. -
Well improved 5 acre tract clOBe to
carline. Rood 5 room plastered bunga
low, basement, electric light, bearing
fruit. Price $6000.
17 acre tract, 10 acres bearing or
chard, mostly prunes, house and barn,
well, located on main Facmr nign
way. Price $6000, $1500 down, bal
ance 6 per cent interest!
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street 273
No. Northbound
54 Oregonian 6:00 a.m.
16 Oregon Express ' 6:55 a.m.
28 Willamette Limited 9:17 a.m.
18 Portland Passenger'-. 1:60 p.m.
24 Coos Bay ; 6:35 p.m.
14 Portland Express 7:45 p.m.
Oregonian 3:10 a.m.
23 For Eugene 10:05 a.m.
15 California Express 11:05 a.m.
17 Roseburg Passenger 4:08 p.m.
27 Willamette Limited 6:44 p.m.
13 San Francisco Pass 10:03 p.m.
78 Arrive at Salem ,.. .9:10 ,m.
74 Leave Salem : 4:00 p.m.
A tiny bottle of "Frcezooe" eort
little t any drug store; apply a ier
drops upon the corn or callus. Instant
ly it etopa hurting, then shOTtly yo
lift that batnerBome corn or canus rig"
off, root and 'all, without one bit of,
pain or soreness. Trulyl No atimlbug!
161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9:28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor ....L:66 p.m.
Thru car to Monmouth and Alrlle
171 Leaves Salem
162 Arrives Salem ..
164 Arrives Salem ,
166 Arrives Salem
6:15 p.m
... 8:25 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
3:20 p.m
172 Arrives Salem 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. 'Portland Salem " Eugene
5 Ltd 8:15 am 10:15 am 12:30 pra
7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only
9 2:05 pm 4:15 pia 6:35 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pm- 8:40 -pm 8:80 pm
17 8:05pm 8:07 pra Salem only
19 9:20pin 11:20 pm Salem only
North Bank station (leive Jeffer
son street. 15 and 20 Vnlnutes later)
. on
Without Delay
Masonic Building
Phones 10001014
We Want.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathic
physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office
phone 1394. - 270
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
283 North Commercial St.
; For Sale
176 acres 12 miles from Salem. 3
miles from R. R. station. 85 clear, bal
ance pasture and timber, 70 acres
bottom land worth $150 per acre.
Buildings good as new, cost over $5,
000. 8 room house, basement, furn
ace, hot and cold water, bath, toilet.
water piped In house and barn from
Spring water fine spring. Stock with place consist
ing of o horses. -12 cows. 37 sheen.
200 chickens, farm tools of all kinds'
15 tons hay, silo full of ensllaxe, and
other feed and se?d wheat; furniture,
all goes. Personal property worth $3
10 Ltd
16 Ltd
Leave Arrive Arrive
Eugene Salem Portland
. -7:15 am 9:30 om
7:25 am 9:48 am 11:30am
12:05 pm 2:30 pm
1:55 pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm
Salem only 6:30 pm 7:40 pm
4:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm
North Bank station (arrive Jeffer
son street 15 minutes earlier.) 'Leave
Corvalils. ' s
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow with
or without furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St.
FOR SALE By owner, 18 acres near
Halem, 7 acres prunes mostly bear
ing; strawberries set entire orchard,
3 acres loganberries, 3 acres pota
toes, balance good stump pasture;
good buildings, excellent locality.
Priced cheap, $5400, 1-2 cash, bal
ance terms. Owner, S. R. Pearson,
Turner, Rt. 2, box 65C.S. Telephone
107F24 or 12F5. 272
Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem
8:20 am 9:45 am
2:35 pm 4:00 pm -
6:18 pm 7:65 pm
Leave Salem . . Arrive Corvalils
10:15-am 11:37 am
4:12 pm 5:40 pm
6:40 pm 8:00 pm
Wood Saw.
Recent high water in the Willamette
river is reported .to have done- much
damage to lumber companies having
logs stored In streams at unprotected 'HONE 1754R. Our prices are right,
points. ' . I W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N,
, . , Bummer atreet, Salem, Or.
The banks of Baker have purctiasert
the $155,000 worth of bonds recently
voted In tb,at city: for civic improve
ments, paying $1150 above par.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
. Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
At Oregon City Alfred Chandler,
young sotr of c. H. L. unanaier, nau
three fingers of his right hand blown
off by the explosion of a dynamite cap.
At Oregon City Friday Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Gcer transferred a deed to
some land in Wilsonville to John J.
Hughes. The deed was 64 years old.
205 Oregon Building