. . jiLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1919. PAPSTHRE? 'X t Mr- GOVERNOR WOULD CLEAR SOLDIERS AID BILL DOUBT In order to set at rest the minds of x-service men who are attending Ore- Son schools under the provisions of the soldiers educational aid bill, Governoi Olcott has asked Attorney General Brown to advise the state emergency board at its meeting next Tuesday, No vember 25, as to what powers it may possess toward creating an emergency appropriation for meeting the huge de ficiency which now looms in this fund. Tha last legislature in passing the act which is intended to encourage ex service men in continuing their educa tion, provides a fund equal to a tax levy of two-tenths of a mill. . Based on a valuation of approximately one trillion dollars this would provide a fund of some 2 00,000. There are now aonroximately twenty-four hun dred anolications on file with the set retary of state's office from former soldiers, sailors and marines who are mwkine to take advantage of this act Based on these figures it will cost the tate of Oregon not less than $300,000 and probably $350,000 in the adminis tration of this act this year, or from Jinn 000 to J150.000 more than the leelslature made provision for. Many ex-service men are said to be apprehensive lest the state will not be able to meet the looming deficiency and are anxious to know whether they can count on finishing the school year ,,rwia,- tim nrovlslons of thS act. ' In order that this apprehension may be quieted Governor Olcott has asked the attorney general for his opinion in the matter. The state emergency board Tvioetn Tuesday. November 25'to con sider the appeal of the public service commission for an appropriation for maintaining its grain inspection de partment Attorney General Brown is requested to be prepared with his opin ion on the possibility of a deficiency appropriation for the educational aid lund at this time, not that any action is contemplated now but in order that the board can express Its sentiments toward such a deflniency appropria tion for the benefit of the ex-service men who are taking advantage of Us benefits. No action would be taken to ward creating the deficiency appropri ation, according to Governor Olcott's tetter, until the fund provided by the two-tenth of a mill tax levy shall have keen exhausted. ' 4c 4c INCORPORATIONS. Indicating a prospect for extensive developments in the lumbering indus try of Wallowa county, articles of in corporation were filled here Saturday by the Wallowa Pine Lumber company capitalized at $350,000. The incorpor ators and stockholders listed in the articles include the Bear, Creek Lum ber company, Herschel McKinnis, L. C. Johnson, F. C. Whiting, C. W. Pursell and a long list of other prominent 'Wal Iowa county citizens. The principal offices of the corporation will be lo cated in the ctiy of Wallowa and the sawmill, planing mill and box factory will be located on or near Bear creek. Other corporations filing articles Friday ewer: Federal Box & Lumber company, Portland; $23,000; R. H. Brown, Chas. B. McCulloch, G. C. Frisbie. Healy Manufacturing company, Port land, $5000; Frank S. Healy, Wm. A Healy, A. W. Fraser and John Lof dnhl. 1 Heyburn Hardware company, Bend ; $5000 Ji B. Heyburn,' Carolyn A. Hey burn, Ross Farnham. Imperial Meat Market, Astoria; $13,- 000; Charles J. Wahl, John Tiensen, Edna A. Wahl. Oregon Auto Repair, Inc., Portland, $20,000; Ernest A. Oetzen, M. E. Oet zen, Christ Winkler. Grand Opera House THURSDAY, NOV. 20 Seat sale at Opera House Pharmacy A THRILLING PICTUR ESQUE AND ROMANTIC STORY OF KENTUCKY LIFE HORSES IN OLD The Spirited and Exciting Horse Race The Famous Ken tucky Thoroughbred, Queen Bess The Rollicking Fun of the Inimitable Pickaninnies. The Strongest and Most Expensive Cast the Play Has Ever Had. SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS TO START SOON t "Now that the Red Cross roll call is ended as per arrangement with the National Tuberculosis association, the attention of the public spirited and hu manitarian citizens of regon will nat urally turn to the sale of Red Cross Christmas seals," said A. L. Mills, pres ident of the Oregon Tuberculosis asso ciation, under whose auspices the sale will be conducted in the state uecem ter 1 to 20 Inclusive. "Eight and one-half million dollars dnrfved from the sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals during the past eleven years, have been instrumental in pro viding approximately $100,000,000 worth of institutions in fighting tuber culosis all over the country. The an nual maintenance and upkeep of these institutions is more than $20,000,000. "I wish to make plain that this is sot at' drive or a campaign it is simply the means taken for the past 12 years to finance the great fight against tu berculosis. One of the distinctive fea tures of the seal sale is the fact that 90 per cent of the proceeds will be kept right here in Oregon, only 10 per cent lielng sent to the national organization." KENTUCKY Writton by C. T. BAZEY KENTUCKY THOROUGHBRED HORSES THE FAMOUS PICKANINNY BRASS BAND Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard . But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the piaster and without the blister. Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, ea that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re- 4, lief how speedily the pain disappears: Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, ' tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50, Resolutions of dissolution were filed bv the Silverton Hopgrowera Ware-I house association. HAVE COLQRJN CHEEKS 3e Better Looking Take Olive Tablets - To have a clear, pink skin, bright eves, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must keep vour body free from poisonous wastes. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege table compound mixed with olive oil) act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effect Take one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome constipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually. 10c and 25ct Youthful in Body cindMind How do you Never mind your age as measured by years. leeu That s the thing that counts! See this sprightly old gentlemen coming toward you down the street. His birth record would show you that he is past seventy. But judging from the easy grace with which he swings along, his errect carriage, his ruddy complexion, the keen glance of his eye, his whole appearance the very picture of health, you would say that he is not a day past fifty.- He is young in spice of his three score years and ten. More frequently you see the opposite of his type. (Men scarcely in their thirties haggard, listless, weak, nervous men who take no interest in life, just dragging out a weary existence, all in, tired and worn out. Though young in years, they are, nevertheless, old men. Their vital forces are on the wane. They've lost their "punch"' and "pep." They feel old and they look it! Stay young by keeping your body fit. Keep stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and bladder healthy and active. Build up your strength and health. Nothing will accomplish these results better than The Great General Tonic . Just try "LYKO' when you are feeling the least bit jaded, tired and worn out. St?e for yourself how quickly it rejuven ates what a fresh feeling of strength and power is given you. It's a reliable appetizer, a splendid aid to digestion, be sides tends to strengthen and tone up the entire body. Your druggist has "LYKO." Get a bottle today. Look for the name on the package and accept no substitute. Sole Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansas City, Mo. LYKO la Mid In orlilnal pack agaa only, Ilka picture abova. Rafuaa all aubatltutaa. n lit J cVf I I i TTT I I I II I II I P fa IH tion 0 O PREPARE , YOURSELF FOR THERE are only TEN more days until this joy ous event. YOU no doubt have planned a trip home or to some city to be with your friends on this day of days. Therefore prepare now. Iht : i ii it .... MM'MMMi Mb 75c and $1.00 box Good winter apples. Keep for 4 or 5 months. Will deliver 2 or more boxes.- U. S. Garage Call 554 Ferry or Phone 1752 Best Health In Years" From Internal Baths IJ: Miss Frances Herrod, care of Plunk ett-Jarrell Grocery Co., Little Rock, Ark., writes Tyrrel'8 Hygienic Insti ' lute of New Tork, as follows: "I am very glad to tell you that I am more than pleased with the results obtained from the use of the 'J. B. L. Cascade,' and am In better health than I have been in years." This Is but one of thousands of the same kind of letters received by Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell of New Tork, the In ventor of the "J. B. Li. Cascade." By a purely natural process of prop - rlv iinine- vn rm water, the "J. B. L. Cascade" removes all the poisonous 'waste from the lower intestine, wnicn physicians agree Is the cause of 95 per cent of all human ailments. . Daniel J. Fry has filled an enorm . ous demand for "J. B. L. Cascade" in the past few years and will show and .tnioin it to vmi on reauest. An in teresting: booklet on internal bathing "Why Man of Today is Only 50 per cent Efficient" can be obtained at their store free of any coat, (Adv) NOT A THEORY . It's a fact that the use of alcohol even in moderate doses as taken in tonics is often habit-forming in effect SCOTT'S EMULSION n easily assimilated tonic nutrient supplies the body with those elements that contribute to strength. Free from alcohol or any other L t-.l -1 II U I III I U I CICHICIIll Scott's builds strength by nourishment. 1 The Rubber Bargain Week AT THE Peoples Cash Store THE BIGGEST SMASH IN THE HISTORY OF THIS LINE WILL BEGIN MONDAY, AND FOLLOW FOR ALL WEEK THE.BIG DRIVE WILL START ON ALL FRONTS, AS FOLLOWS : Storm Rubber Boots Misses rubbers of all kinds children Rubber coats for men, ladies and Low rubber boots ' Men's heavy rubber shoes Children's boots and shoes Boys' rubbers of all kinds Ladies' rubber boots and shoes Rain capes, and others. NOTICE: With the beginning of December we will have a special mail order' department. We hope we will get the support of all the country towns in the vicinity of Salem. . Groceries y Mensfihbftiogs sy Goods 8 ThefiremfimStofe msAoa Ciothincf' .afotionn.. PHONE 453 u 5" I ' : IF you wait until the last minute you will always jrri forget just the article that you need most. If not S you have to choose some merchandise at the last min ,ute th?t i" not just what you had in mind. CHOOSE , :.-('' With care the cloth ing that you will need, BISHOP'S have the best mer c h a n d i s e manufactured;' YOU are not "taking a chance here". Each and every article sold has but one standard "the best." NEW arrivals are reaching us daily in all our many depart ments. The newest of TIES, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, UNDER WEAR, HATS and SHOES 1 In fact we are "COMPLETE FURNISHERS FOR MEN AND BOYS." NEED a new, HAT.fr. SVEEB 3 HALLORY HAT will give you satisfac- THE HOLIDAYS are approaching with wonderful rapidity. Why not anticipate your needs, make your selections while stocks are complete. "Every Fanuly-in Maron and Polk Counties a Patron" Salem Woolen Mills Store QnoDDOomiffliiiooiiMiiiiDoooau 88 r ' Opening Sale Suits I A large line of Women's Coats reduced for quick selling v-Coats of all leading colors in Kersey, Silvertone and Bolivia Cloth; some self trimmed, others trimmed in fur and plush. You must see this line to appreciate their real value. $85.00 Coats at this Sale $59.00 $39.00 Coats at this Sale ?. $29.00 $29.50 Coats at this Sale ;. $22.50 RADICAL REDUCTIONS PREVAIL This Group of New Fail Women's Suits are all standard of real value, of striking individual designs in tailored, belted and plaited effects. Light wool velour, fur trimmed, reg. $65 seller. $49.00 Heavy wool velour, $40.00 valu $29.50 Silvertone, Velvet trimmed in belted and plaited, regular $59.00 value $39.50 Heavy wool jersey, fancy silk lined a Palmer garment, regular $57.50 at ,.. $33.75 Special Silk Sport Skirts in Blue, Black. Checks and Stripes, Regular $7.50 Value, Special at $4.95 Men's Store 416 State Street Ladies' Store 466-474 "State Street - CD Store opens 9 a. m. Closes 5:45 p. m.; Saturday, 8 p. m. Scan a Bownt.BloemScld. N.J. 19-1'