Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 15, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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PAGE seven:
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 6 cents, one month,
28 insertions, 17 cents, one .r, per
month, 9 centa Minimum per nd 25
First Insertion only in Sew Today.
Citv ads cash in advance and "not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
For Sale.
ST ARKS Delictous tipples. . Write A.
is. Zimmerman Ht. 9, n card if you
want some. . i 273
FOR SALE First class delivery bed.
Phone 21F13. 271
monthly account.
phone errors
No allowance tor
New Today.
Ir'OR RENT Housekeeping
for ladies. 910 N. Church.
REMINGTON typewriter for sale. In
quire 1345 Marion St. 27J
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross & Son.
Small Ads 'Gel 'Results at Small Cosi
ALL kinds of grain seed, stock and
chick feed and potato bags at Cher
ry City Milling Co. - - 271
Help Wanted
ALL kinds of grain seed, stock and '
chick feed and potato bags at Cher- j
ry City Milling Co. 271"
MEN WANTED To Up loganberries.
$ blocks . from end of 12 th street
car line. T. L. -Davidson.; . 272
Real EstateHouses
FOR SALE Or trade for good fresh '
cow, good five year old mare, wt. t
1300 lbs. Hamer, Rt. 2, box 146. 273 ;
ALL kinds of grain seed, stock and
chick Med and potato bags at Cher
ry City Milling Co. 271
WANTEDtnian to work, on a farm
married or single, house furnished
if desired, good wages by the day,
month or year, which ever desired.
Phone 895, number 1033 Chemeko
ta tit. : - 2?
FOR SALE 6. room bungalow with
or without .furniture; terms. W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St,
FOR SALF Cook stove In A-l con-
dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. 278
STRAYED From Jim TVltzel place,
bay with white hind feet, with sad-"
die gaia. iNouiy j. jaumec, innin,
lit. 1, box 25. 275
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
WANTED Twelve R. I. Red one
vear old hens. K 695 S. Commercial
"street, Salem. To phone call up
1510. 272
WANTED Medium slued furnished
room, suitable for light housekeep
ing. Et. 1, box 4, Turner, Or. 273
WANTED Long job of cutting wood.
1057 S. Liberty. 272
FOR RENT Apartment to refined
party without children, 152 South
Church. 273
FOR SALE Regal car,
would make good bug.
Phone 148ti.
$500 TO loan on city or country
property. Address J care of Jour
nal. 2"3
FOR SALE 2200,
prunes. Address
4 to 6 Italian
Edw Potter, Sa-
WANTED To rent by refined fami
ly, furnished house or apartment.
References. Will take lease. Address
Wager care Journal. 271
WANTED A position by a man of
culture and eood habits who-is
willine to work. References. A B
care Journal 271
WANTED Woman to care for in
valid. 2090 Ferry St ,272
FOR SALE 6 room house, not mod
ern, 2 lots, 1695-Lee St. louu. mra,
Chase, 880 N. 17 St. .
500; part o crop now In. Price! S
000, 7000 cash, balance 6 years at
6 per cent. This is a bargain if you
are looking for a farm. Enquire at
619 State St. , 273
FOR SALE 2 lots en North 23d St.
Inquire at 375 N. 23d St. 271
Marriage licenses were Issued to
day t G IB. Tompkins, 24, , Salem,
and Jessie Gilmer, 23, Salem; Alva
Chester Harp," 26, Salem, and Ruth
Norman Baldwin, 22, Salem; Arthur
Schultz. 29, Portland, and Estella
Christensen, 22, Jefferson, ri i.j
WANTED Man and wife want posi
tion on farm, not afraid to work.
Box 4-X care Journal. 274
FOR SALE By owner, li acres near
Salem. 7 acres prune mostly bear
ing; straw berries set entire orchard,
3 acres loganberries, 3 acres pota
toes, balance good stump pasture;
o-nnrt hiillrlinirs. excellent locality.
Priced cheap. $5400, -1-2 -cosh, bal
,. tonus Owner. S. R.- Pearson,
t. Bt. 2. box 55C. Telephone
in7"M ni- 12F5. 272
WANTED Young man desires place
I with nrivate family, room and
STENOGRAPHIC , or typing work probably board. Close in. Address
wanted, afternoons only. Will also! B U B "Journal.
Oregon Express
Willamette Limited
8 Portland Passenger ....
24 Coos Bay
Portland Express
53 Oregonian .
For Eugdne ..
15 California Express
17 Roseburg Passenger
7 Willamette Limited
3 San Francisco Pas.,.
take work
home. Box 444
care j
FOR KENT 4 unfurnished house
keeping rooms, modern. 818 Broad
way. 273
FOR SALE 7 j-oom modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. Wood.
Bayne bldg. 271
and board by
GOAT meat for sale, first class only.
Orders taken 2567 Oak ami 25th
street. Phone 21C0M. '
WANTED $5000 and $5200 at 5 1-2
per cent, best farm security. Box
86, Rt. 2, Salem, Or. 274
WANTED Lady boarder, room and
board $15 month. EllaFinney. 276
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladles and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
voung man. Address Room care " 1
journal 273 CHOICE goat meat at Peoples mar- i
, 1 1 lift between State and Court on I
WANTED To. borrow $10,000 on Liberty street. . - .
one of best farms in the Willnm-
ette valley 6 miles from Suiem. Will FOR SALE 1919 Buick. Five pas-
pnH per cent interest for 5 years. songer. Practically new. Wilson's
W." A. Liston, 484 Court St. 272 garage, phone 22.0. 276
Jb'OR EXCHANGE Good hotel in FOR SALE 8 or 15 acres, berry or
good town for a farm in Willamette hop land at Claxtar station, O. E.
vallev W. A. Liston, 484 Cour) St. Call 2490 Myrtle Ave. Phone 950M.
272 - ' 271
IOR SALE Cheap one Buick
ster. 171 S. High St.
SALESMEN Economy lines of cal
endars, leather goods and bank
Kiiuiilies. eood commissions; ex
clusive contract and territory; es
tablished house. Economy Adver
tising Co., Iowa City, Iowa. 271
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring car.
has not been run 2000 miles. See
ear at Dodge agency, 184 South
Commercial St. 2S1
WANTED Girl or woman for gener
id housework, a good home at 1610
N. Summer St. or phone 511. 31 rs.
F. N. Woodry. 271
LOST Package containing curtain
material. Owner's name on outside
Leave at Journal office. . 271
WANTED A eentle horse for Its
keep, good home, little work. K. K.
Waldorf, Rt. 5, Salem. 271
cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic application ot glasses ior me uu
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Uince cioseo
days. Office. 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. .Fhones, office 145; res. 1244.
BARGAIN 88 acres 6 miles south of
' Salem, 35 acres -cultivated, 80 acres
pasture, 15 acres .timber, 325 prune
trees one year old family orchard,
: buildings. Price $7500 balance five
' years at 6 per cent. Phone 2315.
..' ' 271
WANTED To rent furnished or un
furnished 5, 6 or 7 room house.
.Phone 1600 or 474. 272
T-vr AT TJT7.WT n. liIILLER. Ootomet-
rist, eyes examined and glasses fit- ed fruit and berries. $
ted. BrOKen lenses uuiiutaicu.
Hours at office daily, 4 p. m. to. 6
p. m. Saturday B a. m. to 6,p. .m,
Appointment by phone any hour.
510-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet by pri
vate owner, almost same as new
Price reasonable. Harry Pearson
phone 12F5. 272.
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Walle.r
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms, Roth Grocery Co.
WANTED Highest price paid for
fat cattle and much. cows, -none
1576W. 279
WANTED To buy second hand sew
iug machine. Address 10,-G care
Journal. 272
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable- monthly in advance.
Phone 606. - . "
WANTED Furnished house by young
couple with no children. Phone
612R. . 271
FOR SALE Modern 5 room bunga
low, two lots, $3000. Part cash. W.
A. Liston, agent, 484 Court St. 271'
FOR SALE 55 acres, , good sou,
buildings good, will be on paved
road next year; if you want a farm
don't fail to see this one at once,
i Price $S0 per acre. See Ross Con
tlit, Aumsville, Or. 271
Phono 1629R.
AN energetic individual in this city
or vicinity can make unexcelled
. connections with broker for handl
ing high class securities. Write im
mediately to C. M. Garrison, 6
Wall St., New York. 271
wicker buggy.
11 3-4 ACRES all in cultivation. 1 1
miles out; tools, spuds, apples,
chickens, rabbits, pigeons, some
furniture goes with place. Bechtel,
Rt. 2. box 81. Salem. Or. 274
and board may be had
family, close in. Phone
GOOD room
in private
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
or stumpage. ash, maple, oak ana
fir. Address Win. H. Egan & Sons,
Gervais, Or., lit. 2, Phone 3F1L
Office 124 South Liberty Btreet.
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales. .
W F WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why hot get him. He only charges
2 per cent.
Money To Loan.
Niemeyer's Buys.
8 room modern home on Center St,
Lot ,50x115. $3500. -
5 room modern house on N. Com
mercial Garage; good fruit and ber
ries. $4200. ,..
7 t-nnm modern home on is ism
lots 75x1000. Garage ana Barn, mix-
S j(J. ,
rnnm modern nouse on ft.
tage. 2 lots 50x100; young fruit. $2700
Good terms.
- 6 room strictly modern home at
1780 Court St. More than 2 large lots;
good fruit. $4000. Easy terms. Snap
bU49 acres 1 mile from Hubbard. All
but 3 acres cultivated. New modern
house 8 rooms; good-barn; family or
..!,.,. .1 isr.ixi
TO A m PR ft'Om UUIIUS. i
acres cultivated. 3 orchard. Good
house and barn: new machine shed;
garage and woodshed. $4000.
10 acres south of Jefferson road. 7
acres cultivated; balance stump pas
ture. 6 acres prunes. 5 room house;
good barn and chicken house. Some
stock, chickens and implements, $.!,'
C. W. Niemeyer.
Tut rsnl estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg.
lem. Phones 1000, ion.
Grain; Wheat, No, 1. $2; feed oats
75 80c: milling oats 86c; cheet hay
$17; oat hay $20; clover hay'$2122
mill run $4446.
Rntterfat: Butterfat. . 70cr cream
erv butter. 67(o569o. '
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
15- l-2s: veal, fancy, 20c; steers
78c; ebws 57 l-2c; spring lamos
9'4c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings 60.
Effgs and poultry: "Eggs cash too
light hens 1820c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 1516c; springs zoc.
Vegetables: Onions per sack 4ic
celorv doz. 90c: potatoes 2c; sweet
potatoes 5 l-2c.
Fruit: Oranges $77.50; lemons 9
bananas 11c-, honey extracted, 20o
hunch beets. 45c cabbage 2c; head
4iat 11 nti: rnrrots 46c: srrapes. To
kays 12 ic.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 760
rrpnmerv butter 75c: country butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.10g3.25
Time Tables.
. 5:00 a-m.
6:55 a.m.
.. :17 a.m.
. 1:50 p.m.
, 5:35 p.m.
.. 7:45 p.m.
. 3:10 a-m.
10:05 a. ro
ll :05 a.m.
.. 4:08 p.m.
6:44 p.m.
10:03 p.m.
73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m.
7,4 Leave Salem .4:00 p.m.
161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:e a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor 9.28 a.m.
165 Leaves Salem, motor 1:55 p.m.
Thru car to Monmouth and Ain
171 Leaves Salem
162 Arrives Salem
164 Arrives Salem
i Arrives Salem .......
172 Arrives Salem .......
6:15 p.m.
.. 8:26 a.m.
11:00 am.
. 3:20 p.m.
. 7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Arrivo
No. 'Portland Salem JSugen"
B Ltd 8:15am 10:15 am 12:30pm
7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salera only
9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 pm
18 Ltd 4:45 pm 6:40 pm 8:b0 pm
17 6:05pm 8:07 pm saiem oniy
19 9:20pm 11:20pm Balemoniy
'North Bank station (leave Jeffer
son street 15 and 20 minutes later)
NEWCOMER to Salem wants to buy
a modern home up to around $4,
090.' Centrally situated as possi
ble. Possession before Christmas.
Write Mrs. Bottomly care Journal.
WILL pay $35 per month for room
and two meals per day, 11 condi
tions suit, in private home, rhone
22 evening after six. 270
WANTED To rent modern 5
room unfurnished house by
1st. Garage preferred. C N
or C
075 i
FOR SALF; Or trade work horse and
spring wagon for milk cow. 2223
Fair grounds road. 271
bull calf.
-Nearly full blood Jersey
Phone 1045. - 2(1
of mules. 955 N.
t'OR SALE 2d hand doors complete.
Phone 503R. 2'3
TOI.'K fntnro foretold: Send dime,
atre. birth date for truthful, rell-
niile. convincing rial reading. Ha
zel Hnuse. box 215, Los Angeles,
WANTED Team weighing 1400 to
1600 lbs, for hop yard work. Simon
hop ranch, Rt. 8, box, 130- Phone
rnit A t!73
uri 11.
WANTED carpenter and repair
wovk in nr out of town. Guarantee
first cliiss work. Phone 1303.T. 448
N. Commercial St. 27
A kvap r. rnnm modern house, lot
50x150; all kinds fruit, 2 blocks
car line. $1800, $500 cash, balance
like rent. -"' 271
T.Aitfns'ln Vi Siithprlin valley. Ore
gon, subject to irrigation, for sale
in tr.icts nn tn 240 acres, at sacri
fice prices to clean up lands seem
ed under foreclosure of mortgage.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
FOn RALE A few young does and
bucks. M. E. Smith, 3075 Portland
road. Phone 1580M. 271
FOR SALE Span of mules, weight
24110 nounds. see 7 years. Also
"121" variety of strawberry plants,
Box 68, Rt. 7, Jefferson. Or.
FOR SALE Two 5 room modern
bungalows nt 610 and 620 South
ISth St. Trice $2000 each; $200
ensh balance $20 a month. 6 per
cent interest. W. H. Grnbenhorst &
Co., 275 State street. 271
For Rent
FOR RENT Furnished house.
558 State street. Phone 400.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
at 5 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent Interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-i years time. Federal
farm loan bonds' for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonlo Temple,
Salem, Oregon. 1
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa-
lemt stock and Implements ior, saie.
F. L Wood, Bayne bldg. . 271
PLUMBING new and repair
reasonable. Phone idutJ.
THREE furnished room
rent. 257 N. Liberty St
TrTTTiNISHED rooms close in, most
desirable location: reasonable raies
4.95 N. Coni'l St. Phone 1446. 269
Used Cars for Sale.
FORD for sale, good condition, $350
fnit m Mvms St. or phone 1334.
BOAR. Will sell my herd Doar, n
venrs old. He is from the best and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
$75 will take him. H. R. Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
nnrl can euarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
of cars. American AutomoDiie -o.,
have fifteen pigs eight weens oiu,
eligible to registry that I will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
vour choice while they last. H. R.
Jones, phone 49F2. '
FOR RENT -Housekeeping
furnished. 435 N. Liberty.
01ns, f
272 I
TO SRTTLE an estate, I am offering
for sale five modern bungalows
well located on paved street.
Ham H. Trindle, Bank of.
merce bldg.
WANT riano. I have a 6 cylinder
auto Inst been renainted. will take
Piano as part payment.. Johnsons
PaintShop, Ferry and Liberty
FOR SALE By owner, good P room
house, bath,- toilet .electric lights,
lot 75x150 feet, located on Court
' St. Price $2600. Phone 36 or 123.
FOR SAL7 25 acre farm. 12 acres in
orchard, good house and barn, will
take in exchange 5 room house in
Salem, up to $2000. Price $"500. L.
H. Grabenhorst, 275 State St. Phone
2315. -'1
FOR SALE By owner, one" of Sa
lem's nicest homes, nine rooms, ev
erv modern convenience. Choice lo
ritinn. first class condition. Can be
' seen bv appointment. Phone 36
i!5 2"
A BARGAIN 50 Flemish Giant rab
bits, one registered buck, first prize
at Ogden, Utah, first at Boise, Ida
ho. I am on the road and must
eell. L. J. Davenport, I'age fence
representative, Silverton, Or. 2i3
Very Desirable Property.
7 room house plastered, modern,
full basement, $2000.- .
6 room house plastered, modern,
garage for two cars, fruit, $2000.
6 room house plastered, modern, 4
l.notnlis unfinished. uu.
2 6 room houses plastered, modern,
basement, fireplace, $40u.
3 acres all in cultivation. wire
fenced, a few bearing walnut and ap
ple trees, 6 room ceiled house, out
buildings in. good shape, 4 miles out,
10 acres, o in cuiuvmui, ... .
ber, stumps, etc, fenced, best ren sou.
room house, iouu, leiiuo.
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 276
Portland, Or., Nov. 15. Butter, city
creamery 66 67c; Eggs selected local
ex 76 80c; hens 2628c; broilers 11
27c; geese 15c; cheese 3335o.
. ' Live Stock. ;
Cattle: Receipts 332; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $9.00
9.60; fair to medium steers $78;
common to fair steers, $5.606.66;
choice to good cows and heifers $6.50
7.60; canners $34; bulls $5 6. so;
calves $8 14. .
Hoes: Receipts none; tone of market
steady; prime-mixed $16.0016.50;
medium mixed $15.O016.00; rough
heavies $14.0014.50; pigs, $14.60
Sheep: Receipts none; tone 01 mar
ket steady; prime lambs $11.00 12.00;
fair to medium lambs, $10.50 11.00;
vearlings. $8.509.00; wethers, . $7.50
8.60; ewes $5.007.00.
Train Leave Arrive
No. Eugene Salem
9 7:15 am
10 Ltd 7:25 am 9:45 am
12 13:05 pm
16 Ltd 1:56 pm 4:00 pm
20 Salem only 6:30 pra
22 4:25 pm '7:55 pm
9:30 om
11:30 am
2:80 pra
5:60 pra
7:40 pm
10:00 pra
North Bank station (arrive Jelfer-
son street 15 minutes earlier.) 'Leava
Leave Corvallis Arrive Sulera
8:20 am :4a am
2:35 pm 4:00 pm
6:18 pm 7:55 pm
., Southbound
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallls
10:15 am . 11:47 am
: 4:12 pm 5:40 pm
. 6:40 pm 8:00 P,r
about half
Com'l. St.
snne.rlor to cloth at
price. Max O. Buren,
tjuvs- tiy-m Tin at e., no cooking required,
works better ana hucm S ,,
flour. Max O. isuren,
Second Hand Goods.
opened a first class anup reiJ"'"B
and refinishins of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1744,
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
. 275
Established 1868 r
General Banking Business
. .Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
HERE'S A SNAP Splendid 5
house, good condition, i 101s,
barn, fruit. 1 block to car
Price $2500. Won't last long, terms.
See me today. H, E.,Bolinger, Ore
gon bldg.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor lliuliators a Speciulty
Wni-fl Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore.
Farm Bargains
Sivtv five aore farm, one half
miio tn R R. station, on good grav
el road, soil the best, nearly all In!
cultivation, one aero fine orchard,
good farm buildings worth $3500;
all stock, feed and farm imple
ments worth at least $1600, goes
with this place. The owner must
ooii na he is crolne to California
soon. This property should sell for
i n nun hut under the present cir
cumstances can be bought for only
sKKOO. Terms. ,$3500 cash, balance
$5000 five years at 6 per cent in
terest. See
Elsworth Pickell
301 Masonic Temple, Sulem, Or. 271
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, an Kinax ui ""
Instruments, shotguns, ri'les, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to srl or trade.
What have you? The capital .ex
change, 337 Court St. pnone
Lodge Directory.
wliEMEKETA Lodge No. 1
1 meets every Wedneauay
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F.
Stove Repairing.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. COM. T, M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
We buy old cars tor wrecmns. iw
parts for sale.
Autos for hire witnout nriveis.
1917 Ford, $425 .
1 Samson tractor $500
1-Ton Ford truck $350
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625.
We-sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires ana accessories.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C ; P. J. Kunts
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp wo. uuu
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
mm. Cmrle E. Bunn. 648 Union bt.
..oritur Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; ueywi "ubi
and American fence, .sizes 26 to 58
Inches high.-Paints, oiJ and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry 'id hop
hooks. Salem' Fence ami Stove
Works, 250 Court street Pho 124
Good Buys
25 acre tract of land, 1 acre culti-
vaiat tiBltiTire nasture and timber,
room house, fine spring on place, lo
cated on rock road, 6 1-2 miles from
Salem. Price $2000.
80 acre tract, 36 acres cultivated,
lmhinre nasture and timber, house and
barn, soring water, 6 head of cattle,
bly No. 84 meets every Tnumuuj m
8 . m. in Masonic Temple, uieun i.
Ndes. M. A.: C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary. 340 Owen street.
gain. Now don't let this slip by.
i om-oa 60 nrres under plow,
t.. ham and house,
which would cost you $2500 to build
now. Located less than or.e mile to
railroad station, 15 miles from Sa
lem, 3 miles from good town. Price
$7500, $2500 down balance nt 6 per
cent. If you want a farm don't pass
this up, for it is not going to be on
the market long. See Chus. Ransom.
Aumsville, Or. 2,1
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art ReDair Shop. 347 Court St.
GOATS for sale, thirty six head. R.
Anderson, Rt. 1, box 72, Jefferson.
WHEN in need of a carpenter call
8I1K? 2 i J
16 FORD for sale, very good tires,
just completely overhauled,
Box 7 Capital' Journal.
FOR SALE Four Buttercup cocker
els. 8 months old. Fine winter ap
ples, also weed cutter. Phone 2r
after 6 p. m. '
FOR SALE Farm, near inti-
ence and Monmoutn, in
l.niwlinea. cood land, orchard,
?.oi. hmwa. cows. hogs, farm
implements, seed wheat, seed oats,
4 haen? SO ncres now sowing,
,'-n kale." chickens, everything
-itv, (,,1-in. il25 nor acre; must be
fnn''.na A No. 1 farm, fine build
fi.,a lnnd. near town and
lege! J. H. Moran, Monmouth, O
COW for sale, just fresh. A No. 1
heavy milker. 3 blocks from end ot
12th street car line. T. L. Davidson.
WANTED Horse not over l.' ratin
be cheap for cash. Phone 91H0. - ' -
FOP. TRADE Modern house Sunny-
side addition, Portland, for Sa'"1
residence. Phone 1576W.
for SALE At a bargain. 41 acres,
20 acres in prunes, 6 and . years
fair iron last year, located
about 3 miles of railroad station
Kii,iiM A eood buy at $8a00
c fii.n. wnti,m. Aumsrillo. Or.
v-.". - tn
Lost And Found.
Watch Saturday.
FOUND Suit case Thursday, owner
may have same by proving pruper-
tv nnd naving for tins aa. u
FOUND Ladies dress skirt, owner
may have same by identifying same
nnd navinc for nd. 670 N. Winter
Salem Scavanger Garbage ana re
fuse of all kinds removea on raonm
iv nnntracts at reasonable rates.
Cess nools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167
Why Sell For Less?
FOR SLE 100x52 1-2, corner Court
and 13th tdreets, will all street and
other assessments paid. Price $2,
500. Terms to suit purchaser. Inter
est 6 per cent Oswald West, 1600
Journal bldg, Portland, Or. 275
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
horses, pigs, chickens, ail machin
ery. Price $7bou.
63 acre farm nearly an cuii.h,
room house and barn, rock road,
good fruit and berry land, & miiea
from Salem, l-nce iau per acre,
6 acres nearly an in fruit, logan
berries, cherries and prunes, house,
chicken house, wood house, wen, o
miles south. Price $1600.
n anra tract Rl cultivated, a acres
prunes, house and nam, ciuse to o"-
lem. Price $iu,uu.
20 acre tract all cultivated, some
fruit o-nnrt house and barn, wen, lo
cated on main road leading from Sa
lem. Price $8500. Will consider g''u
modern bungalow as part payment.
5 acre tract located on main racing
highway, 1 3-4 miles from street car
line, 2 1-2 acres prune orchard. Price
$2250, $1000 down, Balance o per cent
interest. , ,
19 1-2 acre tract, two good houses,
8 acres bearing prunes, loganberries,
fumilv orchard, best of soil, 4 1-2
miles' from Salem. Price $11,500,
Good 6 room modern home located
at 1565 South Liberty street, Price
Well improved 5 acre tract close to
carline, good 6 room plastered bunga
low, basement, eiecinc ngni, ueuiiue
fruit. Price $6000.
17 acre tract, 10 acres bearing or
chard, mostly prunes, house and barn,
well, located on main Pacific high
way. Price uu, iauu uown,
anee 6 per cent Interest.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Jo.
275 Stato street 273
Oregon Cedar Lamp o. ofi
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in , McfornacK ouiioiiib,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M
Persons. V. C. Frank A. Turner,
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH utseopaimo
nVivuic nn nnd aureeon. 4U4 uregon
bldg. Res.-J'hone 58F5. Office
nhone 1394. . 270
205 Oregon Bulling
3 Y-J
To whom it mav concern: Notice
hereby n-iven that, tho undersigned. Ed
ward Lutby and Ernest Luthy, joint
exceptors of the -'last will and testa
ment and estate of Peter Luthy, do
ceased, have; this day, filed in said
estate their final account ana iue
county court of Marion county, Oregon
has fixed nnd appointed Monday, No
vember 17th., 1910, at tho hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the county
court room in the county court liouso
in said county and Btato as the time
and place for the hearing of any ob-
. . a- , L .1 t,.m
sections to said nnai account uuu v
the settlement thereof.
Dated Oct, .la, 1919.
Joint executon of the estnto of
Peter' Luthy, deceased,
Caroy I Martin,
Attorney for state.
Wood Saw.
HONE 1754R. Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Bummer street, Salem, Or.
We Want,
Tour used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
- everything. Call 47.
283 North Commercial St
For Sale
17 acres 12 miles from Salem, 3
miles from R. R. station. 86 clear, bal
anca nasture and timber, 0 acres
hnttnm land worth $150 Per acre,
Buildings good as new, cost over $3,
noo. 8 room house, basement, furn
ace, hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
water piped in house and burn from
fine spring. Stock with place consist
ing of 5 horses, 12 cows, 37 sheep,
200 chickens, farm tools of all kinds.
15 tons hay, silo full of ensilage, and
other feed und seed wheat; furniture,
all goes. Personal property worth $3,-
Many a thrilling story might'be written around
"personal" Want Ads that have appeared in this
newspaper. In them there has beei. romance and
tragedy, pathos and comedy. But, above all, these
"personal" Want Ads have been of the greatest
They have effected reconciliations, reunited
families, located missing persons, found heirs
to estates, etc. .
Whenever you have need of the services
"personal" Want Ads can render, use our columns
freely. Jt is really one of the marvels of the day
how information imparted in our little Want Ads
spreads to every nook and cranny. Try them.
Here Are Two Good Personals
FKRKO.NAL I a Midiil'crtog to
locftl mi brother Ocorgo 11. Wll
km. l." t""l of u iui cur. ill
mimthJ tgo. IUIII print,, age 41,
fin fert ten lsr.l Ull. rmbl
hoot lit pound!. Dirt eriMplstliia.
Ii.i, In nuto If till U'h'r
hlta tar loformitloD fftll bt ftpwo-
riSnSONAb-tf Mr. Rlrturd .
lorm.rU ot Mil Macooll An..
Ulll city, will coraniunliriU with lilt
undonliocil bo "111 leoro of ooroo
tblm to blf tdTonUeo.,
l..iMt nil KUlor, iiwrntft. avu-untoai
O Little Want Ads like these are read in the
most unexpected places and have brought results
where results seemed impossible. 5
Read andUse the Want Ad in -.