Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 15, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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All k
1 T"
round town
Dance at armory tonight.
Nov. 17-18 Convention
state commercial club Becretar
ios. Nov. 18 Mass meeting, ar
mory. E. B. Fish, topic, "True
Nov !9 Rotary Club. Hotel
Marion, noon.
Nov. 1 Business Mens
League, Commercial club. 8
p. m.
Deo. 3-4 Bazaar in St. Jo
seph's hall. .
19 "The House Next
Door," high scnooi auununuu..
. .
If -.-
"Fair and Warmer" all day To
morrow, at Ye Liberty.
d a -Rnnth of Euaene was among
the out of town visitors in Salem yesterday.
Miss Anna Mullen spent a few days
in Portland this week.
Dance at armory tonight.
was to appear before Police Judge
Race this morning at 10:30.
Found begging on the streets last
night Joseph Christians, 48, was ar
rested and today was given 20 mini
utes by Police Judge Race to leave
the city. A charge of vagrancy was
placed against him.
Philadelphia, friendly city of a
friendly people, was represented in
Salem yesterday by W. S. Roberts.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a rally at
their hall next Tuesday, to which all
members and friends are invited. A
program will follow the noon lunch, a
principal feature of which will be
the meadings by Mrs. Foor, of the
Marion hotel.
Born November 14, to Mr. and
Mrs. ChM4s A. Sturgiss, at their
home in Brooks, a baby daughter. She
has been named Ivorine.
Viavi, the home remedy. Mrs. Foor
dealer, Hotel Marion. 271
Chicago, Nov. 15. Federal Judge
Carpenter today postponed until early
next week a decision on war time pro
Dinner at Central Congregational
church, 19th and Ferry, Tues. Nov.
18th, 5:80 p. m. Adults 35c, children
under 10, 25c. 271
G. G. Brown, secretary of the state
land board, was a business visitor in
Portland Friday.
George Martin of Hallsville, On
tario, Canada, is visiting for a few
days with his uncle, Joe Martin, 1145
Saginaw street. Accompanied by his
cousin Rodney, he went to Newport to
day for the week end.
Dance at armory tonight.
Phone 35 for drugs. Prompt deliv
ery. Tyler's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. .Wilson of Du
fur are the guests of Salem friends
during a short visit here.
all day To-
Fair and Warmer"
morrow, at Ye Liberty.
Mrs. J. D. Shea and son, Oregon
tourists, are stopping at the Marion
hotel. They hail from Portland.
1920 "Velie Sixes on display. Salem
162 N. com I. a n-
Velie company,
James Lindsey of Portland called
at the office of Statte Engineer Cup
per, Friday, relative to water rights.
Jennings Latimer and Edward Rob-
bins will spend the week end in Port
land with friends and relatives. They
expect to attend the Sousa concert.
Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing
ing. 162 Liberty St. N. Phone 334 or
1615. 271
Miss Ethel Liston is in Portland as
the house guest of her sister, Mrs. A
J. Lennon.
TTenrv Wachendorf of Portland
Mnreentinir the Oregon News com
pany, is attending to business matters
in Salem today.
"Fair and Warmer" all day To
morrow, at Ye Liberty.
- Mrs. C. . Cummings and daughter
of Portland, were guests of capital
city friends recently, returning to
their home yesterday.
From Washington, D. C. comes L.
A. Kolbach, a guest Friday at the Ho
tel Marion.
Worm N.TerwiUiBerieensed lady em
talmer with TerwiUiger Funeral Home,
Still In the service. Corporal Jesse
N Day is spending a part of his fur
lough in Salem. Corporal Day, when
on duty, is stationed in Alaska.
new Auburn hall tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walker have re
turned to Newport after a brief visit
in Salem with relatives. She was ac
companied by her small grandson.
A party composed of Mrs. T. M
Barr, Mrs. C. W. Niemcyer, Reverend
Father Derouin, Miss Mary Schoettle
and George Barr, motored to Portland
yesterday and attended the Sousa con
Dance at
Balem's best five piece orchestra,
Mias Gertrude Bader of Y. W. C. A.
headquarters in Seattle, who has been
-mr Salem on official business, left last
vnlne for her home. Miss Bader,
.,.,-,.-iA bv Miss-Belle Feffrey,
riiiwtor for the educational
campaign for Oregon, addressed the
Business Women's club here at their
meeting last evening.
Rn.oial meeting of Demolay Com
mandrey No. 6 K. T. Monday evening
Nov. 17th. Work in the Temple de
gree. There will be visitors from sev
oral r!nmtrn.ndries and a banquet af-
.. h work Visiting Sir Knights
Miss Aita Jones, who is enjoying a
sojourn in the east, spent the past
fortnight in Now York and is at pres
ent the guest of friends in Atlantic
Corn on cob for sale, 1-2 mile west
of Keizer schoo"! house. H. W. Bow-
den. Phone 29F3. v
San Francisco, Nov. 15. Several
negro strikebreakers were wounded
in a gun battle with the police this
afternoon when the police interferred
in street fights between the strike
breakers and striking union stevedore.
The injured men are: Ellsworth Ber-
ger, hit in the back; Robert Gholston,
hibiiion. The judge had before him 1 wounded in the arm.
the petition of Hannah and Hogg,
liquor dealers, asking that federal au
thorities be enjoined from interfering
with the sale of their stocks. The
postponement wrecked plans of wets
here for a jollification tonight in
event of a favorable ruling.
The police claimed they fired in the
air when they rushed in between
groups of strike sympathizers and the
strikebreakers, who had fired on the
union men. -
Three of the strikers were arrested
charged with inciting a riot.
La Area Club Plans
For Busy Winter Season
Jobs For Service Men
Investigated By Officer
An investigation to determine the
laaanhimv of reviving federal emolov-
The Oregon supreme court touayi , . throughout the United
granted a stay of execution in the stotoa uinI, hnnducted bv the war
case or tne state vs v. J. frazer pena- i department. Gilbert G. Hall, represent
ing an appeal by Frazer to the United
States supreme court. Frazer was
convicted in "the Lane county circuit
court on a charge of forging a check
for $6!)"on T. W. Harris. This convic
tion was sustained by the supreme
court last April and an appeal for a
rehearing'of the case was denied by
the supreme court this week.
Mrs. O. G. Schellberg will hold her
fancy work sale Nov. 20, 21, 22 at
Buren's. 271
Among state officials and employes
boarding the Southern Pacific football
specjgl for Eugene this morning to wit
ness the game between the University
of Oregon and the Oregon Agriculutral
college were the following: Justices of
the Supreme Court Henry L. Benson,
Lawrence T. Harris and Charles A.
Johns; Governor Ben W. Olcott; Sam
A. Kozer, deputy secretary of state;
J. A. Churchill, superintendent of in
struction; Fred Williams, public serv
ice commissioner; F. A. Elliott, state
forester; E. F. Carlton, Charles Stricfc-
ing the government and conducting
the investigation on the coast, was in
Salem today gathering data, on the
labor situation. He found that the con
dition was good here now, but may
change for the worse during the winter
He said that the condtiion in Po
land and Spokane is particularly bad.
Much unemployment, Mr. Hall said,
makes it imperative that some .assist
ance must be rendered in these two
citieS. . . ,
It is also the aim of the govern
ment to place former soldiers in posi
tions wherever possible. The canvass
being made Mr. Hall, and other, will
rcvail places where ex-soldiers may be
San Francsco, Nov. 15. Members
of the American Legion today took
steps to bar the Irish flag during the
reception to be given Eamonn DeVa
lera, "president of the IriHh republic."
A committee of three representing
East Bay posts, called on the reception
committee, headed by Supervisor Gal
lagher and demanded that the Irish
flag should not be displayed at any
'Ireland was generally regarded as
pro-Qerman during the war," they
The La Area club, girls of the Un
ited Artisans, met at the home of
Mrs. J. A Bernard! on South High
street Monday evening, for the first
business meeting of the season, dur
ing which plans were discussed for
their first dancing party. This will be
given Dec. 4th, in their lodge rooms.
in the Masonic Temple, the proceeds
to be used for new uniforms for the
Committees were appointed and the
affair gives promise for the usual
success and good time which is as
sured on all occasions sponsored by
the girls.
After the business meeting, an elab
orate luncheon was served. AH ap
pointments and favors were in keep
ing with the approaching Thanksgiv
ing season.
Those present were: Miss Bertha
and Miss Clara Waldorf, Miss- Esther
Anderson, Miss Maybelle Brassfield,
Miss Vio a Tyler, Miss Myrtle and
Miss Lilliam Waldron, Miss Ardis
Palmer. Miss Echo Hunt, Miss Leah
Armstrong, Miss Thelma Blessing,
Miss Thelma Cook, Mrs. F. W. Cook
and Mrs. Bewley. The next meeting
will be held on Tuesday, November
25th, at the. home of Miss Thelma
Blessing on North Commercial street. of her.
She asks a divorce, the custody of
the children, $30 monthly alimony, $50
a month for the support of the chil
dren, $250 for attorney fees, and $100
for the support of the children during
the pendency of the trial. She also
asks f neTthtrd of the property involved
which is SI acres.
University of Oregon students who
are self-supporting have earned $1000
so far this school year. The employ
ment bureau has found 300 jobs.
For $10,000 the I. O. O. F. lodge of
Sllverton .has purchased the two-story
land. Rhea Luper, Chauncey Butler, ln hat city occupied by the
Jessie LaPonz, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Tony LaPonz, 4482 S. 16th
street, died at the family home late
last night. The body is at W. T. Rig
don's Undertaking company. No fun
eral arrangements have yet been
Carl D. Gabrielson, James B. Young
and . Misses Lacey Leonard, Marie
Schwab, Gertrude Ashby and Aldine
Hill pots.
The Commercial club was given a
splendid gift last night in the form
of a case of loganberry juice, made
and canned by Bruce Cunningham.
Mr. Cunningham brought the juice in
too late for festivities last night, but
it will be used at a later dinner.
Floyd Shannon, 16, a Russian Jew,
escaped from the state training school
some time last night,, and a diligent
search was .being made here today by
local authorities and officials from
the institution to capture him. Young
Shannon wore a khaki suit at the
time he escaped, and has a sandy com
plexion. ,
Among the many automobile loads
,i.ii, noacu-ri throueh Salem this
morning en route to Eugene where
the 23d annual football game betwixt
Oregon and the Oregon Aggies will
e played tomorrow was one contain
ing three members of the Oregonian
staff and Carl D. Shoemaker, state
game warden. Miss Louise Allen, mo
tion picture editor of the Oregonian,
Miss Lucille Saunders and Harry M.
Grayson filled out the party which
planned to stop at the state game
lann near Corvallis before proceeding
to the big football classic.
The big bull elk at the state fair in to be killed, and the meat
given to the Red Cross. This announce , last night. According to information
A reception washcld last Wednes
day evening In the parsonage of the
Highland Friends church, for the new
comers in the neighborhood. Music, a
social time and refreshments .filled
the evening. More than 100 guests at
tended, and paid their respects to
Reverend and Mrs. R. G. Lee, pastors
of the church.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 15. Three men
were severely burned today in an ex
plosion and fire at the plant of the
Chevrolet Motor company.
They are: John Peacock, burned
about face and jrma.
John oBart, burned about the head.
Manuel Perry, head and body burn
ed. Peacock was burned when he drag
ged the unconscious forms of Boart
and Perry, from the third floor where
the fire started from an" over heated
bake oven in the paint shop. The fire
was confined to that floor.
Bentson department store.
Good 5 passenger car will trade
for what have you
Phone 1752 554 Ferry St.
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
When DeValera was given a big wel
come here some months ago the Irish
flag flew from flag poles on build-
ine-s of the civic center, and Mayor
Rolph played a prominent part in the
demonstration. - . '
Wife Alleges Husband
Threatens To Kill Sel
Because her husband is said to hav
threatened on several occasions
shoot and hang himself, Mrs. Mary
Bruegger today filed- suit for divorce
against August E. Bruegger. They
wai-o married near Wells, Minn., and
have seven children.
Mrs. Bruegger also alleges that hei
husband drank so much that his "foul
breath polluted the atmosphere of the
home"; and that his repeated miscon
duct caused cruel and inhuman treat-
Michigan 7; Illinois 2.9.
Rutgers 7; West Virginia 30.
Bucknell 17; Gettysburg 0.
Penn State 20; Cornell 0.
Vanderbilt 10; Virginia 6.
Lehigh 33; Muhlenberg 7.
Iowa 6; Chicago 9.
Georgetown 0; Tech 27.
Ohio 3; Wisconsin 0.
Dartntouth 6; Brown 7.
Indiana 2 ; Northwestern 3.
Our courteous char
acter has made this
organization famous
Our expert knowl
edge of all the de
tails of our profes
sion meets with the
approval of every
one. Our reputation
for fair dealing la
our clients' protec
tion. .
3, -ti
' U 1 1 iOi 1 1X1 I U 1 1 lTT T T TT ' " 1
Harry W. Scott, Harley-Davldson
dealer, left the first of the week for
Milwaukee, Wis., where he is attend
ing the dealers conference. On his
way home he will stop in Chicago to
attend the cycle show, and will also
visit with relatives and friends in
Canada and Colorado. Mr. Scott plans
to be back in Salem by December 1.
Police here today were watching
northbound trains for a couple re
ported to have eloped from Corvallis
it h.a hnn made bv A. H. Lea,
secretary of the state fair board, af
ter the elk had made a savage rush
-tat him while attempting to feed it.
Mrs. Bessie B. Kimball has resign
ed her position of general secretary
of the local Y. W. C. A., which she
has held for the past two years, and
left today for Portland from whence
she will go to Los Angeles after a
ehort visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Kimball will be replaced by Miss Inez
Exhaustive surveys of Lebanon and
Silverton will be made during the
coming week by the field force of the
State Fire Marshal's department con
sisting of Geo. W. Stokes, G. W. Al
len and Horace Sykes. In addition to
1 the customary fire hazard survey an
Cook, who has been doing Y. W. C. ( educational campaign will be staged
from Sheriff Gellatly, Corvallis, to
police here a man named McGuire,
with a young girl, had boarded a train
going north. He asked that they be
stopped and returned to Corvallis.
A. work at Astoria since the begin
ning of the year.
While going to the rescue of a fel
low employe, Claud Robinson, at the
Salem Kings Products plant, J. Na
dine came ln contact with the blade,
of a switch and was knocked uncon
scious. The pulmotor of the fire de
partment was summoned and Mr. Na
dine was removed to a local hospital
where he is undergoing treatment.
Mr. Robinson escaped with nothing
mora than a severe-shock, but Mr.
Kadins la suffering from several ser
ious burns as a result of the accident.
f 37S BUYS a. 4 room house, full lot,
1i cash, balance monthly. If you
have property to sell list with me.
H. a Radcliff, room 4, Bayne blag.
- Till-
Penn State
Yale 6; Princeton 13.
Syracuse 13; Colgate 7.
Cornell Freshmen 19;
Freshmen 14.
Boston College 9; Holy Cross 7.
Andover 19; Exeter 0
840 Court Sreet
1916 Chalmers, first class mechan
ical condition, electric lights, start
er, all-leather upholstered. $850.
Oscar B. Gingrich Motor
& Tire Co.
371 Court street. Phone 635
. - --
I --MMIMBMW---W--ss--"----
Bread Prices to Rise
We have consistently endeavored to refrain from ad-,
vancing the price of our Bread heretofore, notwithstand
ing the price of raw materials and other costs of doing
business have been going up by leaps and bounds. We
trusted that conditions would right themselves and make
such an advance unnecessary, however there appears to
be no relief in sight, and in order that we may maintain
our high standard of quality and service, we find it neces
sary to advance the price of
1 cent per loaf, effective Monday, Nov. 17, 1919.
Cherry City Baking Co.
The Bull Dog Starter for Ford cars.
Pronounced by leading mechanics ae
being the best and most practical
starter yet invented. It is purely a
friction device and will start a foro
car under any climatic conditions,
when the engine is in startable con
dition. Sold under a positive guaran
tee against breakage and backfire and
to give you satisfaction or money re
funded. Let us give you the names 01
the many satisfied users of Bull Dog
Starters in and around Salem. 311 N.
Commercial St., Y. M. C. A. bldg.
First class Ford repair work done,
reasonable prices. 2U
Wnodrv. the auctioneer, leaves on
Sunday for Centralia, Wash., where he.
will conduct an auction sale on mon
day of 60 head of dairy cows, horses
and farm machinery. Mr. wooury ana
family returned yesterday from Eu
gene after spending a few days with
his former partner, J. K. Greer, and
assisting him in a large dairy sale o
fin head of grade and pure brea Jer
seys. One grade Holstein sold for
J162.50, while one grade Jersey
brought $156. The grades made an
average of a little better than $100
each while the pure breds, 17 in alt
averaged $142 each. The valley farm
er is beginning to appreciate the dairy
tPI North High Street
Turfield Sehindler, a high school
bov. arrested yesterday by Patrolman
l Lee Morelock for driving an auto past
I a streetcar as it was discharging pas
'senrs. failed to appear in court to
' x-v, and forfeited his bail- of $5. He
Monday Sale
Men's Cashimere Hose OQr
Monday Only
11 '
You can always do better at
Who Always Does Better By You
Big Shipment Nemo Corsets Just In
Monday Sale
Men's Cashimere Hose
Monday Only