Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 15, 1919, General News Section, Image 11

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AasociaXcd Bible Students.
Meets Moose hall . every Sunday
from It to It. Students In sixth voL
and Tabernacle Shadows. Junior class
from 10 to 11 a. ra. You are cordially
invited. -
Mlnkterlal Association.
The regular meeting of the Salem
Ministerial association will be held in
the T. M. C. A. Monday, ten o'clock.
The theme, "Nation-wide Movement"
will be presented by C. H. Powell) .
. State Institutions.
Services at the institutions Sunday
will be held is follows: 2:30 p. m.
Chemawa Indian school by R. N. Avi
son; 3:00 p. m. Girls' Training school
by F. W. Laurer.
evening at 1 P- m. Rev. F. L. Burns
will have charge of these services. On
Thanksgiving day at 10 a. m. will hold
the opening service in the New Free
Methodist chureh corner of Market
and North Winter streets. Several lo
cal pastors will take part. Rev. Burns
will bring the Thanksgiving meesagw.
W; J. Johnston, pastor, Winninah
Johnston, deaconness.
vice by Brother Blenkineop all tend
in that direction. Help us by your pres
ence whether you take part or not.
First Baptist Church.
Corner of Marion and Liberty Sts.
- Sunday school 9:45. Preaching at 11,
Sr. Loughbridge preacher. Senior and
Junior B. Y, P. IT. 6:30. Evening servi
ces 7:30. Theodore Maynard preacher.
Evangelical Chnrch.
Chomeketa and 17th streets. F. W.
Launes pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. under the leadership of J. Llppold.
Sermon at 11 a. m. subject "The Old
and the New." Y. P. A. 6:30. Frank
Btrausbaugh has charge. Sermon 7:16.
Castlo Cliaple United Brethren.
Corner of Nebraska and 17th streets.
Sunday school 10 a. m., W. W. Rose
braugh, superintendent. Preaching 11
a. m. and 7 p. m. Ladies' aid Wednes
day afternoon. Prayermeeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. m. We extend a cordial
invitation to all.
Christian ami Missionary Alliance.
Services next Thursday afternoon,
November 20, at 632 South Commercial
street, beginning at 12:30 o'colck. Rev.
J. K. Fee, of Portland, will conduct
the BiBle study. All most cordially Invited.
United Evangelical,
Cottage and Center streets. Rev. Q.
I. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.
m. Morning worship and preaching
service at 11 a. m. "Bow to Pay Some
ot Our Debts." C. E. 6:30 p. m. The
evening service 7:30 will be a sermon
on "The Pilgrim's Progress" illustrated
with colored views. Prayermeeting on
Thursday evening.
South Salem Friends.
South Commercial and Washington
streets, H. B. Pemberton, pastor. Bible
school at 10 a. m., classes for all. Carl
E. Miller, superintendent. Meeting for
worship, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. We
are to hear Superintendent Hinshaw
at these services, who is with us at this
time in attendance at the quarterly
meeting. Young people's union of the
quarterly meet In the church at 7:30
4 p. ni. C. E. at 7 p. m.
' First Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday services is held at 440 Che
meketa street at 11 a. m. subject of
Bible lesson "Mortals and Immortals."
On Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room 209
Masonic Temple, open every day ex
cept Sunday and holidays from 11:45
to 6 p. m. All are invited to our servi
ces and to our reading rooms.
Salvation Army.
Street Meeting Saturday evening at
7:15, Full and Free salvation In the
hall at 8 o'clock. Street meeting Sun
day morning at 10:30. Holiness meet
ing in the hall at 11 a. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. sharp. Y. P. L. at
6:15 p. m. Street meeting at 7:15 p.
ra. Preachnig, chorus and testimony
a meeting for sinners in the hall at
8 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited
to worship with us. Ensign and Mrs.
Hunter officers in charge.
First Presbyterian Church
Church street between Chemeketa
and Court streets. Thomas Anderson,
minister. Church school 9:45, Jos H.
Albert, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'colck. The pastor will give
the third sermon on "Man's Free Mor
al Agency!" Young People's meeting
at 6:30 and evening worship at 7:30
text: "Escape for Thy Life!" The
0 Thursday evening service of this week
will be a truly "social service", prog
ram and refreshments. Strangers are
welcome to all services.
Firsfr Christian Church.
44 Center street, one block north
. of city hall. Bible school assembly at
9:45 a. m. Church at 11; C. E. at 6:30
p. m. evening worship at 7:30 p. m.
Prayermeeting Thursday evening at
7:1S. Hear our chorus choir, 10 piece
S. 8. orchestra and pipe organ. Life
work recruits, see D. O. Cunningham
Saturday evening, November 22 for
life plana Union Thanksgiving day
services at the First Baptist church,
Iceland W. Porter, pastor.
Central Congregational Church.
Corner 'South 19th and Ferry Sts.
H. C. Stover, minister. Church school
at 1 a. m., Mrs. Burton E. Edwards,
superintendent Morning address by
the pastor. Music by Elbert Lachele
and Miss Eva Sand. . E. at 6:45 p. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m., subject
"Enthusiasm and the Kingdom of
Cod." Anthem by the choir, and duet
"ieman. the Very Thought of Thee" by
John Hyatt Brewer, Thursday evening
service 7:80.
First Congregational Church.
Liberty and Center streets. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
school with classes for all. W. I. Sta
ley superintendent. 11 a. m. "Christ
Jan Women and the Kingdom of
Christ". 6:30 p. m. C. E., Miss Nep
tune, leader. A live society and a live
meeting. 7:80 p. m. "The Man Who
Forgot and His Successors." Following
this address there will be a picture
of two reels bearing the title, "Treas
ure of the Incas." A cordial invitation
to all, '
Tho Free Methodist.
Sunday services 9:45 a. m. Dr. F. S.
Schutz, pastor. Love feast 10:45 follow
ed by preaching and the sacrament of
the Lord's Sunper. Preaching in the
Nazarene Church.
Services Sunday. Sunday School at
9:45, W. B. Hardy, superintendent
Preaching at 11 and 7:30, and Young
People's Bible Study at 6:30. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at
7:30. Beginning on Thursday night,
November 20 at 7:30 o'clock, Evan
gelist B. T. Flannery will begin a meet
ing to continue until December 7. He
is a southern , man and is a typical
southern preacher, forceful and con
vincing, dealing with the sin question
without gloves. Come and hear him.
We will make a specialty of the song
service. A. Wells, pastor. Florence
Wella, deaconess.
Court Street Christian Church.
Corner North 17th and Court Sts.
Our Bible school Is growing right
along, Sunday on Sunday. Tho ques
tion is do you attend any school on
the Lord's Day? It no, yon have a
cordial invitation to visit us aa& wor
ship with us. .. Bible school begins
promptly 10 a, in. The Sunday before
Thanksgiving is American Mission
day in the Bible school. The pastor
will tell thes tory of "The Little Roy
Samuel in the Temple." The morning
will be the first of a series on prayer,
'The Naturalness of Prayer". The Ju
nior C. B. 5:30 p. m. The Young peo
ple's meeting 6:30 p. m. Evening wor
ship 7:30 p. m. Sermon theme: 'Where
Art Thou?' Tuesday 7:30 p. m. is the
monthly Bible school conference and
each teacher and officer la urged to be
present with a written report. Prayer
service 7:30 p. m. Thursday followed
by Teacher Training class 8 p. m. We
are studying Prof. Weigel's book 'The
Pupil'. Anyone wanting to take this
course is invited to join the class or
come and listen to the discussions.
Leslie Methodist Church.
Corner South Commercial and Mey
ers streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor.
9:45 a. m. the superintendent of the
Sunday school will welcome you. E.
A. R hot en Is in charge of the main
school, and Miss Sue Williams the pri
mary department. 11 a. m. public wor
ship, with sermon by the pastor.
Theme, "Jesus the Way." 6:30 p. m.
devotional meeting of the Epworth
league. Leslie Springer president. 7:30
p. m. Song service led by the choir
and sermon by the pastor, subject:
"Almost." This will be an evangelistic
service. 8:30 p. m. social hour under
the direction of the Epworth league.
Special music in all services by the
chorus choir of forty voices.
Jason Lee Memorial Church.
Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts.
Thomas Acheson,' pastor. The prog
ram for Sunday, November 16 is as
follows: Sunday school 9:45, Chas.
Hageman in charge. Classes for all
ages, under the care of capable teach
ers. Strangers are made .to feel at
home. Public worship 11 a m, sub
ject "The Bread of Life." Epworth
league devotional meeting 6:30, Miss
Grace Tyler president Every member
be on hand to push to a splendid cli
max the week of special meetings.
Bring your chum with you. Evange
listic meeting 7:30 subject "The Choice
of Service." The special meetings of
the church will continue throughout
the coming week. Come on members
let us work for a real revival in North
Salem. Special music and other items
of Interest will have a place in each
of these services. We most cordially In
vite the public to worship with us.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner Church and State streets.
9:15 a. m. Old fashioned class meet
ing. W, L. Cumminers leader. 9:45
Sunlay school. Prof. Todd, superinten
dent. The pastor Rev. R. N. . Avison
will preach both morning and evening.
11 a. m. Subject "The Sundav school
In the Program of Evangelism." 7:30
p. m. "The Spirit Endowed Life," Sen
ior Epworth league In the Sunday
school room, Miss Virginia Mason,
leader. Subject "The Challenge of
Christian Seryice." and Junior league
in Epworth hall, both at 6:30 p. m.
3 p. m. Brother John Woodfin will
speak at the Old People's Home corner
12th and Ferry. The Thursday even
ing- prayermeeting is becoming more
and more evangelistic. The words of
Dr. Avison and the solo arid none ser-
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The ingredients used in Dr. Bell's'
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In promoting the relief cold-iufferera
seek. Safe and economical. .
. At all druggists. 30c., 60c., 91.20.
An Invitation extended to all who may
come and worship with us. R. L Put
nam, pastor.
New Tork, Nov. 14. Edward V.
Brophy, warden of Sing Sing- prison,
haa resigned. He waa the thirty sixth
warden the institution has had In 72
years. Nerve strain and unwillingness
to bring up his daughters "in the
shadow ot the prison" "were given by
Brophy as reasons for his resignation.
He had been warden seven months.
Glvo the Family PnMX
Correct thoat tardy boweli aativarlyt
smoothly, comfortably with Po-Do-Lu, Uvea
, the laty liver. Keep the finally healthy, ptafc
cheeked, tree from coMtipatlon sod it dancer
'cus reanlta. 60 c. Druggists everywhere.
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V NoTEsFNsles i
(Capital Journal Special 8eiic.)
' .a.
(Capital Journal Special Service) '
Monmouth, Or., Nov. IS. The wo
men of the faculty were entertained
at dinner Tuesday evening by Miss
Mills and her advanced class In Do
mestic Science.
The orchestra appeared In ehapel
Friday morning for the first time this
year. -
The students of the Normal ob
served Good English week November
3-8. Early in the week Miss Edna
Mingus of the English department,
gave a short talk Jn chapel outlining
the origin and purpose of Good Eng
lish week. Pasters and placards were
used about the halls to warn the stu
dents to beware of "Bad English,"
lists ot common errors were kept by
the various Instructors, and contests
in spellilng and pronunciation were
held in the English classes.
Mrs. Mary Fletcher, who has been
failing Miss Mcintosh's place in the!
training school during the litter's
visit in the east, finished her work
and returned to her home in Inde
pendence on Friday.
Appropos of Good English week
the girls from one table at the Dormi
tory gave an amusing little skit Fri
day evening just after the dinner
hour. In the little playlet "Kid" was
killed and his sweetheart "Gum Chew
ing Liz" pledged allegiance to Good
English, renouncing slang forever.
Miss Ida Mae Smith spoke at a
local teachers' Institute a t Forest
Grove last -Saturday.
Miss Mcintosh returned to Men-
mouth last Friday
ture of the program moat enjoyed
was the number by the pupils of tlv
training school in which they showed
how children helped to win the war.
The little boya with their drums and
the little girls with knitting bags were
med up the whole matter in a clear
most attractive. Horace Butler sunv
talk. .
spent the last four weeks visiting
normal schools of the Middle West.
Mr. Gentle haa accepted an invita
tion to speak before the. Marion
County Teachers' nstltute on Novem-.
ber 24. Mr. Gllmore will appear be-
. Make Sure Water Supply Is Safe
' Water for domestic use should be
clear, lustrous, odorless, eolorless,
wholesome, soft, neither strongly acid
nor alkaline, and its temperature for
general farm purposes should be about
SO degrees F. These characteristics.
evening having however must never be deemed proof
of purity, for a glass of water may
possess them all and yet contain mil
lions of disease-producing germs. Any .
suspicious water should be repeated
until, both the water and the sur
roundings where it is obtained are
fore the Hood River Institute on Nov-. passed upon by competent sanitation
ember 1 and 2. ' (authority, generally the State Board-
The program for Armistice Day, the of Health. . .
work of a joint committee from the I ,
normal and the Commercial Club of
Twenty-two miles a day In an autor-
Monmouth, was designed to show in mobile to attend the high school at
a measure the appreciation felt in j Frinvllle has been the record main
the community for the local soldiers j tained all mall by three members of
in the late war. Perhaps the one fea-l the Breen family.
Tires -
Monty's Tire Shop
Special Demonstration
Jewel and Bridge-Beach Ranges
Every afternoon from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., November 17 to 22. Drop in and
enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea with hot biscuit and cake.
None Better than
Bridge & Beach
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Come ; in and enjoy a
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Wm. Gdhlsdorf
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There's One Thing That Hasn't
Gone Up
Said Mrs. McGuff to Mrs. Van Bright,
As they chatted one day on the Drive,
"I should not be surprised to be some-day advised
Of a tax for Just being alive! '
"The Landlord lifted my rent which was high
As it was for the service they give
The butcher, baker, the tailor, dressmaker,
Have doubled their rate as I live,
"I can't understand how you manage, my dear,
To still run an automobile?
Why, the cost of a tire must be frightfully higher?
And they're poorer by quite a good deal!"
Said Mrs. Van Bright, "Oh, I fully agree
That the sharks have us all by the ears,
And It's sad that we must calmly stand for the lust
And the greed of these bold profiteers.
"But you're wrong, I must say, in one instance, at least:
As to tires, I cannot agree;
Mine cost less than before, while their mileage Is more
They're Kellys, of course as you see."
E8? . i-M. a
219 N. Commercial
Phone 66
135 N. Liberty Street
Phone 67
You eat more bread than any other single food and
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That is why so many eat
Bake-Rite Bread
Because it's baked right by expert bakers under
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