V E-3 Weather Forecast Tonight and Sunday probably rain. Maximum 55. Minimum SO. Rainfall .OS inches. Gradation Yesterday 5 SO 7 Only Salem Member Audit Boreao of Circulation. RE u "SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 NO. 271. TWELVE PAGES. FORTY- SECOND YEAR PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS www f mm i ADOPTION 0 CLOTU First Self Imposed "Gag" in History of Senate Results in Passing of Two Reservations in Hour Amusing and Turb ulent Incidents Occur Washington, Nov. 15.--Working under its self-imposed "gag" following adoption of the cloture, rule by an overwhelming vote, the senate today forged ahead in its work of preparing a resolution of ratification of the peace treaty. - ' Shantung IS Approved The committee reservation with holding assent to the Shantung pro vision of the treaty was approved by a vote of 53 to 41 after two attempts to alter it had failed. By a vote of 63 to 43 the senate adopted committee, reservation num ber 8, being the .fifth reservation adopted within three hours after adop tion of the cloture rule. The reservation provides that all United States representatives to the league Bhall be appointed only with and by the approval of the senate. Three Reservations Go Without debate reservation number 9, to maintain freedom of trade with Germany without interference of the reparations commission, carried, 54 to 40. Also without debate the seriate vot ed to give congress complete control over America's share in the league ex penses. This reservation, number 10, the senate adopted, 65 to 29. Reservation number 11, reserving the right of the United States to in crease her armament r jf never threat ged with invasion or war without i:ie consent of the league was adop ed. .. . , Two Reservations Adopted ,:' Two reservations were adopted with in an hour after the cloture became effective one passing by - acclama tion only two minutes after the clo ture vote was announced. One reservation provides that man dates can be accepted only by action of congress. The other reserves con trol over domestic questions such as immigration, tariff and labor. Working of Rule Amuses The new rule, which completely revolutionized senate procedure, was taken good naturedly on both sides. Many amusing incidents occurred. To those accustomed to the rambling freedom of debate in the senate the order seemed to create a new atmos phere. Majority is Surprise The decisive majority of 78 to 16 for cloture was a surprise. The Lodge reservation to safeguard the Monroe doctrine was adopted 56 to 32 after three attempts by demo crats to alter it had failed. This is the third reservation agreed to today. The Shantung reservation was taken up next. McCmnber Announces Split McCumber, leader of the mild re servatlonists, announced that on this reservation he would split with the Lodge group. . !. iTrado Rights Retained " The senate voted to retain for the United States complete right to per mit commercial Relations with na tionals of covenant breaking states not living in "their native country. The rote was 63 to 41. This is the twelfth reservation in the Lodge program and the ninth adopted today. SALESMEN'S NEW CLUB MAKES PROGRESS AT OPEN FORUM MEETING The formation of a Salesmen's club ao an auxiliary to the Salem Commer cial club is fast shaping. At the open forum meeting last night of the Com mercial club, attended by 200 club members and salesmen, a committee to draft a constitution and bylaws was named. The constitution and bylaws are to be submitted to the approval of the Commercial club at the next monthly meeting, In December. A committee to determine who shall govern the club during 1920 was also named. This nominating body, com posed of Thomas Kay, D. W. Eyre and William McGilchrist, Jr., will suggest officers for next year at the December . open forum meeting. It was announced last night that there are 647 members of the Com mercial chib. Seventeen new mem bers were inducted last month. Home Movement Endorsed One of the most important steps to be taken by the flub last night wasj the endorsement by unanimous votei of the plan to be pursued by the Sa-j lem Homebuilders Investment com- r;my for the solution of the housing; problem here. The company was en-1 dorsed as a "company worthy of fi- nancial support, not only because of lis charitable nature, but because it , MJL SAiTION SEATTLE OOPS ' Seattle, AVash., Nov. 15. Seattle police were stationed at every depot, dock and . interurban station in the city today to watch for incoming redB. Guard's were posted following re ports to Chief of Police Warren that I. W. W. In the northwest are mobil izing and that a campaign of terror ism is contemplated. Suspicious char acters are to be jailed for federal in- veetlgatlon. : Small communities, fearing trou ble from I. W. W. invasions, have ap pealed to the larger cities to protect them by rounding up terrorists. Twelve red suspects have been ar rested during the last 12 hours, bring ing the total number held in jail here to 74. . PEACE TIME ARMY OF IS Washington, Nov. 15. A peace time military establishment of about 300, 000 fficers and men has been agreed upon by the house military commit tee, Chairman Kahn told the house to day. This will Include a regular army of 250,000 combat troops and auxil iary supply and staff corps with a strength of 60,000 officers and men. The strength of the army Is virtu ally the same as General Pershing recommended to congress, but it is just about one half of the big army program Secretary Baker and the gen eral, staff desired. Their plans called for a total strength of 576,000 men. . C. P. Baldwin of Alaska, who came to Oregon in an effort" to find his son, Earle H. Baldwin, whom he had given up as killed in France, has located- the young man in Roseburg. provides safe investment for capital" The club also proposes to conduct a diligent campaign in Salem to further the own-your-own-home movement. The matter of appointing a commit tee was taken under advisement by the chair, and the men to work in this connection will be notified of their appointment later. Teachers Pay Endorsed Unanimous support to the teachers salary raise, to be voted on In this city December 8 ,was given by "the club. Vote was taken on this when T. E." Tillinghast, president of the North Salem Improvement club, moved that support be given 1. so the teachers may "not suffer a rank injustice," and "that the club may champion a most just cause." . A splendid entertainment was given the members of the club. Little AVeno nrt Smith, child violinist, charmed the skeptics with her talented playing. Mi.3 Eerthrv Clark brought in some thing new when she delivered an en tertaining whistling rendition of two popular songs'. Miss Mildred Brunk played the piano. Following this a bountiful buffet j lunch was served in .the social depart-1 meet of the club, READY TO GRAB INCOMING IWV Wesley Everest, Lynched At Ceotralia, Deported From Oregon In 1913 Marshfield, Or.. Nov. 15. Everest, who was lynched at Centralis, is one of the men who was deported from Marsh field in 1MJ. Everest was here with a man named Edgeworth in an endea vor to organize the I. AV. W and the two men were deported by 200 business men and sent up the beach. Since then there has been no I. AV. W. trouble of conse quence in this locality. Everest, previous to his de portation, worked in the woods here, and was one of the most active of the members. GRADY, CHIEF OF L W. W. TAKEN BVSPOKANECOP Spokane, .Wash.., Nov. .16. -John Grady, commander in chief of all the I. W. W. forces in this district, wn arrested today by police in a rooming house on Second avenue, almost direct ly across the street from the armory, where two companies of state militia were lying in wait for I. W. W. trou ble. Grady admitted to Captain Burns that he was chairman of the defense fund and that was the official delegate of Lumber Workers' Union 500 of tho Chicago-1. W. Vfi convention last May. , He was booked under city and state charges of commercial syndicalism. Spanish War Veterans Seek Liberty. For Convct Serv ing Life Term On Charge Of Fiendish Murder In 1911. Governor Olctt is urged to grant a full.nnd unconditional pardon to J. A. Pender, serving a life term in the state prison for murder, in time for him to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with his iamily in resolutions adopted by Scout Young camp, United , Spanish War veterans, a copy of which was re ceived at the executive offices this morning. The resolution, it is explained in a letter accompanlng the same, ex press the sentiments of 1500 Spanish,! War veterans. Pender was convicted on purely cir cumstantial evidence of the murder of Daisy Wehrman and her little son. Harold, near Scappoose, Columbia county, on or about September 3 of 4, 1911. After a legal battle covering a period of two years Pender was sen tenced to be hanged but this sentence was later commuted to life imprison ment. . Evidence Is Recalled. . "The evidence - surrounding the crime show that the criminal . who committed it must have been a moral pervert, devoid of sense of honor, hu manity and decency whatever, where as John Arthur Pender is a man whose whole record shows him to be a man of good instincts and of high moral standard, believed by all his friends and acquaintances, his lawyers and his family to be innocent of this terrible," the resolutions declare. "Even the judge who tried the case, the district attorney who prosecuted it and many of the wtinesses who testified agatns him either believed him innocent or doubted his guilt." - Pender served during the Spanish- American war in the famous Utah bat tery which made an enviable record through its service in the Philippine Islands and is held in high esteem by his comrades in arms according to the resolutions which continue: Inconsistency Claimed. It does not seem possible that a man of this type and character could possibly be guilty of a crime of the nature pf the Wehrman murders and it seems to us that the guilty party or parties are still unfound and un-. punished and perhaps never will be, but it would seem that now after nine years of confinement, during all of which time render has bravely assert ed his innocence, and his friends who are n imerous have unceasingly worke i for his pardon and vindication that the time had now arrived when Pender should be unconditionally pardoned and be given at least the benefit of a doubt which he was clearly entitled to and should have received at the hands of the jury in Cohiibia county, Ore gon, long aso and which was denied l.im :it that time owing, principally to the heniousness of the crime with which he was charged." Veterans Sign Resolutions. The resolutions which assert the strongest belief in Pender's innocence are signed by Richard Defch. Harvey Wells and Clarence R. Hotchliiss stituting a special committee from Scout Young camp. OLCOTT URGED TO GiVE PARDON TO JOHN PENDER SPOKANE I s REPEL IDS ALL SET TO Feverish night rinds uty,th? n tad,?n' ""J , . . ' Mr t attempted murder of Sheriff Hugh ArmPfl I.Smn WaitTCr tor Maxwell of Plymouth county in a Reported Influx Of Radical Bands From Mills. Legion Replies To Threats On . Lives Of Members By Hav ing Hundred Sworn In As Special Police Officers. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 15. Spokane spent a feverish night last night and early today found herself an arnjed camp, with national guardsmen wait ing grimly at the armory for the ad vance order on the 1 W. W. ' Reports last night that an invasion of Spokane was about to be attempt ed, resulted in. Spokane's two .guard companies being mobilized. They were held in readiness at the armory all night The I. W. W. were rumored to be advancing on the four main railroads leading into the city, hundreds com ing from the Butte mines and other hundreds dropping their tools in the timber belt. Whether they heard 6f the recep tion that awaited them and turned back or whether the report was with out foundation was in doubt early to day, .1 . 1 . Guard Mobilized Mobilization of the national guard last night came as a climax to events of the late afternoon, when American Legion headquarters received a let ter signed by "Fred Rushman, man aging secretary of the I. W. W." The letter threatened nine leaders efvtho-Spokane post With massacre unless they desisted In their attacks on the syndicalists. "-. - The legion promptly answered this letter by having 100 members of its forces sworn in as special police. Armed with army "gats," brought back from France, they awaited eag erly at police headquarters until lute last night for something to happen. Two hundred special police all told were sworn in yesterday afternoon. Among them were the nine legioners marked for slaughter. Police Guard Trial . With 22 police armed to the teeth guarding the courtroom, the, 58 al leged I. W. W. arrested in Thursday's raids were tried in police court late yesterday and 53 were found guilty of criminal syndicalism. Each was given 30 days in the city jail and fined $100. Sam Crane, disbarred Spokane at torney, was marked "hold for depor tation." ,The prisoners were not represented by counsel. They entered their socall ed "silent defense." They hinted that they would carry their case to super ior court and would retain counsel. Lnbor Denounces Outrage, The amusement section of the Cen tral Labor Council is on record today as urging the American Federation of Labor be upheld "for Americans in America." The Centralla massacre is branded as "dastardly" and recom mendations are made that aliens be given the choice of being Americaniz ed or deported. LUMBER MILL AT LINNTON BURNS AT LOSS OF $25,000 Portland, Or., Nov. 15. The mill of the Willamette Box & Lumber com pany at Linnton, a few miles north of Portland, was burned to the ground early this morning. The loss amounts to $25,000. "Air Too Warm" Says Woman As Preface To Killing Self By Leap Seattle, Wash., Nov. 15. "The air is too warm in this room - AVith this remark, Sirs. J. H. Pate of Charleston. Wash., opened a window on the fourth , floor floor of the Cobb building here today, climbed over the ledge and dropped to her death in the alley below. She was instantly killed. Mrs. Pate, who is about 32 years of age, hud been waiting in the office of Dr. Frederick Ben'tley for 20 minutes for an examination of her eyes. ."; - Sheriff E. M. Shutt of Morrow coun- tv has tendered hi resignation, to the con-icount. couH and cx.Sheiff McDutfio lias been appointed to succeed him. Robbers Shoot Way Out of Jail Within Hour of Daring Daylight Robbery Sioux City, Iowa, Novi 15 Lee Bar rington, James O'Keefo, W. ' Cullom and Harry Smith, recently captured by Sioux City police within an hour after they had staged a daylight rob bery of the Westfield, Iowa, bank, shot their way out of the county Jail at Lemars, 25 miles north of here last night. They took with them AVil- lln... f ...1 V. In booze runner" gun battle early last summer. "Slim" SIglin, another mem ber of the famous Brazett Bang o Sioux City, was locked back in his cell the desperadoes saying they did not trust hfm.. SIglin was the only man left in the jail. Sheriff's Son Shot The delivery was staged while Sher NAN IS KILLED San Francisco, Nov. 1 S. One man, J. Js Bodrlques, was called when dry house No, 3 of the Trojan Powder company blew up at 6:30 a. m. today. The force of the explosion was felt on this side of the bay. It caused alarm In East Bay districts. Windows were broken over a wide radius. The Trojan plant is located south east of Oakland, near San Leandro. Howard Bronsteln, a company of ficial, said the dry house probably became overheated. The loss has not been estimated. ' EDITOR LIKELY 10 APPEAR FOR- TRIAL TUESDAY Seattle, Wash., Nov. 15. Charges against E. B. Ault, editor of the Un ion Record, Qeorge P. Llstman and Frank A. Rust, directors, for violation of the espionage law, will probably be considered by the federal grand Jury which convenes next Tuesday, it was announced today by United States District Attorney Saunders. The offices of the Union Record were seized for the second time yes terday afternoon. Following this lat est seizure, Saunders announced that the paper would be indefinitely sus pended pending the trial of the three arrested men. NO effort will be made to secure an injunction to- restrain the United States marshal from continuing in possession of the plant and to compel the government to turn the Union Kecord over to ltB owners, counsel for the accused men said. Prince Of Wales En Route To White Sulphur Springs Washington, Nov. 15. The Prince of Wales today was en route to White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where he in tends to spend the week-end quietly. Edward was accompanied only by members of his personal suite. He planned to have three days' fishing and recreation away from crowds and formalities. . , An organization has been effected of Filipino students attending colleges in Oregon and Washington, and a ban- quet will be held In the Methodist I church at Salem on December 30. INEMONOF POWDER MILL Loss $250,000 in Morning Fire in Oregon City Church; Portland Firemen Assist Oregon City,- Nov. 15. A loss of at least $250,000 was caused by an ear ly morning fire which started In the, basement of the Methodist Episcopal church building. The church structure was practic ally destroyed, as was the W. O. AV. building adjoining. Price brothers, clothing dealers, who occupied the main floor of the church building, are the heaviest los ers, estimating their damage at $150, 000. A furnace fire had been kept in the church last night when revival servic es were held there, and the heating furnace Is believed to have overheat ed slabwood which had been piled near the furnace, causing It to burst into flames. Two Portland fire companies were rushed here to assist the local depart ment In fighting the fire. iff Maxwell was carrying in supper to the men. Smith leaped behind the sheriff, and shot him in tho back. Will Maxwell, son of the sheriff, rushed to the aid of his father and was shot twice, in the eye and back. His condi tion is critical. Sheriff Maxwell will recover. After, shooting down the men the bandits stunned Mrs. Maxwell with a blow from a chair leg and lock ed the sheriff's two daughters, Clara and Fern, in a cell. They then .took two heavy sheep skin overcoats, a 30-30 high power Winchester and two Colt revolvers and escaped from town In a stolen automobile. No Trace Found Commissioner of Public Safety J. B. Mann, Sioux City, with a large force of police, Is at Lemars aiding posses from all over the country in the search for the bandits. So far no trace of them has been found. BANDITS HOLD UP POOL ROOM; GETi AWAY WITH $4000 Portland, Or., Nov. 15. The propri etor and four patrons of a pool room In th heart of the business district were held up and robbed about mid- night last night by three armed, mask- ed robbers. " The bandits escaped with $4000 in cash and jewelry. They fired one shot to intimidate their vIctimB. LEAVES FIUME IS REPORT AT STATE DEPARTMENT Washington, Nov. 15. Paris advic es reaching the state department to day supported rumors that Gabriel D'Annunzio has left Flume. ' ItJIs Understood the Italian poet left on a torpedo boat accompanied by several officers and it is believed he may be headed for Dalmatian wa ters, which are under control of Am ericans. IS CALLED TO DISCUSS RADICAL SITUATION A mass meoting, at which every citi zen Is urged to attend will be hold Monday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock In the veterans' room at the armory, when ways and means of dealing with any "red" trouble that may arise In the city will be discussed and planned. The meeting has been called by Com mander Thompson of Sedwlck Post No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic. Hal Hlbbard Camp No. 5, Spanish War Veterans, have called off the regular meeting called for Monday night that the members may attend the mass meeting. Alleged I. W. W. Arrested In Raid In Los Angeles Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 16. A dozen alleged I. AV. AV. leaders were under arrest here today, two others were in the emergency hospital and the police i station was stacked high with alleged , radical literature. I Tho trrosts occurred last night after I I. AV. headquarters in the Germain : bulMir.g, where a "defenso' meeting was being held, were raided by 26 for- mor service men. President And Tumulty Meet To Discuss Treaty Washington? Nov. 15. Secretary Tumulty and President Wilson con ferred today It was learned at the AV'hlte House. The matter taken up, it was understood, was the treaty situa tion In the Semite. READ AND BOOST THi: CAPITAL JOURNAL. Ry boost I ju' your homo pitper you boost the community in which you live. lTvery community is judged to a great extent awordlng to the merlw of its lending newspaper. Help us to malic VOIR CAPITAL JOITRNWL a nctuv and bigger newspajwr by roncivliig your subscription or by semilog us Hie sb Hcrltpllon of your neighbor. ' Make it your favorite pastime to complain If The Cupltal Jouinal U not delivered properly and satisfactorily. PHISIGB' RATES RISE fET H.C.L. Doctors Adopt New Schedule At Meeting 0a Report Cf Committee. Fees Still Low er Than Most Of Oregon. Day Visit In City To Be $3 And Night Visit $5CoBEtry Calls $1 In Additicn To Regular Rates In Each Case A general boost in rates for nhv. 1 siolan care will go into effect in Mar-: ion and Polk county either immed iately or January 1, as a result of a i meeting last night of the Marion and Polk County Medical Association at "the offices of the Commercial Club. The schedule of fees to be charged. suDmitted by a committee on revis ion was accepted by th association. The most important changes in fees, with the revised rates, follow: . Pay visit within city limits, $3. ' Night -visit within city limits, be tween 9 p. m. and 7 a. m., $5. ? Visits to contagious diseases, $5. Country calls $1 a mile in addition to the regular fees. Office consultation, $3. ' ' Telephone consultation, $1. This, formerly, was not charged for. , Although many other sections in tho west have suffered a rise in phy- -sicianB' fees, the association held off any action of this kind here until it was felt entirely necessary. - It tm -pointed out that Marion and Polk county fees are . still smaller than those charged in Portland and other . places. , The meeting was well attended. Dr. ; R. D. Byrd, presidept of the. associa- " tion, presided. , , - v,, : ,,.., ,- ., . INI TO GET TOGETHER Washington, Nov. 15. Miners and operators reached agreement today to negotiate a new wage scale through scale committees of the central com petitive field. . . . Scales for other fields will be based on the result of tho negotiations in the central fields, which Comprise In diana, Ohio, Illinois and western Pennsylvania, the heart of the soft coal district. . . WHEN LIGHTS ARE. OFF TOR HOt'iEIlT Centralia, Wash., Nov. 15. Centra lla was thrown into the wildest excite ment at. 1:30 this morning when all the lights suddenly went off, just as they did Tuesday night when Wesley Bver- e8t was taken from the city jail and hanged. was discovered that the switch- boara operator in the city power plant had Bne t0 sleeP and tnttt a UBO bad blown out. An electrician was caiiea and the lights went on aguln ih a few minutes. Captain Lloyd-Dysart announced to day that the Legion did not Intend ta round up any more I. AV. W. unless they were suspected of being connect ed with the Armistice day outrage. A number of I. AV. W. have been turned loose. Bov M'Cormick Drubs ; "Speed" Murphy In 'Frisco San Francisco, Nov. 15. Although Boy McCormick administered to 'Spud Murphy a decisive lacing. Referee Toby Irwin at the finish of the fwur round go in Dreamland rink last night raised lhe mitts of both fighters indi cating the bout was a draw. McCor mick in the first three rounds Jolted the Mission Irishman repeatedly with hiH rip-M himrt uppereut. - COAL OPFRATOItS AM NERS AGREE CENTRALIA ALERT