Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 13, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ututw livuov
Oregon Agricultural College, Nov.
13. Discussion of lans for the win
ning of (he Olefin game was the
chief business coming before the stu
dent assembly meeting Wednesday.
The usual routine of business was cut
short, so as lo Rive time for talks on
the game.
"Jimmie" Kiehardson explained the
general arrangements for tickets and
transportation for the entire student
body, faculty and a goodly number of
the townspeople to the scene of the
"Bob" MeClanthan. chairman of the
student committee on arrangements
explained the Nicket sale on the cam
pus. The remainder of the time was giv-:
en to the development of "pep" thru'
talks by Coach Hargiss and others, i
K. T. Meredith, Oes Moines. Iowa,
,' pivsident of tile Associated Advertis
ing clubs of Ameica, has written 45ov-
ernor Oleott accepting an invitation to
visit the clubs of the northwest and
slating that he will probably visit Ore
; gon next summer.
Covernor Oleott yesterday received
an appeal from Ilov. Ked Fox Rkln
hushu Toppenish, Wash., to aid in
the establishment of a fund to provide
non-denominationa! biblical "instruc
tion for the Indian children of the
northwest. Rev. Skiuhushn represents
association. '
"Mike" Putler of Portland, for ten
years physical director of the Chica
go Athletic club has arrived on the
campus for the purpose of taking
care of the team for the coming two
weeks. He Is a very capable man and
will do much toward a vicory over
Oresmi and W. S. C. by bavins: all the
intti in perfect shape. A trainer Is es
sential and the college feels quite for
tunate in securing the services of a
man of Dialer's caliber. He will have
complete charge of the training for
the Oregon and Washington state
In consideration for the return of
the resident manager of the Malheur
Home Telephone company, whose re
moval is dclared to have resultd in Im
paired telephone service the Vale
chamber of commerce, in resolutions
received by the public service commis
sion this morning, expresses its readi
ness to abide by any rate Increase
which the state regulatory body finds
to be reasonable and necessary to the
maintenance for an ' increase of one
dollar per month in business telephone
and twenty-five cents per month for
residence service.
A second liank is in prospect for
Athena, Umatilla county. Articles of
incorporation were filed with Will II.
1'ennett, superintendent of banks this
morning by the Athena State bank
capitalized at $25,000. The incorpora
tors are: A. 1 Swaggart, A. R. Cop
pack. L. Hodgen. O. II. Keller, H. H.
Hill. A. K. Shirk and John F. Herr.
O. A. C. will be represented by .
eight men at Oregon November 15 in.
the annual cross country run, which'
will be held Just before the big foot-:
ball battle.
After working as a farmhand for 10
years without an accounting, William
Carton was compelled to sue Edward
r.ailey, a wealthy Junction City farm
er, and a jury brought in a verdict
giving Garten $1201.50.
Mrs. F.hyra M. ltempol, 41, wife of
W. S. Hempel, proprietor of the No
Vary grocery, 383 Court street, died
at 12: 45 p. m. yesterday at the fam
ily residence, S59 South 12th street.
The body is at the Webb and Clough
undertaking establishment. Court and
High streets.
Mrs. ttempel is survived by her hus
band and three children, Herbert. 17;
William 13, and Kina, 15. They came
to this city from Canada last April.
Mrs. Sadie Orr Ilunbar. president of
the Oregon Society for the Prevention
of Tuberculosis, was a visitor in Sa
Itm Wednesday.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they rivo
that they need attention by takir.-
Applications Made For ! Banks To Be Notified Of
Water Appropriations Holidays Through Letters
Applications for permit to appropri
ate water have been filed in the office
of State Engineer 1'eioy A. Cupper by
Kalph C. llatley. r.aker, for water
from Sutton creek for the irrigation of
a small tract; by C. H. H rooks, Hich-
land, for water from Sipiaw gulch, for
supplemental supply for the irrigation
of land near llichland; and by Kussell
Maxflcld. Payette. Idaho, for water
from Snake river for irrigation of 200
acres on the Oregon side of the Snake
across the river from Payette.
J. AV. McOinniss, Philomath, called
at the office of the state engineer and
made personal application for water
from Stiltner creek, for the irrigation
of a small tract near Philomath.
! Hereafter all banks will be notified
by letter of the proclamation of legal
holidays as a result of an nrrnHKeiucnl
made by Covernor Oleott ami W ill 11.
llennett, state superintendent of banks.
The arrangement is made lo forestall
the reptition of the misunderstanding
lelative to the proclamation of Armis
tice day, November 11. as a legal holi
day. In his statement Coventor Oleott
"Uogal holidays will not be declared
by me only upon those occasions which
I consider to be of great Importance.
However. I have discovered that after
designating Armistice day, November
II. as a holiday, regardless that the
fuel gained widest publlcily a great
ni.ui pc,iile wired, wrote and tele
phoned into the office asking if it were
to be a holiday. The greater number
of these inquiries came from banking
houses and inasmuch as bankers are
greatly Interested in the matter of le
gal holidays I will take thin Ineans to
give them official notification", al
though such a step Is not required by
Workmen Asked To Er o
Accidents To Caai?
Charleston. W. Va., Nov. t. Depu
ty sheriffs, under Instructions from
Covernor Crowell, here seized nine
high power rifles and UlllO rounds of
ammunition consigned to n minor In
the Cabin Creek coal fields.
, Working men eniitl,.,) , (
jtloit under the provNI,,,,.
poMKHtlon not fi., ,.
Illicit due them bv t,,..
ilnn to a statement iSsm,a ! ,
! industrial accident ,,, ,'h"
!' nlsslon finds that h, lh '
;of cnseH the report ,lf .... "I"
the last of the require,! 1 "rtr
rec,.ved by .hee.,,',,,,;; ,
j Jn the 641 ,,,. ,,,
commission during , ' ""
November 8. It WllH found ill,
average the surgeon sent ,BT
12 day., after the a. clde,', ,h
r In tt days ,, ,he
UajH, or over. '
The world's standard remedy for th
disorders, will often ward off these di.
oses and strengthen the body gini".
further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists.
Leek for the nam Cold Medal on ererr bam
ad accept do imitatioa
' 4
tr L t
Eugene O'Brien
"The Perfect
Eugene Ready to !
Handle Big Mob j
Next Saturday
I O, S. P.
Ample and comfortable bleacher and
grandstand accommodations for all
who attend the Saturday game at Ku
gene between the I'niversity of Oregon
and Oregon Agricultural college elev
ens are assured, according to word re
ceived from Marion AlcOlain, graduate
manager at the university, today.
T.otween 9000 and 1 0.000 scats will
be provided," Mr. "McClain told The
Capital Journal over King distance tele- !
phone. "Fifty-seven hundred .of these
will be under eover and dry, should ,
the afternoon chance to be rainy." . i
The game Saturday will mark the !
opening of Oregon's new athletic field.
which is the most modern of any on I
the Pacific coast. The football field, i
with its turf surface has not been j
played on this season and will be in .'
the best of condition, assuring a fast - i
playing gridiron. i
Two special trains, one of the Ore- '
Ron Klectric and the oilier on the ,
Southern Pacific will leave Portland '
at S o'clock Saturday morning, arriv- ; '
fug in Salem at 3:45 and reaching Kn-
jene in time for the passengers to get
iinner before the game. Special cars
Hill be added lo these (rains here if
aecessary to accommodate the crowds.
Get Your Tickets NOW... Tickets on Sale at Perry's
Drug Store, George C. Will, Patton Bros. Book Store,
Ccmfnercial Book Store, Crown Drug Store, Y. M.
C. A., Cherrington Piano, Store, Chas. Maxwell, 0.
E. Depot, Alex Cornoyer, State House.
"Uncle Tom Without the Cabin"
'If'1""' I I I I I i i i i i inn i limine ii i mi i m .. ' i ip w
11 -' J' J V;r. -jy 'j. J-: jft
V. .)A . . nA i iA' -: - A ; :.yiA : A
- , Minnie 111111 mi ii aiain.m.J iiimv-iii .1r,-M..J-,..t...-yi -r6tMti M ri' -'- -! e-
8 4r
i wm mill wi i ej e
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13. Joe Cor
rian, Portland lightweight, fought a
Sreat six round draw with Jimmy
Dundee here last night. The little fel
lows stood up and slugged during the
early rounds. In the fifth Dundee un
corked a strong attack and held a
lead, but in the sixth, Cornian staged
such a strong comeback that he earn
ed a draw. .
Billy Wright, local Welterweight,
boxed his way to a win over Eddie
Hammond of Chicago in six rounds.
In the other bouts .Mike Pete, lo
ea welter, drew with Jimmy Clarke of
Canada; Jim Coffey of San Francisco,
featherweight, beat Jimmy Duffy of
Aberdeen and George Etcel of the Pa
cific fleet, beat Charley Davidson.
exsTT ( ttttttVUtttlitltllliiiittititt tt ' ' ' ' ' '. '. '. '. '. '. ' '. ' '. ' ' '.'.'"it
f1 I -M-Mee-e, e t e t e e 1 1 . et 1 1 e 1 1 1 t t t tt t t ---M . ' , ' . . ........ T . .
l -. rfTTT THIS FORMAL OPENING nr nnr now Uofw,, K,, JJ,J ti. . &'
i s3svr' rill uvwi uuajtu .j.. av.v.uuni ui me Mu re ounaintr neinef m-
Portlanl, Maine, Nov. 12. Kupene
r.rosseau, Canadian middleweight
champion, has partial paralysis of the
left side of his face and left arm. Phy
sicians who examined him after hjs
fight with George Chip, pronounced
the ailment due to over exertion and
prescribed a long rest.
If Back Hurts Use
Salts For Kidnevs
TfT THIS FORMAL OPENING at our new location has been delayed on account of the store building being in
complete at the time of our moving in, and the fact that carpenters and interior finishers have been busy
JJ until the present time fixing up the interior. THE STORE IS NOW COMPLETED and our Opening Sale
BEGAN TOD A Y, November 13th
IVit less if Kidneys feel like
lead or Madder 1mu1ici you
Meat forms nrio acid
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a flushing occasion
ally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, hc.M stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kid
neys active and clean, and the mo
ment you feel an ache or iain in the
kidney region, get about four ounces
.if Jad Salts from any good drug store
here, take a lablespoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidnevs will then act
fine. This famous salts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and is harm
less to flush clogged . kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activity. It
aiso neutralizes the acids in the urine
so it no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder dirdeis.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent llthla
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com-,
A well known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who'
believe In overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble. Adv)
Saturday, November 15th, inclusive
You'll want to be with the orowds headed for our store. .You'll find plenty of surprising values in the fin
est merchandise in Salem. Everything new and stylish, of the highest quality andK low
1 iinwenrorvT -aT JtlfJI
!!!. ;
; Store opens 9 a. m. Closes 5:45 p. m.; Saturday, 8p m.
i nc btore for the People SALEM'S EXCEPTIONAL STORE
1 ttt ''--'111 Htltttt e e ttttt
ittt, t, lZZ2J1211ilZi??
- e Httiii ZZ: - "'"Mi i iiMtm.mi..iiitiJittt