rl HE DAILYCAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1?,. PAGE F1VK. tt4 All A mi a round town t4 , f , t s CCRI1.ENT EVENTS Nov. 14 Monthly member, ehlp meeting ComniefcluH club 8 p. in. Banquet and enter tainment Nov. 14. Salesmen's club forms, Commercial club, 8 p. in. Nov. 14. Marlon and Polk County Medical Asmq., Office Commerclnl club, 7:30. Nov. 14 HiiKiiar at Pres byterian church. Dec. 19 "Th House Next Poor," hish school auditorium. Dec. 8-4 Bazaar In St. Jo seph' hall. Love, the jeweler. 3.17 State St. Hatches, diamonds, Jewelry. Repuli- . 1llrs or ,ne coun. try is of such vital Importance as to le of Interest to all. The meeting will "isMi ai riKni o clock Held ut the armory largest Ktadium "uru lo accommodate the lartcw "irons mat in expected able orator. in and will The armory Salem was be thei se-1 wwJye ws to hear the 275 Thursda l.V, November 9llth hna'R. WhitA v Air nnrt fi T been definitely set n th .. ..... , h, ,, ,. as recoraeo at tue court house shed on lot eiitht hiw :.u." '..!?. ch 125 candidate, will be initiated, lb 600' cibtiL, nur win 1 . , ThP st..!!,,,, , -s... piumpiiy at lour odock nn,V J, u. ".'I? " the Hfternoon. in the club rooms on house roacl,ui L. ". l" uth .Liberty street. All Elks in the - """'"" city will meet at the club at 7:30 and . HISKest game of the season free ,T''Ck " b0,y t0 the armorV. ib Kvery run counts. Ai? members liltnr ' wrv an ' wnere ' banquet will be t -W. O. W. meethiK S ! r" Wd at 8 c,ock' and tensive Members only oVMif! 01"nlon' there will be no dance. in j,ne ifair to be exclusively for Elks. Clifford Latour Li.vel,.,i i,,,...,. .comn,ltt charge of arrange- on or .vir. a,i Mrs. L(ltollI. LoveIttnJ H , v ' . ,r L , -""l'osea oi An order compellling Louis L. Aral oi Jerrerson, died earlv thi. .'"l"' .t,""lm"i invi rjrwiii jL,ewis. the transfw of 55.38 acres of land near Stayton to Gibson T ami Ijiiirn Ington addition. cost about $500, i Dance new Auburn hall Saturday night. fttlotn'B best'five piece orches tra. 270 Lilian Gish Is Star In ."Broken Blossoms" Coming! and end most pleasant kind and people have, and whU-h has been watched by a de- been good enough to say many nice j voted public through nnmrmns nthpi- 'ouragmg things about my work Griffith productions and is soon to be' in 'Broken Blossoms.'" 'seen so splendidly in that remarkable Thus spoke Miss Lillian dish -the art sensation "firvken Hluasoms" at real Lillian Cilsh. And to show the sim- the Oregon Theatre. tkliclti' nf hwi tnuta un.l thii nmHuatv f ! erywhere. So much is expected of ft her wishes, she was Induced to speak' Willi,, 8. folsom, a resident of star, for the public is of such exacting !of her work under D. W. Griffith's di- Oregon for 44 years and widely known and changing tastes. Fortunately for ! rectlon, a work that found Its first real , throughout the state, died at Dufu'. me, my experiences have been of the expression In "The Birth of a Nation," , Sunday, aged 75. "I would be terribly nervous were I ! to become a star and be exploited ev- i District Judge George H. Eingham Elks in the left this city today for Eugene where j he will sit on the bench for Judge , Sklpworth. He will be In the college i town the remainder of this week, and probably a part of- next week. Judge j Kelly, department No. 1, district court I is on the bench in Portland this week. Mis. M. I). Kills of Dallas, return ed to her home In the l'olk county city this morning, after a brief visit With relatives here. Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing ing, 1U2 Liberty St. N. Phone 334 or 1015. 209 H. J. Wenrlernth i n .......1 v. . ""iiii -. - .,np,lai artei. a b,.ie( llnesi) Tile hiulv f., . - , , "wurueu to jciterson for burial by the W. T. Klgdon umler tnklng company. I. Special meeting of Salem lodge No, r. v a. ai , , this in the K. C. degree, welcome. evening. Work (Visiting brethren 201) ; E. T. Albert of Portland was the pucst of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C, Albeit, ycHterdny. He rcturne'i home today. Dr. S. C. Stone can be found at Ty It'f'd drug store, 107 South Commer cial street. 2011 James T. liraml, Marshfiehl attor ney, is here on business before the supreme court today. Holiday dance Stayton Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, 1032 Korth 16th street, have gone on an e 'ended vacation trip. T rma N.TerwUliger,licenaed lady em t ar with Terwilliger Funeral Home, Mrs. It. A. Nudon of Harrlsburg Is t' it guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Eckerlin, B05 North Liberty street WV L. Garrett, who holds a high po " m in the Artisan lodge, Is here , ,n Portland, attending to business unci ted with the lodge. U. V. Hogg of l'olk county, dealer! in 1'oluiid China swine, angora goats ! and White Hock chickens, has taken j a number of his best animals audi birds to Portland for exhibit at the! live stock exposition wiiich opens! there next .Monday. Mr. Hogg has, never failed, heretofore. i i.,.,w home a few prizes. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will serve cafeteria lunch both at noon and evening, Friday, at the church. 209 composed - Pauline Aral and Augustin P. Aral. defendants In a suit to' collect on a mortgage and promissory note, to pay $ jjj.to S. S. Gibson, plaintiff. $2750 and $191 for costs of the trial, was made Wednesday by District Judge Blng ham. 9: 7, j Gibson sued -to collect on a prom " jlssory note for $2750. and to foreclose : a mortgage on property transferred to. him in paymeait of the note. DIED Mr. and Mrs. Hop Lee, Chinese, re siding ut 13th and State streets, are the proud parents of a ruddy cheeked 8 1-2 pound boy. He was born Mon day and was named Leslie Hop Lee. Mr. Hop Lee, who is retired, will di rect his energies toward schooling his infant son in American states manship, friends say. ig dance Tuner Friday Nov. 14. madge orchestra. 269 3. S. Parker and L. V. Baker, both . Albany, were in Salem yesterday, racted here by the presentation of he Masijuerader" at the opera use last evening. of t 1 John H. Lewis, engineer manager the Warmsprings irrigation dls t In Jrfalheur county, called at the ce of State Engineer Cupper on ration business this morning. , W. -Cunningham, consulting en f ier, Is here from Portland today o.i business with the state engineer's o ice at the state house. Mr. and Mrs. George Conkey, prom fnent Independence residents, were In Salem yesterday. Mrs. Conkley under went a minor operation at the Salem hospital. The time Nov. 14th, 10 a. m. The place Presbyterian church. The, attraction Big bazaar. Free con cert in auditorium at 8 o'clock. 209 The Albany court of the Foresters of America, have surrendered their charter and become affiliated with the local court, Sherwood No. 19. At the meeting of the Saem court next Tuesday, a number of the Albany members will be present, aud twenty new candidates will be Initiated. The Albany court had a personnel of thir ty members. The Business and Professional Wo men's club, now in course of organi zation, will hold a meeting this eve ning at 7:30, in the Y. W. C. A. rooms on Liberty street. Business will be the admission of charter members and the general outlining of the program, to be followed by a talk by Miss Ger trude P. Bader of Seattle, national field secretary, who will discuss top ics of interest to all progressive wo men. A large attendance is invited. , Frank Holder, formerly manager of the Western Union telegraph of fice here, but now a radia operator in the U. S. navy stationed at the Bremerton navy yard, la in Salem to day renewing acquaintance with his numerous friends. Although enlisting only for the duration of the war Holder has decided to continue in the service for the time being at least in order to do his bit toward reliev ing the serious shortage which exists in the personnel of, that organization. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kearth have returned to their home on North Commercial street after spending a fc.iort visit in Dallas where they went to attend the armistice day celebrations. Mrs. D. D. Olmstead has reported lo the police the theft of two jarde Tilorg, filled with geraniums, which were stolen from her poch Monday riisht. The women of the First Christian eburch were entertained by the man agement of the Cherry City bakery yesterday. The women were shown through the plant and were guests at a dinner in the building. Mr. and Mrs. John Marr, Jr., who have been spending a few days visit at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Marr, Sr., on South High street, have returned to their home in Astoria.- S. Benson, of the state highway commission, and Hebert Nunn, state highway engineer, will leave Oregon about December 3 for Louisville, Ky., where they will attend the conven tion, of the national association of state highway officials." The conven tion will be held December 9. boosting the score two points ahead of James Elvln's team, the biff bailers under Captain John W. Todd won an easy game last night at the T. W. C. A. gymnasium. The run last night was 19 to 6. George D. Aldon, marked hv his rett sweater, could be wen slinging them across for Elvln's leant, but could not get organized sup port to push the secretary's boys to lead. 1 LILA TiEE AND . ELLIOTT DEXTER LILA LEE IN "THE DAUGHTER OP THE WOLF" WTJFLITZER ORGAN tagsn ig The home of Arthur Baldwin, West Salem, was burglarized some time last night, and about $85 worth of clothing stolen. Police were investi gating today, and working on infor mation offered by Baldwin that he suspected a certain young man whom he had befriended. Officer W. J. Wright also investigated last night the burglary of the Roberts grocery store, 456 Court street, and found that only four boxes of grapes had been stolen. Who the men will be who shall di rect the destinies of the Salem Com mercial club next year is puzzling many. At the monthly meeting of the club Friday evening a nominating committee, to name candidates for the offices, will be appointed. Then, at the December meeting of the club, election of officers will be held. No one claims knowledge of who might be named to fill the chairs the ensu ing year. It is the hope of many members, however, that the success ors will De a progressive a now in control. The Rotary club this morning dis nntnhorl invitations to secretaries of all trade crafts in the city to urg' the r mem hers to attend the mass meeting next Tuesday evening at which E. B. Fish, machinist from a Seattle shipyard, will talk on "True Americanism." An effort is being to have every Salemite attend the eeting as the message of Mr. J) isn is VON EY KEREN At the Deaconess hospital, November 13, 1919, Eva Lneila, wife of John Von Eykeren of West Stayton, at the age of 37 years. She is survived by her hus band, one son 2 years old, and a sis ter, Mrs. Pert Peebles, 1010 North Cottage street, Salem. Funeral services will be . from the Tenviiltgcr Hoite Saturday morning at 1 0 : 1) 0 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Lovell will officiate and burial will be in the Odd KelohvM cemetery. JKiO-SL.WI.V RECOGNIZED Rome, Nov. 1 2. The Holy See has officially recognized the new govern ment of Jugo-Slavia, it was announc ed today. The Serbian government soon will appoint a representative to the Holy See, it was also announced. lyitj Chalmers, first class mechan ical condition, electric lights, start er, all leather upholstered, $850. Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co. 371 Court street. Phone 835 SPECIAL Good 5 passenger car will trade for what have you U. S. GARAGE Phone 1753 654 Ferry St. Our estimable -con-' duct has caused us to be commended by the people of this CO mmunity. They have faith In our ability and de pendability and wo (3, will see to it that no incident of our professional career shall lose us their esteem. DRAPERIES MADE TO ORDER TO FIT YOU R WINDOWS. C.S. HAMILTON 340 Court Sreet 0. A. C OREGON GAME NOVEMBER 15TH Everybody Go Tickets on sale at Hauser Bros. BUY REMNANTS ' AT THE Remnant Store 254 Korth Commercial Dr. CB. O'Neill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN STATE g STREET , . HH e RKu Riunr I CO t UJ XL 8 5Tar8fr State ai?d 3omerca8ts. fine 625 Salem0r DO AWAY WITH INDIGESTION How to Purify a Souur, Distressed Stomach in a Few Minutes Let us talk plain Knglish; let us cafl a spuko a spade. Your food ferments ml your stomacli isn't strong enough to digest the food you put into it, so the food sours and forms 'poisonous gases, and when it docs leave your stmach it lins not fur nished proper nourishment to the blood, and has left the stmach in a filthy con dition. Take Mi-o-na stomach tablets if you want to change your filthy stomach to a healthy cleau purified one.. If Mi-o-na fails to relieve your in digestion, rid you of dizziness, bilious ness and sick headache your dealer will cheerfully refund yftur money. If you want to make your stomach so strong that it will digest a hearty meal without distress and you want to be without that drowsy, all tired out feeling, take Mi-o-na; it should give you prompt relief. For sale by all leading' druggists. ( ': Foot Ball. O O AT FtlPFMF MrtiMf-i-CTy M LUyLlML P. M. NOV. I d I! Ifl STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Special trains leave Portland at 8 a. m. arriving at Salem 9:45 a. m. on both Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific. Reach Eugene in time for dinner. 5,700 SEATS UNDER COVER 8 RESERVED SEATS ON SALE IN SALEM.. AT.. HAUSER BROS. MUUUU The Stage Is AH Set for Friday and Saturday. Our SHOE IS ATTRACTING EAGER BUYERS FROM FAR AND NEAR. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL WITNESS THE HEAVIEST BUSINESS OF OUR SALE. EVERYONE NOW KNOWS THAT OUR PRICES ARE Less Than Today s Cost W. T. EIGDON CO. Uuaeriakerp 258 North High Street ' SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Salem ladies can now secure expert' service in this line. We are experienced hands, formerly of Meier & Frank, Portland OPEN TUESDAY NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT Now located at 202 Bank of Commerce Bldg. CHILDREN'S SHOES LADIES' SHOES Children's brown, black and Assorted styles in lace or button, Kid, Gun , . , .,- Metal and Patent Leather, all sizes. Regular patent leather shoes, suit- $5.06, $6.00 and $7.00 able for dress or ' school v r"""f wear. Sizes H to 2. Regular lJJ j , $5.00 sale QJ? O tlJ? QJJ $2 95 - LADIES' SHOES AND PUMPS nftiw piinrc One lot, some are Hanan made shoes and pumps. BOYS SHOES Sizes 2Vfc to 4 only. Worth $8, $10 and up to $12. Boys black calf shoes, Much- iftXk tssX er lace, sizes 11 to" 2. Regu- lfcjL fTc lar $3.50 and $8.. Special at ip'OU'U' LADIES' FANCY SHOES . Ladies' Grey, Patent Leather, Two Tone With BOYS' SHOES ' Cloth Tops, High or Low Heels, all sizes. r, , , , , u Regular $8, $9 and $10. Boys black gun metal shoes - ' for dress or school, sizes 2 'a (vJJ p'T J ' " to 6. Regular $5.00 sale CpOjojy j) $3.95 : LADIES' DRESS SHOES ROY' HIPH TOPS Ladies' Brown Kid cloth top, Military Heel, all duio mun luro gizes AlgQ Ladies, Wikh Elk ghoes in one lot Boys' black or tan shoes, 12- Regular $9.00 and $10.00 inch top, bellows tongue, tfffa T F 1 - MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black calf, blucher lace, as sorted lasts. Our regular $9 and $10 sellers $6.95 MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black blucher lace, 10-inch top, O'Donnel make, all sizes. Regular $12.00' values $7.95 MEN'S ARMY SHOES Men's tan army shoes Buck ingham Hecht make, regu : . lar $7 and $8 $3.95 MEN'S HIGH TOP Reg. $11, 16-in top ...$ 7.95 Reg. $13, 12-in top........$ 9.95 Reg. $15, 16-in top $10.95 MEN'S LOGGERS Dayton's make loggers Reg. $10, 10-in top ...$ 6.95 Reg. $11, 12-in top.'...::..$ 7.95 Reg. $12, 12-in top........$ 8.95 326 State Street 0 Salem, Oregon