Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 12, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    . PAGE IflNE.
New Today - Where Small Afa Get Results
Rate per word Each tnsertfon one
cent, six Insertion 5 cents, one month.
16 insertions, 17 cents, uno Jvar, per
month, 3 cents, Minimum per ad 25
First insertion only in New Today.
f!itv nils cash in advance ani ndt tak-
n "over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account No allowance for
phone errors
For Sale.
LARGE boxes for sale at Oregon the-
liter. !
Phone 1901.
bushels good
FOR SALE- Cheap, one Buick road
ster. 171 S. High St. ' :" 208
New Today.
FOR SALE 5 room house with bath,
barn, large lot, plenty of fruit, etc.,
on N. Summer St. Price $1200. half
cash. Wilson & Co., room 8, D'Arcy
bldg. -v . ' ''. 269
FOR SALE Ford delivery cheap. Im
lah Fruit farm. Phone 52F11. 208
DRESSMAKING at 467 Union street.
WANTED Lady boarder, room and
board $15 month. KUjv Finney. 276
WILL' store piano for Vise of same.
Phone 1521W. " .... 268
3E3n DR. L. . HALL WILSON- Spe
23" clalist in the Modern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
FOR SALE Six room ' bungalow.
. modern, large bttsement,. good lo
! catio By close- in. $2750. See .F. P.
. Crist after 6- p.-,m. 2615 'Brook's- ave.
WANTED Ten men to tip loganber
ries. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2.
FOR SALE Horses,
wagon, $75. 1351 N.
harness and
Cottage! 208
FOR SALE Fresh cow, 1311 N.
street. Phone 750R.
LOST Two rings in state' house lav
atory Tuesday, emerald and opar
settings.- -Return room; 103 state
horuse. Reward. 268
THREE furnished ' room apts. for
rent'. 257 N. Liberty St.. 270
FOR SALE--1917 Chevrolet roadster
mechanically perfect, new " top,
plate glass windows, new paint,
eood solid bumpers, good tires, one
extra. It looks good. Cash price
$650. Call Parsons at 177711. 268
FOR SALE 3 nice shoats. Call SF25
, ; . 209
FOR SALE First class delivery
Phone 21F13.
FOR SALE Reasonable, good 6
room nouse ana 101. i-noiie air .4.
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman-
Wells boiler, complete" with stack,
E. C. Cross & Son. , '
WANTED Plowing to do by
1259 S. Liberty street.
WANTED Banking out or hauling
wood. 1259 S. Liberty street. 270
FOR SALE Almost new set of sin
gle buggy harness for sale cheap.
Call 2501W2. 269
WANTED Representative for Day- e, auto signalv Call at Auto
Electric Service Co., 171 d. U...-
niercial for demonstration.,. . 269
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l
ditlon. 1720 Chemeketa St.
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and ud. Max O. Buren. Com. St.
WANTED'aood second hand harness
at once. Phone 938. Capital City
Transfer Co. 268
. Hat ovoa. examined and glasses fit
ted. .Broken lenses duplicated..
Hours at office daily, 4 p. m, to
p. m. Saturday 8 a. im to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladies and gents
tailors, want garments to, remodel.
Room ,2, 442 State St. ; 286
WANTED Highest price paid for
fat cattle and milch cows. Phone
1576 W. . . 279
WANTED To rent an 8 or 10 room
house within 10 blocks of post of
fice. Phone 620R 270
WANTED-rSbme .'one to buy -.6. large
lots near car, fine . location; will
i throw in small house and barn and
other improvements.' , A bargain.
i Owner 1726 N...S6mmcr St. 268
v Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed ai a. a. siew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St. '
FOR SALE By owner, 1 8 acres near
Salem: 7 acres prunes mostly -bear
ing; strawberries set- entire orcnara,
3 acres loganberries, 3 acres pota
toes, balance good stump pasture;
good buildipga,r excellent locality.
Priced cheap, JS400, 1-2 cash, bal
ance terms. Owner.- S. R. Pearson,
Turner. Rt. 2. box B5C. Telephone
107F24 or 12FS "' 272
WANf ED-Country butter, two lbs.
a week; A. K. Swanson, 1757 Wal
ler St. ' ' 263
Office 124 South Liberty street
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales. . -- - -
FOR SALE Good work horse, abso
lutely sound, weight 1400 lbs., six
..years old. Phone 35F11. . 268
WANTED Hay cutter and kale. State
lowest price. Phone 47F25. Rt. 2,
. box 90, Salem. 269
FOR SALE Good 7 room house,
V move v.u.1 at mo """J, " qqOD room and board may be had
FOR SALE 7 room modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. - 271
FOR SALE A lot and G room house
with basement. 1239 Broadwny.
Phone 2057R. 270
HERE'S A SNAP Splendid E room
house,' good condition, 2 lots, good
barn, fruit, 1 block to car line.
Price $2500. Won't last long, terms.
See me today, H. E. Iiollnger, Ore
gon bldg.
OREGON strawberry plants for sale
50c hundred. 118 N. Commercial
St. 268
FOR SALE 7" rooms, bath, toilet,
enough hearing fruit.--for
good big" barn. This is a bargain
Price $1650. D. E. Hart,' Oregon
bldg. - - . ' 269
FOR SALE 6 room - cottage, bath,
- toilet, lots of fruit." .2 good lots,
Frice $1600, D. E.- Hart, 208 Ore
son .bids. (' 1: 269
FOR SALE 10 -acres 5 acres five
year old logans, .4 acres- trelllsed
evergreen berries, . small house,
barn. Price (4500. T. E, Hart, 208
Oregon bldg. . . . . ' 269
in private family, close in. Phone
1781J. 272
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get mm, tie omy cnargco
3 per cent. -
Money To Loan.",
' On good ree,l estate security .
Over Ladd'A Bush "Bank, Salem, Ore.
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
or stumpnge, ash, maple, oak and
fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons,
Gervais, Or., Rt.' 2, Phone 3F11.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Ooverniment' money 10 io
at 5 1-2 percent.,303. Salem Bank of
Commerce. W; , Jf. Smith.
GOAT meat for' sale, first class only.
Orders taken 2567. Oak-and 2;tli
street. Phono 2160M-
WANTED All good varieties of ship
. ping apples at highest cash market
price. Farmers Produce Co., 160 S.
High. Phone 10. 269
CHOICE goat meat at Peoples mar
ket between State ana court on
Liberty street. .'..
WANTED To buy from owner 5 or
. 6 room, modern house. State price,
location and terms. Address Home
care Journal. 269
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 84 1-2. years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrhstedti 401 Masonlo Temple,
- Salem, Oregon. - ' ' '
Niemeyer's Buys, i
,. 10 room house on N. Cottage St.,
modern.ALot 66x165. Good fruit. $5,-
7 roomi modern' Mouse oh N. 16th
at. 3X0e. Good terms. .-."
4 room modern House' ouo jn. z-nn
St, Lot 40x100. $1504. Easy terms.
6 room modern house on Vllbur
St. Some fruit. $1575.
R acres in 8 E Salem. 3 acres mix
ed orchard; 1-2 acre, logans, .balance
pasture. 7. room modern house; good
barn and chicken house; good won.
140 acres 5 miles from Dallas. 40
acres cultivated. 15 acres prunes; 75
acres timber. New house; spring wa
ter. Close to school.-.. $6000. Good
10 acres close to Marion. Well
fenced. Some timber. No improve
ments,. $800. Wilt exchange for Ford
C. W. Niemeyer.
Just real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Sa
em. Or. Phones 10 0, 1014. 268
. JrvfcW-'jWfer : i ill
i M l.m. '- 111'
FOR SALE Or trade good .work
horse. Whr.t have you? 1106 Ferry
street. " 269
WANTED To rent a ranch or run
one for owner. Can give the best
of reference. Call at 2161 N. Front
St. 270
FOR SALE 1919 Buielc. Five pas
senger. Practically new. yMlson s
garage, phone 220. 276
WANTED Modern 5 or 6 room bun
galow, built in conveniences, rurn
nce. State location, cash or terms.
Agents need not answer. Address
XIX Journal. 26
PLUMBING new and repair
reasonable, i-none inn.
'Wit,CT!LT" superior to cloth at
about halt price. Max '".DU',r"
Com'l. St.
ATTERBURY Transfer & Storage Co.
rnone your wmus
. iw,.,itT,ir tn us. nhone 175J
cca i..nw si T'jew. Bros." 70
UU1 i'r....".. .
FORSALE Hartz Mountain and St.
Andreasburg singers for - sale nt
I 725 S. 13th St. '.; 268
I WANTED To "do plowing by the
acre with tractor. Phone 1804, ba
lem Velle company, 162 N. Commer
cial. 26S
fTARKS Delicious apples. Write A,
E. Zimmerman. 1U. 9. a card if you
want some. 1 273
T7-V TIi-t nnsta. no cooking required
, works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O. Buren,
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa-
lom, stock and implements for. sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271
FOR SALE Or trade, . 3
Phone 7F11.
. 270
WANTED To rent. by refined fami
ly, furnished house or apartment
References. Will take lease: Address
Wager care Journal, il
WANTED Two or three unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. Phone 2136W.
' 2"0
FOR SALE 8 or 15 acres, berry or
hop lana at uiaxtar siaiion, j-j.
Call 2490 Myrtle Ave. Phone 50M
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring car,
has not been run 2000 miles. See
car- at Dodce - agency, 184 - South
FOR SALE 2 lots cn North 23dSt.
Inquire af.375 'K 23d St.' ,, 271
FOR SALE Good apples, picked be-,
fore the freeze, $1 pet' box, deliver
ed. Phone 75F5. 269
Commercial St.
W 281
A vpnv finn .secondhand Lurtwic Pi
ano for sale, at a. bargain and easy
levmR, The WileV B. Allen Co., 519
Court street, ,aear High. 268"
WANTED To. buy, if you have good
secondhand clothes I'll pay a good
price for same.' Men's suits from $5
to $20, ladies suits range from $3
to $15. Ladies and mens overcoats
from $5 to $15, and 1 also Duy an
kinds of house dresses, childrens
clothes, shoes, of all kinds. Ladies
EDods are Bhipped to Seattle and I
haye. ladies goods of all kinds ship
ped in from out of town. You had
tietter oalL 675 or the $2 for $1
Store, 279 N. Com. if you want
eood .mice for goods. 289
NOTICE I have sold all my interest
in the Auburn hall, and hold no in
terest in any way,., will those who
have any blUB against same present
to me by Nov. 20th. G. H. Sauder. (
; Salem Auto Kitdiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired, ,
Tractor Radiators Seclalty
Ford Radiator for Sale
198 S, 12th St. u.! - Salem, Ore.
For Rent
FOUND -1737J.
Watch Saturday.
. 273
WANTED Place, to board school
boy.'age 13. Phone 2061. 270
TO RENT 10 acre, farm, good house
and barn, good road, near station,
some berries. Cash rent fifv.
ridge Hotel, room ono, 248 North
- Commercial St. 1 268
) '
FOR SALE Or exchange for other
grains, reclenned cheat seed, wai
tor L. Fuller, Brooks, Or.
FOR RENT Garage, 478 N. Cottage,
.'., 268
Phone IFOR ' RENT One furnished
FOR SALE Or trade, 7 room house !
in Dallas, for, several acres with
buildings; will pay difference ;close
to Salem. 1505 Mission St. 2bS
keeping room nnd
room, 712 State St.
FURNISHED rooms close in, most
desirable location; reasonable rates
495 N. Com'l St. Phone 1446. 269
OAt.TFOftNIA for Oregon, residence-
in Oakland, value oouu, "
brance $2000, will trade equity or
pay mortgage and trade clear for
Willamette valley. What have you.
null or write 725 S. Commercial
street, Salem, or telephone 1510.
..-'. . . i.' -
FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet by pri
vate owner, almost same as new.
Price reasonable. .Harry Pearson,
phone 12F5. 272
TO SETTLE an estate, I am offering
for sale five modern bungalows
well located on paved street. Wil
liam H. Trindle, Bank of Com
merce bldg. 293
FOR SALE Litrht delivery truck.
nriee reasonable. Call phone 125SI
" at 907 ,S. Com'l St. 270
B'fTT don't von buv mv 5 acre farm
all in cultivation, family orchard
nnd berries, house, barn and out
buildines. near station. 15 cents
car fare. Box 33.1, Salem. 268
FOR RENT 6 room modern cottage
at 1509 N. 4th street; also 4 un
furnished apartments cheap. Phone
B86J. 268
l?nn SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 waner
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
Used Cars for Sale.
plete tie mill ready to run, at a
low figure. Call on or address Sa
lem, Rt. 6, box 142. 270
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to 00
first class repair work on any raaue
FOR SALE Registered
Guernsey bull of importe
so 2 -year
buck. Rt.
yearling I
cow; al-1
WANTED Married mart to help trim
trees, split wood and chop wood.
Come to Twin Hill ranch 8 miles
south of town on Rosedale road. 208
FOR SALE By owner, one of Sa-
". lem's nicest homes, niue rooms, ev
ery modern convenience. Choice lo
cation, first class condition. Can' be
- seen by appointment. FhOne 36 or
". 125. - 272
FOR SALE A bargain 2 1-4- ton
Rethlehem truck with Body com
plete, good as new, driven about
2000 miles, $1700, terms. "Bee Salem
Velie company, 162 N. Com'l. 267
I";; Good Buys.--
16 acre tract' locate on main Pa
cific highway 3 1-2 miles south, 7 l-f
acres Italian- .prunes, , paianua
a iori1 vriro S7250. $2250 down, bal
ance & years at 6 per! cent Interest.
I : li-, acre-, tracts 5 c acres ; bearing
prunes, .oaiajiw uim-v
ry land.-Price $5000, $1000 down,
balance 5 years 6 per cent interest.
-TO acres oeanng iwimii -and
9 years old. Price $5500.
83- acre farm, neany ui
good road, 5 miles out, nouse mm
barn. Price $125 per acre.
Good 6 room moaern "
1565 S. Liberty street. Price $2800.
Well improved 5 acre tract located
three blocks from carline, good plas
tered biingalow, electric lights base-
. no- fpinr. n line iiumv.
of cars. American Automobile co . ' jcnfio
1 acre all in bearing fruit, located
. close in. Price $560 per acre. $175
down, balance terms.
W. H. Grabenhorst & io.
275 State street 269
We Want.
old registered Cotswald Tour used furniture, stoves, carpets
, box 32, StayttmOr. 69ftnd t(Jolgj as we pay fair prlce8 for
everything. Call 947.
. 283 North Commercial St.
FOR SALE OtTe Jeroey cow fresh, I
and one Jersey that will be fresh
In middle of November. Pearl 1
Wood, on Chemaw'a and Silvertonl
rnnd. 269 1
FOR SALE Good young goats, 7 to
84 pound, by half, or whole; alto
fine .eastern Oregon alfalfa fed
beef, by quarter or half. 14c pound
Price's. Meat- Market, 325 N. Com-'-
merciai St. V 268
WANTED To - buy 4 tons of loose
, hay, clover preferred. John 8. Mar
shall, No. 6, Salem,. Or. 270
All cultivated. Twenty acres
Prunes. Will take as part
nivmnnl five to ten acres welt im
proved near Salem. Address H. C.
Pni-ter. Aumsville.' Or. 270
Tin a j? Will aell mv herd boai-. 3
years old. He is from the best and nrnved his' worth: weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
$75 will take him. IL, R. Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem.
Lodge Directory.
Help Wanted
WANTED Woman to care.-:for- in-
; valid. 2090 Fenry ..St. . .
Farm Bargains
Sixty five acre farm, one ' half
mile to R. R. station, on good grav-
,el road, soil- the best, nearly all in
cultivation, one acre fine orchard
good farm buildings worth $3500;
all stock, feed and farm lmpie
ments worth at least $1600, goes
with this place. The owner must
sell as he is going to California
soon. This property should sell for
$10,000 but under the present cir
cumstances can be bought for only
$8500. Terms, $3500 cash, balance
$5000 five years at 8 per 'cent in
terest. Seo
Elsworth Pickell
301 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 271
' .noMa every ' weaneBusy
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. halL
McCornacK nan. u "
at 8. Harry Levy. C. C; P. J. Kuntz
K. R. & S. : -. - ' ' '
Best Buys.
' : - - - f HOUSES ; ,
J$600 for 5 room house, lot 100x100
;et, lots or truit,- terms an uaon.
$1000 for 5 room house, lot 100x100
feet, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
$1750 for -5 room wen duui ia
tered modern house. East front. Lots
of fruit, close to junior high school
and pavement. A snap to the man
who wants a home: Easy terms.
$1800 for 10 room house, fair con
dition, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
2500 for 7 room modern plastered
house. $500 cash, balance ao per
month. ' ,
$2000 for 6 room moaern iiuuro,
good condition, lot 80x360, terms on
no..- . . . , , .
taonn for 7 room part modern
house, one fourth block of ground,
lots of fruit, half cash, balance 7 per
$10,000 for '30 room apartment
house, all furnished, basement, two
furnaces, -close, in, hatt cash, balance
6 per cent.
ft A n'r . nil in cultivation, well
fenced, close to town, $2300, half cash
tmlann.. ft lier 'CCtnt. - -
7.31 acres, ,7 .acres In cultivation
on hmr land, lierht irravel soil
3 miles from city:-limits, " on good
i-nnda. fine srlh- for -Irrigation bor
derlng on place. -11-ice-'l2u, . easy
el6o"acreS,-46 cultivated, balkpce tlm
anil --railing, ordinary im
r.m't..mont silo, best of fencing, rock
road, half mile of school, two miles
of three towns, price $buu, aou
cash, balance at 4 per ceni.
94 acres, half cultivated, paiance
timber, 3.. acres family orchard, 5
room house, new barn, gravel sol,,
2 1-2 miles of town, $75 per acre. $2,-
000 cash balance per ceni.
27 1-2 acres, 20 cultivated, 330 ap
ple trees 8 years old, 80 Royal Anne
cherry trees, 16 walnuts, 10 years old;
4 room house. Darn; 0 mnea ui oa
lem, $5000, $3800 cash, balance 6 per
.C8289 acres, all cultivated, family or-rin.-v
nrairifi soil rolling, 7
room bungalow, good barn and out
buildings, well fenced wun
wire! onlv $65 per acre.
247 acres, 157 cultivated, 90 timoer
20 prunes, 12 years old; waterfall for
nrntnr rttwvUV fin TllaCS. 5 TOOm hOUSO,
barn, close to town, well woven wire
fence. i9,uuo, ouuv casn, buihu
si licres. 100 cultivated. 250 till-
nhi. 9t timhnp. lots of saw timber,
4 room House, large Darn, o nineo i
,in-rnri town. niacadamlzeu roau
close to school, $66 per acre, $5000
cash, balance 3 to 5 years at 6 per
If this list does not contain what
,. lnnklnir fnr. klndlv elve me
a call as I may have -other listings
that may be what you want, n you
want to exchange city property or
valley land for eastern Oregon or pa
nada land, come anu see me, as i nave
a number ot sucn properties nu.
For best buys see i , .
Do You Need Money ?
Take the agency for a line of toilet goods,
books, maps, magazines, or household articles and
sell them during your spare time. There are lots
of men and women who develop surprising selling
ability as agents and earn liberal incomes.
J If you have anything you would like to sell
through agents or if you would like to take an
agency our Want Ad columns will help you.
Snappy Want Ads Win
Al.ENTH WANTKD Concern mtuiH''
Utturlni uUon.H.T kuown Una
of tullei article, needod In very
bonw ma want for bMU to
faouia citnvasi. i,ltrkl couimlHloDl
Eattl. Kxperlenr umisresflarr.
iTUtuani mnur.d. Territory Bow
balnii asilgned, Write at on. J
mlddlo-aml ffomatl plaaelnf
peiiouallty. but wltiiovrt awtrltuce,
would Ilka nencj tor av ,wd
touiabold artldl Id wlda demand.
Uob can ha told Uuouib koun
to hmiM santaia. Can dmto tou
koun daUl to work. AOUHaSSl
. ; Use our Want Ad columns for this and every
other business need. It pays 60 returns to
Read and Use the Want Ada in
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; jjenui .mu
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
Inches high. Paints, olf and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry mio hop
hooks. Salem Fence anil Stove
Works, 250 Court street. PbooS 124
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 118;
feed oats 80o; milling oats bho; nay
wheat, new, $17.00; oats, new $20.oup
20; mill run $44 45
20.00; mill run $44.00 .. .;
BuUerfat: Butterfat, 70c; cream
ery buttor, 0769o. , , '
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on fool
iii. vnnl fancv -20c: steers
7 8c; cows 6 7 l-2c; spring lambs
niin- ewes 4(ffi5c: sheep, yearlings 8o.
Eggs and poultry: Jggs cuu mu,
light hens l820c heavy hens 4ci oio
roosters 15 16c; springs 20c.
Vegetables: Onions per sacs. 'tc,
celery doz. 90c; potatoes iu; ."
potatoes 5 l-2c.
Fruit: OranRes $77.50;, lomons
bananas lie; honey extraoted, 80e;
bunch beets, 45o cabbage 2e; hea
lettuce $1.00; carrots 45c; grapes, To
kays 120. '
Retail prices: Eggs dosen 'cj
creamery butter 75c! country butter
68oj flour, hard wheat $3,10 W.-st.
; Portland, Or., Nov. 12. Butter, city
creamery 687o; Eggs selected local
ex 76S0c: hens 228c; broilers 11
27c; geese 15c; cheese 3S35o. ; ,
Live Stock.
Cuttler 'Receipts 64; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers
9.60; fair to medium steers $T8:
common to fair steers, $5.60S.6:
choice to good cows and- heifers SS.SS
7.50; canners $34; bulls $5H.6J
calves $8 14.
llOKo. ftcvcii'io ' " " - .
50c higher; prime TOixed $16.00l.6
medium mixed $15.0018.00; rough
heavies $14.00(814.50; pigs, $t.ouw
- Sheep: Receipts 237; tone of mar
ket steady; prime lambs $ll.O012-O;
fair to medium lambs, $10.50 11.00; '
yearlings, $8.509.00; wethers, $7.Sj
i)8.50; ewes $5.00TO7.uh.
Recreation in Hospitals.
D.-r t. wii-.inniiOHS OF AMERICA,
Oregon Grape camp o.
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
have fifteen pigs eight weeks old,
eligible to registry that I will sell
nt 110 each. These are oeauues,
vour choice while tney last. . . isix gooa tires, zr
Oleson's Auto Exchange
849 N. COM. T. M. C A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric lights,
Dly 1NO. 04 niecto ' v ' -8
p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary. 340 Owen street.
Jones, phone 49F2.
-HELP WANTED :Ook 'for- small
family. Good .wages. . Address 15
Journal. "
WANTED Man and wife want posi
tion on farm, not afraid to work.
Bos 4-X care Journal.. .274
! WANTEI Potato diggers, pay 20c
;' per sack. Bring out fork and vessel
to pick in. 2 1-2 -miles up the Kola
. road. W. M. Schuett. 268
Lost An- Found.
LOST Shock absorber from Ford.
Finder please return to lr. J
Patterson at Center t. barn and
receive reward. - 267
1919 Chevrolet, aknost new, shock
tbsorbers, S tires, $758.'-
& Studebakcra SZ00 to $1800
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Many other good buys. "
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
.Hto parts, tires and accessories.
WANTED Young man desires place
with private family, room and
probably board. Close-in. Address
' B V B Journal. -..
LOST Oold watch and chain, works
number 687709, case 20520. Find-
r leave at Journal office. Reward
Notice is hereby given.- tlmt the un
267 I del-signed was regularly appointed ex
ecutrix-of the estate of William ha
LOST Sunday night black purse con- l ate deceased, bv an order of the
talning $10 In paperReward ir re- C8Unty court of Marlon county. Ore
rarnea .o ... ... , oji Rn(, entered ,he 4th day
v-uivibc - -. - I . xrm.mlwr 19tft All nersonii hav
WAXTEQ Team horse about 1 or
S vears old, sound snd weH broke;
and weighing about 1200 lbs. Phone
16S or call ,at room S. 341- State
street. "6
WANTED Two experienced girls
for dining room nnd house work at
the state sehool for the blind on S.
Church St. Wages $35 per month
with board, room and washing furn
ished. Phone 21.
341 State Btroiyt
Oregon cedar p '
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in Mcuornacrc. . buhuibk,
Court and Liberty streets, r W. M.
Persons, V. C. - Frank, A. Turner,
clerk. -
DR. ; JOHN L. LI WtJH. Lnseopaimu
physician and surgeon, u ureson
bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office
phone 1394. . 278
New Motto.
T.lve Heln the other fellow live
little too. Real estate, loans, invest
a mom house, modern, east iio
6 room house, modern, east $2250..;
' 6 room modern plastered, 1 65-100
acres, on carline, south, $2850; will
trade for -large house close in.
6 1-acre tracts, good buildings $1,
000. to $2500.
6 1-2 acres Bouth -on carline, In
bearing commercial fruit fine prop.-erty.-
5 room house, 2 lots, north Salem,
fine soil, $1200. ;
i 9 room house north Salem, $1850,
$200 down will take it.
. 20 acres 3 1-2-miIes out, Polk;f!oun
tv flno nbice. good buildings; $6250.
A rnnm house, moilern. attic for 2
bedrooms, basement, S. High St. $2600
Walter McLaren
Room 85, 180 N. Com. St. 269
f IUIWIII I IL. I 1 11 11 1 J' 1" ' ' ..,r ; '- ' '
Wood Saw, ; ..
HONM7S4R. Our. prices are-right.
W. M. -handler, proprietor. 1260 N.
Suntmer street, Salem, Or.
Bills parable monthly in advance.
Phone 06. '
TTr . ti ling Claims against sain estate are ic
, Water VjOrnpdliy. aulred to vresent them duly verified
SALEM WATER COMPANY Office I to the undersigned at room 309 Bank
corner Commercial and Trade Sts. lor . Cbmmerce buuiiing. saiem. ure-
gon, or to the clerk . of court, within
six months from -the date of first pub
lication of this notice. The date of
first publication, is NO' 12th,
1919. .
William II. Trindle,
Second Hand Goods.
t,.i' n-L recreational work In hospital
through li'ftineU men ana women, munf
The Anierican
a mul.tituda of recmitious suite-
I.... ..I. r.f a lOKIHlltl wim
to the lmntllcMDS of the men. .'ll.e ann. . - Ket
showM in operation a movl.i,; Wt ure projec ,',11.0 th.t
Cross recreational director, -which throw the pktmes on me
the wen do not have to stir from their cots. -
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinlshing of all kinds, up
holstering ft specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742;
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
Salem Soavanger Garbage and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone' Main 187.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rl'les, neaiing
stoves, gas stoves, suit cafes and 1000
other useful articles to wu or iraan.
What have you 7 The ' Capital Ex
change, 837 Count St. Phone 493.
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
merclal street. Phone 734.
mm ioans-6
205 Oregon Building
Attorney for estate.