PAGE EIGHT MONDAY. NOVEMRKT? in wtwrrdAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1919. LOS ANGELES PLAY GOERS JOURNEY FAR TO SEE G. BATES POST What qualities Guy Bates Tost puts into "The Masquorader," which is to appear at the Grand tonight, and what receptions have been accorded him In this unusual production In other cities are amply demonstrated In cllpr!nss from the dramatic columns of the Los Angeles papers. Tost, unable to secure a house for his production in- Los Angeles took It to the neighboring town of Long Beach and the flock of Los Angeles psople to that city Indicates clearly the popu larity of Post among theater-goers of the south. ' The Los Angeles Evening Express says; "Guy Bates Post, In his greatest play, 'The Masquerader,' swept a crit ical audience off Its feet at tloyVa theater at Long Beach last night with hie superb art and marvelous acting. Lavishly staged, a wonderful story con verted into a wonderful play, ana wnn a company of artists that excel in ev ei v character dolination and Interpre tation osHlpned to them, 'The Masque rader' is by far the most absorbing dramatic offering that has been seen In this section In many moons." The Los Angeles Record says: "That Guy Bates Post could make the teitt of appearing in a neighboring city, and draw a full house, a goodly share of ttiem Angelenos, was proof of tlilfl actor's maglo fascination." "Real art knows no barrier," says th Herald. "Its devotees will go to any length if assured' thnt the effort Is worth while. DlHtnnce is no drawback nl all. For that reason, many Ange lenoK pilgrimaged to Long Beach last night for the purpose of witnessing Guy Hates Post in a new play called 'The Masquerader," and thoy were am ply repaid for the Inconvenience of re turning home long past midnight in a California midfall rainstorm," INDIVIDUAL HERS MAY STAY ON STRIKE .' Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 11. (United Press. )-Miners" officials here today expressed doubt that Jowa miners would obey the strike cancellation or At the annual road meeting In Seat tle last week the taxpayers voted a levy of 10 mills road tax, giving the dis trict more than $20,000 this year to spend on road Improvements. Logon, Ohio, Nov. 11. "We accept the order as an organization, but as indiivduals, miners in my district de clare they wont resume work." This statement was made here today by Conrad Weln, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers of America sub-district No. 1, district No. 6. This district comprises the wholo Hocking Valley coal fields. There are 10,8000 miners Idle In sub-dintrict No. 1, union leaders de clared. -; Weln said union minors in this dis trict are a unit against returning to the mines. ' ' , 14 "Am2 'H r&fijf Babies X M CT 1 ttrT t9 Mntlni trrwvt HiMtf-tAfi jf and Kmilur bowel movements. Con tain I11KI1UIS IldCTUlUI tv aiwitw no opitc-ju4t the finest table properttt. Especially tecum mended tor teething time. At all 4rttgmit Undernourished Children BY SENATE ON W10 ' WuHhlngton, Nov. 11. The senate today adopted a resolution asking the lute depiu-tmentto what extent It has gone in securing protection for Ameri can officials and citizens of Mexico and what response hos been made thoreto by the Mexican government. The resolution Introduced by Senator King, Utah, following abduction of American Consul Jenkins, was report ed favorable today by the .foreign rela tions commute and adopted the sen ate. - The original resolution asked for Information regarding efforts to obtain the release ot Jenkins from Mexican , bandits, but as this has been effected, the committee amended the request to give it iv general nature. ELEVEN NEGROES TO PAY FOR MURDERING Helmut, Ark., Nov. 11. Eleven ne groes convicted of first degree murder in connection with tho race riots In Elaine, Ar., October 1, were sentenced to death here today. They will be electrocuted. , The court room was heavily guarded ugaliiHt possible attacks while sentence was pronounced; by Judge Jackson. HOUSE TUSSLES WITH RAIL CONTROL BILLS JlOI'SiO Tl'HSRLS ...... Washington, Nov. 11. -Railroad leff- Iwlation became the special order be- .fore the house when it met today and wusto be considered continuously from 11 o'clock In the morning until 10 o'clock at night, with two hours off for ' dinner, until disposed of. Anxious for a recess before the regu- . lar session, members were planning u rush the bill, but its passage was not expected before next week. Ten hours general ' debate on the measure will bo In order today and to - morrow after which It will be taken , vp for amendments.. :"" ' Tho first question to bo settled is when federal control shall end. .. , . T YilIJHpRALGIA ; Use Soothing Musterole When those sharp paint go sliootfod ' through your bead, when your tkuH seems as If it would split. Just rub a little Musterole on your temples and neck. It draws out the inflammation, soothes waythepaio,usuallyglvmgquickrelief. Musterole is a dean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Many doctors and nurses frankly recommend Musterole for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congeation,pleurisy,rheuma tiam, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneu monia). It is always dependable. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50, Such children are peevish, fretty ad a source of worry to their par ents. They should have regular lunch es between meals at 10:30 a. m. and 3:80 p. m. Regular dally rest hours and take Vlnol, the cod. liver nnd lion tonic without oil. Druggists rec ommend Vlnol and a rapid gain is guaranteed by Its use. If you have a thin, pale, anaemic "child, do not rent until you have tried this treatment. (Adv) J. C .Terr A DISCOVERY THAT BENEFITS MANKIND Two, discoveries have added greatly to human welfare. In 1835 Newton originated the vac uum process for condensing milk with cane sugar to a temi-iiquid form. In 1883 Horlick at Racine, Wis., dis covered how to reduce milk to a dry pouxter form with extract of malted grains, mtkout carte sugar. This product HORLICK named Malted Milk. (Name since copied by others.) Its nutritive value, digestibility and case of preparation (by simply stirring in water) and the fact that it keeps in any climate, has proved of much value to mankind as "an ideal food-drink from in fane, to old age. i E , Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve akin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively Gate for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. Catarrh, Quickly Ended by a. Pleasant, Healing Antiseptic Air, Just Breathe It The little hard rubber Jlyomet inlinl- or which yoti can get at Daniel ,T. 'Fry's or any reliable druggist enn easily bo onniod iu pocket or It will' last a life time. , . Into this inhaler you pour a few arops or tuo pure iteming oil at Hyc mci, ;.-:' This oil is absorbed -by the nntinpo tic gnuxe within and now you are ready to broatlio it in over tho germ infest ed membranes whore it will speedily begin its work o banishing chtnrrhal germs and ending catarrh. Ilyoinci is made of Australian eucalyptus combin ed with other unlinepties and is very piensanr to orcatao. It is guaranteed to banish catarrh, uroncuuis annueiizn, tonmiitie, sore throat, croup, coughs and colds or money Iback. It ofton cloans out a stuf fed up herul and opens clogged nostrils in two minutes. Complete outfit, including inhaler nnd one bottle of Hvomoi. costs but little, while extra 'bottles, if nftorward noouou, mnv bo obtained at any drug gist Jor n rew cents, (Adv) T? VERY gro- Vfu Miwthuvit cjf tfu tovn cer every where sells Kellogg's every day, u ii iwat". .-i v VrV 'v. v Reorganization Of National Guard In Calder Measure Washington, Nov. 12. Senator Cal der, New York, Introduced a bill for re-organization of the national guard. which provides for a strength in each ste by tho ratio of one thousand en listed men for each representative In congress, a three year term of enlist mentand establishment of a national guard department in the war depart ment The bill was referred to the sen ate military affairs committee. M II M 1 I ATA "'30KSRCOUGHS PIANO S and Player Pianos-Best and Cheaper 7" '7.r' " Makes ' GEO. C. WILL Salem, Oregon " Phonographs and Records EDISONS VICTORS COLUMBIA AND STARR GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines ; All Makes Genuine Needles ;'Z and Oil " ;;-: Sewing Machines Repaired and Rented GEO. C WILL Sheet Music And Music Studies McKinley and Century 10c Editions at GEO. C WILL Music Store jBIack-Tm White. til . JL OxBlood Brown rotects tKe Leath In Any Weather. UUM TT i W W J 11 I J I I II I 1 1 I si 1 1 1 II Till Sa y PtnNAMsEsar . osest fhave IN the morning of February 26th, 1779, General Jsrae rutnam, the lion-heart or the American Kevolution, stood before a mirror in the home of General Meade in Green wich, Connecticut, his good, old-fashioned razor poised for the first long, shearing stroke. Suddenly he saw in the glass the figures of enemy cavalry sent to capture him. Acting for once in his impetuous life "on reflection", he leaped on his horse, his face still white with lather, and escaped down the perilous rocky stair way on what is now "Put's Hill" to alarm his soldiers and disperse the enemy. To just such rugged characters we owe the precious liberty that we have been helping to secure for the world today. And to just such common-sense razors as "Old Put's" we owe the most convenient and safest of all modern shaving implements the guarded and detachable double-edged blade of the UnHAMjHju PLEK) A Beal Raotr- made Safe GAMEL Cigarettes meet your taste in many new and unusual ways. You quickly become fond of them they are so refreshing and coot and fragrant. . You see, Camels arei an eicpert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos which guarantees the most delightful cigarette qualities that have ever been put into a cigarette. Your test will prove that you prefer the expert Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight. ' Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleas-. ant cigaretty odor but it assures that remarkable mellow-mild-body I And, you'll be interested to know that no matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your fasre Camels are a cigarette revelation! Prove that yourself I We suggest right here that you compare Camels with any- cigarettes in the world at any priceTor quality and for satisfaction I f M nifirhi or pck- 200 riarxr.) in a ac.4sma.pjpf--rat'area1carfan. Va Unnfly nnmmiri thit oarfon for tk how Of oftir auppfy or irfi.n yo tronl. K J. IETN0LDS roscca CO. U,tM.S.ka. N. C. In form and shape and splendid balance, the same satisfying shaver that Israel Putnam used every morn- ingbut it can't cut your face. A blade, furthermore, which gives you the ux vrgef afreth edge at a moment's notice. Don't throw thi$ lladcaway when dulled. You can strop it you can hone it and it's the longest, strongest, keenest blade on earth with the greatest shav ing mileage. Co to your dealer today and you'll see why seven milUen men have changed from other razors to this real rater made tafe. IP . .dii.. THESE LEADING DEALERS SELL THEM: OUT OF TOWN DEALERS . Geo. W. Steelfcanuner, SUrsrton Elmer C Olson SUrerton Ames Bdwa, Oo, SUterton O.'M. vfray, Haws. Co., SUverton Hicks E4w. Oo., Silrertoa Ked Cross Pharmacy, S88 Stats - . , r. M. Neuneyer, 444 State Bay L. Frmr Hdwe. 204 N. Com'l J. F. Tyler, 157 S. Commercial Capital Drag Store, 4V5 iState , Brewer Drug Co., 405 Court . Central Pharmacy, 410 Stats ' .Haoser Bros.. 372 State. vnderaoa Brown, 128 9. Commercial roller Piarmcy, Dallas fTtUaLrZ. ? StMa Drug Store, DaUss SchafferB Drug Store, 135 N. Com'l ' Daniel J. Try Drug Stow, 310 N. Com'l D11" vT. Dallas . . . Perry's Drug Store, 115 S. Commercial Lilly Hdwe. Co., Stayton Crown Drag Store, State street Bloper Drag Co, Stayton Opera House Pharmacy . Beauchaaui's Drug Store, Stayton r If you are a Durham Duplex 'dealer and wish to have your name added to the above list in subsequent advertisements, send yonr name and address to tiis newspaper and write the Durha am-Duplex Kaeor Co. foT a free Window display. ?" ONE DOLLAR COMPLETE Greatest Shaving Mileage at Any Price This set contains a Dnrham-Doplu Ruor with an attract! -white handle, safety guard, BtroppingartachmeiN and package of 3 Dnrham-DnDlez dooblo-adirsd MxImik handsome leather kit. Get it from yoar dealer or from as direct. -Additional blades 50 cents for package of 5 DURHAM-DUPLEX RAZOR CO. 190 BALDWIN AVENUE. JERSEY CITY, K. J. Canada England atVktoiiaSt. 27 Church St, Toronto ShetnsU FRANCS . TTALT A PiMtC Akm r- : r.. . 56 Ron no Pa.-lu.l. Paris Viale Htj 'i'j 5, Milan if-