Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 5 cents, oae month.
6 insertions; 17 cents, on j i-ar, per
u.OL'th, it cents. ' Minimum per ad 2D
cents. ' ". f ''
First Insertion only in today.
City ads-cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account.' - No allowance for
phone, errors -, -
New. 'Today.
FOR SALE 3 nice Bhoats. Call 6F25
TOR SALE-rFirst class delivery bed.
Phone 21F13. 271
WILL store piano for use of same.
Phone 1521W. 269
FOR SAKE Fresh, cow. 1311 N. 4th
street. Phone 760R. v 208
WANTED Woman to care for in
valid. 2090 Ferry St. 272
FOR SALE Horses, harness and
wagon, $75. 1351 N. Cottage. 268
OREGON strawberry plants for 'sale
50c. hundred. 1151 N. Commercial
St. 268
GOOD room and board may be had
in private family, close in. Phone
17S1J. 272
FOR SALE Or trade grood work
horse. Whe.t have you? 1166 Ferry
street. 269
FOR SALE Good work horse, abso
. lutely sound, weight 1400 lbs., six
years old. Phone 35F11. 268
-AvANTED Country butter, two lbs.
a week. A. K. Swanson, 1757 Wal
ler St. ' 263
WANTED Hay cutter and kale. State
lowest price. Phone 47F25. Rt. 2,
box 90, Salem. - 269
CHOICE goat meat at Peoples -market
between State and Court on
Liberty street. ,-
WANTED To rent an S or 10 room
house within 10 blocks of post of
fice. Phone 62 OR..; : 270
GOAT meat for sale, first class only.
Orders taken 2567 Oak and 2 5th
street. Fhone 2100A1.
WANTED Man and wife want posi
tion on farm, not afraid to work.
Box 4-X care Journal. 274
WANTED To rent a ranch or run
one for owner. Can give the best
of reference. Call at 2161 N. Front
St. 270
WANTED To do plowing by the
acre with tractor. Phone 1604, Sa
lem Velie company, 162 N. Commercial.--
2 OS
FOR RENT 6 room modern cottage
at 1509 N. 4th street: also 4 un
furnished apartments cheap. Phone
586J. 268
. LOST Sunday night black purse con--taining
$10 in paper. Reward if re-
turned to Mrs. A. L: Doke 1434 N.
Cottage. 268
FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet by pri
vate owner, - almost same ns .new.
Price reasonable. Harry- Pearson,
phone 12F5. 272
WANTED To buy from owner 5 or
6 room, modern house. State price,
location" and terms. Address Home
care Journal. ' - ... 269
WANTED Young" man desires place
with private family, room. and
probably board. Close in. Address
E V B Journal.
WANTED All good varieties of ship
ping apples at highest cash market
price. Farmers Produce Co,, 1H0 S.
High. Phone 10. - 269
WANTED Potato digeers, pay 20c
per sack. Bring out fork and vessel
to pick in. 2 1-2 miles up the Kola
road. W. M. Sehuett. 268
FOR SALE Or trade, 7 room house
in Dallas- for several acres with
buildings; will pay difference; close
to Salem. 1505 Mission St. 268
WANTED Sawmill to cut on shares
. or stumpage, ash, maple, oak and
fir. Address Win, H. Egan &- Sons,
Gervais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F11.
FOR RENT Or sale furnished house
and two acres of land walking dis
iAf tance. See owner Wednesday at
Washington' hotel, 558 State St. 267
FOR SALE Six room - bungalow,
modern, large basement, good lo
cation, close in. $2750. See F. P.
Crist after 6 p. m. 2615 Brooks ave.
' 269
WANTED Team- horses about 7 or
8 years old,' sound and well broke,
and weighing about 1200 lbs. Phone
168 or call at room 5, 341 State
street. ...--. 269
FOR SALE New small house and
. lot, city water, electric lights, close
to school, very cheap. Call first
house north West Salem school
house. . - 267
'WANTED Someone to buy 6 large
lots-, near1 car, fine location; will
throw in small house and barn and
other improvements.. A bargain.
Owner 1726 N. Summer St. 268
FOR SALE White Saanen buck and
doe, 6 month old, cheap or trade for
baled hay, 10-inch plow; or what
have you for trade. First house
north West Salem school house. 267
FREE many homesteads, I know
where you can homestead 64$ acres
government land in eastern Wash
ington. Information free. Call Gra
hams Repair Shop, 359 Chemeketa
St. 267
WANTED Two experienced girls
for dining room and house work at
the state school for the blind on S.
Church St. Wages $35 per month
with board room and washing furn
ished. Phone 21. -
FOR SALE By owner, IS acres near
Salem, 7 acres prunes mostly bear
ing; strawberries set 'entire orchard,
$ acres loganberries. 3 acres pota
toes, balanee good stump, pasture:
gooH- buildings, excellent localitv.
Priced cheap. $5409, 1-1 cash, bal
ance terms. Owner. S. R. Pearson.
Turner. Rt. 2. box 55C. Telephone
107F24 or 12F5." . 72
For Sale
'LARGE boxes for sale at Oregon the
ater. . .. . ' 26S
iPOR'iSALK O bushels good corn.
FOR'SALR -Cheap, one Buick road
. ster. 171 S. High St. 26S
FOR SALE Ford delivery cheap. Im
lah Fruit farm. Phone 52F11. 268
FOR SALE Reasonable, good 6
room house and lot. Phone 37F22.
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmerman
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
E. O. Cross & Son.
FOR SALE Good farm team, six and
eight years old, 1400 lbs. Phone
9F11. 267
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l cen
; dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. - 278
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
FOR SALE Good 7 room house,
ready to move in. Call at 1213 Cen
. ter St.. , ... 269
FOR SALE 7 room modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. 271
FOR SALE A lot and 6 room house
with basement. 1239 liroadwav.
Phone 2057R. 270
FOR SALE 1919 Buick. Five pas
sengor. Practically new. Wilson's
garage, phone 220. " 276
FOR SALE Hartz Mountain and St.
Anctreasourg singers for sale at
725 S. 13th St. 268
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa
lem, stock a;nd implements for sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. , 271
FOR SALE 8 or 15 acres, berry or
hop land at Claxtar Station,' O. E.
Call 2490 Myrtle Ave. Phone 950M.
FOR SALE 1919 Dodge touring car,
has not been run 2000 miles. -See
car at Dodge agency, 184 South
Commercial St. 281
A VERY fine secondhand Ludwig pi
ano for sale at a bargain and easy
terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519
Court street, near High. 268
FOR SALE Or exchange for other
grains, r'ecleaned cheat seed. Wal
ter L. Fuller, Brooks, Or. Phone
35F32. . 270
FOR SALE Modern six room house
(except furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
plete tie mill ready to run, at a
low figure. Call on or address Sa
lem, Rt. 5, box 142. 270
FOR SALE Registe.-ed yearling
Guernsey bull of imported cow; al
so 2-year old registered- Cotswald
buck. Rt. 2, box 32, Stayton, Or. 269
FOR SALE A bargain 2 1-4- ton
Bethlehem truck with body com
plete., good as new, driven about
2000 miles, $1700, terms. See Salem
Velie company, 162 N. Com'1.267
FOR SALE One Jersey cow fresh,
and one Jersey that will be fresh
in middle of November. Pearl
Wood,, on Chemawa and Silverton
road. . 269
FOR SALE 18 acres five miles east
of Salem, on graveled road, all
cleared, woven wire fenced. Good
well. Small house, barn; 8 acres
seeded to clover. Phone 67F5. 267
320 ACRE Btock ranch trade for
smaller acreage near Salem; also
city lots university town, near girls
cottage, to sell or trade.' Phone
1040J. - . , . 267
FOR SALE I grey horse, 12 years
old, weight 1500 lbs, price $50; 1
bay horse, 8 years old, weight 1,
500 As, price $75; both good farm
horse In good condition. Claude H.
Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Salem.
Phone 36F16. 267
BARGAIN 44 1-2 acres 6 miles from
of logans, 30 acres in cultivation,
buildings, all stock and implements
go. Price $4500, terms. Phone 2315.
. All cultivated. Twenty acres
Prunes. Will take as part
payment five to ten acres well im
proved near Salem. Address H. C.
Porter, Aumsville, Or. 270
BOAR. Will sell my herd boar, 3
year old. Ho is from the beat and
has proved his worth; weighs about
450, in good flesh; first check for
$i5 will take him. H. R. Jones,
phone 49F2, Salem.- -
nave nrteen pigs eight- weeks old,
eligible to registry that I will sell
at $10 each. These are beauties,
your choic while they last. H. R.
Jones,, phone 49F2, -
FOR SALE Fine 5 room bungalow,
almoRt new, $2500.
Large house and 100x100 ft. ground
20th and Lee St. mortgage $1000.
Look at it. and make offer for
equity. ---. . .
A 2-apartment house. 5 rooms each
suite, bringing in. $50 per month
rent. A splendid investment, and
close in. Let's talk it over.
One large house 19 rooms, good
shape, close in, suitable for 4 apart
ments, will make a very low price
and terms to suit.
One swell bungalow, 5 rooms, mod
ern, and a sleeping porch, 10 blocks
out $4500.
One old house and 3 of the best
lots, in Salem. Ten minutes walk.
Price $2500. terms.
One and 1-2 acres inside city lim
its. The most sightly location in Sa
lem for a beautiful home. Let me
show you this place. The price is
right. II. E. Bolinger. 32S Oregon
lhlg. 267
Lost And Found.
LOST Shock absorber from Ford.
Finder pleas return to Dr. W. J.
Patterson at Center St. barn and
- receive reward. ' 67
LOST Gold watch and chain, works
number 587709,, ease 206520. Find
r leave at Journal office. Reward.
- 567
DRESSMAKING at 467 Union street.
RANTED Girl wishes 'light house
work, asux a care Journal. 267
WANT ED-r-Lady boarder, room and
board "$15 month. Klla Finney. 276
W ANTED Ten men to! tip loganber-
,j3. wunmngnam. Phone 21F2.
WANTEDGood second hand harness
m once. I'tione 933 Capital City
Transfer Co. V 268
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladies and gents
imiurs, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
WANTED Highest price paid for
mt i-.uue ana mucn , eows. Phone
1576W. . 279
3 LIVE agents ; wanted, big money
maker, bee Mr. Lee at Ford garage
after 5 p. m. each evening. 267
WANTED Modern 5 or 6 room bun
galow. Built in conveniences, furn
ace. State -location, cash or terms.
Agents need not answer. Address
XIX Journal. 268
WANTED 2 young men 21 years old
or more to rack balls and play in
pool hall, one for day and one for
night. W. Xivock, Masonic bldg.
WANTED To buy, it you have good
urconunana ciotnes 1 II pay a good
price for same. Men's suits from $5
to $20, ladies suits range from $3
to $15. Ladies and mens overcoats
from $5 to $15, and I also buy all
kinds of house dresses, childrens
clothes, shoes, all kinds. Ladies
goods are shipped to Seattle and I
have ladies goods of nil kinds ship
ped, in-from out ot town. You had
better call C75 or the $2 for $1
Store, 279 N. Com. if you want
good price for goods. . 289
For Rent
FOR RENT Garage, 47 SN' Cottage.
.,. ...... , . '. ... 268
FOR RENT One furnished house
keeping room and .. one .sleeping
room, 712 State St.'
FURNISHED rooms close in, most
desirable location; reasonable rates
495 N. Com'1 St. Phone 1446. 269
Second Hand Goods. vv A
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishing of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742;
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
InHtriin-lAnta. Shnto-iina vlllaa hantlna
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and" 1000
umer userui articles to sri- or- trade.
What have you?- "Hie Capital Ex
change, 337 Court S Phone 493.
Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, weare fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and can-guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
of cars. American Automobile Co.,
Help Wanted
WANTED Practical nursing. Phone
1917W. 267
HELP WANTED Cook -for small
family. Good wages. Address 16
Journal. 268
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
- household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Advance Rumely Ideal
A separator to fit every farm. 4
sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x52 and 36x60.
Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor
to fit every size separator.
Wm. H. Trumn. local agent. Salem.
263 N. Commercial. Phone 413.
. We Want.
Tour used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as wo pay fair prices for
everytmng. call 947.
285 North Commercial St.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re-
iuoo ol an Kinas removea on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 187.
' Farm Bargains-
Sixty five acre farm, one half
mile to R. R. station, on good grav
el road, soil the best, nearly all in
cultivation, one acre fine orchard,
good farm buildings worth $3500;
all stock, feed and farm -implements
worth at least $1500, goes
with this place. .The owner must
sell as he is going to California
soon. This property should sell for
$10,000 but under the present cir-
cumstances can be bought for only
$8500. Terms, $3500 cash, balance
$6000 five years at 6 per cent in
terest. See .
Elsworth Pickell
301 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 271
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N., COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric lights
six good tires. $275 .
1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shock
ibsorbers, S tires, $750-
' i Studebakcrs JzOO to $1309 '
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
, Many other good buys.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
Sfe?1 cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache Office closed - Sninr.
:-days.- Office 210-211 U. S.' bank build-
. rist, eyes examined add glasses fit
ted. - Broken lenses duplicated.
Hours at office daily, 4 p. ,m. to S
p. m. Saturday. 9 a. m, to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone, anv hour.
610-12 U. a bank. Phone 341. 278
' Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
oliine; first inatalted'at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Office 124 South- Liberty street.
Phone 937, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales. .: .
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent.
Money To Loan..
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK -National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith; ,-- -
Federal Farm Loans
S 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1.-2 years, time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnste'dt, 401 .Masonic Temple,,
Salem, Oregon. - -
PLUMBING nev land " repair work,
. reasonable. Phone,; 1301J. 271
'WALFELT" " superior to cloth at
about , Salt - price. ' Max O. Buren,
Com'I. St. : "i 276
ATTERBURY 'Transfer & Storage Co.
Phone your- trucking and long dis
tance hauling to UB, phone. 1752,
-664 Ferry St. Lacey Bros. 270
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better and -sticks tighter
than flour. Max O, Buren, Com'l
St. - s . 276
NOTICE I have sold all my interest
in the Auburn halt, and hold no in
terest in any way, will those who
have any bills against same present
to me by Nov. 20fh. G. H. Sauder.
i : ! "' , 268
Salem Auto . Radiator Shop
'Radiators, Fenders and Gas,
Tanks Repaired
'Tractor Radiators a Siccialty'
Ford Radiators "for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore.
YOUNG man wanted marry, live this
country 6 years and one year ser
vice U. S. army, speak English, age
24; don't mind poor, I want 'make
a home. I am strong, working man.
Rt. 3, box 209A. Salem, Or. Geo.
Bogocian. - 266
CALIFORNIA for Oregon, residence
in Oakland, value JabOO, encum
brance $2000, will trade equity or
pay mortgage and trade clear for
Willamette valley. What have you.
Call or write 726 i B. Commercial
street, Salem, or telephone 1510.
Buy Now.
6 room modern plastered, bath and
toilet, electric lights, just off State
St. on 23d. $2250.
8 room. good house,-basement, bath
toilet, electric lights, large lot with
fruit, improved street, close in on
Winter St. $4500, $1500 cash, balance
to suit; its a good Jiuy.
S room plastered up to date, Dutch
kitchen, large lot, one block from St.
car in -S. Salem. $2750,
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldfj. . ,. 287
- Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
" inches high. Paints, oif and varn
; ishes, etc., loganberry "vnd hop
hooks. Salem Fence am' Stove
' Works, 250 Court street. Phoa 124
Lodge Directory.
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at L O. O: F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C. ; P. J. Kuntz
K.R. &8.
Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
i Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 64& Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 141$
N. 4th St. Phone 1438M.
bly IJo. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5240
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons, V. C. Frank A.. Turner,
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathio
, physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office
. phone 1394. 270
Wood Saw.
'HONE 1754R.- Our prices are right.
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
Best Buys.
- uuusi:, iui lUVaiUV
feet, lots of fruit, termValfr cash.-
$1000 for o room house, lot lOOjtiOQ.
feet, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
$1750 for 5 room- well built JSlas-
of fruit, close to Junior high school
and pavement.' A snap to the man
who wants a home. Easv terms.
$1300 for 10 room house, fair con
dition, half cash, balance 8 per cent.
S2500 for 7 Winm mAay- .!,.... 1
house. $509 cash, balance $26 per
month. .. .. .
$2000 for rnnm mn,l..n
good condition," lot 80x360, terms on
$3000 for 7 - room part modern1
lots of frutf, half cash, balance 7 perl
$10,000 for- SO room apartment!
hnn Kfa all fiifntitUo K .-, ,
furnaces, close in; half cash, balance
o lsr ten i. - i . j
art n proa oil in . n
fenced, close to town, $2300, half cash
balance 6 per cent. - --
7. SI-acres, 7 acres in cultivation,
all good berry land, light gravel soil,
3 miles from city limits, on good
roads, fine spring tor irrigation bor
dering on place. Price $1250, easy
60 acres, 45 cultivated, balance tim
ber, best of soil, rolling, ordinary im
provements, silo, best of fencing, rock
rnfld half rttilA nf .nhnAl ,
of .three towns,, price $6000, $2500
wamiiuc ai yvr cent.
94 fnirau Viol ,.,,ltlafn
tivnTlotr 3 nnraa. familu ,,tn).av R
room house, new barn, gravel sol,.
.a. x-6 niut-3 oi town, f in per acre, f i,-
casn, oaiance u, per cent.
. 97 1 unrna 9A nnltlnol.l Q7A n.
. v vuiumicu, uiv
pie trees 9 years old, 30 Royal Anne
ueri-y ti-eeej, 10 wainuis, iv years oia;
4 rfoom house, barn; 8 1 miles' of Sa
lem; $5000, $3800 cash, balance ner
.cent. - ; ; -
239 acres, all cultivated, family or
chard, dark prairie, soil .rolling, 7
i-uum uungiuow, good Barn and out
buildings, well fenced -with Woven
wire, only $5 per acre.
247 acres, "15t"ciiltfv"afed; 90 timber
water power on place, 5 room house,
wa-ii, dura iu utwn, wen woven wire
fence. .$19,000-, $5000 cash, balance 6
per cent. .
31Q acres, 100 cultivated, 260 till
able, 216 timber, lots of saw timber,
iuuiii iiiue, large Darn, o mues or
IHI iIl.rtni-1 tIU-n n nr. A r. 1
" ..villi, ,(!Cl,uC.uailll2,vU 1 Uil U ,
ci'pse to school, $65 per acre, $5000
cash, balance 3 to 8 years at 6 per
cent. t
It tVlla Hat rleaa . rt ...1 .
v...m . vj- u iiwi v-uuiaui mint
you are looking for, kindly give me
a call as I may have other listings
that may be, what you want If you
want to exchange city property or
valley land for eastern Oregon or Ca
nada land, come and see me, as I have
a number of ' such properties listed.
i-vr uesi. nuys see
341 State street ...
. j New'. Motto.
LiveHelp the other fellow live a
little too. Real estate, loans, invest
ments. '-.. '
,6 room house, modern, east $2250.
-, house, modern, east $2260.
., 6 room modern plastered, 1 66-100
acres, on carline, south, $2850; will
trade for large house close in.
6 1-acre tracts, good buildings $1,
000 to $2500.
6 1-2 acres south on carline, in
bearing commercial fruit, fine prop
erty. $7500.
6 room house, 2 lots, north Salem,
fine soil, $1200.
room house north Salem, $1650,
$200 down will take it.
20 acres 3 1-2 miles out, Polk coun
ty, fine place, good buildings; $6250.
4 room house, modern, attic for i
bedrooms, basement, S. High St. $2600
Walter McLaren
Room 25, 180 N. Com. St. 269
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2;
feed oats 80c; milling oat 88c; bay,
heat, new $17 ;' hay, oats, new $18g
20; mill run $4445
Butterfat: Butterfat, 71c; cream
ery butter, 6769c.
Pork, veal asd mutton: Pork on foot
14c; veal fancy 20c; steers
7 8c; cows 57 l-2c; spring lambs
9 lie; ewes 4 5c; sheep, yearlings 6o.
Eggs and poultry: , Eggs cash 70o;
light hens 18 20c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 15!rl6c; springs 20c.
Vegetables: Onions, per saok, $4;
celery doz. 90c; potatoes 2c; sweet
potatoes 5 l-2c.
Fruit: Oranges $7(37.50; lornoas $9;
bananas 11c; " honey extracted, 20c;
bunch beets 45c; cabbage 2cj head
lettuce 75c; carrots 45c; grapes, To
kays 10a.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 75c;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.108.36.
: Portland, Or., Nov. 11. Butter, city
dreamery 66 67c; Eggs selected locai
ex 76 80c; hens 26 28c; broiler 32
27c; geese 15c; cheese 33 36c.
Live Stock. ,''
Cattle: Receipts none; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $9.00
9.50; fair to medium steers $7 8;
common to fair steers, 15.50 t. 60-;
choice to good-cows and heifers $6.50
7.50; canners $34; bulls $56.60:
calves $8 14.
Hogs: Receipts none; tone of market
steady; prime mixed $15.60018.00;
medium mixed $14.i0 to $16.50; rough
heavies $13.5014.50; pigs, $14.00
Sheep: Receipts none; tone of mar
ket steady; prime lambs $11.00 12.00;
fair to medium lambs, $10.50 11.00;
yearlings, $8.609.00; wethers, $7.60; ewes io.oo7.00.
Girl, Whose Lover Takes Own
Life, Also Tries Suicide
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 11. Oertrude,
Shipman, for love of whom Ross S.
linyer committed suicide hore yester
day, tried to follow her lover today.,
Cichloride tablets failed "to work.
She was saved by the emrgeney staff.
"I was nil broken up because noes
killed himself for me," Mrs. Shipman
said. -
Prince of Wales Received
.1 to See President Wilson
Washington," Nov. -11. The Prince I
"of Wales called at the White House to
day but stayed only a few minutes. He
did not see the president and left aft
er chatting with Mrs. Wilson and Miss
Margaret Wilson, the president's
The prince, will call at the executive
mansion again Thursday, when he will
probably see the president and take
tea with, members of the Wilson fam
ily. ..:,'. -
By W. R. Hargravcs .
(United Press Staff Correspondent.
Aboard Prince of Wales Train, Hn
Route to Washington, Nov. 11. The
Prince of Wales' arrival in the United
States was devoid of any suggestion of
"hands across the sea," rather, it sa
vored of "alt hands 'round," in its ut
ter democracy and dearth of formality.
Arriving at Rouse Point last nJjmt,
just inside the American border, the
pj'inoe readily acceded to an insistent'
demand 'from the villagers to shake
hands.. He used his left hand for this
purpose, explaining that "I've done a
lot of that with the right lately."
. Prince Edward, a lighting from the
special train, touched American soil
for the first time in fifty-nine years
and some months after his illustrious
grandfather, who later Edward- VIL
arrived in America. The entire popu
lation of the town was" down "at the
dimly lighted little Station" to assist the
official reception committee in greet
ing the royal guest. The committee
mostly .woi silk hats, the town folks
caps with ear muffs to protect them
selves from the biting wind. 1 '
A cheer went up as the prince step
ped to the platform and the Sixty-third
Infantry band played "God Save the
King" and "The Star Spangled' Ban
ner." Edward stood at attention and
the guard. of honor, presented arms.
, Secretary Lansing then strode for
ward and shook the prince's hand, aft
er which the other members of the,
committee and the villagers had their
innings squeezing the royal digits.
' "By gosh, he's a regular guy," shout
ed one citizen. "I'll bet they'd elect
him king If It-came to that."
, The special train pulled out for
Washington at 9 o'clock... .
AVashington, Nov., 11. Victor L.
Berger, Milwaukee socialist, excluded
from" the house -"yesterday on the
ground that his actions during the
war were treasonable, will return to
Milwaukee and make a campaign for
Representative Dalllnger, Massachusetts,-
chairman of the special
house committee that Investigated his
case, asserta the house will never seat
him no matter how many times he is
elected because his speech yesterday
showed his views are not changed.
Republican and democratic congres
sional committees are considering run
nlng only one candidate against Ber
ger In order that the votes of both
parties may be thrown against him.
Washington, Nov. 11. Considera
tion of reservations to the peace treaty
dragged today In the senate.
The drastic amendment to the reser
vation to article 10 by Senator Walsh,
Motana, was still pending.
It reads: '
"And the United States hereby re
leases all members of the league from
any obligation to it under article 10
and declines to participate in any pro
ceeding by the council authorized there
by." :
Guns Boom, People Sing And
Frolic In Washington, D. C.
Washington, Nov. 11..- Eleven
o'clock was the zero hour In Wash
ington's observance of Armistice day,
, At that time marking the moment
when hostilities cease one year ago to
day riflemen opened fire In Lafayette
Park simulating the sound of war and
when this din ceased, formal exercises
Io Lafayette Park, memorial trees
were planted, the roll of states called
and patriotic songs sung. Throughout
the ctiy at the same time, groups of
trained singers started the choruses of
national airs and many citizens' Joined
5j-EARM L01IS-6
205 Oregca Building
A delivery car of the Yew Park irm-
cery was wreaked and streetcar No. 83
driven Dy Motorman Botts was slightly
damaged- in a. collision late last night
at the corner of Mission and Twelfth
Kelley Wolf, said to have been driv
ing the auto, drove the car Intn tli
standing streetcar, police said. He
-came at a fast rate of speed west on
'Mission, police reported, and turned
north on Twelfth, dashing Into the
streetcar. - No one was injured.
Birmingham, Ala,, Nov. II. Th
formal declaration of neace will hi-inn-
with it a new strike order to the coal
miners of America in the opinon of
William L; Harrison, president of the
Alabama Federation of Labor, who to
day characterized the in1nnrtlnn ,
the federal court aa the "rankest, moat
flagrant outrage, - ever perpetrated
against free people." ' '
"The fiirht has onlv Tiad-hm
Harrison. "If is- only temporarily
halted; "As 'sfton as we find nut that
the war is oleri e are" going to see to
it tnat so far as the mine workers an
concerned, the fight Is going on until
they are given the fullHt rim-i
Justice and liberty that they are en.
titled to as free American oltiasens."
The Salem Art league will hold their
general monthly meeting at g o'clock
this evening in the auditorium of tha
public library. All persons interested
in the promotion of art are invited
attend. Each department of the league
wm contribute toward a program to b
presented,' on which the following
numbers will have a place of promi
nence. - -, ' - '.
The musical department, presenting
a groan of Schubert' wnrln Mn rri.
ma Weller will interpret a numbet o
nis piano selections, Miss Mary SchoetM
tie will render a few choice violin num
bers, and Miss Eva Miller and Miss Lu
cille Bartin will sing some of his beet
known vocal pieces. The sketching
class will, exhibit their work and the
literary section will reart original
poems, short stories and miscellaneous
articles. -Mrs, L. B. Sheldon, head ot
the art appreciation department, will
give a talk on "The Parthenonl" The
photographic section will havA nn aim.
PtaV tlliri eVfmtnST AH fl STIOnlnl mantlnw
will be set aside for their exhibits.
Chicago Pays Silent Hsisage
To Those Who Died In War
Chicago, Nov. 11. At 11 o'olock tha
zero hour in the celebration of Armis
tice day, Chicago, traffic came to a full
stop at a slgnel of the trlfflo police
men and everyone turned to the cast
for the minute of silent tribute to those
who "went west" In the great war.
- The celebration opened when the
Sixth division regulars in Grant Park
began firing a battery of 76s.
Oklahoma Guard to Withdraw
When Men Return To Mines
Oklahoma, City, Okla.. Nov. 11.
"The national guard will be withdraws
from the mine fields as soon as a suffi
cient number of miners return to
work," -Governor Robertson announced
today following receipt of the new
that the strike order had been recalled.
The miners Save not yet receive!
word of the action at the Indianapolis
meeting. A report from Krnhs tn the
heart of the McAlester fields. Indicated
that as soon as the order wa srece!ve4
officially a meeting of miners would
be called to determine the course to be
followed. .
Death Is announced of John Y. Toda
aged 88, one of the oldest resident
of Wasco county and Well' knows
throughout the state.