PAGE TENgjX. ii e ibi " EOIlfR EXPLODES AT LOGGIKGCAE-IP DIES Pallas: Ore.," Nov. 11. N1" Ho tnr, an employe of the Wil'amette Valley Lumber company at their BaW Camo near Black Rock, .lied Jr ... sn., Saturday momtne from injuries received Friday m.rnlnB ,-hn the boiler of a donkey engine exploded. Homer's skull was fractnrec . . Mast and 1i whs 6180 painfully scalded from h.S waist ThoKias Cummings, th m;iner of the engine, had his right arm blown v,ia undv in the accident, it be ing taken off at the shoulder. He was also scalded In different parts t his body. Fred Sherman, tree falle.' who was near the engine at the time of the ,i m.ptninod a broken collar ,one and -was otherwise badly onilsed. j Eve witnesses to the ncoident BtaU that the men were blown about 25 feet by the force of the blast. The Injured men were rushed to W.e Dallas Hospital where, under the care vt Dr. A. B. Starbuck, everything pos eible was done to relieve their pniiis, but little hope was held out for Ho mer's recovery on account of the na ture of the wound, the skull 'being cracked open from the forehead baric. Little la known 6f the dead man in the Black Kock camp. He had teen there several months but told attio of tits past. Coroner K. L. Chapman, who lias charge of the body is trying to pet In touch with a bank in the east where the dead man has been sending money tn hopes of finding out his relatives. Marion News. (Capital Journal Special Service.) MONDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1919. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919. on account of the skin disease, but as all are doing all they can to set rid of the trouble it Is thought that all will soon be back in school. The Sunday school convention that was to have been held here last Sun day was called off on the account of a contagious skin uisease in oar com munity. The special services that were to begin in the Presbyterian church on November 12th, have also been canceled. Mrs. "Shirley Roland has been confin ed to her home the past week with an attack of the grippe. ALASKA m THAN REPAYS EXPOSE OF HUBBARD CITIZENS PROTEST; ELECTRIC SERVICE IS PROBED C. I. Kephart, electrical engineer for the Tublic Service commission was in Hubbard last Saturday investigating the service given Hubbard patrons of the Mollola Klectrlc company. His com lng to Hubbard was In response to a petition liberally signed by Hubbard patrons asking for the investigation and stating their grievances. Mr. Kep hart came to Hubbard from Salem on the early morning train and went to tho creamery where a volt" meter was coupled up. On the 10:10 northbound Mr. Kephart, went toCanby to inspect the generating plant and returned to Hubbard on the afternoon train, re turning to Sulem that evening. On returning to Hubbard Mr. Kep hart interviewed those patrons whose names hnd appeared on the petition reaching his office and found their complaint was practically the same, all indicating' a lack of power. The volt meter showed A fluctuation for that day of .twenty-five volts below normal I to twenty-five volts above normal, 1H volts representing normal, j Mr. Kephart was told while here tlmt. it ;, thi 11111-nnHP flf the Hub- appioprlutlons for the development ofb!m, ,lt,.ons of the Molalla Electric attained an investigation into rates charged would be permlstable. -Enterprise, : . .-.J;.. t Cfoyenfaleffetes. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 11. (United rress.) A letter showing that Alaska paid into the United States treasury $10,000,000 more than the territory cost the government last year, has been writen to J. W. Hallowell, assist ant to the secretary of the interior; by Thomas Riggs, Jr., governor of Alas ka. " - Riggs' letter hns been made publlir an part of the campaign for additions Cloverdale, Ore., Nov. 11. Miss Em ma Schifferer of Salem spent the week end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schifferer. Nathan Morris left Saturday morn ing for Black Rock where his father is. , Mrs. F. A. Word's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Salem, are spending the week here. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Farris of Tort land, motored up Saturday to visit with their brother Ray Farris, Mrs. Will Morris has Miss Taylor spending the week end with her. Miss" Violet Craig went to Salem on Thursday to enter the High school there. -.: Mrs. Nora Robertson and little son, Orin, of Salem, spent Sunday at the F. A. Wood home. - M. Fllfelt and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kunke were Salem visitors Friday. - Friends of Hazel Craig will be sorry to hear that she was taken worse again on Saturday evening. ED CM AHI'.ISTlGE DAY Armistice Day, November 11 win be celebrated in'Kubbard with an all dav program, --feature of which will be the unveiling of the memorial erected in honor Our Boy who were parti oipanta in the World War. Special in vitations have been issued and an ef fort is being made to get an invitation to every one' of the boys in time for the occasion. The invitations are issued in the iame of the Community of Hubbard, through the Red Cross, to be present at eleven a. hi.. Armistice Day, Novem ber eleven, nineteen nineteen. Following the unveiling of the mem orial everybody Is asked to take his basket to the city hall and enjoy din ner and the patriotic program follow ing. Ail ex-service men are especially invited to be present at this time and in uniform if possible. A program is being prepared which the territory. According to his state ments, $7,603,285 was appropriated during the fiscal year 1B18 by the fed eral government. During the fiscal year 1910, the federal treasury received $17,076,071 return, principally from the income tax in Alaska. Strong efforts are being made for a move liberal self government for the "Frozen North" and additional revenue to carry on development projects. Claims are made than "Alaska has the worst mall service in the world," and it is demanded that the service be improved. company to keep this matter of ser vice continually before the commission until satisfactorily adjusted. Mr. Kep hart stated that before the electric company was entitled to a hearing on the matter of rates that it would have Farmers west of Eugene are signing oil and gas lenses of their lands for a term of three years, for which they are to receive $100. About 6000 acres have been leased. . To Prevent Influenza Colds cause Grip and Influenza . LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets remove the cause. There is only ,r . r. .!! ,, -c r nDnvyo to give service and after that had been McO."' (AdvT Doctor Prescribes D.D.D. for Banker ' Write to H. J. Bow.ra, Caahlar Pint National Bask, Trscf City. Tens. jha wont aaa sf Ectenm t belter - anyona aver iMiieseed. Waa aettinc me wild. Sent for my doctor, tie rec- ommended Tkrm Da. Marraloua relief from the my ant application." Anyone aufferiof from akin trouble mild or aerera thould inrestlnte at once the merit r D. D. O. Try it todar. W (usmntee th rat bottle. UcMcaodtl.M. iDxinxio. EL lotion ior Shin Disease J. C. Perry's. givea promise of being very Interesting to all, and everyone will be interested irTthe ceremonies of the day. " . At eleven o'clock Tuesday morning will occur the anvelling of the memor ial to our boys In service, at the loca tion of the memorial on "D - Btreet r.ear the Pacific Highway. No ooeasloTi of this kind "riuld be complete without the presence of Mr. G. B. Dimick, now of Oregon City, who will make an address following the un veiling of the memorial. In the event of rain at that our the address will be given at the city hall. Enterprise. LEGION ASKS WITHDRAWAL "Washington, Nov. 10. Petitions from the American Legion post, Seat tle, urging withdrawal of the A. E. F. in Siberia were presented to the Sen ate today by Senator Jones, Washing' ton. - Eases A Cold With One Dose "rape's Cold Compound" then breaks up a cold in a few hours Relief comes instantly. Adose tak en every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe misery. The first dose opens your clogged up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops nose running, relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness, sneezing, soilness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Clear your congested head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, con tains no quinine Insist upon Pape's. (Aav) Corns Tween Toes? Use Easy "Gets-It" Any Corn Or Callus Ooea Off Peae)- fulir, Gloriously, xerer i'uls. It' is easy for "CrcTsIt to react "Hard-to-get -at" corns, ao4 betteT yet it is easy to remove- tkm, GeU-It" -makes them com right off Aar Can Pla Off With "Gata." Jg just like a banana peel. You ean try to dig oi drag out youT corns who knife, or slice the with 8 " Moody" razor, or use bandages and tape an wrap up your toe into a pasksge, but that's the treat-'em-rough' pamfoL foolish way. Vse 2 or 3 drops of " Gets It " that's the peaceful, sure, torn-tuon-sense way that never fails. Tom reach the corn easily with the litUt) glass rod in the cork of every Get It" bottle. It does not hurt the tn flesh. Try it, trot and smile 1 It's blessing; never fails. "Gets-It" the only sure, guaranteed, money-back eorn-remover, eosts but trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago W. Sold in Salem, and recommended a -tho world's best corn remedy by 3. C Perry, D. J. Fry, Wm. ttenneyer an.i Capital Drug Store. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA Marion, Ore., Nov. 11. Henry Lo retz and family left last week for their new home at Independence. They will le greatly missed here, but all wish them success in their new environ ments. Little Buella Wilson was seriously ill one day last week from ptomaine poisoning. When her brother came home from school, she helped herself to some of the lunch that was left, petting some that hnd been spilled in the tin bucket and In which the poison had developed. Mrs. C. A. Hammltt of Philomath is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Newt. Cook Is very sick at this writing with heart trouble caused by a goitre. Mr. and Mrc. Kephart and faugh trs Viola nnd Lucille left Thursday evening for California for a visit with relatives. Miss Elsie Miller of Middleridge in l.lnn countv. came last Saturday and will spend the week visiting her friend Miss Alice Boyle. Miss Miller is on her way to Monmouth where she will entet the' C. 8. N. Tho Picknrd Bros., have inMMled an plectiic light system in their house, bnrn ntu! out buildings and also have on arc light between their house nnd l,arn. The lantern Is now a side Issue ns far as the Plckavd ranch is con- cerned. Homer Johnson has returned from Nichols, twelve miles Bouth Of Riddell, in southern Oregon, where he spent several weeks hunting. He had a suc cessful and pleasant vacation. Mr. F-rown and mother have moved to' Salem nnd a family named Beck mnn are moving on their place. Mr. tihlpherd will have a sale of household goods next Tuesday and lie nnd his family will leave Wednesday for Colorado, Hcarlet fever Is tn our midst, and has taken one of our loved ones from its Mrs. Fred Thomas died of the fever leaving a husband, two children, Mur- aged six, and a haby three weeks old. Her parents, Mr. and Mr-), John Palmer. Sr., sisters and brothers nnd n whole host of friends nre left to mourn her loss. Her going has cast a rteep cloud of sorrow to rest over the whole community. School Is badly broken Into on Re count of the scarlet fever, and a skin disease that was found among the pu pils. Only two pupils have had the fev er, and nil who were exposed, which are few, 'are quarantined. Three homes fire under the quarantine, and it is thought that it was taken in time to prevent any farther spread of the dis ease. Many are dolainod from school George M. Tlenson, game warden, has been Informed that no permits will be given this season for trapping on the Luke Malheur bird reserve, owing to low water and scarcity of feed. Lift qffCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeuna costs only a few cents. With yonr fingers! You can lift ofi any liard orn, soft corn, or corn be twecn the toos, and the hard skin cal lines from bottom of fect. A liny bottle of "Freezone" costs lil-llo at anv dritz store; apply a few drops upon tho corn or callus. Instant ly it stops hurting, then snortiy you lift thnt bothersome corn or callus right off, root nnd all, without one ibit of pain or soreness. Truly I xso 'iiuinbtigi "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S 'LAXATIVE Lock at Tongue! Remove Poison From Stomach, Liver and Bowel THE KIDDIES SUFFERFROM COLDS $ - Give them pleAant-to-Uke, helpful Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar- Honey j tHlLDREN romp around aad B . nUv and become overheated. A l- coM often mult. H should not neglected one Initant. Olve them (r. Ile l P ne-lar-Honey, tt " very leaaant to take and Its Ingredients an th tieklina throat. It itetpa In relieving irritation and phlegm ni(estion. Clear tne air wwk". 'Vl. r. n.,ir. P:-Tr-Himov I P.B 11. 4.. - , - urself lor that neavy com. wnn it a for thousands of others it un doubtedly will do lor you. All druggists, jvc., ouu.1 Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the pnoknge, then you are sure yotit child is having the best and a-.ost harm lens laxative or physio lor rn nnie stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste, iwl di rections for child ' dose on each bot tle. Give at without fear. Mother! You must aay "California" (Adv) Comb Sage Tea In Faded Or Gray Hair "DCiiS Keep the Family Well ...... jt Mm iir remain inittiTO wircu , (ry.,i an aaaily aid promptly V a free Mo-nW ataned aril einuvaa the uoljunoiH Liirtit from young and oM aintfraa, vo-l)& !F. i a smooth. romfonaMft Intntlrw. W-. ,1 ;' W1 S J&r 6-r'-.-.v5 J : ( V f i W 7i STOMACH J Look young! Common garden Sage and Sulphur dnnceua -so naturauy nobody can tU flramlmollier kept her hair beaut fully darkened, glossy and attractive with n lirew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was npplled with wonder- fui effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wy'eih's Sasfe. aad Sulphur .'ohiiK)unil, you will cot a Inrgd bot tlo of tUU old time, recipe, improved bv the addition ot other Insreuiemts all renily to use, t very little cost. This simple mixture can l)e dopendod upon to restore natuml color and luoau tv to the hair. A well known downtown druas'-'t ravs everybody uses Wyoth'aSage and iSulplmr Compound now bei'auso it darkens so naturally anil evenly that nobody can tell it ha3 Jeen nppliil it's b'o ensy to use, too. You simply (laiiii)en a comb or soft brush ami diaw it through your fcair, taking ono straiul nt a time. By uwnrng the gray hair tlisapposrs; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color ami looks RUwy. soft ru! beautiful. (Adv) Is no mold to stay home" What if it does rain! What's that to you? The motion picture theatre -is open. ALL the difference between the sullen drip from the eaves and the flutter of leaves in a sunny patio beyond Seville, All the difference between the monotony of a dull book and the lively creak of saddle-leather between your knees. All the difference between seven o'clock this bleak evening and a hot noon ten years ago, when palm fronds rustled in the soft trade-wind. and the sail-shaded deck of an island schooner crean ing through the blue of the seas of the South. How far away? How near is the nearest of the better theatres, with the relaxation of its sociable chairs, its genial warmth and happy swing of music ?, Paramount Artcraft Pictures are there. That is why it is a betterrfheatre, ' . Your kind of people, who know life ancl treasure romance, made Paramount Artcraft Pictures pos sible and Paramount Artcraft Pictures made that $.11 the difference between Number 7 Maple Street better theatre possible. v 1 Moikm 0idtures I ' on j M' - jb . - - . am a tin . BJLB . Mert ate the Latest Panimoun-": Artcraft Fioutes 1, H wk i- : ' II Oa 1-. 7 Latest Paramount Artcraft Pictures Kfitd&if to December ist "S.mir a Billi Burkt ih "Tue Mrf uerit Clark t xyisuie Bond" 'Lvck tN Pawk" Ethel CUvtoa in A SWRTIXH CrlANCE" Ccil B. PcMille'a Productioa "Mau ANO I'llU.'.! k'" FirgUMB trt ''Cui'NTKRVlT" Crarothy Gih in "Tl'tMIHU THE TAtMS" D. W. Griffilh Pnductkm. ' 'Swi'-iTD.tVi" Wm. 5. Hart m MTrtHM pErTicwTs" Houdini i 'Tuk Cum Game" 3 "Supervise Thovu H m: VlvUn Martin m " "His Official Fiancke' Wallace Raid t "Ths Lottery Mam" Maurk Tourneura Production "The Life Line" Gcorga Loane Tucker's Production "THe M:ao.b Mas" Robert Warwick j'h "Is Muzovra" Bryant Waabburn iw "It Pays to Adttise" "Tha Tiftth of the Tiyer il tkaSUr Cst Th Miracle or Love A (.'ucmupoJitan Production TJunnos H. lnc's Productions Enid Bennett in "S ii i Kvesy Woman Lkahns" Durothy Dilton.ia " L Apache" Doug la t MacLean !ori May : Hocus" Leave" Charl Rav in "CueoKra STK.tcm" Paramownt Ventures Comedies Paramount -Arbuckle Comsdies Hvery Other JtWJk Paramount-Mack Sennet t Comodiea Two Each Month Paramount -A1 St. John Comedies J.) Mnik Paramount-Erneet Trues Comodie One Hot' Mantk Paramount-De Haven Comedies ,v . One iyu-M Momth Pammounj Shoit Swbcw Paramount Magazine iwwrf weekly Paramount-Peat Nature Picture " i5wtrf I'Tvrv erhrr zeerk Paramount-Burton Kotmes Travel Picture t!.' tmh ?tvr4 Paramount-B'ittutf ham Adventure Pictures every o;'n:r neck Paramount Bngy Comedies Gltft'OCk Vt't'b Read the tReatres' newspaper advertising for dates of showing L S 1AASKY Wi i5 CfcCdL nKH3BBBBBKBBBBStSmB3SSUBSXE! 11 17 IBM Lia.t'iiwjmM' nafc-ahjc -XMj ijr,'