Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 10, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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No payment of money has as yet
. been made by the secretary of state's
office under the provisions of the sol
iters educational aid bill, nor will any
. payment be made -before January 1,
1920 according to a statement prepared
. by Sam A. Kozer, deputy secretary of
state, today. Funds for the adminis
tration of this act are to be provided
by taxation and will not be available
cntil that date, according to the state
ment which follows:
In order to clear up any misunder
standing that may exist in the minds of
any of the soldiers, sailors or marines
who are attending such institutions,
the secretary of state's office wishes
to state that the law providing for
. educational aid to the extent of $25
per month, appropriates annually the
equivalent of .2 of a mill oir"the tax
able property of the state. When this
law went into effect at the close of the
special election June 3, 1919, the state
tax commission had prior thereto in
December, 1918, made the annual tax
levy for the year 1919, consequently no
amount could be Included in the tax
levy for that year to pay the claims
for aid furnished by the state. The
annual levy of taxes for the year 1920
will be made by the state tax commis
sion ' in December, 1919, and the
amount which it is authorized to in-
, dude In such levy under the financial
educational aid law will become avail
able and credited as an appropriation
January 1, 1920.
When the .educational Institutions
with which applications have been
filed were furnished vouchers and
' statement forms for rendering their
monthly statements of aid furnished to
the several soldiers, sailors and ma
rines in attendance thereat, the execu
tive heads of such institutions were
. advised on the conditions of the ap
proprlatlon and the time when tne
moneys appropriated by , the state-
would be available, and It was sug
gested by them that in view of the
fact that the state could not pay these
claims before January 1, 1920, (though
it would pay all claims of soldiers, sail
ers and marines in atendance at their
Institutions from January 4, 1919, who
had made applicaion for the aid),
that it would very likely be necessary
for them to make some local finan
cial arrangements in order to carry
them over until January 1, 1920, when
their claims would be paid by the sec
retary of state as any other claims
against the state. That is the condi
tion which exists with respect to a!)
the Institutions of the state wits' which
applications to pursue courses of study
therein have been filed by honorably
discharged soldiers, sailors and ma
rines. This matter was also considered by
the executive heads of the larger insti
tutions at a conference in Salem in
July and they generally understand
the condtllons and that it would .be
necessary for them to arrange to make
these advances to the students until
the state moneys could be paid. It has
been suggested in some instances that
the state could issue certificates of evi
dence of allowance of claims, but they
cannot be issued by the secretary of
state except upon the authorization of a
deficiency by the emergency board. In
ti.e case in point, no defiency exists.
Provision has been made by the legis
lature fo- the pavnent of the claims
but the payment hereof has bien de
ferred by reason of a condition which
existed at the tirie the law went
ettoct and tou.a l-o in no manner reir..
edled excei-t hrouii some special leg
islative enactment.
The secretary ot state's offuo 1.'
Surely r:king th;i statement in or;l?r
to clear up anv misunderstanding
which nray now exist with reganS to
the time when theVate moneys he
come available, so that the executive
heads of ' institutions and ex-servlcb
men who may be in attendance, may
know the exact conditions and the sea
son for their failure to receive the
money which the state has provided
for them, before January 1, 1920, in
the event the institutions which the ex-
service men may be attending are un
able to make local financial arrange
ments to advance the money to them
until the first of the year.
The Garford Oregon Motor SaleB
company of Portland, capitalized at
$20,000 filed articles of incorporation
with the corporation department here
Saturday. The incorporators are Wil
liam Cornfoot, T. M. Georghegan, J.
A.; Haley and E. N. 'Wheeler.
Other corporations and associations
filing articles Saturday were as fol
lows: First Church of Christ of Astoria,
$400; J. E.Beezley, Mrs. T. Nelson,
Maurice Hemphill, A. C. Carle, S. W.
Worklngmen's Hall association
Astoria; $1500; C. Krause, J. L. Bur
gess, Dan Allen.
Saddle Mountain Lumber company,
Klamath Falls; $60,000; J. W. Sie
mens, H. H. Edmonds, Lucinda Sie
Canada's Promising Water Power,
An important feature of the water-
powers of Canada is their fortunate
situation with- respect to' existing com
mercial centers. With economic trans-
, Biisslon range of practically every im
portant city, from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, except thostf in the central
western prairies, there are clustered
water-power sites which will meet the
probable demands for hydro-power for
Pain In Stomach, Sourness,
Gases ant) Acidity relieved
with "Pape's Diapepsin"
Tour upset stomach will feel fine!
No waiting! When your meals don't
fJ and you feel uncomfortable; when
you belch gases, acids or raise sour
undigested food. When you feel lumps
f Indigestion pain, heartburn or head
ache from acidity, just eat a tablet of
harmless and reliable Pape's Diapep
sin and the stomach distress is gone.
Millions of people know the magic
f Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid.
They know that most indigestion and
disordered stomach are from acidity.
The relief comes quickly, no disaptj
ointment, and the cost is so little
too. Pape's Diapepsin helps regulate ;
your stomach so you can eat favorite J
Yeggs Rob Ex-Policeman Of
$50 And Make Get Away
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 10. Three un
masked thugs stuck a trio of guns in
the face of ex-Policeman E. H. Casey
In his grocery store here and decamped
two minutes later with $60.
Casey engaged the bandits in a lon;j
range gun duel as they fled.
No casualties except to Casey's ban'
Mrs. Nancy Emily Tharp, one of the
oldest and best known residents "of
Polk county, died at Corvallis this
week, aged 88 years.
As Influenza
Is an exaggerated form of Grip, LAX
should be taken in larger doses than
is prescribed for ordinary Grip. A
gi od plan is not to wait until you are
sick, but PREVENT IT by taking
lets in time. (Adv)
In the event the proposed constitu
tional amendment initiated by J. F.
Albright of Oregon City should be ap
proved by the voters of the state at
the general election in 1920, any in
terest rate above five percent charg
ed upon any ; transaction in Oregon
would be usury, according to an opin
ion prepared today by Tttorney Gen
eral Brown at the request of Will H.
Bennett, state superintendent of banks
The proposed amendment fixes the
rata- of .. interest at four percent per
annum upon all money after the sanie
becomes due, but upon contracts, in
terest at the rate of five per cent per
annum and no more may be charged
b the express agreement of the parties.
' According to the opinion of the at
torney general this would have no ef
fect whatever upon contracts execut
ed prior to the going into effect of
the proposed amendment The pro
posed amendment however would re
duce the present rate of interest in
ordinary commercial transactions,
would forbid the execution of notes
drawing interest of more than five
per. cent per annum, would limit the
interest charge upon all moneys after
the same becomes . due to four per
cent, and would fix four per cent as
the rate of interest to be collected in
the event a person agreed to pay in
terest but no rate was specified and
would require that any brokerage or
commission charges upon any trans
action should be included in the five
per, cent maximum interest rate. The
proposed amendment would not, how
ever, prohibit the ordinary bank cus
tom of discounting or rediscounting
commercial paper by deducting the
interest In advance, the opinion holds.
No new licenses could be issued to per
sons under the act which would per
mit the charging ot more than the
amount provided in the amendment.
the attorney general states but de
clares that it is sot now necessary to
decide as to whether the act would
be deemed an impairment of existing
license rights to charge more than the
specified rates. -
Coast Taylor Shops Open
On Non-Union Basis Today
San trancisco, Nov. 10. The man
who hvs -waited ten weeks for that su't
of clothes watched today to learn the
effect of the announcement of the Pa
cific Coast Merchant Tailors associa
tion the: all tailoring establishment
would open for business today "on tha
open shop basis.
Shops in all cities on tiia coast, ii
waB announced, would oien without
their union employes.
Sheep shipments from Bend are the
heaviest on record. So far this season
264 carloads have been sent out and
25 more cars are contracted.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People, afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through taking them.
. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
vegetable vcompound mixed with olivo
oil. They act gently but firmly on the
bowels and liver, stimulating them to
natural action, clearing the blood, and
purifying the entire system. They do
that which calomel does, without any of
the bad after effects. Take one or two
every night for a week and note the
pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a box.
We find that our out-of-town trade is so steadily increasing that we are going
to establish an exclusive mail order department. This department will be handled
in the same economical way for which our other departments have become famous.
. , , ,.:.
All out-of-town customers will receive the same fair treatment as our Salem pat
rons. Mail orders will be taken care of promptly and correctly.
Have Benefit of Saturday
To give our out-of-town customers the benefit of our Saturday Specials we will re
ceive mail orders until Tuesday at the special prices. Remember! This applies only
to mail orders. Premium coupons will be sent to all mail order customers.
foods without fear.
Who'll Get the
You will if you buy your clothing and groceries
here and save the coupons. Begin now. Ask for
coupons with your purchase and save every one.
The person having the most by Christmas gets
the beautiful Brunswick Phonograph.
We will remain
onen on Monday
evening until 8
o'clock due to
Tuesday's Armis
tice Holiday.
Dry Goods
The ftwiumStom &k5hoe
PH0ME 453
21 ..lotions.
j "In Flanders Fields the poppies grow-"
November eleventh
A Great Nation
Pays It's Tribute
to those
who sacrificed for it9 s
Closed all day
Salem Woolen Mills Sfore
Preparation of the notices of the
forthcoming primary election which
are to be Bent to the various county
clerks over the state, was begun by
by Sam A. Kozer, deputy secretary of
state today. In conformity with the
advise contained in the opinion pre
pared by Attorney General Brown and
in lines with the declaration made by
Secretary of State Olcott based upon
that opinion the office of governor
will be omitted from these notices.
This early action In this matter is
taken in order to permit ample time
for testing the legality of the omis
sion should "any citizen or voter" de
sire to Institute mandamus proceed
ings to compel the secretary of state
to include the office of governor in
his certification to the county clerks.
The law provides that the certifica
tion shall be made not later than 45
days prior to the date of the election
but no other time limitation is provided.
While wading in Thomas creek, near
Thomas, Arthur, 8-year-old son of
Qulntls Underwood, got beyond his
depth and was drowned.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
It Soothes and Relieves Like
a Mustard Plaster Without
the Burn or Sting
Musterole Is a dean, white fnt
ment, made with the oil of mustard.
It does all the work of the old-fashioned
mustard plaster does it better and
does not blister. You do not have to
bother with a cloth. You simply rub
it on and usually the pain Is gone I
Many doctors and nurses use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what re
lief it gives from sore throat; bron
chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, new
ralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheums'
tiam, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
Is one of the principle topics of interest at the pres
ent time, and we are making it of more interest by
our new
Of Self Service Shoe Department. It contains all
kinds of shoes and the prices are what creates the
We quote you just a few but you must see the goods
in order to really appreciate the values
Ladies small sizes in Hanans, Laird Schober .
Selbys button and lace, good wear.;......$1.95 to $3.95
Ladies' gun metal, low heels, all sizes $3.95
Ladies' Patent or black kid with grey top,
special ;. $3.05
Ladies' black kids, French or Cuban heels
go at ........L.........$3.95 to $5.95
Misses' shoes, sizes 11 to 2 in black, brown,
elk, lace and button ...$2.95 to $4.25
Child's same in sizes 8 to ll...H..:.............$1.95 to $3.95
Men's English last, black and brown Good
year welt soles :.$6.65 to $6.95
Men's round toes, black, tan and brown $4.95 to $7.50
Boys' black and browns ..........$2.95 to $4.85
Elk bals, men's i.............$2.59
Boys' .. ................:....;. ........$2.20
Crcae m and He!p Yourself . Save Dollars
Every Pair Warranted for Satisfactory Service
At The
Electric Sien
Littler &
Sole Owners
Concrete Poles" for Wire
n i4a jinnrrAtA Doles are ustl
for a twenty-two thousand volt power
line six mils long at Brentwood, Call-
- a. doaA
iornia, gurplyine a Iau 01 aooui.
howepower. The poles are tapereu
beam reinforced symmetrically on
two sides, and are forty-one feet long.
mTCIIlVH .1. .-'. "-I"'" " .
and eight inches square at thetop. The
spafts yary from two hundred and fif
ty to three hundred and ninety feet. ;