Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i ass- - - , - , ii u uiuuuft J.U. lyxc.
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OH. SiiO'i'S
Portland Man
Gains 30 Pounds
. 1 . ; , , . -a
Inmates of the Oregon state peniten
tiary, after a month of steady rehear
aiais, at last announce the dates of their
" Doming shows, November 12 and 13.
According to Happy Gordon, who
is handling the publicity end and who
has directed several successful shows
at the prison, this, their seventh pro
Auction, proreiaes tllpse any pro-
ceding affair they have attempted.
This means quite a lot as all who
bare attended their shows will bear
cut Business men have openly stated
4ht these boys have produced some of
the best entertainments they have had
the pleasure of seetlng In Salem.
Away back in 1914 they produced
their first show, which proved a sue
oesa far beyond their expectations.
Kach succeeding administration has
looked with favor on this as one means
of getting a man's mind on good clean
These entertainments are looked for
ward to by those who take part and
tto exertion is spared to make them
worthy of public interest.
, On these nights, you who attend
i their entertainments, meet a bunch of
apparently happy, smiling fellows, who
are really so, at least for the time be
ing, as they are, for that long-looked-ior
evening, free again, and their only
objects are to please you, create a feel
ing of friendliness in your hearts, and
to forget the Nordld yeBterdays and to
morrows. For that one blessed .even
ing they are entertainers privileged to
enjoy for that short time the greatest
thing, to my mind, in the world. That
is the wonderful feeling which comes
over one when one tries, and success
fully, brings smiles and hearty laugh
ter from others, more fortunate, per
haps, but who may be carrying bur
dens just as hard to bear, and who for
Ket them in their Interest In the novel
entertainment presented.
These fellows have made hosts of
friends since their first show, and eaoh
succeeding affair adds to their number.
Music houses and publishers send their
feature numbers to them with requests
that they be used. Every one who can
always helps to the extent of their abil
ity. These things all go to make their
ahows welcome affairs to their friends,
end they fully feel that this time, being
exceptionally fortunate in having the
test voices they have ever had, they
fire about to present their biggest sue
cess, and In the minds of those who
have seen their rehearsals, the very
highest point in amateur minstrel pro
ductions. Owing to the ' fact that hundreds
were turned away at their first night
ahows, they respectfully ask that those
Attending their entertainments pur
chase their tickets at downtown selling
points. Two sets of tickets are on sale,
both dated, so in buying now, patrons
i can be sure of comfortable seats. Here
i tofore, many haye waited until the last
moment to buy tickets at their box of
- floe.- This throw them entirely out in
. calculations, anfl many, people r dls
I appointed, go please buy in advance,
: as there are no reservations. J ,
! The Oregon circuit meeting which
was combined with the dedication
) services at the Trinity church Friday,
Saturday and Humluy was a great
.success. The ordinary capacity' of the
j new church is 600 but during the
I meetings the church must have ac-
cmninioilated between six and seven
hundred. Not only every bench' and
chair was filled but the aisles and
halls were filled with standing people.
Th program which was published
last week was carried out.
" The visiting ministers were:
i Reverends P. O. Bruland, Chinook,
Wash; M. A. Christonson, Portland;
, 8. Kamstad, Toledo, Or; P. Skartvedt,
LaCenter, Wash; F. A. Cornellusspn,
; Helena, Mont; S. Knutson, Portland;
t R 1. Nesti, Astoria; W. Patterson,
j Portland; L. A. Stenaeth, Canby; K.
, O. Storll, Eugene; J. C. Roseland, flil-
verton; Rogan, Monitor; O. It Ander
son. Portland; J. H. Byberg, Bilver
ton; U C. Foss, Seattle.
New officers elected' were:
. President. Itev. T. P. Neste, Astor
ia; vice president, Itev. 8. A. ttten
t h, Canby; secretary, Itev. P. O.
. Jtruland, Chinook, Wash; treasurer,
A. I Hteoe, Cunby.
The next, circuit meeting will be
held at Astoria, probably In the
, spring.
The church starts out free from
debt, a fact which was announced
during the dedication.
Itev, Carl Foss who was an army
cbuplnin has received special recog
nition from Gen. Pershing. H la with
the Lutheran commission lecturing
ou the work of the coinmlMpn and
Wi experiences abroad.
Health And
join hands
when you eat the
famous cereal-
3 $l .
You may recall the Thurston title of
John Chllcotte wealthy distinguished
parliamentary leader, yet such a mor
phia addict that he would renounce
every thing for the drug who in Lon
don meets his double, a certain John
l.oder a young hack writer of poli
tical ambitions,' with a resemblance so
marked that Chllcotte, seeing a way
to free himself from the world, later
proposes that they change places.
The feasibility of the plan Is enhanc
ed because Chllcotte has been estrang
ed from his wife and his moodiness as
sures no surprises from friends or ser
vants should any new phase of de
meanor be revealed. Loder, accepting
the proposal of Chilcote, assumes the
latter's identity and in an address to
parliament which Chilcote was to have
delivered scores sensationally.
Then It Is that Chllcotte's wife, not
New York, Nov. 10. (United l ivm
-Seventy-four alleged radicals ni
reds" were still in pustody today as a
result of raids of federal ugi'iits nr.d
police of radical headquarters hire
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Matr of
them are held for deportat.'o.i by the
Immigration autlioilties. Tie ethers
are charged with ",i ions offense
Raids of 71 radical meetings con
ducted Saturday right, an.1 Sunday
morning resulted In the arrest of r.u rs
than 1000, but on, 87 of them were
held. Two of thee are cha' tnj wini
v.t'latlon of the state law n-iatast crim
inal anarchy.
James Larkin, Irish agitator was ar
rested at his home. He Is charged with
violating the Sullivan law foroldd'.ns
rossession of weapons.
State feenator L.i'k, who dliecto-l tl;e
activities of the raiders, stld John
RbcU. who aided organization of l hyr io
called communists' party it t'hi-vigo
Sepio nber '1 Is now en route to Kuss'a.
Belleville, 111., Nov. 6. Two killed,
one Injured and hundreds of dollars in
property damage was the toll today of
aji explosion In the Atlas Powder com
pany plant at Signal Hill, seven miles
west of here.
The dead are: Thomas Moody, 46,
Kdgemont, III., and William Douglas,
34, Belleville, 111.
Lightning atrlklng the power press
of the, plant caused the accident ac
cording to officials.
But Lydia L Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Restored Her
Health and Stopped
. Her Paint.
Portland,. Ind. "I had a displace
ment and Buttered so badly from it that
at times l could not
be on my feet at all.
I was all run down
and so weak I could
not do my hpusei
work, was nervoua
j and could not lie
, down at night. I
ftook treatments
from a physician but
they did nothelp me.
My Aunt recom
mended Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound. I
tried it and now I
am strong and well
airain and do my own
work and I sr I
. Lydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound the 'Credit"
Mrs. Josephine KiMllb, 935 West
Race St. Portland, Ind. .
Thousands of Amoiican women piva
this famous root and vt?rb remedy the
credit for health restored aa did Mrs,
Kimble. ,
For helpful lupRestioiM in regard to
auch ailment women are asked to write
to Lydia , Pinkbam Medicine Co..
Lynn, Mass. The result of its long
experience is at your sen'ice. .
U u LiJ
r X i
ing the change in him, Invites a re
conciliation and thereby sets the little
love-god working upon them both. But
thpre is another woman, a Lady As
irupp, whose practice of supplying the
real Chllcotte with his drug has for
tified a close friendship between them.
She, encountering Loder and finding
him aloof largely through his Ignor
ance of the relations between her and
Chilcote discovers he is a sham Chil
cote and exposes the sham.
Mr. Post in the dual role gives a re
markable performance and the mech
anical devices brought into the play by
Mr. Richard Walton Tully are far in
advance of anything of a similar na
ture seen in "stagedom" during; the
present decade.
In personnel and presentation you
will find this play miles apart from the
category into which the modern drama
has fallen.
Illinois Names Lowden And
Coolidge For White House
Springfield, 111., Nov. 8. Here is
Illinois' republican presidential tick
et: For president Governor Frank C.
Lowden, Illinois.
For vice president Governor Cal
vin Cuolldge, Massachusetts.
, . Announment of the selection was
made here last night by Congressman
W.- A, Rodenburg jat ft banquet given
under the auspices Pf the Republican
Editorial association of Illinois.
A gain of three per cent over the
record production of petroleum in 1917
Is Indicated in the preliminary estl
mate for 1918. An estimate of nearly
350,000,000 barrels as against the
record for 1917 of 335,000,000 bar
rels, Is made. The reserve of crude
oil held by all producers and pipe
line compunles In the United States
at the end of 1918 is estimated at 123,
QOO.OOO barrels, as compared with
150,000,000 barrels at the end of 1917
"Intense Pain Relieved
By Internal Baths"
Mrs. A. T. Smith of 2906 Mitchell
St., Tampa, Fla., writes the Tyrrell
Hygienic Institute: .
"The 'J. B. L. Cascade' has been a
blessing to me. Before I got it neither
medicines nor douches would relieve
the constipation and the pain was ter
rible. But the Cascade thoroughly
cleanses and relieves me from all
The "J". B. L. Cascade" cleanses the
lower intestine its entire length and
keeps it always free of poisonous
Thousands testify that constipation
indigestion, stomach troubles, billoW
uess, headaches and all the many ser
ious troubles which they cause are ab
solutely relieved and prevented by
this nature treatment.
Daniel J. Fry will be glad to show
you the "J. B. L. Cascade," explain
Its simple operation and will give you
free on request, an interesting little
book by Dr. Chns. A. Tyrrell -of New
York, a noted specialist on Internal
bathing for 25 years n that city. Clip
this out as a reminder to ask for the
booklet 'at your first opportunity.
........ ... (Adv)
; !, For Colds or
influenza and as a
; : Preventative -X
:;,t'.: Take "
Be sure you get the Genuim
', Look for thb signature
on the box. 30c
"I Now Understand Why so Many
Peaple Praise Tanlac," Says
McGill k .
"I have gained thirty pounds, since
I commenced taking this Tanlac, and
haven't felt no well in ' twenty five
years," said C. A. McGill, a well
known employe of the Coast Ship
Yards, and who lives at 1043 East
Fifteenth St., Portland, Or., while
talking to a Tanlac. representative the '
other day. .
I can now- understand why so
many people all - over - the United
States and Canada are publicly en
dorsing Tanlac," continued Mr. Mc
Gill, "for I have tried it myself, and
out of all the medicine and treatments
I have taken during the past twelve
years, Tanlac is the only thing that
has done me any good at all. I suffer
ed something awful from stomach and
kidney troubles, and ever since these
troubles began my condition had grad
ually grown worse.- Everything I ate
soured on my stomach and I would
be bloated up with gaa for hours at
a time, and suffered terribly from,
shortness of breath. I had pains in he
small of my back nearly all the time,
and when I stooped over for anything
I could hardly straighten up again. 1
seldom ever ' got a good night's rest,
and felt Just as tired and worn out
every morning as I did when I went
to bed at night. In fact, I had a tired,
draggy feeling all the time, and t just
seemed that all my energy had left
me. I suffered from constpation, too,
and often had raging headaches, and
finally got to where I would- be com
pletely exhausted if I walked only a
few blocks. ,
"To tell the truth, I was just about
disgusted with ' medicine, and every
thing else for that matter, but I had
read so much about Tanlac helping
others that I decided to see what it
would do for me. Well, sir, Tanlac
gave me the surprise of my life, for
by the time I had finished my first
bottle of this medicine I was feeling
like a different man altogether. I
stuck to Tanlac until I had taken sev
en bottles, and now you won't find a
healthier or stronger man anywhere
than I am. It is simply wonderful the
way I have gained in weight and
strength. The truth of the matter is,
Tanlac just knocked my troubles wind
ing, and I am in such fine condition
now that I can doj as :much work in
a day as I ever could. I have a good
appetite and eat just anything that is
set before me, and as much as I
want, and I never suffed he least bit
afterwards. The pains in my back are
a thing of the past, and so are the
headaches, and when I hit the bed at
night I go to sleepy and amdead to
the world until time" to get up in' the
morning. I don't have to take medi
cine of any kind now, but If I ever do
again, It will certainly be Tanlae. I
am buying this bottle for my wife, as
she seems to be in a badly run down
condition, and I believe Tanlac will
strengthen her up all right."
Tanlao is sold in Salem by Tyler's
Drug Store, in Hubbard by Hubbard
Drug Co., In Mt. Angel by Ben
Oooch, in Gervais by John Kellv. in
Turner by H. P. rnelius. In Wood-
Durn by Lyman H. Shorey, in Silver-
ton by Geo. A. Steelhammer, in Gates
by Mrs. J. P. McCurdy, In Stayton by
C. A. Beauchamp, in Aurora by Auro
ra Drug Store, in St. Paul by Groce
teria Stores Co., in Donald by M. W.
Johnson, in Jefferson by Foshay &
Mason and in Mill City by Marketeria
Gre. Co. (Adv)
A total of 13,114,279 acres is em
braced in federal forest reserves m
Oregon, on which the state draws for
apportionment to the rminUea in
reserves $115,405.74.
Now Is a Good Time
TU Trouble la la the Blood.
aiunmer catarrh, with its nauie-
vum uiscnarge, jtutted up glands,
difficult breathing, and summer
told.. i bad enough, but the worst
of it is yet to come if you neglect
to check the growth that is form
ing to attack you with ten-fold
Sreater power during the winter.
That's why it is to important to
treat catarrhs and other blood dis
orders with S. S. S. during warm
Weather, and thus free the system t
5 W ft "
There No Picture Like the
Picture of Health
The greatest maater-piece in the
Art Gallery of Life la Nature's
"Picture of Health".
' It is a marv.Ioas portrayal of the human
- xiT at itt bail. One IxtaU, in its nanposita
, detail a true eymbul of atranatfc. It preemta
a tiaurenf dtrikinar appearance in ttaerect car
riatre.etearekin.anarifltna avee.atronv limtM.
v Bl.Kiy nerves and tirm muactwf airlji vibrat-
intr in amnianer k sen, alert, frmsh. and
IMrited: with ax air of unbounded coatideneo
and a face radiant in on1 and tUumtoated
. with a gaiw ut hapa and dutarf iirnwa. ,
The Great General Tonic
rJnthlr Is mors rftVseieus as s refcaikter of eiksasted mrsessae)
nhysMvi frrMtkn LVKii. tlivarrst mswrsl tewe. It tends ts nnty
thv aoroel llsduus. r olds thr blew!, create m w power stidmfSM
- Slice, snd reeive tHe s..rM f ratsw wtMlsrv wesk frsil. kwauie sxte
ecr-wrny(lii . 't ..r' sieksess. rscMrcstrsm, warr or ewe
war. ll'ssn.h.Able asur'Ker. sspiemtod SMl to Jiaestioa see a aaa
fnagtiuasl rttaUste i ike liesc. kidosys ss I bowels.
A eVwiristt sn t.YSO. Oct a eeHtc TO-IMV aad yeaH esss-
iihii to kuk ours like ttie pfeturs of basKk.
National Blou
I A real event of importance to the woman who would
. 4icw ainvais m uie iai,esi uesigns irom tne ioremost manuiacturers 01 tni&.
country who are, especially during this week, demonstrating the supremacy
of American made waists.
Quality, .
or Tonsilitis, gargle
with warm salt
water then apply
Drive Out Catarrh
from all imnuritiea.
It it now an established fact
that catarrh is in the blood and
that lotions and salvet doftot givo
relief. The experience of others
has proven that S. S. S. strikes at
the verv rant f h iinnhl. ;
eliminates it Waste no time in
;-- '- vi it i vt me utmost
imnnrt9n WrWa .... a
Advisor about your case. Addresa
lanta, .Gi .
UfiMfy (I '
Could Nature have takra t f or her model?
Suppose yuu stud youreelf in the mirror of
the present and eompareyour looks, jour feel,
tnffs and your condition with the reneral
eharactertstiea of this picture of the human
body in perfect working order, all parts of
which are sound, well orxaaiiedand disposed,
performing their functions freely, naturally.
If you fail in any einj-rla point of reecm
blaace, you ara s..t the picture of health.
Its imperative, then, that you look to a
meane to rebuild your strength, enenry and
ywrue to bnnx your body ap to a normal
atata of efliereaey la sil of its parts.
lYKO Is esM la eriataal peek
"I" "tl. wkw esveece ibm .
SUtHM all suaeriewses.
Week for Waist
November 10th to 15th
As a special we are offering exceptional values in Georg
' ette and Crepe de Chine Blouses in three lots.
Every one new this season. You will want
GL IMjiplnj
Store will remain closed all day Armistice Day,
Tuesday, November 11th
New Novelty
Marvels That Compel Woman's
This is a truly new creation in
plushes. It's difficult to de
scribe them.
; The sort of invisible stripe
effect gives them a charm all
their own, . The coloring and
light properties are teasing
fabric reveal the alluring
witchery akin only to costly
furs, - ' .
A wonderful plush for coats
and especially good for girls'
and children's wear comes 50
inches wide, in colors of brown
navy Burgundy and steel grey
" at,- yard
You See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Home
You See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Home
se Week
take advantage of the
more than one.
On our entire line of
And Scarf Sets
Undoubtedly the largest assort
ment to choose from in the entire
Willamette Valley. Good, wool
knitted scarfs at no semblance of
present values. ; .;