Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 08, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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n t
T tan 1
lis aiDmaiitt,
Rate'per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 5 cenls, oac month,
S6 insertions, 17 cents, in Jvar, per
month, !) cents. Minimum per ad 5
Of ilts. - v
. First insertion only in Sew Today.
City ads cash In advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has
ifiojrithly account. No allowance for
nhoae errors -.--.. i-t s
- - New Today.
WANTED Girl wishes light house
work. Box 9 care Journal. 267
WANTKD Lady boarder, room and
hoard $15 month. Klla, Finney. 276
WANTED Men to dig potatoes Siic
.:. per sack. Bring fork. Phone 4"FUj
. See Gum. . 206
FOUXI' Purse, owner -may have
saras by paying for ad ami proving
property. Call 351R. 205
FOR SALE "Wilson strawberry
plants 30c per 100; P. Itischoff, Rt.
6, box 4 9 A, Salem, Or. . 26 G
WANTED Ten men to tip loganber
ries. 11, Cunningham. Phone 21F2.
FOP. ALE 1919 Buick. FiVe pns
4 penger. Practically new, Wilson's
garage, "phone 220. 270
FOR SALK A lot and 6 room-1 hous$
. with basement. 1239 Broadwav.
" Phone 205 7R. ' - --' 270
TEAMS wanted to bank wood, $1 per
; cord, short haul on: MoCall place.-
Call Blessings cigar store, Ai .T.
i' Anderson. 280
YOUR future foretold: Send dime,
nge. blrthdate for truthful, reliable,
convincing- trial - reading. Hazel
Hause, Box 215,-Los-Angeles, Col.
WTI'OW worth $u0,0QDi ape 25, anx
ious to marry honorable gentleman.
Write Mrs. Warn, 2216 1-8 Temple
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
ATTERTilTRY Transfer & Storage Co.
Phone your trucking and long dis
. tance hauling to us, phone 1752,
654 Ferry St. Lacey Eros. 270
plete tie mill ready to run, at a
. low figure. Call on or address Sa
lem, Rt. '5, box 142. 270
TAKEN by mistake blue silk umbrel
la from reception room state hos
pital last Saturday night. Will par
ty please return to Miss Nellie
Rowland, 407 Court. 265
820 ACRE stock ranch trade for
smaller acreage hear Salem; also
city lots university town, near girls
cottage, to sell or trade. Phone
' 1040J. 267
BONK salesmen wanted with or with
.out previous experience, to sell city
and government bonds. Liberal com
mission and salary to right men.
References. Max. Hesslein & Co.,
60 Broadway, New York. ; . 265
SALESMEN We can use a limited
number of good men to soil bank
supplies, calendars, pencils and
specialties in leather, , wood,, cloth
and celluloid all year permanent
position. Bankers Supply Co., Jtowa
City, Iowa. '. 265
TWO five room modern bungalows
located at 6100, 820 ". South 18th
St. Price $2000 each, $200 cash.
balance $20 per. month, 6 per cent
: Interest. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. 275
All cultivated. Twenty acres
Prunes. Will take as part
payment five to ten acres well' 1m-
; proved near Salem. Address H. C.
1 Porter, Aumsville, Or. 270
TOVNG man wanted marry, live this
country 6 years and one year ser
vice U. S. army, speak English,, age
24: don't mind poor. I want make
a home. I am strong, working man.
Rt. 3. box 209A. Salem, Or. Oeo.
Rogocian. 266
I HAVE a client that is wanting to
buy several small properties, also
old houses that can be remodeled.
What have you? Acreage to, ex-
: change for city property and pnv
cash difference. Eastern Oregon
lflllfl tf OV (l 'I era 41,. nit.- .........
at about one half Value, if yon have
property or any kind list it with me
H. S. Radcliff, Bayne bldg. 266
t''OR SALE Fine 5 room bungalow,
almost new, $2500.
Large house and 100x100 ft. ground
20th. and Lee St. mortgage $1000.
Look at it, and make offer for
, A 2-apartment house. E rooms each
; nuite, bringing in $50 per month
rent. A splendid investment, and
close In. Let's talk it over.
One large house 19 rooms, good
shape, close in, suitable for 4 apart
ments, will make a very low price
and terms to suit.
One swell bungalow, C rooms, mod
ern, and a sleeping porch, 10 blocks
out. $4500.
One old house and S of -the best
lots in Salem. Ten minutes walk.
Price $2500, terms.
One and 1-2 acres Inside city lim
its. The most sightly location in Sa
lem for a beautiful home. Let tne
show you this place. The price l
right. H. E. Bolinger. 328 Oregon
bldg. 26T.
MTTSIC written io poems, mwle print
ed. L. W. Lewis, box 2084, Port
land, Ore. 965
Lost And- Found.
"LOST Gold watch and chain, works
number 687709, case 206520. Find
er leave at Journal office. Reward.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
' -119 N, COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric lights.
ix good tires, $275
1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shock
Ujsorbers. 5 tires, $750.
, 6 Studebafcsrs $200 to $1300
i I Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Many other good buys.
' We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
'Jto parti, tires and accessories.
Stove Repairing.
-STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
: years experience; Depot National
: and American fence, sizes 2 to 68
inches high. Paints, oif and Vara-
ishes, etc., loganberry -Mid hop
hOOkS. Slm PnuM C-....-
.Works, 250 Court street Pbamt 124
For Sale.
;fOR SALK 15- h. p. Zlmmerman-
Wells boiter, complete with stack.
E. C. Cross Son.
FOK SALK Good farm team, six and
eight years old, 1400 lbs. Phone
9F11. . .. xtST
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants 70r a hundred. Phone S6F5.
FOR SALE Cheat seed. Phone SOF
11. . ... - 263
WANTED Job driving truck or auto
mechanic. Phone 73F14. 265
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l con
dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. 27S
BEAUTIFUL Wall tints 10s pound
: and up.' Max O. Buren, Com. St.
FOR SALIC Good 7 room house.
. ready to move .in. Call at 1213 Cen
, ter St. . 269
FOR SALE 7 room modern house.
good Jocatlon. $2500. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. . . 271
FOR SALK Milch cows, Holstein &
Durham, largo milkers. Phone "34
F2 -evenings. 265
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants fiue hundred. Call afternoons
at 995 N. 20h'St. 205
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa-
lom, stock and implements for sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271
WE have a Very .fine piano for sale
t a Bargain price and terms. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St.
FOR. SALE Or exchange for other
grains, recleaned cheat seed. Wal
ter" L. Fuller, Bi-ooks, Or. Phone
35F32. , 270
FOR SALE Modern six room house
texcept furnace) at 1244 Waller
St. $3000, $1000 cash, balance
terms. Roth Grocery Co.
FOR SALE Ten room double house
on State St., five rooms to a side.
Modern with furnace- heat. Large
lot with fruit trees, cherries, apples
and pears. Owner moving to Cali
fornia will sell cheap. Inquire 56G
N. Cottage St. Phono 1901. 265
FOR SALE Some fine pure bred
wuroc jersey pigs for breeding pur
poses: both male and fomale. Ad
dress Turner, Or. Rt. 2, box 15. 265
FOR SALE Registered yearling
Guernsey bull of imported cow; al
so 2-year old registered Cotswald
buck. Rt. 2, box 32, Staytdn. Or. 269
FOR SALE A bargain 2 1-4- ton
iietnienem truck with body .com
plete, good ns new, driven about
2000 miles, $1700, terms. See Salem
Vclie company, 182 N. Com'1.267
FOR SALE-One Jersey cow fresh,
nna one jersey mat will be rresn
in middle of November. Pearl
Wood, on Chemawa and Silverton
road. - . . 269
FOR SALE 18 acres five miles east
of .Salem, on graveled road, all
cleared, woven wire fenced. Good
well. Small house, barn; 8 ' acres
seeded to clover. Phone 67F6. 267
FOR SALE 1 grey horse, 12 years
old, weight 1500 lbs, price $50; 1
bay horse, S years old, weight 1,
600 lbs, price $75; both good farm
horses in good condition. Claude H.
Stevenson. Rt. 3, box 175, Salem.
Phone 36F16. . 267
FOR SALE Or will consider farm
or Salem residence property in
trade:-Two story frame business
building twenty miles from Port
land, profitable business, excellent
location, first class apartments on
second story st.a bargain. Write
2-K care Capital Journal. 265
For Rent
Fon RENT Garage, 478 N. Cottage.
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. 257 N. Liberty. 265
FOR RENT Nice sleeping room. In
quire 1096 S. Com'l or phone 807M
lot, 1. block north of asylum on D
FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 202 S. Church. Phone
1413. . 265
FURNISHED rooms close in. most
desirable location; reasonable rates
495 N. Com'l St. Phone 1440. 269
LARGE furnished room", hot and
cold water, steam heat -and bath.
218 N. Liberty over Brewers drug
store. 206
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
Household goods. Uet our bid be
fore you ;sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
merclal street. Phone 734.
Advance Rumely Ideal
A separator to fit every farm. 4
sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x62 and 36x60.
Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor
to fit every siae separator.-.
Wm. H. Trumn, local agent, Salem,
263 N. Commercial.:- Phone 413.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
283 North Commercial St
Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
natter in what shape they are In
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to ao
rtrst class repair work on any make
of cars. .American Automoblie Co.,
d. h. Mosntn
man class ladif.s
p '
Help Wanted
WANTED ChamnermaKh Call 1979.
WANTED Girl for house work for
small family. Phojie 2133J. 265
WANTED' Competent woman for
dining room and house work. Phone
. 21.
WANTED Practical nursing; Phone
1917W. - 267
WANTED -Married men to work on
farm. PhoneHF2 evenings. 266
3 SALES-MEN with" roadster, steady
employment, See. Kin'eaid; 648
State St,. . r , v -.... . 266
WANTED Woittan to help take care
of children.' Call at. 320 N. Com'l.
Phone -305. .. '266
WANTED Girl to assist with light
; housework and help cave for 2-year
old child. PlUMie .1014 2G6
: i
WANTED Experienced ' man fori
shoes, window trimming and gen
eral store work. Gale & Co. 266
WANTED Gill for dining room help
at Oregon state tuberculosis hos
pital. Pay $35 per month " with
board, room and laundry furnished.
Phone 433. 265
GIRL wants light house work In
small family. Write box 44, Rt. 2,
Albany, Or.. '. 265
HELP WANTED Cook' for small
family.. Good wages. . Address 15
Journal. , 268
WANTED Experienced saleslady for
4lress goods, domestics, etc. Pfease
don't apply unless you feel your
self thoroughly competent. Gale &
Co. 266
DRESSMAKING at 467 Union street.
. - 269
WANTED Good cheap -team, give
age and price. Box i432, Silverton,
Or. 265
WANT To buy modern six or- seven
room house On terms. Phone 492.
- : 265
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladies and gents
tailors, want garments to remodel.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
WANTED To buy roadster in crood
condition from private owner. 648
State St. 266
WANTED To buy old horses, all
Kinus. uentor si. zzi. Ueorge Smith
WANTED Highest price paid for
iac cattle ana much cows. Phone
1570W. 279
WANTED Position by experienced
stenographer. Best or references.
Box 81 care Journal. ' 265
WANTED Two purebred Duroo
Jersey gilts, 6 to 8 months old. G.
W. Trussell, box 66A, Rt 2. 265
FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Red
pullets and White Leghorn Ijens.
Call at 1135 S. 16th St. 265
WANTED High school boy wants
piace to work tor room ana board.
Address box 100 care Journal, 265
WANTED Modern 5 or 6 room bun
galow, built in conveniences, furn
ace. State-location, cnsh or" terms.
Agents need not answer. Address
XIX Journal. 268
WANTED Fresh dairy cows; will
pay $ioo for cows giving 32 lbs.
of milk testing 4 per cent, or $126
for cows giving 40 lbs. of milk test
ing 4 pel1 cent. All cows must be
young and sound. Call-Fred W. Dur
bin. -j 266
WANTED To buy, if you have good
secondhand clothes 1 11 pay a good
price for same. Men's suits from $5
to $20, ladies suits range from $3
to $15. Ladies and mens overcoats
from $5 to $15, and I also buy all
kinds of house dresses, childrens
clothes, shoes, of all kinds. Ladies
goods are shipped to Seattle and I
have ladles goods of all kinds ship
ped in from out of town. You had
better call 675 or the $2. for $1
Store, 279 N. Com. if you want
good price for goods. 289
Second Hand Goods.
FOR SALE Ford 5 passenger, per
fect condition. Call 1516M. 265
LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims,
143 N. High. Phone 840. 266
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinlshlng of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742;
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
No Cash Required Good overcoU,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
Instruments, shotguns, ri'les, heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to fU or trade.
what have you 7 The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bilte payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
C US B-4-U Buy
T room bungalow type, on 19th St.
north. Modern, bath, toilet, electric
lights, cement walk, garage. Price
?:uoo, $$00 cash balance to suit pur
chaser. 7 room house, nice lot N. 18th St.
Bath, toilet, electric lights. $2000,
$400 cash, balance to suit.
6 room new, modern bungalow," 2
lots, 1 block off Improved street. $2,-
uoo, $b!)0 casn.
6 room plastered house, electric
lights, bath, toilet and improved street
$1250, $250 cash balance to suit.
4 room plastered opttage, bath, elec
trie lights, toilet, concrete 1-2 base
ment. $900, $450 cash.
We have a large up to date rooming,
house, modern In every -particular,
with 7 room house In rear bringing
good Income, lust across street from
high school, $12,000, 1-2 cash,, and
will take good home in trade.
Get next to yourself and when you
want real buys in farms or homes see
us first.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
. 228 Oregon bldg. 265
Nl cialist In the Modern Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office -closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
rist, eyes examined and glasses fit-
ted. Broken lenses duplicated.
Hours at offiee dally, 4 p, m. to 6
' p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour.
510-12-U. S. bank; Phone 341. 278
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 847 Court St.
Office 124 South Liberty street.
Phone 937, 1211.' Real estate and
stock sales. - -
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent . ,,
Money To Loan.
HOn good real estate Recurlty
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 1-2 percent 303 Salem-Bank of
Commerce. ,yV. D. Smith.
, - Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 l-z years ume. reaerai
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple,
Salem, Oregon.
SINGER Sewing-Machine Co. now at
648 State St. Hemstitching careiui
ly and neatly done. 266
WALFELT" superior to cloth at
about halt price. Max O. Buren,
Com'l. St. 276
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better ana sticks tignter
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com'l
Bt. 276
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty '
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Ore.
CALIFORNIA for Oregon, residence
in Oakland, value $5500, encum
brance $2000, will trade equity or
pity mortgage and trade clear for
Willamette valley. What have you.
"Call or write 725 S. Commercial
street, Salem, or telephone 1510.
Farm Baragins
Twenty five acre -farm, - one half
mile to R. R. station, on good grav
el road, soil the best nearly all in
cultivation, one acre fine orchard,
good farm buildings worth $3500;
all stock, feed and farm Imple
ments worth at least $1500, goes
with this place. The owner must
"sell as he is going to California
soon. This property should sell for
$10,000 but under the present cir
cumstances can be bought for only
$8500. Terms, $3500 cash, balance
$6000 five years at 6 per cent in
terest. See
Elsworth Pickell -
301 Masonic Temple,.. Salem, Or. 270
New Motto.
Live Help the other fellow live a
little too. Real estate, loans, invest
ments. 6 room house, modern, east $2250.
6 .room house, modern, east $2250,
S room modern plastered, 1 65-100
acres, on carline, south, $2850; will
trade for large house close In.
9 1-acre tracts, good buildings $1,
000 to $2500.
6 1-2 acres south on canine, in
bearing commercial fruit, fine prop
erty. $7500.
6 room- house, z lots, norm oaiem,
fine soil, $1200.
9 room house nortn salem, $ibdu,
$200 down will take it.
20 acres 3 1-2 miles out. Polk coun
ty, fine place, good buildings; $6260.
4 room house, modern, attio for 2
bedrooms, basement, S. High St. $2600
Walter McLaren
Room" 25, 180 N. Com. St. 269
for tho Cost of ImnrovhiB North
Church street from V street to K
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, will
at or about the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p. m'. on the 17th day of November,
1919, or at the same nour at any suo
soouent meeting of the common coun
cil, at the council chamber in the
citv hall, proceed to assess upon eacn
lot or part thereof, its proportionate
share of the cost of improving North
Church street from 1) street to is
All nersons interested in said as
sessment are hereby notified to be
and appear at said time and place
before the said common council anu
present their objections to said assess
ment, if any they have, and apply to
the common council to equalize their
proportionate share of said assess
ment. Bv order of the common council
this 3d day of November, 1919.
' City Recorder.
Passed and adopted by the com
mon council this 3d day of November,
1919. . . ., ..-
Attest: EARL RACE..
265 ' City Recorder.
Plumbing and Water Systems Install
ed by GRABER BROS., 141 South
Liberty St. Phone 660. Also agents
for Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines. .
, We Want
A good house, 5 or 8 rooms mod
ern, close in; party has $500 cash; al
so one with $1000 for a place near
school, price nrast be under $2500.
We also want a 7 or: 8 room modern
house close in, will go $4600. Let us
sell your house.
We want 10 to 15 acres on- good
.road close in, with- good improve
ments, rolling land: preferred with
some fruit and berries;, buyer has all
cash. ,
1 to 5 acres close in, prefer Pringle
road. If you have it for sale come in
we'll make a quick cash sale for you.
John H. Scott. Realty Co.'
228 Oregon bldg. v 265
: V Good Buys. .
63 acre tract of land located S miles
from Salem on hard road, 6 room
house and barn, 55 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, good
pruhe and berry land! Price $125' pel
acre. ' ' i - .';
Well- Improved 6 acre tract, family
orchard, 1 acre peaches, good 6 room
plastered bungalow, barn, located on
gravel street, close to "carline. Price
11 acre tract located 4 miles south
of Salem, -3 acres 12-year old Italian
prunes, balance of land cultivated,
best of prune" and berry land, located
ust off Pacific highway on hard
road. Price $5000, $1000 down, bal
ance on or before 5 years, 6 per cent
interest. . w
5 acre tract located 4 1-2 miles
south of Salem, some loganberries,
prunes and cherries. Price $1600,
$1000 down.
10 acre tract all cultivated, good
bungalow, barn, well, 1 aero logans,
3-4 acre prunes, rock road, good lo
cation. Price $7000.
80 acre farm located 4 1-2 miles
east of Salem, 70 acres cultivated, bal
ance pasture and timber, best of dark
soil, good 1 room plastered house and
barns, family orchard, some crop
sowed. Price $16,500. . - -- - ,
10 acre tract, ail cultivated, 100
bearing apples, small house and barn,
located close to railroad station. and
5 miles from Salem, dark soil, Price
$1860. ' " -
, W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
.275 State street,
Lodge Directory.
jChv JHEMEKBTA Lodge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:80 at I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz
. K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp jno. laou meets
every Thursday evening In McCor
inack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Pers'ons,-1415
N. 4th St Phone 1436M.-
uiy INO. 84 meexs every xiiuinujiy ui.
8 p. m. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secre
tary, 340 Owen street.
... Oregon Cedar. Camp ,No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
: o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty, streets. W. M.
Persons, V. . C Frank A. Turner.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathie
physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 58F6. Office
phone 1394.; . 270
. Best-Buys. .
$600 for 6 room house, lot 100x100
feet, lots o fruit, terms all cash,
$1000 for 6 room house, lot 100x100
feet, half cash, balance 5 per cent.
$1750 for 5 room well built plas
tered modern house. East front. Lots
of fruit, close to junior high school
and pavement, A snap to the man
who wants a home. Easy terms.
$1800 for 10 room house, fair con
dition, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
$2600 for 7 room modern plastered
house, $600 cush, balance $26 . per
$2000 for 6 room modern house,
good condition, lot 80x360, terms on
$3000 for 7 room part modern
house, one fourth block of ground,
lots of fruit, half cash, balance ,7 per
$10,000 for 30 room apartment
house, all furnished, basement, two
furnaces, close In, hulf cash, balance
6 per cent.
30 acres, ,all In cultivation, well
fenced, close to town, $2300, half cash
balance 6 per cent.
7.31 acres, 7 acres in cultivation,
all good berry land, light gravel soil,
3 miles from city limits, on good
roads, fine spring tor irrigation bor
dering on place, Price $1250, easy
60 acres, 45 cultivated, balance tim
ber, best of soil, rolling, ordinary im
provements, silo, best of fencing, rock
road, half mile of school, two miles
of three -towns, price $6000, $2500
cash, balance at 4 per cent.
94 acres, half cultivated, balance
timber, 3 acres family orchard, 5
mom house, new barn, gravel sol,,
2 1-2 miles of town, $75 per acre. $2,
000 cash, balance 6 per cent.
27 1-2 acres. 20 cultivated, 370 ap
ple trees 9 years old, 80 Royal Anne
cherry trees, 16 walnuts, 10 years old;
4 room house, barn; 8 miles of Sa
lem, $51)00, $3800 cash, balance .6 pur
cent. .. .
239 acres, all cultivated, family or
ohnrH rtnrk nrairle soil rolling, 7
room bungalow, good barn and out
buildings, well fenced with woven
wire, only $85 per acre,'. .
247 acres. 167 cultivated, 90 timber
!n nriines. 12 years old wateriaii ior
waier nower on place. 6' room house,
barn, close to town, well woven wire
fence. $19,000, $5000 casn, oaiance v
per cent. '
819 acres, 100 cultivated, 260 till
ahio 216 timber, lots of saw timber,
4 room house, large barn; o miles oi
railroad town, macadamized road,
close to school, $65 per acre, $5000
cash, balunce a to 6 years at 6 per
cent. . . . .
If this list does not contain wnai
von are looking for. kindly give me
a call as I may have other listings
that may be what you want. If you
want to exchange city property or
valley land for eastern Oregon or Ca
nada land, come and see me. as I have
a number of such properties nsieo.
For best buys see
- Socolofsky,
341 Stat gtreU
Wood Saw.
HONE 1764R. Our prices are right
W. M. Zandier, proprietor. 1265 N
Summer street, Salem, Or.
t3 '( ill R- I 1 . J C I
Q niSl . m fc -.: .-A ih
sea lomuia it
Good home managers make money these days
out of old clothing, shoes, furniture arid household
articles by selling them for cash. . And it's just
like finding money to get cash for something you'll
never use again Go through your wardrobe and
your attic today. Get out the old shoes and
clothing, and then 'phone the second-hand dealers
who advertise in our Want Ad columns. If you
have furniture or rugs or a piano to disposa of.
sell it with a Want Ad in this paper.
Get Attention with Want Ada Like These:
5.- 1
WA-NTKD Will bnj It u hljtew
prlc! Mcond-htlid clothing, fur
nltur. run. kitchen nteuius, ttofss,
to. Tftlephont Halited 4963 or
auuhess: .
When you restore to use goods or equipment
you are no longer using you help yourself and you
help the country.
Read and Use the Want Ada in
Niemeyer's Buys.
8 room strictly modern house on
N. Summer. Garage. Fine corner lot,
8 room modern house on S. 22d. 3
lots; barn, garage. 6 chicken parks
with houses, all fenced. $3600.
6 room plastered house on Harel
Ave. 2 lots; good fruit. $1600, easy
terms. '
6 room cottage on N. 18th. Modern
conveniences. 2 lots 45x130. Young
fruit. $1500. Good terms.
8 acres on Garden road; all culti
vated. Good orchard. 5 room house;
garage and pump house; well, tank
and engine. Close to school. $15500.
20 acres 1-2 mile south. All culti
vated; good prune' orchard. 6 room
house in good condition. $0000,
80 acres 6 miles north. All culti
vated. 8 room plastered house; large
barn; good outbuildings. $200 per
acre. Will exchange for city proper
ty. . ..
140 acres 5 miles from Dallas;
close to school. 15 acres prunes; 75
acres good timber. New house;
spring water; a good hill ranch, $6000
C. W. Niemeyer.
Just real estate and high class in
vestments, 215-218 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. I'hones 1000, 1014. 2B6
To whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby ;ivon that the undersigned, Ed
ward Imthy and Ernest Lutliy, joint
executors of the last will and testa
ment ..and cstato of Peter Imthy, de
ceased, have, this day, filed In said
estate their final sceount and' the
county court of Marion eouuty, Orogon
has fixed and appointed Monday, No
vember I7tn, lur.i, at tho hour or iu
o'clock a. m. of said day at the county
court room in tho county court house
in said county and state as the time
and place for tho hearing of any ob
jections to said final account and for
the settlement thereof.
Datod Oct. 18, 1919.
Joint executors of the citato of
Peter Lutliy, deceased.
Carey V. Martin,
Attorney tor estate.
Wanted To Rent
Furnished or Unfurnished 5, 6 or
7 Room House. Telephone 1600
mm LOANS-6
205 Oregon BuMng
, FOit rat.r At - Mmin: nn
qtlirtnr smrcit oak Rhan cast t
tt luiitf. 7 Hi feet bfgli, Hit pHU
fflau aliillus door. Hve nliel.eft.
throe adjmtable. Case ma? b uwj
io Mttloits, . Ii a Lean'? and M1
lrlt ulMuodllllK. Aiil lit i:.SM:
Wau). onff whits No. 1 tSl
u i u . ,, uvn., " - - - -
feed oats 80c; milling oats 86o; hay.
heat, new it; nay, oats, onw iovn
20; mill run $4445
Butterfat: Butterfat, 69ej oreM
ery batter, 6769c. '
Porltj veal and mutton: Pork on foe
14Hc; veal fancy SOo; steers
78c; cows 67 l-2c; spring lame
9 ',4 c; ewea 4 Be; sheep, yearlings c
TOn-a-a nnrl nnllltrV! EaUH) C4M)h 7061
light hens 1820c heavy hens J4oj o!
roosters 1618o; springs 20c.
vegetables: unions, per Mraii .
celery do. 90o; potatoes 2o; aweot
potatoes B l-2c. : ..t-
Fruit) Oranges 77.50; lomtmi J
bananas lie; honey extracted, 20c;
bunch beets 45o; eabbag Jo; hea
lettuce 76c; carrots 46o;- grapes. To
kays 10a. ' '
Retatl prices: Eggs floeen 76ej
creamery butter 7Bc; country "batte
68c; flour, hard wheat $3.10.SI.
. . . ' ,
pn,tinnti rr Nov, 8. Butter city
creamery 96 (S) 87c: Eggs select ed local
ex 7G80o: hens 2628c; broilers SI
27o; geese loc; cneese nijwooo.
Live Stock,
Cattle: Receipts 89; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers (1.041
pv.bvl iair io meaium mwra ' v .
common to fair steers, $.606.60;
choice to good cows and heifers $$.S
7.D0; canners $34; bulla $66. 6;
calves $8 14.
Hogs: Receipts 58; tone of market
steady; prime mixed $15.0016.6J
medium mixed, $14.0015.00; rouKU
heavies, $13.0013.60; pigs, 113.000 '
Sheep: Receipts 21; tone of market
steady; prime lambs $11.00 11.60.
fair to medium lambs, $10.004J10.60:
yearlings, $8.60 9.00; wethers, ,
fi8.60; ewes $5.007.00.
Salem Scavanger Garbage and re
- fuse of all kinds removed on month
lv contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead swimaU
removed. Offiee phone Main 1(7.