Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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i Excellence of Harbor Facilities At Astoria
milium- riLLiinu
Demonstrated By Docking of Big Battleships
aster loiici
ne I
m m m
f The Western Walnut association will
hold Us annual meeting at the Mult
nomah hotel, Portland, November 12
and IS. 1
Tkons la a vnrv lar?e acreage of wal
nuts and filberts In the state at this
time, and nut culture is bound to be
come one of the strong horticultural
lines of this state. The present interest
In filberts alone will indicate an acre
age of from 5000 to 10,000 acres in
the .relative near future. Filbert grow
ing as well as walnut growing, Is prov
ing to be profitable, and an attrac
tive Investment.
The officers of the Western Walnut
association are:. J. C. Cooper of Mc
Minnvllle. Dresident: C. I. Lewis of
Salem. vice-president; and Knight
Pearcy, Salem, secretary-treasurer.
A verv strong program has been pre-
rared for the meeting. C. A. Reed cJiieV
of the division of nut culture, U. S. de
partment of agriculture, is to come
across the continent to meet the nut
growers of Oregon. '
The program Is as follows:
Wednesday, Morning session 10 a. m.
""Annual messaore of president, J. C.
Cooper, McMinnvllle.
Report of the secretary-treasurer,
Knight Pearcy, Salem.
Planting the nuts in the orchard,
Chaa Trunk, Dundee.
Nnranrv crraftine Filberts, J. C. Her-
ren, Salem.
Walnut growing experiences, J. R.
tleNeui, Oregon City.
Afternoon Session.
Statistics of nut culture, Earl Pear
cy, Salem.
The California Walnut Growers as
sociation, J. F. Langner, associate edi
tor Oregon Journal.
American nut culture literature,
Ralph T. Olcott, editor American Nut
Nuts in confectionery use, Frank V.
Brown, Dallas.
Filbert growing, John Norelius, Van
couver, Washington.
The Oregon Growers Cooperative
Association, and the Oregon nut grow
er Robert C. Paulus. Salem.
livening Session.
Reports on yields, Trunk, Croner,
Dearborn, Walgamot, Withycombe.
Root, Shaw, Snurgeon, Norelius, Kruse
Lewis. Paste Nlbler and others.
' Filbert Browing in the Northwest.
Geo. Dorrls. Springfield. . .
Nut growing in the U. S. C. A. Reed.
Morning Session 9:30 a. m.
Pruning the Filbert, ,H. A. Kruse,
Growing Walnuts on Stump Lands,
N. B. Britt. Newberg.
A tree aericulturist for our logged
... i a nviMit Pearcv. Salem.
v. Pintles. Kruse. Wllkins, Brix-
ey, Groner. v ' ' ,
Drying walnuts, Fred Gfoner, Hills
Question box.
Afternoon Session.
Increasing the consumpH '
eon nuts. Geo. Hall, Hall & Emory ad
vertisin" agency,
Maintaining the Vigor In nut trees.
Prof C. I. Lewis, organization mana
ger Oregon Growers Cooperative as-
NntlT'on Filbert Varieties, R. Grav-
ea. SaleTn. '
Promising Seedlings, J. C Cooper,
Election of officers.
The meeting of the association gives
an unusual opportunity for those in
terested in nut culture to attend and
gain helpful Information. Nearly all
. the speakers are men who own large
nut properties, who are making a suc
cess of their venture, and who are wil
ling and glad to give Information and
help to the beginner. Salem has one of
the largest acreages of walnuts M
filberts in the state. A survey a year
ago, showed in territory adjacent to
lllem. over 1000 acres of walnuts
alone. The famous Skyline orchards of
200 acres is typical of one of the bet
ter walnut orchards la the state.
r . , .
"lit . ' ' r.Af'ifffr : n
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The accompanying photograph show
ing the big Battleship Vermont, moor
ed in the slip at the Astoria port docks,
demonstrates clearly that Oregon pos
sesses a harbor and dockage facilities
adequate to accomodate all the great
ships of the Pacific fioet.
For the first time in the history ol
the Pacific coast! excepting at a nav
yard, an American battleship of thfe
dreadnaught class moored alongside a
dock on September 6th of this year.
The craft was the Battleship Vermont,
of 16,000 tons displacement and draw
ing 27.6 feet, and the dock was In As
toria's harbor. She entered the river,
came up the bay at half tide, ran in
to the slip and moored at Pier 1 with
out the aid of a tug. The Vermont lay
at the wharf until the afternoon of
September Mth, when she backed out
and, swinging around without assist
ance, proceeded to sea. The feat was a
Mrs. Orilla Wilson, mother of Mrs.
P. W. Potter, passed away in this
city at the home of her daughter,
Friday, October 31. She was prob
ably the oldest resident living in Sil
verton at the time of death, being a
little past 91 years old. Until just
previous to her death she was bright
and active to a remarkable degree.
A slight cold, coupled with old age,
most unusual one at any port in the apparently was the cause of her
world and clearly defines the splendid - death.
conditons in the Astoria Harbor and at ; Funeral services were held Monday
the port terminals.
There Is probably not another com
mercial dock from the Canadian line
to the Mexican line where such a
thing would be attempted.
State House Briefs.
State Enginer Cupper has been re
quested to co-opertate with the depart
ments of California and Idaho in a
joint investigation of the Surprise Val
ley irrigation district in northern Call- ner two sisters and one brother, who
f ornia. The district seeks to appro- ilve ln Minnesota, and a large circle
priate water from all tnree states, er- 0f friends.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Potter, Rev. J. A. Bennett officiating
and burial was made In the Silverton
Mrs. Orrilla Wilson was born Aug
ust 7, 1828, at Pike, Wyoming coun
ty, New York, and died in Silverton,
Oregon, October 31, 1919, aged 91
years, 2 months and 24 days. She was
married February 18, 1861, to Perry
Wilson, who passed away nearly thir
ty years ago. To this union were born
three children, the oldest dying in
Infancy. ; . ,
"' The surviving children are: - Mrs.
Eva Potter and Fred Wilson, both of
this city. She also leaves to mourn
fecting streams flowing into Warner
Lake in Oregon, occasioning the de
mand for the Joint investigation.
In her earlier life she attended the
Kpiscopal church and was always a
believer in a Christian life. .
RVio wan nnA rtt tha ffrat ma,Y,hai.Q
John K. JSOgar, Jriooa Kier-rancinjr, wh nrnnij iy,a ubmnh rHrnia nf
spent Friday in the captlal city, the sllverton of whioh wa8 ajwa
guest .01 wm. A. uaizen, uepuiy a very faithful worker and where
sealer ot weights ana measures. r,u- her cheerful Dresenoe will be ereatlv
gar has-very empnaiic views mi mu missed
The hearing with the county court
Friday afternoon of about 15 truck
drivers and operators to arrive at a
schedule of weights permissible for
hauling over certain county roads
was taken under advisement by the
court. After a conference with the
district attorney the result of the
hearing will be made known.
It was stated by the court this
morning that the condition of some
roads makes It imperative to estab
lish a weight limit. The names of the
roads thus adjudged unsafe for big
loads will be named later by the
court. ."
A suit to foreclose a mortgage and
for Judgment of $200, alleged due on
a promissory note, and for $50 attor
ney fees, was begun here in district
court today by William Berringer
against Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Winzer.
Marriage licenses were Issued today
to William H. Bolster, .22, Oakland,
Cal., and Margaret Parks, 20, Salem;
John A. Wright, 43, Portland and
Jennie Walling, 42, Gervais.
Notice of appeal to the supreme
court from the decision of District
Judge Bingham' several days ago in
the suit of H. A.' liotmes against the
state fish and game commission, was
filed with the county clerk this morn
ing. '
Mr. Holmes, in a suit to restrain
the fish and game commission fx-om
establishing a game farm ln Lane
county, won the decision in depart
ment No. 2, district court. He con-1
tended that the : commission has no
legal right to appropriate its funds to
establsh such a game farm.
Japanese question especially with ref
erence to the occupation of land ln this
country by the Japs, who, he declares
are becoming a serious menace to me
white population in the Hood River
valley. Drastic legislation prohibiting
the sale or leasing of lands to Japanese
must be enacted in order to save this
country to the whites he declares.
Edgar went to the Philippines with the
American army and remained there as
a business man in Manila for 16 years
after his discharge.
An Increase in telephone rates to
cover the Increased cost of material
and equipment and Increased wages Is
Argum'ents on the case of Pullen asked for by the Malheur Home Tele
vs school district No. 3 in Multno- j hone company, with Its principal of
mah county before the supreme court fce at vale, in a petition filed with
on appeal have been scheduled for the public service commission this
November 21. The case Involves the;morning. Tne requeued increase In
sale of $20,000 worth of school bonds volve8 addition of one dollar to
A skilful touch here, and a master designer's
improvement there and the result is that
BISHOP can always give you the best
values obtainable..
THERE are on display in our ISLAND
WINDOW, a rare assortment in clothes of
distinct style, shown only at BISHOP'S.
THESE models are the latest to reach us
from the East, as advance showing of won
derful values in tailoring.
IN the SOUTH WINDOW there are on dis
pay a showing of TWEEDS, including an up
to the minute OVERCOAT.
TWEEDS as a rule are very firmly woven
therefor they carry a crease longer than most
goods, saving on your clothes pressing
THESE models all come in the many snap
py styles for the YOUNG MEN who appreci
ate "real clothes" in a "Real Store."
Men's Cravats
IN wonderful colors, in patterns that have
never been on display before, they are rich in ap
jperance and distinctive in design; yet bearing
that quiet air of refinement and conforms to the
personalities of the professional man as well as
the younger man.
SPECIAL SALE on boys suits, they include all values up to and including
$14,00. THESE suits are to be found at the front of the store on a rack
ready for yourlnspection. THERE are some "Oregon Cashimere" included
in this assortment. . . .
"Every Family In Marion and Polk Counties a Patron"
Salem Woolen Mills Store
the 3)
The construction of ft railroad 185
miles long from Medford .Oregon, to a
point in the vicinity of Eureka, Cali
fornia, is the avowed purpose of the
Medford Coast Railroad company,
which filed articles of Incorporation
with the corporation department here
today. The articles show a capitaliza
tion of only $10,000. XT. Gagnon
Armas Clement, Ernest Clement and
Adelard Delia! re are the Incorporators.
Headquarters will be maintained In
M oZf companies filing articles,
The Electric Maid Shop. Portland.
$3000; C. A. Kumler. M. D. Meacham
and U I. Merrick.
Union Depot Garage company, Port
land; $10,000; Charles H. McGlrr.
Jackson U Morrow and James W.
Morrow. .
r ...I... TMar-A Water company, Port-
. aa, Howard Swetland, Frank
J. Strelgib, Jr.. Russell E. Bewail.
against which an Injunction was ask
ed but denied by the circuit court or
Multnomah county. .v J
A total of 13,114,279 acres or tne
area of Oregon Is Included in govern
ment forest reserves, according to fig
ures compiled by the secretary of
state's office with a view to appor
tioning out the $115,406.74 recently
received from the federal department
of agriculture, representing 25 per
cent of the total receipts of the vari
ous reserves, from such sources as
wood saleB, rentals, grazing, etc.
This money will be apportioned by
the secretary of state's office on the
basis of the number of acres of the
various reserves contained ln the
counties effected by the distribution.
...-. tovr CAT.TC
TUUTtl iv v .
San Quentln. Cal., Nov. 8.
Resident physicians at San
Quentln prison today received
an offer of $10,000 from a
prominent business man
they would transfer to h m
the reproductive Interstitial
glands of Antone Lapara, who
is to be hanged December 19.
But the glands are not for
mu. -Rpaver Portland cemen'
plant at Gold Hill, which has been idle
the past three years, will resume oper
ations at once, employing 50 men and
. - i n i nnA barrels daily.
The Independent Phone company of
Pilot Rock has applied to the public
service commission for permission to
increase its rates.
present rates for business telephone
and an addtlion of 26 oents to present
rates for residence service.
The company operates lines at Vale,
Ontario, Nyssa and Frultland all in
Malheur county.
The $600,000 Umatilla project is in
eluded in the draft ot a proposed bill
Dallas Curfew Ordinance
To Be Enforced Hereafter
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas,- Or., Nov, 8. City Marshal
Oliver P. Chase tof Dallas has served
notices on the parents of children in
the city that the curfew laws of tue
o.lty Is to be strictly enforced in the
hereafter and that all boys and girls
under the age of 18 years must be off
the streets after 8 o'clock at night or
the parents will be hailed before the
police Judge for a hearing. .
Mr. Chase lays a lot of the petty
thievery that has been going on in
Dallas for months to children under
the age of 18 years and he is bound to
have the matter stop. He also states
that It Is improper for parents to let
their girls roam the streets of the city
at night without accompanying them
attributing to the downfal of many a
girl to the parents' neglect in keeping
them at home at night.
I . BitUBlffl
Roseburg school directors have closed
the high school auditorium to all pub
for a $10. 000. 000 arDrooriatlon for ' He entertainments other than lhnn e-Iv
speeding up work on existing reclama- ten by the student body or under Its
tion projects. auspices.
The monthly meeting of the Com
mercial club, for all members, scnea
uled for Wednesday night, has been
postponed until Friday night, when
the Salesmen's club Is to be organnen.
The salesmen will be the guests of
the Commercial club and will be feted
at a banquet to be given alter me
business session.
The meeting begins promptly at
eight o'clock. All salesmen of the
city are Invited to be present. An en
tertainment committee, headed by
Isadore Oreenbaum, Is preparing a
tuogram for the night.
GRAND Wed., Nov. 12
The Greatest Theatrical Event Ever in Oregon,
Coming in All Its completeness headed by America's
Greatest Actor -
ames O, Peede. Gen. Mgr.)
. Presents
Walruses Weigh a Ton
The average-sized 'Alaska walrus Is
as big as an ox and of'en weighs more
han a ton. A walrus wts recently
cilled by some whalers near Point
Barrow whose head weighed eighty
pounds, and skin, including flippers.
00 pounds. The animal has a girth
- fourteen feet the skin was from
half an inch to three Inches in think-
i iii.d the blubber weighed 500
pounds. -
The Phonograph which fills all requirements.
It satisfies the person who is exacting in tonal
requirements. It satisfies the person who looks
to the beautiful cabinet and construction. It
satisfies the person who wishes to have a selec
tion of records from the different makes. It
plays all records by a simple turn of the re--producer.
See the Brunswick and hear it. then you will know why it is becoming the
. . 1 A. A VJV 1 1
leading machine, four lactones ousy irymg 10 suppiy uie aemana. ,
No. 75
With Ten Doable Records,
Making 20 Selections
C. S. Hamilton
Court St.
By John Hnnter Booth from the Novel by Katherlne Cecil Thiirlon
PRICIM fl.04 to $2.30. Advance Sain NOV. 10
The county budget law la not re
pealed nor set aaide by the supreme
court but Is still In full force and
effect, according to an opinion pre
pared Thursday, by Attorney General
Brown for the Information and guid
ance of Paul V. Maris, county agent
leader of the cooperative extension
division of O. A. a Attorney General
Brown explains that he has had nu
merous Inquiries from all parts of the
! state relative to the status of the
budget law. '
According to the opinion the su
preme court has held unconstltutlon
: a! an amendment to the budget law
j passed by the legislature of 1915 be
cause of the fact that the amendment
i merely referred to the title of the act
land did not sot out the amendment
! In full as required by law.
In declaring that the budget law is
I still ln effect Brown further explains
I that county courts are still required
'to publish In official county newspa-
! pers of the county a tentative county
: budget and to hold open hearings
I thereon.
Berkeley, Cal. Aviators make ideal
husband, avers President Kmerltus
Wheler of the University of California.
"The training of an aviator develops
good nerve and it takes good nerve
to raise a family."
Any man or woman- who keep It
Handy will tell you that
same thing
ESPECIALLY those frequently
attacked by rheumatic twinges.
A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini
ment scatter the congestion andjf
trates without rubbint to th fflicted
part, soon relieving the ch and pain.
Kept handy and used everywhere
for reducing and finally eliminating
the paina and achcie of Inmbago,
neuralgia, murle strain. Join MiflncM,
sprains, bruises, the result of exposure
to weather. , ,
Sloan' Liniment Is eold by all drug-
eists. 35c-.. 70r.. 11 v.
The native aborigines are not given
credit for much intelligence, but In all
manner of bunhcraft he waa an expert
to a degree which has never been ap
proached by the keen-witted of the
white native-born. The black boya are
still used by the government police for
the tracking of criminals ln the coun
try, and so for they beat the blood
hound at his work. The marvelous eyo
of the blacks deteats sllghtdisturb-
ances of soil and a bruised leaf or n
broken twig which escapes the notice
of the most vigilant white man.
Cut This Out
When you want an Auto
Truck call 998 day phone,
and 679J night phone. ,
We do all kinds of distance
hauling and will take con
tracts hauling wood or any
other work you have.
Oswald Empey and
R. 0. Cummins, Owners
Office 143 S. Liberty Street