Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 08, 1919, General News Section, Image 12

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' Scandinavian Methodist. ,
Charch at 15th and Mill trets. Sun
fiay school at 2 p. m. and Mrrlocs at
t p. wi. when Mr. T. Hiussel will upcak
All are welcome.
Ministerial Asfloctatioft.
The regular meeting of the Mlnieter
Itil association will bo held in h T.
M. C. A. building Monday morrtn t
ten o'colck. L. W. will present the ut
Ject "Men and Millions."
Assoolnte Bible Students.
Meets Moose hall every Sunday
from 10 to 12. Studied in BtSUi Vol.
and Tabernacle Shadows. Junior clas
hes at 10. You ase welcome.
Slate Institutions.
Sunday will be hold as follows: :09
a. m. Foeble Minded Institute, by I. Q.
Je; 2:30 p. m. Cottapr Farm, by
A. Wells; 3:00 p. in. Girl's Training
Dchool , by Mrs. I. O. Lee: 8:16 p. m.
Tuberculosis hospital by Captain Ceo.
North Salem Friends.
Corner South Commeiical and 'Wash
Incrto streets. H. E. Pemberton pastor,
liihle school 10 a. m. classes for all
ngt-P: Carl E. Miller superintendent.
Meetinp for worship and prenehlnf at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. C. E. meeting
ut 6:S0 p. m. Prayernieotlng 7:30 p.m.
N07arene rhnrrh. -an,in
arVin1 4S..W. B. Hardy.
superintendent. Classes for all sizes
and ages. Freaehlne at 11 ana i
Vniinr nsnnln'a bible StudV at 6:30.
I Midweek prayermeeting Wednesday
evennlg 7:30. A special Class in uiuik
study Friday evening 8 o'clock. Be
ginning with the 2th of tills month we
will have Evangelist B. T. nannerj
...lit. fnr a aerlea rf meetings. You
are wotcomo to any or all of these ser
vices. A. Wells, pastor. 1- lorence eus
Ijcslle MetlMMllst Church,
finrner South Commercial and Mey
ers streets. Horace N. Aldrich pastor.
9:45 a. m. the Sunday school opens
with a song service. Well organizeo
xinaana fnr n.11 sses and grades, E. A.
Rhoton, superintendent, and Miss Sue
Williams is in charge r me pninnry
department. 11 ft, m. public worship
with sermon by the pastor. Theme
"A Message From God Unto Vou.'
6:30 p, m. Devptlonal meeting of the
Epworth league. Leslie Springer, presi
dent. :o n. m. Sons: service led by the
choir and sermon by the pastor, sub
ject "The Greatest of all Wemamis.
Special music In morning and evening
services by the chorus choir.
Plymouth,- Eng., Nov, 7. (United
Press.) New knight of the political
battlefield donned their armor to assist
Lady Nancy Astor today, C. B. Stan
ton anfl J. S. EcUlon, laborite members
of parliament, have promised to speak
in favor of the lady candidate. It was
Meantime Lady Nancy gave every
indication of being able to conduct her
battle for her husband's former seat in
the house of commons singlehanded.
Her "Astorlsma" continued to strike
terror In the hearts of hecklers.
Yankee. "Mud Slung.
"Keep quiet, yon bolsheviks," she
shouted, when hecklers, attempted to
interrupt her last night, "or Til come
down after you. I'm not going -to
argue with a. lot of half baked people
like you fellows."
Fearlessly challenging ' her. oppo
nents' charges regarding her'weann,
the viscountess declared: - ' '
"I've got all the money t want
possibly more than I ought to have,
but If some laboritea had It they
vould not be asking votes today."
Lady Astor also answered the
charges that women should not be
members of parliament.
"I'd not like to see a parliament
composed entirely of women," she de
clared. "That, would be too terrible
for words. But parliament should be
a Joint affair."
Lutheran Church.
F.ust State and 18th streets. Sunday
nchool 10 a. m. Preaching service 10:30
n. in. subject, "Wha Are God's Choiwn
People." Luther league at 7 p. m. Mies
T. Albers leader. Evening service 7:00
p. m. subject, "Moses." Geo. Koehler,
Central Congregational Cliuroh.
Corner South 18th -and Ferry Sts.
H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday ,sohool
under the direction of Mrs, Burton E.
Hdwards at 10 a. m. Morning sermon
nt 11 a. m. Christian endeavor at C:45
p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Sermon
by Ttev. F. C, Butler. Musio by Girls'
chorus. Prayermceting Thursday at
7:80 p. m.
Catholics Church.
Communion at 7:30. High mass,
sermon by pastor "Purgatory." 10:80.
Benediction' and sermon,-Kev. Father
Derouin, 7:80 p. m. Everyone welcome
Altar boy's choir practice Saturday af
ternoon nt B;00, cat chlsm at 8:00.
confessions 4:00 to 0:00 and 7:00 to
9:00. Rev. 3, R. Buck, pastor. ;
First Christ Inn Chunoh.
One block north of City hall. Bible
uchool nt 9:45. Hoar our ten piece or
chestra. Sermon at 11. C. E. nt :R0.
Evening sermon at 7:30. Prayemeet
fng Thursday 7:15 p. m, choir rehears
til at 8:15. November Is Oregon Mission
month and our goal is $lpermembor
for our home state. Envelopes Will be
Prepared. Lcland v. Porter pastor.
Tho Free MeUioUlst.
Sunday service: Sunday school at 10.
Dr. F. S. Schutz, superintendent.
Preaching nt 11 a. in. and 7 p. m.
Prayermceting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Quarterly meeting 14-16 Rev. F. Burns
district elder In charge. The opening
service In the new church will be a
community Thanksgiving service and
nil the ministers and laity Of the var
ious North Salem churches are espec
ially invited. Several ministers of the
different churches will take part. We
extend a cordlul invitation to our
neighbors and friends and in fact to
the entire North Salem community tn
be present at this opening service. W.
J. Johnston pastor; Winnlnah John
ston, denconness.
Nebraska and 17 the streets. First
quarterly meeting will be held Batur
.finy and Sunday. Business meeting on
Pnturday 7:30 p. lii. Sunday school 10
n in. Preaching by G. E. McDonald, 11
n, m. Preaching by the pastor 7 p. m.
Ladies' aid Wednesday fternoon. Pray-M-meetlng
Thursday 7:30 George Chap
man, pastor.
St. PhhI's Church.
Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity;
7:30 a. m. holy communion; :4fi ft. m.
church school; H a. m. morning pray
er and sermon, "Our First or Last
Resort?": 7:30 p, in. evening prayer
and sermon, "The Spiritual Struggle."
u:evyboity welcome. Chas. H. Powell
Flint Metlidist Episcopal Churvh.
Corner State and Church streets. The
day begins at 9:15 with the VOld
Fashioned" cTass meeting , W. L.. Cum
mlngs, leader, followed by Sunday
school at :45, Prof. John W. Todd,
superintendent. Classes for all, from
the cradle roll to the "hoary headed.'.'
Snappy oponlng and closing exercises
and 30 to 40 minutes for the lesson, A
men's clans meeting with Judge Benson
ns teacher in a feature. Come on men.
Sermon 11 a. m. by the pastor Dr. R.
N, Avlson, subject, 'The Heart's Deep
est Longing." nlso at 7:30 p. m. sub
ject, "Man's Greatest Need." 8 p. m.
Dr. Avlson will conduct devotional ex
ercises and administer Holy commun
ion the Old People's home, 12th and
Ferry street. 6:30 p. m. Senior Ep
worth league In the lecture room of
t,he church. Junior league In Epworth
hall. " -
First Congregational Church.
Liberty nd Center streets. W. C.
Faultier, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
uchool with classes for 11. W. I. Staley,
Huperintemlent. 11 a. m. "Men and
the Religion of Jesus Christ." f:45
trnlon meeting of Young people at
Hunglow church. 7:30 p. m. "The
Fence Like a River." will be the ser
mon topic. After the address motion
jilcture will be shown of a "Trip to
thi Island of Catalina." , ,
Jason Leo Memorial M. F.
Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts..
Thomas Achcson, pastor. The follow
ing is tho program for Sunday, rov.
9Ui: Sunday school 9:45, Chas. Hage
mitii in charge; classes for all ages
under the core of capable teachers.
Public worship 11 a. m. The Rev. J.
W. WaiTOll will preach, subject, "The
Spirit of Christ in Modern Life.'
Class meeting 12:15:15; Sunday even
ing 6:30 the Epworth League will
brunch its special drive for winny-
chum week. Young and old, alike,
be present, and let us set the pace for
tho meetings of the entire week. This
is your opportunity to show your
colors. Evangolistio meeting 7:30 p.
in.; subject, The Books of God. This
ncrvice will be under the auspices of
the League. 'Meetings every night of
the coming week nt 7:30. The sun
day services and those of the week will
bit iniittn attractive bv Kood music and
lite preaching of the old time gospel.
'e Invite the public to worship wan
First rresbytorlinl JUiurcli.
Thomas S. Acheson. pastor. Church
wchnol 9:45, Jos. H. Albert superinten
dent Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
The pastor will give the second er
men at this service on the general
theme, "Free Agency of Man." Text
"Quit You Like Men, Be Strong!"
"Soung peoples' meeting at 8:S4. and
Evening worship nt 7:30. Text "Follow
After Charity." dood music. A psmltal
welcome for everyone.
Flrtt Church of Christ Scientist.
Sunday services is held at I4 Cho
meketn street at 11 a. m. subjeot of
Bible lesson "Adam and Fallen Man."
On Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room 209
Masonic mnlo, open every dy ex
fcsrt Bandar find holidays from 11:45
to t p. m. All are invited to our sen-ices
and to our reading room.
Vnlied Evangelic.
Cottage and Center street. Rev, G.
I,. Lovelt, pastor. Jhe Sunday school
will meet at 10 a, m. Morning worship
mi 5 prefcchlng at 11 . m. "To Whom
Ioes the World Belong or Aoknow
lodging Our Ownership." The churches
Of i lie Tlvangelicnl association will meet
with us In union service in the even
In Christian Endeavor at 8:39 p. m.
The T.ev. O, K. Lelnlng will preaoh at
7:30 p. m. All members and friends
arc cordially invited. Prsyermesttng
cm Thurday eyennig. i ' .
Highland Friend..
TtlMe school at 10 a. m. olaJ for
all ages under direction of competent
Christian teachers. Morning worship
11. Young peoples' meeting st 6:15
and preaching at 7:30 p. m. We nre
Itil giving our lessons In Revelations:
nils Sabbath the lesosn will bo in the
Twentieth chapter. Prayermealing on
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. The full gospel
of salvation from sin is piiaohd in
tir nervices. If you are not sregular at .same other church we give
jui iv,i-iUnl o'ii? s-r iee
f o. I e a lid wife pastor
Youthful pheasant hunters near
Hucit River killed an imported Jersey
invr on the dairy farm of Bruno Frnnz.
the nnlinnl being vnlned at 'J50.
Proof is positive when founded
upon facts plus experience.
been used tot 60 years by
people all over the globe.
ThelargestSale of
Any Medicine In
the World.
UFUr,' In bam, Us.
f i r 1
I f H -I
Baby Sleeps at Night
when the cMiwnseh wotk aaturjlly siid
bowlmovelrfly. Mti.VViniiow s syr
up i ep:iail recommmdfU Joriiwct,
1 ovrcorains wind colic. Uitrrhcra.
constipation, flulc. nd o'lirt .
ocdern. Help bby tdoeuuan by giving
TIm lihtti utCkiUni'i Rid:jr
ami note lhi lieahh-buiWuiT i.i i)
tollw. Nothini betifr l'r :
lime. Thi ttmnif ctmnii.! t. ih ',
narcolicH, aK.ol or any tu.-:r:v.l i:
Knttients. The formuU ' ' '
liul ot tlii uf. vi-Kutj'ji r:aUif.
At ? ro;,H
J. C. Terrr
Mall Orders Received Now
Only two Engagements in Oregon
Portland and Albany
Miss Mary Baker, Soprano
Miss Florence Hardman, Violinist
Saturday, Nov. 15, 1919
Matinee and Evening
Evening $1.65 $2.20
Matinee $1.65 $2.20
Make Checks Payable, and Address
Globe Theatre Co.
Albany, Oregon. ;
Enclosed Addressed StaMpcd Envelope
Lloyd-George Approves.
Lady Astor admits she rarely knows
what he is goiac to say when she
mounts the platform, but declares she
can always "choke off the- hecklers."
She carries a. manuscript of speeches
but rarely refers to it. Usually she
hurls the manuscript aside early and
talks from the shoulder, emphasising:
her remarks by pacing: up and, down
the platform, pounding a desk or lean
ing forward and pointing: her finger at
persons seeking to interrupt her.,
Her supporters today considered a
message of encouragement from Pre
mier Lloyd-George as of greatest Im
T.Anifan 7s7v t Thci Snnntah e-m-
bassy today denied a report that King
Aiionso plans to visit America.
Stock Excksfe Sest Ml
' For Record Price, Repat
New Tork, Oct. 7.- A new high rec
ord for the price of a stock exehaag
seat was set today' when one sold for
$110,000. The previous record ms
tiao.000. The name of the purchaser
was not announced. ,
The Tempting Morsel
Can be had at the Peerless Bakery. It's right,
Because it is made right.
Peerless Bakery
1 70 N. Commercial
Philip Winters
Phone 247
I Planting Time-We Have the Trees .
Italian Pinnes Bartlett Pears
Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Nut Trees, Ornamentals,
Loganberries and Other Small Fruits
Monty s Tire Shop
These cars are well known to the automobile public as cars noted for
Durability and Service
Each type of car represents the highest quality product of the automobile
manufacturing world. They are now on display in our salesroom and ready
for immediately delivery.
Demonstration and Prices
Freely Given
Our Garage is open to the publiCvday and night for Service, Tires and
Accessories. . .....fSSt,-:
obile Co
The JORDAN Silhouette
JHE new Jordan Silhouette marks the realization of another great ideal. To
a chassis of finished mechanical excellence has been added a new series of
custom style bodies advanced in type and possessing a new kind of comfort.
In this new Silhouette body the ideals of France are expressed in the ex
quisite contouur, warm colors, and studied detail in workmanship. The doors
are European type broad and wide opening with outside custom style hinges,
allowing the door to describe a complete half circle. The mouldings are rec
tangular in design, characteristic of the finest bodies built. The new French
angle at the dash adds a touch that is at once different and prophetic of
prompt imitation. A cocky tilt to the front seat cowl perfectly straight top
edge without the slightest bevel certainly most refreshing in these days.
Fenders distinctively different body sides deep high cushions resting al
most on the floor soft, hand-buffed leather of quaint lustre in the deep ton
neau a pleasant surprise for everyone who has grown tired of new-fashioned
things and craves the old -a Cordovan leather boot and saddle bag full of
the atmosphere of silver mounted bridles and swanky puttees. Buckles arc
big and straps are sturdy a healthy man's idea that's about all you can say
Motor and Tire Company