Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 07, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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All Around T
Nov. 8 Salem Woman's
club, 2:30 p, m., Commercial
club. -
Nov. 11-Houslng mass meet
lng 7:30, city hall.
. Nov. 11-r-American Legion
$ dance, armory, evening.
Nov. 7. North Salem Im
jf; provement Association, High-
land school, 7:0 p. m.
$ Nov. 12 Commercial club
membership meeting,- 8 p. m.,
banquet and entertainment.
$' Nov. 12 Shriners theater
party, Opera house, 8 p. m.
Nov. 10 Business Men's
luncheon, Cpmmercial club,
nesday noon. A select entertainment
has also been provided. ,
m '
R T.!in id AfTAnt in MftriOU
and Polk counties for the National Life
Insurance Co., U. 8. A. See him for a
full return premium policy on' your
Ufa. it's the onlv kind, rhone liiii
fnr intaivinw 267
Professor Rentfro, professor of Eng
HkVi nt Willamette- universltv. s will
preside at a meeting of the literature
section of the Salem Art league tnis
evening, and will give a talk on the
Bhort story.
Zenith carburetor, coils and springs
for all make of cars. Marion Auto
Co. -265'
L. G. Neal of Black Rock stopped
over in Salem for a while yesterday,
and attended to business matters.
Thirtv five members of the Satein
lodge of Artisans will motor to Wood
hiim tnniirht tn take nart in the ini
tiation ceremonies of twenty live new
candidates in the latter city, wood
burn already has a fourishlng mem
Airs Bpninmin R. Perkins, who has
been confined at the Salem hospital
for two weeks suffering a nervous
hreiikrlnwn. hiis left that institution
and is now in the home of friends. It
was announced today by Mr. Per
kins that she would be able to receive
her many friends within a few days
Have lunch with us. Woodmen of
the World, Friday night, Nov. 7. Mem
bers only. . 264
BornTo Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Crookson of 496 North Thirteenth
street, Thursday, November 6, a
daughter. .
Had the Prince of Wales asked N
J. Kanford, Jr., this unforgivable
question, "Where is Boston?" he
would have received all kinds, of val
uable information about Bunker am
and a few other points of interest.
Mr. Sanfoid. Bostonian accent and all.
was a guest last evening at the Bligh
Norma N.Terwilliger,naened lady em
balmer with Terwilliger Funeral Home,
770 .Chemeketa St. Phone 724.
Citizens-of Eugene, F. E. Kreatz
and J. F. Agnew, visited with capital
city friends yesterday.
Charles Cameron of Mill City spent
Thursday In Salem, attending to bus
iness and visiting with friends.
Persons who live in Hood River are
very lenient in their criticism of
Adam and Eve. They contend that if
the apples that grew in the Garden
of Eden were of the Hood River va
riety, our first parents could scarcely
Via hlnmpd .for eatinor them. C. K.
Marshall, who visited in Salem yes
terday, hails from Hood JUver.
T. Stevens.
the Western Union Telegrapn com
pany, is In Salem today on official
business. ,
We cover
Anderson &
Ralph H. Schneeloch of Portland
called on State Engineer Cupper,
Thursday. Schneeloch is especially
Interested in Irrigation bonds.
m.. hnlv nf Tinman Guenther, 49,
lire mvjj
who died In a local hospital yester-
i.i..,rt lnat nleht to his
Gay, wan bii,i
home In Portland byWebb & Clough-
Mr. and- Mrs. Charles R. Cunning
anA frMif ohUitren hnvft been visiting
rem-esentative of 'at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
are sisters. They left today for Cali
fornia, looking for a location, having
int Holrl their farm and stock in
Walla Walla, and may return in Jan
uary to look into farming conditions
around Salem.
and repair (.umbrellas.
Brown, 126 S. Com'l
and repair umbrellas.
Ttrnwn. 126 S. Com'l
We cover
Anderson &
St. .',
Having nothing whatever to ,d6 with
hbaee patch," "R.
Wiggs of Amity, spent Thursday in
and repaired.
126 S. Com'l
Harrv Wenderoth has been appoint
ed .chairman of the committee on ar-
mniremnntfi for a snecial session or
the local lodge of Elks, November 20
when a hundred new candidates will
be initiated. A banquet and dance at
the armory will follow the celebration
and it is -expected that more than a
thousand Elks will -take part in me
Major W. Carlton Smith, president
nt th nnHt of the American Le
gion, left - yesterday 'for the first an
nual convention of the Legion, wnicn
is being held in Minneapolis. On his
av .home he will study for a week
with the Mayo brothers at Rochester,
Minn. Dr. Smith plans, to be gone
about three weeks.
Umbrellas covered
Anderson & Brown,
Mrs. Devler Ely, if the Standard
Fashion companp of New York,- is at
the store of Gale and company as
sisting the women of this district in
their sewing. She will be here for sev
eral days.
Umbrellas covered and
Anderson & Brown, 126
re paired.
S. Com'l
The runnifts down of himself as he
was riding a' bicycle on South Com
1 street vesterdav evening by
an auto bearing Oregon license 59605,
that did not stop, was .reported to po
lice by Loren Morris, soutn
street. The license number shows that
the auto belongs to L. N. Myers, 697
North 16th street, city. The mcycie
was demolished, but young Loren es
caped uninjured.
Mrs. Lulu Baldwin formerly a mem
ber of the Portland police department
..... , rrnTed in social hygiene
work for the government, was a vis
iter at the state capitol Thursday.
Zenith carburetor, coils and springs
oil mnke of cars, ivianuu u
tT' . 264
John E.- McFadden of Neche, N.
D., is a Salem visitor this week in the
interest of the A. O. v. w.
f!itv Recorder Earl Race said this
morning that more applications for
positions have been coming in the
past week to the municipal laDor Du
re..,,, than there are lobs to accommo
date them. There are several good po
sitions on farms, with good wages,
Mr. Race said. Most of the applicants
for Jobs are persons from Portland
and Seattle, or other cities where
strikes have tied up Industries.
,..,,, I.r .laaa nf the Industrial
T JtlUIUW Dtuuj ' ,
' Normal begins next Monday. Grades
"7 to 12 for teachers ana siuuenvo. .
r ty Qnlam Or. 265
mMrQn 99. nf "Dallas, who
was arrested yesterday by Constable
EeLong, has been reieasea muo ....
. . in tuatlce court Mon-
day for arraignment. He is charged
:.u AUn n nff mntlPV UllUVi . " ' -
T 11(1 u tj L.L. 1" ' ' o " .
F. W. Ledbetter, president of the
Oregon Pulp & Paper company, win
j apeak before the Salem Rotary club
at their next weemy u"s
4-11 DrCROTSeill
.TanieH E. Stewart of Corvallis was
in the city this morning on his way
home after attending the meeting of
the state highway commission at
Portland the first of the week. Stew
art, who is back of a move to raise
the limitation on bonds for road pur
poses expects to have "his initiative
netition ready for filing witnin me
next week he stated today.
Will T. Kirk, Industrial accident
commissioner, will leave Sunday for
Cornucopia, Baker county, and Vale,
RVilheur county, where he will con
sult with employers and physicians
relative to the care of workmen who
nm ininrd miles from hospital con
veniences It is expected that the trip l
win result in the establishment or
better and more prompt treatment of
injured workmen under such condi
tions than now exists.
To Emphasize
"American Made"
We shall .co-operate with the
AMERICA and specialize . on
WAISTS and BLOUSES all next
To make the event interesting
vwe have placed our entire line of
No Reservations
Our showing includes the smart
est creations, produced from, the
"Craft Shops" of America. The
quality of the materials are the
. very best in their class.
Extra Waist Special
IE CHINE of extra quality ma
terial, and expert workmanship,
plain and lace trimmed, '
Think of It
a n opportunity to ' purchase at y
SPECIAL PRICES the pick-of-.the-best.
' Those dainty, cleverly
designed and high quality Waists,
. made especially for exclusive trade.
:r fir i k
Every Suit
GO. Divided into 4 Lots,
and marked at prices less
than factory -cost. All this
season's models and all of
I 1
I fit! 7.W I I r vi . - I UUU
7 ,
n v n
Every Suit
This is one of the Biggest Safes
we ever held, " and again.'
demonstrates that "Meyers"
always leads.
Formerly $45.00
sold to
Formerly $65.00
Sold to
Tomorrow's Big Sale
Ozara Outing
The finest quality Outing Flannel
made. We carry a cheaper grade
but are giving you the best quality.
k This is run especially for our coun
try friends. 9Cr vai-H
Tomorrow only ,av J"1".
New Arrivals
Metallic Laces
In silver, bronze and gold.
Very correct trimming
for striking party gowns..
Ladies Handkerchiefs
The holiday ' shipment is
now being shown and at
prices marvelously low for
the quality we offer.
Formerly $85.00
Sold to ; V -
' $59,85
Tormerly v $125'
Sold to Y
New Shipment Ghildren's Dresses
These dresses are sty
lish, to , please the
children, serviceable '.
and economical in;
Wear to appeal to the
mother. .
Wool and
In neat and striking':
plaids. All of the
Broken lines of this Season's
Who Always Does Better By You
' We have just received some of the"
most beautiful Ladies Hose ever shown
in Salem. They come in WHITE,'
FIELD MOUSE. Some are , clocked,
others embroidered and others in the
plain. See display, llose section.
'tfar Stole afd
Teacher of Piano
1560 S. Church Street
Telephone 1391-R .
n H Rnm. state labor commission
er, and Wm. A. Marfmau, inoustrwi
accident commissioner, have return
ed to the capitol after several days
spent in a tour or tne lumner anu
logging: Industries of Lane county and
the Coos bay district, with the new
moving piatures on preventaDie acci
dents in the logging industry. Great
interest was manifested in the pic
tures at the various camps visited, it
is stated. It is planned to show the
"safety first" films in all the larger
industrial centers in the state within
iv.A elvttr rinvfl
va wivo Mnrtiswell. 34. were ar
rested by Officer Victor, ana were
.... JM V.a
given beds in tne city jau iii
night. They, claimed t have walked
most of the way -from Portland to
this city, and said they were Douna
for Eugene, looking for worn. ini
morning Tolice Judge Race ordered
theffvrelease, and gave them an op
portunity to get work here. Both were
shabbily dressed, and said that they
THK li-mn
rarria rncnlvsd bv Governor Olcott
and State Forester Elliott this morn
ing announce the marriage in San
Francisco last Saturday or tiieut. imn
Kiel and Miss Elizabeth Frances Cass.
T.iont vil is well known in Salem
Ithrough his connection with the alr-
ni,.ne forest Datrol. It was largely
irh Kiel's interest in the patrol
that the army planes were sent into
thia atate and Lieut Kiel came here
in charge of the advance guard of the
patrol when it was estaDiisnea. liieuu
Kiel also figured prominently in the
recent continental air race in wuwu
he won second honors.
J52 North High Street
Found wandering the streets late
last night, burdened with 'suit cases
,i iLran. a man and woman, who
claimed to be husband and wife, and
gave the names of Onille aioriiawen,
"An Energy
for every day
In the week-
the delicious
and substantial
cereal Unlike
any other cereal.
R P. Williams of' Portland is ,at-
tendlng to business matters in Salem
today. ',
Otto Zimmerman from Mehama, is
spending a brief visit with friends In
the capital city. 11
From Rochester, New York, comes
O. A. Copeland, a guest at one of the
local hotels.
a ih. Portlanders who spent
.niMv.'S .
Thursday as the guests or inenu ...
Salem are Mr. and Mrs. u. ai. dic.u.
On an extended tour of the north
west. Mr. and Mis. O. A. Jvmseuy
and daughter ot North pukota, ai
stopping for a while in Salem,. They
are guests at the Marlon.
I)ance Saturday night, armory. 265
Dance Saturday night, armory. B66
Born To Mr.,and Mrs. J. M. Lane,
2055 North Liberty, rrmay mur.
November 7, a twelve pound girl.
Bornt0 Mr. an7-. H. R. Mc
Dowell, 440 South V.ih street, Novem
ber 4, a daughter. She has peen nam
ed Ora May.
In nearly every state in the Union
there Is a town named Hunnysiae.
From the Washington city of that
.... . .
name come Mr. ana Mrs. r.
Spalding, who are spending a short
visit n Salem this week,
The regular monthly meeting oi tnt
North Balem Improvement association
will be held at the Highland school at
Oregon, according to many eastern, 7 30 0,clock tonght.
minded. Joyous children.
Therefore, the offloers of the asso
ciation at their first meeting heartily
endorsed the movement for a super
vised publid playground in Salem,-and
will work perslstenly to that end. They
also are ready to oo-operate in any
way possible with .other olty worisers
in .behalf of the tiulom Children's bu
reau and urge the mothers of Norm
Salem to come to the meeting tonign
in order to get a clear Idea of how thin
bureau 'may help them. '
A irnnil musical program and a reud-
ing by a representation of the dopart
ment of nubile speaking ot WiUauietts
i-nlversity Will precede the regular
business meeting.
Rcv .Tames Elvln, secretary of tne
T- in f a win iIIhcubs community
n To Mr ana Mrs. j. 1 1 uu.i.u tuP - .... -, "...
vnrth Liberty Friday morning the west. G. JP. Johnson, ft visitor ln!w,,fare ln the light of his recent war
Ullll l.".c"" ... . . - .Via ... T- TT TS VlaVtAI. Will
experiences, mm. ii
describe the work of the new Salem
Children's bureau and the vital Im
portance of this child welfare work to
the mothers and the children of North
Salem. , - " ' "
In working for community weiiare
,i, n,gU rpiular trios to the
raciflc coast, is the New England of
iiie wcoi. v.. . - -
a,.i, iAnv hn from the original
New England. His home is in iv
Springfield, Mass. ' -
T.i n rt Outiirdav nlL'ht 75c. M. B. A-
hall, Chetnawa. Uood music, Itefresh-
....... u , lav
rm.. ttnoru urvic. of little Vftrtt
Viola Zkisel, who died yesterday, were
held from the Terwilliger nome
afternoon at 2: 30 o'clock. Burial was
in the City View cemetery.
A marriage license was Issued to-
I III WUIBll't "
1 . .'.v.. K'..,-ih Salem Improvement assocla-
Word was received in Balem today j beleve no question of improve
of the death in San Francisco yester- exceed In Importance those
day, of Mrs. F. L. R""1mon ,,oc,al efforts In behalf of child wel
Florence Coulter) formerly of th ,1s fof the chn.
city. Mrs. Richmond was a prominent advantage of
.tut. wnmn OI Bail 1-innum.u,
o, ano "'- .., . aA .nch
icfiim: - u,.im oh i,.' scieniuie jncaicm J"t'."".
dv to Roy T. Core, 29. Turner ana spent r """"""" cuidance of parents, as well as every
A. Dorothy Hunsaker, 21, also of Tur- the niece or Mrs. n. v. ii. . tocM and clvlo ald t0 them In rearing
iter. Pw.
The Bull Dog Starter for Ford cars,
pronounced by leading mechanics aa
being the beat and most practical
starter yet Invented. It is purely
friction device and will start a Ford
car under any climatic conditions,
when the engine Is In startahle con
rtitinn. Hold under a positive guaran
tee against breakage and backfire,
and to give you satisfaction or money
refunded. Let us give you the nmim
of the many satisfied users of Bull
Dog Starters in and arouna saiem.
311 N. Commercial St., Y. M. C. A.
bldg. First class Ford repair work
done, reasonable prices. , 265
Loma Woods of Dallas vidited with
friends and acquaintances In the cap-
strong bodied, clear thinking, clean itai city Wednesday