PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1919. OiYCLlCTO JECOiOCTED WITH HEW NAME Complying with the request made by ha organization, formerly known as 1 the Oregon Congress of Mothers, but now. re-named the State Parent-Teach er' association, the members of the local chapter will hereafter be known M the Marlon County's Children Bu reau. This was a part of the proceedings at the meeting held by mothers and women interested in eugenics and child Welfare work In Salem Thursday after neon In the auditorium of the Com mercial club. With Mrs. John A. Carson, president, presiding other matters of much lm portance were discussed. The member ship fee of ten cents was raised to twenty-five cents, the fifteen cents se cured above the lntial sum that must be sent to the state chapter to be used for purchasing the necessary equip ment here. A membership campaign will be started at an early- date, and it was thought that a lecture to the mothers, and a benefit entertainment could be rarnped shortly. Clinics hereafter will be from half juurt one o'clock to half past three, the next date to be November 20. Not over thirty children will bo examined on one day. Mothers wishing to have their children tested should telephone r write Jo the Commercial club or the chapter's secretary, Mrs. F. Von XSschen, who will register the appli cants accordingly as they are received. Official cards will be sent out, which are to be presented at the clinic. ' The women named to secure the services of the specialists In charge on the next date were: Mrs. James Elvln: doctors (who must number at least one from out of town); Mrs. E. C. Patton. Wra N. C. Kafoury, eye, ear, nose and throat specialists; Mrs. K. E. Fisher, flontlsts; Miss Margaret Wlshart, nur ses; Mrs, W. H. Byrd, Mrs. Gail Church, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. F. W. Felee, equipment; Mrs, C. C. Clark, Mrs. W. H. Steuslof f, Mrs. A. F. Mar cus, Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mrs. H, A. Smart, Mrs. Carrie Chapel, finance. Teachers- from the high school will te present to condct a department in dietetics, and the librarians will be asked to lend books for the entertain ment of the children. Resinol does wonders Jor chafed , or irritated wins- . " My doctor told me about it and if 1 cpuldn't get another jar I wouldn't give this one up for anything.." . That is how many people regard Resinol Ointment. It is specially recommended for eczema and other ' itching skin troubles, but it is also ex cellent as a general household remedy (or burns, scalds, chafings, cold sores, pimples, boils, insect bites, etc. Resinol Sop and Roinol Shiving Stick contain the Resinol properties And uo ho.ue tfiouid be without thcae products. At a! druggitts. Colds Cause Headaches and Pains feverish headaches and body pains caused from a cold are Boon relieved by, taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE Tablets. There Is only one "Bro mo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signa ture on the box. 80c. (Adv) Cocoa stains may be removed from linen by applying lemon juice to the spot. Place- the article in the sun, and damp hourly with the Juice, sprinkling a little salt on each .time. Allow it to remain in the sun for a whole day, and rinse in the ordinary way. Spent Money Foolishly "I have been a great sufferer from stomach trouble and gall stones. No one knows the pains I have suffered. Since taking the first dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy am feeling fine, can work all day and eat anything I want Have no more distress or pal pitation of the heart from gas on my stomach. I have spent a great deal of money pn doctors, and medicine but got nothing to help me." It Is a sim ple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. Perry and druggists everywhere. (Adv) Boseburg, Nov. 7. As a first step on the part of the city to gain a per manent place on the aerial passenger' and mail service route contemplated by the government, the council voted unanimously to purchase the Hanon field just squth of the city. A special bonding election will be called to raise funds to buy and equip the field, that by next summer planes will have it satisfactory landing field, with all ac- cnmmorlntions. FINAL RETURNS SHOW WET VICTORY IN OHIO Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 7. -Complete Good Health To You Dr. Carter's K & B. Tea Costs but Little and Von Can Make a Whole I,ot from On Package More people are drinking Dr. Car ter's JC" & B. Tea than ever before, because they have- found that In 'these days of high prices some of the sim plest remedies are best. Get a package of this purely vege table tea. Everyone in the family will like it, because it only takes a few days for them to find out that for liver, stomach and bowels and to pu rify the blood there Is nothing surer, safer or better. Pimply skin and sallow complexion vanish after a few cups, and the litv tie tots just love it and should always have it, especially when out of sorts and feverish. Adv) Catarrh is a Real Enemy and Requires Vigorous Treatment When you use medicated sprays, atomizers and douches for your Citarrh, you may succeed in un stopping the choked-up air pass ages for the time being, but this annoying condition returns, and you have to do the same thing over and over again. 'Catarrh .has ne,ver yet been cured by these local applications. Have" you ever experienced any real benefit' from such treatment? Throw these makeshift remedies to the winds, and get on the right treatment. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and commence a treatment that has been praised by sufferers for nearly half a century. S. S. S. gets right at the -source of Catarrh, and forces from the blood the germs which cause the disease. For special medical ad vice free regarding your own case, address Medical Director, 51 Swift laboratory, Atlanta. Gav Wantsf .Whole World To Know Mrs. Movers Gains Twenty One Pounds Taking Tnnluc Troubles End T have gained twenty one pounds actual weight since I commenced tak ins; Tanlac, and the troubles that liave been causing me to suffer for ten long years have been completely over come," said Mrs. Merthe Meyers who lives at Lankershlm, Cal while In the Owl Drug store In Los Angeles the other day. "When I think of the great good TjtnUtfT ham don me,'' continued Mrs. Meyers, "I actually yearn to tell ev erybody in the world about It, espe cially those who suffer as I did. had an aggravated case of stomach trouble which- had been pulling im down for years and finally gotten ih; beat of me. My condition was so bad for a Ions time that I had to live on u milk diet, and never dared touch anything else,. Even this light diet would oause gas to form and I would be perfectly miserable for hours af terwards. My nerves were In terrible condition, and It was out of the ques tion for me to get a good night'i sleep. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatments, but I just kept on going down hill all the time. Specialist after specialist treated me, and one by one they told tne that my case was hopeless. I was o blue and discouraged over my con dition that I Just felt like giving up jtlUHrether. "I wu looking over the paper one night and I noticed a statement about Tan!ao, and when 1 told my. husband that I had a notion to try this medi cine, he laughed and said, 'Well, don't suppose it will hurt you any way, and if you want to try It I will ret you a bottle,' Well, I commenced taking Tan Lao then, and to my great surprise I felt a change for the bet ter before I had finished that first bottle. Of course I bought more Tajv lac. and when I had finished the sec o ootue my appetite had come back, and for the first time In ten long years I could eat a hearty meal without suffering afterwards. I have Just finished my fifth bottle and 'I - can truthfully say that I am as well and strong as I ever was in my life. We own and live on our own ranch, and I am going right ahead putting up my fruit all by myself. I never have a sign of stomach trouble or1 in digestion, and I can eat just anything J want. My nerves are In perfect con dition, and oh, how I do enjoy the weet. restful sleep I get every night I really don t see how my health could be any better, and as sure as I atand here now, I owe it all to Tan lac I am under lasting obligations to this wonderful medicine, and feel It my duty to give this statement so that 1 may help others who suffer as I did." Tanlac la sold in Salem by Tyler's Drag Store. In Hubbard by Hubbard Drue Co.. In Mt Angel by Ben Ooocn, In Gervaij by John Kelly, in Turner by II. p. Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman H. Shorey, in Silver ton by Geo, A. Steelhammer, In Gates by Mrs. J. P. McCurdy, in Stayton by C A. Beauchamp, In Aurora by Auro ra Drug; Store, in St. Paul by Groce teria Stores Co., In Donald by M. W. Johnson, In Jefferson by Koshay A Mason and in Mill City by Marketerla Ore. Co. (Adv) Wtwhen Vp That Black Dress To elean black dresses, boil a hand ful sf fresh ivy-leaves in a little water fur ten minutes, then press through a sews and apply to the doth with a anft brush. Press with a warm iron cms the wrong- side and the material jrlU look like new. official returns from eighty-four ' of the eighty-eight counties today indi cated the wets had won two of the four wet and- dry IssueB voted on in Ohio Tuesday. Ratification of national prohibition by the Ohio legislature was defeated by a majority of 16,000 In the coun ties reporting. The Crabbe enforce ment act has a wet majority of approx imately 29,000. The effort to repeal state prohibition failed in those counties by a dry ma jority of 30,000 and the effort to le galize 2.75 per cent beer was voted down by 20,000 majority.;, The count in the four remaining counties may change these results, both wets and drys agreed. Wets were jubilant. They believed that in knocking out the . federal amendment, constitutional prohibition may be deferred for at least a year. JOIKNAL WANT ADS PAY I NOVEMBER CLEARANCE SALE I Bob White Laundry Soap Saturday Only 5c Cake Limited to Customers ONE DAY ONLY Saturday Is Bargain Day at the REMNANT STORE BIG BARGAINS FROM MANY DEPARTMENTS DON'T GO HOME BEFORE COMING TO THIS STORE! Mill End of Yard White Outing . Saturday Price 21c Yard LADIES' SILK AND WOOL MIXED Union Suits, A $5 quality Only $3.95 Each $10 OREGON Wool Blankets, Saturday Price ' $7.48 Pair 75c 2 oz. Fleichner Knitting Yarn Saturday Price 50c BaH SILK UMBRELLAS $6.20 to $13.85 A Swell Showing $1.25 Pure White Embroidered Linen. Saturday Price 98c Yard $2.25 to $2.50 LADIES' UNION SUITS Saturday Price $1.79 Suit Sample lots ODDS and ENDS Of Children's Knit Caps ONE-HALF PRICE SAMPLE SILK .CREPE de CHINE Shirt waist slightly soiled You save From One-Third to One-Half THE WONDER HOSE The Best Child's hose ift Salem SOc a Pair THE REMNANT STORE 254 N. Commercial St. A, D. Thomson, Prop. 98c, $1.25 to $1.50 ODD LOTS CHILDRENS UNION SUITS Saturday Price 63c Suit SAMPLE SILK HOSE A $2.00 Quality Saturday Price 1 IQPair . $7.95 CHILDREN'S WOOL DRESSES Saturday Price $6.29 Each 50c ' LADIES' KNIT HOSE Saturday Price 29c Pair 50c NEW WONDER HOSE Saturday Price 98c For 3 Pairs We Again Have a Good Line of PEQUOT SHEETINGS 8, 9 and 10 quarter Bleached and Unbleached These have been very scarce and hard to get and we are glad to announce that we can again supply you with this much wanted brand of Sheetings, also PEQUOT TUBING 36, 40, 42 and 45 inch Cotton Blankets We are showing a very good line of various sizes and border color combinations. We also feature extra large sizes and heavy weights. Our mixed and Wool Blank ets are also worthy of your attention. Minnehaha Crib Blankets $1.25 to $1.75 These Downy Minneha has are not only of ex cellent quality but are suggestive of baby and toy land in design and pattern. Dainty shades of Blue and Pink with Bow Knot, Bunny, Ted dy Bear and other sim ilar designs. There is good choosing now. 36-Inch Outings There has been a tre mendous demand re cently for this width in outings. Wre have a goodly supply of them in white, grey, light ground with blue stripes grey stripes, etc. You will find these to be ex tra good values. BEGINS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8--ENDS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE: THIS IS OUR REASON FOR THIS UNUSUAL OFFERING fflS PRICES SLAUGHTERED Our Millinery Department affords you a big range of choice models in ladies' . trimmed and un trimmed hats also, hats for children at money-saving prices. Chidren's velvet hats, as low as '. $1.19 Ladies trimmed hats, $3.50 to $4.50 values, your choice .... $2.25 Ladies' best silk velvet hats, $12.00 valuesyour choice..... $7.00 Ladies' silk velvet hats, $11.50 values your choice $6.50 Ladies' silk velvet hats, $8.50 values your choice ........ $5.00 Ladies' untrimmed hats ONE-QUARTER OFF Ladies' night gowns reduced, $2.50 values '. $1.90 $2.00 values $1.70 Aluminum Ware at Reduced Prices 99 per cent Pure Aluminum, guaranteed for 25 years 6 quart Berlin kettle, regular price $2.50, sale price .... .....$1.98 8 quart Berlin kettle, regular $2.65, sale price .'$2.19 3 quart Berlin, kettle, regular $1.65, sale price $1.39 Collanders, regular $1.50, sale price . $1.00 Stew panssame prices as Berlin Kettles. . ' Galvanized Wash Boilers, regular $2.90, sate price ...........I....... .......$2.25 Galvanized Wash Boilers, regular $2.50, sale price .... ....$2.00 First two $10 purchases Saturday, November 8 will receive a $2.50 Aluminum Fry Pan Absolutely FREE. Reductions in Dry Goods Ginghams, fast colors, 35c values per yard .29c Outing Flannel, 1 yard wide 40c values, per yard :. .....30c Outing Flannel, 27-inch, in white, blue and pink, 35c values, per yard 27c, 30c 9-4 sheeting, 79c values, sale price per yard - 69c Pequot sheeting, $1.00 value, sale price, per yard : .. .89c Blue serge, $1.25 values, sale price, per yard ........ .......98c Cotton and wool checks, 65c and 75c values, at 55c and 65c Table linen, $1.50 value, sale price per yard L .:...$1.25 Table linen, $1.19 value, sale price per yard 98c Union suits, for girls and boys, $1.65 values at $1.25 Ladies' and Children's Hose big assortment at less than present wholesale prices. Hummer Parlor Matches, per box ................:...v 5c ' Also unusual reductions in Stationery; Dishes, plain and fancy; cooking utensils, etc. ... 152 North Commercial St SMMOH a 3 Dry Goods Notions Kitchenware DUZZ- ALL The Electric Duzz-AII Motor Set The latest electrical labor-saving device for the home. The motor and ten at ' tachments will do many laborious tasks Sharpen Knives Drijl Holes Polish Finger Nails -Beat Eggs Polish Silverware Massage Face IT. WILL Whip Cream Stir Dressings Vibrate the Body. Clean Skillets Etch Initials Fan You. A SALESMAN WILL CALL UPON YOU AND DEMONSTRATE ONE UP . " ' ON REQUEST. PHONE 83. , jfiS4. . PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO.