Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 06, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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iResults aiSmdllCosZ
For Sale.
Rate per word Each insertion one
cent, six insertion 5 cents, one month,
S insertions, 17 cents, oiy; jir,"per
, mouth, i cents. Minimum per. ad- 23
First insertion only In yew Today.
City ads cash in advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser has I
FOR SALE Fresh milch cows, three
blocks from end of 12th St. carline
C. U Davidson. 24
WANTED Position as hardware or
BlUieiJ ISIVI IV, Ul M imu .mid jw.
Experience and references. T82W.
FOR SALE 15 h. p. Zimmernian
Wells boiler, complete with stack.
B. C. Cross & Son.
monthly account.
phone errors
No allowance for
New Today.
JLARGE furnished room, hot and
cold water, steam he:U and bath.
21h N. Liberty over Brewers drug
store. 2l5
FOR SALE Baled wheat and oat
. hay mixed, also clover hay. Phone
35F2 4. .264
1 GOT you guessing, I am an eastern
Wash, discharged soldier, blond,
. 42, wishing to hear from maidens
and widows.- Address Harry V.
Wells, Yakima, Wash. 264
FOR SALE 8 or 15 acres' berry land
at Claxtar station, O. E. Call 24'JO
Myrtle ave. Phone 9G0M. .263
FOR SALE Good farm team, six and
eight years old.. 1400 lbs. Phone
9111, . - ' 267'
FOR SALE 8 weeks old pigs, 1 reg
istered Berkshire boar. 7 mouth old
Phone 38F5. 264
. 11.
-Fresh cow.
Phone 84F
FOR SALE Or trade horse and veal
calf for cow. Phone 34F13. 262
LOST' Black pocketbook containing
, bills. Return to Journal office, -Re-'
ward. 264
fOR' ""'SALE 2 l'-2-inch wagon,
springs and double sideboards. F.
. J. Wolf, Inquire Aldridge hotel. 263
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
plants 7tfo a hundred. Phone 861'
. 265
Help Wanted
' Good Buys.
11 acre traet located i' miles south
. DR. L. HALL WILSON Spe- tot Salem, 5, acres, of 12-year old Ital-
Malist in the Modern Sclentlf- W
iopliclaon of glasses for the , ad J-IJOOO down, balance .;. year. J per
a anri t n n i-piihe he bvh Hiiattu
VI. ltMW ..,. " . , -
r,a hHpha omee closed satur
WANTED Assistant lady cook ana days. Office 210-?" Pan
dishwasher. Home Restaurant, 223- ing. Phones, uiuuo rc
N. Commercial. : , ; 264 I iT.rcRr R." MILLER. Ontomef-
rist eyes examined and glasses fit-,
ted. Broken . lenses duplicated.
Hours at office dally, 4 p. m. to: 6
p, m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Appointment by phone any hour..
S10-12 U. S. bank. Phone 341. 278
WANTED A man wants a job of any
kind inside work preferred, box
Job care Journal. 264
WANTED Girl to do upstairs work
and help with children. Phone no.
WANTED , Competent woman for
dining room and house work. Phone
-Practical nursing. Phonej
26 I
WANTED Married men to work on
farm. Phone 71F2 evenings.. 266
FOR. SALE Or trade two horses,
heavy harness, single wagon anil
buggy. Inquire 1166 Ferry St. 263
-Cheat seed. Phone
HELP WANTED Cook for small
family. Good wages. Address 15
Journal. 208
WANTED Job driving truck or auto-
mechanic. Phone 73F14. -:i!
GIRL wants light house work in
small family. Write -box 44, lit. 2,
Albany, Or. 265
WANTED Good cheap team, give
age and price. Box 432, Silverton,
Or. 260
WANTED Chambermaid. Call 1979.
FOR SALE Milch cows, Holstein &
Durham, large 'milkers. Phone 34
F2 evenings. . 265
FOR SALE 6 room house,
Broadway. Phone 20a iR.
SALESMEN with roadster, steady
employment, See Kincaid, 548
State St. 266
Safety Razor Blades;
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Office 124 South Liberty ' street
Phone 937, 1211, Real estate and
stock sales. with three children; ages
7 to 12, wants housekeeper, Chris-
tian Scientist preferred, out write
me any way. Chas. E. Rogers, Rt.
2, Turner, Or. ; 263
! V. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get mm. tie oniy ciiai-goo
2 per cent. -
FOR SALE Cook stove in A-l con
dition. 1720 Chemeketa St. 2iS
BEAUTIFUL wall tints 10s pound
and up. Max O. Buren, Com. St.
FOR SALE Pigs from five to six
weeks old. G. W. Thnrman, ptione
3F13. . . 203
WANTED To rent by young couple,
3 oi- 4 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. Address Box 33 Journal. 263
WANTED Wood haulers, trucks and
teams. A. J. Anderson, at Blessings
cigar store. 263
WANTED Second hand incubators,
also oil and coal, brooder stoves. E.
L. Ostergard, Independence, . 263
Money To Loan.
.. On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money, to loan
at 5 1-2 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. P. Smith.
Federal Farm Loans
FOR SALE 7 room modern house,
good location. $2500. F. L. Wood,
Bayne bldg. - 271"
h'OR SALE By owner, 9 room house.
in good condition, modern conven
iences, large variety fruit and nuts,
lot 14Sxl20 feet. Phone 2081J. 263
FOR RENT Good farm close to Sa
lem, stock and Implements for sale.
F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 271
FOR SALE 2 houses at $560 each;
2 5 room houses nt $1260 each; 1 8
room house, extra good, and 2 lots
for $1800, terms; 1 new 6 room
house, 2 lots and garage for $3700;
1 5 acre tract, house and barn, 90
. Italian prune trees, family orchard,
close to car line, a snap at $2750,
terms. Enquire room 3, Bayne bldg.
' . 263
FOR SALE 2 6-year old Jersey cows,
one fresh and one fresh soon. 71a
. S. 12th St. v. .-.: . 263
-Garage, 478 N. Cottage.
FOR SALE New Rued gas heater
with fittings. Telephone 2016J. 284
WANT To buy modern six or seven
room house on terms. Phone 492.
WE have a very fine piano for sale
: at a bargain price and terms. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 019 Court St.
. -265
MR. and Mrs. Sparks, ladies and gents
tailors, want garments to remociei.
Room 2, 442 State St. 286
WANTED To buy roadster in good
condition from private owner, on
State St. 266
FARMS FOR SALE A tew bargains
in dairy farms. Write to II. C. Por
ter, Aumsvllle, Marion Co., Or. 261
WANTED To buy old horses, an
kinds. Center St. 225. George amitn
FOR SALE 40 acres best soil, all un-
iw cultivation, some orchard, stock
and Implements, 6 miles north, $10,
". T-44 care Journal. 268
WANTED A horse" for his care. Leo
Doerfler, Utt. 7, box 231, uaruen
road. - 24
WANTED To runt furnished house.
Room 14, Baker apts. o-a
FOR SALE 3 young mares suitable
for riding and driving, 115 eacn;
pigs 2 months old $5 each; shoats
and brood sows. Simon Hop ranch,
Rt.. 8, Salem. Phone, 59F14. 263
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that
I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by any . one except
those contracted by me in person.
.t.. a 10.10. vt r. Hill 263
WANTED Moving and hauling. The ' ' ;
. - ... ,. ni i e ft O T 1 " , "
Bieuerman xransier. rnone -; ,,,,,. , Maui m now at
IDlllvJtmi. ocuis a....,......- . --
548 otate est. xieiiiauii;t"n6
ly and neatly done. ' 266
FOR SALE 28 acres extra good berry
land, eood house, barn, family or
chard. What have you to offer for
my equity in trade or cash .' Can
phone 393W from 0 to 9 a. m. or
6 to 9 p. m. tip to Friday noon. 264
WANTED Highest price paid for
fat cattle and milch cows, rnone
1576W. 279
WANTED Position by experienced
stenographer. Best or reierencew.
Box 81 care Journal., , 266
FOR SALE Ten room double house
on State St.. five rooms to a 8iue.
Modern with furnace heat. Large
lot with fruit trees, cherries, apples
and nears. Owner moving to Can
foinia will sell cheap. Inquire 565
N. Cottage St. Phone 1901. 265
WANTED Girl for dining room help
nt Oregon state tuberculosis hos
pital. -Pay $35 per' month with
board, room and laundry furnished.
Phone 433. 265
A 5 ACRE tract with small buildings
and half now in fruit and balance
as fine loganberry bench land as
there is in Polk county, 2 miles
from Salem. Price $1675. See Wm.
Fleming, S41 State St. 265
A good modern 6 room cottage, run
cement basement, cement walks.
large corner lot, fruit, berries and
arraues: vou'll have to hurry to get
this. $2250, $1000 cash, balance to
suit? John H. Scott Realty Co., 228
Oregon bldg.
WANTED Modern 5 or 6 room bun
galow, built in conveniences, turn
ace. State location, cash or terms.
Agents need not answer. Address
XIX Journal. 26
WANTED Middle aged lady to keep
house for man and .6 year old boy.
No heavy work. Boy attends school.
Address box 89 Capital- Journal
office- or phone 1366.T or call 1285
S. Liberty St. after 6:S0 p. ni. 264
U 3-4 ACRES all in cultivation, 1 1-2
. miles out; tools, spuds, . apples,
chickens, rabbits, pigeons, some
furniture go with place. Beehtel
Rt. 2, box 81. 26S
FOR RENT Nice sleeping room. In
quire 1096 S. Com'l or phone 807M
FOR SALE Good young goat meat.
1 to 8c pound, by half or whole
coat. Prices Meat Market. 32B in.
Commercial St. 263
FOR SALE Some -fine pure bred
Duroc Jersey pigs for breeding pur,
noses: both male and female. Ad
dress Turner, Or.. Rt. 2, box 15. 26
FOR SALE A bargain 2 1-4- ton
Bethlehem, truck with body com
nlete. good as new, driven about
2000 miles, $1700, terms. See Salem
Vel ie company, 162 N. Com l.-'b
FOR SALE IS acres five miles east
of Salem, oil graveled road, all
cleared, woven wire fenced. Good
well. Small house, barn; 8 acres
seeded to clover. Phone 67F5. 267
S 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice,. 34 1-i - years time.
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonio Temple,
Salem, Oregon. ...
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana lraae bis.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
WANTED Ranch hand $50 month
and board, pnone aaiaa or can ai
586 N. High St. . 263
WANTED Two purebred Duroc
Jersey gilts, 6 to 8 montns oia. w.
W. Trussell, box 416A, Rt 2. 265
RUGS cleaned 40o per rug. Phone 16.
L. L. Buckner.
"WALFELT" superior to cloth at
. about half price. Max O. Buren,
Com'l. St. . 276
REX Dry paste, no cooking required,
works better and sticks tighter
than flour. Max O. Buren, Com
FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Kea
pullets and White Leghorn nens.
Call at 1135 S. 16th St. 265
WANTED High, school boy wants
place to work for room ana Doaru.
Address box 100 care Journal, 266
WANTED Two wood cutters. Long
contract, good living quarters anu
close to school. Hawkins & Roberts,
205 Oregon building. Phone 1427
BOOKKEEPER wanted (man) tor
large firm, $125 per montn. otaxe
age, education and experience in
detail in your application. Box 240
Capital Journal.
We Want.
Salom Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired t
Tractor Radiators a Specialty ':
Ford Radiators for Sale
198- S. 12th St. saiem, ore,
20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres
ot logans, 10 acres cherries and ap
ples; good plastered house, barn, wen,
rock road, close Co highway. Price
$7500.,; ,' i .
4.81 acre tract an cultivated, Desi
of prune or loganberry land, rock
road, 4 niiles out. Price $1250.
6 acre tract, house and barn 6-t
acre logans, some prunes and cher
ries. Price $1600.
6.67 acre tract all cultivated,
acres in prunes, good house .and barn.
Price $3500.
' 10 acre traet, 5 acres bearing
prunes, 3 acres 3-years old, 2 acres
apples. Price' $3750.
10 acres good soil all cultivated, 5
miles out. Price $1500.
17 acre tract, 10 acres bearing or
chard, mostly prunes. 3 room house,
barn, well, located on- main Pacific
highway. Price $5500, $1500 down,..
balance 6 Per cent interest.
Well improved 10 acre tract locat
ed in the Liberty section,, good plas
tered bungalow, bain, 1 acre logans.
3-4 acre prunes. Price $7000, duuu
10 acre tract, all cultivated, best of
bottom land, small buildings, 100
bearing apples. Price' $1800. .
10 acres. ,o. bearing Italian prunes,
6 and 9 years old. Price $5000.
10 acre tract located east of Salem
good 7 . room. modern-housa, , barn, all
stock and machinery. goes,,.Price $8,
500, , , , , .
SO acre tract located 1 mile from
city limits, 5 acres in prunes, 6 room
house and barn, wen,- Desc or sou,
good gravel. road on two sides. Price
io,dou. ,
28 acre tract of first class soli lo
cated on paved road.-Price $9000.
20 acre tract of good soil all culti
vated and located on main gravel
road, good plastered house and barn,
best of dark prairie soil. Price $5000.
" 98 acre farm located on. Howell
prairie, 60 acres cultivated, balance
pasture and timber,, house and barn,
orchard, located on main Silverten
road. Price $13,000.
112 -acre farm. 70' acres cultivated,
balance pasture, good modern house
and barn, rock road, 5 miles from Sa
lem. Price $165 per acre.
130 acre-farm. 120 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, good modern 5 room
(bungalow, good barn, good water sys
Item, 50 acres fall wheat seeded, best
lot soil. Price $20,150. '
320 acre farm, 240 acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture, good buildings,
6a main highway. Price $135 per acre
Good 8 room modern house and
large lot Price $285.0.
5 room modern Dungaiow luvtiiou m
620 South 18th street. Price $1650.
1 6 room modern house located at
735 Ferry street. Price $2000.
8 room modern house at 745 Ferry
street. Price $3600.
6 room modern: house located at
1330 S. Commercial street. Price $2,
800. ' -
6 room modern house at 1057 Sag-
Inanr street. PliCS, $1750.
si.d nni-e tract iand 5 room house
located in Salem Heights. Price $1860
7 room home located at 148 W.
ivili. atropt Price S2500.
rnnm modern home located at
1760 South Liberty street. Price $3,
800. . . . ..
a room home locareaai uo ouum
High street. Prie s 5 ':
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
. 275 State street'. 263
foi" tlKS ' Cost of " Improving North
Church street' from D SUt-ot t E
Notice Is hereby Kiven that the com
men -council of the city of Salem, will
at or about the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p. m; on. the- 17th day of -November,
1919, or. at the same hour at, any sub
sequent meeting of the common coun
cil, at the council chamber In the
city hall, proceed to. assess upon each
lot or part thereof, its proportionate
share of the cost of Improving North
Church street from D street to E
All persons interested in said as
sessment are hereby notified to be
and appear at said time and place
before the said common council and
present their objections to said assess
nient, if any they have, and apply to
the common council to equalize their
proportionate share of said , assess
ment .' ...
By order of the common council
thin 3r) dav or INOvemoer, lata.
' City Recorder.
Passed and adopted by the com
mon council this 3d day of November,
1919. . ,
Attest I iJAKU KACH,
265 City Recorder.
Lodge Directory.
meets every weanesaay
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F, hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Harry Levy, C. (J.; f. J. Jvuma
K. R. & S.
Oregon Grape camp.JNO. xaou menus
every Thursday evening in lyicux
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 union t.
recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436JU..
T,,Tmr.iN A-DTTQAxra Pnntiat Assem
UillI,U XV "
bly No. 84 meets every uiuiauny
8 p. m. In Masonio Temple. Glenn C.
Miioa At. A.: C. A. Vlbbert, secre
tary, 3 40 'Owen street;
Oregon Cedar uamp no. o
i meets every Thursday evening at 8
: o'clock, in" "McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons. V. C.' Frank A, Turner,
clerk. - '-
Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 8;
feed .oats SOo; milling oats 88c; hay.
heat, new $17; hay, oats, new DH3f
20; mill run $4445 , ,
Buttorfat: Butterfat, 69e; eream-
ery butter, 6769e. '
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on loot
13e; veal fancy 20c; eteer
78c; cows 5 7 l-2c; spring lamb
10c; ewes 4 5c; sheep, learlinBS
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash. 70c;
light hens 1820c heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 1616ci springs 20c.
Vegetables: Onions, per sack, $;
celery doz. 90c; potatoes 2c,; sweet
potatoes 5 1-20. , '
Fruit: Oranges $77.50; lemons 9;
bananas llo; honey extracted, 20c;
bunch beets 45c; cabbage 2c; head
lettuce 75c; carrots 45c;, grapes, To
kays 10c.
Retail prices: . Eggs doaea 70c;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
68c; flour, hard wheat $3,108) J.25.
Portland, Or., Nov. . Butter, city-
creamery 66 67c; Eggs selected local
ex 76g,Sc'; hens 2628c; broilers ZS
27c; geese loc; cheese hswjuo,
Live Stock.
Cattle: Receipts 32; tone of -mar
ket steady; good to choice steers .oo
15)9.60: fair to medium steers 'iwn.
common to fair steers, $5.50 6.50;
choice to good cows and heifers $8.5
tf.60; canners $34; buns $5ISP.dw;
calves $8 014.
Hogs: Receipts 473; tone of market
higher; prime mixed l&.uuis'iu.ow.
medium mixed, $14.0018.00: roue
heavies, $13.0013.60; pigS) $18.00
Sheep: Receipts 28; tons or market
steady; prime lambe io.wu w.o;
fair to medium lambs, $lo.u(a.iu.w!
yearlings, $8.60 9.00; wethers, 7.6
8.00; ewes, $5.00 7.00. ' . '
WE -are prepared to. cut .and . haul
four foot woodi Timoer musv;oe u
or near rock road. ' Please give
stumpage price amount of timber
and If old or second growth and dls
tance from Salem. L H care Jour
nal. 263
Lost And Found.
LOST Gold watch-and chain, works
, number 687709 case zoe&zu. rina
er leave at Journal office. Reward.
Tour used furniture, stoves, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial St
Real Estate Houses
LOST Or taken Hallowe'en night, a
p.wafri tor flnv miorn auu II
as to its whereabouts. B. C. Zielin
ki T3t a Kiilum. Or. 2ti4
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Otseopathio
physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 68F5. Office
phone 1394. .,
LOST Purse containing, some sil
ver "and card with owner's nime.
Finder phone. 403R. . ' 283
. tut. :
FOR SALE By owner, one of Sa
lem's nicest homes, nine rooms, ev
ery modern convenience. Choice lo
cation, first class condition. Can be
sCen by appointment. Phone 36.
FOR SALE 1 grey horse, 12 years
old, weight 150 lbs, price &o; x
bav horse, 8 years old, weight I,
500 lbs. price $75; both good farm
horses in good condition. Claude H."
Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Salem.
Phone 36F16. 267
FOR SALE One Jersey cow fresh
: and one Jersey that will be fresh
in middle 6f November. Pearl
Wood, on Chemnwa and Silverton
road. .. 26A
Advance Rumely Ideal
A separator to fit every farm, 4
sizes, 22x36, 28x44, 32x62 and 36x60.
Wood or steel, and a Rumely tractor
to fit every size separator.
Wm. H. Trumn, local agent, Salem
263 N. Commercial. Phone 413.
FOR SALE By owner cheap, 4 room
house with 6 lots, some cnerries,
walnuts, prunes and berries. 2580
Laurel Ave. 263
WANTED Mnn with tractor and
plow- to plow 15 acres "2 miles out
on Frultland road, or two men
with teams and plow. Must be plow
ed at once. F. W. Moore, Bligh ho-
- tel. 263
FOR SALE Buick roadster. Excel
lent condition. See Snutn, flianon
FOR SALE Just for few days, a very
. beautiful bungalow, on the best
-street in Salem, 6 large rooms, fire
place, basement, screened in back
porch, lots of closets, extraordinary
light fixtures, several fruit trees
' roses galore. Price $3750. Will not
. last long. Come at once if you want
it. i. E. Bolinger, 328 Oregon bldg
For Rent
FOR RENT Office rooms, light and
- clean, well located. Call at Salem
Studio, 384 State St. upstairs. 264
FOR RENT 4 room cottage, large
lot, 1 block north of asyium on D
St. 265
Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care or your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
first class repair work on any make
or cars, American Automoblie Co..
Second Hand Goods.
for SALE Ford 6 passenger, per
fert condition. Call 1515M. 265
LIBRARIES bought and sold. Sims,
143 N. High. Phone 340. Z6b
FOR RENT Apartment to refined
people without children. Inquire
" 162 S. Church. . 264
No Cash Reanired Good overcoats,
shoes and -suits, all kinds of musical
FOR RENT Housekeeping and I Instruments, shotguns. Tines, heattn
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishlng of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty. Will call ana
estimate your work. I'none
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
sleeping; rooms. 257 N. Liberty. 263
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent.
. One large front room partly furn
ished, one suite of rooms unfurn
ished, 359 Center. 264
Why Sell For Less?
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734,
stoves, gas stove, suit caes and 1000
other useful articles to sfM or lraae,
What have you? The Capital ex
change. 337 Court St. Phone 493.
Stove Repairing.
SNAP House at 1768 Court street.
lot 75x150. Price $2700. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St. 262
Temple. 127 Norm Mign. mono
Main 1209.
ROOM plastered house anl lot, 1-2
block from West Salem school,
clear title, $950; terms or light auto
Owner, L. Mann, 273 Columbia St.,
Portland, Or. , 263
Some Snaps.
ft room ulastered house, large lot,
improved street, S. Salem. For quick
sale 11700. terms.
6 reon plastered- house, electricity
bath and toilet, improvea street. i,
50. terms.
6 room modern, new bungalow, .
Salem. $2000, terms.
5 room modern, new bungalow, $2,
00. terms.
10 acres 4 miles out. 7 acres fruit.
good improvements, water piped to
honna: Foi-iuick sale $4000. terms.
10 acres, modern 7 room plasterea
house, all in good family orchard and
1-2 acres of good timber. Hurry,
S3000. terms.
14 acres; small house; 4 acres clear
ed. 200 bearing prune trees, 1 acre
logans, family orchard, good spring
of water and well, wooded. $J500,
3 acres joining city limits witn
nodern bungalow, cood barn, chick
nhouse and garage. $2260, terms.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
Saiem Scavaneer Garbage and re
fuse. of all kinds removed on montn
lv contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 0
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
inches high. Paints, oiT and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry "Vid hop
hooks. Salem Fence anf Stove
Works, 250 Court street Phone 124
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. COM. Y. M. C, A. BLOCK
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars
Light Studebaker, electric ngnis,
six eood tires. $276
1919 Chevrolet, almost new, shoe
ibsorbers, 5 tires, $J.i0.
f. Rtudebakra iZOO to I130U
: -Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Ifnnv other eood buvs.
We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used
auto parts. Urea and accessories.
Everything Electrical.
Niemeyer's Buys.
8 room modern house, 682 N. Com-
muolal. 12500. - . ..
6 room modern nouse on . yvmiei.
Lot 60x160. $4560. . " .
8 room "modern house on ijiuen
3200. - j
7 room modern bungalow on Trade
and Winter. $3500.
4 room house &&& , ziin. jmubi-
with basement. Lot 4oxiou. iou.
Very easy terms.
6 acres just ouisiue cny wuim,
improved. A fine home. $7500.
10 acres near Marion, all cultivat
ed. 6 room house; large Darn, cnicn
en house. 4 acres prunes; family or
chard. $2500. ,
154 acres on aaiem-inuepenuenco
road. 100 cultivated balance timuer
and pasture. Near school and R. R.
stations. Well fenced; good house. $81
per acre. ;
9 room strictly nuraeru
Medford, Or. 2 lots. Good location.
8000. Trade for saiem property.
- C. W. Niemeyer.
Titut real estate and high class in
vestments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Sa
lem. Phones looo, 1014.
Jfifln for fi -room house, lot 100x100
feet, lots-of fruit, terms all cash.
$1000 for 5 room tiouse, lot 100x100
feet, half , cash, Daiance t per cbui..
$1760 for o room, gouse, muuviu,
garage, macadamized street, $600 cash
balance 6 per oent,
$1809 for 10 room house, fair con
dition, half cash, balance 6 per cent.
' $2500 for 7 room modern plastered
house, -$500 cash, balance $25 per
month. .
$2000 for 6 room modern house,
good condition, lot 80x360, terms on
tannfl' fnr T . room part , modern
k,,co nn fourth block of ground,
lots of fruit,' hall cash, balance 7 per
cent. ' , ".
$10,000 for 40 room aparnneui.
house, all furnished, basement, two
furnaces, close In, hair casn, uuianctj
6 per cent.
J? Ji-XVlVlO
30 acres, .all in cultivation, well
fenced, close to town, $2300, half cash
balance 6 per cent.
28 acres, all good land, running wa
ter, fair buildings, family fruit, $4,
ntin tunn nsh. bulance 6 ner cent.
Thili nlace is a snap, located 1 1-2
...iiuu r,.,m town on naved road.
60 acres, 45 cultivated, balance tlm-
ner, west oi ou, iuuiub,
n,mnl silo, best Ot fencing, TOCk
road, half mile of school, , two miles
of three towns, price nv,
Aauv, feinnA nt 4 ner cent.
a' nrrra. half cultivated, balance
ii, 9 nnrei familv1 orchard, 6
room house, new barn, gravel sol,
2 1-2 miles of town, $75 per acre. $,
000 cash, balance 6 per cent.
97 1-9. ocres. 20 cultivated, 370 ap
ple trees 9 years old, 30 Royal Anne
cherry trees. 16 walnuts, 10 years old;
barn: 6 miles of Sa
lem, $6000, $3800 cash, balance per
Ce239 acres, all cultivated, family or
,l Hnrlr tiriilrle soli rolling, l
room bunealow, gooa Darn ami uui
buildings, well fenced witn
wire, onlv $65 per acre.
247 acres, 157 cultivated, UO umoer
20 prunes, 12 years old; waterfall for
water power on place, 6 room house,
barn, close to town, well woven wire
fence. $19,000, $5000 cash, balance 6
205 Oregca Biffiig
Wanted To Rent
fcwPissssBWB HWilWPW
Furnished or Unfurnished 5, 6 or
7 Room House. Telephone 16Q0
,....,,, I 1 1 I M M M M I I H t t
pi ......a oka 111-
316 acres, iuu cuiuvblcu,
oi a timhotv intM of saw timber.
4 room house, large barn, 5 miles of
railroad town, macadamized road,
i..,. ... hiuil 5 ner acre. $5000
Bargains Worth Seeing. icash, balance 3 to 5 years at 6 per
If this list does not contain wi
Fine 48 acre farm near Salem on
good county road, all In high state
cultivation. Extra fine buildings, mod-
cm. Family orcnara, line nunm
choice land. Snap, $10,000.
One of the nest zw acre
prune orchards in manou
near Salem, $500 per acre.
25 million feet line nr anu imi
timber near R. R- Fine mill site, oth
er timber accessime. '
60 acre farm, good buildings, most
all In cultivation, orchard, 8 miles out
near school; bargain, (duu.
10 acres 4 1-' miles out, uoiumh
land, half in cultivation; set ounu
ings. Bargain; quick sale $2300.
125 acres aooni an m uun. .
40 acres bearing prunes, good build
ings, good roadnice location. $260
per acre. - ' . ' ' r"' . .
5 acres bearing remnowrm,
bungalow close to Salem. $2500.
145 acres bottom land, good im
provements, halt in cultivation. Snap
$95 per acre.
Perrine & Marsters
Commercial club bldg. 263
, a looking for. kindly give me
a" call as I may have other listings
tht. mav be what you want. If you
want to exchange city property or
valley land for eastern Oregon or Ca
nada land, come and see me, as I have
a number of such properties listed.
- For best buys see
341 State street
Wood Saw. .
PHONE 1754R. Our prices are right.
W. 51. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Bummer street, Salem, Or.
A coyote suspected of rabies was
killed near Klamath Falls recently and
its head sent to the L'niverstiy ot Ore
enn for analysis.
Henrv Jungwlrth of Turner has re
turned to his home after more than a
year with the United States forces in
" Nur,0f Pan! AyiWTfl) In Ouh fWtR VM. Such In 0t Dw
I The Numblr Of Pmt QU Can Ream h On Qw
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luf U kind mt tofti nd wuh
ln powdem I. arte Mttbllslwd. ttMtol
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clude raluiblit funnulM. KMUftlil
Unn. wuaderful opportunity, AO-b&BSSl
roll BALK Kit Wln.lun M Hdd.n
frwUuAlif bow oK la porfct con
dition nd equipped mth now tliei,
huoler, nounietr etc. Polntrd
dark Ullroon oq& upuolttered. In
lontnor to runtcb,. Couvortlhu Into
opna t-or. closd tedon r ImpoHol
Ihnoit.lno. A. big bkrala. AU-DHHHH.
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